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Computed tomography imaging-guided

radiotherapy by targeting upconversion

NANOMEDICINE nanocubes with significant imaging and
BIOMATERIALS radiosensitization enhancements
Huaiyong Xing1, Xiangpeng Zheng2, Qingguo Ren2, Wenbo Bu1, Weiqiang Ge2, Qingfeng Xiao1,
Shengjian Zhang3, Chenyang Wei1, Haiyun Qu1, Zheng Wang1, Yanqing Hua2, Liangping Zhou3,
Received Weijun Peng3, Kuaile Zhao3 & Jianlin Shi1
20 August 2012
Accepted 1
State Key Laboratory of High performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructures, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese
15 April 2013
Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200050, China, 2Department of radiation oncology, Shanghai Huadong Hospital, Fudan
Published University, Shanghai, 200040, China, 3Department of radiology, Shanghai Cancer Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai,
29 April 2013 200032, China.

The clinical potentials of radiotherapy could not be achieved completely because of the inaccurate
Correspondence and positioning and inherent radioresistance of tumours. In this study, a novel active-targeting upconversion
requests for materials theranostic agent (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-labelled BaYbF5: 2% Er31 nanocube) was developed for the
should be addressed to first time to address these clinical demands. Heavy metal-based nanocubes (,10 nm) are potential
W.B.B. (wbbu@mail.
theranostic agents with bifunctional features: computed tomography (CT) contrast agents for targeted
tumour imaging and irradiation dose enhancers in tumours during radiotherapy. Remarkably, they showed
sic.ac.cn) or J.L.S.
low toxicity and excellent performance in active-targeting CT imaging and CT imaging-guided
(jlshi@sunm.shcnc.ac. radiosensitizing therapy, which could greatly concentrate and enlarge the irradiation dose deposition in
cn) tumours to enhance therapeutic efficacy and minimize the damage to surrounding tissues.

adiotherapy can non-invasively generate toxic photoelectrons and radical species that can kill cancerous
cells by delivering therapeutic X-rays to tumour regions without surgical risks and complications or
without the systematic toxicity of chemotherapy. Despite these advantages, the clinical potentials of
radiotherapy could not be realized completely until two critical radiotherapy-related challenges could be over-
come. Firstly, the inaccuracy in tumour localization at pre- and intra-treatments could lead to inadequate dose
coverage to the tumour target and overexposure to surrounding normal tissues, resulting in the failure of tumour
control and occurrence of radiation-induced toxicity1–3. Secondly, inherent radioresistance of tumours due to
various mechanisms (such as hypoxia) needs high irradiation dose or anticancer drugs for effective eradication of
cancerous cells4–6.
Metal-based (usually silver or gold) fiducials are usually implanted into tumours or tumour beds to position the
tumours for radiotherapy guidance, causing potential risks to patients. Interestingly, X-ray computed tomo-
graphy (CT) could provide high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) structural details of tissues without any
invasion, which is highly beneficial for radiotherapy location7,8. Due to ionizing character of the X-ray beam,
CT imaging is less safe than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However CT imaging guidance in radiotherapy
has been the dominant imaging modality over MRI due to the following reasons: first, fast acquisition which
makes the patient-on-treatment-couch time as short as possible; second, high reproducibility which allows
continued comparison and evaluation of tumor positions at different treatment fractions. Third, CT imaging
during treatment could be used to compare with planning CT imaging such as IGRT and TOMO radiotherapy in
hospital. Given that the recognition of lesions in CT relies largely on their differential X-ray absorption features
from the surroundings, contrast agents (CAs) are necessary to enhance these differences. Clinical CT CAs
(iodine-based compounds) could detect tumours in a few seconds. However, these CAs suffer from very short
circulation duration of the molecule iodinate in vivo (within a few minutes)9–11. Newly developed nanoparticles
(NPs) could be ideal candidates for a more efficient CT imaging to locate tumours because of their prolonged

