Future Artillery Market Report 2024 2028262fuhBnS2935qdJkfMKzFVLu2D9aj3Vb9nejtAo
Future Artillery Market Report 2024 2028262fuhBnS2935qdJkfMKzFVLu2D9aj3Vb9nejtAo
Future Artillery Market Report 2024 2028262fuhBnS2935qdJkfMKzFVLu2D9aj3Vb9nejtAo
REPORT 2024-2028
Table of Contents 2
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 4
Overall Trends 5
Finland 8
France 12
Germany 15
Lithuania 18
Netherlands 20
Norway 23
Poland 25
Romania 28
Sweden 30
UK 32
India 35
Indonesia 40
Malaysia 42
Pakistan 44
Singapore 46
South Korea 48
Egypt 50
Morocco 52
Nigeria 54
Brazil 56
U.S. 58
CTA - Call to Action 67
Bibliography 68
Table 1: Global: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 6
Table 2: Finland: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 8
Table 3: France: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 12
Table 4: Germany: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 15
Table 5: Lithuania: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 18
Table 6: Netherlands: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 20
Table 7: Norway: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 23
Table 8: Poland: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 25
Table 9: Romania: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 28
Table 10: Sweden: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 30
Table 11: UK: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 32
Table 12: India: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 35
Table 13: Indonesia: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 40
Table 14: Malaysia: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 42
Table 15: Pakistan: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 44
Table 16: Singapore: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 46
Table 17: South Korea: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 48
Table 18: Egypt: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 50
Table 19: Morocco: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 52
Table 20: Nigeria: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 54
Table 21: Brazil: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 56
Table 22: U.S.: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 58
Figure 2: Global: Artillery Market Share by Type, 2023-2028, % 7
Figure 3: Finland: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 9
Figure 4: France: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 12
Figure 5: Germany: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 16
Figure 6: Lithuania: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 18
Figure 7: Netherlands: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 20
Figure 8: Norway: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 23
Figure 9: Poland: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 26
Figure 10: Romania: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 28
Figure 11: Sweden: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 30
Figure 12: UK: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 32
Figure 13: India: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 36
Figure 14: Indonesia: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 40
Figure 15: Malaysia: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 42
Figure 16: Pakistan: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 44
Figure 17: Singapore: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 46
Figure 18: South Korea: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 48
Figure 19: Egypt: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 50
Figure 20: Morocco: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 52
Figure 21: Nigeria: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 54
Figure 22: Brazil: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 56
Figure 23: U.S.: Artillery Market, 2023-2028, US$ Millions 59
The global artillery systems market (selected countries) is expected to increase from
US$8.5 billion in 2023 to US$10.3 billion in 2028, at a CAGR of 3.9%. This growth is
mainly driven by the U.S., Poland, India, Germany, Romania, South Korea, Egypt, Finland,
Netherlands, and the UK, who are the top 10 spenders.
The major programmes include Poland’s procurement of 672 K9 howitzers and related
systems for US$10.2 billion, 18 HIMARS and related systems for US$10 billion and 288
K239 Chunmoo Rocket Launchers (WR-300 Homar programme) for US$3.6 billion;
the U.S.’ Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) - US$10.1 billion and Guided Multiple
Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) – US$7.4 billion; Romania’s procurement of 90 155mm
self-propelled howitzers for US$2.2 billion, and 18 HIMARS from Lockheed Martin for
US$1.5 billion; Germany’s replacement of the Indirect Fire Support Medium Range
Artillery system at a cost of around US$1.8 billion; and India’s procurement of K9 Vajra
self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) for US$1.4 billion and Advanced Towed Artillery Gun
Systems (ATAGS) for US$1 billion.
Lockheed Martin’s HIMARS, Hanwha Defense’s K9 Thunder and Nexter’s Ceasar are the
most popular artillery platforms globally. In fact, the combined spending on these three
platforms over the period 2023-2028 accounts for around 39% of the total market.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the proven efficacy of self-propelled and towed artillery
platforms in the conflict, is the market’s major growth driver. In fact, both Russia and
Ukraine are using more artillery ammunition than they can buy or manufacture, with a
recent BBC article estimating as many as 32,000-35,000 shells being used every day.
Therefore, the U.S. has announced plans to boost its production of artillery shells by as
much as 500% over the next two years, to not only make up for shortfalls caused by the
Ukraine war but also build stockpiles for future conflicts.
Other territorial disputes among some countries in Europe is yet another factor driving
the market for artillery systems. Moreover, the future augurs well for the procurement
of artillery systems owing to the fast-changing nature of the modern battlefield which is
expected to feature high intensity and high tempo warfare and greater use of precision
weapons to minimise collateral damage.
Gun/tube type artillery 3,570.6 3,618.9 4,385.4 4,833.4 4,457.4 4,413.6 25,279.1
US$ 8,464 US$ 9,667 US$ 11,976 US$ 12,730 US$ 11,663 US$ 10,262
Even though Finland has one of the smallest armies in the Finland’s major artillery programmes include Guided
world, it makes up for it with its strong logistical systems Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) and related
and mine warfare and artillery capabilities. Finland has one equipment from Lockheed Martin for US$535 million,
of the biggest artillery forces in Europe with around 1,500 the upgrade of existing M270A2 Multiple Launch Rocket
operational systems estimated in 2022. Moreover, its 800- Systems (MLRS), 91 used and new K9 Thunder Howitzers
mile border with Russia and lack of NATO’s membership from South Korea for US$329 million, 155 mm artillery
means that it always needs to augment its force projection ammunition from Nammo Lapua Oy for US$110 million,
capabilities. As such the country is undertaking various an undisclosed number of Extended Range GMLRS -
artillery procurements from international suppliers such as Alternative Warhead and ER GMLRS - Unitary (ER GMLRS-U)
Hanwha Techwin, Elbit Systems, and Lockheed Martin. It also rockets from Lockheed Martin for US$79 million, 122-mm
manufactures 155 mm projectile shells, hollow charges, and Long-Range Rockets from Elbit Systems for US$75 million,
target acquisition systems through local companies Nammo and target acquisition systems from Senop for US$33
Lapua Oy and Senop. million. Cumulatively, the Finnish artillery systems market is
expected to value US$1.5 billion over the period 2023-2028.
US$ 258 US$ 302 US$ 320 US$ 215 US$ 219 US$ 215
Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) and were originally manufactured in the Czech Republic, known
Related Equipment as Czechoslovakia at the time, under the designation RM-70.
In November 2022, the U.S. State Department approved the 36 of them were acquired by Finland in 1991 from former
sale of various Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems East German stocks, of which 34 pieces are estimated to be
(GMLRS) and related equipment to Finland. The US$535 still in use. The wheeled RAKH 89 M1 system has 40 pieces
million contract expected to be awarded to Lockheed of 122mm tubes, with an original range of around 20 km. The
Martin Corp, Missile and Fire Control, will include 150 M30A1 new long-range rockets however are expected to increase
GMLRS-AW or M30A2-AW Missile Pods with an Insensitive this to over 30 km. Final deliveries are expected to take
Munitions Propulsion System (IMPS), or a combination place in 2025.
of the two and 250 M31A1 GMLRS Unitary (GMLRS-U)
Warhead (Steel Case), or M31A2 GMLRS-U IMPS, or again, 155 mm Artillery Ammunition
a combination of the two. This procurement is critical to In March 2023, the Finnish Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Finland’s national security, especially given the volatile announced the procurement of an unspecified number of
security environment in Europe caused by Russia’s invasion 155 mm artillery ammunition from domestic manufacturer
of Ukraine. According to the latest updates, the official Nammo Lapua Oy. According to the country’s defence
contract has not been awarded yet, but is expected to go minister Antti Kaikonen, this US$110 million purchase will
through early in 2024. expand the current stockpile of 155 mm artillery shells of the
Finnish Defence Forces, improve “security of supply”, and
K-9 Thunder Howitzers (New and Used) allow the industry to increase the production capacity of
In 2017, the Finnish Ministry of Defence (MoD) procured 48 ammunition production. Final deliveries are expected to take
used K-9 Thunder howitzers that were in service with the place no later than 2026.
South Korean army. The US$157 million contract included
training, spare parts, and maintenance schedules, along with M270A2 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) – Upgrade
an option to procure five more. These systems will replace In August 2023, the U.S. State Department approved a
the country’s ageing artillery systems that are expected to Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Finnish Government, for
be decommissioned in the next decade and more. The first the upgrade of an unspecified number of M270A2 Multiple
consignment was delivered at the Finnish port of Vuosaari Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) and related equipment.
(Helsinki), in February 2018. Deliveries of all 48 systems are The US$395 million programme includes the upgrade of
expected to be completed in 2024. In October 2021, Finland intercom systems, radio communication mounts, machine
exercised its option to purchase an additional five new K9 gun mounts, battle management system vehicle integration
155 mm self-propelled howitzers for a total consideration kits, publications for MLRS, spares, services, support
of US$35 million, with deliveries expected to be completed equipment, and other related elements of the programme
by 2025. Then in November 2022, the government decided and logistics support. The U.S.’ approval is in line with its
to purchase 38 additional used systems at a cost of around foreign policy and national security strategy, which also aims
US$137 million to further boost the army’s firepower and to enhance the security of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
existing strike capabilities. These systems are also expected (NATO) allies. This programme will also augment Finland’s
to be delivered latest by 2025-2026. interoperability with the U.S and other allied forces. The
principal contractors include Lockheed Martin, Chelton,
Extended Range GMLRS - Alternative Warhead and ER Leonardo DRS, and Loc Performance Products.
GMLRS - Unitary (ER GMLRS-U) Rockets
In February 2022, the Finnish MoD gave the approval to Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions –
purchase ammunition for its 22 Guided Multiple Launch Industrial Engineering Services
Rocket Systems (GMLRS) manufactured by Lockheed Martin. In November 2023, the U.S. DoD awarded a US$199.2
This US$79 million deal will include Extended Range GMLRS million contract to Lockheed Martin, to provide industrial
- Alternative Warhead (ER GMLRS-AW) and ER GMLRS - engineering services for the U.S.’ and Finland’s Multiple
Unitary (ER GMLRS-U) rockets, both with a range of over 150 Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions programmes.
kilometres. Deliveries are expected to start in 2025. The company emerged as a sole bidder for this program,
with the work expected to be carried out across various
122 mm Long-Range Rockets states including Texas, New Mexico, Alabama, Arkansas,
In December 2022, the Finnish MoD announced that it had Pennsylvania, Florida, Vermont, New Jersey, Arizona, and
signed a US$74 million contract to purchase an undisclosed Mississippi. The contract is scheduled for completion by
number of 122 mm long-range rockets for its light RAKH 89 November 2028, with Finland spending around US$80
M1 (RM-70/85) rocket launchers. These artillery systems million.
