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Unit 3 Time Value of Money EEC

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)- fine Vatue of money - toclay Jecay CNet Off ae hag MO reo. vate than tommorrow ONO Gps sAunct Of Money has cUfpertent Vauue oF oli f bexant fume porerodk ube, concapt Ofy Re Vouk. é[5 Monee . ie. ance Dfy Monsey, is Moree Valu than Same curnecu ch mo BN Ae Jute - > ghés opbies VALUE. fy eal od povedderetae dire knoouon as domo Voted ok money . it og time: Dot i the, cate open eercese reater and cunt OF pon LF fon! 0 et has he earning powow XM uw seme -yalues Of Mo woe neeod Moncey 9 6 “t- | inthe mecbum of Exchange ~ exchan tng Power of money. > Honey. , Money au the uu earning Pocwer . peucchacting poor she porccnaing. power Of money Ak OL Porte CLLOVY Peresoal OF wimg Wb Calloo! Bim vaLue Of Monty "oR" dhe earning. power % rooney at a pw becalorv Ame parciod by cata tme Vota, Off me rae. " "or" V at ae parti ohor ghee mals Y poucew of mo nive Catia elms youn, Of monroe Inyes . . . , Dirdeect fe Oe reoes ovrol Pome: wetbh ly Joho minare Kens ~ IM Kenc fe aocuerof cope at. Rental Var. of MONed Enteset > Intreogt Pe the COLE %F ueing fo tha. reantol ano ant entreeet rateon SOT the on generat Pénanclod ovgant cnet ae outs op tuo types :- a Semple Entercock > Compocnol Inverceat. SCENT Las OzeRLE yonen the, total ENtercert change cl fe lireooter ot Me, inttaf ANOunE of Wan Propor teen Fvecement /ingtatl.» the Interest rate fc casey #2 be Cemple « Gan erate, Cf > PXTXR 160 Lf Fe Jon cimple. Enterast, Interest 07 intersste De no} Cateutarte of ‘ te une Intescsse— . ve > When Intereart io actolanf aera the Pato tpat ammount go «not he orn Pte, | fe oakautateal on acoumetabedl OF Tee * Corn amount - | > tha compounel tn terest pan be Careusatect 241. compound = | Peneipal All aceite intercost pals ier’ + accesretol | x Gneereest cD proviout period 3.90 Compound cotoreast caseutation : at a contain rate Interest rate enlarcask on intent | oa Catoutatect - Generatty 1 es andecstond 5 cl= FOP | Pp maserate, VIE | p- prnctpat emoent fowsmuta to catusate Fim becomes fr ples md years, entereast Lpoural Y gear Of fnteret. & H amount gf SDOD Re ~ ib, Determine the Tat a F amount G FOV Rs becomes Sout oe. pees compo ennuatty caer aid 4| Lt Stogle payment co | aA atngle payment present coorth amt: | unigosm payment S _dppiienston Fee p= princtpat amount [4oeHat amount of lnterest Pp: Paterce amount /materitg amount at the end of year? 4 sequal amount depositer af the orci gee wet be actotect / ereoat t0/ Brom tha. enct op percoot | G = untporm amt. cohtch eu eeebstra let period aptet amt. of deposct Al at the Loractent amount) Al Payment macte, atthe enlog st year B gracient series fa intecest Tate (monthly, Jusrtery, annual g' ‘) Appitcattons :- er mpounat amt. factor - factor a: Cgnat payment [uentgorrm payment Serees . com pound amt. factor. 