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Facilitating Carbon
Offsets from Native

Thomas Carver and Suzi Kerr

Motu Working Paper 17-01
Motu Economic and Public Policy
April 2017
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Document information
Author contact details
Suzi Kerr
Motu Economic and Public Policy Research

Thomas Carver
Motu Economic and Public Policy Research

We would like to thank Air New Zealand for commissioning and providing the core funding for
this work to proceed, and the Aotearoa Foundation and the Tindall Foundation for ongoing
support of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research work. We also appreciate and thank those
who contributed interviews and other input towards this project. These people were: Sean
Bates, Peter Beets, Ollie Belton, David Bergin, Debbie Birch, Fiona Carswell, Roger Cornforth,
Jeffrey Cornwell, Joris de Bres, Trevor Gray, Dayle Hunia, Peter Lough, John McCarthy, Simon
Millar, Tina Ngatai, Thomas Paul, Espen Ronneberg, Nigel Searles, Craig Trotter, Caroline
Wallace, Sean Weaver and Philip Wiles.

All opinions are those of the authors and we are also responsible for any errors or omissions.

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research

PO Box 24390 info@motu.org.nz +64 4 9394250
Wellington www.motu.org.nz
New Zealand

© 2017 Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust and the authors. Short extracts, not exceeding
two paragraphs, may be quoted provided clear attribution is given. Motu Working Papers are research
materials circulated by their authors for purposes of information and discussion. They have not
necessarily undergone formal peer review or editorial treatment. ISSN 1176-2667 (Print), ISSN 1177-
9047 (Online).

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

This note aims to help firms looking to offset their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Emissions
reductions from native forestry sequestration are already recognised in the New Zealand
Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and it is ‘shovel ready’ to generate native forest offsets. 10,000
Ha of post-1989 native forest land would sequester 65,000 tonnes of CO2-e annually on average
over 50 years, and would be eligible to earn 65,000 NZUs per year under the ETS. Native forestry
also has a wide range of associated environmental, cultural, social and economic co-benefits. It is
certainly possible for more native afforestation to occur at present, and within the existing
policy framework; however, challenges do still exist. These include: a lack of awareness; limited
access to capital; the complexity of the ETS; policy uncertainty; and some specific policy settings.
The New Zealand business community can play an important role in solving these problems.
Businesses can help influence government policy and have the capital and capacity to play a
facilitating role in the market.

JEL codes
Q23, Q55

Emissions Trading, Forestry, Native Forestry, Carbon Offsets, New Zealand, Pacific, Environment

Summary haiku
Natives get rewards
Can we make it easier?
Birds and climate win

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.2 Benefits of Native Forestry 5
1.3 The Current State of Native Forestry in the ETS 7

2 Option 1: Native Regeneration 8

2.1 Opportunity 9
2.2 Key Issues 10
2.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors 12

3 Option 2: Plantation Native Forestry 13

3.1 Opportunity 14
3.2 Key Issues 17
3.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors 18

4 Option 3: Riparian Native Forestry 19

4.1 Opportunity 20
4.2 Key Issues 22
4.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors 23

5 Other Native Forestry Options 23

5.1 Planting Natives for Restoration (Non-Plantation) 23
5.2 Manuka/Kanuka Honey Forestry 24
5.3 Exotic Forestry as a “Nursery” 25
5.4 Increasing Carbon Stock in Pre-1990 Forestry Land 25

6 General Policy Issues for Facilitating Native Forest Offsets 26

6.1 Reduce Policy Uncertainty 26
6.2 Reduce Complexity 26
6.3 Unlock Other Sources of Funding 27
6.4 Increase Transparency 27
6.5 Reduce Focus on Pine 27
6.6 Clarify Policy Intentions 28
6.7 Facilitate Voluntary Action 28

References 29

Recent Motu Working Papers 32

Recent Motu Working Papers 33

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Native vs. Exotic Forest Land in the ETS (by the Year it Originated) 8

Table 1: Offset Options 3

Table 2: Policy Priorities 4
Table 3: Net Present Value (NPV) of Carbon Storage in Native Forestry Stands by Discount Rate. 16

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

1 Introduction
This note aims to help firms looking to offset their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions with native
forestry. Native forestry has a wide range of associated environmental, cultural, social, and
economic co-benefits and the credits it earns have a high degree of environmental integrity.
Emissions reductions from native forestry sequestration are already recognised in the New
Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and it is “shovel ready” to generate native forest
offsets. This paper does not address “new” carbon reduction/removal options (soil carbon,
marine carbon and carbon capture and storage). These face significant scientific and regulatory
challenges. The “new” reduction options are discussed in a companion paper (Meduna 2016).
The ETS was introduced in 2008 as a part of the country’s efforts to meet its Kyoto
Protocol obligations.1 Under the scheme, firms are required to acquire and then surrender New
Zealand Units (NZUs),2 to account for emissions associated with their activities. Currently, firms
must surrender two NZUs for every three tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e). By 2019,
this will increase to one NZU for every tonne of CO2-e, as the “one-for-two” subsidy is phased
out (Bennett 2016).3 New Zealand is the first, and still the only, country to include forest
landowners as mandatory participants in its ETS. As forests grow, they are eligible to earn NZUs
for the carbon they sequester. Forestry also faces liabilities under the ETS for reductions in
carbon stocks on forestry land, either from harvesting or deforestation.4 The Afforestation Grant
Scheme (AGS) and the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI) are two other closely related
policies that landowners can use to obtain finance and NZUs for afforestation efforts.5 For more
detailed information on the ETS, see Karpas and Kerr (2011), (Leining and Kerr 2016), and
(Kerr, Carver, and Dawson Forthcoming).
Establishing new stands of native forestry (i.e. afforestation) has significant potential to
help New Zealand firms meet their ETS commitments, contribute to voluntary programmes that
go beyond New Zealand’s target for corporate social responsibility reasons, and meet sectoral
international commitments such as those under the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Ten thousand hectares of post-1989 native forest land would sequester (and earn NZUs for)
65,000 tonnes of CO2-e annually on average over 50 years, and would be eligible to earn 65,000

1 For more information see: https://www.climatechange.govt.nz/emissions-trading-scheme/ and Leining (2016).

2 An NZU is New Zealand’s carbon credit, equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
3 “The current 50 per cent unit cost will increase to 67 per cent from 1 January [2017], then 83 per cent from 1
January 2018, with all sectors in the ETS paying the full market price from 1 January 2019” (Bennett 2016).
4 Harvesting is distinct from deforestation, in that deforestation is a conversion of forested land to another land use,
while harvesting is the “removal of biomass from a site followed by reforestation (replanting or natural
regeneration)” (Ministry for the Environment 2015).
5 The PFSI “promotes the establishment of permanent forests on private land”. It enables landowners to earn carbon
units for permanent forests planted after 1990 that were directly human induced. For more details see:
https://mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/forestry/permanent-forest-sink-initiative/. The AGS promotes new
planting by giving a $1,300/hectare grant to smaller (5-300 hectare) forests. The landowner receives the grant upon
establishing the forest, and in exchange the Crown gets the carbon credits for the first ten years. For more details see:
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

NZUs under the ETS.6 There is strong interest among a variety of stakeholders, including
community groups and iwi, in planting more native trees for biodiversity, plantation forestry
diversity, cultural and aesthetic reasons, and for erosion control. The financial returns from
forestry have improved recently: the carbon price has rebounded;7 there is more certainty
around New Zealand’s global commitments with the Paris Agreement;8 and there are other
payments for forestry available.
This note outlines the different options for obtaining credits via carbon sequestration by
native forestry. It also outlines barriers to encouraging more native afforestation and suggests
actions to overcome these. To help understand the issues, we have interviewed a range of
stakeholders, including government officials, scientists, landowners, officials from certain iwi,
and key individuals/organisations involved in native regeneration initiatives.
It is certainly possible for more native afforestation to occur at present, and within the
existing policy framework; however, challenges do still exist. These include: a lack of awareness;
limited access to capital; the complexity of the ETS; policy uncertainty; and some specific policy
settings. The New Zealand business community can play an important role in solving these
problems. Businesses can help influence government policy and have the capital and capacity to
play a facilitating role in the market.

6 Assuming the average carbon sequestration per year over the 50 year “indigenous forest” lookup table from MPI
(Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b). 85,000 hectares represent around1.5% of all planting since 1990, and
around 0.11% of New Zealand farm land (Ministry for the Environment 2016).
7 $17.50 on 14 December 2016. The price of an NZU was as low as $2 in 2013, whilst other eligible units were priced
at less than $1. See https://www.commtrade.co.nz/ for the latest spot price. See Ormsby and Kerr 2015 for a full
treatment of the history of the carbon price in NZ.
8 Although New Zealand’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) is still provisional on access to
international markets and land accounting rules (New Zealand Government 2015).
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

The following tables summarise the key recommendations from our scoping study.

Table 1: Offset Options

Science Regulatory
Current Options
Strong In ETS
Native Regeneration
Fencing off land near a native seed source and allowing it to
revert to native forest.
1. Provide expertise and up-front finance for landowners
in return for credits.
2. Work with researchers and other stakeholders to
compile a shortlist of suitable land for regeneration
3. Pursue partnerships with other stakeholders and
options that might deliver other revenue streams (e.g.
honey, government incentives).
Strong In ETS
Planting Native Trees
Plantation or restoration
1. Provide expertise and finance for up-front planting
2. Engage with experts to facilitate research into cheaper
planting options. Encourage these groups to achieve
consensus on key issues.
3. Utilise other incentives where possible.
Options Currently Limited
Strong on Only in ETS if
Riparian Planting
carbon; wider than
Planting native trees along the banks of rivers when they are
water quality 30 metres
fenced. The aim is often to improve water quality.
benefits less
1. Identify farmers willing to retire riparian areas wider
than 30 metres. Provide expertise and finance for up-
front planting costs. As this land is already being
retired and fenced, it may prove a cost-effective
option for native afforestation (although this is
unlikely on high-productivity land).
2. Encourage research on the value of making credits
available for narrower riparian planting.