France is one of the major manufacturers of artillery systems in Europe with its flagship Ceasar 155mm MK series SPH
developed by Nexter. It is expected to buy 18 MK1 systems for US$100 million, and 109 MK2 systems for US$650 million,
with around US$536 million expected to be spent over the forecast period. Additionally, the country has set up a US$217
million fund for arms transfers to Ukraine, out of which around US$66 million is expected to be spent on the procurement
and delivery of 12 MK1 SPHs to the embattled nation. Other programmes include 155mm shells for US$10 million, and the
procurement of loitering munitions under the Larinae and Colibri programmes. Cumulatively, the French artillery systems
market is expected to value US$606 million over the period 2023-2028.
Gun/tube type artillery 120.0 136.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 546.0
Caesar 155mm MK1 Artillery Systems
In August 2022, the French Ministry of the Armed Forces signed a contract with Nexter for the procurement of 18 Caesar Mk1
artillery systems. The systems are being manufactured jointly by Nexter and the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA). In
January 2023, France placed an order for 12 additional units which will be transferred to Ukraine. Interestingly, in response
to the current war, Nexter has tripled the monthly production of the CEASAR howitzers, as compared to February 2022. The
company can now manufacture four to six artillery systems a month, and this is expected to increase to eight by 2024. The
Ceasar MK1 is a 155mm 52-calibre self-propelled gun and one of the lightest platforms in its class. A total of US$166 million
is expected to be spent on these procurements over the forecast period with deliveries expected to be completed in 2024.
Caesar 155mm MK2 Artillery Systems to make the loitering munition immune to jamming (Traak).
In February 2022, the French DGA contracted Nexter to It is expected to have a minimum range of 80km, and an
develop and procure a new generation of the Nexter endurance of three hours. It will also be integrated with an
SPH called the Caesar 6×6 Mark 2 New Generation (NG) electro-optic (EO) system with target detection capabilities
or the Caesar 155mm MK2. The US$650 million contract of 15 km in daylight and 3 km at night. First demonstrations
included development and testing till 2025 and follow-on of the newly developed loitering munition are expected
procurement thereafter. According to company sources, in to take place in 2024, with final deliveries expected to
2024, the DGA is expected to exercise one of two options: take place in 2024. The total programme value has been
either to develop 109 completely new Ceasar MK2 platforms estimated at around US$15 million.
or 33 new ones and upgrade 76 of the existing Ceasar MK1s
to the MK2 version. A total of US$395 million is expected to Colibri – Loitering Munition
be spent on this programme over the forecast period. Even The French Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) and
though the new version has the same configuration of the the Agence de l’innovation de défense (AID) launched
artillery system, Nexter is adding a level 2 mine and ballistic the Colibri project in May 2022 to develop an indigenous,
armoured cabin, resistant to improvised explosive devices low-cost loitering munition, for use by the country’s armed
and small-calibre ammunition, a new 460 HP engine, a new forces. The system is expected to be able to detect and
automatic gearbox, a new chassis, and advanced fire control destroy personnel and soft-skinned vehicles at a range of
software. up to 5 km, with an endurance of 30 minutes. Nexter’s Dard
has been selected as the preferred platform for this project,
Larinae - Medium-Range, Remotely Operated Munition with a yet unnamed French unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
In June 2023, the French defence innovation agency - manufacturer, expected to take part as well. It consists of a
Agence de l’Innovation de Défense (AID), awarded a contract flying wing design that can be fitted with an approximately
to Nexter Arrowtech, EOS Technologie, and Traak, to 500 g, controlled fragmentation warhead. The system can
produce a medium-range loitering munition, armed with an also be configured to fly without the warhead, in which case
anti-tank warhead. Developed under the Larinae program, it can be used to conduct surveillance and reconnaissance
the system features an inverted gull wing design (EOS missions only. The total programme value has been
Technologie), an explosively formed penetrator (Nexter), and estimated at US$15 million with final deliveries expected to
a Global Positioning System (GPS) denied navigation system take place in 2025.
Germany is one of the most important markets for artillery for around US$560 million, DM121 high-explosive shells
systems in Europe, both in terms of procurement and from Rheinmetall for US$138 million, long-range loitering
production. The PzH2000 SPH, MARS GMLRS and RCH-155 munitions from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for US$75
manufactured by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and the million, five ZUZANA-2 Wheeled Tank Howitzers for US$31
HX3 10x10 tactical trucks artillery systems manufactured million, and Precise and Universal Launching Systems
by Rheinmetall, are the most popular systems in the (PULS) from Elbit Systems for US$27 million.
international market.
The German artillery systems market is expected to increase
The major procurement programme for the Bundeswehr is from US$337 million in 2023 to US$753 million in 2023, at
the replacement of the Indirect Fire Support Medium Range a CAGR of 17.4%. Gun/tube type artillery systems are the
Artillery system at a cost of around US$1.8 billion. Other leading segment in Germany by far with a market value of
procurements include that of 155mm artillery ammunition US$3.4 billion over the forecast period, followed by Rockets
from Rheinmetall for US$1.3 billion, 28 PzH2000 SPHs – US$227 million, and loitering munitions– US$75 million.
Gun/tube type artillery 300.0 467.0 568.0 685.0 715.0 705.0 3,440.0
US$ 527
US$ 337
Indirect Fire Support Medium Range Artillery Replacement ZUZANA-2 Self-Propelled Wheeled Tank Howitzers
The German army’s main and most advanced artillery On October 2nd, 2022 Germany, Norway and Denmark
platform is the PzH 2000 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer. announced their decision to jointly purchase 16 ZUZANA-2
The Bundeswehr currently has around 119 of these systems, self-propelled wheeled tank howitzers from Slovakia, to
out of which around 40 are estimated to be operational. subsequently send to Ukraine. The deal has an estimated
Even though they are expected to remain in service for value of US$90 million with the three countries sharing it
another 15 to 20 years, the government has already started equally. Production of the howitzers will start in Slovakia,
looking for a wheeled replacement. According to an with deliveries expected sometime in 2023-2024. These
anonymous German defence official, this replacement is systems are in addition to the eight ZUZANA-2’s already
expected to be based on the Boxer platform, owing to it delivered to Ukraine by Slovakia, as part of a deal signed in
being readily available and the Government’s desire to field June 2022.
the systems latest by 2029. Even though the terms of this
155mm Artillery Ammunition and DM121 High-Explosive
deal haven’t been disclosed, we estimate the procurement
to cost around US$1.8 billion, with approximately US$1.5
million being spent over the period 2024-2028. In May 2023, In July 2023, the German Bundeswehr, through the Federal
Rheinmetall and Elbit test-fired a new 155mm wheeled Office for Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology
howitzer system, which is designed to integrate the L60 and In-Service Support (BAAINBw), awarded two contracts
gun in the future. The contract for the selected platform is to Rheinmetall for the supply of an unspecified number
expected to be awarded in 2024. of 155mm artillery ammunition and DM121 high-explosive
shells. The procurement of the artillery ammunition is
Panzerhaubitze (PzH) 2000 155 mm Self-Propelled expected to cost around US$1.3 billion with deliveries
Howitzers (SPHs) culminating in 2029. The DM121 high-explosive shells will be
delivered latest by 2026 at a total cost of US$138 million.
In March 2023, Germany’s Federal Office of Bundeswehr
Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support,
Unitary Guided Missiles for the Guided Multiple Launch
awarded a contract to domestic company Krauss-Maffei
Rocket System (GMLRS)
Wegmann (KMW) for 10 new Panzerhaubitze (PzH) 2000 155
mm self-propelled howitzers (SPHs). This includes an option In July 2021, the Bundeswehr announced that it will procure
for 18 additional systems that will be delivered in three 1,818 unitary guided missiles for its inventory of Guided
batches of six each. The 10 systems worth US$200 million Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) for around
are expected to be delivered latest by 2026. The option for US$239 million. Each GMLRS rocket is integrated into an
the 18 additional ones is expected to trigger immediately MLRS launch pod and is launched from the HIMARS or M270
after, with all SPHs being delivered by 2029, at a cost of family of launchers. Currently, both GMLRS variants “Unitary
around US$360 million. The Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzer and SMArt” are supported by the MARS II Fire Control
can hit targets at a distance of 30 kilometres with standard System.
ammunition and a distance of up to 100 kilometres with
advanced ammunition.
Lithuania is fast emerging as an important defence market in Europe as the government looks to boost national security in
the wake of the declining security situation in the region. The country’s artillery systems market is expected to cumulatively
value US$622 million over the forecast period. The programmes driving this expenditure include the procurement of 44
M142 HIMARS Artillery and M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) from Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire
Control for US$495 million, 18 Caesar 155mm MK2 artillery systems from Nexter for US$159 million, and Switchblade 600
drones from AeroVironment for US$48 million.
US$ 50
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
M142 HIMARS Artillery and M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS)
In December 2022, Lithuania signed a contract with the U.S. government to procure as many as eight M142 High Mobility
Artillery Rocket Systems. The US$495 million programme includes the acquisition of 36 M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch
Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) Missile Pods with Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System (IMPS); 36
M31A2 GMLRS Unitary High Explosive (HE) Missile Pods; 36 XM403 Extended Range GMLRS-AW Missile Pods with IMPS; 36
XM404 Extended Range GMLRS Unitary Pods with IMPS; and 18 M57 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) Missile Pods.
Also, part of the deal are M28A2 Low Cost Reduced Range Practice Rocket (LCRRPR) pods; International Field Artillery
Tactical Data System (IFATDS); battle management system Vehicle Integration Kits; ruggedised laptops; training equipment
publications for HIMARS and munitions; and other related elements of programme and logistics support. Final deliveries are
expected in 2026.
After many years of declining military spending, the Dutch military announced a sudden increase in capital spending over
the next few years. This policy turnaround was triggered mainly by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resultant security
threat in the region. The country’s artillery market is expected to benefit from this with procurements including 20 PULS
artillery systems for US$305 million, precision guided artillery ammunitions for US$300 million, and the prototype testing of
PZH2000 self-propelled howitzer for US$50 million. The Dutch market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value
US$1.3 billion over the forecast period.
Gun/tube type artillery 150.0 180.0 193.0 215.0 33.0 34.0 805.0
US$ 228
US$ 193
PZH2000 Self-Propelled Howitzer – Upgrade solution, supporting the firing of both free-flying rockets and
In December 2020, Germany and the Netherlands entered precision-guided rockets and missiles, ranging from 12km to
into an agreement for a joint mid-life upgrade of their 300km.
