Usp 1229.10 Radiation Sterilization
Usp 1229.10 Radiation Sterilization
Usp 1229.10 Radiation Sterilization
Gamma sterilization entails the use of a speci cally designed facility where items to be sterilized are exposed to a Co60 radiation source in a manner that ensures
uniform dosing. Highly penetrating photons (gamma rays) are emitted from Co60 as it decays to Ni60. The half-life for this isotope is 5.27 years, which means that
over the course of each year the source loses about 12% of its radioactivity. This steady reduction in radioactivity requires that radiation process operators adjust
their process controls (typically exposure time) to maintain the established dose required. Periodically, additional Co60 is required to maintain practical throughput.
X-ray sterilizers generate highly penetrative photons similar to the gamma photons from Co60 irradiators. X-ray photons are generated when accelerated electrons
impact a target such as tantalum. These systems rely on scanning of materials with x-ray photons in order to sterilize them. Properly maintained, these systems are
able to deliver a constant dose over time. No local radioactive source is required for x-ray sterilization systems.
Electron beam systems rely on scanning of objects with focused electrons to sterilize the items within a de ned radiation eld. Properly maintained and controlled,
these systems deliver a constant dose, so there is no change in dose with respect to time. The principal advantages of electron beam sterilization are a much higher
dose rate and the absence of a localized radioactive source. These systems can be installed and operated by the end user. Electron beam penetration is substantially
less than that obtained with photons, and therefore dose mapping is critical to ensure that items of varying density and complexity are properly sterilized. Because of
the high dose rates used with electron beam sterilization, some materials can experience signi cantly higher temperatures than the same materials would
experience in Co60 irradiation.
Method 1 is based upon the assignment and veri cation of a sterilization dose based on a microbial population. The resistance of the microbial population is not
determined, and dose setting is based on a standard radiation resistance assigned to the microbial population, derived from data obtained from medical device
manufacturers and from the literature. This analysis assumes that the distribution of standard resistance represents a more severe challenge than the natural
microbial population on the material to be sterilized. A veri cation dose study should con rm the relative resistance assumption. The VDmax method is similar to
Method 1 (it requires both bioburden and dose veri cation testing) but relies on bioburden ranges (e.g., <1000 CFUs per item for a 25-kGy sterilization dose and, for
example, 0.1–1.5 CFUs per item for a 15-kGy sterilization dose).
The more complex Method 2 does not require the enumeration of the microbial population for the purpose of setting the sterilization dose (although it is required
for routine monitoring and control) but uses a series of incremental dose exposures to establish a dose at which approximately 1 out of 100 samples irradiated at
that dose will be nonsterile. This is not the sterilization dose, but it provides the basis to determine the sterilization dose by extrapolation from this information.
Material Compatibility
Once the required dose level has been established, the maximum dose should be established. Analysts typically establish the maximum dose by evaluating the
highest likely dose that might be seen during the sterilization process, adding a safety factor, and evaluating the item for immediate and long-term effects of the
radiation exposure. Some materials may appear unchanged initially, and the effects may become evident only over time. The evaluation should consider all of the
materials exposed to the radiation processing, especially the drug product and its primary container. Product stability, safety, and functionality should be con rmed
over the product's intended use period.
Dose Veri cation
The methods for cycle development and dose setting rely on the bioburden approach. Analysts use de ned presterilization bioburden controls and periodic
evaluation of the process effects on the bioburden to maintain cycle e cacy. Establishing the required dose for microbial destruction during cycle development uses
the bioburden's natural resistance; analysts then extrapolate the dose-setting algorithms to establish a dose that is capable of delivering a probability of a nonsterile
unit (PNSU, a standard measurement) of 1 × 10–6. The results of the dose-setting approaches for initial bioburden with different populations and resistance to
radiation sterilization are depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Results of radiation dose setting using VDmax. (top) Higher bioburden population, higher resistance to radiation sterilization. (bottom) Lower bioburden
population, lower resistance to radiation sterilization.
Validation Activities
Con rmation of appropriate dose delivery when using the sterilization dose requires a number of supportive activities.
The use of gamma sterilization requires initial and periodic assessment of equipment controls and parameters necessary to establish the system's capability.
Sterilization systems that deliver directed beams or rays have controls for scan speed, source intensity, and system timers. The other elements of radiation
sterilization equipment largely are related to material transport and are easily quali ed. Quali cation of safety controls, devices, and software is required.
This optional exercise entails mapping the target area for radiation dose in the absence of a load and is a possible means to evaluate a focused beam or ray
system. It provides a baseline of performance that may be useful over time.
The arrangement of items in irradiation containers, carriers, or pallets is an essential part of the initial validation exercise. The goal of the mapping is to de ne the
distribution of a dose throughout the load items and establish a con guration that minimizes dose variation across the materials. The items are mapped using
multiple dosimeters positioned internally and externally. Identi cation of maximum dose location is important in evaluating the effects of the radiation on the load
items. The location of minimum and maximum dose can be identi ed from the dose mapping data for monitoring in routine sterilization of materials.
The use of biological indicators for radiation sterilization is not indicated because the physical and dosimetric measurements employed are more reliable,
reproducible, and robust than biological systems.
Process control for radiation sterilization relies heavily on dosimetry for both initial development and ongoing veri cation. For guidance on the selection and use
of a dosimetry system for use in radiation sterilization refer to ASTM E2628 Practice for Dosimetry in Radiation Processing. The dosimeters and the instruments
used with them should be calibrated according to ISO/ASTM 51261 Practice for Calibration of Routine Dosimetry Systems for Radiation Processing.
The core of the validation activity is the con rmation of acceptable lethality using dosimeters that are positioned across the material as it is processed through
the radiation-sterilizing equipment. Proof of sterilization cycle e cacy is provided in replicate studies in which the dosimetry results correspond to the required
minimum value for sterility assurance and demonstrate that the maximum value has not been exceeded.
Routine Process Control
Radiation sterilization should be subject to formal controls that maintain the validated status. The practices outlined in General Principles of Sterilization of
Compendial Articles 〈1229〉 provide the general requirements appropriate for all sterilization systems. This is accomplished by a number of related practices that are
essential for the continued use of the process over an extended period of time. The practices that are essential to maintain validated status for radiation include
training, calibration, physical measurements, bioburden monitoring, change control, preventive maintenance, and periodic dose audits.
1. Jacobs, G., Validation of the Radiation Sterilization of Pharmaceuticals, chapter in Agalloco, J., & Carleton, F. J. (eds.), Validation of Pharmaceutical Processes:
3rd Edition, InformaUSA, New York, 2007.
2. Herring, C., & Saylor, M., Sterilization with Radioisotopes, chapter in Morrissey, R., & Phillips, G. B. (eds.), Sterilization Technology—A Practical Guide for
Manufacturers and Users of Health Care Products, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.
3. Cleland, M., O'Neill, T., & Thompson, C., Sterilization with Accelerated Electrons, chapter in Morrissey, R., & Phillips, G. B., Sterilization Technology—A Practical
Guide for Manufacturers and Users of Health Care Products, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.
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