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Table 2: Policy Priorities

Policy Uncertainty
1. Encourage the government to clearly articulate its policy intentions for meeting New
Zealand’s Paris commitments.
2. Push for a multi-party consensus on as many of these intentions as possible.

Eligibility of Land for ETS Credits

Request a definitive “line in the sand” ruling on what land is pre-1990 and what land is post-

Ask the government to make more ETS forestry data available.

Field Measurement Approach (FMA) Threshold

Ask to lift the threshold for using the FMA to 500 hectares for native forestry land to reduce
the cost and reporting burden.

Policy Intentions
Clarify policy intentions for agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and Regional Council
decisions around freshwater reform. This will help avoid perverse incentives to intensify or
sustain livestock on land that would otherwise be attractive for native regeneration.

Right to Clear Native Forest

1. Investment certainty: clarify uncertainty surrounding landowner rights to harvest, mill,
and export planted native forests.10
2. Land option value: consider a rule to give landowners the right to clear/log newly
regenerated native forestry (e.g. post-2016).

Allow Mitigation Beyond New Zealand’s International Commitments

Ask for a mechanism to allow NZUs to be truly “cancelled”, allowing participants to push New
Zealand’s mitigation efforts deeper, or to use these credits in voluntary markets. This would
require an explicit commitment from government to take credits off the national emissions
budget for our international commitments to be certain there is no double counting.

Address the Focus on Pine

Stress the importance of ensuring afforestation incentives are flexible enough to reward native
forestry (e.g. Afforestation Grant Scheme and other forestry incentives).

Native Forestry Certification for NZUs:

Request that NZUs earned by native forestry be “tagged” with a native forestry certification.
This may allow these NZUs to receive a premium in the market.

Riparian Forest Definition – Unclear Impact

Ask to explore the possibility of amending the ETS forest definition to allow stands of forestry
less than 30 metres wide to enter the ETS.

9 MPI could allow challenges to this, perhaps requiring landowners to meet the costs.
10 Clarify uncertainties around the definition of ‘planted indigenous forests’ under the Forests Act 1949, and the

ability to re-plant planted indigenous forests after harvesting.

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

In this paper, we necessarily make some generalisations about native forestry. It’s worth
keeping in mind that there are a diverse range of tree species and modalities for their
establishment/management and there is rarely a single solution. For more detail on native
forestry establishment options see (Davis et al. 2009) and (Bergin 2012b).11

1.2 Benefits of Native Forestry

Native forest is established in New Zealand for a wide range of reasons and by a diverse set of
actors. Broadly, the benefits of native forestry can be categorised as economic, environmental,
social, and cultural. Briefly, some of these benefits are:12
• Economic
• Harvesting timber
• Honey production
• Carbon credits;
• Seed/cutting production
• Tourism and recreation
• Shelter/shade
• Other by-products

• Environmental
• Biodiversity
• Soil stability
• Carbon storage
• Water quality
• Regulation of flows

• Social
• Aesthetics
• Conservation
• Recreation
• Community engagement

• Cultural
• Fulfilment of kaitiakitanga.

There is growing impetus to realise these benefits. For example:

11 Tane’s Tree Trust also has a good technical handbook available here: http://www.tanestrees.org.nz/resource-
12 This is covered in detail in other works (e.g., Hall 2016; Bergin 2012a; Ngapuhi 2007; and Davis et al. 2009).
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

• Carbon sequestration: Forestry provides an effective means for New Zealand to mitigate its
emissions domestically. This has been made more attractive by the rebound in the carbon
price, and since international units were no longer accepted in the NZ ETS.
• Water quality: Public concern has grown over the rising level of nutrient run-off into
waterways (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment 2015).
• Soil erosion: The “area of steep, erosion-prone grassland that could benefit from
afforestation” is estimated between 0.35 million hectares and 0.6 million hectares (Davis
et al. 2009).

Many of the environmental/social/cultural co-benefits can be hard to value in dollar

terms.13 Government has been introducing policies to make it possible to earn a financial return
for the provision of some of these benefits. An obvious example of this is the ETS; however,
payments for other environmental co-benefits are also available. For example, the Erosion
Control Funding Programme (ECFP) pays landowners in the Gisborne district up to
$1,500/hectare for establishing forest on erosion-prone land.14 Funds have also been made
available by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and Fonterra for planting to improve water
quality (Hall 2016).15 These rewards, along with other payments from regional councils and
trusts, help make establishing forestry financially viable.
The AGS and the PFSI are two policies related to the ETS that landowners can utilise. All
three (AGS, PFSI, ETS) utilise the same core market and monitoring technology with slight
differences in their contractual arrangements. Essentially, the AGS is a financing scheme that
provides up-front payment for the first 10 years of carbon credits, whereas the PFSI puts a
covenant on the land that prevents it being cleared (for at least 50 years).
The AGS provides a $1,300/hectare grant in exchange for the first 10 years of carbon
credits.16 This grant should be attractive for native forestry as its slow growth rate means the
Net Present Value (NPV) of carbon credits over the first 10 years will likely be less than
$1,300;17 however, a maximum of 300 hectares of forest land can be registered per legal entity,
per AGS application round, and the trees must be planted, rather than result from regeneration
(Ministry for Primary Industries 2016a). The PFSI has a “focus on establishing permanent
forests for storing carbon”. In return for a covenant on the land that makes it harder for the
landowner to clear the forest, there are lower reporting requirements under the PFSI
programme (Ministry for Primary Industries 2015a). Land entered into the PFSI earns NZUs in

13 See Chapter IV of (Hall 2016) for an attempt to quantify the dollar value of some of these benefits at:
14 For details, see: http://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/forestry/erosion-control-funding-
15 Fonterra’s ‘Living Water’ project is being done in partnership with the Department of Conservation.
16 After this 10-year period, the forest land can be registered in the ETS and earn credits from then.
17 Based on the native lookup table, a 5% discount rate and a $20 constant carbon price the NPV of the first 10 years
of carbon credits is $562. Even with a 0% discount rate and a $25 carbon price, the NPV is only $1,005.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

the same way as in the ETS. Land can only be entered into one of the PFSI or the ETS (Ministry
for Primary Industries 2015a).

1.3 The Current State of Native Forestry in the ETS

Three hundred thousand hectares of forest land are registered in the ETS. Of this, 25,000
hectares are native (8%). Almost 90% of this native afforestation occurred between 1990 and
2000, as illustrated by Figure 1. There are also 12,000 hectares of forest land registered in the
AGS and 14,000 registered in the PFSI.18 It is unclear how much of the forest in the AGS and PFSI
is native as these data are not available; however, Ollie Belton (Managing Director, Carbon
Forest Services) stated that most of the PFSI forest land is native. Since 2008 only 500 hectares
of native forest has been afforested and included in the ETS; this represents 1.5% of
afforestation in the ETS since 2008 (Ministry for Primary Industries 2016b). Other afforestation
of native forests has likely been included in the PFSI and AGS.19 In terms of its composition, more
than 70% of native afforestation is naturally regenerating Manuka/Kanuka ((Ministry for
Primary Industries 2015b) ).

18 AGS number comes from its website (https://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/forestry/afforestation-

grant-scheme/); PFSI number from correspondence with Peter Lough (Manager of Climate Change Operations at
19 In addition, since 2008, 300 hectares of afforestation has been registered in the PFSI. 12,000 hectares has been
registered in the AGS. It is unclear how much of this is native forest.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Figure 1: Native vs. Exotic Forest Land in the ETS (by the Year it Originated)

Native vs. Exotic Forest in the ETS




25 Native Exotic
'000 Ha




Year of Planting

Source: (Ministry for Primary Industries 2016b)

Native forestry is eligible to be registered under the ETS in the same manner as any other
forest land in New Zealand. There are two principal means for establishing native forest: natural
regeneration and planting.20 It is possible for more native afforestation to occur under current
policy settings; however, in this report we will examine some of the changes that could make it
easier to establish native forest land.
David Bergin (Director, Environmental Restoration Ltd) and Ollie Belton (Managing
Director, Carbon Forest Services) both felt that regeneration is relatively inexpensive,
sometimes even zero cost. This is especially the case when it is done on marginal farmland
where the opportunity cost is low. Planting natives on the other hand can be far more expensive.
Unfortunately for both these options, they have far slower growth rates than exotic species such
as pine (Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b).

2 Option 1: Native Regeneration

Regeneration of native forestry is the process by which land reverts either naturally, or with
human assistance, back to native forestry. Regeneration requires a nearby seed source, and
typically involves exclusion of livestock and animal pests (e.g. fencing), and possibly control of
competing vegetation such as pasture and gorse (Davis et al. 2009) and (Bergin 2012b).

