FTTH Thesis
FTTH Thesis
FTTH Thesis
One of the biggest hurdles in writing a thesis on FTTH is the vast amount of information available. It
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May 8, 2012 Presented by: Dean L. Mischke, P.E. Finley Engineering Company, Inc. Disclaimer. The
following presentation is the opinion of Dean Mischke and has not been verified with NFPA or
IEEE. Optical fiber FTTH is the future in the field of communication: even the largest amounts of
data and information are literally sent at the speed of light. Each system needs to be considered
carefully in light of all options. Huanetwork is a independent FTTH solution provider, working with
over 500 ISPs. CO and the ONT is passive; that is, it has no active electronics and therefore does not
need separate. In a first stage the signal is split in two equal parts which suffer different phase shifts
(one arm of MZ structure are made with more fiber than the other) before they interfere at the second
coupler. Great Solutions Can Be Learned From Great Failures. There is only one requirement to
satisfy There are no exemptions to this requirement. At costumer site, each ONU should be equipped
with a tunable transmitter able to adjust to any of the allocated upstream wavelengths and a tunable
receiver able to tune any of the allocated downstream wavelength channels received. FTTH can be
used with bundled service and is reliable, scalable, and secure. It provides high bandwidth for high-
speed Internet access, video on demand,IPTV and voice over IP (VoIP). SRS is an ultra-fast process
and in silica glass has very broad spectral response, since glass is an amorphous material and
vibrational energy levels are strongly affected by the local structure of the lattice. This is an
advantage of TWDM because the ODN doesn’t require a complex configuration and maintenance
using, e.g., a power splitter instead of an AWG so it is backwards compatible with current GPON.
Design aspects: At this stage you need to elaborate a conception and project which will be developed
at the next stages. Moreover the setup tested only considers the downstream transmission as it will
be explained in chapter 3. In the case of downstream transmission the standard has defined two
values of OPL. The other term that should be considered in the power budget is the Optical Path
Penalty (OPP) that includes losses due to dispersion, reflections, jitter and Raman Effect. To study
the performance and tolerances to transmission impairments numerical simulations of a TWDM-PON
system have been implemented. Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems, HIDEAKI
TAKAGI AND LEONARD KLEINROCK. In reception a direct detection scheme is implemented
using PIN and APD photodiodes and tunable filters at ONU. Studies has further suggested that little
is known of e-procurement in most organizations. Considering the availability of wavelength
spectrum depicted in Figure 15, two wavelength bands have been selected for NG-PON2
transmission using TWDM. FTTH, FTTB, and FTTC each have different configurations and
characteristics. For investigate the Fiber-to-the-Home architecture are main work with any users can
drop or add in optical fiber communication for long distance. The power penalty as function of
extinction rate has been evaluated and it is presented in figures Figure 37b), Figure 37d) and Figure
37f) for different transmitted powers. This kind of filter is a low cost device but the tuning time is
high (miliseconds) as well as insertion losses. Chapter 2 discusses the standard G.989 in depth,
analyzing different aspects such as the spectrum management, NG-PON2 architecture, PMD layer
parameters (split ratio, fiber reach, extinction ratio, etc.), system requirements (Colorless ONU,
spectral flexibility, reach extender modules, interoperability). The data plotted shows the results for
different transmitted powers. II- The copper which uses VDSL is very short for about 200m. The
terminal network segment of a FTTC network is usually twisted copper pairs or coaxial cable.
However if the transmitter power is decrease until 3dBm the required value of ER increases until 19
dB at the same distance due to the separation in the symbols “0” and “1” is lower and the
transmission impairments could distort easily the signal. According to the standard ITU-T G.989.2
for TWDM-PON, at BER of 10 -3 a value of -28 dBm is required for transmitted information until
40km. Regarding chirp effect was evaluated around typical ranges of alpha factor between -1 to 1.
Experimental test from recognized vendors as ALCATEL, HUAWEI, ZTE, NTT or MITSUBISHI
were studied. Moreover the performances and tolerances of the different devices will be presented.
4.1 Photodiode selection As it is known, the receiver sensitivity is the minimum optical power
required to achieve a specific BER. Integrated OLT transceiver in CFP module transmits at 10dBm
power and achieves -36dBm sensitivity. Chapter 4 presents the computer simulation results of the
design proposed, with different setups, tests and comparisons to analyze and determine the better
options. Chapter 2 discusses the standard G.989 in depth, analyzing different aspects such as the
spectrum management, NG-PON2 architecture, PMD layer parameters (split ratio, fiber reach,
extinction ratio, etc.), system requirements (Colorless ONU, spectral flexibility, reach extender
modules, interoperability). Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS
and An. The following effects can be described: first order group-velocity dispersion (GVD), second
order GVD, fiber attenuation, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), Kerr nonlinearity (SPM, FWM,
XPM), Raman effect. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. High-speed internet, ultra-television HD and
telephoning with the highest voice quality - all of this is available at the same time via only one
connection: FTTH. Passive splitters are located downstream from the CO and can split the fiber
signal up to 32 or more. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Fiber To The
Home (FFTH) networks by measuring and analyzing power losses caused by attenuation along the
fiber optic cable. CD is frequency dependent of the group velocity of the fundamental mode.
