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Mandibular Fracture in Conjunction with Bicortical Penetration,

Using Wide-Diameter Endosseous Dental Implants

Won-suk Oh, DDS, MS,1 Eleni D. Roumanas, DDS,2 & John Beumer III, DDS, MS2
Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI
Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, Biomaterials and Hospital Dentistry, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

Keywords Abstract
Prosthodontic rehabilitation; fracture of
atrophic edentulous mandible; thermal injury; Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with an atrophic edentulous mandible presents
wide-diameter implant; bicortical penetration. a significant challenge in restoring esthetics and function. The purpose of this clinical
report is to describe fracture of an atrophic edentulous mandible opposing maxillary
Correspondence natural dentition in association with endosseous dental implants. The patient received
Won-suk Oh, Department of Biologic & two wide-diameter implants in the anterior mandible for an implant-assisted mandibu-
Materials Sciences, University of Michigan lar overdenture, in which the implants penetrated the inferior border of the mandible
School of Dentistry, 1011 N. University, Rm for bicortical stabilization. Three months following implant placement surgery, the
K1014A, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078. E-mail: patient experienced pain, swelling, and intraoral purulent drainage around the right
ohws@umich.edu implant. Panoramic radiograph revealed a fracture of the mandible through the right
implant site and signs of infection around the left implant. The implants were removed
This clinical report was presented at the surgically, and open reduction and fixation of the fracture site were undertaken using a
biennial session of the ICP in Fukuoka, titanium bone fixation plate. This clinical report demonstrates that placement of wide-
Japan, September 2007.
diameter implants in conjunction with bicortical penetration in a severely atrophic
edentulous mandible can risk fracture of the mandible.
Accepted December 2, 2009

doi: 10.1111/j.1532-849X.2010.00646.x

Osseointegrated dental implants are highly predictable for pros- healing period for this process is approximately 4 months for
thetic rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible,1-5 although machined surfaces, but currently available moderately rough
various biologic and mechanical complications have been re- surfaces may accelerate bone formation and enhance biome-
ported.6-9 Mandibular fracture is not a common problem en- chanical and biochemical bonding around the implant. Prior to
countered in conjunction with endosseous implants but recog- establishment of osseointegration, the implants are required to
nized as a serious potential complication. This is particularly maintain intimate contact with the bone by means of frictional
problematic in the highly resorbed, osteoporotic, or osteoscle- fit. Thus, stress distribution is not homogenous at the implant
rotic edentulous mandible.10-13 sites, which act as stress concentrators, in particular in the at-
In the normal human dentate mandible, the volume of cor- rophic edentulous mandible due to reduced bone volume.20-23
tical bone is approximately 3.5 times less than that of can- Fracture of the atrophic mandible can occur even under normal
cellous bone.14 Following the loss of teeth, the mandible function, in part due to flexure of the mandible by physiologic
experiences significant reduction in bone height and volume. forces generated by the muscles of mastication.24
Although both cortical and cancellous portions of the mandible Bicortical engagement is recommended and frequently used
are affected by resorption, the remaining portion of the at- in the atrophic edentulous mandible to enhance implant sta-
rophic mandible becomes denser with increased load applica- bility, permit placement of longer implants, and improve load
tions from the mandibular prosthesis. The resulting increase transfer characteristics;25-27 however, bicortical penetration of
in cortical wall thickness and bone density occurs simultane- the atrophic mandible may significantly reduce structural in-
ously with vertical bone resorption, beneath the functioning tegrity due to the loss of continuity at the inferior and lat-
prosthesis.15,16 The atrophic dense edentulous mandible subse- eral border.28,29 Implant site preparation for wide-diameter im-
quently becomes susceptible to fracture from external trauma plants may further increase the risk of thermal injury of the
or functional forces. bone and thin out the buccal and lingual cortices creating an
During placement of endosseous implants, gentle surgical “egg crate” configuration.30 The purpose of this clinical re-
technique and adequate irrigation and blood supply are prereq- port is to describe the fracture of a patient’s atrophic edentu-
uisite to the process of osseointegration.17-19 The traditional lous mandible after placement of two wide-diameter implants

