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Holiday Health Hacks

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Here are some of my favourite tips for
staying healthy over the holidays,
including my favorite recipes.
introduction 03

health pillars 04

build your plate 05

health tips 06

food swaps 08

bloating 09

movement 10

rest 11

communicate 12

stress 14

you’re not alone 15

recipes 19
In our homes, the kitchen serves as the heart of
our space, where creativity and wellness
harmoniously come together, especially during the
festive season.

However, the holiday season's array of festive

foods and sugary treats can disrupt the delicate
balance of blood sugar and inflammation control
that we work hard to maintain.

But don't worry! With a handful of effective

strategies and the guidance provided in this guide,
you can confidently navigate this season without
feeling like you're missing out on anything.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 03

the holiday health pillars

º Consistency is Key
Stick to your supplement or medication routine without
interruption. Maintaining this consistency is crucial
for your health, especially during the holiday season.

º Nourish, Don't Restrict

Avoid the temptation to save calories for big meals.
Instead, focus on balanced, nutrient-rich eating to
prevent overeating during holiday gatherings.

º Gentle Movement
Keep up with your physical activity, but remember to be
kind to yourself. Adjust your exercise routine to a level
that suits your holiday schedule and energy levels.

º Stress Management
Prioritize stress management techniques such as
mindfulness, deep breathing, or meditation. Quality
sleep should also be a priority.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 04

building your plate

º Fill half
a variety
of your plate with vegetables. Choose
of colors to get a range of nutrients.

º Fill a quarter of your plate with protein.

º Fill a quarter of your

complex ones are best,
plate with any carbohydrate,
but this is a great time to
practice the 80/20 approach. Enjoy!

º Include a smaller portion of healthy fats such as

avocado, nuts, seeds, or olive oil. Fats are vital
for nutrient absorption and overall health.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 05

healthy holidays
Holidays don't have to mean ditching cherished
traditional foods. Use these tips to make healthier
choices, while embracing holiday flavors.

º Grill or roast your meats,

bake root vegetables, steam green beans,
poach fruits for desserts.

º Incorporate legumes like lentils or

chickpeas for added fiber and protein .

º Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole

grain bread, sourdough, quinoa, farro, brown
rice, whole wheat pasta, bulgur wheat, or
starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes
and butternut squash.

º Request gravy, cranberry sauce, and salad

dressings on the side . This allows for
better control over our portions.

For snacks, focus on fiber and protein-rich

º options like roasted nuts, raw vegetables
with hummus, and cheese platters.

º End your meal with a soothing cup of herbal

tea to aid digestion.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 06

healthy holidays
Holidays don't have to mean ditching cherished
traditional foods. Use these tips to make healthier
choices, while embracing holiday flavors.

º Practice mindful eating by savoring each

bite and paying attention to hunger and
fullness cues.

º Be cautious with processed foods , as they

can disrupt blood sugar and increase

º When it comes to beverages, I personally

prefer sticking to non-alcoholic
drinks. These can be low sugar mock tails
with adaptogens or some sparkling water
infusions with herbs, citrus, and fruits.

º However, if you'd like to partake in

festive drinking, consider opting for a
glass of wine, maximum two, over sugary
cocktails or beer.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 07

easy holiday foods swaps





©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 08

beat the bloat
I don’t think I have ever escaped the holidays
without a food baby, so here are some things I do
to reduce the bloat:

To s u p p o r t y o u r d ig e st ive s yst em, r edu ce

sn a c k i n g t o a l l ow y o ur bo dy an d d ige sti v e
tr a c t a g o o d r e s t b e tw een m eal s.

º Ta k i n g s u p p l e m e n t s, su ch as di gest ive
en z y m e s a n d b i t t e rs , can hel p d ige st ion .
Th e s e e n z y m e s a i d i n t he di ges tio n process.
Al s o , S l i p p e r y E l m a nd Al oe Ve ra ar e great
at p r o t e c t i n g t h e s t om ach l ini ng an d
so o t h i n g i n f l a m m a ti o n.
* consult a healthcare provider before use, especially
if you suffer with gastrointestinal issues.

º Te a s l i k e p e p pe rmi n t, gi nger , and cha mom ile

ar e k n o w n f o r t h e ir di ges ti on- fri en dly
pr o p e r t i e s , h e l p i ng to al le via te di scomfort
fr o m g a s a n d b l o a ti n g.