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 1


circulation time, selective accumulation in tumours by the enhanced high binding affinities to avb3 integrin receptors overexpressed on
permeability and retention (EPR) effect12,13 and the promising active- the surface of endothelial cells lining the neovasculatures in
targeting through conjugating special antibody or peptide10. Several tumours43. Guided by tumour-targeted CT imaging, the radiosensi-
metal (Au, Bi, Ta, Gd, Lu, etc.)-based NPs were synthesized as new tizing effect of heavy CT CAs was investigated using a clinical mega-
CT CAs because of their high performance in X-ray attenuation voltage photon beam.
(high Z) and stability in vivo14–21. Interestingly, ytterbium (Yb)-based
NPs with good biocompatibility were reported to possess higher Results
attenuation than previously reported CAs, especially at a clinical
Characterization of UCA-RGD. Hydrophobic BaYbF5:2% Er31 NPs
120 kVp scanner22,23. The higher the attenuation that metal-based
were synthesized using a hydrothermal method. This method was
CAs have per unit, the lesser dosage would be required to achieve
selected because it is simpler, more productive and more user-
equal signal enhancement and high targeting efficiency for tumour
friendly than previously used thermolysis at high temperatures23,44.
imaging. Recently, Qu et al. have reported on the potential of Er31
The low cost and high productivity would satisfy the heavy use of CT
-doped Yb2O3 NPs as efficient CT imaging CAs. However, they
CAs. The as-prepared NPs were characterized by X-ray powder
only focused on hepatic imaging with NPs captured by phagocytic
diffraction (XRD, Figure S1a), which showed the cubic phase
cells in the reticuloendothelial system24. Studies on active-targeted
patterns when compared with the standard PDF card of BaGdF5:
CT imaging based on Yb NPs for accurate tumour positioning are
24-0098. The average crystallite size of NPs was approximately
9.4 nm, as calculated from the Scherrer formula (D 5 Kl/bcosh,
Meanwhile, the problem of radioresistance is of equal importance calculation in Figure S1 caption). All component elements (Ba, Yb,
in tumour control because of the extensive presence of radioresistant F and Er) were found in the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum
(e.g., hypoxic, S-phase) tumour cells4,6. In this aspect, the combina- (Figure S1b). As shown in the transmission electron microscope
tion of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is a well-established strat- (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM)
egy25, but concerns on the overall toxicity have significantly retarded images (Figures 1a, 1b, S2 and S3), the constructed oleic acid
its adoption among many cancers26–28. Another effective strategy in (OA)-coated NPs have a unique cube shape and an average size of
enhancing the localized irradiation dose in tumours is radiosensiti- 9.9 nm. These findings are consistent with those calculated from the
zation1,4,5. Fortunately, heavy metal (with high Z) NPs as promising Scherrer formula.
CT CAs could be used in radiosensitizing therapy because of their Biomimetic DSPE-PEG2000 and DSPE-PEG2000-Mal were used to
high X-ray photon capture cross-section and Compton scattering endow the OA-BaYbF5:2% Er31 nanocubes with good hydrophilicity
effect5,29,30. Therefore, the X-ray dose of the surrounding tissue could and biocompatibility. Thiolated RGD peptides were then conjugated
be greatly reduced, and higher dose could be concentrated at the to DSPE-PEG2000-Mal through classic thiol-maleimide reaction to
tumour region containing NPs. To date, gold (Au) NPs have been produce targeting UCA-RGD45. Figures 1c and S4 show excellent
extensively investigated for their dose-enhancement effect. Au has K- dispersion of UCA-RGD in water without any visible aggregation,
edge at approximately 81 keV; irradiation using photon beams with which was further demonstrated by the small and well-defined
energy in the keV range (e.g., 200 keV) could induce dramatic emis- hydrated size of 22 nm (Figure S5a). The obtained nanocubes dis-