20 Combinations of these two also exist (e.g. enhancement planting of naturally regenerating land).
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Regeneration is already eligible to earn credits in the ETS and is an inexpensive way to do
so, albeit a slow one. Moreover, permanent, regenerating native forestry has large co-benefits: it
provides a wide array of social amenities along with cultural as well as environmental benefits
(e.g. biodiversity, erosion reduction, and water quality). David Bergin feels that regeneration is
likely the only practical way to restore native forestry on a large scale (Bergin 2012b). He also
thinks that landowners fear that their land will revert to invasive weeds such as
gorse/blackberry rather than native forestry. This has sometimes happened when farmers tried
to encourage regeneration. David believes that this might be due to lack of good advice,
expertises and time/money to engage in the necessary spraying and pest control.
In some situations, planting can serve as a good complement to regenerating land. It can
function as a seed source (especially for larger broadleaf species), and can also provide a
nursery for regenerating natives. This nursery function can be fulfilled by smaller shrub species
such as manuka that, depending on the site, can be relatively inexpensive to plant compared to
later successional native trees.21

2.1 Opportunity

2.1.1 Cost-benefit
The key costs involved (where necessary) in native regeneration are: fencing, animal pest
control, controlling competing vegetation, weed control, site preparation, and the value of the
land (or the opportunity cost of its current use).22 It is hard to provide a definitive cost for native
regeneration. In some regions it is happening with no human assistance on unutilised land, and
is thus effectively free. In other areas where extensive pest control is needed, there are no seed
sources nearby, and there is competition from other land uses, it may cost a lot more. One study
put the cost of native regeneration at just over $4,000/hectare (Davis et al. 2009).23 This figure
does not include the value of the land.
The value of carbon credits is a key monetary benefit. We estimate the NPV of the first 50
years of carbon credits at around $2,500.24 The money from the carbon credits could be enough
for regeneration to be profitable on low value land – especially when combined with payments
for other environmental services (e.g. erosion control) – or where other non-economic benefits
are realised. It’s also possible that landowners might be able to earn a revenue stream from the
recreation/leisure benefits or by-products (e.g. manuka honey) from their forest land (Hall

21 David Bergin.
22 David Bergin notes that even where regenerating land may initially revert to brush weeds such as gorse or broom,
many of these sites will eventually succeed to natives over time.
23 Tables 6.2 and 6.3. David Bergin, a co-author of the paper, felt in many cases it could be done more cheaply.
24 Assuming a constant carbon price of $20 and a discount rate of 5% and MPI’s native carbon sequestration lookup
table. With a carbon price of $17.50 and an 8% discount rate this would be around $1,350. With a rising carbon price,
it could be much higher.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

2.1.2 Classification of Regenerating Land as Forest Land

Regenerating land can be classified as forest land, and thus begin earning carbon credits.
Determining the year of forest establishment for regenerating natives can be difficult. Generally
speaking: “Whenever there are areas of at least one hectare with sufficient forest species that it
is likely they will, as they grow, exceed 30 percent crown-cover, the area is forest land” (Ministry
of Agriculture and Forestry 2010).25 In theory this might be the date when conditions formerly
suppressing regeneration are removed (Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b). However, to
classify an area that is naturally regenerating as forest land, MPI requires:26
1. Forest species to be present as seedlings (that are likely to survive)
2. Sufficient number of forest species to achieve 30% crown cover as they grow.

MPI may also request proof that:

3. Land management practices are in place to allow regeneration (e.g. fencing, pest control)
4. On land with conditions limiting tree growth (e.g. drought), regeneration is occurring
(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2010).27

2.1.3 Amount of Land Available

A 2005 report by Landcare Research estimated that 1.45 million hectares of marginal pasture
lands would likely revert to native forestry following livestock removal (Trotter et al. 2005). A
2008 report by Landcare estimated the number at 1.55 million hectares and found that most of
this land is in private ownership (Shepherd et al. 2008).28

2.2 Key Issues

2.2.1 Proving Eligibility

Our interviewees agreed that it can be difficult to prove regenerating native forest land is post-
1989 (and therefore eligible to earn credits in the ETS). No definitive classification exists of land
that is pre-1990/post-1989. This leads to time-consuming and costly arbitrations of different
plots of land. This is burdensome for landowners and MPI, and the uncertainty can put off
investors. No one feels that the current available maps delineating the pre-1990/post-1989
boundaries are perfect;29 however, there is a broad consensus that a “line in the sand” would be

25 The age of the tree species in the forest is determined by treating all trees as if they regenerated in the year that
regeneration began (Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b).
26 Ollie Belton said that in practice it is not possible to register land and claim credits if no tree seedlings are present.
In unfavourable circumstances (e.g. strong pasture competition), this may take years or never happen at all.
27 (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2010) notes that the “Year Zero” of forest establishment can be updated if
circumstances change (e.g. if there is a drought or weed invasion occurs). The examples given refer to older stands of
forest (e.g. regeneration that began in the 1990s) so it is unclear how this process will work with new land.
28 The estimates in Shepherd et al. (2008) for the amount of land that is the least productive, and thus the most likely
to respond to a carbon price, need to be redone.
29 Thomas Paul and Peter Beets (Scion), felt the NZ LUCAS maps were “on the whole OK”.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

useful.30 MPI could allow pre-1990 landowners to challenge this on a case-by-case basis, perhaps
requiring landowners to meet the costs.

2.2.2 Carbon Measurement

There are two elements to consider here:

Reporting burden
Forest land over 100 hectares in the ETS must use the Field Measurement Approach (FMA)31 to
measure its carbon biomass (Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b). Nearly 90% of all native
forest land registered in the ETS is greater than 100 hectares in size, and as such must use the
FMA (Ministry for Primary Industries 2016b). The costs involved with the FMA are a potential
barrier to native forestry joining the ETS. Peter Lough (Manager of Climate Change Operations at
MPI), Craig Trotter (Principal Adviser for Spatial, Forestry and Land Management, Ministry for
Primary Industries), and Ollie Belton agreed that in comparison with exotic plantation forestry,
each measurement plot costs twice as much for regenerating natives. To compensate for this,
MPI requires native forestry to measure half the number of plots.32 However, as the income
stream from regenerating natives is far lower than exotic plantation forestry, it can still be hard
to cover the costs associated with the FMA.33

Accuracy of the lookup tables

On the other hand, forest land under 100 hectares uses the default ETS lookup table to measure
the level of carbon in its forest. The native table is based on regenerating natives (Ministry for
Primary Industries 2015b), and our interviewees agreed that its results are relatively consistent
with those from the FMA.34 However, many felt the default table could be improved (e.g. to
account for stocking rates and regional variation),35 especially with the data MPI has from the
land using the FMA. There were also some concerns about how well the table would perform for
more mature native forest land; however, this doesn’t appear to be an urgent issue.36

30 MPI officials (Peter Lough, Craig Trotter); Tane’s Tree Trust group (David Bergin, Debbie Birch, Caroline Wallace
and Joris de Bres); Tindall Foundation (John McCarthy and Trevor Gray); Scion (Thomas Paul and Peter Beets); Simon
Millar and Ollie Belton.
31 For more information on the FMA, see: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/growing-and-producing/forestry/forestry-in-
32 Using fewer plots reduces the accuracy of the FMA. Both the 100-hectare area and the number of plots are
somewhat arbitrary.
33 Ollie Belton claimed that to make it worthwhile a native forest would need to be at least 200-300 hectares. Fiona
Carswell believed the 100-hectare threshold was set with the financial viability of native regenerating land in mind.
34 Peter Lough, Craig Trotter, Ollie Belton, David Bergin, Thomas Paul, Peter Beets and Fiona Carswell. From the ETS
lookup table guide: “The tables represent the average increase in carbon stocks on a given
hectare of land since the time regeneration first began… [the] tables allow for [the] gradual expansion in vegetation.”
35 A stocking overlay is being considered as part of the ETS review.
36 Only forest land planted after 1989 can enter the ETS. Thus, the most mature native forest land in the scheme can
be little more than 25 years old.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

2.2.3 Land Option Value

Some landowners may be unwilling to allow natural regeneration on their land if they feel it can
never be cleared, as this may reduce the value of their land. Existing native forestry is well
protected in New Zealand. The Forests Act 1949, the New Zealand Forest Accord of 1991, and
the Resource Management Act all protect mature native forest land from clearance or
unsustainable logging (Karpas and Kerr 2011). These conservation efforts may have the
perverse outcome of making landowners less willing to allow native forestry on their land as it
will reduce its long-run option value. Some regional councils are looking at making it easier to
clear/log newly established stands of native forest; however, a national commitment would give
landowners/investors more confidence.37

2.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors

2.3.1 Immediate Actions

Provide expertise and up-front finance for landowners in return for credits
This could immediately generate more native reforestation project, even under existing rules.
Barriers to valuable projects include: landowners’ lack of understanding of ETS opportunities,
rules, and risks; their inability either to manage administrative processes or to make small up-
front investments in fencing and pest control.

Shortlist suitable land for regeneration effort

To help shortlist land for native regeneration, firms could support researchers and stakeholders
to produce a detailed map of the overlap between land in proximity to a seed source, low-
productivity land, post-1989 land, and land where other co-benefits (water quality, honey,
cultural) might increase the value of regeneration. Until a definitive ruling on the mapping of
post-1989 land is made, MfE’s LUCAS maps are a good place to start.38

2.3.2 Encourage Government Action

Recommend the government agree to a “line in the sand” classifying land as either pre-1990 or
post-1989. Pre-1990 landowners could be allowed to challenge this on a case-by-case basis, but
they would have to meet the costs associated with this. This would reduce investor uncertainty
and the burden on landowners. There seems to be broad agreement on this point.

Carbon measurement
Propose lifting the FMA threshold for regenerating native forests. The government has claimed
that the lookup tables and FMA give very similar answers, so the fiscal risk associated with

37This may of course also allow more deforestation of existing native forests. The net effect would be unclear. The
goal should be clarification of rules to avoid unnecessary uncertainty.
38 See: https://data.mfe.govt.nz/layer/2375-lucas-nz-land-use-map-1990-2008-2012-v016/.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

raising the FMA threshold should be low.39 Lifting the threshold from 100 to 500 hectares would
reduce the existing ETS forest area impacted by the FMA from 87% to 59% and may facilitate
more entry of small regenerating areas.40
Significant trade-offs are involved with this decision and it should not be made without
consulting landowners and the government. One issue is that it will introduce different FMA
thresholds for native and exotic forest land, and thus more complexity to the ETS. Another issue
is that despite a large variability in native sequestration rates, there is currently only one table
for all species, modes of establishment, stocking rates, and regions. This could pose a fiscal risk
to the government and result in some participants earning fewer credits than they would using
the FMA.41 For this reason, some stakeholders, including Ollie Belton, oppose increasing the FMA
threshold for native forest land. Indeed, Peter Lough (Manager of Climate Change Operations at
MPI), informed us that some stakeholders have previously asked for the threshold to be
lowered. Only the government has the data from the FMA to assess the level of the fiscal risk or
how much some landowners may stand to gain or lose. The ETS lookup tables could also be
This will lower the compliance/participation costs for smaller regenerating areas. Officials
will probably wish to consider whether having a different threshold for native forestry may
confuse participants.

Carbon measurement: accuracy of lookup tables

Support research initiatives to improve the accuracy of the lookup tables and to develop
appropriate “overlays” for factors such as geography. This issue may become more important
over time.

