Gisb101 in Notes
Gisb101 in Notes
Gisb101 in Notes
The two aspects of commitments and credibility: “what” and “how”
● The “what” part is seizing the first-mover advantage.
● The “how” part is thinking up devices for making strategic moves credible in a specific
Threats威脅 Promises承諾
Threats and promises induce the others to take actions different than they would otherwise.
a response rule that punishes others who fail to an offer to reward other players who act as you
act as you would like them to would like them to
● The response rule prescribes your action as a response to the others’ moves.
● Although you act as a follower in the actual game, the response rule must put be in place
before others make their moves.
Deterrence威懾 Compellence壓制
When you want to stop the others from doing When you compel the others to do something
something they would otherwise do they would not otherwise do
Both sides will bear an extra cost if the threat has to be carried out.
There is an informational role for stating what will happen, even without any rule:
Warnings警告 Assurance保證
When it is in your interest to carry out a threat When it is in your interest to carry out a promise
They do not change your response rule in order to influence another party.
● Start small and gradually raise the size of the threat. 從小處著手,逐漸提高威脅的規模。
● You want to keep the size of a threat down to the smallest level that will have the desired
effect, but you may not know in advance the smallest effective size of a threat.
● Strategy of brinkmanship means taking an adversary to the brink of disaster in order to get
him or her to blink first.
● The key to understanding brinkmanship is to realize that the brink is not a sharp precipice but
a slippery slope, getting gradually steeper.
● The essence of brinkmanship is the deliberate creation of risk. The risk should be sufficiently
intolerable to your opponent to induce him to eliminate the risk by following your wishes.
● Understanding the potentialities and risks of brinkmanship is crucial in your life. Use it
carefully, and understand that even with the best care it may fail.
● If your assessment is that in this confrontation you will blink first, then you may be better
advised not to embark on the path of brinkmanship in the first place.
● In any exercise of brinkmanship, the risk of falling off the brink can turn into a reality.
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 7 Making Strategies Credible
Principle 2: Change the game by limiting our ability to back out of a commitment.
● Three possibilities are considered.
3. Cut off communication.
4. Burn bridges behind us.
5. Leave the outcome beyond our control, or even to change.
● The available actions and their payoff both can be changed. Combined principles.
● If a large commitment (in P1) is broken down into many smaller ones, then the gain from
breaking a little one (in P2) may be more than offset by the loss of the remaining contract.
6. Move in small steps.
Contracts 合約
● Make the commitment credible by agreeing to pay a penalty if contracting parties fail to
follow through.
● For the contracting approach to be successful, the party that enforces the action or collects the
penalty must have some independent incentive to do so.
● A broken contract typically produces damages, so that the injured party is not willing to give
up on the contract for nothing.
● Most contacts specify that some third party will be in charge of enforcing it.
- A third party does not have any personal interest in whether the contract is upheld.
- Its incentive to enforce the contact comes from other sources.
● In the court system, judges don’t stand to gain anything directly whether one side or the other
wins a civil case arising from a contract dispute.
- The judges are motivated to weigh the facts of the case in light of the laws and render
an impartial verdict.
- They have their professional pride and ethic that motivates them to be careful and
deliver correct verdicts.
- They also have stronger career reasons as well; if they make too many errors and
repeatedly overruled on appeal by higher courts, they will not be promoted.
他們也有更強烈的職業理由; 如果他們犯了太多錯誤,並在上訴中多次被上級
● Many industries have arbitration panels to adjudicate disputes among their members and
between their members and customers.
● But institutions and mechanisms for enforcing contracts are not completely against
renegotiation. 重新談判並不是完全沒有可能。
- The matter comes to the attention and under the adjudication of a third party only
when one of the two parties to the contract decides to bring it there.
- If the two main parties to the contract have the temptation to renegotiate, they can do
so at their joint will and the original contract will not be enforced.
● Thus, contracts alone cannot overcome the credibility problem.
- Success can be enhanced by using some additional tools for credibility, such as
employing parties with independent interests in enforcement or having a sufficiently
strong reputation at stake.
- If the reputation effect is strong enough, it may be unnecessary to formalize a
Reputation 信譽
● If you try a strategic move in a game and then back off, you may lose your reputation for
credibility. 如果您在遊戲中嘗試採取戰略行動然後退出,您可能會失去可信度。
- In a once-in-a-lifetime situation, reputation may be unimportant, but people play
several games with different rivals at the same time, or the same rivals at different
- Future rivals will remember the past actions and may hear about them.
- Then people have an incentive to establish a reputation.
- This serves as a commitment that makes people’s strategic moves credible.
● Sometimes a public declaration of our resolve can work by putting our reputation on the line
in a public way.
● However, If a public official makes such a declaration and then acts contrary to it, his
reputation can suffer irreparable damage.
- George H. W. Bush declared no taxes during his campaign for the presidency in 1988,
but economic circumstance compelled him to raise taxes a year later. He was defeated
in 1992 reelection.
Leaving the Outcome beyond Your Control or to Change 讓結果超出你的控製或改變
● In reality, this kind of system is such a good deterrent because it makes aggression tantamount
to suicide. 事實上,這種制度具有很好的威懾作用,因為它使侵略行為等同於自殺。
● However, this strategic advantage comes with a huge cost.