4. Uatyomm payment Series ssinkéng fund amoun & factor . erctes prerent coor amt. factor re cormary ant annuar equivetent 6. Cquat payment Serctes capital factor . Unt{orm gradient Serres amt. factor 1 © single payment comptensl Me for Som) of the incteal payren® Up) meelé enn é wriods at an Trenest nate 1 compour eof 4 np fs pn plow oviargram i= Sn9w0 nergy period Tne cas below! | | | eG Fee J pt Pouey. pa 2201000 reacent Worh amount Factor, 3 . r a 0 © single =PaHenent pene Re OS oa ttm Por he Present worth P ¢gimen) . ip eine OMY ie i Roe F Pe oent (Pop % 20,000 ( P/P) 187. Oe io yeors 2 she banks gives icy, soterast Tae 10 $ g a > 80,000 x $-93Y Com pousoled annuatty. b> R104, 660 | Sol Fs Q 100,000 dhe m DN eet con | Percy, compoenctest onuattys aren ee 4 1000 Farmostedt NO natogeave qearty, fe egues fo | pa r/cietn 2 eCPIE t 0) = 1100/000. (p/e FS +!) H hoy, 680 ator ID years , pou stad Qo po, ppo X0~ ANA = ihe person hae 10 faveck ” oa Sea etcum 05 81.08 aan 000 after Fe ti00, _f "by 3 a2 ys 1&7 19 clagram 6 equate poyrnent Senden Compete gla tne obj2ckive, C1 on this Fype op tmvectment mo “final the. feutcurce, cooreh (A) 0 P equal Poymens (i | Etch area, mace at the. encl op emery 27S Rest period tat the enol ofthe Min entereast POV iny { Peon intenat Tate of i comp eunntecl ot the ery Gp each ootenait Perioal« Pee vq. cach = Flee otk fhe rp ry" fq Ha equat aot. deposites, atthe enol of each casn— floco diagean Enterast [Pewoot N= ne. of Interest pero Ts rate of fntercst Poa Senge. peteurees Arreant fowmuta, 1 gee Fic pe a Ce ? [e/a iti) 46 Level of equar- A compocral amount factor, |e alP/aitsn) eonene, Parrnent cereiea 2ayFad 100 20 thas fy } nes now 3s gearcart & plannin foam ore ae OE ect an eden sh o at the end of ere yeovpotthe name I rom ‘the, end of the, Mat Yoor . 4. intertest Nave, Soren eal the Matundiy vatus of Ais accaant ore Otol. 4 person °O! fore Ob col k= 210/000 nae yeare- Pea0v pe 200% F a ee 191000 (0000 0,001 [0,000 mags pe a tD?-T sw Cefa ta) = 10/000 (F/A1807.195) | = (6,000 AXFI TET | = 4H 17 BLO - @ annuas oquat payments the puterree, Gum of th! ayter or geare S equa 10 24119 © gquat =Poyoens ee eS a Span Type op investment rnwate ; the. Bee to fond the. equivatent amount Ct) thar Sheatd be, cleposited at the encl of intercest Pevioal for hh Interect periods to meatixe a futewe sam CF) ret the end 6h the Oth entenaie peed a# 29 eoberceat wate of f z10 and amnonnt factor Band aoe nN ent Gerees Stnke every 3 L A 4s equat am. to be atepariie et n> 0. Of aove rest period f= Intent fe ctngle jusans cum Foremeatcy to get 4 te i ae Pl Citi 1 conere, Ca]P, £10) te cotta} a2 equat- paymant $ercieg eznning. pand jactoy & IF years ax an outlay alepoce an UF aden amount the tnat og emery yoor BOF sor E>%5100, 000 = FC AlP,t 9) = £100,000 ( Af QL Fy 1g 1c) 2p (A/Pr 0) reapterta oc prasent fF Hy often s+ empory tt oP lion. or pl Squat arnoant at Me end Ob mers