3 Option 2: Plantation Native Forestry

References to “plantation” native forestry mean tree species that are planted with the aim of
harvesting the timber. There is a range of possible modalities for establishing plantation native
forestry. In some cases, it will resemble exotic plantation forestry, where a single species is
planted at regular intervals and is harvested in one go. In other cases, the forest may be planted
and managed as a multi-species, multi-aged forest using continuous cover forestry principles
(Barton 2008). Many groups, including some iwi, are interested in more “sustainable” harvesting

39 Native forestry makes up less than 10% of forest land registered in the ETS and earns credits at roughly one third
of the rate of exotic forest land. Allowing native forest land to measure half as many plots when using the FMA also
poses some fiscal risk, especially as naturally regenerating land is unlikely to grow in a uniform manner.
40 Government data may help to pinpoint the right threshold.
41 Forest owners who have planted native stands may be concerned about this. However, as discussed in Section 2,
the ETS lookup tables indicate higher rates of growth than modelled growth of planted natives for the first 25-30
years. Besides, these landowners are likely to be rare, as planting over 100 hectares of native forest would be very
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

methods and in extracting other by-products from the land (Hall 2016).42 There has been very
limited research into establishing “optimal” rotation lengths for different native forest species.
One study modelled harvest rotations of 60-80 years, and 60 years is sometimes mentioned as a
minimum (Steward et al. 2014). David Bergin feels that rotation lengths may need to be
significantly longer than 60 years, especially given the quality of land on which native forestry is
likely to be planted.
Like regeneration, plantation native forestry is already eligible to earn credits in the ETS.
Even when it is not established/managed to resemble a “natural” forest (permanent forest cover
and a diverse set of tree/shrub species), it can still sequester significant levels of carbon and
provide important social, cultural and environmental co-benefits. Moreover, the harvested
timber is likely to be highly valued. It’s thus unsurprising that landowners are considering
plantation native forestry.43
Planting natives for restoration purposes is covered in Section 5.

3.1 Opportunity

3.1.1 Cost-benefit
It’s incredibly difficult to assess the profitability of a stand of native trees that may be harvested
60-100 years in the future. Growth rates, timber quality/prices and the carbon price must all be
One recent study has suggested that, under certain circumstances, kauri plantations may
be profitable (Steward 2012). Some researchers doubt this, especially as many of the study’s
assumptions represent the “best case scenario” for native plantation (e.g. “good to very good
site” and growth rates, low to zero cost for land, low establishment costs of around
$4,000/hectare, and high value of final timber product).44 This study doesn’t assume any income
from carbon credits or other ecosystem payments (e.g. nitrogen credits), which could only
improve the prospects for plantation native forestry. However, it is still far from clear that
profitability would be possible under an “average” set of assumptions even with ecosystem
service payments.
As noted earlier, planting native forestry can be expensive; however, just like regenerating
natives, the costs are situationally dependent. Cost estimates for larger native tree species
suitable for timber harvesting (e.g. kauri, tōtara, rimu) range between $5,000-$60,000/hectare,
excluding the cost of the land.45 One study gives an estimate of $24,000-$36,000/hectare (Davis

42 Hall notes that this is in accordance with the Māori notion of interdependence (taupuhipuhi) with the land. Tina
Ngatai (General Manager of Ngati Whakaue Tribal Lands Incorporation), expressed interest in this.
43 Interview with Tina Ngatai.
44 Gerard Horgan expressed doubts about the assumptions used in the study. See:
http://pureadvantage.org/news/2016/06/21/going-native/ for more discussion on this.
45 Ollie Belton provided the low-end cost estimate ($5,000-$10,000 per hectare). He felt some of the higher cost
estimates were appropriate for conservation/restoration planting, but with plantation forestry lower densities could
be used and there would be efficiencies from planting a monoculture. Gerard Steward’s study on Kauri plantation
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

et al. 2009);46 another found that depending on the stocking rate, costs could range from
$5,000-$66,000/hectare (Bergin and Gea 2007).47 The stocking rate has the largest impact on
establishment costs; however, lower stocking rates carry increased risk of seedling failure due to
weed invasion and competition from existing vegetation.48 We will cover the cost of planting
cheaper shrub species (e.g. manuka/kanuka) later as they are not used for timber production.
There is some scope to reduce these costs, some of which are briefly listed below:
• Buying in bulk: Our interviewees felt that the cost of native seedlings could drop if demand
increased and nurseries had confidence in this level of demand. David Bergin (Director,
Environmental Restoration Ltd) believed that a large increase in demand could drop
seedling prices by as much as 30%.
• Nurse crops: Planting nurse crops (or utilising existing vegetation as a nurse crop) could
accelerate the growth of trees and reduce establishment costs.49
• Planting strategies: Research is being done on reducing the cost of planting natives. Some of
these strategies are showing promise. For example, (Davis et al. 2009) estimate that bare-
root seedlings could reduce costs by nearly $9,000/hectare; direct-seeding onto the
ground may be even cheaper (although there are major concerns about its viability on a
large scale (Bergin 2012b)); employing lower stocking rates can reduce costs significantly.
More research is needed on these options as they are still largely unproven and can
involve significant trade-offs (e.g. lower stocking rates increase the chance of weed
invasion and the native planting failing) (Davis et al. 2009) and (Bergin and Gea 2007).

Some of the revenue streams from native plantation forestry are:

• Harvested timber and wood products: Numbers on the value of native timber from
plantation forestry are hard to obtain; however, it’s clear it would be a premium and
highly prized product.
• Carbon: Native planted stands of less than 100 hectares earn carbon credits in line with the
MPI native lookup table (the same as regenerating natives). Larger stands, which must
comply which the FMA under ETS regulations, may earn fewer credits in the short run
than regenerating native forest land. This is due to the slow initial growth rates of large

forestry assumes a low establishment cost of around $4,000 per hectare (Steward 2012). David Bergin felt $30,000
per hectare was really the minimum, and that lower cost options using lower planting densities were at risk of failure
from weed invasion. Scientists we interviewed at Scion and Landcare (Peter Beets, Thomas Paul and Fiona Carswell)
generally felt the $20,000-$30,000 per hectare range was a reasonable estimate.
46 This is the cost to: purchase the tree stock, prepare the ground, plant the trees and then carry out ongoing weed
control, pest control and site management for the first three to five years. It excludes the cost of the land. This study
assumes a planting density of 4,444 trees per hectare (compared with 1,000 per hectare for pine plantation, which the
study estimated costing $6,000 per hectare). See p. 63 Table 6.2.
47 This study excludes the cost of the land, fencing, and pest control. A stocking rate similar to the Davis report would
imply a cost of around $30,000 per hectare. See p. 33 Table 2.
48 Interview with David Bergin.
49 Interviews with David Bergin and Ollie Belton.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

native tree species (Kimberley, Bergin, and Beets 2014).50 Over a longer period, the
planted native forest will sequester more carbon than the ETS tables suggest; the value of
this later storage will depend on the investor’s discount rate, as illustrated by Table 3, and
also on future carbon prices (a constant $20 price may be conservative). Where a nurse
cover of planted native shrub species are used, these tend to grow faster than regenerating
land and can potentially contribute to early carbon sequestration while inter-planted
native tree species become established (Kimberley, Bergin, and Beets 2014).
• Other potential revenue streams: Manuka honey is frequently mentioned as a potential
revenue stream for native forestry. Some suggest that native forestry could produce other
by-products useful for “pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, biofuels, genetic resources” and
more (Hall 2016). However, there is limited information about these other opportunities,
and we are not aware of instances where they have been commercialised in a successful
and ongoing manner.
• AGS: The NPV of the first 10 years of carbon credits from planted native forests is much less
than the $1,300 payment from the AGS. It thus should make sense to utilise this when
• Payments for other co-benefits: As discussed above.

Table 3: Net Present Value (NPV) of Carbon Storage in Native Forestry Stands by Discount Rate.51

Regenerating Natives Planted Kauri52

Discount Rate 5% 8% 5% 8%
20 years $1,673 $1,183 $1,065 $753
50 years $2,479 $1,557 $3,244 $1,686
Source: Kimberley, Bergin, and Beets (2014) and Ministry for Primary Industries (2015b).53
There is a significant gap between the carbon value and the cost of establishing plantation
natives. For planting to occur, the value of harvested wood products and ecosystem services
other than carbon must be high enough to cover this gap.

50 The growth rates in this study are based on the average performance across a range of existing small native stands
planted nationwide as surveyed by Tane’s Tree Trust.
51 Assuming a constant carbon price of $20 per tonne.
52 Kauri is one of the fastest native species for sequestering carbon over a 40-80-year period. The annual carbon
sequestration figures are interpolated from the 20, 40 and 60-year figures found in Table 4 of (Kimberley, Bergin, and
Beets 2014), using the growth profile from the ETS lookup table.
53 The growth rates for regenerating natives come from the ETS lookup tables (Ministry for Primary Industries
2015b). The planted Kauri numbers come from the Tane’s Tree Trust work (Kimberley, Bergin, and Beets 2014). As
mentioned before, the growth rates in the Tane’s Tree Trust study are based on the average performance across a
range of existing small native stands planted nationwide.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

3.2 Key Issues

3.2.1 Carbon Measurement

Again, there are two elements to consider:

Accuracy of the lookup table

From the limited available data, work by the Tane’s Tree Trust (TTT) suggests that
discrepancies exist between the growth rates of native plantation tree species (e.g. kauri, tōtara,
rimu) and those found in the native lookup table (Kimberley, Bergin, and Beets 2014). This
research predicts that native plantation forestry will sequester 30-60% less carbon than that
implied by the lookup table over the first 20 years, but after 40 years will exceeds it by

Reporting burden
For native plantation forestry that resembles exotic plantation forestry (monoculture, single-
age, planted at regular intervals), the FMA is relatively easy to comply with. However, for those
seeking to establish multi-species, multi-age, continuous cover native forestry, this will prove
more difficult. It could even be as hard as naturally regenerating native forest land in some