155mm PzH 2000 howitzers. The objective of this project is The Netherlands Army is scheduled to receive the PULS
to address component ageing and ensure the continued artillery systems by 2028.
operational capability of the self-propelled howitzers until
the 2040s. Precision Guided Artillery Shells
As per the Defence Acquisition Plan unveiled in April
The PzH 2000 is a 155mm self-propelled howitzer originally
2023, the Netherlands Ministry of Defence has initiated
developed by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and
a programme to procure additional ammunition worth
Rheinmetall in the 1980s and 1990s for the German Army.
approximately US$1.64 billion. This ammunition includes
The Netherlands procured around 57 units in 2002, out of
missiles, rockets, precision-guided artillery shells,
which around 51 units are in inventory excluding eight units
conventional artillery, and small arms ammunition. The
sent to Ukraine.
objective of this plan is to replenish and restore the
A prototype is currently under construction for both country’s ammunition stocks by 2031.
countries and is expected to be ready for testing by 2025.
It is estimated that approximately US$300 million will be
The Dutch fleet of howitzers is anticipated to undergo
dedicated to the procurement of precision-guided artillery
upgrades by the end of 2028, at an estimated budget
munitions by 2031, out of which around US$190 million is
of US$50 million. The overhaul will encompass a new
projected to be spent between 2023 and 2028.
electronic architecture, an upgraded climate system and
energy supply, as well as improvements in driver vision.
AN/DAS-4 Multi-Spectral Targeting Systems
PULS Artillery Rocket Systems In June 2023, the Netherlands received approval from the
U.S. State Department for a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to
Elbit Systems was awarded a contract worth US$305 million
acquire up to eight AN/DAS-4 Multi-Spectral Targeting
in May 2023 to supply the Precise & Universal Launching
Systems. This sale is part of a larger agreement that includes
System (PULS) artillery rocket systems to the Royal
up to four MQ-9A Block 5 aircraft, three UAV MQ-9 Mobile
Netherlands Army. This contract is part of a broader military
Ground Control Systems (MGCS), and 20 Lynx AN/APY-8
cooperation agreement between the Israeli and Dutch
Synthetic Aperture Radars.
defence ministries.
Developed by Raytheon, the AN/DAS-4 Multi-Spectral
Under the terms of the contract, Elbit Systems will deliver
Targeting System (MTS) is a sensor package combining
20 PULS artillery rocket systems integrated on a selected
electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR), laser designation, and laser
truck platform, along with rockets and missiles of various
illumination capabilities. It is designed to provide detailed
ranges. Additionally, it will also provide associated training
intelligence data from both the visual and infrared spectrum,
and support services.
supporting various military, civilian, and allied missions
The PULS system is designed with an open architecture worldwide. The Netherlands is estimated to allocate
approach, enabling future expansion, integration with legacy approximately US$10 million for the procurement of these
C4i solutions, and customization to meet specific customer target acquisition technologies, with deliveries expected to
requirements. It offers a comprehensive and cost-effective be completed by 2025.
The Norwegian market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$568 million over the forecast period. The
country’s major programmes include the procurement of artillery ammunition (40/60/90 km) for the 155 self-propelled
howitzers for US$466 million, long range precision weapon systems for the Army for US$233 million, five ZUZANA-2 self-
propelled wheeled tank howitzers from Konstrukta Defence for US$30 million, and four K9 Thunder 155mm systems from
Hanwha Defense for US$28 million.
Gun/tube type artillery 20.0 28.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 105.0 403.0
US$ 165
US$ 145
US$ 130
US$ 80
US$ 28
US$ 20
K9 Thunder 155mm
In November 2022, the Norwegian Defence Material Agency (NDMA) contracted South Korean defence manufacturer
Hanwha Defense to procure four K9 self-propelled howitzers. This would take Norway’s total number of K9s to 28. Even
though the value of the deal wasn’t disclosed, it is estimated to be around US$28 million, with deliveries culminating in
2024. This acquisition is an extension of Norway’s 2017 contract to procure 24 similar systems for around US$215.2 million,
deliveries for which were completed in 2021.
Long Range Precision Weapon System ZUZANA-2 Self-Propelled Wheeled Tank Howitzers
The Norwegian Army has outlined the procurement of a In October 2022, Norway, along with Germany and Denmark,
long-range precision weapon system as part of its future decided to jointly procure 16 ZUZANA-2 self-propelled
acquisitions strategy. Procurement is scheduled to take wheeled tank howitzers from Slovakian company Konstrukta
place between 2026-2028. While selecting the vendor, the Defence, to provide emergency support to Ukrainian
government will ensure that the weapon system has a range forces. All three nations agreed to fund the US$90 million
exceeding that of existing army systems. The programme is procurement equally, with the production of these systems
expected to cost around US$233 million with around US$165 taking place in Dubnica nad Váhom near the Czech border.
million being spent during the forecast period. On August 1, 2023, the first two systems were delivered to
Ukraine with all 16 expected to be delivered by 2024.
Artillery Ammunition (40/60/90 km) for the 155 System
The Army has also requested a significant number of artillery
ammunition for its K9 Thunder howitzers. The ammunition
should be able to hit targets at distances of 40km, 60km and
90km. The total programme is expected to value US$355
million, between 2025-2028. One such contract was signed
in December 2022 with local company Nammo to supply the
Armed Forces with 155mm NM269 artillery rounds for the
next several years. These munitions have a range of over 40
Poland is the largest market for artillery systems in for US$10.2 billion, 18 HIMARS and related systems from
Europe, as it ramps up weapons imports following Russia’s the U.S. for US$10 billion and 288 K239 Chunmoo Rocket
invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s ‘special military operation’ has Launchers (WR-300 Homar programme) for US$3.6 billion.
heightened security fears among many former eastern block Additionally, the country is procuring 48 Krab 155mm SPHs
nations and Poland has responded to this by increasing its
from local manufacturer Huta Stalowa Wola for US$800
defence budget to 2.4% of GDP in 2022, further raising it to
3.9% in 2023, and has plans to increase it to 4.2% of GDP in
Rockets is the largest segment in the Polish artillery market
The Polish market is expected to increase from US$2.0 with a cumulative value of US$10.3 billion over the forecast
billion in 2023 to as much as US$3.1 billion in 2028 at a CAGR period followed by gun/tube type artillery – US$9.7 billion.
of 9.7%. This exponential growth is due to the procurement Cumulatively, the Polish artillery systems market is expected
of 672 K9 howitzers and related systems from South Korea to value US$20.0 billion over the period 2023-2028.
Gun/tube type artillery 745.0 1,390.0 2,310.0 2,330.0 1,825.0 1,100.0 9,700.0
US$ 1,954
K9 Howitzers K239 Chunmoo Rocket Launchers (WR-300 Homar
Poland is undertaking a programme to procure more than programme)
650 units of 155 mm self-propelled howitzers (SPHs). On the Poland contracted South Korean defence manufacturer
26th of August 2022, Poland signed a US$2.4 billion contract Hanwha Defense to procure 288 K239 Chunmoo multiple
with Hanwha Defense to procure around 212 K9 155mm rocket launchers, in October 2022. According to the
SPHs including artillery rounds, training, and logistics agreement terms, the first batch of 18 systems are to be
support. Out of these, 48 are expected to be delivered as delivered to the Polish Army’s 18th Mechanised Division,
K9A1s built in the Republic of Korea Army configuration, sometime in 2023, with final deliveries expected around
while the remaining will be K9PLs, made to Polish 2028-2029. The US$3.6 billion contract is a result of
specifications. Even though the K9PL is built on the K9A1 Lockheed Martin’s inability to guarantee the delivery of 500
platform, it features improvements in automatic fire control, M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), as
driver night vision periscopes, and auxiliary power units. The per a previous letter of interest signed between the two
delivery of the former is expected to be completed in 2023 countries in May 2021. Poland is now expected to integrate
while that of the latter by 2026. both the Chunmoo and HIMARS systems into its armed
forces. In addition to the launchers, the deal also includes an
Further, in December 2023, Warsaw put forward a second
undisclosed number of precision strike missiles (70 kms) and
order worth US$2.6 billion for an additional 152 units that
tactical missiles (300 kms).
include six K9A1 and 146 K9PL variants. These SPHs are
scheduled to be delivered between the years 2025 to 2027.
Krab 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers
It is estimated that Poland will spend around US$10.2 billion
to procure 672 K9 SPHs by 2029. A total of US$8.9 billion will In September 2022, Poland awarded a contract to
be spent during the forecast period. indigenous defence manufacturer Huta Stalowa Wola,
for the development and acquisition of 48 Krab 155mm
M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and self-propelled howitzers and associated equipment. The
other Equipment US$800 million deal also includes 22 command vehicles, 12
ammunition support vehicles, and two mobile workshops for
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Eastern European
weapons repair. All systems are expected to be delivered
nations are rushing to shore up their artillery inventories
between 2025 and 2027.
and the Lockheed Martin made HIMARS has emerged as
one of the most popular systems worldwide. In January
2023, the U.S. State Department approved the sale of 18
HIMARS to Poland in a deal that could value as much as
US$10 billion. It will also include the procurement of 45 M57
Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), 532 XM403 Guided
Multiple Launch Rocket System Extended Range Alternative
Warheads (GMLRS-AW), 461 M30A2 GMLRS-AW pods and
521 M31A2 GMLRS Unitary weapons, each equipped with the
Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System. Interestingly, the
U.S. has barred Poland from transferring any of the ATACMS
to Ukraine without prior approval.
According to Thierry Breton, Commissioner at the European Commission’s Internal Market, Romania is starting to play a
larger role in the European defence market, both in terms of local production and foreign procurements. The country’s
artillery systems market is expected to cumulatively value US$2.5 billion over the forecast period. The two programmes
driving the market over the forecast period include the acquisition of 90 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers (SPHs) from a yet
unnamed supplier for around US$2.2 billion, and 18 HIMARS systems from Lockheed Martin for US$1.5 billion.
Gun/tube type artillery 275.0 275.0 300.0 325.0 325.0 330.0 1,830.0
US$ 550
US$ 500
HIMARS 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers
In 2018, the Romanian defence ministry purchased 18 In July 2023, it was reported that Romania intended to
High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) from acquire 90 155mm self-propelled howitzers to equip its
the U.S. for US$1.5 billion, making it the first European five self-propelled artillery battalions, each with 18 artillery
country to purchase this system. The systems are expected systems. The programme is expected to be implemented
to be deployed at the 81st Tactical Operational Missile across two stages with the first including the delivery of
Battalion stationed in Focsani, in eastern Romania. This equipment for three battalions (54 howitzers) at a cost of
programme will not only result in an indirect fire support around US$1.3 billion. A formal proposal for this procurement
capability for Romania’s armed forces but also boost the was also submitted to the Romanian parliament in June
country’s strategic cooperation with the US by fulfilling its 2023. Even though the supplier hasn’t been finalised yet, the
commitments within NATO. Final deliveries are expected in country’s media and industry experts are leaning towards
2026. Out of a total of US$1.5 billion, around US$700 million the K9A1 self-propelled howitzer manufactured by Hanwha
are expected to be spent over the period 2023-2026. Defense. The PzH2000 manufactured by German company
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann/Rheinmetall and the Archer
manufactured by BAE Systems are also in the running.