sion of photoelectrons that damage biological macromolecules1,4,5. played a potential as CT CAs. As shown in Figures 1d and 1e, the
Douglass developed a randomized 3D cell model for Monte Carlo contrast efficiency of UCA was approximately three times higher
microdosimetry simulations in the keV range31. McMahon showed than that of clinical Iobitridol because of their high X-ray absorption
the calculations of biological consequences of energy deposition coefficients (e.g., at 100 keV: Ba, 2.2 cm2 g21; Yb, 3.88 cm2 g21;
near irradiated heavy atom NPs; the results of these calculations I, 1.94 cm2 g21)46.
were consistent with cellular experiments under keV radiation29.
Hainfeld focused on radiotherapy enhanced with Au NPs in vivo Targeted imaging in vitro. With the conjugation of RGD peptides,
but was only confined to low energy (kV) beam irradiation4,5,32. the Zeta potential of the solution changed from 224.8 mV to
Unfortunately, the clinical radiotherapy machines apply electron 26.4 mV (Figure S5b and S5c), along with the weakened
linacs with much higher energy (6 MV to 25 MV) that are much characteristic band of CH2 (e.g., stretching vibrations of the C–H)
more penetrable to tissues than low energy (kV) beams, leading to and the intensified characteristic band of RGD (e.g., stretching
less irradiation deposition in the skin33. Notably, studies focusing on vibrations of C5O in O5C–N) (Figure S6). Inductively coupled
the effect of heavy metal NPs on the dose distribution of megavoltage plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) showed that the
(MV) irradiation would be more clinically relevant. However, such molar ratio of S (RGD) and Yb (UCA) in the obtained UCA-RGD
studies have been reported basically established on Monte Carlo NPs was approximately 152. To investigate the targeting efficiency of
modelling calculations or at the cellular level34–39. Therefore, the UCA-RGD in vitro, human glioblastoma U87MG cells with high
radiosensitizing effect of MV irradiation in vivo is an interesting avb3 integrin expression and human breast cancer MCF-7 cells
topic. with low avb3 integrin expression served as positive/negative
This study reports on the upconversion of BaYbF5: 2% Er31 nano- controls47,48. Figure 1g shows that more than 85.9% of the U87MG
cubes (UCA) conjugated with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) cells and 89.8% of the MCF-7 cells survived after incubation with a
peptides (UCA-RGD) as effective tumour-targeting theranostic high concentration of UCA-RGD (800 mg Yb/mL) for 24 h. Notably,
agents with dual functions: efficient targeted CT CAs for tumour the cell viability remained .78% even after 2 d of co-incubation with
imaging and irradiation dose amplifier for radiotherapy under the UCA-RGD NPs (800 mg Yb/mL, Figure S7), indicating the low
guidance of CT imaging. This specifically designed dual metal ele- cytotoxicity of UCA-RGD in vitro. Given that the BaYbF5: 2% Er31
ment-based nanocube probe holds a great promise as CT imaging nanocubes could emit strong red luminescence under excitation at
CA with better CT imaging quality at reduced CA dosage when 980 nm laser (Figure S8), the specific uptake of UCA-RGD by high
compared with the current available CAs imaged using a clinical avb3 integrin expressed U87MG cells could be directly observed in
CT scanner. Meanwhile, compared with the conventional organic the confocal microscopic images. As shown in Figure 2, minimal
dyes or quantum dots, these upconversion NPs could be excited by UCL was observed in U87MG and MCF-7 cells incubated with
near-infrared (NIR) laser and emit upconversion luminescence non-targeting UCA alone. A similar finding was obtained in
(UCL) with greatly suppressed autofluorescence, photodamage and MCF-7 cells incubated with RGD-targeted UCA (UCA-RGD).
toxicity, which could be ideal for cell or even tissue tracking40–42. RGD Remarkably, maximum luminescence was detected in U87MG
peptides were selected for tumour-targeted imaging because of their cells incubated with UCA-RGD. The blocking experiment was