3.2.2 Investment Uncertainty

Poor profitability due to high costs, and the considerable uncertainty about potential revenues
for native timber are the greatest barriers. Some farmers fear when they come to harvest their
trees in 60 or more years, the national government or a local council may prevent them from
doing so. Under the provisions in the Forest Act (1949), timber from planted native forest can be
milled and exported. Furthermore, MPI has the ability to issue a “Planted Indigenous Forest
Certificate” that verifies that the forest was planted and that can be used as evidence of this in
the future.55 However, the provisions of the Forest Act (1949) contain some ambiguities.
Although a degree of natural regeneration is likely to occur within the forest before the trees are
harvested, it is unclear in the Forests Act whether the timber from these naturally regenerating
trees are also able to be milled and exported, as “timber from a planted indigenous forest”. The
Act classifies “planted indigenous forest” as land that was not “predominantly under the cover of
indigenous forest” immediately before planting, so it is unclear if this would allow for multiple
harvest rotations on the same piece of land (i.e. it is unclear whether a planted indigenous forest
also has the status of ‘indigenous forest land’). Furthermore, it is not certain that an activity
approved under the provisions of the Forest Act (1949) will be permitted under the relevant
regional and district plans under the Resource Management Act (RMA). Some of these plans may

54 The research finds that planted shrubs (e.g., manuka/kanuka) grow 40% faster than the lookup table would imply
in the first 20 years; however, their growth plateaus very soon after that.
55 For more detail see: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/growing-and-producing/forestry/indigenous-forestry/harvesting-
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

have provisions to prevent or limit the clearing of native vegetation; this could limit the ability to
harvest a planted indigenous forest.56
Another uncertainty is the future price of timber. Attempting to predict the price of such a
rare and illiquid commodity is not easy. Even the nature of the wood itself is uncertain. The
traditional supply and use of these species by Māori, and in European settlement times, came
from large trees in old growth forests. The timber was likely to be from trees that were
hundreds of years old and comprised mostly heartwood. Preliminary studies of wood properties
from 60-70-year-old kauri/tōtara stands have found that heartwood formation is relatively
slow, and timber from these stands will be predominately sapwood e.g. (Barton and Horgan
1980) and (Steward and Kimberley 2002).57 However, there has been some work that suggests
the properties of this sapwood compare well with those of heartwood and that it may be a
valuable product (Steward and Mckinley 2005).

3.2.3 Conflicting Research

There are frequent disagreements and critiques amongst the various research groups interested
in native plantation forestry over issues such as the cost of planting and profitability. There are
benefits from robust academic debate; however, too much in-fighting can simply lead to
paralysis. Wherever possible, we feel it would be useful for researchers to find common ground
and move forward from there.

3.2.4 Capital Constraints

Many of the groups who want to plant more native forestry do not have access to sufficient
capital to fund the up-front costs, even if they could make it viable in the long run. This should be
less of an issue for business groups interested in purchasing offsets.

3.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors

3.3.1 Immediate Actions

Provide expertise and finance for up-front planting costs

This directly overcomes capital constraints and also reduces the uncertainty that comes from
small-scale lack of expertise. In addition, if large-scale coordinated planted can be arranged,
nurseries will have confidence that there is a long-term plan to encourage planting on a large
scale; this should help bring down the cost per hectare. David Bergin felt that this could reduce
the cost of seedlings by as much as 30%. It could also help fund research/trials to improve the
efficiency of planting techniques. Other incentives, either from existing public programmes or
from private sources should be utilised where possible. Large private ETS purchasers are more

56 Interview with Sean Bates (Forestry Analyst, MPI).

57 David Bergin indicated this in an interview as well.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

likely to be able to manage projects that involve multiple actors and revenue streams, and hence
lower costs or increase revenues.

Engage with experts to facilitate research into cheaper planting options

Encourage these groups to achieve consensus on key issues. Businesses could act as
independent players and help bring research groups together, facilitating a dialogue to achieve
consensus on important issues. This could provide a basis for researchers to move forward. It
could also pay long-term dividends for a small investment.

3.3.2 Encourage Government Action

Carbon measurement
Support research that would develop species specific carbon lookup tables and appropriate
“overlays” (e.g. stocking rate, geography). Officials are considering whether to investigate
overlays as a future means of improving ETS carbon accounting.

Investment Uncertainty
Recommend the government attempt to remove any remaining uncertainty in the Forests Act
around how the definition of a ‘planted indigenous forest’ interacts with other parts of the Act
and with trees that naturally regenerate. This could be done by amending the interpretation
section of the Forest Act (1949) to make it explicit that regenerating vegetation within a planted
native forest won’t prevent a landowner harvesting it58 and to make it clear that when a native
forest is harvested and replanted it is still classified as a planted indigenous forest. Work also
needs to be done to ensure that regional RMA plans align with the Forest Act (1949). This policy
would increase investor certainty.

4 Option 3: Riparian Native Forestry

Riparian zones are “strips of land bordering rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands” (Environment
Canterbury 2011). This section covers native forestry that regenerates or is planted in these
zones. Regional councils in New Zealand have long encouraged restoration of natives in riparian
zones to improve water quality.59 Riparian vegetation stores carbon and can have biodiversity,
cultural and other environmental co-benefits. However, there are doubts over the alleged extent
of environmental co-benefits from planting in riparian margins, and some trade-offs exist.60

58One way to do this would be to amend the definition so that the status of ‘planted indigenous forest’ extends to the
whole planted area, as opposed to just the planted trees.
59 For example, the Taranaki Region Council (TRC) riparian management programme has been in place since 1996.
See: https://www.trc.govt.nz/environment/freshwater/riparian-management/. This TRC scheme has resulted in the
planting of 2,138 kilometres of stream bank with over 3.9 million native plants. Now, 64% of stream banks are
vegetated where planting is recommended (Dairy NZ 2016).
60 Fiona Carswell (Chief Scientist, Landcare Research) had reservations.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Most of the water quality benefits may come from fencing off waterways from stock (Parkyn
Momentum is building on this issue, with the central government announcing last year
plans to exclude milking dairy cattle “from water bodies by 1 July 2017” ( Ministry for the
Environment 2016).61 While this won’t mandate riparian vegetation, Dairy NZ has a voluntary
“water accord” that calls for “riparian planting… where it would provide a water quality benefit”
(Dairy NZ 2016).62 However, much of this riparian planting will not be eligible to earn carbon
credits as it won’t be over 30 metres wide, which is the minimum width required to meet the
definition for a forest under the ETS (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2009).63

4.1 Opportunity

4.1.1 Cost-benefit
The costs and benefits are similar to those laid out in 3.3 and 3.4 (depending on whether the
riparian margin is planted or if natural regeneration occurs). A key difference is that the cost of
planting might be significantly lower. Many of these margins are being fenced (as a result of
rules or voluntary actions) to exclude stock. This means that the opportunity cost of this land is
essentially zero as it has no productive value, and there is no additional fencing cost. Based on
these factors, (Daigneault, Eppink, and Lee 2016) estimate the cost of planting manuka to be
$1,000/hectare and regeneration to be $0/Ha. However, the costs may be higher in some cases.
There are also a number of financial incentives available specifically to those planting in
riparian buffer zones. In 2013, the government introduced a tax break for planting riparian
margins on farmland.64 Some councils are also trying to reduce the cost for farmers. For
example, the Taranaki Regional Council “contracts nurseries to supply native plants to farmers
at cost”.65

4.1.2 Effectiveness of Riparian Vegetation

Riparian margins have significant water quality benefits. They reduce nitrogen leaching,
phosphorus loss, and sediment loss (Parkyn 2004). Daigneault, Eppink, and Lee (2016) estimate
that the benefits of fenced riparian margins, with or without active planting (the non-carbon
benefits primarily come from fencing and stock exclusion alone), typically outweigh the costs

61 Dairy support, beef, and deer will be phased in between 2020 and 2030. Pigs are included in the July 2017
deadline. As of February 2017, dairy cattle are excluded from 96% of waterways on dairy farms (see:
62 The original water accord can be found here: http://www.dairynz.co.nz/environment/in-your-region/sustainable-
dairying-water-accord/. Dairy NZ has also produced regional planting guides and a riparian planner tool which can be
found here: http://www.dairynz.co.nz/environment/waterways/.
63 Forest land must have (or be able to obtain) “average crown-cover width of at least 30 metres” (Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry 2010).
64 “Riparian plantings by farmers will now be able to be deducted as an operational expense rather than being
classified as capital expenditure”. For detail see: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/tax-reform-encourages-
65 For more detail, see: https://www.trc.govt.nz/environment/freshwater/riparian-management/.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

involved by “between 2:1 and 20:1.” 66 Their work estimated the “optimal width of the buffer” to
be between 17 and 30 metres, depending on the set of assumptions used.67
A challenge for researchers is to differentiate between the benefits of stock exclusion and
vegetation on the riparian margin.68 (Parkyn 2004) notes that around 80% of the benefits in
nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment come from fencing alone. The findings of (Daigneault,
Eppink, and Lee 2016) tend to support this: they find that a five-metre buffer reduces nitrogen
leaching and phosphorus loss by 50% and sediment loss by 80%. They also find no improvement
in nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment loss from planting natives vs. regeneration.
Fiona Carswell (Chief Scientist, Landcare Research) also had reservations about the
purported level of co-benefits associated with riparian vegetation – especially biodiversity, since
native insect/plant diversity increases with planting but so too do predator densities. She felt
fencing was a more cost-effective way to improve water quality.69
It therefore seems that any decision to engage in riparian planting/regeneration for
carbon offsetting purposes should be independent from the purported benefits of riparian
planting on water quality. The decision should be taken on the same basis as for any other piece
of land (e.g. comparing the costs with the benefits we can confidently ascribe to native forestry).

4.1.3 Scale of the Opportunity

The length of permanent waterways located on agricultural and plantation forestry land is
around 348,000 km (Daigneault, Eppink, and Lee 2016).70 Having 30 metres of native trees
along these riparian zones would result in roughly two million hectares of native forestry.71 On
average, over 50 years this would sequester 13 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e)
(Ministry for Primary Industries 2015b).72 These numbers are not meant to represent a realistic
scale that riparian vegetation/forestry could achieve – on high productivity land, the
opportunity cost of retiring this amount of land would be extreme, and most farmers will not be
willing to do this. Rather, they are to illustrate that significant carbon offsetting opportunities
exist along New Zealand’s waterways.