● This is where brinkmanship 邊緣政策 comes in.
- Like Russian Roulette, it is only a probability, not a certainty that the automatic
explosion happens. 就像俄羅斯輪盤賭一樣,這只是一種可能性,而不是一種確
- The shooter no longer controls whether the firing chamber contains the bullet but the
size of the risk beforehand.
- Brinkmanship is a controlled lost of control: the threatener controls the size of the risk
but not the outcome.
- All the time we just hope that the opponent has a lower tolerance for risk and will
give in, and that the mutually undesirable outcome will not occur before either
- Brinkmanship is a delicate strategy, fraught with danger. Practice it at our own peril.
邊緣政策是一種微妙的策略,充滿危險。 實踐它的風險由我們自己承擔。
Teamwork 團隊合作
● Often others can help us achieve credible commitment.
- Although people may be weak on their own, they can build resolve by forming a
● In Princeton and some other universities, exams are not monitored, and cheating is an offense
that leads to expulsion.
● Failure to report observed cheating is also a violation of the honor code, and leads to
expulsion as well. 未能報告所觀察到的作弊行為也違反了榮譽準則,並會導致開除。
● When the honor code is violated, students report crimes because they do not want to become
guilty accomplices by their silence.
Undermining Opponent’s Credibility
● If we stand to gain by making our strategic moves credibly, can we benefit by preventing
other players from making their strategic moves credible?
● There are many situations where the other player’s strategic move can hurt us.
● We can use ways to prevent the other from making that move credible, but they are tricky and
even risky, and we should not expect perfect success.
● If all the distinct parties to the original contract are still present, then to get around a contract
we have to propose a new deal that will be in the interests of everyone at that point.
- Suppose we are playing a repeated prisoners’ dilemma game.
- An explicit or implicit contract says that everyone should cooperate until some one
cheats; after that, cooperation will break down and everyone will choose the selfish
明示或隱含的合約規定,每個人都應該合作,直到有人作弊; 之後,合作就會
- We can try to get away with cheating once by pleading that it was just an innocent
error and that all the available gains from future cooperation should not be wasted just
because the contract says so.
● A reputation is valuable only to the extent that it gets publicized.
● We can make it ineffective by maintaining secrecy.
● Cutting off communication could make the other player is unavailable to receive the
information about the opponent’s commitment or threat in the first place, the strategic move is
Burning Bridges
● Recall the advice of Sun Tzu: 回想一下孫子的建議:
- “When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free.”
- One leaves an outlet free not so that they enemy may actually escape but so that the
enemy may believe there is a road to safety.
- It denies the enemy an opportunity to make his own very credible commitment of
fighting to the death.
Moving in Steps
● Salami tactics 薩拉米香腸戰術: We can try to destroy the credibility of an opponent’s threat
by going against his or her wishes in small steps.
是一種以結盟、威脅來分化、征服的政治和軍事手段。 成功運用此戰術,進攻方會以分
● Each step should be so small in relation to the threatened costly action that it is not in the
interests of the other to invoke it. It is too small to invoke serious retaliation.
的利益。 它太小了,不足以引發嚴重報復。
Mandated Agents
● We might simply refuse to deal with the agent and demand to speak directly to the principal.
● Whether the principal agrees to deal directly with us then depends on his or her reputation or
other aspects of his or her resolve.
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 9 Interpreting and Manipulating Information
Information Asymmetry
● Why can’t we just rely on others to tell the truth? 為什麼我們不能依賴別人說實話呢?
- Recall the football penalty game between the kicker and the goalie. Suppose that the
kicker says “I am going right.” Should the goalie believe him?
● Sometimes telling the truth might be against people’s interests.
● The greater the conflict, the less the message can be trusted.
● The only rational reaction to an assertion made by another player whose interests are totally
opposed to yours is to ignore it completely.
- Thus, the goalie should ignore what the kicker say: Don’t assume it to be true, but
don’t assume its opposite to be true either.
● Some players know more than others about something that affects the payoffs for them all,
like dealers in used car markets. 有些人會比其他人知得更多。
- Some who possess extra information are keen to conceal it; others are equally keen to
reveal the truth. 一些擁有額外資訊的人熱衷於隱瞞/揭露真相。
- Players with less information typically want to elicit it truthfully from those who
know. 資訊較少的一方通常希望從了解情況的人那裡如實獲取資訊。
● Actions speak louder than words.
- Players should watch what another player does, not what he or she says.
- Knowing that the others will interpret actions in this way, each player should in turn
try to manipulate actions for their information content.
- e.g., Poker players
Signaling and Screening
● Actions leak information. 行動會透露資訊
- Signaling 訊號傳遞: People will choose actions that promote favorable leakage.
- Signal jamming: People will act in ways that reduce or eliminate unfavorable
- To be an effective signal, an action should be incapable of being mimicked by a
rational liar; it must be unprofitable when the truth differs from what you want to
為了成為有效的訊號,該動作應該不能被理性的說謊者模仿; 當事實與你想要
● Screening 訊號甄別: If we want to elicit information from someone else, we should set up a
situation where that person would find it optimal to take one action if the information was of
one kind, and another action if it was of another kind; action (or inaction) then reveals the
information. 指透過不同的合約甄別真實訊息(資訊劣勢方先行動)
● Higher education 高等教育 also works as signaling.