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 2


Figure 1 | (a, b) TEM images of OA-BaYbF5:2% Er31 nanocubes in chloroform; (c) TEM images of RGD-labelled UCA in water; (d) CT values and (e)
images of UCA and Iobitridol with different concentrations; (f) In vivo blood terminal half-life (t1/2) of UCA-RGD in vivo (n 5 3) and (g) Cell
viabilities of U87MG and MCF-7 cells incubated with UCA-RGD of different concentrations for 24 h.

performed using a large dose of pure RGD peptide (10 mg) for 1 h by U87MG cells were also investigated in sectional TEM images after
co-incubation, i.e., pre-treated U87MG cells were incubated with 1 h of co-incubation (Figure S10). Many UCA-RGD NPs were found
UCA-RGD NPs for another hour (Figure S9b). Much less NPs in localized at the cell surface or in the intracellular regions. However,
the UCA-RGD group under high-dose RGD blocking were uptaken only a negligible amount of UCA NPs were found in U87MG cells.
by U87MG cells when compared with the non-blocked group. This all indicates that the uptake in U87MG cells of nanoprobes is
Another control experiment was performed with UCA nanocubes specifically enhanced by binding with RGD peptide.
functionalized by RAD [c(RAD)yC)] peptide through the classic
thiol-maleimide reaction. In contrast to RGD, the peptides Targeted imaging in vivo. To demonstrate the feasibility of active-
containing RAD exhibited low affinities to avb3 integrins49,50. As targeting UCL imaging in vivo, Tm31-doped UCA-RGD and UCA
shown in Figure S9c, minimal UCL was observed in U87MG cells NPs that could emit strong NIR luminescence (approximately
incubated with UCA-RAD for 1 h, suggesting the insignificant non- 800 nm, attributed to3H4 R 3H6 of Tm31 transition, Figure S11)
specific cell uptake of UCA-RAD compared with the UCA-RGD under the same dosage (70 mg Yb/kg) were intravenously injected
after incubation. The cellular uptake of UCA and UCA-RGD NPs in U87MG tumour-bearing mice. The Tm31-doped UCA-RGD and

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 3


Figure 2 | Confocal UCL imaging of U87MG cells incubated with UCA-RGD (a) and UCA (b) at 800 mg Yb/mL for 1 h. UCL imaging of MCF-7 cells
incubated with UCA-RGD (c) and UCA (d) at 800 mg Yb/mL for 1 h.

UCA NPs possess deeper tissue penetration because the NIR-to-NIR imaging acquisition (n 5 3) using ICP-AES (Figure 3c). Despite
luminescence is in the ‘optical transmission window’ of tissues the extensive splenic and hepatic deposition, a considerable
(750 nm to 1000 nm). Therefore, they are more suitable for in vivo amount of UCA-RGD accumulated in tumours (approximately
imaging than Er31-doped NPs23,42,51. After 3 h, the tumours of the 7.5% ID Yb/g), which is 3.3-fold the UCA deposition in the non-
targeted group (injected with UCA-RGD NPs) emitted significantly targeted group (only approximately 2.3% ID Yb/g). This result is
stronger luminescence than those of the non-targeted group consistent with the observation in imaging enhancement. In
(injected with UCA NPs) (Figure S12), indicating that more active- addition, CT imaging was also recorded with UCA-RAD injection
targeting UCA-RGD NPs were uptaken by the tumours than the under the same condition with UCA-RGD injection (3 h after
non-targeting UCA NPs. Motivated by the exciting CT contrast injection of UCA-RAD with 70 mg Yb/kg). As shown in Figure
performance and targeting efficiency in UCL modality, in vivo S15, although the tumour injected with UCA-RAD could be
tumour-targeted CT imaging was performed using U87MG observed, it was less remarkable than the UCA-RGD-injected
tumour-bearing mice by intravenous administration of the same group from the 3D VR CT images (marked in the red circle). This
dosage of UCA and UCA-RGD (70 mg Yb/kg). As shown in result further demonstrates that the accumulation in tumours is due
Figures 3a, S13 and S14, 3 hours after CA administration, the to the presence of RGD. Thus, UCA-RGD with high tumour
tumours from the targeted group could be readily recognized in selectivity and affinity could be used as an efficient tumour
CT images, especially through 3D volume rendering (VR) targeting CT CA in vivo. Histological examination of critical
processing (marked in the yellow circle in Figure 3a, Movie S1), in organs (heart, kidney, liver, lung and spleen) stained with
contrast to the non-enhanced tumours from the non-targeted group haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) showed no abnormal microscopic
(marked in the blue circle in Figure 3a, Movie S2). For quantitative tissue changes, indicative of the favourable biocompatibility of UCA
analysis of the enhancement, the regions of interest (ROI) were in vivo (Figure S16). For further comparison, clinical CT CA-
localized in each tumour with fixed size and matching position. In Iobitridol was used at fivefold concentration of UCA-RGD.
the targeted group, the average Hounsfield unit (HU) value increased Unfortunately, the tumour imaging contrasts were not significantly
from 24.0 to 67.4 (**p , 0.001), as judged by clinical radiological enhanced, and Iobitridol was rapidly excreted via the urinary route
criteria. However, in the non-targeted group, a mild HU (Figures S17 and S18).
enhancement of 17.5 (from 29.4 to 46.9, *p , 0.05) occurred
because of the EPR effect. The tumour HU value enhancement in Radiosensitization assessment in vitro. The irradiation dose
the targeted group was approximately 2.5-fold that in the non- enhancement of UCA was evaluated by typical polymer gels with
targeted group (Figure 3b). For an accurate biodistribution magnetic resonance properties that change once irradiated. As
determination of UCA-RGD or UCA in mice, the concentrations shown in Figure S19, the addition of UCA dramatically shortened
of Yb in each organ harvested immediately were measured after the T2 value of gels with grey appearance of lower signal after