Further, Romanian company Compania Nationala Romarm is
also expected to play a role in this programme by providing
related weaponry and ammunition. The total programme
value is US$2.2 billion, with around US$1.8 billion expected
to be spent over the forecast period.
The Swedish market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$607 million over the forecast period. The key
programmes include the procurement of 72 Archer Truck-Mounted Howitzer Systems from BAE Systems for US$555 million,
eight sea-mobile artillery vessels for US$120 million, and artillery ammunitions for US$46.9 million.
Gun/tube type artillery 124.0 110.0 118.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 607.0
US$ 124
US$ 118
US$ 110
Archer Truck-Mounted Howitzer Systems
On 15th June 2022, The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and BAE Systems Bofors signed a letter of intent
(LOI) to procure 24 Archer self-propelled howitzers (SPHs). The LOI, signed at the Eurosatory 2022 defence exhibition in Paris,
was in line with the Swedish Total Defence Strategy 2021–25, which mandated the establishment of an additional artillery
battalion. The country already has 48 of these systems with the first being integrated into service in September 2015. The
Archer SPHs were previously mounted on a Volvo A30 6×6 articulated hauler. However, the new ones will be mounted on a
Rheinmetall MAN Military (RMMV) HX2 8×8 vehicle, owing to the platform’s faster on-road mobility. According to company
sources, the howitzer has a range of over 31 miles with conventional artillery rounds and 37 miles with precision-guided
munitions including the Excalibur. The deal is valued at around US$108 million with deliveries expected to be completed
by 2025. Then in September 2023, Sweden placed an order for 48 additional Archer SPHs for around US$447 million. The
delivery period for this new order is 2025-2029.
Artillery Ammunition: Sea-Mobile Artillery Vessels
In September 2022, Sweden ordered artillery ammunition In May 2023, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
worth US$46.86m to be supplied to Ukraine. This (FMV) awarded a contract to domestic company Swede
procurement was in response to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Ship Marine, to procure eight naval artillery platforms. This
Dmytro Kuleba’s request to provide the country with US$120 million programme is expected to give the country’s
weapons, including howitzers and shells. According to the amphibious forces in Stockholm and Gothenburg the
Swedish counterpart Ann Linde, this aid was the seventh ability to conduct indirect fires from the sea. Furthermore,
such package to support Ukraine’s resistance against Russia. the vessels’ sensors and weapon systems will have the
Additionally, she said that Sweden was also contemplating ability to be configured to direct fire for self-protection. The
providing Ukraine with the Archer artillery system, the procurement will also include stabilised hand-held grenade
RBS70 air defence system, and other equipment. Deliveries launchers, associated training, and spare parts. Deliveries
are expected to finish towards the end of 2023. of the training systems are expected to take place between
2026 to 2027, followed by the platforms from 2027 to 2028.
This acquisition is part of the country’s broader Amphibious
Battalion 2030 programme which is currently in the
preparation and research phase. It is expected to witness
additional procurements during the period 2024-2030.
The UK’s market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$910.9 million over the forecast period. The
country’s major programmes include the procurement of heavy artillery rounds under the Next-Generation Munitions
Solution (NGMS) programme for US$640 million, the Mobile Fires Platform programme to procure 116 SPH for US$430
million and the procurement of 31 MLRS for US$220 million, procurement of target acquisition technologies under
Dismounted Joint Fires Integrators programme for US$137 million, and loitering munitions from AeroVironment for US$44.9
Gun/tube type artillery 70.0 113.0 85.0 90.0 100.0 100.0 558.0
US$ 183
US$ 164
US$ 145
US$ 139 US$ 140 US$ 140
Mobile Fires Platform (MFP) M270 MLRS
The UK MoD plans to acquire 116 self-propelled howitzers Currently, the UK MoD is upgrading its fleet of M270 Multiple
(SPHs) as part of the Mobile Fires Platform (MFP) Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) to the M270A2 configuration.
programme. The new SPHs will replace the Army’s ageing As part of its Joint Future Effects Capability programme, the
AS90 howitzers that have been in service for the past 30 army plans to upgrade and double its fleet of around 40
years. US$1 billion (GBP800 million) was set aside for the M270s for future missions.
programme by the British government in 2021.
MLRS launchers consist of two six-rocket pods and an M270
For the project, Hanwa Defense in South Korea and launcher loaded with 12 rockets. The launcher, which is
Lockheed Martin UK are jointly bidding to develop and mounted on a stretched Bradley chassis, is a self-loading
supply the newest variant of the K9 self-propelled howitzers. and self-aiming system.
Other companies such as Nexter Systems with its Cesar
In early 2022, US$32 million was allocated for the upgrade of
platform, Rheinmetall with a howitzer variant of its eight-
nine M270 MLRS launchers to the A2 configuration by 2026.
wheel drive Boxer armoured personnel carrier, and BAE
Lockheed Martin, the original manufacturer of both variants,
Systems with its Archer truck-mounted system, have also
has agreed to assist the UK with the upgrade process. The
expressed their interest in meeting the MFP programme
MoD expects to spend about US$220 million to procure 31
additional MLRS systems by 2027-2028.
In December 2023, BAE Systems, Babcock, and Rheinmetall
BAE Systems Land formed an alliance to offer the Archer Heavy Artillery Rounds:
wheeled mobile artillery system as a candidate for the MFP In November 2020, BAE Systems was awarded a US$3.2
programme. However, this coalition faces major challenges, billion contract to supply munitions for the British armed
with the primary one being the lack of a local barrel forces for 15 years starting in 2023 under the Next
manufacturer. Generation Munitions Solution (NGMS) programme. The
Initially, the MFP was expected to have a capability of 116 contract replaces the US$2.4 billion, 15-year Munitions
guns by 2032, with 18 guns available by early 2029. However, Acquisition, Supply Solution (MASS) contract that started in
after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK MoD was forced 2008. BAE Systems will manufacture 39 types of munitions
to accelerate the acquisition process for SPHs and not wait for the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, and Strategic
until 2030 to take delivery. Command to use on the front line, including small arms
ammunition, mortars, medium-calibre gun rounds, and
Mobile Fires Platform (MFP) – Interim Capability large-calibre artillery and tank shells. Each year, BAE will
produce approximately 70 million rounds of small-arms
Even though the UK’s MFP programme has reached the
ammunition, 100,000 large-calibre rounds, 40,000 medium-
advanced stage with a contract expected to be awarded
caliber shells, and 75,000 mortar rounds. According to
shortly, the poor state of the British Army’s 155 mm artillery
estimates, the MoD will procure artillery munitions worth
capability, has mandated the acquisition of an interim
US$640 million between 2023 and 2037.
capability. The UK Army is expected to acquire between
six and eight BAE Systems Bofors Archer 155mm self-
Dismounted Joint Fires Integrators (“D-JFI”)
propelled artillery systems to cover a capability gap caused
by donating AS90 howitzers to Ukraine. On 16th March 2023, In January 2021, Elbit Systems UK was awarded a US$137
Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) announced that 14 million contract to provide future target acquisition
artillery systems would be transferred to the UK later that solutions for the country’s armed forces. Part of the broader
month and the systems would become operational with the Dismounted Joint Fires Integration (D-JFI) programme, this
Army in April 2024. This procurement is expected to cost acquisition is part of a series of deals for Elbit in the UK,
around US$83 million. which has shown interest in Israeli technology. According
to Elbit Systems, “The D-JFI solution is a networked,
passive and active target acquisition solution that acquires,
generates and communicates target information to effector
systems for effective engagement of joint precision and
non-precision fires.” Final deliveries are expected to be
made in 2025.
India is one of the biggest markets for artillery systems in Key programmes include the procurement of K9 Vajra self-
the Asia-Pacific region, with most of the manufacturing propelled howitzers (SPHs) for US$1.4 billion, Advanced
taking place indigenously by companies such as Bharat Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) for US$1 billion,
Forge, Tata Advanced Systems, Ordnance Factories Board 155mm Towed Artillery Gun Systems (TAGS) for US$780
(OFB), Kalyani Group, L&T, and Solar Industries. The only million, Sharang towed artillery systems upgrade for
foreign participation over the forecast period is by South US$726 million, Indigenously Designed, Developed, and
Korean manufacturer Hanwha Defense who is making the Manufactured (IDDM) mounted howitzers for US$360
K9 Vajra-T howitzers in collaboration with L&T. million, Dhanush 155-millimeter/45-caliber towed howitzers
for US$228 million, and Terminally Guided Munition (TGM)
for US$192 million. Cumulatively, the market is expected to
value US$4.6 billion between 2023 and 2028.
Gun/tube type artillery 365.0 665.0 730.0 765.0 770.0 806.0 4,101.0
US$ 440
Advanced Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) Dhanush 155-millimeter/45-caliber Towed Howitzers
The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) is currently examining In February 2019, the Ordnance Factories Board (OFB),
a proposal put forth by the Indian Army to procure 307 a state-owned defence equipment manufacturer, was
Advanced Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) for awarded a contract by the Indian Army to produce 114
deployment along the borders with China and Pakistan. Dhanush 155-millimeter/45-caliber towed howitzers.
The ATAGS project is an indigenous initiative undertaken The Dhanush howitzer is an upgraded version of the FH-
by the Defence Research and Development Organisation 77B 155-millimeter/39-caliber towed howitzer, which was
(DRDO) as part of the Indian Army’s artillery modernization originally manufactured by the Swedish defence contractor
programme. This towed artillery gun system comprises Bofors (now BAE Systems). India had acquired 414 Bofors
a barrel, breech mechanism, muzzle brake, and recoil howitzers between 1987 and 1991. The Dhanush howitzer is
mechanism, enabling it to discharge 155mm calibre based on the schematics provided by Bofors/BAE Systems
ammunition with a firing range of 48 km. It incorporates under a technology transfer agreement signed in the late
an all-electric drive to ensure reliability and minimal 1980s. It is a reverse-engineered and improved variant of the
maintenance over an extended period. Notably, the ATAGS original Bofors design.
is two tons lighter than comparable guns in its category,
The Indian Army is expected to allocate approximately
designed to offer improved accuracy, range, and the ability
US$228 million for the Dhanush howitzer programme, with
to fire five successive rounds in a short duration.
around US$115 million of that amount expected to be spent
The DRDO has shared the technological expertise of the between 2023 and 2028. The Ordnance Factories Board is
howitzer with Tata and Bharat Forge, two private firms that anticipated to complete the delivery of all 114 howitzers by
will manufacture the system once the order is finalised. 2026.