tha, nee IS geare pepe | ae 1% ; een 4 = £100,000 X0-D164 A> 2 e800 ; gne annual, equat amoet winien must po we gacns fC 8 & B00 © Equot = Payment Serches Present 08th -tmocent ghe eyecteve of this moole of Envest ment bs to gina the. Present wos be atepostieo th Cp) of ON equal Payment: bis) macte at the erct of ouety Zotercart porloct goon enterat Pevtons af a0 Atercest nate oi eompoance ol at the, enol og ousrey Year rt tn batt ‘acqiowr) yhe powmuta 49 compete P fe: - = &_Cetto-t eCerty? | =n (Piet) | where 5 (pla tin) to coud at = = f - | ecorth Jactor equat- Payment cories prucat BA company won peaserve: conich j coset keep tad oe He do cee up o& pany hame, an cnnescl equivatent Amount of u 210,00, 000 you te rurct 20 tore joevarels cs employees woupore meacturte he Ketevve te acs ctmely. to vote @ Of 17. annuatty - Fencl the cingle- Pagment that must be mace Neco as the Ketewve amount . “el: A> & 00,000 ns os Ean ee " — sovonseop. mee 18,8000 1010017 beech _—-" 1000: ovo pre an eee oa (eI) trey? yoy 9001002 % (pyar t€2 18) © yo, 000 x 6 693 & 2 6yF4900 wheameunt Of mesevve cohich must be sob, f ? noco fe eqecal 46 962154, 300 ® Equat- payment coriee Capetay Recowory ~ ompunk: Nhe Cbyectime Of this mode Of Enmest mont & to Jind the annual equivatent amount (A) which y intent pedod por 9 inienert prsiocts bor a boanep) : co OL AN tnferrt Tale, of i compourctod A Ihe, ancl op MeL Eniexut | | to be mecomend atthe end of curv witch & canctend peciod - give) P, o | hep Aep ho? The dormusa to compute 4 te - A= P41)? : Vass *PCAIPt,0) where, CAP, t.0) ts caten) eqsscd — peuymont < ercies aaptial eecovery, jactor . a oan to a company 40 purchase seh 210/00, 008 at an tnfersrt y eanctedl anccatt ¢ > Ines wate of 1&7. com poanet Tee cnt cnoetet be repaid oo IS i erty equay taeiattmens. Pine the snstaitment amount that the Compang hacto peg 10 the bank. es at 4 bank gives a 125 Ban equi peor © Bol: | p= 210/00: 06D beue7 ne bay cor 42 10, 00, 060, fe 1 Vv A 2 ty J A A A asp LY 19 =p alr %9) 251 cooce » (Alp Hts ©) yo, 00D % (8-194) | =~ 21nI6, God Uhe annual eqeivatent tnetatiment to be pail by the Compang. (0 the bank. ¢5 21.96,40D. © vxtjorn Groctient Senter -srruar Equlvatent | Amount Factor She. cbyective: of this made of inveetment ts t© finof se) annual eqs Vatent amoent (A) of a Levees woh an amoant (At) at the enol of the Jerse year anct weth an eqear increment / de crcement, (4) a4 the. ert OG each of the Joulocoina a7 years cotth an Intevert nate t compolindec fnnncec Mey ee | ot a 3 yo od | wt 24900 M3Gy 4000100 Dg AT Hlo. “00041000 400 + 10D = ta-l ne formuta, to compute A Bene Oc al! Sat tb CALS 16,9) oe sat FG CALG CA}6, i19) te causal antjoom quack ent = poo + HD CHG 17.1) Sereies factor. yooo + S00K BBESQ ses eal6o an eqorvotent eee eee fe eai-so at the ent of ens ye treat year ane! shee jor the or tO yaowe dhe sence OPN eno the anol Of 10th aa-he ena eG the pF » ce