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 4


Figure 3 | (a) In vivo transverse slices and 3D volume rendering CT images of U87MG tumour-bearing mice at pre-injection and 3 h after intravenous
injection of UCA-RGD (targeted group) or UCA (non-targeted group); the corresponding CT value changes in the tumour (b) and tissue distributions
(n 5 3) of NPs in vivo (c).

irradiation when compared with T2-weighted images of gels without Yb/g). By contrast, the tumours that received a combination of
UCA. UCA could apparently increase irradiative energy deposition radiotherapy and UCA-RGD intravenous injection shrank by a
in gels, as reflected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). maximum volume percentage of 35%, with growth inhibition that
lasted for at least 12 d. The tumours regrew 14 d after radiotherapy.
Radiosensitization assessment in vivo. The findings of in vitro However, the UCA-RGD-assisted radiotherapy group regrew much
radiosensitization have encouraged us to perform translational in slower than the other radiotherapy groups during the succeeding 8 d
vivo experiments based on the U87MG tumour xenografts to (**p , 0.001). Histopathological examination of dissected U87MG
investigate whether the dose enhancement effect could be applied tumour tissues showed that the UCA-RGD alone had no therapeutic
to improve tumour control in radiotherapy. Notably, such effect on the tumours. Compared with radiotherapy alone, UCA-
radiotherapy could be guided well by CT imaging, as shown in RGD-assisted radiotherapy caused a more remarkable and
Figure 3, wherein the radio-irradiation could be localized on the extensive tissue destruction, such as large vacuoles and irregular
tumour site under on-line monitoring by CT imaging. The widening (Figure S20).
radiotherapy was conducted at 8 Gy radiation dose, 3 h after the
intravenous injection of NPs. The treatment results are shown in Discussion
Figure 4. The tumours in the control group without any treatment The contrast efficiency of UCA was approximately fourfold that of
grew rapidly in the entire period of investigation, which enlarged Iobitridol. Therefore, these efficient CT CAs could greatly reduce the
nearly by 14-fold in tumour volume for 20 d. In the group treated usage of CAs, ensure the anatomical delineation with high quality
with radiotherapy alone, tumour growth was inhibited only in the and even benefit targeted tumour CT imaging. Through phospholi-
first 8 d, accompanied by an approximately 18% volume decrease. pid-PEGylation, UCA-RGD acquired a long in vivo blood circulation
The UCA-injected radiation group showed similar tumour- half-life of up to 2.2 h (Figure 1f), which was much higher than the
inhibition behaviour with the radiotherapy-alone group because of previously reported upconversion NPs (less than 10 min)52. A long
the low UCA accumulation in the tumours (approximately 2.3% ID circulation time benefits targeted imaging because targeting agents

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 5


Figure 4 | Representative images of U87MG tumour-bearing mice at pre-injection 14 d and 20 d after various treatments: (a) Control without any
treatment, (b) Radiotherapy alone, (c) Radiotherapy and UCA with intravenous injection of UCA (70 mg Yb/kg), (d) Radiotherapy and UCA-RGD with
intravenous injection of UCA-RGD (70 mg Yb/kg). (e, f) Growth of U87MG tumours from different groups after various treatments (n 5 6).