- What employers cannot easily observe but really need to know is a prospective
employee’s general ability to think and learn.
- A good degree from a good college acts as a signal of such ability.
● But such signaling can turn into a rat race (wasteful competition)
- If the more able get only a little more education, the less able might find it profitable
to do likewise.
- Especially when true abilities remain unchanged.
- In this case, a public policy solution is needed.
Solutions to the Lemon Problem 檸檬問題 reference
● Warranty 保用:
- If sellers know that the car is in good condition and not likely to need costly repairs,
offering the warranty is relatively costless to the sellers.
- However, if sellers know that the car is in poor condition, sellers expect to have to
incur a lot of cost to fulfill the warranty.
- Thus, even after taking into account the higher price that a car under a warranty may
fetch, the worse the quality of the car, the more likely the warranty is to be a losing
proposition to the sellers.
- The action of offering a warranty serves to “separate out” sellers who merely “talk the
talk” from those who can “walk the walk.”
● Signals: actions that are intended to convey a player’s private information to other players
- For a signal to be a credible carrier of a specific item of information,
➔ it must be the case that the action is optimal for the player to take if, but only
if, he has that specific information. 對該玩家來說,它一定是最佳的行動。
- For instance, if the expected cost of fixing cars is smaller than the price difference
with and without a warranty, then we can infer that a seller offering such a warranty
knows his car to be of good quality.
- This warranty is against the interests of an owner who know his car to be of low
quality. That’s why the warranty works as a credible signal.
- The warranty itself has to be credible in the sense that we can enforce its terms when
the need arises. 保用本身必須是可信賴的,因為我們可以在需要時執行其條款。
- Enforcement of a warranty given by a private seller is likely to be much harder.
- Revelation of the quality of a car through warrantees or other methods is likely to be
far more problematic for private transactions than for sales by established dealers.
- The differences in payoffs from taking an action for players who have different
information make signals credible. 擁有不同資訊的玩家採取行動所帶來的回報
- The less risky types will prefer a plan that has a smaller premium but requires them to
bear a larger fraction of the risk. 風險較小的人會喜歡保費較小的計劃,但這代表
- This is less attractive to those who know themselves to have higher risk. 對於那些知
- Thus, the choice reveals the insurance applicant’s risk type. 投保人的選擇便透露了
- Like this, screening comes into play when the less-informed player requires the
more-informed player to take such an information-revealing action. 像這樣,當資訊
● Insurers have long known that their policies selectively attract the worst risks.
● Those at greater risk will be overrepresented and will buy bigger policies.
● Raising the price excludes the good risks leaves behind just the worse cases.
● Like lemons in the used car market, the relatively “bad” types are selectively attracted to the
transaction, which is called “adverse selection.”
Who Needs Signaling?
● In the case where someone does not send a signal, that, too, conveys information. Usually it is
bad news, but not always. 如果有人沒有傳達訊號的話 ,這也是一個資訊。通常會是一個
● If the other player knows that you have an opportunity to take an action that will signal
something good about yourself, and you fail to take this action, then the other will interpret
that as meaning that you do not have that good attribute. 如果對方給了機會讓你展現好的
● Some of the people most able to signal refrain from doing so. Why?
● In this case, the best way to signal your ability or type is by not signaling at all, by refusing to
play the signaling game. 在這種情況下,表明你的能力或類型的最佳方法是根本不發出
● People who are signaling try to differentiate themselves from some other type that can’t afford
to make the same signal. 發出訊號的人試圖將自己與其他無法發出相同訊號的人區分開
● In some circumstances, the most powerful signal you can send is that you don’t need to
signal. 在某些情況下,你可以發出的最強的訊號就是你不需要發出訊號。
- The buyer will think that the probability of the owner being careful is quite high.
- The careless owners will also clean their cars prior to selling to mimic the other type.
- All types take the same action, and therefore the action is completely uninformative,
is called a “pooling equilibrium 混同均衡” of the signaling game—the different
types end up in the same pool of signals.
- By contrast, the kind of equilibrium where one type signals and the other does not, so
that the action accurately identifies or separates the types, is a “separating
equilibrium 分離均衡”
Price Discrimination 價格分歧 reference
● The application of the concept of screening that most impinges on your life is price
● Some people are willing to pay more than others—either, but the sellers do not know exactly
how much each individual customer is willing to pay. 有些人願意比其他人支付更多的費
● Sellers can create different versions of the same good and price the versions differently.
● These actions implicitly reveal the customers’ private information, namely their willingness to
pay. The sellers are screening the buyers. 這些行為隱含地洩露了客戶的私人訊息,即他
們的支付意願。 賣家正在篩選買家。
- hardcover vs. paperback
- professional vs. lite version of software
- economy class vs. first class for business travelers
● Equilibrium condition for a signaling (price discrimination) game
- Incentive compatibility constraint: One type (e.g., business travelers) has incentive
to join while the other does not.
- Participation constraint: Such pricing allows a type (e.g., tourists) still participate in
the game.
- The equilibrium pricing strategy that separates one type from among two requires to
satisfy the both constraints.
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 10 Cooperation and Coordination
Cooperation 合㑅(偏契約精神,相互配合)
Ivy League Colleges Football: How Cooperation Makes Everyone Happier
● In the 1950s the Ivy League colleges were faced with a problem.
