A Deployable Salad Crop Production System For Lunar Habitats
A Deployable Salad Crop Production System For Lunar Habitats
A Deployable Salad Crop Production System For Lunar Habitats
ABSTRACT m of growing area can be stowed within the equivalent
of a single crew transfer bag. VEGGIE provides lighting
The Deployable Vegetable Production System (VEGGIE) and nutrient delivery, but utilizes the cabin environment
was originally developed as a way to produce fresh for temperature control and as a source of CO2 to
vegetables on the ISS with minimal resources. We are minimize complexity and power requirements. The core
reassessing this system for use in Lunar habitats to of the VEGGIE system is the solid state lighting unit. The
produce palatable, nutritious, and safe fresh food, compact configuration of this system is only possible
provide a recreational tool, and provide a platform to using very low profile arrays of LEDs. These solid state
support biological life support development by allowing in lights have properties that can be manipulated to
situ study of crop productivity and air and water produce high light levels with much less power than other
revitalization. The VEGGIE system consists of plant lighting technologies.
growth chambers that can be stowed in a volume less
than 10% of their deployed volume, while still providing The VEGGIE system was designed for microgravity
the light output and root zone capabilities necessary to application, but is now being evaluated for use in a lunar
support high plant productivity rates. The system has habitat.
significantly reduced logistical and operational
requirements compared to other plant growth systems,
and is of a modular design to allow logistical flexibility in
terms of transport options and placement in a habitat
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Black Teflon
outer cover
solution fill
Nomex wick
Productivity (g dm/m2/d)
Dry mass (g/plant)
Figure 13. Earligreen pea grown in VEGGIE system.
Five harvests over the last half of a two month
a)Avg 3 Mats a)Best Mat b)Avg 3 Mats b)Best Mat c)Avg 3 Mats c)Best Mat
growing period produced about 60 pods per unit.
Figure 10. Dry weight of top and storage root of
radishes produced in VEGGIE system.
A hazard analysis was performed to identify and evaluate
MISCELLANEOUS CROP DEMONSTRATIONS hazards and needed safety design and operation
requirements. The VEGGIE design was broken down
Additional crops that were demonstrated in the VEGGIE
into functional components. Each component was then
system included green onions (Figure 11), cherry tomato
evaluated, looking at potential causes and effects of
(Figure 12), and dwarf peas (Figure 13).
degraded component operation, component failure and
incorrect component operation. After reviewing each
component, the VEGGIE was evaluated at the system
level by assessing potential interactions between MICROGRAVITY VS LUNAR GRAVITY ISSUES
components, taking into consideration the operational
environment and both automated and crew operations The original VEGGIE was developed for microgravity
that are anticipated to occur during a standard mission applications. It is now being evaluated for lunar
profile. Potential hazards identified during these analyses applications with 1/6g. In most aspects, this will improve
were then categorized as generic hazards, as defined the operational characteristics of this plant growth
per JSC form 1230, or as VEGGIE unique hazards. As system. The primary improvement will be in the delivery
far as could be determined, the VEGGIE design is of water and nutrients. Containment and control of water
compatible with all ISS requirements, but it is not yet or nutrient solution is much easier with even a low level
certain how these requirements will translate to lunar of gravity available. Wicking type subirrigation systems
habitats. are widely used in terrestrial environments and have
After the safety analysis, the areas of greatest concern been used in microgravity, so they should function well in
that affect the VEGGIE design and that also need to be 1/6 g. In addition, 1/6 g is sufficient to allow operation of
accessed for operations in a lunar environment are: standard hydroponic systems including nutrient film and
drip irrigation, providing a broader range of culture
• Acoustics systems to select from.
The acoustics of a single VEGGIE meet specifications, In microgravity VEGGIE units can theoretically be
but it is not clear if the use of multiple VEGGIE units will operated in any aspect, and the bellows do not need to
meet specifications. This may limit the maximum growing support any mass. In 1/6g, units will have to operate in a
area available and is thus a critical factor in any design horizontal position and the point where the bellows
updates. This is impacted primarily by the air circulation connects to the light cap will need to support the
fans selected for VEGGIE. increased plant mass as the system is designed to
operate by mounting the light cap and letting the bellows
• Humidity output to cabin air
hang and support the plants (Figure 14).
