Literature Notes
Literature Notes
Literature Notes
Name Date
Group Members
You must finish this book and all related assignments by: Wednesday, June 6th.
You will be assessed according to:
`• the quality of your contributions to your lit circle discussion
`• the extent to which you keep up with your responsibilities to your group
`• the quality of your ideas on your Lit Circle Notes
`• the quality of your group’s discussion
Your group must:
`• assign itself the reading for each night, pacing yourselves so you get it done by June 6th.
`• hold each member accountable for work, contributions to discussion, and respectful participation
`• rotate the assigned roles so that each night someone has a different responsibility; when you
complete one cycle through the group, begin again as you think appropriate, rotating jobs daily.
Here is the schedule for each week:
`•Monday `•Thursday
` •LC (Lit Circles) ` •LC (Lit Circles)
` •Groups meet ` •Read and Roles
`•Tuesday `•Friday
` •LC (Lit Circles) ` •LC (Lit Circles)
` •Read and roles ` •Groups meet
` •LC (Lit Circles)
` •Groups meet
Source: I must credit Harvey Daniels with the idea of Lit Circles. Though I have taken small liberties
with the ideas and roles, and created my own Lit Circle Notes pages, the core ideas and
technique are his, not mine. To learn more, read Harvey Daniels’s book Literature Circles: Voice
and Choice in the Student-Centered Classroom (Stenhouse1994)
Lit Circle Notes: Overview of the Roles
Discussion Director: Your role demands Sample Questions
that you identify the important aspects of What were you thinking about as you read?
your assigned text, and develop questions What did the text make you think about?
your group will want to discuss. Focus on What do you think this text/passage was about?
the major themes or “big ideas” in the text How might other people (of different backgrounds) think about this text/passage?
and your reaction to those ideas. What What one question would you ask the writer if you got the chance? Why?
interests you will most likely interest those What are the most important ideas/moments in this text/section?
in your group. You are also responsible for What do you think will happen next---and why?
facilitating your group’s discussion. What was the most important change in this section? How and why did it happen?
In this column, write the word, and the Assignment for Today: page _______ – page_______
page and paragraph numbers. Write the
definition and any explanation about
why you chose the words in the notes
section to the right. >>>)
Down here you should review, retell, or reflect on what you read so far. (Use the back if necessary).
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other such Tools for Thought visit
Lit Circle Notes: Illustrator
Name Date
Down here you should review, retell, or reflect on what you read so far. (Use the back if necessary).
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other Tools for Thought visit
Lit Circle Notes: Illuminator
Name Date
Write the page and paragraph number Assignment for Today: page _______ – page_______
in this column. Unless the quote is really
long, you should also write the quote in
this column; write your response to it in
the main note taking area to the right.)
Down here you should review, retell, or reflect on what you read so far. (Use the back if necessary).
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other Tools for Thought visit
Lit Circle Notes: Summarizer
Name Date
Down here you should review, retell, or reflect on what you read so far. (Use the back if necessary).
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other Tools for Thought visit
Lit Circle Notes: Connector
Name Date
Write your discussion questions in here; Assignment for Today: page _______ – page_______
write your response to them in the main
note taking area to the right >>>>)
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other Tools for Thought visit
Lit Circle Notes: Discussion Director
Name Date
Write your discussion questions in here; Assignment for Today: page _______ – page_______
write your response to them in the main
note taking area to the right >>>>)
Down here you should review, retell, or reflect on what you read so far. (Use the back if necessary).
© Jim Burke 2001. For more information on this and other Tools for Thought visit