Trials for the 155mm/52 calibre ATAGS howitzers were
successfully conducted at the Pokhran Field Firing Range Terminally Guided Munition (TGM)
(PFFR) between April 26 and May 2, 2022. In February 2023, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of India
It is anticipated that a formal contract will be signed in 2024, shortlisted five domestic ammunition manufacturers to
with the Indian MoD allocating approximately US$1 billion to supply approximately two thousand 155mm terminally
acquire the towed systems by 2028. guided munitions (TGMs) for the Army’s existing 39/45/52
calibre artillery guns. These include state-run Munitions
K9 Vajra-T India Ltd, as well as private sector companies such as Adani
Defence Systems and Technologies Ltd (ADSTL), Bharat
In response to Chinese aggression along the Line of Actual
Forge Ltd, Economic Explosive Ltd, Premier Explosives, and
Control (LAC), the Indian Army placed an order in February
SMPP Ltd. These companies were issued Project Sanction
2023 for 100 K9 Vajra Tracked Self-Propelled Howitzers
Orders (PSOs) by the Army under the national Make-II
(SPH) with Hanwha Defense, with production expected to
procurement scheme, which supports industry-funded
take place in collaboration with domestic manufacturer
Larsen and Toubro (L&T). Deliveries for all units are expected
to be completed by 2028. According to a statement released Once the prototypes undergo testing, the Army intends to
by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), these SPHs will be award contracts to two companies to supply approximately
deployed at the country’s northern borders. two thousand 155mm TGM projectiles, at a rate of 197
TGM per year. The entire programme is estimated to cost
Currently, the Indian Army already possesses 100 of these
around US$194 million, and formal contracts are expected
systems which were delivered between 2019-2021. The K9
to be finalised in mid-2024. The indigenously developed
Vajra-Ts are equipped with a 155mm/52 Caliber cannon
155mm TGM is anticipated to cost roughly half the price of
capable of firing shells at high elevation angles to engage
Russian and one-third of American systems. The ammunition
distant targets. Even though they were initially designed
deliveries are projected to be completed by 2028.
for desert operations, the ongoing conflicts with China and
Pakistan have resulted in their successful deployment in the
Loitering Munitions and Launchers:
mountainous regions as well.
In November 2022, the Indian Army initiated a fast-track
The Indian MoD is planning to order an additional 100 units procurement process by issuing a request for proposal (RFP)
in 2024, with deliveries culminating by 2031. Overall, this to acquire 10 all-weather loitering ammunition launchers
programme is expected to witness total spending of around and 120 loitering munitions. These systems will be deployed
US$1.4 billion, with US$1.1 billion expected to be spent in high-altitude and desert regions along the borders with
during the forecast period. China and Pakistan. The loitering ammunition launchers,
referred to as the ‘Aerial Targeting System (Extended
Range)’, are expected to possess a two-hour endurance
and the ability to manoeuvre at a minimum altitude of 300
meters. Furthermore, these launchers will be capable of
firing from an altitude of 4000 meters or higher and have the
capacity to engage targets from any direction.
The loitering munitions are expected to be equipped with 155mm 52 calibre Towed Artillery Gun Systems (TAGS)
either a high explosive pre-fragmented (HEPF) or an anti- In September 2023, the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD)
armour warhead, with a minimum weight of 8 kilograms. The received a proposal from the Army requesting the
estimated budget allocated by the Army for this programme procurement of 400 towed artillery gun systems (TAGS).
is around US$60 million. The deliveries of the loitering The Army intends to acquire these systems exclusively from
ammunition launchers and munitions are scheduled to be Indian firms that promote the development of indigenous
completed by 2028. weapon systems. This acquisition will be in addition to the
previously issued tender for the purchase of 307 Advanced
Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Ammunition (CALM) Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGS) to meet border
systems requirements with China and Pakistan.
In November 2022, the Indian Army launched a fast-track
The Army’s primary objective for the TAGS is to have lighter-
procurement process by issuing a request for information
weight and more easily deployable systems, especially
(RFI) for the acquisition of 180 canister-launched anti-armour
in high-altitude regions similar to the older Bofors guns.
loiter ammunition (CALM) systems.
The procurement process aligns with the Army’s plan
The CALM system consists of pre-loaded loiter ammunition for “mediumization”, focusing on indigenous guns, and is
canisters or drones, that once launched, can remain airborne anticipated to be completed by the year 2042.
over a designated area. After the target is identified, the
The MoD is expected to finalise a formal contract in 2024
CALM system can be guided to destroy the target using
and allocate approximately US$780 million by 2028 for the
an explosive payload. As per the operational requirements
procurement of the TAGS.
outlined in the RFP, these accessories will provide
mechanised infantry and armoured units with the capability
to conduct remote-controlled or unmanned actions at
distances of up to 15 km. In April 2023, the Indian Army signed a contract with Solar
Industries, a domestic defence manufacturer, to acquire
The procurement of CALM systems is expected to enhance 450 loitering munitions. Solar Industries secured the US$25
India’s border surveillance efforts, particularly considering million contract, surpassing competition from Polish and
ongoing tensions along its northern border and increasing Israeli firms.
incidents of arms being transported across the border via
drones. A formal contract worth around US$20 million for The loitering munitions, known as Nagastra-1 kamikaze, are
the CALM systems is expected to be awarded in 2024, with equipped with a day/night camera for surveillance missions
deliveries culminating by 2027. and a fragmentation warhead designed to neutralise “soft-
skin” targets. These munitions have a man-in-the-loop range
Sharang - Upgrade of 15 kilometres and an autonomous range of 30 kilometres.
With GPS guidance, they can accurately strike a target
In August 2023, Advanced Weapons and Equipment India
with a precision of 2 meters and sustain flight for up to 60
Limited (AWEIL), a state-owned defence equipment
minutes. In case of mission cancellation, the platform can
manufacturer, was awarded a US$726 million contract to
be recalled and safely landed using a parachute recovery
modernise the Sharang towed artillery guns. Under the
mechanism for subsequent use.
Sharang upgrade programme, the existing Soviet-era
130mm M46 towed artillery pieces will be upgraded to Given that the contract was signed under emergency
155mm/45-caliber models. The upgrade, which will be provisions, it is anticipated that the Indian Army will receive
completed by 2028, is expected to enhance the gun’s range all 450 loitering munitions by 2024.
from 27km to over 36km.
For the last few years, the Indonesian military has faced a financial squeeze, induced mainly by the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, the country’s decision to increase defence spending by 20% in 2023 shows its intent to build up its armed forces
over the medium to long term. This is mainly to guard against potential tensions in the region, including the ones with China
in the South China Sea. The only artillery programme over the period 2023-2028 is the indigenous development of the R-Han
122B - 122 mm Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) by PT Pindad for US$100 million.
US$ 20
US$ 10
R-Han 122B - 122 mm Multiple Launch Rocket System By October 2023, Indonesian domestic defence
(MLRS) manufacturer PT Pindad completed the development
In 2019, the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) initiated and testing of the R-Han 122B MLRS. The MLRS boasts a
a programme to develop an enhanced version of the maximum speed of 3,614 km per hour and a maximum range
existing R-Han 122 multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS). of 32 km. The MoD is presently in the process of finalizing
This upgraded variant, known as the R-Han 122B, is the contracts for the procurement of R-Han 122B systems. The
outcome of a collaborative endeavour involving several Indonesian MoD is projected to allocate approximately
key stakeholders in the Indonesian defence industry. PT US$100 million to this procurement programme between
Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI or IAe), the Ministry of Research 2023 and 2028.
and Technology, PT Dahana, and Pindad joined forces with
the Indonesian Armed Forces to upgrade this rocket system.
Malaysia, situated in a relatively peaceful region, has traditionally placed less emphasis on defence spending in comparison
to other sectors such as healthcare and education. However, the government has now changed this stance to fill various
capability gaps caused by years of neglect. As a result, the Malaysian defence budget in 2023 witnessed an increase of 10%
as compared to the previous year to value almost US$4 billion. The key artillery programmes in the country include the
proposed procurement of 155mm self-propelled howitzers for US$85 million and the Kargu loitering munition system from
Turkish manufacturer Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş (STM) for US$10 million. The Malaysian market for
artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$95 million over the forecast period.
US$ 21
US$ 20 US$ 20
US$ 19
US$ 15
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers Kargu Loitering Munition System
The Malaysian Army has long been seeking to acquire The Malaysian Armed Forces (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia –
155mm self-propelled howitzers (SPH), but their ATM) are planning to acquire the Kargu loitering munition
efforts have faced setbacks due to cancellations of system from Turkish company STM (Savunma Teknolojileri
planned procurements. In January 2023, Prime Minister Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş.). The Kargu system is a portable
Anwar Ibrahim’s government cancelled the previous quadcopter drone equipped with 1.3 kg of explosives
administration’s order for Turkish-made Yavuz 155mm and backed by Artificial Intelligence (AI)-supported facial
SPHs and reopened negotiations for the deal. Similarly, the recognition capability. According to the manufacturer, it
U.S.’ offer to sell 30 M109A5 tracked 155mm self-propelled can autonomously navigate using its unique flight control
howitzers through the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) system. Furthermore, the platform is designed for precision
programme was also cancelled in 2019. strikes on low-signature targets, even those beyond the
line of sight. These systems possess the capability to
Currently, the country’s ground forces rely solely on
engage both stationary and moving targets in day and night
towed howitzers with calibres of 105mm and 155mm.
conditions. They can be deployed individually or as a group,
The acquisition of 155mm wheeled SPHs is expected to
known as a swarm, in a variety of scenarios ranging from
significantly enhance the firepower of the ground forces.
counterinsurgency to countering artillery and neutralizing
According to a press release by Defence Minister Datuk Seri
enemy air defence operations.
Mohamad Hasan in December 2023, an unspecified number
of these wheeled SPHs will be deployed in Sabah, eastern While specific details are yet to be disclosed, it is anticipated
Malaysia. that Malaysia will allocate approximately US$10 million for
the procurement of these systems between 2024 and 2025.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is now evaluating five
different SPH systems from various foreign companies. The
competition is expected to be intense, particularly between
the “Yavuv” from Turkish company Makina ve Kimya
Endustrisi (MKE) and Nexter System’s “CAESAR” from France.
The final decision on the procurement of 18 units of 155mm
52-caliber SPHs is anticipated to be made in 2024. Malaysia
is projected to allocate approximately US$85 million to this
programme, to procure the SPHs by 2028.
During the forecast period, the Pakistani artillery systems market is projected to reach a cumulative value of US$350 million.
Currently, the country’s armed forces have approximately 500 tracked self-propelled howitzers, including 200 M109A2s,
115 M109A5s, and 123 M109Ls, along with 60 M110/M110A2s mounted on tracked chassis with 203mm calibre ammunition.
However, there is a need for a lighter self-propelled howitzer that can be easily deployed in the mountainous regions, mainly
to counter the Indian K-9 Vajra howitzers. Therefore Pakistan’s immediate focus is to acquire 236 units of the SH-15 155mm
self-propelled howitzers from Chinese manufacturer Norinco during the forecast period, 2023-2028.
