Disorder Aggressive and Violent Behaviors-604
Disorder Aggressive and Violent Behaviors-604
Disorder Aggressive and Violent Behaviors-604
Sudden changes in your child’s behavior will always have some causes. If your little one has been acting
unruly or has been having frequent anger outbursts lately, it is a red flag. No, freaking out is not the first
thing to do. You should dig up and look for the specific triggers and changes that the child is going
Aggression in special needs children, or children in general, could simply be a natural process of growing
up. Many things around kids change as their age multiplies. These changes may include:
Physical changes:
Changes within the body, hormonal or physical. these can sometimes be a significant source of stress.
Remember how painful it used to be when our milk teeth used to fall off?
Social changes:
Changes in a child’s peer relationships, in their academics, in their understanding of things may pool up
to be overwhelming and lead to frustration.
Environmental changes:
Modifications in their classroom setting as they pass out from one grade to another can get extremely
difficult for the child to adapt to. Knowing that their favorite teacher will no longer be teaching them or
that their friend is in another division, may lead to an outburst.
For special needs children, even a minor change can bring immense dissatisfaction if they are not able to
verbally express how they feel about the change. Knowing that they can no longer fit into their favorite
night suit can also be a potential trigger.
Such kids are especially sensitive to changes in parent and peer relationships.
Therefore, it is important for parents and caregivers to be sensitive to their needs at such times.
1.Communication issues, sensory problems, frustration or just not getting what one wants.
2.Aggression could also be a result of built up emotion and resentment in kids.
3.Children may also act out in aggressive ways only to seek attention.
4.Low self esteem or low confidence.
5. Passive aggression:
This includes subtle forms of aggression. When your child is acting stubborn, or regularly exhibits
resistance to your requests or demands, s(he) may be expressing passive aggression. Technically, it is
when your child finds an outlet to their built up emotions in acting out to you.
Children with special needs are different, so is their medium of expression. We are all aggressive in some
ways – it’s only human. But the manifestation of aggression in special needs populations in itself brings
an altogether different set of problems.
Aggression in special needs children differs in its strength depending upon the child’s concerns. But
regardless of its severity, it is always a difficult emotion to handle.
Strategies to deal with aggression and unruly behavior
Caution: For children so young, DO NOT use any coercive methods. Yelling at the child or punishing
him for being aggressive will only enrage him further. Threats and abusive language at this age can settle
into the child’s mind and aggravate his/her problems.
Methods we use to gradually work on the child’s specific aggressive behaviors. These techniques are the
most effective with children so young.
Positive reinforcements –
Which means rewarding them for an appropriate behavior. These immediate rewards help a great deal. So
if your child loves music, tell him, ” If you do not hit others in class, I will give you 5 minutes of music
time”. This will motivate him to get the reward and not engage in hitting behavior.
Token economy for dealing with aggression in special needs children is to develop a relatively long term
plan with the child. Once s(he) learns ways to work with their anger on an immediate basis, the child is
asked to continue trying to control his/her anger outbursts for say, a week to get a reward. Tokens given
throughout the week for specific instances of anger control could be anything, from sticker stars to
smileys. The idea is, if the child manages to collect all the tokens, s(he) will be rewarded with the
desirable reward at the end of the week.
However, such token economy techniques should be used with necessary cautions. Use of behavior
modification charts will help the child understand the idea easily. Giving the promised rewards on time is
equally essential. This will get the child to develop faith in your system. Remember to wean the rewards
off once the behavior is learnt.
In summary, first make the child understand that a particular act/behavior s(he) does when angry is
wrong. Next, help the child learn an alternative way to channelize their resentment. Example, point to a
sad smiley instead of crying out loud or squishing a sponge ball.
Tell the child ‘what to do’ instead of only telling them ‘what not to do’. So when telling them to not run
out of the class midway, tell them that sitting in class and paying attention is what needs to be done.
Reward them for the same to have them do it continuously till it becomes a habit.
Caution: Understand that this is the age where most things change, both within the child and in the
environment. It is at this age that aggressive outbursts or tantrums in children are most common. Not
traumatizing the child by being too harsh (physically or verbally) is of utmost importance. Remember,
children never learn from people they don’t like.