For ISS, there is no defined requirement for humidity
Also, the expense of carrying a payload to the moon
output to cabin air from payloads. One requirement infers
makes it even more critical to minimize mass, power and
that the maximum amount of water returned to cabin air
as humidity shall not exceed 3.3 kg/day. Another
requirement states that the maximum cabin air latent
heat load for ISS modules is 70 W for each module,
which is equivalent to approximately 2.6 kg/day of water
vapor, under typical conditions. This is still greater than
the average quantity of 1.6 kg/day of humidity expected
to be given off by 1 m of growing area. This requirement
is another factor that may determine the maximum
growing area that could be accommodated by habitats
either in microgravity or 1/6g.
Food safety
It is critical to ensure that any salad plants produced in a
space habitat are microbiologically safe, and NASA
medical personnel have been very hesitant about letting
the crew eat fresh food produced on the ISS. To address
this issue, a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) program for maintaining biological safety Figure 14. Rack Mockup with VEGGIE light cap
during crop production in the VEGGIE units was mounted at top and bellows hanging in fully open
developed in conjunction with the VEGGIE hardware. position.
This activity involved determination of critical control STATUS
points (CCPs) in the VEGGIE crop production process
where interventions may be applied to control hazards,
Earlier work on this project was reported by Morrow et al.
development of sanitation standard operating procedures
(2005). Three high fidelity VEGGIE systems currently
(SSOPs) for VEGGIE, and then validation of CCPs in a
exist (Figure 15), two are being used for testing at KSC
VEGGIE prototype.
and one at ORBITEC. The specifications for these units
This effort also involved evaluation of the populations of are shown in Figure 16. The existing VEGGIE system
viable bacteria in biofilms formed on the materials used design is being reviewed for technology upgrades. A
in construction of VEGGIE chamber (e.g. Teflon, Nomex) primary target for upgrade is the LED lighting system as
testing the effectiveness of an EPA-approved, this accounts for most of the mass and power required.
biodegradable, foodgrade sanitizer for destroying human Preliminary tests have indicated that by implementing
enteric pathogens on these materials, and testing the new high output discrete LED technology the light output
effectiveness of the sanitizer for destroying human of the current system can be increased by >40% with the
enteric pathogens in two artificially inoculated root mats. same power input, or conversely, the same light level
can be maintained with about 40% less power. In REFERENCES
addition, the use of discrete device technology allows the
driver circuits to be integrated into the LED mounting Morrow R. C., R.W. Remiker, M. J. Mischnick, L.K.
circuit board, eliminating two driver boards and reducing Tuominen, M.C. Lee and T.M. Crabb. 2005. A Low
the overall volume and mass of electronics, which should Equivalent System Mass Plant Growth Unit for
also allow a reduction in the mass of the electronics Space. SAE Technical Paper Series Paper No.
housing. 05ICES-119.
The rooting mat system also requires additional testing Exploration Yorio, N.C., G.D. Goins, H.R. Kagie, R.M.
and development. The Kennedy Space Center is Wheeler, and J.C. Sager. 2001. Improving spinach,
currently testing other rooting systems for use in radish, and lettuce growth under red light emitting
VEGGIE, oriented toward a lunar gravity environment diodes (LEDs) with blue supplementation.
rather than microgravity (Stutte, G. 2009-personal HortScience 36:380-383.
Wheeler, R.M., J.C. Sager, R.P. Prince, W.M. Knott, C.L.
Mackowiak, G.W. Stutte, N.C. Yorio, L.M. Ruffe, B.V.
Peterson, G.D. Goins, C.R. Hinkle, and W.L. Berry.
2003. Crop production for advanced life support
systems-Observations from the Kennedy Space
Center breadboard project. NASA/TM-2003-211184.
Figure 15. High fidelity VEGGIE units undergoing Mr. Ross W. Remiker
testing prior to delivery to KSC.