US$ 75 US$ 75
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
SH-15 155mm self-propelled howitzers precision and targeting capabilities. Notably, the SH-15
In June 2019, Pakistan and the Chinese state-owned employs a semi-automatic loader and can achieve a firing
defence manufacturer Norinco signed a contract valued rate of 4-6 rounds per minute. Its maximum firing range is 20
at US$512 million for the delivery of 236 SH-15 155 mm km with standard ammunition and extends to 53 km when
wheeled self-propelled howitzers (SPHs). The contract also employing rocket-assisted artillery projectiles.
includes provisions for the transfer of technology (ToT). The first batch of the SH-15s was delivered in January 2022,
The SH-15 is based on a 6x6 Shaanxi truck chassis, featuring followed by a subsequent batch of 56 SPHs in April 2023.
an armoured cabin at the front and a 155 mm gun-howitzer Since it has the capability to react quickly in high-plateau
mounted at the rear. This configuration protects against regions, Pakistan has already deployed some of these
small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. The howitzer is howitzers along the Line of Control (LoC), which it shares
equipped with a digital fire-control system (FCS) to enhance with India. Deliveries are expected to culminate in 2026.
Despite being a small country, Singapore is a key defence market in Asia with a budget of US$13.4 billion in 2023, a 10%
increase from 2022. The country’s Next-Gen Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF) – 2030 programme aims to integrate advanced
systems throughout its armed forces. Artillery systems is one such area of focus with the country acquiring Next-Generation
Howitzers (NGH) for the Army by 2030. The Singaporean artillery systems market is expected to increase from US$25 million
in 2023 to US$35 million in 2028 at a CAGR of 7.0%. Cumulatively, the market is expected to value US$170 million between
2023 and 2028.
Gun/tube type artillery 25.0 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 35.0 170.0
US$ 35
US$ 30 US$ 30
Next-Generation Howitzer (NGH) FH2000 towed guns, which were also manufactured by STK.
One of the main areas of focus for the Singapore Armed While specific technical details about the NGH programme
Forces (SAF) is the development and procurement of a remain shrouded in secrecy, the systems are expected to
replacement for its Primus SPHs and FH2000 towed guns be similar to the BAE Systems Archer platform, featuring a
that are fast approaching the end of their operational lives. fully automated self-loading 155mm gun and a lean crew
Even though not much is known about the country’s Next-
of 2-4 personnel. The NGH is expected to offer enhanced
Generation Howitzer (NGH) programme, it is estimated
fire effectiveness and improved mobility, delivering superior
to be in development currently by domestic company
Singapore Technologies Kinetics (STK), with first deliveries performance compared to their predecessors. Singapore
expected by 2024. These self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) is expected to spend around US$170 million for this
are intended to replace the long-serving Primus SPHs and programme, over the period 2023 to 2028.
In the field of artillery systems, South Korea holds a prominent position both as a buyer and producer. Hanwa Defense, a
domestic defence manufacturer, has established itself as a leading supplier of howitzers worldwide. As of 2022, Hanwa’s
K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer (SPH) series commanded a remarkable 52% share of the global SPH market. The South
Korean market for artillery systems is projected to have a cumulative value of US$1.8 billion over the forecast period.
Key programmes within this market include the ongoing upgrades to the K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers and the
development of associated precision-guided munitions.
US$ 320
US$ 200
US$ 25
K9 Thunder howitzers - Upgrade Precision guided munitions for K9 Platforms
In June 2023, the Defence Acquisition Programme Furthermore, alongside the upgrades to the K9 Thunder’s
Administration (DAPA) of South Korea approved a project range and firepower, the DAPA Committee sanctioned
to enhance the performance of the K9 Thunder 155 mm/52 around US$339 million in November 2022 for the
calibre self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) currently in service development and procurement of precision-guided
with the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA). munitions specifically designed for the K9 platform. The
development of these munitions is projected to commence
According to a press release from DAPA, the objective of
in 2024, with final deliveries expected by 2036. The Republic
the project is to enhance the striking capability of the K9
of Korea Army (RoKA) is estimated to allocate approximately
howitzers. The upgraded variant will feature a 58-caliber
US$120 million towards this programme between 2023 and
gun, like the U.S. Army’s M1299 howitzer, and will incorporate
ramjet munitions to achieve a maximum range exceeding
80 km. The howitzers will also be equipped with automated
turrets and crew safety equipment as part of the upgrade.
Additionally, the project will improve the rate of fire of the
cannon from the existing six rounds per minute to nine
rounds per minute with the introduction of a new reloading
automation system and remote operation technology.
Although the K9 Thunder was initially developed by
Dongmyeong Heavy Industries, Kia Heavy Industry,
Poongsan Corporation, and Samsung Aerospace Industries
for the RoKA in 1999, it is currently manufactured by Hanwha
Defense. DAPA has allocated a budget of US$1.8 billion for
the project, and Hanwha Defense is expected to upgrade
the existing 1,136 SPHs between 2023 and 2027.
The Egyptian market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$1.8 billion over the forecast period. The key
programmes include the procurement of 200 units of K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers (SPH) and the modernization
of the M46-1M 130mm towed field gun and the D-30 122mm towed howitzers. Interestingly, this is the first export of the K9
system to an African country after many such deals with countries in Europe and the Asia-Pacific.
Gun/tube type artillery 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 50.0 1,800.0
US$ 350 US$ 350 US$ 350 US$ 350 US$ 350
US$ 50
K9 Thunder Howitzers M46-1M 130mm Towed Field Gun and the D-30 122mm
During the IDEX International Defence Exhibition & Towed Howitzer - Modernization
Conference held in Abu Dhabi in February 2022, Hanwha Over the last few years, Egypt has undertaken significant
Defense secured a contract worth US$1.7 billion to supply efforts to modernise and enhance its military capabilities,
around 200 K9 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) and an particularly in artillery systems. The country’s military
undisclosed number of K10 ammunition resupply vehicles factory, known as Factory 200, has been at the forefront of
and K11 fire direction control vehicles to Egypt. The K9s are these initiatives, focusing on upgrading two of its ageing
expected to replace the ageing American-origin M109 155 artillery systems: the M46-1M 130mm towed field gun and
mm SPHs. the D-30 122mm towed howitzer.
According to the terms of the agreement, Hanwha For the M46-1M, the upgrades involve mounting the cannon
Defense will initially deliver a batch of vehicles in 2024. The on a modified armoured Kraz 6322 6×6 heavy-duty truck
remaining units will be manufactured locally at Factory 200, chassis, effectively transforming it into a mobile artillery
a government-operated defence manufacturing facility system. This modification allows for swift deployment,
located in Helwan, near Cairo. Egyptian Minister of State rapid relocation, and improved firing accuracy, making it a
for Military Production, Mohamed Ahmed Morsi, stated formidable asset on the battlefield.
that eventually, 67% of the components will be produced
Similarly, the D-30s are being converted into mobile artillery
systems by mounting them on Ural 4320 trucks with
Furthermore, in October 2022, the Egyptian defence reinforced frames and hydraulic stabilisers. The Ural-4320
company Arab International Optronics Company signed an is a versatile off-road 6×6 vehicle originally produced for
agreement with Hanwha Defense to locally produce the the Russian army at the Ural Automotive Plant in Miass,
Automatic Fire Control System (FCS) and other electronic Russia. The mobile configuration of the D-30 enables it to
components for the K9 SPH. manoeuvre quickly across diverse terrains and respond
effectively to changing battlefield conditions. The reinforced
It is anticipated that Cairo will receive all the units by
frame and hydraulic stabilisers ensure stability during firing,
2027. The Egyptian Ministry of Defence plans to invest
enhancing accuracy and reducing setup time.
approximately US$1.5 billion in this programme over the
forecast period. Egypt is expected to allocate approximately US$300 million
on these upgrades between 2023 and 2028.
The Moroccan artillery systems market is expected to increase from US$30 million in 2023 to US$100 million in 2028 at a
CAGR of 27.2%. This exponential increase is due to the procurement of 18 HIMARS from Lockheed Martin for US$524.2 million.
Cumulatively, the market is expected to value US$410 million between 2023 and 2028.
US$ 30
HIMARS - High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (FAR) will also benefit from improved interoperability, as they
In April 2023, the U.S. State Department granted approval regularly engage in joint exercises with the U.S. forces to
for the potential sale of HIMARS artillery rocket systems and combat terrorism and violent extremist organizations in the
associated equipment to Morocco. This deal, valued at up to Maghreb and Sahel region.
US$524.2 million, consists of 18 M142 High Mobility Artillery The primary contractors involved in this programme
Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers, 40 M57 Army Tactical include Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, L3
Missile Systems (ATACMS), and 36 M31A2 Guided Multiple Harris Communications, Raytheon, COBHAM Aerospace
Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) Unitary, among others. This Connectivity, Oshkosh Defense, AAR Corporation, and AM
procurement is expected to enhance Morocco’s capability to General LLC. The Moroccan Ministry of Defence is expected
address present and future threats, bolster border security, to invest approximately US$410 million in this programme
and contribute to regional stability. The Royal Armed Forces between 2023 and 2028.
The Nigerian market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value US$44 million over the forecast period. Nigeria’s
defence expenditure is focused primarily on combating domestic terrorism by Boko Haram and other smaller outfits.
Notably, the Nigerian Federal Government announced a special funding budget of US$725 million in October 2023 to
strengthen the fight against insecurity and support the ongoing anti-insurgency efforts. The key programmes in the country
include the upgrade of the Palmaria - 155mm self-propelled howitzer and the development of the Ichoku loitering munition.
US$ 18
US$ 13 US$ 13
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Palmaria - 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer - Upgrade Ichoku Loitering Munition
In October 2023, the Nigerian Federal Government Loitering munitions offer significant advantages in terms
announced a special funding budget of US$725 million to of enhanced strike capabilities, enabling forces to engage
strengthen the country’s fight against insecurity and support targets accurately and precisely at long distances. This
ongoing anti-insurgency efforts. As part of this initiative, attribute makes them particularly appealing to African
the Nigerian Army has allocated approximately US$34 forces that often confront asymmetrical warfare and have
million for the upgrade of its existing Palmaria 155mm self- limited resources to allocate to expensive and sophisticated
propelled howitzer (SPH). weapon systems. Nigeria is currently engaged in the
indigenous development of the Ichoku loitering munition,
The Palmaria is equipped with a 155mm barrel that features
which has a range of up to 15km and is specifically designed
a fume extractor and a muzzle brake, and has an automatic
for operations against the Boko Haram terrorist group.
loading system. With this system, the howitzer can fire one
round every 15 seconds, one round every minute for an hour, The country has earmarked approximately US$10 million for
or one round every three minutes continuously. Nigeria the Ichoku loitering munition programme between 2023 and
acquired around 25 units of the Palmaria from the Italian 2028.
company OTO Melara in 1982, and the equipment is now due
for an upgrade after more than four decades in service. The
upgrade process is expected to take place between 2024
and 2026.
