Bourbon Red
Bourbon Red Turkeys, also known as Kentucky Red
and Bourbon Butternut Turkeys, were developed in
Bourbon County Kentucky, US in the late 1800's.
They were developed by J. F. Barbee who crossbred
Buff, Bronze, and White Holland Turkeys.
Bronze Turkeys, also known as Cambridge Bronze
Turkeys, are domestic turkey whose plumage has an
iridescent bronze-like sheen.
Buff Turkeys, also known as Jersey Buff Turkeys,
are named for their buff-colored plumage,
Dindon de Sologne
Dindon de Sologne Turkeys (also known as the Black
Turkey of Sologne, Black Sologne,turkey
Sologne,orsolognot)are a medium-sized variety of
French Turkey with black plumage and blue-black
Dindon du Gers
Dindon du Gers, or the French Black Turkey, is a
large bird with black plumage with beautiful bronzer,
green, and brown tones on its back.
Ermellinato di Rovigo
Midget White
Midget White Turkeys are massively large black
bird. Just kidding, they actually are small and white,
of course. They are the smallest standard variety of
turkey, toms weight around 13 lbs and hens weight
8-10 lbs. Honestly they are only the size of a
Nero D Italia
Parma e Piacenza
Royal Palm
Royal Palm Turkeys are a breed of Turkey best
known as an ornamental bird with a unique
appearance, largely white with bands of metallic
Slate Turkey
Sologne Black
Looks very much like the Sologne Black although it
is more elegant. It is a vigorous turkey which carries
itself proudly. It is lively and fiery. Its plumage is
deep black with a metallic but not bronze highlight
(very light bronze is tolerated in the tail cover
feathers). Its black tarsus becomes clear even pink
with age. The male weighs 10 to 12 kg, the female 7
to 9 kg.
Tacchino Castano d Italia
White Holland