Shicres 40 depocer the, amount wou an | bp ince ramicesd Senses he rot toeesace of 2500 tor the none 1 yeong pacers Basen entercast Ob LS7-Finat es ratte ons ame eae Te) at the nal of the ° = A UP[& to 7119) qi. 60 (20-304) £01 AL= 241000 | = Si pecy | 2 RUITE WIE cy. | D> 10 yeows | ALtne ent of ofthe 104m yeorr | the. | compocinos amount op At hic payments coe be E116) $69.26 A=9 gPpe? , pox nis wasereat Upe we anager = R138, aat Ae = nas io mona yore 9h err to ctopaseh e104, enol Of the fr, | _4ithe end of the (Ot tors 7 A ines to cteposts «| 4 6 4 “4 the gp aut is payments bx #1698 187 cow anal HHesagten De OS one woah 20 anne Bean $O born ‘ub an cote _ : the neo 9. au ot oe casn tow Diagram floc the total ameune ae the ene Of 10+, ‘ ; “cemuatian v i | coca floen ragram ave yicuat representa’ | “op cathy ingtows and cutzrowe azong. a ime Une» | dumning, the. cone tection Bp a caste How atsagram yot te ueuauy advantageous to fereck tegene The deme. frame ben conich, cash grows OCCU « “inte eerabuches the nenconte? Coote) nich eo yeors 1 anatetent into Hees periods | ogten Puig ecuk jee, ee S20 Une. 60 Atheran ca 40 problem sna ateone- > brottvtcteiat Inycowe ant oct peooe owe, decigpated eeritea, Urner mat aye nttade, om tinec 1 bak exact b hpecasentedt by the nerg hts 2% wy engtoevs ancl > cast seme located on the j scating fo nee paces, py vervcot Unee poner sous poe, OVE in bE ' fipcrsnmienae oles cash énptows ove, sho i eat GCATG It) | bp vevtens Cenee eeowes ther WES ' = acon — 5 (Alor! | caren. toee necnocts 2 gro ~ £O¥ 3.9632 WD Preesent Worth Metnoof aceon Revenue Dorninatedt Cash Horo ghis ¢& equivatent 19 paying. 09 eyllynny | toch — Doms nateat Cash, FLL y por | Ub Betuee Worth, Hethoot amount o 26g0e. YO at IHL ancl Sf oman Revenue Dominateet Cath Foo forthe nour 10 gor - wee tha op he | mM aca cones ane b= Demenatedt, Cath Flo Pe ALF/Ay isn) | = Aa( PAs WC 10) = 6)€08- 40( a0. 304) \ mem eo Annuat Equivatent thea Qevenue omtnatect Cash Flow cort— Oominatery Cath Flow } ecmpocinetin ™S Preesent Pecteurte Stra ee NU Drecoanting a S Bicsent Howth [vate i a net equivalent erie ten eny netener Con rece ations. betcaeen the eyelet’ sieosemenis and eqpuavactent racelpes sr tnvesement cou plo gor @ Setvatacl ates Op interest > enthis metheal ef comparison /the- of each atternakve cout BO rel won] 10 Me zeno by accuming On Tnterset rate 1 then chepenating. on the type Of clscteten t the bees cach, pow autternouve tot be present worth amounts o thé auternos ou > INa Cost dominated Cash Ft (00 atviagral the cocts (ous flovac) wit ber acetg nee wth pestiive Stan anc the profit, reamenue Sauvage vate (att Inptowe) te wit be azeignes| 24 negative, stn ona ew a worn ayant ~clomP nator Carn foo ' 204s eaomonue ro saw cote cm tnplows t00N OTQanIK Jt yous Janixation) wii be aceignedt Coit poctive, 4 aes MVe £t9N. the Coels (oealftow) ot “be accrgnect eosin negatinn Sgn (ou