Anorexia Paper Thesis
Anorexia Paper Thesis
Anorexia Paper Thesis
Not only is it a
complex and sensitive subject matter, but it also requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and
careful consideration of various perspectives. Crafting a well-written thesis that effectively addresses
the complexities of anorexia requires time, effort, and expertise.
Anorexia nervosa is a serious mental health condition characterized by an intense fear of gaining
weight, distorted body image, and restrictive eating behaviors. It impacts individuals physically,
psychologically, and emotionally, making it a multifaceted topic to explore.
One of the difficulties in writing a thesis on anorexia is the vast amount of information available on
the subject. With numerous studies, theories, and personal accounts to consider, narrowing down the
focus of the thesis can be daunting. Additionally, navigating the ethical considerations surrounding
research on eating disorders requires careful attention and sensitivity.
Furthermore, constructing a thesis statement that effectively captures the essence of anorexia and its
implications can be challenging. The thesis must not only be clear and concise but also thought-
provoking and original, offering valuable insights into the understanding and treatment of the
For those facing the daunting task of writing a thesis on anorexia, seeking professional assistance
can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students tackling
complex academic assignments. With a team of experienced writers and researchers specializing in
various disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ can provide customized assistance tailored to your
specific needs.
By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your thesis on anorexia is well-
researched, meticulously crafted, and academically sound. With their expertise and support, you can
confidently navigate the challenges of writing a thesis and produce a high-quality piece of academic
work that contributes to the understanding of anorexia and its impact on individuals and society.
Dangers of Continued Weight Loss and Starvation Due to Anorexia Numerous studies have revealed
that the mortality rate of anorexia nervosa related complications are as high as 10% within the first
ten years and most of the deaths occur due to starvation or suicide. In addition, people with
Anorexia Nervosa have pressures from society about being thin, have a perfectionist trait, and may
have difficulty with parents and finding their own autonomy. It is evident from the results that
cognitive therapy can be used to alleviate eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. A good majority
of them think they are overweight or fat even if their sizes are within the acceptable range. You must
first admit that your relentless pursuit of thinness is not in your control. They were choosy in their
food and showed signs of anxiety and fear. Also it can result in effective treatment, as the anorexic
individual is not given all the responsibility but the family is targeted too. It is common for an
anorexic to feel a high from periods of starvation. Give me your paper requirements and I connect
you to an academic expert. While the onset age of anorexia focuses on upper middle school and high
school, the development of anorexia is during middle school (Romero, 1984). Research and evidence
indicate a variety of manifestations of Anorexia Nervosa, however, not all signs can be found in all
patients. These traits coincide with anorexia development because, generally, individuals who have
low self-esteem or view their bodies in a negative light are more likely to develop an eating disorder
(citation Creative Wellness). New research show that lack of support after traumatic life events can
lead to anorexia in adolescents. Many support groups and associations are helping the fightagainst
anorexia and other eating disorders. Most of the women suffering from anorexia may develop
complicated pregnancies due to sufficient amount of food. Completing A Great Anorexia Essay -
Writing Prompts And Ideas. The essay in general is very basic with references lacking dates. Helping
the victim understand the source of the pain can help with eating disorder recovery. Since this
disease is found in most young adults this can affect their education. It is characterized by fear,
which is obsessive in nature where a person develops an excessive phobia of weight gain. Report this
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Amongst the most challenging eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. There are several explanations of
anorexia, including biological explanations and psychological explanations. The report herein will
seek to venture into the different definitions that have been offered concerning this disease and the
effects of the definitions of research as a whole. The causes of anorexia result in even worst effects
including loss of appetite, poor health conditions, and stressful situations. Further exploration is
necessary on how parental attitudes and opinions influence their children’s behavior. Also,
Davisonand Neale (1998) point out that anorexic patients starve themselves despite still
feelinghungry, however, the animals with hypothalamic disturbances did not exhibit behaviourwhich
suggested hunger, rather they became indifferent to food. In conclusion, anorexia nervosa is a life-
threatening disorder that can take a person from harmless dieting to an obsession which can be fatal.