Most special needs children are sensitive to something or the other. Sensitivity to loud noises, screams,
bright colors or even the clicking of a pen could provoke the child. Just about anything could be a
potential trigger for their aggression. Understanding what causes the outbursts and work to move them
away from the child.
Root causes –
If the child acts out aggressively in response to low self esteem, for example, tackling the issue of low
esteem will ultimately reduce aggression levels. Parents could better be able to point out such root
concerns. There could be causes deeply entrenched in the kid to which s(he) may respond by being
stubborn because they don’t know how to handle those. Observation will tell you what is it that needs to
be resolved first.
Take another example: If the child was locked up in a dark room alone when young, there are chances
that s(he) will become deeply fearful to being alone in a closed space. So the next time the child is left all
by himself in a room, s(he) may become so anxious that s(he) starts yelling and crying and kicking things
Aggression, here, will disperse as soon as the child is helped to deal with the fearful memory.
Testing –
Aggression, as a trait, could also be inherited or genetic. A special needs child could have a co-morbid
hyper-aggression, mood disorders, IED, impulsiveness etc. Getting a child clinically evaluated to identify
these co-occurring conditions will help you deal better with their aggressive tendencies. Getting therapy
and professional counseling services helps a great deal.
Physical activities –
Behavior modification techniques (discussed above) can also be used with children in this age group.
Along with them, since kids here are older, one could also use calming meditative and physical exercises
to burn off their bubbling energy.
Traditional yoga and meditation is sometimes boring to us as well, admit it. This is why, you need to get
your thinking caps on and make them interesting for your child.
There are a number of YouTube channels that may help. Art therapy activities, story yoga routines etc.
can all get you child moving without them even realizing that they’re exercising. Do a bit of internet
surfing and you can pick and choose what suits your little one’s needs.
Caution: Kids in this age group are no more ‘kids’. They understand that there is something ‘different’ in
them. Aggression in such older children could simply be a result of this understanding. People look at
them differently, they need to go for several therapy sessions unlike their friends etc. can all create a
feeling of inadequacy in their self perception. Therapy and remedial sessions catering to their specific
needs are crucial. But do not make your adolescent feel like s(he) is ‘less’ than others. Treat them like any
other child, do not be too harsh with them and let them grow at their own pace.
Conditioning –
Along with Behavior Modification, Token Economy and Reinforcements, Conditioning can particularly
help. Technically, conditioning is pairing up a neutral stimulus with another stimulus repeatedly so the
neutral stimulus itself becomes capable of eliciting a response. POOF! Too complicated.
Take an example: Make a red flag and a green flag. Every time your child starts hitting and shouting out
of his temper, show him the red flag immediately. The red flag signifies that the behavior is wrong. Over
time, your child will associate the red flag with unwanted actions and will calm down soon as he sees the
flag. Thus, the red flag can then be used right away when you notice him starting to bubble up out of
anger, signaling him to relax and not act out.
Pair this up with desired reinforcements for the child to feel appreciated to not act out.
Expressive strategies –
Play therapy techniques, like writing up a bad memory on an air balloon and letting it go, also provide a
channel for letting suppressed feelings out. Of course, for children with special needs, it is important to
first have them understand the logic and idea behind such techniques for them to be effective.
Aggression in special needs children is critical. Dealing with it is all the more difficult. But it is extremely
vital to tackle it. For our ultimate goal, usually, is to make the child functional and independent.
Aggression, if it is a learnt behavior, is surely treatable. If it is a condition in itself, professional treatment
therapies should be brought into practice.
We, at Starlit Ability Enhancement Services, use these techniques and many other ways to help special
needs kids deal effectively with their concerns. To know more about our services,
visit www.starlitservices.com or call +91-9167240056
How to deal with aggression in Special needs children? (starlitservices.com)
.Aggressive Behavior: Signs, Causes, and Treatment (healthline.com)
Aggression, according to social psychology, describes any behavior or act aimed at harming a
person or animal or damaging physical property.