º El e v a t i n g y o u r l e gs a gain st a w all f or 10-

20 m i n u t e s c a n h e lp al lev ia te blo at ing by
pr o m o t i n g b e t t e r bl o od ci rc ula tio n and
ly m p h a t i c d r a i n a g e.

º Af t e r i n d u l g i n g i n a l arg e mea l, ta king a

po s t - m e a l w a l k ca n ai d in d ige sti on an d
he l p r e g u l a t e b l o od su gar l eve ls, l eaving
yo u f e e l i n g m o r e co m fo rta bl e a nd en ergized.
Tr u s t m e , y o u ' l l no t ic e a d iff ere nc e.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 09

During the holidays, sticking to a regular gym routine
can be tough due to busy schedules, gatherings, and
festivities. Adapt by setting realistic fitness goals.

Lo w e r in g y o u r ex p e ct a t io n s i s a s ma r t
º mo v e . I n s t e a d of t ar g e ti n g th e us u a l
10 , 0 0 0 s t e p s a d a y , a i m f o r a m or e
re a l i st i c r a n g e, s uc h as 2 , 00 0 to 5 ,000
st e p s . M a k e t h es e wa l k s e n j oy a b le b y
in v i t in g f a m i l y o r f r i en d s to j oi n you,
so t h ey d o n ' t fe e l l e f t o u t .

Op t i n g f o r fu l l- bo dy wo r k o ut s i s a no ther
º pr a c t ic a l a p p r oa c h . T h e h o l id a y s e a son
ca n b e u n p r e d i ct a b le , ma k i n g i t h a r d to
st i c k t o a s p e ci f i c b o dy p a rt r eg i m en.

º Yo u c an a l s o fi nd alt e r n at i v e w ay s to
st a y ac t i v e . W al ki ng fo r e rr a n ds ,
en g a g in g i n o u td o o r a c ti v i t ie s , o r even
cl e a n in g t h e h ou s e a r e g r e a t w a ys t o
ke e p mo v i n g . S ma l l a c t iv i t i es a dd u p!

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 10

rest, rest & rest
Resting during the holidays can be a challenge, but
it's essential for managing your health and feeling
good during this season.

Getting enough sleep is a necessity for

º managing any health condition. Even a few
late nights can cause your symptoms t
flare up. So, try your best to stick to
your regular sleep schedule. And if late
nights are inevitable, be sure to plan for
some extra rest the following day.

º Amidst the holiday whirlwind, it's easy to

forget your supplements . To ensure you
don't miss a beat, set reminders or alarms
to stay on track with your supplement

º High stress levels can trigger poor

choices and increase cravings, making your
symptoms worse.

º Find time for activities that bring you

joy and relaxation , like lighting scented
candles, indulging in a warm bath, or
treating yourself to a spa day. Most
importantly, make it a point to have fun
and savor the holiday season.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 11

I know the challenge of sticking to your diet
coming from a background where it's considered
disrespectful to not eat what's been cooked or to
leave food on the plate. To help you avoid any
awkward situations, here are a few tips:

º Po l i t el y i n f o rm h os t s i n a dv a n ce o f you r
di e t a ry n e e d s ; of fe r t o b r in g a d i sh .t hi s
wi l l gi v e y o u mo r e c o n tr o l an d le s s en
an x i e ty .

º Fo c u s o n w h a t yo u ca n ea t . R at h er t h a n
dr a w i ng a t t e n t io n to w ha t y ou c an ’ t eat,
fo c u s o n a n d e nj o y t h e f o o d s t h at d o fit
yo u r di e t .

º Co m p l im e n t t h e C o o k. E ve n if y o u c a n' t
ea t e ve r y t h i n g , e x pr e s si n g ap p r ec i a tion
fo r t he e f f o r t a n d p r e se n t a ti o n g o e s a
lo n g wa y i n s h ow i n g r e sp e c t .

º If y o u a n t i c i p at e li m i te d o pt i o ns , ea t a
sm a l l m e a l b e f or e at t e nd i n g t he e v ent .
Th i s wa y , y o u wo n ’ t b e h u n g ry a nd c an
av o i d d r a w i n g at t e nt i o n t o yo u r p l a te.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 12

Our families might not always be the most
understanding or respectful when we make lifestyle
choices that are different than theirs. To help you
avoid any unwanted situations, here are a few tips:

If y o u a r e a s k ed w hy y ou ' r e n o t e a t ing
ce r t a in f o o d s , of fe r a b r i ef b ut h on est
ex p l a na t i o n t h at u nd e rs c o r es t he h eal t h
re a s o ns b e h i n d y o u r d i et a r y c h o ic e s .