Another factor contributing to anorexia is the need to obtainperfection. Loss of the bone density and
hormonal balances are some other changes that the body of a person suffering from anorexia may
This essay is about the differences and similarities between anorexia and bulimia It was easy to write
because my senior project was about mental illness, so I. Air pollution essay wikipedia theme
analysis essay the scarlet ibis, example of work plan essay. Atypical Psychology: Describe and
Evaluate Perspectives of Psychological Di. In many cases, young girls might not even lose weight by
stopping their eating or taking on terrible eating habits because obviously their body fails to accept
the manner in which they treat it, leading to worse conditions like fainting, dizziness and blacking
out with a dip in the haemoglobin and blood sugar levels of the body. It can cause changesexternally,
internally, and psychologically. The participants were selected randomly within Indiana State. Girls
and women are the most affected by this anorexia, but it has also become commonplace in boys and
men in recent years with the conditions first developing at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Studies
have shown that many teenagers, girls especially, have a distorted view of their body and are
unhappy with their weight. Anorexia vs Bulimia Course Descriptions Faculty and Staff Model Essays
Unlike anorexia, bulimia is compulsive binge eating followed by purging through. The images on the
front cover of magazines show skinny models and celebrities, and within the pages of the magazines
are articles which discuss how to get the bodies of the thin supermodels or celebrities. Since children
learn from direct observation, parental habits, and thoughts surrounding food can be adopted
(citation). Unless and until a person is able to admit to himself that he is suffering from anorexia, it is
very tough to go ahead with the diagnosis and treatment because it is mostly a mental issue that
needs sorting with. People who argue for perceptual bias thing that the weight overestimation with
those with disordered eating will also develop disordered body image. A character named Emma was
trying to lose weight so she would barely eat and sometimes would make herself throw up. As her
career was taking off, her doctor told her that she did not meet the appropriate weight based on her
height and so she needed to lose some weight (Gilman, p. 40). Since she was at the beginning of her
career, she also felt the pressure to lose weight. According to Nicole Williamson PhD at the Tampa
General seminar (May8, 2018) Choosing the right verbiage and the way you speak to the patient can
also have an impact. In the case of Karen Carpenter brought anorexia to the forefront of the media
and the health industry. Social studies essay topic sentence essay about humble person. One effect of
cyberbullying is body shame, which is the criticizing the size or shape of someone’s body.
Unfortunately, this same trend is being repeated today among adolescents and young women with
the perceived notion of having to be thin in order to be beautiful or be accepted by the general
public. From the research, we conclude that cognitive therapy help in encouraging physical activities,
which later lead to, increased demand for food. This is because people fear to gain weight so they
purposely avoid food. (Freeman) Most of the times the loss of appetite is caused by an underlying
medical condition. The Eating Disorder Anorexia Nervosa Essay example Prompt treatment will
usually keep the condition from progressing, but some cases are very resistant to. On the other hand,
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to help patients identify and change their
distorted thinking about food and has a lasting impact. Another effect of anorexia can be poor health
conditions. The outcomes of this study contradict the belief that anorexia is primarily experienced by
white communities. Anorexia is an eating disorder that is also known as self starvation. Loss of the
bone density and hormonal balances are some other changes that the body of a person suffering from
anorexia may undergo. These groups are paving the way for research and new and bettertreatments.
The physical environment transitions that often occur at the beginning and end of middle school,
therefore, place students at risk for anorexia development.