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Mandibular Fracture in Conjunction with Endosseous Dental Implants Oh et al

that penetrated the inferior border of the mandible and that op-
posed a natural maxillary dentition under normal function. This
report also reviewed preoperative strategies for prosthodontic

Clinical report
The patient, a 63-year-old white man, presented to the Max-
illofacial Prosthetics Clinic at the University of California, Los
Angeles in July 2004, complaining of difficulty wearing his
conventional mandibular complete denture (CD) and desiring
dental implant-assisted overdenture (IOD). Past medical his- Figure 2 Preoperative panoramic radiographic image exhibiting ad-
tory included mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart vanced atrophy of the mandible (7 mm height of anterior mandible).
murmur, and hypertension. The patient had suffered a gunshot
wound in the mandible with the entry wound on the left and
exit wound on the right, approximately 30 years earlier, for tations the patient chose the mandibular 2-IOD, retained with
which he underwent multiple reconstructive surgeries, includ- a tissue bar for the edentulous mandible. He desired to main-
ing a bone graft with a titanium mesh in the right posterior tain his natural dentition in the maxilla. The patient’s existing
mandible. The last mandibular surgery was in 1990 to resolve mandibular CD was relined using a tissue conditioner (Visco-
the infection caused by oral exposure of the retained Ti mesh gel, Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany) to provide
used for grafting. stability and restore occlusal vertical dimension. The prosthesis
Intraoral examination revealed natural dentition in the max- was tested in the mouth for esthetics and function and dupli-
illa and a severely atrophic edentulous mandible (Prosthodon- cated in a clear acrylic resin (Teets, Co-Oral-Ite Dental Mfg Co,
tic Diagnostic Index, Edentulous Class IV). The preexisting Diamond Springs, CA) using a denture duplicator flask kit
conventional mandibular CD was neither stable nor retentive. (Lang Dental Mfg, Wheeling, IL). The duplicate denture was
Cephalometric and panoramic radiographic examination re- modified to a surgical template and used during the surgical
vealed advanced resorption of the mandible with deficient bone procedure to direct implant position.
(7 mm in height) in the symphyseal area (Figs 1 and 2). The pa- Wide-diameter implants (5.0-mm diameter) were selected
tient was informed of the possible consequences of prosthodon- to increase the contact surface area of the implant with the
tic rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible without addressing bone. Under local anesthesia, a crestal incision was made and
the maxillary dentition. These included difficulty in establish- a mucoperiosteal flap was reflected between the mental fora-
ing proper occlusion, compromised stability of the mandibu- men. Gentle surgical technique was used to create implant os-
lar denture, and increased bone resorption of the mandible. teotomy sites under copious irrigation during drilling. Two short
The proposed treatment options were as follows: conventional (8.5-mm length) two-stage endosseous screw-type implants
maxillary/mandibular CDs; maxillary CD opposing mandibu- (Osseotite, 3i, Palm Beach Gardens, FL) were placed in the
lar 2 IOD (2-IOD), 4 IOD (4-IOD), or fixed bone anchored right and left mandibular canine sites where the implants en-
bridge; maxillary/mandibular 2-IOD or 4-IOD; or do nothing. gaged and penetrated the inferior border of the mandible (Fig 3).
Onlay grafting procedures to augment the mandible were ruled The implants were submerged and allowed to heal undisturbed.
out because of anticipated accelerated bone graft resorption The patient did not wear his denture for 1 week postopera-
and the patient’s past surgical history. Due to financial limi- tively. Following this period, the intaglio surface of the existing
denture was aggressively relieved and relined with a resilient
tissue conditioning material (Visco-gel), which was replaced
every other week. The patient was instructed to maintain a soft

Figure 1 Preoperative cephalometric radiographic image exhibiting nat- Figure 3 Postoperative, panoramic radiographic image exhibiting two
ural dentition in maxilla, atrophic edentulous mandible, and opaque par- screw-type endosseous wide-diameter implants in each canine area,
ticles from gunshot wound in posterior mandible. penetrating inferior border of mandible.