º If t h e t o p i c o f y o ur e at i n g h a b it s
be c o m es a f o c u s, g r ace f ul l y s t ee r th e
co n v e rs a t i o n t o a n ot h e r s u b je c t to a void
pr o l o ng e d d i s c us s i on s ab o u t f o o d.

º If y o ur f r i e n d s, g ra n d mo t h e r o r A u n tie
in s i s ts o n y o u t r y in g he r c oo k i ng , well..
ju s t se r v e y ou r se l f a s m al l po r t io n s i ze.

º Re m e m be r , i t ' s ab ou t f i n d in g ba l a nc e a nd
re s p e ct f o r c u lt u r al n or m s wi t h y o u r
he a l t h n e e d s . Mo s t p e o pl e w il l un d e rstand
an d a pp r e c i a t e y o u r s i tu a t i on i f i t 's
co m m u ni c a t e d w it h ta c t a n d se n s it i v ity.

º So r e s i st t he p re s su r e t o f u l fil l ev e ry
tr a d i ti o n a l h o li d a y e x pe c t a ti o n a t the
ex p e n se o f y o u r s e lf - c ar e .

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 13

it gets stressful
During the holidays, when tasks and social
obligations pile up, it's essential to take moments
to breathe and relax. Remember, your well-being
should be a priority- it’s not selfish

º St r e s s i s a s i gn i f ic a n t f a c to r in
ma n a g in g o u r h ea l t h.

º Pr a c t ic e r e l a x at i o n t e ch n i q ue s li k e
de e p br e a t h i n g o r me d i ta t i o n.

º Tr i m do w n y o u r c o m mi t m en t s to w ha t
fe e l s m a n a g e a b le .

º It ' s ok a y t o a tt e n d f e we r e ve n t s o r
si m p l if y g i f t - gi v i ng .

º Th e h ol i d a y s p ir i t w i l l c o n ti n u e,
re g a r dl e s s o f ho w ma n y p a r t ie s yo u
at t e n d o r t a s k s y o u c o mp l e t e.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 14

you’re not alone
The holidays can be a time of mixed emotions for
many, especially those who are grieving, battling
with their mental health issues or have complex family
dynamics. It's important to take care of yourself, seek
support, and remember that it's okay to create a holiday
experience that works for you, even if it looks different
from the traditional celebrations.

It's okay to not feel festive or joyous.

º Acknowledge and accept your feelings,
whether it's sadness, grief, or anxiety.
Remember, it's normal to have a range of
emotions during this time.

º Be clear about what you can and cannot

handle. It's okay to say no to certain
events, conversations, or traditions that
feel too overwhelming.

º Anticipate potential stressors and plan

how to handle them. This might mean having
a response ready for difficult questions,
or deciding in advance which events you'll

º Stay connected with supportive friends or

family members. If you're dealing with
grief or mental health struggles, consider
joining a support group or continuing
therapy sessions during the holidays.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 15

you’re not alone
The holidays can be a time of mixed emotions for many,
especially those who are grieving, battling with their
mental health issues or have complex family dynamics.
It's important to take care of yourself, seek support,
and remember that it's okay to create a holiday
experience that works for you, even if it looks
different from the traditional celebrations.

If old traditions are painful or no

º longer possible, create new traditions
that are meaningful to you.

º Prioritize self-care. This includes

getting enough sleep, eating well,
staying active, and taking time for
activities you enjoy.

º Social media often presents an idealized

version of the holidays. If seeing these
images is painful, take a break from
social media.

º Volunteer. Sometimes, helping others can

provide a sense of purpose and
connection, which can be especially
helpful if you're feeling isolated.

º Accept that some things will be different

and that it's okay. Families change and
grow, and so do traditions and rituals.

If you find it particularly hard to cope, don't hesitate to

seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 16


©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 17

what’s in season

Carrots Potatoes Radishes

Broccoli Sweet potatoes Beets
Tomatoes Green beans Cabbage
Spinach Peas Artichokes
Bell peppers Kale Mushrooms
Cucumbers Celery Okra
Onions Eggplant Leeks
Cauliflower Corn Turnips
Zucchini Asparagus Swiss chard
Lettuce Brussels sprouts Rutabagas

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 18



click on the x for the link to each recipe!