Investigation into the relationship between an individuals precieved ugline. Dry skin, dehydration,
intolerance towards cold weather indicating a loss of iron in the body along with excessive
exercising which may be understood by irregular heart rates are all causes of this eating disorder, a
very harmful disorder that people should stay away from. Join our team of reviewers and help other
students learn. Anorexia has many different causes and can affect people in horrible ways. Many of
the physical and social developments taking place during middle school can become risk factors for
anorexia or cause side-effects that are risk factors for anorexia nervosa development (citation). Free
Essay on Eating Disorder - Eating Disorders: Exploratory. A team made up ofpediatricians,
psychiatrists, social workers administers treatment. Later studies in self-psychology prove that
disorders like Anorexia Nervosa are caused by the parents' inability to developing a healthy
affectionate relationship with their daughters (Canetti et al. This happens so the sufferer can
continuethe exhausting anorexic behaviors. Further exploration is necessary on how parental
attitudes and opinions influence their children’s behavior. Their diet was sampled and weight
recorded every day. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Little wonder then that
anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa are most prevalent in industrialized Western nations where ironically,
food is not much of a problem. Many even strive to become models and thus starve themselves in
order to fit into clothes and achieve praise in the business. More specifically, its diagnosis is based on
three distinct criteria presented by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in the fifth edition of
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5): First, consistent restriction of
energy consumption resulting in a relatively low body weight must occur. These images seen by girls
and aspiring models influenced their concept of the ideal body image -- that in order for them to be
as beautiful and as desirable like the Playboy models, they had to look as thin as these models. Some
of the participants included college students, high school, students, employees, models, and other
randomly chosen people of age 12 to 30 years. While the onset age of anorexia focuses on upper
middle school and high school, the development of anorexia is during middle school (Romero,
1984). Eating Disorders term papers (paper 6728) on Anorexia And Bulimia: Anorexia and Bulimia
Anorexia and Bulimia are serious, functional eating disorders. This trait is recognized in a patient’s
intense, all-consuming focus on food and strict control over their energy consumption. The 1920s
also compares to the trends set in the 1960s which discarded the norm of the curvaceous women.
Opinion essay example topics pms english essay paper essay on radio communication. From the
experiments, it is evident that people suffering from anorexia suffer a damaged self-esteem.
According to Nicole Williamson PhD at the Tampa General seminar, (May8, 2018) People with
Anorexia might dress in layers, become obsessed with dieting and counting calories, using diet pills,
and fasting or skipping meals all together. Published research of lived experiences of persons who
exhibit patterns of behavior and attitudes towards food, weight, body shape and size, that are deemed
to be diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa, provides evidence that those patterns of behavior serve
as coping mechanisms against the suffocating forces of unwanted, specific, and personal discourses
in their lives. The media exposes the daily American to about 3000 advertisements daily (Sheppird, p.
70). With this media exposure, most girls actually consider advertisements as vital sources of health
information. To a certain extent, the role of American media can hardly be denied in this unhealthy
thin obsession. Anorexia Nervosa is a psychiatric disorder characterized by an aversion to food and a
resulting extreme loss of weight. Most of the parents struggle with their children suffering from
eating disorders mainly due to the fear of gaining weight. Individuals who are affected by this
condition also constantly relate their self-esteem concerns to gaining an appealing body image.
Another effect of anorexia can be poor health conditions. Whether its law, medical, or graduate
school you have to go through a brand new process to get accepted into those. These bodily changes
can make middle school girls more conscious and insecure about their bodies (Romero, 1984). The
last way to help fix anorexia is to stay away from people, place, or anything that triggers your
obsession with being thin. Damages done may not be curable even if the disorder is under control. A
characteristic often noticed of AN is a struggle for control between those with AN and those who
want them to recover. The individual may be treated in a residential, partial hospitalization unit,
intensive inpatient or outpatient basis depending on the severity of the disorder. As her career was
taking off, her doctor told her that she did not meet the appropriate weight based on her height and
so she needed to lose some weight (Gilman, p. 40). Since she was at the beginning of her career, she
also felt the pressure to lose weight. By combining the acts of admitting your problem, opening up,
and avoiding triggering situations anorexia can be solved. Sometimes coaches and parents
encourages their athletes to lose weight to get better and that can sometimes cause them to run to
eating disorders like anorexia. Second, there is an irrational fear of weight gain. Anorexia nervosa is