1950 年代,常春藤盟校面臨一個問題。
● Each school wanted to produce a winning football team
● The colleges found themselves overemphasizing athletics and compromising their academic
standards in order to build a championship team.
● But no matter what they did, at the end of the season the standings were much as they had
been before. The average win-loss record was still 50:50.
但無論他們做什麼,賽季結束時的積分榜都與之前一樣。 平均勝負戰績仍是50:50。
● The inescapable mathematical fact is that for every winner there had to be a loser. All the
extra work canceled itself out.
不可避免的數學事實是,每個勝利者必然有一個失敗者。 所有額外的工作都被抵消
● The excitement of college sports depends as much on the closeness and intensity of the
competition as on the level of skill.
- Many college football fans prefer it to the professional versions because while the
level of skill is lower, there is often more excitement and intensity to the competition.
● So Ivy League colleges joined together and agreed to limit spring training to one day
● Although there were more fumbles (errors), the games were no less exciting.
● Everyone was better off. 每個人的境況都變得更好。
- Colleges saved money and efforts. 大學節省了金錢和精力。
- Athletes had more time to concentrate on their studies.
- Some alumni who wanted their alma maters to excel at football and forget about
academic work may lose but they are minority.
How Unintentional Cooperation Makes Cigarette Companies Better Off
● In the past, cigarette companies used to spend money to convince consumers to “walk a mile”
for their product or to “fight rather than switch.” 過去,香煙公司常常花錢說服消費者「多
● The different campaigns made advertising agencies rich, but their main purpose was defensive
- Each company advertised because the others did, too.
● In 1968, cigarette advertisements were banned from TV by law in the U.S.
1968 年,美國法律禁止在電視上播放香菸廣告。
● The companies thought this restriction would hurt them and fought against it.
● But it turned out that the ban helped cigarette companies all avoid costly advertising
campaigns and thus improved all their profits.
Coordination 協調(偏交談商量)
● The uncoordinated decisions of individuals keep us tied to QWERTY.
● The problem is called a bandwagon effect 從眾效應 reference
● How can we achieve the socially better equilibrium?
- The historical accident that led to QWERTY capturing nearly 100 percent of typists
ends up being self-perpetuating, even though the original motivation for QWERTY is
long since obsolete.
- It requires coordinated action. 它需要協調一致的行動。
- If the major computer manufacturers coordinate on a new keyboard layout or a major
employer, such as the federal government, trains its employees on a new keyboard,
this could switch the equilibrium all the way from one extreme to the other.
- The essential point is that it is not necessary to convert everyone, just a critical mass.
- Given enough of a toehold, the better technology can take it from there.
● The important insight from game theory is to recognize early on the potential for future
lock-in–once one option has enough of a head start, superior technological alternatives may
never get the chance to develop.
博弈論的重要見解是儘早認識到未來鎖定的潛力 —— 一旦一種選擇具有足夠的領先
● Thus there is a potentially great payoff in the early stages from spending more time figuring
out not only what technology meets today’s constraints but also what options will be the best
for the future.
● The difference arises because of the way interactions work.
- With commuting, either choice becomes less attractive when more of the others
follow you, whereas with speeding, additional company makes it more attractive.
- If one driver speeds up, he makes it a little safer for the others to speed.
- If no one is speeding, no one is willing to be the first to do so and provide this
“benefit” to the others without being “rewarded” for doing so (positive externality).
- But there is a new twist: if everyone is speeding, then no one wants to be the only one
to slow down.
● What can lawmakers learn from this? 立法者可以從中學到什麼?
- It is not necessary to set the speed limit so high that everyone is happy to obey it.
- The key is to get a critical mass of drivers obeying the speed limit.
- Thus a short phase of extremely strict enforcement and harsh penalties can change the
behavior of enough drivers to generate the momentum toward full compliance.
- The equilibrium moves from one extreme (where everyone speeds) to the other
(where everyone complies).
- With the new equilibrium, the police can cut back on enforcement,and the compliance
behavior is self-sustaining.
- Short but intense enforcement can be significantly more effective than the same total
effort applied at a more moderate level for a longer time.
⭐️ Today’s Take-Away
● We described many cases in which the games people play have more losers than winners.
● Uncoordinated choices interact to produce a poor outcome for society.
- Multiperson prisoners’ dilemma: everyone made the same choice, and it was the
wrong one. 多人囚犯困境:每個人都做出相同的選擇,但都是錯的。
- Examples in which some people made one choice while their colleagues made
another, but the proportions were not optimal from the standpoint of the group as a
- This happened because one of the choices involved spillovers—that is, effects on
others—which the choosers failed to take into account.
● Other extreme example: everyone choosing one thing or everyone choosing the other.
- To choose one, or make sure the right one was chosen, required social conventions,
penalties, or restraints on people’s behavior. 要選擇一種,或確保選擇正確的一種
● Some historical forces might keep the society locked into the wrong equilibrium.
- Group could voluntarily slide down a slippery path to an outcome it would
collectively regret. 團體可能會自願滑向一條讓所有人都後悔的結果。
- Sometimes there might be an equilibrium held together by people’s mutually
reinforcing expectations about what others think. 有時,人們對他人想法的相互增
- In other cases, equilibrium might fail to exist altogether, and another way to reach a
stable outcome would have to be found. 在其他情況下,均衡可能無法完全存在,
● The point of these stories is that the free market doesn’t always get it right.