Avocado lime dip x

Crispy sweet potato fries x
Gluten-Free Stuffing x

Sweet potato gnocchi x

Stuffed Acorn Squash x x x
Creamy sweet potato curry x
Creamy vegan artichoke dip x
Quinoa Salad with Pomegranate x x
Roasted Brussels Sprouts + Balsamic Glaze x
Sweet Potato Casserole x x

Creamy chicken veggie casserole x

Cranberry Chicken x
Lemon Herb-Roasted Chicken x
Herb Roasted Turkey x

Banana bread x
Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie x
Pumpkin spice cupcakes x
Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake x
Coconut flour chocolate chip cookies x

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 19


3 Sweet Potatoes
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp Olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Salt
Optional: Nutmeg or
Pepper to taste


1. Preheat your oven to 450°F (190°C).

2. Wash and peel the sweet potatoes, then cut them into evenly sized
cubes or wedges. Try to keep the pieces uniform in size for even
3. In a large bowl, combine the sweet potato cubes, olive oil, ground
cinnamon, salt, and any optional spices (nutmeg and pepper). Toss
the sweet potatoes until they are evenly coated with the mixture.
4. Spread the seasoned sweet potato pieces in a single layer on a
baking sheet. You can line the baking sheet with parchment paper
for easier cleanup if you prefer.
5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for about 30
to 35 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are crispy and brown.
Flip them halfway through the baking time for even browning.
6. Once they are done, remove the sweet potatoes from the oven and let
them cool for a few minutes.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 20


3 medium-sized beets,
peeled and diced
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium-sized parsnip,
peeled and diced (instead
of the potato)
4 cups vegetable broth
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh dill or parsley for
garnish (optional)


1. In a large soup pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the
chopped onions and garlic and sauté until they become translucent.
2. Add the diced beets and parsnip to the pot and sauté for another 5
minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce
the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 20-25
minutes, or until the beets and potatoes are tender.
4. Using an immersion blender or a countertop blender, carefully puree
the soup until it's smooth and creamy. If you're using a countertop
blender, be sure to allow the soup to cool slightly before blending
and work in batches if needed.
5. Return the blended soup to the pot, and add the can of coconut milk
and ground cumin. Stir well to combine.
6. Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste.

Ladle the dairy-free beet soup into bowls, then drizzle each serving
with coconut yogurt mixture (I used cocojune vanilla). You can also
garnish with fresh dill or parsley for added flavor and visual appeal.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 21


2 pounds butternut
squash raw cubed
1 cup vegetable broth
1 cup full fat canned
coconut milk
1/2 yellow onion
4 tablespoons red
curry paste
1 tablespoon ginger
fresh grated


1. In a soup pot, add all ingredients and simmer for about 10 minutes
until butternut squash is soft, but not mushy.
2. Transfer ingredients into a high speed blender and puree until
3. Top with a sprinkle of hemp hearts and sea salt to taste.
4. Enjoy!

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 22


1 head of cauliflower
1 tsp paprika dulce
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp chili flakes
1 garlic clove, minced
5 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp creamy goat cheese
(or yogurt or vegan cheese)
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C).

2. In a bowl, mix paprika dulce, cumin, chili flakes, minced garlic,
and olive oil. Adjust spice levels to your liking.
3. Cut the cauliflower into thick slices or florets. Coat both sides
of the cauliflower pieces with the spice rub.
4. Sprinkle goat cheese (or your choice of cheese) on top of the
cauliflower, then season with salt and pepper.
5. Place the coated cauliflower on a baking sheet.
6. Roast in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes or until the
cauliflower is tender and has a nice roasted texture.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 23


Chopped parsley
1/4 onion, finely chopped
1 minced garlic clove
Lemon zest
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp espelette pepper (or
Aleppo pepper)
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste


1. In a separate bowl, combine chopped parsley, finely chopped

onion, minced garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, basil, oregano,
thyme, espelette pepper, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and
salt. Mix well to make the chimichurri dressing.

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 24


3/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup agave syrup
1/2 cup brown sugar I used
a lakanto brown sugar
2 large eggs or aquafaba to
make it vegan
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons
cocoa powder (unsweetened
Dutch chocolate)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 medium zucchini grated
1/2 cup sugar free
chocolate chips


1. Mix almond butter, agave syrup, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla

extract together
2. Then add in cacao powder, baking powder, And lastly fold in
the zucchini and chocolate chips!
3. Optional: Add some tahini drizzle on top and flaky sea salt
4. Bake in oven for 25 minutes at 180°C/350°F
5. Let cool, and enjoy!

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved. 25

©2023 Mila Mend. All rights reserved.

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