You’ll often come across “aggression and violence” sandwiched together as one inseparable
term. It’s true that aggression and violence often coincide, but they are, in fact, two different
Violence refers to extreme physical aggression intended to cause serious harm. To put it
another way, aggression doesn’t always involve violence, but violence always involves
Say that you get angry with your brother during an argument and throw your book across the
room in frustration. You didn’t mean to hit him, but the book smacks his head, leaving a bruise.
That would be an act of physical aggression, but not necessarily violence.
On the other hand, if you shove your brother into a wall and then hit him with the goal of hurting
him, that would be an act of violence.
Aggressive behavior doesn’t just violate social boundaries. It can also affect relationships and
even have professional or legal consequences.
Recognizing the ways aggression shows up in your life can help you take steps toward
addressing it, along with anger and any other emotions that might play a part.
Below, we’ll explore the types and potential causes of aggression, plus offer some guidance on
when it’s time to get support.
Types of aggression
Impulsive aggression
This type of aggression, also known as emotional or affective aggression, tends to stem directly
from emotions you experience in the moment. It might instead feel uncontrollable or seem to
come from nowhere.
If you can’t access the person or thing upsetting you, then you might redirect this aggression
toward something or someone you can access — including yourself.
A classmate grabs the exact book you needed for your research from the library cart.
When they leave to use the restroom, you go over to grab the book — and hit the power
button on their computer so that they lose their work.
The first time you meet, your date gives you an expensive watch. The gift makes you
uncomfortable, so you hand it back with an apology, saying you can’t accept it. They
react by throwing it to the ground and stomping on it.
Instrumental aggression
This type of aggression, also known as cognitive aggression, involves planning and intent,
typically to achieve a specific desire or goal.
All aggression involves a degree of intent to harm someone that doesn’t want to be harmed. But
acts of instrumental aggression generally involve more calculation and purpose, without any
loss of control.
You’ve just applied for a promotion at work when you overhear your supervisor
encouraging another co-worker to apply for the role, saying they’d be a great fit. You
want that position, so you tell a few people you’ve noticed that co-worker drinking in their
office, hoping the rumor reaches your supervisor.
Your teenager asks if they can have $40 to buy a video game. You don’t have the
money to spare, so you say no. They seem to accept your answer. But the next day,
you’re preparing to go grocery shopping when you can’t find your wallet. Eventually, it
turns up in the trash — with your cash gone and your cards chopped into bits.
Sometimes it’s more secretive and subtle than obvious and direct. So, you might not even
realize certain behaviors count as aggression.
Aggression does often involve physical or verbal harm, but it can also involve coercion or
Physical aggression includes hitting, kicking, punching, slapping, or any acts that
cause physical hurt. This doesn’t include accidental harm, like accidentally stepping on
your dog’s tail in the dark or knocking your friend off the porch while roughhousing.
Verbal aggression can include shouting, swearing, insults, and other cruel and unkind
remarks intended to cause pain and distress. Hate speech also falls into this category.
Relational aggression refers to actions aimed at damaging another person’s reputation
or relationships. Examples include bullying, gossiping, and playing friends off each other.
Hostile aggression describes emotional or reactive acts that involve a specific intent to
hurt someone or destroy something.
Passive aggression can include any indirect expression of negative feelings. Common
examples include the silent treatment, snide or sarcastic remarks, and redirecting blame.
Children and teenagers won’t always show aggression in the same ways as adults.
Along with physical actions like kicking, hitting, and pushing, aggression in a child might involve:
While there’s a lot of overlap between aggression and abuse, these are two different concepts.
Abuse involves a desire to take and hold power and control. It also:
That said, aggressive behavior can certainly count as abuse. Think of it this way: Not all
aggression is abuse, but all abuse is aggression.
Aggression usually doesn’t have one single specific cause. Rather, evidenceTrusted
Source suggests a number of factors can contribute to aggressive behavior.
Biological factors
Brain chemistry and other biological factors that might play a part in aggression include:
Psychological factors
Aggressive behavior can sometimes happen as a symptom of certain mental health conditions,
conduct disorder
intermittent explosive disorder
oppositional and defiant disorder (ODD)
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
bipolar disorder
substance use disorders
chronic stress
certain personality disorders, including borderline, antisocial, and narcissistic personality
Of course, aggression doesn’t always mean you have a mental health condition, nor does
having a mental health diagnosis automatically mean you’ll behave aggressively toward others.
