Psychological Well
Psychological Well
Psychological Well
Mohd Shahrul Kamaruddin, Fatahyah Yahya, Surena Sabil, Jamayah Saili & Salmah Mohd
Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development
University of Malaysia Sarawak
The human being is unique, according to the counselling philosophy. Human beings have a
variety of alternatives for self-preservation because of their uniqueness. Therefore, this study
will examine the difficulties clients face in obtaining counselling services as well as the steps
clients take to maintain their personal wellbeing. In this study qualitative research has been
carried out that involved 8 adults and employed clients in semi-structural interviews.
Thematic analysis techniques were used to analyse the data. Findings from this study showed
that perception and individual attitude were obstacles for adult clients seeking counselling
services. In addition, the practise of maintaining a relationship with God (the creator), a
healthy food balance, social response, discussing feelings, taking a brief break, and going to
counselling are all examples of maintaining personal well-being. In this regard, the
implications and recommendations of further studies on personal well-being challenges and
practices are also proposed.
Keywords: Counsellors, counselling, challenges and wellbeing
Humans are incredibly distinctive and complicated beings. It's challenging to comprehend
man because of his individuality. Counselling services are therefore the first priority when
people are dealing with psychological issues. Counsellors are in charge of assisting clients in
identifying the aims and potential remedies for any challenges or problems brought on by
psychological instability, enhancing self-concept, and promoting behavioural adjustments and
optimal mental health (American Counselling Association, 2016). However, as an ordinary
human being also does not run away from dealing with issues in life. The question is, as far
as each of those individuals will see a counsellor will seek counselling help?.
According to previous research, there are still few studies that support the availability of
counselling services for adult clients because most studies concentrate on psychological
difficulties or concerns that counsellors themselves encounter, such as burnout, stress, and
tension (Christopher, Kerne, Valerie Van Horn, Calfa, Nicolina, Lambert, Richard, Guzman
& Michele, 2010; Wardle & Mayorga, 2016). Numerous quantitative studies have used
questionnaires as their primary method of collection to examine people's perceptions,
attitudes, intentions, and desire to seek counselling (Chong Han Xi, 2018; Nur Jannah, 2014).
Since more studies were being conducted on both students and government employees, the
main focus of the study was looking at correlations between variables rather than just
conducting research on counsellors. In order to fill in the gaps in the current research and
provide a complete picture of the existing studies, this study was carried out utilising
qualitative methodologies on adult clients. Additionally, people are discouraged from seeking
counselling services due to impression or stigma (Drapalski, Lucksted, Perrin, Aakre, Brown,
DeForge, & Boyd, 2013). Corrigan (2004) asserts that self-perception and community
perception are the two sorts of perceptions most frequently to blame for the reluctance of
people in counselling services. While self-perception is a negative self-perception to seek
counsellor's help for counselling services. These perceptual effects can make individuals
reluctant to seek counsellors as well as appropriate treatment including loss of social interest
as well as low self-concept (Faizura Rohaizad, 2014).
As regular people, we also find it challenging to come up with our own ideas and opt to get
counselling instead. As a result, the client must seek counselling services (Kanga, 2017).
Additionally, studies have indicated that after doing treatment with various counsellors,
clients who are willing to seek counselling services are more driven (Kanga, 2017). As a
result, if the situation calls for it, we should seek counselling assistance just like regular
This study supports Ng Haw Kuen's (2015) finding that society has to improve its well-being
to prevent burnout issues brought on by high workplace stress. By adopting a transition in
counselling services, Mizan Adiliah (2016) also emphasised counselling as a strategy for the
development of the nation's need to professionally deliver services to everyone from school
pupils to adults.
The two main goals of this study are: 1) investigate client obstacles for counselling services
and 2) investigate adult client practises in maintaining personal well-being.
The design of this study is a qualitative approach in the form of phenomenology as this study
involves how the study participants gave meaning based on the events travelled in daily life.
A phenomenon may be an event, situation, experience or concept.
Study Participants
Eight working individuals who were adults were chosen as study subjects. For five to twenty-
five participants, a qualitative investigation was advised, according to Creswell (1998).
Morse (1994) believes that phenomenological studies need at least six good samples to be
representative of the study. The criteria that the researchers set were met by all study
participants. There were four male and four female participants. Four of the participants had a
master's degree, and the remaining four had a bachelors. The participants were also given
souvenirs in recognition of their willingness and cooperation. The following are the
demographics of the participants in this study as shown in table 1.
Table 1: Demographics of the participants
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