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MCKS Karuna Wellness Centre

Introduction to Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui

Contributed by Master Choa Kok Sui
Saturday, 07 July 2007
Last Updated Wednesday, 11 July 2007

(From Miracles of Pranic Healing, 3rd Edition)

In ancient Chinese Medical Science, there are five levels of healing skills. The first is tuena. The healer uses his hands to
massage. This is also called acupressure. This is the first level. In the second level, the medical healer uses herbs,
sometimes animal products, and minerals to heal the patient. In the third level,the healer uses acupuncture and
moxibustion. In the fourth level, the healer practices acupuncture, with the projection of chi energy into the needles,
meridians, and internal organs. This is a higher level of healing skill which required additional years of training and
practice in ancient China.
The fifth level requires the highest healing skill, which is the projection of chi energy without the use of needles or
physical contact. The chi energy is projected at close range or at great distance, like from one continent to another
continent. In ancient China and India, the technique of projecting chi energy at close range or at a distance without
getting exhausted had been a closely guarded secret.

The projection of chi energy without physical contact is called Medical Chi Kung, and it is divided into two schools, the
Internal School and the External School. The Internal Medical Chi Kung School is the more popular one. It takes many
years of practice in order to develop substantial chi energy. The use of one's Internal chi energy in order to heal patients
is exhausting and tiring, and this is why the Chinese medical doctors are allowed to heal only two to three patients per
day using this method.

The External Medical Chi Kung School is the less popular school and is almost not known to the public. This school uses
chi energy from the air and from the earth, and directs it to the patient for healing. The External Medical Chi Kung School
is superior to the Internal School. The use of external medical chi kung is not exhausting nor tiring to the practitioner. A
good External Medical Chi Kung Master can heal as many as 20-30 patients per day.

According to Master Choa Kok Sui, the Internal Medical Chi Kung School and the External Medical Chi Kung School are
actually two sides of the same coin. In order to become a good healer using external chi, one must have a certain
amount of internal power, which fortunately most people possess. The greater one's internal chi power, the greater the
capacity to absorb and to project chi energy to the patient. Internal chi power can be developed through meditation. The
activation of the crown chakra or bai hui (meeting point for 100 paths) is very important. Therefore, it is highly
recommended to practice the Twin Hearts Meditation, since this is one of the fastest ways to activate the crown chakra.
Bai hui is the entry point of spiritual energy or tian chi (heaven energy). Without tian chi or spiritual energy it is not
possible to develop strong internal chi. Therefore, it is highly recommended to practice regularly the Twin Hearts

The practice of yogic physical and breathing exercises is very helpful since they will increase one's healing power. To
become even more powerful it is advisable to practice Arhatic Yoga or other higher meditations.

The External Medical Chi Kung as taught by Master Choa Kok Sui is very revolutionary. It is easy to learn and practice. It
also uses acupuncture points, but not the ordinary acupuncture points. It uses 11 major acupuncture points called to xue
lun (ta is translated as "big"; xue as "acupuncture point"; and lun, "spinning wheel"). It also uses semi-major acupuncture
points called xiao xue lun (xiao is translated as "small").

Since the students of External Medical Chi Kung do not have to learn hundreds of acupuncture points but, rather, have to
learn only a few major and semi-major acupuncture points, learning is faster and easier.

In ancient times there had been great scientific and cultural exchanges between China and India. In India, External
Medical Chi Kung is now called Pranic Healing. The major acupuncture points are called chakras, and the semi major
acupuncture points are called minor chakras. Master Choa Kok Sui has taught the External Medical Chi Kung School of
Healing to the West and to other parts of the world, under the name Pranic Healing. Pranic Healing in its existing form
has been painstakingly, systematically, and scientifically developed, revealed, and taught globally by Master Choa Kok
Sui. Hundreds of thousands of students have learned to do pranic healing, and millions of patients have been healed or

There is some degree of controversy as to whether there are seven chakras or more. Some ancient Indian books
mentioned seven chakras. Some modern authors also have written about seven chakras. Master Choa Kok Sui has
taught that there are 11 major chakras. Which is correct? Actually, both are correct, because in these ancient books, they
have never mentioned that there are only seven chakras. The key word is only. The problem is that the students or
readers assume that there are only seven chakras. This is an assumption without any basis.

In Bali, Indonesia there is one family that owns an ancient Sanskrit literature written on palm leaves that mentions the
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existence of other chakras besides the seven chakras. The kabbalistic system has 10 energy centers plus one hidden
center: a total of 11. The student must remember that truth is dynamic, not static. This is the basis behind progress. One
must be ready to discard lower truth for higher truth.

Pranic Healing is divided into different levels. In the first level the students are taught how to absorb air prana or chi
energy, and how to project it to the patients. They are also taught how to make their hands sensitive and how to scan or
feel the energy body of the patient. They learn how to cleanse, energize, and stabilize the projected chi energy, release
the projected energy, and cut the energy cord. Likewise, they learn how to make the patient more receptive in order to
accelerate the healing process. Other lessons include self healing, divine healing, and distant healing, especially how to
project pranic energy or chi energy at a great distance.

In level two the students are taught how to use different color pranas and chi energies in cleansing and energizing the
patient. This technique is much more powerful.

In level three the students are taught how to use color pranas or chi energies on psychological ailments. Treating
psychological ailments require more time and effort, and greater skill.

In level four the students are taught how to use crystals to focus chi energy or pranic energy to the patient.

Other higher levels of Pranic Healing are not taught to the public, but only to the author's closed senior students.

Pranic healing is simple, easy to learn, and very effective. It has spread throughout many parts of the world: the United
States, Canada, Central and Southern America, Asia, Western and Eastern Europe, like Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
Russia, and to other countries. To date, there are 11 pranic healing foundations in India.

May Pranic Healing open your mind to the world of subtle energy. Let Pranic Healing spread all over the world and help
alleviate the sufferings of mankind. So be it!


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