maintaining a relatively high blood concentration could be readily Theranosis combines diagnosis and simultaneous therapy. This
uptaken by target tissues. In vivo CT imaging shows that UCA-RGD concept, especially in imaging-guided therapy, has recently drawn
with good biocompatibility can act as efficient CT CAs for active extensive interests for future clinical applications3,53,54. Effective ther-
tumour targeting and imaging. Furthermore, the accurate diagnosis anosis relies largely on the efficient delivery of both imaging agents
in CT modality using UCA-RGD could provide useful tools for the and drugs without separation before arriving at the tumour55.
succeeding radiotherapy. Considering the designed theranosis system in the study, the targeted

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 6


UCA-RGD has shown active tumour-targeting capability compared evaporate the solvent. Subsequently, 10 mL of water was added into the solid lipidic
mass, and the solution was sonicated for 5 min. The thiolated RGD peptide-
with UCA alone. Moreover, CT CAs are effective ‘drugs’ that sens- c(RGDyC) was conjugated with UCA-Mal micelles through specific thiol-maleimide
itize radiotherapy, without the need of carrying other additional crosslinking45. Typically, 80 mg c(RGDyC) was added into the UCA-Mal solution
drugs. In the present study, the heavy metal components in UCA and stirred for 24 h. The resulting solution was centrifuged three times to remove the
could dramatically increase X-ray attenuation by inducing a cascade residual RGD peptide and redispersed in 5 mL of physiological saline. The solution
of photon-mass interaction along the pathway of incident photons. was filtered through a 0.22 mm membrane filter to remove large aggregates and then
kept at 4uC for later use.
As a result, a large amount of photoelectrons and Auger electrons
would be produced in tumours where UCA is accumulated30. Given Synthesis of UCA-RAD. The synthesis process was relatively similar with UCA-RGD
that RGD peptides have high binding affinities with avb3 integrin using c(RADyC) peptide rather than c(RGDyC).
receptors, which are overexpressed in the new vasculature within
Cell culture and cytotoxicity assessment. Human glioblastoma-astrocytoma
U87MG tumours, a large amount of UCA-RGD could accumulate U87MG cells were cultured at 37uC under 5% CO2 in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s
and distribute around the vascular endothelial lining (Figure Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1%
S21)49,56. During radiotherapy, tumour neovasculature was subjected penicillin/streptomycin. Human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells were cultured
to increased irradiation dose because of the dose enhancement effect at 37uC under 5% CO2 in Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI) 1640
by UCA-RGD, which could aggravate endothelial damage and vas- supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. Both cells were
purchased from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China. The cytotoxicity
cular destruction, and the consequent blockade of nutrient delivery assessment was measured by the typical 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
towards tumours4,35. Additionally, less weight loss in mice treated diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. U87MG and MCF-7 cells were seeded
with UCA-RGD-assisted radiotherapy than those in control group into a 96-well cell culture plate at 106/well and then incubated for 24 h or 48 h at 37uC
implied better physical condition and less tumour burden in mice under 5% CO2. DMEM/RPMI 1640 solutions of UCA-RGD with different
concentrations of 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg Yb/mL were added to the wells.
(Figure S22). This result is consistent with better tumour control, The cells were then incubated for 24 h at 37uC under 5% CO2. The cell viabilities were
which could be further translated as a better quality of life in the calculated using the typical MTT assay.
treatment of cancer patients.
In summary, we developed a novel active-targeting theranostic Cellular confocal fluorescence imaging. Approximately 800 mg of Yb/mL UCA-
RGD, UCA or UCA-RAD was incubated with U87MG or MCF-7 cell (106/well) for
agent for targeted CT imaging and CT imaging-guided radiotherapy 1 h at 37uC under 5% CO2. After being washed thrice with PBS, the nuclei were
with a significant radiosensitization enhancement. Compared with stained with 1 mg/mL to 2 mg/mL 4’-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, lex 5
the conventional CT CAs-enhanced imaging, the non-invasive tar- 358 nm) for 15 min. Upconversion luminescent cellular imaging was acquired using
geted CT imaging could provide better anatomical and pathophysio- an Olympus FV1000 laser-scanning microscope equipped with a CW NIR laser (lex
5 980 nm). A 60 3 oil-immersion objective lens were used, and luminescence signals
logic information of tumours for detection, treatment evaluation, were observed in the wavelength region of 600 nm to 700 nm.
target delineation and precise positioning for accurate CT
imaging-guided radiotherapy of tumours. Furthermore, the con- Measurement of blood terminal half-life in vivo. Specific-pathogen-free (SPF)
stitutive heavy elements in this novel agent have been demonstrated healthy Kunming mice (,20 g, n 5 3) were purchased and raised at the Laboratory
capable of enhancing irradiation dose deposition by a radiosensitiz- Animal Centre, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, China. The mice were
injected with 200 mL of UCA-RGD (7 mg Yb/mL, 70 mg Yb/kg) intravenously
ing effect. The preliminary results from tumour xenografts showed through the tail vein. All animal experiments were conducted under protocols
that the dose enhancement effect observed in vivo could be readily approved by the Laboratory Animal Centre of Fudan University, China. The terminal
translated to favourable tumour control by the UCA-RGD-radio- half-life was measured by drawing approximately 15 mL of blood from the tail vein of
sensitized radiotherapy. Meanwhile, the targeted theranostic system the Kunming mice after injection (2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h and
24 h). Each blood sample was dissolved in 1 mL of physiological saline (10 mmol/L
is anticipated to address the clinical drawbacks of radiotherapy EDTA, blood anticoagulant). The concentrations of UCA (Yb) in the blood were
through tumour positioning and sensitization, which could be used measured by ICP-AES. Terminal half-life was then calculated based on a single-
for the recognition and eradication of the whole tumour. component pharmacokinetic model.