Variabel independen tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang makanan bergizi dan variabel dependen
pemberian MP-ASI pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan. In the external modulation the laser is subjected to a
constant bias current emitting a continuous wave (CW) while an external modulator switches the
optical power on or off according to the data stream. Figure 8. Direct modulation scheme (left) and
external modulation scheme (right) Also two broad groups of external optical modulators can be
identified: electro-optic modulators and electro absorption modulators. FTTx solution or Huawei
ADSL solution for your network, also you may feel free to contact us. The module is capable of
dealing with the generalized NLSE both in the scalar form (single polarization) and in its vector form
(full polarization description). Trade-offs of 128 users per wavelength at 20 km or 32 users per
wavelength at 60 km could be also attended in the TWDM-PON dimensioned. Page 84. The option
selected in the VPI setup is explained in chapter 3. INTRODUCTION 2. OPTICAL NETWORKS 3.
Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) 4. Currently, standardized specifications by ITU exist for ATM-based
PON (APON and BPON), gigabit-capable PON (GPON) and XG-PON and Ethernet PON (EPON)
and 10G-EPON by IEEE. However, minimum guidelines have to be defined and standardized to
serve as reference in the future deployment. As it can be deduced from the Figure 47a) and b) the
receiver sensitivity after 40 km of fiber, are slightly different due to the increase in the transmitted
power and the effects induced by the fiber impairments along the transmission. Houses and
apartments with fiber optic connections offer contemporary digital convenience for residents and
guests. An important attribute of such a laser is its side-mode suppression ratio, which determines
the level to which the other longitudinal modes are suppressed, compared to the main mode. Some
interesting characteristics of this kind of filters are their very flat top on the passband and very sharp
skirts, stability to temperature variations, low loss and insensitively to the polarization of the signal.
The schematic of the OLT transmitter is depicted in Figure 50 Figure 50. Historical Perspective
Current Decision Drivers HFC Model FTTH Model.
Larger powers should be tested in order to know the behavior of the architecture. Figure 26 shows
the BER vs Receiver sensitivity after different distances for both the not optimized system and the
optimized system verifying the improvement achieved. 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 BER BW (GHz) (a) B2B 20 km 40 km 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 Pen alty (d B) BW (GHz) (b) B2B20 km40 km Page 58. FTTH, FTTB, and FTTC each have
different configurations and characteristics. The CD coefficient D() is a parameter recommended by
the ITU-T and is commonly used for commercial optical fiber products characterization. In practice
there is a constraint in the filter bandwidth due to the amount of additive in-band noise increases as
higher is the filter bandwidth. Applying the Eq. (5.3) the receiver sensitivities can be obtained for
each transmitted powers. In both cases the scattered wave is downshifted in frequency with respect
to the incoming one. SRS is an ultra-fast process and in silica glass has very broad spectral response,
since glass is an amorphous material and vibrational energy levels are strongly affected by the local
structure of the lattice. Both options PIN and APD will be tested in order to present the cost-
efficient solution that fulfils with these requirements. This could be achieved using different
techniques and technologies as explained in chapter 1. In practice modulation index around 0.9 are
common for most devices where the power penalty is close to 0.4 dB according to Figure 23b). The
general system architecture used throughout this study is shown in Figure 17. In the first setup
depicted in Figure 16, for the transmitter, 4 EMLs, and optical mux and an integrated L-band EDFA
were used. Moreover the colorless ONU reduces the need of stock and consequently the network
costs. 1.4 Future evolution of PON Systems The evolution of PON systems across the years can be
associated with the evolution in multiplexing technologies. The option selected in the VPI setup is
explained in chapter 3. The column of the Power Budget (PB) is obtained using the equations 2.2 or
2.3. For each ODN class the standard defines a minimum sensitivity parameter and the associated
transmitter power. They are taken at the same received power in order to put into evidence only the
eye distortion due to CD. A large number of papers, especially from international congresses
ECOC2013 and OFC2014, have been checked with the different proposals from different vendors
and research groups. By other hand the effect of the ionization coefficient was tested showing that at
lower values of KA the excess avalanche noise factor is decreased until a value around 2dB. As it
was expressed before, at certain values of M the BER becomes better (range from 6 to 10) until
certain limit, where the BER becomes worse due to the excess noise avalanche factor. It is also
important to know in detail the configuration of the transceiver at OLT and ONU. Once these values
have been set in the simulation setup, the power penalties associated to different transmission
impairments and commercial devices tolerances were obtained and summarized. Each is a full duplex
optical link, making this generally more expensive from the standpoint of fiber and electronics
requirements. FTTx Solution - White Paper FTTx Solution - White Paper Prof. After this distance the
effect of CD is dominant and the BER becomes worse. A thin-film resonant multicavity filter
(TFMF) consists of two or more cavities separated by reflective dielectric thin-film layers. However,
for providing multi-play services (voice, video, data etc.) and other futuristic services fiber in. The
SNR for the PIN photodiode receiver may be obtained by summing the noise contributions. As
example a network with 1:64 split ratio could be deployed until 40 km of fiber reach transmitting at
3dBm. Introduction to Machine Learning Unit-1 Notes for II-II Mechanical Engineerin.