● There are two fundamental problems.
- History matters:
➔ When one looks forward to recognize that lock-in will be a potential problem,
this provides a reason for government policy to encourage more diversity
before the standard is set.
➔ Or if we seem stuck with an inferior standard, public policy can guide a
coordinated change from one standard to another.
➔ Inferior standards may be behavioral rather than technological.
➔ The move from one equilibrium to a better one can be most effectively
accomplished via a short and intense campaign.
➔ The trick is to get a critical mass of people to switch, and then the bandwagon
effect makes the new equilibrium self-sustaining.
● The other general problem with laissez-faire is that so much of what matters in life takes place
outside the economic marketplace.
- Goods ranging from common courtesy to clean air are frequently unpriced, so there is
no invisible hand to guide selfish behavior. 從普通禮貌到清潔空氣等商品往往都
- Sometimes creating a price can solve the problem. 有時制定價格可以解決問題。
- Pricing the good changes its nature. 商品的定價改變了它的性質。
- The coordination failures suggests the role for public policy.
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 11 Bargaining
Brinkmanship and Strikes 邊綠政策和罷工
● Consider a labor contract renewal between the union and the firm.
● Before an old contract expires, the union and the firm begin the negotiations for a new labor
contract, but there is no sense of urgency during this period.
● It would seem that each party should wait until the last moment and state its demand just as
the old contract is about to expire and a strike looms.
● In fact, delaying agreement can be costly even during the tranquil phase when the old contract
still operates because the process of negotiation has its own risk.
- misperception of the other side’s impatience or outside opportunities
- tension, personality clashes, 緊張關係、性格衝突、
- suspicion that the other side is not bargaining in good faith
● The two parties do not always look forward and see the same end.
● They may not have the same information or share the same perspective, so they see things
differently. 他們可能沒有相同的資訊或共享相同的觀點,因此他們對事物的看法不同。
- Each side must make a guess about the other’s cost of waiting.
- Since a side with a low waiting cost does better, it is to each side’s advantage to claim
its cost is low.
- But these statements have to be proven. 但這些說法必須得到證實。
● The way to prove one’s waiting costs are low is to begin incurring the costs and then show
you can hold out longer, or to take a greater risk of incurring the costs–lower costs make
higher risks acceptable. 證明等待成本較低的方法是開始產生成本,然後表明您可以堅
● It is the lack of a common view about where the negotiations will end that leads to the
beginning of a strike. 正是因為談判將在何處結束缺乏共識,才導致了罷工的開始。
- Conveying information by a signal entails a cost, or sacrifice of efficiency.
➔ Both the firm and the workers would like to be able to prove their low costs
without having to create all the losses associated with a work disruption.
➔ The situation is tailor-made for the exercise of brinkmanship.
- The union could threaten an immediate breakdown of talks followed by a strike, but
strikes are costly to union members as well. 工會可能威脅立即破裂談判,然後舉
➔ While time for continued negotiation remains, such a dire threat lacks
credibility. 雖然繼續談判的時間還有,但這種可怕的威脅缺乏可信度。
- But a smaller threat can remain credible: tempers and tensions are gradually rising,
and a breakdown may occur even though the union doesn’t really want it to.
➔ If this bothers the management more than it bothers the union, it is a good
strategy from the union’s perspective. 如果這對管理階層的困擾大於對工
● Recall that the strategy of brinkmanship is a weapon for the one that fears a breakdown less.
- Usually the union is seeking a revision of the terms of the contract in its favor, and for
it the arrangement is singularly disadvantageous.
➔ The management does not have a reason to concede. It can let the
negotiations spin on forever while the old contract remains in force de facto.
管理層沒有理由讓步。 它可以讓談判永遠進行下去,而舊合約實際上
- The threat in the situation is the probability that the process may break down and a
strike may ensue. 這種情況的威脅是流程可能崩潰並可能發生罷工。
➔ The union practices brinkmanship, but now it does so after the old contract
has expired. 工會實行邊緣政策,但現在是在舊合約到期後才這樣做的。
➔ The time for routine negotiations is past. Continued work under an expired
contract while negotiations go on is widely regarded as a sign of union
weakness. 例行談判的時間已經過去了。 在談判仍在進行的情況下繼續
➔ There must be some chance of a strike to motivate the firm to meet the
union’s demands. 必須有一些罷工的機會來激勵公司滿足工會的要求。
- Brinkmanship carries the strike along on a day-by-day basis.
➔ The threat never to return to work would not be credible, especially if the
management comes close to meeting the union’s demands. 永遠不重返工作
➔ But waiting one more day or week is a credible threat. The losses to the
workers are smaller than their potential gains. 但再等一天或一週是一種可
信的威脅。 工人的損失小於他們的潛在收益。
- Provided they believe they will win, it is worth their while to wait.
➔ If the workers are correct in their beliefs, management will find it cheaper to
give in and in fact should do so immediately. 如果工人們的信念是正確的,
➔ Hence the workers’ threat would cost them nothing.
- The problem is that the firm may not perceive the situation the same way.