Eetectect by componing, the} —— of comparton tt” | present Worth Hetheo! Of compamrtcon | = Revenue Dominated . poctiive sign propity Revenues taivage vatue | tin 5 tous) Negative sign coets (oct floes) wnncettye well rocletero} > the Cash plow of each atte zotercect nate F. 40 time Xero by accaming, (Teme arto = pracent teme) cost be Select eot by compan Gee > peed atternative the. present worth amolint of eWwerna. (Mowtmum peecent 107th) R Ro Rs RY sp tree. f I LT. D fig! Revenue Dominated Gack, tov atiapron| pw(t)s -p +R8tT YUH! J+ Ra fr /Ct4ney za Roll /ereyd+ SON C1477 wiy=— P+ ACPfA US pRUYS =P + RiLPIE Lt? | +Re [pje.dd ~~ TRAPP i) present Worth Hethool of cemparicon cece Dominated posttive atga ~ Cots Coes grote) Negative Signe Propet Revenue , Salvage Vout Ctngtocos) native cotu be > The cach plow of exch acter entercoat reeoteeea} to me xeroby aeccen ing rente. t, (Teme Zeros present me) f roses be cetected| by ae - > Berd alternakve preeseny (rtnimum present © weet recent ammount! Of ta | comparing. the: mes arternowives. P q ry ie | | a a —|° $ fig: coer Domenateal each Ow dtap,., poed= peer (irene + at Ory fg tre lis + Colt CHIP — Steve + (Ml presents worth Hethoat of componiso = Revenue, Dominatect. | pene Inctusty te plarning +0 expanol is Producion operation » 9 thas folen pte of | threes ol ppecent technowogies for Meeting ty grat an ay eet ee a with respect 10 each dh the tectnerog’es ore tummonited 2% teple. Cuggert the. bect Aechnotegy conte | = owe sene sot meena oy Come, a i anna iat Compocindeal, | | Sate |gomet, | / “Tech. | 19,00/000 4160, 000 Tech. & 90100, 060 6, 00,000 Tech: 3 12,00,00 | $100,000 10 ~manuemeumsemmmmmses pe Ginn A > Given ae total reavenus Yor Rewinue Dominant neti ap oustlory ig more than ¢ 22 12, 601 OD 2.410, BD compeuncte ol annuatiy do qeows tnéveane oot (AH /P 10) #2 4nnuat rome ne 207 oniercest ate Lige op the tecnnelogg 192 Oy core Teennowoy- I 4.00, OD £207 + to pw: —-p+4l(Pla rien) pwcgor) =p % 12160, oop + 4.00, 000 (P/Ar <= 1g, 00.000 + 4200, 000 (4199S) oop + tbr T7e CUD = 12100" = gu tt 600 - Teehnstegy -2 Onttead = P= 22160, OOD A =96,00,00d n = lOgeows “of «QO ge hem 10 a3 “I | 20180, 000 Pe(907%) = - 26100, 000 + 6, 0D, ovo (P/A 120% lo) w 20, 00,019 +6, 00.80 (4:1T9E) f= 20/80, CUD + 2 5, 50D = 85,181 60D 60, 0D, ovo x 1D Be ieneaaiel> 4.0) UD, 8D | -ipna_etewvaster ’ = Rewnue bor} | ps8yco, ov? | tes nkepeneell casa: es reer So suas ans mology = n= 164 cons (oat stominated) p= 213, 60,000 4 = 25,000000 1 eo L a 3 ’ Jat a | ATOR BWW BILOWK AA Ovo 410.009 5,008 7 f pro(asy.) £ W1s0, Ovo + 271900 psa) im siprope #04790 TE BUY a yp o.opo #1 EH ETT FO = 96,0718 7780 5, 00,000 X10 = ©, 900,000 > HF, 60/60 Trico? tha gaia eteraser (Resend P= 25,400 | 2 8 .ag, 0D ; Poo(ao%) + - (8 010004 ©) 0p 1000 (4 1FAC) A 8 ae — 1G, 0D) D0 + 80/26 96D = 99,96, 260 dhus Teennology ats the bect teennetogy to) be tmptemant ect a | } | | ba