Brazil is the largest defence spender in Latin America with a share of over 40%. The country has issued an RFP for 36 155
mm self-propelled howitzers under the VBC OAP 155mm SR programme. Among the companies vying for this contract
include Israeli firm Elbit Systems, French company Nexter Systems, local manufacturer Avibras Industria Aeroespacial, and
Bharat Forge from India. This project is a key element of the country’s broader strategy to modernise its military capabilities.
It also includes the procurement of initial vehicles for evaluation, followed by the procurement of additional systems
for deployment within field artillery groups. The Brazilian market for artillery systems is expected to cumulatively value
US$203.4 million over the forecast period.
US$ 42
US$ 11
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
VBC OAP 155mm Self-Propelled Artillery Elbit Systems from Israel, Nexter from France, local
In August 2023, the Brazilian Army issued a request company Avibras Industria Aeroespacial, and Bharat Forge
for proposal (RFP) to procure a 155 mm self-propelled from India have reportedly responded to the RFP till now.
wheeled artillery system, as part of the VBC OAP 155mm Elbit Systems plans to offer its ATMOS 2000, which employs
SR programme. This acquisition aims to replace the current a 155mm/52 calibre gun mounted on a 6×6 tactical truck
M114A1 howitzers in service. It includes two initial vehicles chassis. Nexter, on the other hand, will propose the CAESAR
for assessment at the Army Evaluations Centre, followed artillery system in both 6×6 and 8×8 truck mount variants.
by the procurement of an additional 34 systems in different India’s Bharat Forge manufactures the Bharat-52 platform.
stages to equip three field artillery groups. Additionally, Nexter is in discussions with AVIBRAS for a
potential collaboration on the project.
The required system specifications include a high-mobility
truck chassis with either a 6x6 or 8x8 configuration, Brazil is expected to receive the initial vehicles in 2024 for
providing a range of over 500 km and capable of inspection. A formal contract is expected to be signed in
accommodating up to six crew members. The vehicle is 2025 for the procurement of 34 artillery systems by 2028.
expected to be equipped with a mounted 52-calibre NATO The programme’s estimated budget amounts to US$203.4
standard cannon, roof-mounted 76 mm smoke grenade million, allocated between 2023 and 2028.
launchers, and a mount suitable for a 12.7 mm or 7.62 mm
machine gun.
The U.S. is the largest market for artillery systems and Rockets is unsurprisingly the largest segment owing to their
related munitions globally, with a value of US$3.6 billion precision-guided capabilities and limited collateral damage.
in 2023, which is expected to increase to US$4.1 billion Interestingly, the U.S. made HIMARS are now the most
in 2028. The country’s largest programmes include the popular rocket system internationally, owing to their proven
Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) - US$10.1 billion, efficacy in Ukraine’s resistance against the Russian invasion.
US$3.5 billion of which is allocated over the forecast period; Cumulatively, US$11.6 billion is expected to be spent on the
Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) – US$7.4 procurement of rockets over the forecast period, followed
billion over the forecast period; High Mobility Artillery by Gun/Tube type artillery systems – US$8.8 billion
Rocket Systems (HIMARS) – US$1.2 billion over the forecast (including artillery shells), precision ammunition - US$1.9
period; Precision Artillery Munitions – US$1.2 billion over the billion, loitering munitions - US$287.9 million, and target
forecast period and improvements to the existing M270A1 acquisition technologies - US$229 million.
Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) – US$1.1 billion and
155mm Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) – US$637.7 million
over the forecast period.
Gun/tube type artillery 1,343.0 1,226.9 1,344.2 1,513.7 1,642.8 1,696.1 8,766.7
US$ 3,124
Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System (LMAMS)/ Controller, Laser Target Designator, and Thermal Laser Spot
Switchblade 300 Loitering Munition Systems Imager systems. Between 2023 and 2028, the USMC plans to
As part of the Lethal Miniature Aerial Missile System allocate approximately US$200 million for the procurement
(LMAMS) programme, the US Army has chosen to acquire of these handheld targeting systems. Deliveries are
Switchblade 300 tactical missile systems (TMS) from expected to culminate by 2029.
AeroVironment. The Switchblade 300 is a lightweight,
single-man portable system that enables precision-guided, Guided MLRS Rocket (GMLRS)
beyond the line-of-sight engagement of obscured or The U.S. Army’s GMLRS programme includes the
fleeting enemy targets, which are typically challenging to procurement of multiple variants of rocket artillery
engage with direct-fire weapons. This system also includes including the GMLRS Unitary: a 200-pound warhead that
a Wave-Off capability that allows the operator to redirect the targets precise targets and GMLRS Alternative Warhead
missile’s flight path prior to impact, if necessary. It can be (AW): a non-cluster munition that engages imprecisely
deployed in under two minutes. located targets. Both platforms have entered the full-rate
production phase. This is a long running programme with
The latest contract worth US$64.6 million was awarded
around US$8.5 billion having already been spent before
in April 2023, with deliveries scheduled until July 2024.
2023. A further US$7.4 billion is budgeted during 2023-2028,
However, in the fiscal budget for 2024, the US Army decided
with more expected to be spent thereafter. In terms of
against purchasing additional Switchblade 300 drones
quantity, as of June 2022, the army showed requirements of
and no funding was allocated for the same. A total budget
20,756 Unitary and 47,568 Alternative Warhead (AW) units.
of US$351.3 million has been allocated for the LMAMS
However, these are being evaluated and updated annually
programme to procure 849 LMAMS until 2023.
and are therefore subject to change.
Low Altitude Stalking and Strike Ordnance (LASSO)/ Lockheed Martin is working as the prime contractor for
Switchblade 600 Loitering Munition Systems this programme since 2019 and the latest contract worth
In August 2023, the U.S. Army has launched a programme US$4.8 billion was awarded in April 2023. Additionally, the
to rapidly equip soldiers with a portable drone specifically U.S. is expected to spend more than US$269.2 million
designed to destroy tanks. Called the Low Altitude Stalking between 2023 and 2028 on related R&D efforts to optimise
and Strike Ordnance venture (LASSO), this programme capabilities and improve reliability for the GMLRS.
falls under the supervision of the Program Executive Office
Soldier (PEO Soldier). LASSO addresses the army’s critical MLRS Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPR)
need for lethal unmanned systems on the battlefield. These Lockheed Martin holds the exclusive contract to supply
systems, which can be carried by troops, feature a launch live training rockets for the Multiple Launch Rocket System
tube, and are equipped with a powerful payload. They also (MLRS), under the Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPR)
possess an electro-optical and infrared sensor and precise programme. These rockets are designed to meet the annual
flight controls, which give them the ability to identify and certification and pre-deployment requirements for both the
engage distant targets. Active and National Guard High Mobility Artillery Rocket
System (HIMARS) and M270/M270A1 MLRS launcher units.
In October 2023, the U.S. Army placed an initial order
with AeroVironment for approximately 100 units of the The training rockets are equipped with inert payload
Switchblade 600 loitering drones. The Switchblade 600s sections and blunt noses, which reduce their range. The
can travel a considerable distance and loiter for over 40 programme covers the expenses associated with the
minutes before engaging armoured targets such as tanks. Download/Demate (DL/DM) of the M26 pod and rocket
AeroVironment is scheduled to deliver the Switchblades by motor for production reuse. The total cost also includes
July 2024. bunker storage, procurement of performance-oriented
packaging (POP) boxes, inert warheads, reworked igniters,
Next Generation Handheld Targeting System Programme and addressing RRPR obsolescence.
In February 2022, Northrop Grumman was awarded a This programme has been ongoing for several years with a
contract worth US$252 million to develop a man-portable procurement of up to 60,819 units prior to 2023, amounting
system for the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) that enables to approximately US$391.3 million. An additional 6,552 units
personnel to identify and locate targets. Part of the are projected to be procured between 2023 and 2028, at an
Next Generation Handheld Targeting System (NGHTS) estimated cost of around US$142.1 million.
programme, the eight-year contract includes not only the
production of the system but also testing, engineering, M777A2 Howitzer/Lightweight 155mm Howitzer (LW155)
logistics, documentation, and the delivery of spare parts. -Modernization (Army, Marine Corps)
Northrop Grumman will provide services for both low-rate The LW155 (Lightweight 155mm Howitzer), also referred to
initial production and full-rate production of the systems as the M777A2, is a collaborative programme between the
which are intended to replace the existing Portable U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) and the U.S. Army. Its purpose
Lightweight Designator Rangefinder, Joint Terminal Attack is to provide direct, reinforcing, and general support fires
to manoeuvre forces and direct support artillery. The The modifications encompass several key updates, such as
USMC first introduced the M777A2 in 2005 and has since upgrading the legacy radio system to a modern Software
deployed it to all active units. The Army has also integrated Defined Radio capable of supporting new encryption
the howitzer into its Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) protocols. Additionally, the Fire Control Computer (FCC)
and Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCT), including the will be upgraded to accommodate the migration to a new
National Guard. operating system. The programme’s funding will also cover
the installation and retrofitting of modification kits to the
To ensure the operational continuity of the M777A2 in
M119A3 howitzer.
GPS-contested environments, the DoD is making efforts
to modernise its digital fire control system (DFCS) and This programme has been ongoing for a significant period,
electronic components. With the addition of the DFCS, with a previous expenditure of US$396.7 million before
the howitzer will gain the capability to programme and 2023. It is projected that around 505 platforms will undergo
fire improved precision-guided munitions accurately up to upgrades between 2023 and 2028, with an estimated cost
ranges exceeding 40km, with a Circular Error Probable (CEP) of approximately US$26.5 million. Further allocations are
accuracy of better than 10 meters. expected to be made beyond this timeframe to continue
upgrading additional platforms.
The U.S. Army is expected to invest US$229.5 million until
2028 to upgrade around 306 M777A2 systems, with the
Long Range Precision Munition (LRPM)
USMC spending around US$1.5 billion during the same
period. The Long-Range Precision Munitions (LRPM) programme
enhances the capabilities of the Army by providing improved
Assured Precision Weapons and Munitions (APWM) Project weapons, sub-systems, and munitions with extended range.