In vivo CT imaging and biodistribution of UCA. CT tests were performed on GE

Methods discovery CT750 HD, GE Healthcare, with spectral CT scanning mode and 0.625 mm
31 31
Synthesis of OA-BaYbF5: 2% Er (Tm ) nanocubes. The synthesis of BaYbF5:2% slice thickness using the following parameters: detector coverage, 20.0 mm; pitch and
Er31 (Tm31) nanocubes was conducted through a hydrothermal method following speed, 0.531:1 and 10.62 mm; and gantry rotation time, 0.5 s. In vivo CT imaging of
the procedures of previous studies with slight modification57,58. In a typical procedure, U87MG tumour-bearing mice was performed in various time periods after the
ethanol (20 mL) was mixed with OA (12 mmol) and oleylamine (12 mmol) under intravenous injection of physiological saline with 200 mL of UCA-RGD (targeted
magnetic stirring for 30 min to form a homogeneous solution. Subsequently, 1 mmol group) or UCA (non-targeted group) with the same concentration (7 mg Yb/mL,
of BaCl2 and RECl3 (RE 5 98% Yb31, 2% Er31 or Tm31) solution (5 mL) was added 70 mg Yb/kg). At 3 h after the injection, the mice from the targeted group (n 5 3) and
into the previous solution. The solution was then slowly added with 5 mmol of NaF the non-targeted group (n 5 3) were sacrificed. The corresponding dissected organs
solution (5 mL). After stirring for 15 min, the mixture was transferred into a 100 mL were treated with microwave digestion. The biodistributions of UCA-RGD or UCA
Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave, sealed and then kept at 160uC for 12 h. After were then measured by the determination of Yb concentrations in the dissected
being naturally cooled down to room temperature, the prepared samples were organs using ICP-AES. Statistical analysis was performed using the Student’s two-
collected at the bottom of the vessel and then washed several times with chloroform tailed t test (*p , 0.05, **p , 0.001, ***p , 0.0001).
and ethanol. Therefore, the OA-BaYbF5:2% Er31 nanocubes were obtained and
redispersed in chloroform. Evaluation of radiosensitizing UCA in vitro. The evaluation of the radiosensitizing
effect of UCA was performed on the polymer gels with magnetic resonance properties
31 31
Synthesis of UCA. The as-prepared BaYbF5:2% Er (Tm ) nanocubes were that changed when irradiated. Radiation-sensitive methacrylic and ascorbic acid in
hydrophobic and could not be used in biological application. For good gelatin initiated by copper (MAGIC) gels were manufactured with slight
biocompatibility, DSPE-PEG2000 was used to modify the surface of hydrophobic modification60. Gelatin (8 g) was added into 70 mL of water (50uC) under magnetic
nanocubes according to a previously reported method with slight modifications59. stirring for 30 min to form a homogeneous solution. Hydroquinone (200 mg) in
Typically, 5 mL of BaYbF5:2% Er31 (Tm31) solution in chloroform (20 mg/mL) was 4.8 mL of water was added, and the solution was cooled down to 37uC. Subsequently,
added into 5 mL DSPE-PEG2000 solution in chloroform (20 mg/mL) and then stirred ascorbic acid (35.2 mg in 5 mL of water), CuSO4?5H2O (2 mg in 3 mL of water) and
for 10 min. The mixture was incubated at 60uC under vacuum in a rotary evaporator 9 g of methacrylic acid were added to the solution and stirred for 1 h. UCA (50 mg)
for 1 h to evaporate the solvent. Subsequently, 5 mL of physiological saline was added was then added and stirred for another hour. The MAGIC gels were transferred in a
into the lipidic film and then sonicated for 5 min. The resulting solution was filtered refrigerator for storage overnight at approximately 18 h. After irradiation with 8 Gy
through a 0.22 mm membrane filter to remove large aggregates and then kept at 4uC dose, the gels were scanned using a Siemens 3.0-T Vero clinical MR scanner
for later use. (repetition time: 8 s, echo delay time: 40 ms) for measuring radiation dose
distributions in MAGIC gels.
Synthesis of UCA-RGD. First, maleimide-functionalized UCA-Mal micelles were
prepared by mixing 5 mL of BaYbF5:2% Er31 (Tm31) solution in chloroform (20 mg/ Radiotherapy and treatment evaluation. Through the CT 3D-modeling auxiliary
mL), 4.5 mL DSPE-PEG2000 solution in chloroform (20 mg/mL) and 0.5 mL DSPE- location, the radiotherapy was conducted at 8 Gy radiation dose, 3 h after the
PEG2000-Mal solution in chloroform (20 mg/mL). The mixture was stirred for intravenous injection of NPs, on a Siemens Primus clinical linear accelerator (6 MeV)
10 min and then incubated at 60uC under vacuum in a rotary evaporator for 1 h to using a 1.5 cm 3 3 cm radiation field to cover the entire tumour without the need of