➔ If it believes the workers are about to concede, then losing just one more
day’s or week’s profits is worth getting a more favorable contract.
- In this way, both sides continue to hold out, and the strike continues.
● As the conflict continues, both sides risk a large loss with a small but increasing probability.
● Brinkmanship in the form of a strike imposes costs differently, but the effect is the same.
● Instead of a small chance of a large loss, there is a large chance, even certainty, of a small loss
when a strike begins. 當罷工開始時,出現小損失的可能性很大,甚至是肯定的,而不是
- As the strike continues unresolved, the small loss grows, just as the chance of falling
off the brink increases. 隨著罷工持續無法解決,小小的損失就會增加,同時跌落
● The way to prove determination is to accept more risk or watch strike losses escalate.
- Only when one side discovers that the other is truly the stronger does it decide to back
down. 只有當一方發現對方確實更強大時,才會決定退縮。
- One side may suffer less from waiting, perhaps because it has valuable alternatives.
- Winning may be very important, perhaps because of negotiations with other unions
- Losing may be very costly, so that the strike losses look smaller.
● Brinkmanship applies to the bargaining between nations as well as that between firms.
Bargaining Over Many Issues
● Each side may value the items differently in the negotiation over multiple issues.
● Such differences open up new possibilities for mutually acceptable bargains.
- Broad negotiations toward trade liberalization in the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), have had better success
than ones narrowly focused on particular sectors or commodities.
● But joining issues together opens up the possibility of using one bargaining game to generate
threats in another. 但將問題結合在一起就有可能利用一種討價還價遊戲在另一種討價
- For example, the U.S. may have more success in extracting concessions in
negotiations to open up the South Korean market to its exports if it threatened a
breakdown of the military relationship, thereby exposing South Korea to a risk of
North Korean aggression. 例如,如果美國威脅要破壞軍事關係,從而使韓國面臨
- The U.S. has no interest in actually having this happen; it would be merely a threat
that would induce Japan to make the economic concession.
美國無意讓這種情況真正發生; 這只是一個誘使日本做出經濟讓步的威脅。
- Therefore, South Korea would insist that the economic and military issues be
negotiated separately. 因此,韓國將堅持經濟問題和軍事問題分開談判。
Virtual Strikes
● A strike hurts more than the two parties negotiating. 罷工對雙方談判的傷害更大。
● But the parties negotiating have to be willing to walk away in order to demonstrate the
strength of their BATNA or to hurt the other side more. 但談判雙方必須願意離開,才能展
現自己 BATNA 的實力,或為對方帶來更多傷害。
● Even for an ordinary strike, the collateral damage can easily eclipse the size of the dispute.
● Is there some way that the two parties can resolve their differences without imposing such
large costs on the rest of us?
- Instead of a traditional strike, the idea is to have a virtual strike (or virtual lockout),
in which the workers keep working as normal and the firm keeps producing as
normal. 這個想法不是傳統的罷工,而是進行虛擬罷工(或虛擬停工),工人繼續
- The trick is that during the virtual strike neither side gets paid.
● In a regular strike, workers lose their wages and an employer loses its profits.
● So during a virtual strike, the workers would work for nothing and the employer would give
up all of its profits. 因此,在虛擬罷工期間,工人將無償工作,雇主將放棄所有利潤。
● Profits might be too hard to measure and short-term profits might also understate the true cost
to the firm. 利潤可能很難衡量,短期利潤也可能低估了公司的真實成本。
● Instead, we have the firm give up all of its revenue. 相反,我們讓公司放棄所有收入。
- As to where the money would go, the revenue could go to a charity.
- Or, the product could be free so that the revenues would be given to customers.
● During a virtual strike, there is no disruption to the rest of economy.
- The consumer is not left stranded without service.
- Management and labor feel the pain and thus have an incentive to settle, but the
government, charities, or customers get a windfall.
● In 1999, Meridiana Airline’s pilots and flight attendants staged Italy’s first virtual strike.
1999 年,Meridiana 航空公司的飛行員和空服員發動了義大利首次虛擬罷工。
- The employees worked as usual but without being paid, while Meridiana donated the
receipts from its flights to charities. 員工照常工作,但沒有工資,而 Meridiana 將
- The flights that were virtually struck were not disrupted.
- Other Italian transport strikes have followed the Meridiana lead.
義大利其他交通運輸業的罷工也緊跟著 Meridiana 的腳步。
- In 2000, Italy’s Transport Union forfeited 100 million lire from a virtual strike carried
out by 300 of its pilots. 2000 年,義大利運輸聯盟因 300 名飛行員進行虛擬罷工
而被沒收 1 億里拉。
- The virtual pilots’ strike provided a public relations opportunity, as the strike
payments were used to buy a fancy medical device for a children’s hospital.
- Instead of destroying consumer demand, the virtual strike windfall provides an
opportunity to increase the brand’s reputation. 虛擬罷工帶來的意外之財並沒有
● Somewhat perversely, the public relations benefit of virtual strikes may make them harder to
implement. 有點反常的是,虛擬罷工的公共關係優勢可能會使它們更難實施。
- Indeed, a strike is often designed to inconvenience consumers so that they put
pressure on management to settle. 事實上,罷工往往是為了給消費者帶來不便,
● Thus asking an employer to forfeit its profits may not replicate the true costs of a traditional
strike. 因此,要求雇主放棄利潤可能無法複製傳統罷工的真實成本。
- In a historical example, management agreed to forfeit more than its profits—and
instead forfeited its entire gross revenue on all sales during the duration of the strike.