Environmental factors
Circumstances and challenges in your everyday life and environment can also contribute to
aggressive behavior.
Aggression can happen as a natural response to stress, fear, or a sense of losing control. You
might also respond with aggression when you feel frustrated, mistreated, or unheard —
especially if you never learned how to manage your emotions effectively.
You might also be more likely to behave aggressively if your upbringing exposed you to
aggression and violence. This could happen if you:
Children often have trouble expressing emotions in words, for one, so a child who feels afraid,
suspicious, or frustrated might lash out aggressively instead of clearly communicating how they
It’s also worth keeping in mind that young children haven’t fully learned to
respect boundaries and the rights of others. Children who witness aggression, then, might learn
to express themselves through aggression and violence.
Mental health conditions that commonly affect children, including ADHD and autism, can also
play a part in aggressive behavior. Children and teens with these conditions might:
Children and teens with depression also often experience anger and irritability as the main
symptoms. You might notice these feelings in their everyday mood, but anger and irritability can
also show up as aggressive behavior toward others.
These behaviors relate, in large part, to the hormonal changes taking place during puberty —
not to mention the challenges of adjusting to these changes.
Still, it never hurts to have an open conversation with your teen about their aggressive behavior,
especially when they:
Aim to offer compassion and support instead of raising your voice and getting upset. Not sure
how to start? A family therapist can offer guidance.
It’s human to become frustrated and upset from time to time, and these emotions could easily
lead you to respond with aggressive behavior in certain situations.
Working to develop and practice stronger emotion regulation skills can make a big difference,
absolutely. But reaching out to a mental health professional is always a good option when
aggressive behavior:
happens frequently
causes problems in your personal and professional relationships
affects your daily life
feels uncontrollable
Getting help for aggression sooner rather than later is essential because aggressive behavior
can easily cause lasting physical or emotional harm to other people, animals, and even you.
The best treatment for aggressive behavior depends on the underlying cause, but a therapist
can always offer more guidance with identifying triggers and contributing factors.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you learn to identify and change unhelpful
behavior patterns and practice more helpful coping techniques. This approach doesn’t
focus much on past experiences, but it can help improve symptoms
of depression, anxiety, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.
Psychodynamic therapy can help you address mental health symptoms and emotional
distress by tracing their roots to earlier life events.
Dialectical behavior therapy can help you build and practice skills to tolerate distress,
regulate emotions, and navigate interpersonal relationships more effectively.
Interpersonal therapy can help you explore relational challenges that affect your mood
and contribute to depression and other mental health symptoms.
Parent management training can help address tense family dynamics or unhelpful
parenting tactics contributing to or reinforcing aggressive behavior.
In some cases, a therapist might also recommend working with a psychiatrist to explore
medication options for aggression. Some psychotropic medications may help ease aggressive
thoughts and behaviors that happen with mental health conditions.
These include antipsychotics like risperidone (Risperdal) and haloperidol and mood
stabilizers like carbamazepine (Tegretol), lithium, and valproic acid.
If you don’t experience any mental health symptoms, your therapist may suggest connecting
with a healthcare professional who can help rule out health concerns and other medical causes
of aggression.
Finding the right therapist
Not sure how to search for a therapist? You’ll find nine tips for getting started here.
If you prefer online therapy, our review of the best online therapy options can help you find the
right fit for you.
In most cases, aggressive behavior happens for a reason. Identifying the main causes of
aggression can make it easier to avoid potentially triggering situations, which can certainly make
a difference.
Keep in mind, though, that you can’t avoid every possible trigger. That’s why taking steps to
directly change your behavior may do more to help prevent aggression in the future. A therapist
can teach strategies to better manage your emotions and maintain control, which can lead to
more helpful and productive communication.
The aggressive behavior is considered the second most common problem among
disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities. Therefore, the aggressive
behavior of the mentally disabled has interested by large number of researchers
(Alkhatib, 2014). Hence, the behavioral problems especially the aggressive behavior
of mentally disabled children, are a heavy burden on their teachers. This behavior
often has negative effects that affected the normal performance of the teacher's
role, as well as ostracize them and make them undesirable individuals (Alrousan,