defined as a serious eating disorder that is characterized primarily by a pathological fear of weight
gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss. Deaths have
been reported for some anorexic teenagers and models, as the unacceptable image that these models
and teenagers see in their mirrors never seems to reach acceptable standards. And unfortunately, some
of them resort to extreme weight loss measures in order to meet the expected and accepted weight
standards. Puberty occurs during early adolescence and causes weight gain and increased fat
distributions. Anorexia nervosa essaysAnorexia Nervosa is one of the most commonly known and
yet least recognized eating disorders Anorexia is a mental illness, which. All these components can
cause mental illness anorexia. And even though these disorders have been judged dangerous to
people’s health, they are still resorted to as an alternative lifestyle for models, teenagers, and young
adults. It is also explains individual differences, as not all persons in the same environment develop
anorexia. Amongst the most challenging eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. They should avoid
drug abuse such as excessive alcohol and smoking. Psychologists also engaged the participants in pep
talks that aimed at boosting their level of confidence. Allowing them use of their personal devices or
time outside of their room for weight gain. For example, daughters of mothers with eating disorders
have a higher risk of developing an eating disorder than children without an immediate connection to
the disease (book). Results indicate that the participants BMI was above 17.5 meaning that they were
not underweight. The authors also state how there is 2 links between their hypothesis first being
perceptual bias, the weight overestimation with those with disordered eating will also develop
disordered body image. The patient is going to need support from family and friends during this
time, as well as all the nursing and medical staff. She also goes ahead to give a brief description of
other philosophers namely Augustine, Plato and Descartes. However, female mammals experience a
very high and often unappreciated rate of reproductive failure. This happens so the sufferer can
continuethe exhausting anorexic behaviors.
Loss of the bone density and hormonal balances are some other changes that the body of a person
suffering from anorexia may undergo. They mostly suffered from fatigue and engaged less in
physical activities even though 40% of them engaged in excessive training to reduce weight. Most
researchers and physicians agreethat the number of patients with this life threatening disease is
increasing atan alarming rate. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats, stomach cramps, fatigue and
breathing trouble. At the beginning of her career, Karen was known to be a chubby teenager. Being
thin is one thing, but many young girls in society are pressured to be even thinner what they already
are, for example, size zero has been a fad for a long time now. Also kidney failure is possible due to
severe dehydration. Also this study uses a bias sample, as all the participants are female Fijians.
Some “odd food rituals” include things like cuttingfood into small pieces, counting bites or even
talking to their food. It also encompasses the constant phobia of gaining weight and increased
concentration on habits to do with weight loss. Considerations of New TreatmentsA. EfficacyB.
AdherenceC. SafetyVI. ConclusionA. Testing new treatments through randomized controlled trials
(RCTs)B. Physical and nutritional therapies help in boosting self-esteem hence avoiding stress,
which has a positive impact on human growth and development. She further gives her characteristics
of the mind as it being powerful, permanent, valuable, spiritual, valuable and holy (Radden, 2004).
People who argue for perceptual bias thing that the weight overestimation with those with disordered
eating will also develop disordered body image. Susan also points out that, females, on the contrary,
were of the ideology of everything to do with the body. Studies have shown that many teenagers,
girls especially, have a distorted view of their body and are unhappy with their weight. These images
seen by girls and aspiring models influenced their concept of the ideal body image -- that in order for
them to be as beautiful and as desirable like the Playboy models, they had to look as thin as these
models. Students start to stop caring about their schoolwork or even attending school. Discuss
psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa. The biological approach states that anorexia is due
to a biochemical imbalance or the disorder is genetic, strong evidence for this suggests that anorexia
is not due to psychological factors but medical. Free Essay on Eating Disorder - Eating Disorders:
Exploratory. The most dangerous health problem due to anorexia is the effect of the heart. A more
recent psychodynamic approach proposed by Bruch explains that the origins of anorexia are formed
in early childhood when the mother does not respond adequately to the child’s needs. However, it
shouldbe noted that starvation itself affects personality. To cope with the stress, the anorexic victims
turn to bad eating habits due to them not knowing how to transform the stress into something
productive. Anorexia has many different causes and can affect people in horrible ways. Anorexia VS
Bulimia (A comparison and contrast essay) - Wattpad. The years in between the 20s and the early 60s
glamorized curves as we saw in Mae West and Jean Harlow who were both voluptuous women.
Anorexia survivorNanett Pearson (Miss Utah 1996) explains I became obsessed with body image.
This disorder entails self-starvation and excessive loss of weight.