66 Their work based their cost-benefit analysis on four benefits: greenhouse gas mitigation, nitrogen leaching,
phosphorus loss, and sediment loss; and four costs: fencing, alternative water supply, afforestation, and opportunity
cost of the land. They also considered biodiversity benefits, but didn’t include them in their cost-benefit analysis.
67 This width is for either side of the waterway.
68 Very little current research differentiates between the benefits of fencing and riparian vegetation. We heard this
from several interviewees (Fiona Carswell, Chief Scientist at Landcare Research; Thomas Paul and Peter Beets, both of
69 Fiona mentioned that grass was just as effective as trees for sedimentation, whilst the scientific research has not
yet settled this issue for nitrogen/phosphorus run-off. David Bergin noted that even densely planted native riparian
zones can have quite open bare ground beneath due to dense shade from canopy and wondered how that influenced
the performance of grass vs. native trees/shrubs.
70 227,000km of this is on sheep/beef farms, 36,500km is in plantation forestry and 32,000km on dairy farms.
71 10% of this is from dairy and 73% from sheep/beef farming. The research does not consider afforestation along
riparian zones on forestry land.
72 Taking the average sequestration rate of 6.5 tCO2e/yr from the native forestry lookup table. This figure would be
as low as 1.2 MtCO2e in the first couple of years, and above 20 MtCO2e between 12-25 years.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

4.2 Key Issues

4.2.1 ETS Forest Definition

As mentioned above, a key barrier to riparian forestry earning carbon credits is the current ETS
definition of a “forest”. The definition states that “land where the forest species have, or are
likely to have, a tree crown cover at maturity of an average width of less than 30 metres” is not
included as forest land eligible to earn credits under the ETS (Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry 2009). The resolution of satellite photography at the time the rules were established
was a factor in the required width of a forest; new technology would now enable finer scale
definition. The 30-metre average width requirement can be expensive to achieve when
waterways border highly productive land. Another difficulty is the ETS requirement for forests
to reach five metres in height, as the vegetation lower down the river bank, where floods are
frequent, will necessarily be lower (Environment Canterbury 2011).
In our interviews, we learned of the government rationale for the ETS forest definition.
First, easing the definition could bring areas such as shelter belts on farms into the ETS, leading
to farmers facing a liability if they cleared them.73 Second, and more importantly, expanding the
land included in the forestry definition would result in some post-1989 forest land being re-
classified as “pre-1990” and hence not eligible for reforestation credits. Third, any change to
New Zealand’s definition of forests would require updates to our carbon accounts provided for
previous years in order to meet our international obligations, unless the government chose to
accept a difference between ETS and international reporting.74 Fourth, government officials felt
that there had already been some progress on this issue by some regional councils’ focus on
water quality. Finally, government officials felt that there was uncertainty concerning the cost-
effectiveness of establishing riparian vegetation.
Thomas Paul and Peter Beets (both at Scion) noted that where the optimal width of
riparian margins was 30 metres or more, there would be no need to change the definition of a
forest in the ETS. This seems possible based on the 17-30m optimal width findings from
(Daigneault, Eppink, and Lee 2016). Thomas and Peter believed that if a rule change were
required, it would be technologically feasible. They also felt it would be possible to reward
riparian margins while leaving areas such as shelter belts as a matter for government.

73 It seems that this could be easily resolved by changing the forest definition in the ETS to apply only to
reforestation, not deforestation.
74 Although depending on the outcome of the ETS review and the Paris rules, there is some chance the government
may be willing to do this with other rule settings (e.g., averaging). This update may not be possible because 1990
satellite imagery of sufficient accuracy does not exist.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

4.3 Possible Actions for Private Actors

4.3.1 Immediate Actions

Identify farmers willing to retire riparian areas wider than 30 metres. Provide expertise and
finance for up-front planting costs. As this land is already being retired and fenced, it may prove
a cost-effective option for native afforestation (although this is unlikely on high-productivity
land). Encourage research on the value of making credits available for narrower riparian

4.3.2 Changes to ETS forest definition

It may not be worth adding more complexity to the forestry ETS for riparian margins. It would
however reduce the land available for reforestation credits elsewhere. If the government wishes
to promote more riparian planting, it may wish to do this outside the ETS instead. This is already
being done by Regional Councils through the Freshwater Reforms and through private sector
efforts motivated by water quality concerns. If the forest definition were changed, it might be
easier to leave liability for deforestation of areas such as shelter belts as a matter for
government. Another potential solution would be to find a width that could include more
riparian zones, but could still exclude shelter belts (potentially 15-20m). This would need to be
done in consultation with landowners.

5 Other Native Forestry Options

Other techniques to establish native forestry do exist. With the exception of planting natives for
restoration, these options are generally less common and not as well understood. This section
discusses some of these options.

5.1 Planting Natives for Restoration (Non-Plantation)

Here, native tree species are planted with the aim of establishing them permanently. They may
be established for a range of purposes (e.g. carbon, biodiversity, aesthetics, cultural significance,
restoration programmes, and personal hobbies). These forests may in some cases resemble
mixed-age, mixed-species, continuous cover native plantation forestry; however, they won’t
generally be managed to maximise timber yield. Thus, it’s unlikely that common commercial
silviculture practices (e.g. spacing, thinning) will be employed. It’s also likely that these non-
plantation planted natives will have a less managed - and thus more diverse - range of
undergrowth species. Those planting this type of forest land often hope that they will resemble
“natural” forests once they mature.75 While it is a popular method (Davis et al. 2009), it is
impractical and likely to be too expensive to do on a large scale (Bergin 2012b).

75 Although it’s worth noting that many native tree species naturally form monocultures on selected sites, especially
after man-made or natural disturbances.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

The benefits from this approach are similar to those from regenerating native forest (3.3),
except that some of those benefits may accrue more rapidly.76 The costs can vary greatly,
depending on the type of planting. Debbie Birch (Director, Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Ltd) put
the cost of planting manuka at low stocking rates at $2,500-$3,000/hectare during our meeting
with Tane’s Tree Trust.77 The paper by (Daigneault, Eppink, and Lee 2016) placed the cost of
manuka at $1,000/hectare; however, it didn’t include fencing costs. The work by (Davis et al.
2009) placed the cost of manuka/kanuka at around $25,000/hectare. Ollie Belton and David
Bergin both put the cost of establishing “mixed” forests with larger broadleaf species in the
$20,000-$40,000/hectare range, while the (Davis et al. 2009) work placed the cost at
$40,000/hectare. It’s worth noting that these estimates may not be comparing apples with
apples. The higher cost estimates from (Davis et al. 2009), David Bergin, and Ollie Belton include
site prep, all planting costs, weed control for three to five years after planting, and a relatively
high stocking rate. For the lower cost estimates, however, we could find no detail behind their
As these forests tend to be more diverse and not planted at regular intervals, the costs
involved with using the FMA will be high (for stands of over 100 hectares). Many actors planting
these types of forests have broader goals than just carbon (e.g. restoration, biodiversity). In
some cases, this will lead to the establishment of vegetation that does not sequester large
amounts of carbon (e.g. tussock) so may not be valuable as a source of credits.78

5.2 Manuka/Kanuka Honey Forestry

Debbie Birch and others suggested that using honey production could be an effective means to
establish native forestry. The shrub species used for honey production (manuka/kanuka) act as
an effective nursery and the honey production provides an income to cover costs in the early
years.79 Planting manuka/kanuka costs a lot less than other planting options discussed above,
especially with the low stocking rates often employed in honey production. When it is planted, it
is eligible for an AGS grant of $1,300/hectare.
“Honey forestry” may not provide an ongoing flow of credits. Manuka flowers best during
its first 20 or so years of growth, so honey producers have an incentive to clear manuka at this
age and to replant a younger crop. Depending on what happens with the price of honey (and the
carbon price), it’s possible that a scheme intending to transition from honey to native forestry
may never do so.

76 As mentioned in 3.3., planting can be a good strategy to enhance regeneration activities.

77 David Bergin felt this may be possible, depending on the stocking rate and site, and with longer timeframes to
achieve canopy coverage. He felt there would also be higher risks of infestation of problem weeds.
78 Interview with Jeffery Cornwell (Director of Planning and Support, Science and Policy Group, Department of
Conservation): “If the natural state of a piece of land is tussock, [the Department of Conservation] wouldn’t want to
force” the planting of large conifer species.
79 In areas that are not close to seed sources, inter-planting of selected successional tree species (e.g., tōtara, kauri)
will be required, which will increase the cost of establishment.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Other factors could reduce the attractiveness of this approach: The supply of honey is
expanding rapidly and there are concerns about quality, which may depress the price; a
“stocking rate” overlay to carbon measurement tables could be considered as part of the ETS
review. This might affect this sort of planting, due to the low stocking rate often employed in
honey production.

5.3 Exotic Forestry as a “Nursery”

Another option for establishing native forestry is to use exotic forestry as a nurse crop. There
are a range of possible modalities for this (e.g. just planting and then leaving exotics, or removal
of exotics within a few years of planting once they have allowed the establishment of planted or
regenerating natives). Theoretically, this could provide the fast accumulation of carbon credits
associated with exotic species, while natives become established in the gaps. There has been
very limited work on this to date and it is not well understood in practice.80 If more research
proves this to be a cost-effective means of establishing natives it might be worth pursuing in the

5.4 Increasing Carbon Stock in Pre-1990 Forestry Land

This can be achieved in multiple ways (e.g. extending rotation cycles of plantation forestry,
encouraging shrubland to regenerate by increasing pest control efforts or planting in seed
sources, and even preventing the felling of existing shrub/native forest land). However, these
activities are not eligible to earn carbon credits under New Zealand’s current ETS. Depending on
the final wording of the Paris Agreement, it appears these activities may be eligible under
international rules.81 These types of activities are unlikely to be eligible to earn NZUs any time
Voluntary markets do exist for this sort of work and there are some actors in New Zealand
operating in this space.82 Depending on the final forestry rules from the Paris Agreement and the
response of the New Zealand Government, it is possible that these types of activities could earn
credits to be used towards international obligations. However, Sean Weaver (CEO, Ekos) did
stress how hard and costly it was to get the different types of certification that may be needed.