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Oh et al Mandibular Fracture in Conjunction with Endosseous Dental Implants

Figure 4 Panoramic radiographic image exhibiting displacement of right Figure 6 Panoramic radiographic image exhibiting reunion of fractured
implant, along with fracture of mandible at implant site and radiolucency mandible and removal of hardware.
around left implant.

long lag screw (Arthrex Inc) was also placed (Fig 5). Following
diet and remove the denture from his mouth at night. Over the reduction, the fracture was noted to have good stability, the
next months, in the right symphyseal area, the patient expe- region was irrigated copiously, and the intraoral incision was
rienced several episodes of inflammation and associated pain, closed in a watertight manner. The patient was instructed not
which appeared to subside with antibiotics. to use the denture for 6 weeks and placed on Clindamycin,
Three months following surgery, the patient presented with 300 mg four times daily for 7 days.
pain and swelling in the right submandibular area. Intraoral The patient’s postoperative course was uneventful, and he
examination revealed hyperplastic granulation tissue and puru- was discharged from the hospital two days later. He was re-
lent exudate from the periimplant area in the right mandible. A called biweekly, until an improvement in symptoms was noted
panoramic radiograph showed evidence of a right mandibular with no evidence of extraoral swelling or lymphadenopathy.
fracture, displacement of the right implant into the submandibu- At the 6-week follow-up appointment, a follow-up panoramic
lar soft tissue space, and signs of infection around the left im- radiograph was made, showing evidence of good bony align-
plant (Fig 4). Review of the medical history did not reveal any ment, bony callus formation, and healing around the fracture
contributory findings, and the patient did not report a history of site. The patient did not report discomfort or other adverse
external trauma to the region. The patient was placed on Clin- symptoms. The existing denture was relined with a tissue con-
damycin (Cleocin, Pfizer Inc, New York, NY), 300 mg orally, ditioner (Visco-gel), and the patient continued on a soft diet
four times daily for 7 days and advised to remain on a pureed, regimen. Approximately 4 months later, the hardware was re-
soft diet. moved, and following complete healing of the soft tissues, a
An open reduction was planned to remove both implants new mandibular conventional CD was fabricated (Fig 6).
and reduce the mandibular fracture. Under local anesthesia and
IV sedation, the left implant was identified and removed with-
out complications. The right implant site was noted to have
a mandibular fracture with the implant displaced in the sub- Implant site preparation and placement should be gentle and
mandibular area. The implant was removed, and the fracture atraumatic with copious irrigation for successful osseointegra-
site was debrided of all reactive granulation tissue. The bony tion, particularly in the anterior portion of the atrophic edentu-
fragments were approximated and stabilized with a 1.7-mm lous mandible with dense cortical bone.2,3 Inadequate irrigation
4-hole Ti bone fixation plate (Arthrex Inc, Naples, FL) and and cooling while drilling in dense cortical bone may result in
6-mm bone screws (Arthrex Inc). A 2.0-mm-wide and 12-mm- elevated bone temperatures without apparent visual evidence,
leading to bone necrosis with compromised and delayed healing
at the implant-bone interface.17,19 The risk of thermal injury and
resulting lack of osseointegration can be greater in site prepara-
tions for wide-diameter implants with their increased drill size
and peripheral speeds, especially in dense cortical bone with
reduced vascularity.2,3,17,19 Thus, operator experience and judg-
ment are critical in determining bone density. Using sharp drills
of incremental size, gentle surgical technique, and light and in-
termittent drilling pressure with copious irrigation are critical
to avoid the harmful effects of temperature increase.17,19,31
Wide-diameter implant site preparation and placement in the
atrophic mandible may alter the critical amount of remain-
ing bone needed to maintain mandibular integrity and pre-
Figure 5 Panoramic radiographic image exhibiting fixation of mandible vent fracture with loading, yet it could predispose the jaw
with titanium plate and displaced right implant in submandibular soft to breakage, especially if the bone were subject to over-
tissue. heating and uneven stress distribution.10-13,21-23 The stress

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