uy | 4 a 4 ede zl Recon Bim 26S “BE SOD ERED S\4o.0 policy.) © Sue + 8 .J°? (pra riers) 2 ¢,4yoroon + aeieon XS eft4 = 5,4, ODD + 166160" TO = 24106, 680° 10 be Inctaste tn a neo tuttating, «he otetails | = An engineer has too Bac for on elevater to 4 i ) | % the bias jor the erowator are“as fottowe | Scene which fol thoeol ke aceepteat Seen ee worth methool of co, fcauming, if 7, Inbeaot rode u | Mp benches of ara | Bid | tne tear Bet] yeone | fra) maint ane || pra ctevarer| aia [is | —ariooD | 51401 6D wo at, STD | Beta etevoser 7 @Feuteuve Voure Yeroel — SO ent ae aggenen ee dete g. _ Teeteurce youre mp i bers em ) x id ol ant 5 Ane eqeavarent Neclpis P50 peters ofS eo, a 3 J ° aut Some commen por? J Ti J | P Ce CB | Getectect rate of *teract: | b > Poscere vate, oan be Ae Sum az egeven fot cree: 4 4o one Or more Gum ot Ff ata select rate of cotersut | > dhe equivatent vate At design ated [etun, prot) = pCPIP dime bacest onthe Kme vatun af MOEN Fe Cattoad poteree Vatue & Constder the $0 Future : Et navies Clie t) + Fadare vatue Yetno al of componicon Rene jacave wert methool of compovisen frre ae the Moneta, | L pot pea hteyr? jrriy. tears me 6-0: eqesivey {mon eater firm pwtt) s peerage er CF) pee Hite a) a CPLA YI) 7S wing, 40 mustict | Suck best attbynatine — Rewanue Domeratect Pz antkat tnvectment Ry = Net remenue at the enolep qth year. £ = Gaivage vatua. atthe, end of rth y cov 320,00.0m 20/00. 050 t 3 4 ewe) = pts Ry CHHTIPT 4 Rg C14”? | +g OH Oy Ro TS Pm | F@U)=-PCPlp stra) + aCelR 10) +S - qual | i | thes QDCR as na yeows | 2d, 00; OVO x Y > GO, O0/ 000 £0, 001 ODD > £0, 0D. 0 Thus ROCF Festere Yate Hethool of Companso . = 08 Domevareat Pe finitial invectment Cy 2 Nee oo. ( eb Of oPematinn g mointonone | Ok the anol Ob jth yeow, © |) f= cou : | mae VOU ct the end 6 nin . p= SF —_—_— |) + 80.00: 000/) { Plex.) 3 - som (01 HEY : Lier.) 2 - $0760: rae we can use RDCF on CDCF metho ot = gon 0 (1197) FMD? © ak : 1001 I} Roce = 241 35/000 Ent AEN) = —pCalpstyso +are (ae dace Calp tn+0) ) j ‘ coc i Pe 2 YF, 00, CUD nee pn) ta-S(aletyn A = Big, 6D, OVD new ct) = POMP! ) 2 | e2 ley. 7 B& A compan gy invests 0 one, of too matuall excluting | n=4 yeors attevnatéyer. The ple OF both atterncue | reomom, (600,08 Gy, RD (ead, OD fe eskémated to be Sytove coeth the pO" air | t t t t co rcimente anneat reetorne | ane Savoye \ ° | vance, Determine the bs atienn ative | yp a 3 g Cog on the cnnuar eqst vatent, Memect by, | oven. 80 | assuméng 12957 Fi \ p9 (10) « Annucy equivalent worth con be ol ¢ v egene |) SEs Ska | \ Of aut ectimorteo Keelpts oclerning the U g | aja ee aewl?) g, 00 00D 710! 