80 Correspondence with David Bergin (December, 2016). For more detail see (Davis et al. 2009).
81 Some activities to increase carbon biomass on pre-1990 land were eligible to earn credits under the previous
Kyoto rules (UNFCCC 2002).
82 For example, see Ekos: http://www.ekos.org.nz/rarakau---nz.html.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

6 General Policy Issues for Facilitating Native Forest

6.1 Reduce Policy Uncertainty
Despite being less than a decade old, the New Zealand ETS is currently undergoing its third
review (Leining 2016a). These reviews have generally “moderated” the price impacts of the ETS
and delayed (indefinitely) biological emissions from agriculture (Leining 2016b). Additionally,
New Zealand declined to sign up to the second Kyoto commitment period (CP2) (New Zealand
Herald 2012). As a consequence, New Zealand was barred from using Kyoto units after 30 May
2015, and became a closed domestic-only scheme after this date (Leining 2016a). During the
period when New Zealand was linked to the Kyoto market there was a dramatic collapse in the
emissions price (Ormsby and Kerr 2015), and widespread concern over the integrity of some of
the international credits that were purchased (Simmons and Young 2016).83 This was followed
by a gradual recovery in the emissions price following the announcement of our withdrawal.
There is uncertainty about whether, and how, international units may be used in the future and
what New Zealand’s accounting methods for forestry will be under the Paris Agreement. What
might happen if there is a change of government in 2017 is a matter for speculation.
It’s thus unsurprising that less afforestation has occurred than predicted by models
assuming constant/increasing carbon prices and policy stability (Kerr, Carver, and Dawson
Forthcoming). Indeed, David Rhodes (CEO, NZ Forest Owners Association) said that “people
have been burned by this and are very distrustful” of government policy. Ollie Belton also felt
that some market participants had been driven away by policy uncertainty. This is especially
important for forestry, where land use decisions are being made with such large time horizons.

6.2 Reduce Complexity

There is a perception among some stakeholders that the ETS is too complex, especially for
businesses/landowners already busy with other day-to-day operations. This complexity, and the
resulting lack of understanding of the ETS among landowners, may be a key reason why very
little native afforestation is occurring, even though it is possible under current conditions.84
Some stakeholders found this complexity an issue when deciding how to respond to ETS
incentives. For example, Tina Ngatai (General Manager of Ngati Whakaue Tribal Lands
Incorporation) expressed concerns about how to value carbon credits in their accounting
practices, and uncertainty regarding what types of forest land were eligible to earn carbon
credits. We also encountered this uncertainty when talking with the Department of

83 For more detail on this see (Karpas and Kerr 2011), (Ormsby and Kerr 2015), (Leining and Kerr 2016) and (Kerr,
Carver, and Dawson Forthcoming).
84 Interviews with David Bergin and Ollie Belton and Tane’s Tree Trust group.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Conservation, which has received an application to contract out the carbon credits from its

6.3 Unlock Other Sources of Funding

Dayle Hunia (Management Consultant, Kōtuku Systems Ltd) felt there were sources of funding
that could be used for native afforestation but were currently underutilised. One example of this
is the restoration trusts established after the RMA consenting process (e.g. Mighty River Power,
Genesis, Trustpower).

6.4 Increase Transparency

A number of key stakeholders raised their dissatisfaction with the government’s refusal to share
key information with them.86 Their requests for information fall broadly into two categories.
First, researchers simply want access to more data. For example, giving access to data collected
from the FMA might allow them to create new lookup tables for native forestry; data on age
classes of forestry in the ETS and existing liabilities against these forests would allow better
prediction of NZU flows. The second request is for more transparency around government policy
and how it intends to meet its international mitigation targets. Among other things, this would
help to reduce investment uncertainty and particularly uncertainty about the future ETS price.
Some information in this second category may be sensitive and it appears that some is still
undecided by the government (e.g. international forestry rules are still being finalised and the
government will need to choose its response to these); however, many stakeholders felt the
government could at least give general guidance.

6.5 Reduce Focus on Pine

Pine is fast growing, cheap to establish, and accounts for over three quarters of forest land
registered in the ETS. In this light, the focus on pine is understandable. However, some
afforestation incentives needlessly exclude native forestry. For example, the AGS is only
available for planted forest land.87 This can be planted natives but it cannot be natural
regeneration – the lowest cost native option. Tina Ngatai mentioned another incentive at the
regional council level that exclusively paid for the planting of pine. These incentives could be
made more flexible to reward those allowing native regeneration or planting native forestry,
without imposing a great fiscal cost on the government.

85 Conversation with Jeffrey Cornwell, Director of Planning and Support, Science and Policy Group at the Department
of Conservation.
86 We have heard that the Climate Change Act has a privacy provision.
87 The AGS promotes new planting by giving a $1,300/hectare grant to smaller (5-300 hectare) forests. The
landowner receives the grant once the forest is established, and in exchange the Crown gets the carbon credits for the
first ten years. See: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/forestry/afforestation-grant-scheme/.
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

6.6 Clarify Policy Intentions

Clarify policy intentions concerning agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and regional council
decisions around freshwater reform. This would help to remove perverse incentives to intensify
or sustain livestock in the hope of receiving future compensation on land that would otherwise
be attractive for native regeneration.

6.7 Facilitate Voluntary Action

6.7.1 Mitigation Beyond New Zealand’s International Obligations

It is possible to voluntary cancel a specific NZU in the New Zealand ETS Registry. The number of
NZUs in the ETS is thereby reduced. However this cancellation does not currently affect the
amount of emissions reported to the UNFCCC by the New Zealand Government, or the precise
definition of our emissions target under our UN commitments including New Zealand’s NDC. To
allow New Zealanders to strengthen our mitigation efforts, or to use these credits in voluntary
markets without “double counting” the Government would need to make an explicit
commitment to take credits off the national emissions budget for our international obligations.
However, this could make New Zealand into a target for generating credits for voluntary
international markets. This would need to be managed to avoid unwanted impacts on New
Zealand’s ETS.

6.7.2 Native Forestry Certification:

At present, there is no easy way to verify that a carbon credit comes from native forestry. While
this could be done by a private third party, the government is well placed to fix some issues that
make this harder (e.g. we have heard that PFSI labels in the ETS registry do not always stay with
credits when they are traded).88 This certification could potentially be reserved for permanent
forest sinks by limiting it to PFSI participants. It would also allow the market to decide if there
should be any premium for these credits. This should be easy to do – in the current registry
there are credits tagged to certain projects. It would give companies a way to certify that their
offsets come from native forestry.

88 Interview with Ollie Belton

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Barton, Ian. 2008. “Continuous Cover Forestry: A Handbook for the Management of New Zealand Forests
by Ian Barton,” Tane’s Tree Trust. http://www.tanestrees.org.nz/resource-centre/publications/.
Barton, Ian, and Gerard Horgan. 1980. “Kauri Forestry in New Zealand: A Protagonists’ View,” New
Zealand Journal of Forestry, 25:2, pp. 199–216.
Bennett, Paula. 2016. “ETS One-for-Two Subsidy to Be Phased Out.” Media Release 26 May 2016.
Wellington: New Zealand Government. https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/ets-one-two-subsidy-be-
Bergin, David. 2012a. “Objectives and Strategies for Planting,” Tane’s Tree Trust, May.
———. 2012b. “Options for Establishing Native Trees,” Tane’s Tree Trust, May.
Bergin, David, and Luis Gea. 2007. “Native Trees – Establishment and Early Management for Wood
Production.” New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin.
Carver, Thomas, and Kerr, Suzi. Forthcoming. “Native Planted Forestry in the ETS,” Motu Economic And
Public Policy Research.
Daigneault, Adam, Florian Eppink, and William Lee. 2016. “A National Riparian Restoration Programme in
New Zealand: Is It Value for Money?” Journal of Environmental Management 187 (November), pp. 166–
Dairy NZ. 2016. “Water Accord: Two Years On,”
Davis, Murray, Grant Douglas, Nick Ledgard, David Palmer, Bhubaneswor Dhakal, Thomas Paul, David
Bergin, Barbara Hock, and Ian Barton. 2009. “Establishing Indigenous Forest on Erosion-Prone
Grassland: Land Areas, Establishment Methods, Costs and Carbon Benefits,” Scion.
Environment Canterbury. 2011. “Riparian Planting: A Guide to the Protection of Canterbury’s Rivers,
Streams and Wetlands,” ecan.govt.nz/publications/General/RiparianZonesWetlandsE0470.pdf.
Hall, David. 2016. “Our Forest Future,” Pure Advantage.
Karpas, Eric, and Suzi Kerr. 2011. “Preliminary Evidence on Responses to the New Zealand Forestry
Emissions Trading System,” Motu Working Paper 11–09. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research
Trust, Wellington, New Zealand. Available online at:
Kerr, Suzi, Tom Carver, and Patrick Dawson. Forthcoming. “Including Forestry in an Emissions Trading
System: Lessons from New Zealand.” Motu Manuscript. Wellington, New Zealand: Motu Economic and
Public Policy Research Trust, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kerr, Suzi, and Andrew Sweet. 2008. “Inclusion of Agriculture in a Domestic Emissions Trading Scheme:
New Zealand’s Experience to Date.” Farm Policy Journa,l 5:4, pp. 43–53.
Kimberley, Mark, David Bergin, and Peter Beets. 2014. “Carbon Sequestration by Planted Native Trees and
Shrubs,” Tane’s Tree Trust.
Leining, Catherine. 2016a. “A Timeline of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme,” Motu Economic and Public
Policy Research Trust, Wellington. New Zealand Available online at: http://motu.nz/our-
———. 2016b. “Time Travelling on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme,” Motu Economic and
Public Policy Research Trust, Wellington. New Zealand Available online at: http://motu.nz/our-