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28. Koo, H. et al. In vivo targeted delivery of nanoparticles for theranosis. Accounts This work has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 1751 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01751 8


Shanghai Rising Star Program (Grant No. 12QH1402500), the Nano special program of the H.X., X.Z., W.B. and J.S. wrote the main manuscript text. H.X., Q.X., C.W., H.Q. and Z.W.
Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai (Grant No. 11nm0505000, prepared figures 1 and 2; H.X., X.Z., Q.R., W.G., Y.H., S.Z., L.Z., W.P. and K.Z. prepared
124119a0400), the Development Foundation for Talents of Shanghai (Grant No. 2012035), figures 3 and 4. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, Grant No.2011CB707905),
the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (51225202) and the Young
Investigator Fund of Fudan University (Grant No. EYF163006). We thank Prof. Fuyou Li, Additional information
Dr. Yang Yang from Fudan University for the help in UCL in vivo imaging. We thank Jianan Supplementary information accompanies this paper at http://www.nature.com/
Liu, Feng Chen, Yu Chen, Yan Zhu, Lijun Wang, Jingwei Feng, Linlin Zhang and YanYang scientificreports
from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences for useful discussions. Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Author contributions Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
H.X., X.Z., W.B. and J.S. conceived the idea and designed the research. H.X., Q.X. and C.W. license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
synthesized the nanocubes and the MAGIC gels, carried the cellular experiments. Q.R. and How to cite this article: Xing, H.Y. et al. Computed tomography imaging-guided
Y.H. conducted all of the CT tests and analyzed the data. X.Z. and W.G. conducted the
radiotherapy by targeting upconversion nanocubes with significant imaging and
radiotherapy experiments and analyzed the data. H.X., S.Z., L.Z., W.P. and K.Z. carried all
radiosensitization enhancements. Sci. Rep. 3, 1751; DOI:10.1038/srep01751 (2013).
the animal experiments. H.Q. and Z.W. conducted the ICP-AES tests. All the authors
participated in the preparation of the manuscript. W.B. and J.S. supervised the project.

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