⭐️ Today’s Take-Away
● One important element that determines how the pie will be split is each side’s cost of waiting.
● The general idea is that the better a party can do by itself in the absence of an agreement, the
larger its share of the bargaining pie will be.
● The first step in any negotiation is to measure the pie correctly. 第一步要正確量度派的大小
● More generally, the size of the pie is measured by how much value is created when the two
sides reach an agreement compared to when they don’t.
● The best way to think about the pie is how much more value can be created beyond giving
everyone his or her BATNA.
除了為每個人提供他或她的 BATNA 之外,還能創造多少更多的價值。
● When BATNAs are moving, we need the strategy of influencing the BATNAs.
● He will do better in the bargaining even if he makes a commitment or a threat that lowers both
parties’ outside opportunities, so long as that of the rival is damaged more severely.
● Each side may value the items differently in the negotiation over multiple issues.
● Such differences open up new possibilities for mutually acceptable bargains.
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 12 International Organizations and Multilateral Negotiations
● Different “players”
- Countries/states/non-states/governments (diplomats 外交官)
- Multinational corporations (int’l business men)
- Non-traditional actors (international NGOs and individuals)
● Different “stakes”
- War and peace
- Environment/resources
- Country’s interest
- International business
Structuring Negotiation
1. The Board
● Definition: international system setting and the specific negotiation characteristics
● The (international) system setting in which all negotiations take place
- Crisis 危機: International negotiations are affected by the existing structure of the
international system, but also characterized by the climate in which they are
conducted. The impact of crisis is particularly important for negotiators. The three
key elements of crisis are threat 威脅, time pressure 時間壓力, and the
accompanying stress 伴隨的壓力 that these engender.
- third-party intervention 第三方介入: The introduction of an external party into a
negotiation when it is apparent that progress cannot be achieved without some form
of outside involvement. (mediation 調解 by global or regional organizations, states or
groups of states, private citizens, religious organizations, special interest groups) c.f.,
arbitration 仲裁 (a judicial process 司法程序 bound to abide by that ruling)
● Micro-perspective: characteristics of individual negotiations (actors, issues, and processes)
- Number of actors/ coalitions 聯盟 (a collection of actor who band together to try to
achieve common goals, at either the domestic or transnational level)
- Team cohesion 凝聚: monolithic 整體式的 model/ heterogeneous 異質的 model
- Outcome 結果: whether or not agreements are mandatory 強制的, the option of
walking away
- Ratification 核准 issues: different levels of negotiations (internal/external); different
level of how binding particular agreements
- Legacy 遺產: a repetition 重複 in negotiations; a carryover 結轉 from one
negotiation episode to the next
2. The Players
● States
- The diplomatic corps
- Political leaders
- Groups of states/international orgarnizations
● Transnational 跨國 Actors
- Substates (cross-regional actors)
- State rivals and “substitute state”
- NGOs (in environmental and human right area)
● Actor dynamics
- The rules of the game: international regime (informal international institutions
organized around sets of mutual expectations; Ruggie 1975). It is still premature to
claim universal standards when talking about behavior in the international system.
- Power and identity (culture)
- Competing identities
● Othering: the politicization 政治化 of cultural differences between negotiation parties
- The cold war: deterrence 威懾 and dangerous trust
- The US-Japan case: moving beyond cultural difference
- The Northern Ireland Case: mirror imaging in societal-level constraint.
Discussion: Try to analyze the Dubai COP28 by the game approach with your group
● Game board
Macro perspective:
- Polarity: balance power among states
- Crisis: climate change impacts (Temperature records are being repeatedly broken and
climate impacts felt in unprecedented wildfires, floods, storms and droughts
- Third-party intervention: The United Nations (UN)
Micro perspective:
- Public forum (media can join)
- Outcome: the most notable legally binding agreement that emerged from the COP
process is the Paris Agreement, which was adopted at COP21 in 2015.
- Legacy: a carryover from one negotiation episode to the next (Other critical tasks
facing negotiators in Dubai include getting the loss and damage fund (established at
COP27) up)
● Players
- The negotiating parties include governments that have signed the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and/or the Paris
- World leaders, ministers, negotiators, thousands of representatives from civil society,
the private sector, international organizations, and the media.
Discussion: How does COP28 differ from trade negotiations in the WTO or military and
diplomatic negotiations in the United Nations Security Council?