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Leining, Catherine, and Suzi Kerr. 2016. “Lessons Learned from the New Zealand Emissions Trading
Scheme,” Motu Working Paper 16-06. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust, Wellington,
New Zealand. Available online at: http://motu-www.motu.org.nz/wpapers/16_06.pdf.
Meduna, Veronika. 2016. “New Offset Options for New Zealand,” Report for Air New Zealand. Motu
Economic and Public Policy Research Trust, Wellington, New Zealand.
Ministry for Primary Industries. 2015a. “Guide to the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative,” Wellington:
Ministry for Primary Industries. http://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-
———. 2015b. A Guide to Look-Up Tables for Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme, Wellington:
Ministry for Primary Industries. https://mpi.govt.nz/document-vault/4762.
———. 2016a. “A Guide to the Afforestation Grant Scheme,” Wellington: Ministry for Primary Industries.
———. 2016b. “OIA16-0176: Forestry ETS Data,” Response to an OIA request made by Motu. Wellington:
Ministry for Primary Industries. http://motu.nz/our-work/environment-and-resources/emission-
Ministry for the Environment. 2015. “New Zealand’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990–2013,” Wellington:
Ministry for the Environment. http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate-change/new-zealands-
———. 2016. “Next Steps for Fresh Water: Consultation Document,” Wellington: Ministry for the
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2009. A Guide to Mapping Forest Land for the Emissions Trading
Scheme, Wellington: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. ⬚http://www.maf.govt.nz/news-
———. 2010. “A Guide to Classifying Land for Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme,” Wellington:
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/document-vault/4759.
New Zealand Government. 2015. “New Zealand Submission to the ADP: New Zealand’s Intended
Nationally Determined Contribution,” Wellington: New Zealand Government.
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Business. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10855149.
Ngapuhi. 2007. “Maori Cultural Values in Far North Landscapes,” Ngapuhi.
Ormsby, Judd, and Suzi Kerr. 2015. “The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme de-Link from Kyoto:
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Shepherd, James D., Anne M. Sutherland, Ian Payton, Suzi Kerr, Wei Zhang, and William Power. 2008.
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LC809/033. Landcare Research. http://motu.nz/our-work/environment-and-resources/lurnz/nature-
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Simmons, Geoff, and Paul Young. 2016. “Climate Cheats: How New Zealand Is Cheating on Our Climate
Change Commitments, and What We Can Do to Set It Right,” New Zealand: The Morgan Foundation.
Steward, Greg. 2012. “Kauri Makes Economic Return,” Scion.
Steward, Greg, and Mark Kimberley. 2002. “Heartwood Content in Planted and Natural Second-Growth
New Zealand Kauri,” New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 32: 2, pp. 181–94.
Steward, Greg, Mark Kimberley, Euan Mason, and Heidi Dungey. 2014. “Growth and Productivity of New
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Steward, Greg, and Russell Mckinley. 2005. “Plantation-Grown New Zealand Kauri: A Preliminary Study of
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Trotter, Craig, Kevin Tate, Neal Scott, Jacqueline Townsend, Hugh Wilde, Suzanne Lambie, Mike Marden,
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Indigenous Shrublands: The Potential for Kyoto Forest Sinks,” Annals of Forest Science, 62: 8, pp. 865–
UNFCCC. 2002. “Report of the Conference of the Parties on Its Seventh Session, Held at Marrakesh. Part
Two: Action Taken by the Conference of the Parties.”

Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Recent Motu Working Papers

All papers in the Motu Working Paper Series are available on our website www.motu.nz, or by
contacting us on info@motu.org.nz or +64 4 939 4250.
16-22 Fabling, Richard and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Picking up Speed: Does Ultrafast Broadband Increase
Firm Productivity?”
16-21 Maré, David C. 2016. “Urban Productivity Estimation with Heterogeneous Prices and Labour.”
16-20 Allan, Corey and Suzi Kerr. 2016. “Who’s Going Green? Decomposing the Change in Household
Consumption Emissions 2006-2012."
16-19 Hyslop, Dean and Wilbur Townsend. 2016. “Employment Misclassification in Survey and
Administrative Reports.”
16-18 Hyslop, Dean and Wilbur Townsend. 2016. “Earnings Dynamics and Measurement Error in Matched
Survey and Administrative Data.”
16-17 Hollis, Michele, Cecile de Klein, Dave Frame, Mike Harvey, Martin Manning, Andy Reisinger, Suzi
Kerr, and Anna Robinson. 2016. “Cows, Sheep and Science: A Scientific Perspective on Biological
Emissions from Agriculture.”
16-16 Kerr, Suzi. 2016. “Agricultural Emissions Mitigation in New Zealand: Answers to Questions from the
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.”
16-15 Timar, Levente. 2016. “Yield to Change: Modelling the Land-Use Response to Climate Driven
Changes in Pasture Production.”
16-14 Chappell, Nathan and Adam B Jaffe. 2016. “Intangible Investment and Firm Performance.”
16-13 Kerr, Suzi and Judd Ormsby. 2016. “The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme De-link from
Kyoto: Impacts on Banking and Prices.”
16-12 Carver, Tom and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Income or Consumption: Which Better Predicts Subjective
16-11 Apatov, Eyal and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Higher Education Institutions and Regional Growth: the
Case of New Zealand.”
16-10 Chappell, Nathan and Isabelle Sin. 2016. “The Effect of Trial Periods in Employment on Firm Hiring
Behaviour” (also known as Treasury Working Paper 16/03).
16-09 Timar, Levente. 2016. “Does Money Grow on Trees? Mitigation under Climate Policy in a
Heterogeneous Sheep-Beef Sector.”
16-08 Jaffe, Adam, Trinh Le and Nathan Chappell. 2016. “Productivity Distribution and Drivers of
Productivity Growth in the Construction Industry.”
16-07 Fabling, Richard, Arthur Grimes and Levente Timar. 2016. “Labour Market Dynamics Following a
Regional Disaster.”
16-06 Leining, Catherine and Suzi Kerr. 2016. “Lessons Learned from the New Zealand Emissions Trading
16-05 Grimes, Arthur, Judd Omsby, Anna Robinson, Siu Yuat Wong. 2016. “Subjective Wellbeing Impacts of
National and Subnational Fiscal Policies.”
16-04 Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Arthur Grimes, Mark Holmes. 2016. “Two Countries, Sixteen Cities, Five
Thousand Kilometres: How Many Housing Markets?”
16-03 Fabling, Richard and Lynda Sanderson. 2016. “A Rough Guide to New Zealand’s Longitudinal
Business Database (2nd edition).”
16-02 MacCulloch, Robert. 2016 “Can “Happiness Data” Help Evaluate Economic Policies?”
Facilitating Carbon Offsets from Native Forests

Recent Motu Working Papers

All papers in the Motu Working Paper Series are available on our website www.motu.nz, or by
contacting us on info@motu.org.nz or +64 4 939 4250.
16-22 Fabling, Richard and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Picking up Speed: Does Ultrafast Broadband Increase
Firm Productivity?”
16-21 Maré, David C. 2016. “Urban Productivity Estimation with Heterogeneous Prices and Labour.”
16-20 Allan, Corey and Suzi Kerr. 2016. “Who’s Going Green? Decomposing the Change in Household
Consumption Emissions 2006-2012."
16-19 Hyslop, Dean and Wilbur Townsend. 2016. “Employment Misclassification in Survey and
Administrative Reports.”
16-18 Hyslop, Dean and Wilbur Townsend. 2016. “Earnings Dynamics and Measurement Error in Matched
Survey and Administrative Data.”
16-17 Hollis, Michele, Cecile de Klein, Dave Frame, Mike Harvey, Martin Manning, Andy Reisinger, Suzi
Kerr, and Anna Robinson. 2016. “Cows, Sheep and Science: A Scientific Perspective on Biological
Emissions from Agriculture.”
16-16 Kerr, Suzi. 2016. “Agricultural Emissions Mitigation in New Zealand: Answers to Questions from the
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.”
16-15 Timar, Levente. 2016. “Yield to Change: Modelling the Land-Use Response to Climate Driven
Changes in Pasture Production.”
16-14 Chappell, Nathan and Adam B Jaffe. 2016. “Intangible Investment and Firm Performance.”
16-13 Kerr, Suzi and Judd Ormsby. 2016. “The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme De-link from
Kyoto: Impacts on Banking and Prices.”
16-12 Carver, Tom and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Income or Consumption: Which Better Predicts Subjective
16-11 Apatov, Eyal and Arthur Grimes. 2016. “Higher Education Institutions and Regional Growth: the
Case of New Zealand.”
16-10 Chappell, Nathan and Isabelle Sin. 2016. “The Effect of Trial Periods in Employment on Firm Hiring
Behaviour” (also known as Treasury Working Paper 16/03).
16-09 Timar, Levente. 2016. “Does Money Grow on Trees? Mitigation under Climate Policy in a
Heterogeneous Sheep-Beef Sector.”
16-08 Jaffe, Adam, Trinh Le and Nathan Chappell. 2016. “Productivity Distribution and Drivers of
Productivity Growth in the Construction Industry.”
16-07 Fabling, Richard, Arthur Grimes and Levente Timar. 2016. “Labour Market Dynamics Following a
Regional Disaster.”
16-06 Leining, Catherine and Suzi Kerr. 2016. “Lessons Learned from the New Zealand Emissions Trading
16-05 Grimes, Arthur, Judd Omsby, Anna Robinson, Siu Yuat Wong. 2016. “Subjective Wellbeing Impacts of
National and Subnational Fiscal Policies.”
16-04 Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Arthur Grimes, Mark Holmes. 2016. “Two Countries, Sixteen Cities, Five
Thousand Kilometres: How Many Housing Markets?”
16-03 Fabling, Richard and Lynda Sanderson. 2016. “A Rough Guide to New Zealand’s Longitudinal
Business Database (2nd edition).”
16-02 MacCulloch, Robert. 2016 “Can “Happiness Data” Help Evaluate Economic Policies?”


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