0,08 CAL prasr © eh 0yD (0. B71) f- 60/000 FIC, OD > 2 GDS. > lece price cyete ofa. prytet within tw aan | F case Pe 24500 A> 270(0UD Ss 285, 000 = Syeons fsa0, oP t a 0.5) P.M 70,00 $0,500 4 3Fo5 “Fs a> ° ‘ aT | 11 7¢)600 AE (957) = -7S000 (AP 1 26715 FADO +900 (4 1,45, 050 [0: BTIE) FO! O80 t ALLOW LD. 1aygh = 2 aae —prmere prtce- The annuc} eqeivatont et weteyd of Aer akng| @ te more. ‘han that ef atternonve + Thus ths, Lhernati ve & company chouty Getect A (Caer) | internat Rarer of Rater. Ste the rate of sntercect 1) worth, of the cash plo pa ‘on ounen Coorels dis the rate Of in tercart cet concen net pracent coorth (opw) becomes | zarco Ov we. can Say that present coortr Of | bentyets ts equay to present coorth of cock. i} | teat ernusy 6y vowious nome namttg oR | | (Rote o Letom method) 1 RO! (Return of (russia evn becomes Zastp MEC (mongin at eppeccancy Ca Capital), HPC | Cromginay pro tucreni ty Ob capitay ), OCF | Cotsecanted cau ptow) J Co's concentec} Counpioo | qechn'g.ue) +i enol trial, Trial anol wer | [| meted OME [MARR ( Entmum Lee > op te the nate Of rekew yo mare kak conde on anes (OUD NOY “ae connch the pretent| Gr Spe ts qreet é 9 feqr- | @ te es Bu’ gi: Ral Lonterned pate % Resevn mathod) cach floce atlgTam. utred rate return) bie rete op reser) cyentorum —Hecepee were ax eohich rescore whe Pate of ent aceeptabeli ty oh the Pavecton ae ole © ERR (ertevnat Tete of rete) pn at conten § seaby Coe leot Note, ta ty ie Tg ontenest nase Cir) reonotem vause BF flep-1 : ASsame an avbeary » Step-il 1 cat. present value, wilh the arbHorg vate of ¢ flep-lr: cheose: present vores eohethon ib te negouuve oF postive. ve te the preaseny worth, Meera Step-W; op poste Enterceat cure] prchent woth. the nee of become negation futon WEL, Yo | ee Ob prcesent woowth fF eantil preaent co0rtts, be comes Pate. op. tors Pestiue: g fp vin -Aepty the range vatue oF Lrpv apy— T/Tea= tt + x (uT-tr) HIPV, eonenes focwest gniercart note oe se ontercest NOLS HT = High? Lipvs present to tocoese interest Hipv = presente Vee corres porting to nighest tntercet: ercnat Rate of Reto Nee > IRR ix the rate op é of Anteuat at ashicl i he a cow Of G Coun, plow iceqtual 40 Kero Pe os words t Con be tyenecl ox (RR 5 a clfscountesl Fate Ot worth aq reg mee ene Woouth of Mectpts aml a daenere Worth of Corts 1¢. the NU MuAun Cask $000 beeomty AO oe nih ee Olgterenas Rate of Rete Method (RR) Docctive Pw lt) te meget te 1 Feat co fee sntexcpetateon fowmertar O* Mee} &| va ute correespondtng ap a. New proctuck Une. whe “fe propecs a 1 ane, cout ne, Souwege YN te oe te ep cnceas oucttaag, O AE PUY Eek 2 5 Mp, ogo BAL: anna! PHopel et Rs 3: £010m, 30 000 oy, reaacsen for May O60 buctnece aye ob tee Pre Tneet cep Oud O44 , 00+ pena rack Propel = KE 9, £0,002 gonep YOU: he Cash plow oth on men 2m rem. ore 10 3, 50.000 200-000 dhe pormuta, bor tee Pee precont worth tyes SEHLCAEON IE 30.00/00 +3150" ) op CP/A (epa sto 7110) (61446) lon + bousio= 0 ____—_ t 610 — (~2d30) crnareepore, 1 thes Teetes Of ANN Of ther Revo procucce tne a Uy i + ——————__ * eis lem et = company fe ptanning buttnees cevatty ot" the enpanston Phogre” apansten Pregnant. 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