● Game board
- Scope and focus:
COP: climate change and related environmental issues
WTO: liberalization and regulation international trade
UNSC: matters of international peace and security
- Power:
COP: negotiating power may differ but still balance in general
WTO: not really balance as it also recognizes the concept of "special voting
majorities" in certain cases
UNSC: power is centred among the five permanent members
- Decision making:
COP: consensus; outcomes are non-binding agreements
WTO: consensus; outcomes are binding agreements that require ratification and
implementation by member states
UNSC: has a clear voting system
● Players
- COP: nongovernmental actors is pivotal
- WTO: participation of WTO member countries, which currently number over 160;
nongovernmental actors do not have formal membership or voting rights
- UNSC: the permanent members (China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US) and the
rotating non-permanent members of the Council; nongovernmental actors do not
participate directly
Discussion: How does COP28 differ from US-China trade dispute negotiations during
● Game board
- Scope and focus:
COP: climate change and related environmental issues
US-China: resolving trade tensions and addressing specific trade-related issues
between the two countries
- Power:
COP: balance
US-China: bipolar
- Decision making:
COP: agrees with consensus (like a coordination game)
US-China: direct negotiations between the two countries' representatives (not much
coordination but competition)
● Players
- COP: includes scientists (for providing evidence) -> major difference
- US-China: two countries only (bilateral)
GISB101 International Negotiaiton
Week 13 Free Trade Agreements and Bilateral Negotiations
Separate negotiations must be done with Multilateral negotiations can be done with many
different partners on one to one basis. partners together.
Structuring Negotiation
3. The Stakes
● The stakes of negotiations: the issues on the negotiation table 談判桌上的問題
- Issue salience 問題顯著性: the importance a particular actor or set of actors gives to
an issue (the perceived stakes)
- It is not the issue itself that generates stakes for the actors involved, but rather the
interests that underlie the issues for each and every actor involved (Sebenius, 2002).
- Understanding variations in issue salience for the actors involved in international
negotiations is an important step in the effect to build a more complex understanding
of the ways issues affect negotiations.
● The issue salience may change over time. 問題的重要性可能會隨著時間的推移而改變
- The same issue might at one point in time be very important but at other times of
seemingly little consequence for the various stakeholders.
● Sometimes, issues are highly salient for one group but less so for others.
- Nation-states are not monolithic 整體式的 entities.
- The reality of policy making is that many actors within countries vie for control of
and influence over the outcomes of international negotiations.
- Even if an issue is highly salient for domestic groups in one participant in a
negotiation, it is not necessarily very salient for those on the other side.
- The flexibility and strategies of the negotiations from opposing sides will be different
even though they are discussing the exact same issue.
- The potential for misunderstanding is rife when relationships are rooted in
emotional perceptions of the “other.”
- When issue involvement becomes emotionally charged at the domestic level,
it will complicate the international dimension of the negotiations.
3. The urgency that the presence of a crisis situation adds
- Crisis situations tend to focus decision-making attention on a country’s chief
executive and a narrow circle of advisers.
4. The level of media attention focused on the negotiations 媒體對談判的關注程度
- Issue salience can also be affected by the level of domestic and international
attention afforded a negotiation issue.
- Research shows that when visibility increases, negotiators become less
flexible, leading often to impasses (Druckman and Druckman, 1996)
● Two-level game 雙層賽局: a term used to characterize the double set of negotiations that
must be carried out both at the domestic level and at the international level. reference
4. The Moves
● Strategic choices in
- simultaneous games (prisoners’ dilemma, chicken)
- sequential games
● Implementing strategy
- Zone of agreement 談判協議區: the overlapping area of acceptable outcomes for
both or all negotiating parties. 談判時的協議空間
- 在區域之外,無論進行多少談判都不會達成協議。
- These measures can be used to build trust among negotiation adversaries and boost
their confidence in the negotiation process.
● Mediation 調解: an outside perspective brought in to help find ways to resolve a deadlocked
conflict when parties desire progress but cannot resolve issues themselves
- Mediation tactics in three categories: communication, formulation, and manipulation
1. Communication 溝通: All parties to the negotiation are able to speak freely
and be heard by the other parties.
2. Formulation 制定/規劃: A mediator can shape the process and substance or
the formulation of the negotiation.
3. Manipulation 影響/操縱: a mediator’s ability to use his or her position to
obtain an agreeable outcome to the problem
Trade Negotiations
Trade negotiations’ characteristics:
● national power 國家勢力 vs. bargaining power 談判勢力
● long-term and repeated negotiations 長期和重覆的談判
● multi-issues negotiations 多重問題的談判
● conflicts within the government 政府內的衝突
● domestic conflicts with losing industries/groups 國內衝突(受影響的行業或團體)
Nature of US Trade Policy
● Mock-markup 模擬審議程序: Congress has reviewed trade agreements prior to the
introduction of an implementing bill. The committees of jurisdiction typically hold hearings
on the proposed trade agreement. They often hold informal “mock” markups on a draft
implementing bill. Mock markups provide for public review of the proposed agreement and
allow the President to receive feedback and concerns from Congress, which are, nonetheless,
nonbinding on the Administration. Congress has only option for up or down voting within 60
● USTR Trade Policy Agenda and Annual Report: The annual report of the President
prepared by USTR should be submitted to the Congress pursuant to Section 163 of the Trade
Act of 1974.
Discussion: Try to analyze the US-Singapore FTA by the game approach with your group
● Game
● Players
Two countries: US and Singapore
- Singapore: The Singapore government, led by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong;
Tommy Koh as Singapore's chief negotiator; George Yeo as Trade Ministers
- US: The United States Trade Representative (USTR); Special Trade Representative
Charlene Barshefsky and Ambassador Steven Green
● Stake
- The USSFTA aims to promote trade and investment between the two countries by
reducing barriers to trade, improving market access, and establishing rules for fair
● Move
- Collaborative negotiation