These advancements enable a rapid response in combat
The Assured Precision Weapons and Munitions (APWM)
environments, ultimately enhancing the survivability of both
project involves the development of various prototype
warfighters and weapon systems in anti-access/area denial
technologies to augment the precision and lethal
(A2/AD) and positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) denied
capabilities of the various weapons and munitions in
service with the country’s armed forces. Part of the National
Defence Strategy, this programme has a budget allocation The LRPM systems are designed to seamlessly interoperate
of approximately US$256.3 million between 2023 and and coordinate with other weapon systems and munitions
2028, which is expected to be used for hiring weapons and over long distances. This programme has been ongoing
munitions experts in various roles. for an extended period, resulting in the procurement of
approximately 432 units at a cost of roughly US$82.9 million
M109 FOV Modifications prior to 2023. From 2023 to 2028, an additional 110 LRPM
The M109 Family of Vehicles (FOV) includes the M109A6 systems are expected to be procured at an estimated cost
Paladin Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) and the M992A2 Field of around US$69.6 million.
Artillery Ammunition Supply Vehicle (FAASV), as well as the Additionally, the U.S. is expected to spend around US$200
M109A7 Self-propelled Howitzer (SPH) and M992A3 Carrier, million between 2023 and 2028 on related R&D efforts to
Ammunition, Tracked (CAT) vehicles. To address issues undertake technical evaluations, optimise capabilities, and
identified in the field and ensure operational readiness, the improve reliability for LRPM systems.
U.S. Army is making continuous investments in engineering
design, testing, hardware procurement, and application 155mm Artillery Propulsion XM654
improvements. These enhancements aim to improve safety,
The allocated Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
operational efficiency, and integration of new equipment to
(RDT&E) funding for the 155mm Artillery Propulsion
the M109 FOVs.
systems aims to support various initiatives. These include
The U.S. Army has allocated a total budget of US$2.4 billion the “Supercharge” component development, enhancing
for this modification programme until 2026, with US$188.1 propellant for extended cannon lifespan, conducting risk
million dedicated to the forecast period. This funding reduction activities and testing, as well as facilitating the
will support various aspects of programme management integration of the Extended Range Cannon Artillery System
necessary to maintain and support the fleet of Self- of Systems (ERCA SoS). The “Supercharge” component
Propelled Howitzers (SPHs) and Field Artillery Ammunition is a standalone 155mm propelling charge that is crucial
Supply Vehicles (FAASVs) / Carrier, Ammunition, Tracked for achieving the maximum range requirements of the
(CATs) vehicles deployed across different Army battalions. Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) Self-Propelled
Howitzer (SPH). A total budget of US$40 million has been
M119 Modifications allocated for RDT&E spending on this programme from 2023
The M119A3 Towed Howitzer provides direct fire support to 2028.
for the Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCTs). The funding
allocated for the M119A3 modifications budget aims to
implement necessary enhancements to ensure continuous
operational availability. These enhancements include the
integration of digital fire control components, enabling
secure digital fire missions, and maintaining interoperability
on the battlefield.
Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) C-17 aircraft, is capable of firing one pod of precision rockets
The U.S. Army’s M109A7 self-propelled howitzer, also from the current and future Multiple Launch Rocket System
known as the Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) vehicle, (MLRS) Family of Munitions (MFOM). According to the
entered full-rate production in 2020. This procurement country’s National Defence Authorization Act, the HIMARS
is expected to replace the current fleet of M109 vehicles is necessary for homeland defence missions, domestic
consisting of the M109A6 SPH and the M992A2 Field Artillery emergency responses, and to provide military support to
Ammunition Supply Vehicle (FAASV). This is a long running civil agencies if needed.
programme with as many as 352 units procured before 2023 Furthermore, the U.S. Army plans to allocate an additional
at a cost of around US$4.3 billion. A total of 205 additional amount of US$579 million by 2028 for implementing
platforms are expected to be procured during 2023-2028, modifications to address safety concerns, upgrade the
at a cost of around US$3.5 billion, which would leave an fire control system, and resolve Command, Control,
additional 135 units to be acquired for US$2.3 billion. Communications, Computer, and Intelligence (C4I)
In May 2021, the North Carolina National Guard became the obsolescence issues within the HIMARS fleet. Additionally,
first U.S. National Guard Unit to receive the howitzer which an allocation of US$29.6 million is earmarked for research
is manufactured by BAE Systems. Among the upgrades and development (R&D) endeavours aimed at optimizing
include advanced digital systems, a six-hundred-volt capabilities and enhancing the reliability of the M142
onboard power system and enhanced range. Additionally, launchers.
the U.S. is expected to spend more than US$475 million
on related R&D efforts to optimise capabilities and improve Artillery Projectiles – 155MM
reliability for the M109A7 SPH. The U.S. Army has undertaken a multi-year programme to
procure different types of artillery ammunition for both self-
155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer Improvements propelled and towed platforms. These include the 155mm
This is part of the Extended Range Cannon Artillery WP (White Phosphorus) M825A1, the 155mm M1124 Visual
(ERCA) modernization programme that aims to include Light (VL) Illumination Projectile, 155mm M1123 Infra-Red
new capabilities and technologies onto the M109A7 (IR) Illumination Projectile, the M795 High Explosive (HE)
SPH platform. These include: a new cannon, gun mount, Projectile, the XM113 High Explosive (HE) Rocket Assisted
gun drive systems, fire control systems, and rate of fire Projectile (RAP), the M116 Series Base Ejection Projectile,
system advancements to improve the howitzer’s mobility, the 155mm Bonus MK2 Projectile, the XM1128 Extended
survivability, reliability, supportability, and lethality. A total Range High Explosive (HE) Projectile, the 155mm Extended
of US$637.7 million has been allocated to this programme Range Spotting M1121 Artillery Round and the XM1210 High
during the period 2023-2028. Explosive (HE) Rocket Assisted Projectile (RAP). A total of
US$1.3 billion has been allocated for this procurement
M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) – between 2023-2028.
In 2017, the U.S. Army awarded a contract for the Artillery Cartridges, 75MM & 105MM
modernization of 160 ageing MLRS M270A0s to the M270A2s The Army has undertaken the procurement of various
version, as part of the MLRS Fleet Expansion initiative. artillery cartridges compatible with 75mm and 105mm
Additionally, the army also decided to upgrade its existing ammunition. These include the 105mm M1 High Explosive
inventory of 190 M270A1 MLRS in order to extend their (HE) and the 105mm M84 Hexachloroethane Zinc Oxide
service life to 2050 and beyond. This will eventually result (HC) Smoke compatible with the M762 Electronic Time (ET)
in 350 modified launchers with Improved Armored Cabs series Fuze. This is a long running programme with a total of
(IAC), Bradley commonality improvements and Common Fire US$3.2 billion allocated to it until 2028.
Control Systems (CFCS). This is a long running programme
with US$2.0 billion already being spent on it before 2023. Precision Artillery Munitions:
Another US$1.1 billion has been budgeted during 2023-2028
The procurement of precision artillery munitions is part of
with more expected to be allocated thereafter. Additionally,
the Army’s Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) modernization
the U.S. Army is expected to spend more than US$46.3
programme. This includes the Excalibur and Cannon-
million on related R&D efforts to optimise capabilities and
Delivered Area Effects Munitions (C-DAEM) Armor munitions.
improve reliability for the MLRS.
The Excalibur is a 155mm extended rage precision munition
that is made in partnership with the Swedish government. It
High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
has a range of 40.5 kms when fired from 39 calibre systems
The U.S. Army’s M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and as much as 70kms from 58 calibre systems. The
(HIMARS) is a long-standing programme with Lockheed 155mm C-DAEM Armor is a cannon munition that includes a
Martin as the principal supplier. A total of 614 systems have seeker, shape charge warhead and M-code GPS that gives
been budgeted till 2028 at a cost of around US$3.6 billion. it anti-armour capability. A total of US$1.2 billion has been
The HIMARS, which can be transported via the C-130 or the allocated to this programme over the period 2023-2028.
Artillery Propellants, Fuzes and Primers Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) - Navy
The U.S. Army’s Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) The U.S. Navy is procuring 1,938 GMLRS rockets that will
Modernization programme involves the procurement of be fired from the HIMARS launchers. These systems are
various artillery propellants, fuzes and primers. These being procured in two variants: Unitary (U) and Alternative
include the Multi-Option Fuze for Artillery (MOFA) Warhead (AW). The Unitary uses a 200-pound high explosive
compatible with all 105mm and 155mm cannon systems, warhead to destroy point targets with minimal collateral
the Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS) M231 that is damage. GMLRS Alternative Warhead (AW) is a non-cluster
designed to achieve ranges between 3kms to 12kms, the munition that looks to destroy the same target as a dual-
Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) that provides accuracy for purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM). This
155mm M795 and M549A1 High Explosive (HE) projectiles means that the shell separates into various submunitions
and the M739A1 Point Detonating (PD) and Delay Fuze that prior to engaging with the target. Both variants are currently
enable 105mm and 155mm projectiles to address point in full rate production. The total value of this programme
detonating/delay artillery functions. Also included are is US$295.8 million, and Lockheed Martin is the principal
the Supercharge, which helps the M1299 Extended Range supplier.
Cannon Artillery (ERCA) SPH achieve maximum range, the
Stub Charge which is required to fire the Modular Artillery Artillery Munitions – Navy
Charge System (MACS) propellant at different charges and The Navy is procuring various 155mm artillery ammunition
the Long Range-Precision Guidance Kit that can provide to address Littoral Operations in Contested Environments
accuracy even when the GPS is jammed. Several original (LOCE) and the Indo-Pacific region. These can be fired
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) including General from M777 howitzers and also include primers, propellants,
Dynamics, Armtec Defense Products, St. Marks Powder projectiles, and fuzes. The Artillery fuzes include point
Inc., Conco Inc. are working on the production of these detonating, multi-option, electronic time and precision-
systems. A total of US$1.5 billion has been allocated for this guided systems. The Navy allocated US$552.3 million for
programme between 2023 and 2028. this programme before 2023 and US$653.4 million between
Artillery Weapons System – Navy:
The Navy is procuring three main weapons systems to
enhance its expeditionary long-range precision fires
capabilities. These include the Navy/Marine Expeditionary
Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS), the High Mobility Artillery
Rocket System (HIMARS) and the Long-Range Precision
Fires Launchers. A total of US$2.7 billion has been allocated
by the Navy towards the procurement of 117 of these
systems until 2028.
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21 – 23 May 2024
Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, France
Colonel Kjartan Colonel Marcel Colonel Roman Colonel Michael Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant
Søyland, Krenek, Bobal’, A. Villumsen, Colonel David colonel Allan Colonel Erik
Head of Chief of Artillery, Chief of Artillery, Commander Manunta, Raidma, Verstraelen,
Department Army Of the Slovak Armed Danish Artillery Chief Artillery Artillery Battalion Commanding
Artillery and Air Czech Republic Forces Regiment, Danish Officer, Commander, Officer Artillery
Defense, Army Belgian Armed Estonian Defence Battalion,
Norwegian Forces Forces Belgian Armed
Armed Forces Forces