Indian Philosophy Pointers
Indian Philosophy Pointers
Indian Philosophy Pointers
Hindu - Sanskrit Sindhu meaning “the Indus River valley” Trimurti (BVS) – primary natures of Brahman (Brahma, Vishnu
and Shiva)
Dharma or Hindu dharma
Brahma – uncreated creator
instead of Hinduism
Vishnu – preserver of universe (10x reincarnated)
henotheism – superior to lesser divine
- Rama - 7th Vishnu (Ramayana)
polytheistic – belief on many gods
Shiva – destroyer and dancer (8x reincarnated)
rta – a cosmic principle of harmony, regularity and right order
Avatar or avatara - take a flesh on knowable form (incarnation)
sacred texts:
Atman – soul
shruti (VEDAS)- “heard” from the gods Hanuman – monkey-faced god in Ramayana
smriti - “remembered” by ancient human sages
aum/om – essence of Brahman (creation, preservation,
Vedas - collections of devotional hymns, ceremonial guidelines destruction)
and philosophical reflections
Basic Tenets/Doctrines:
Four Sections of Vedas (MBAU):
1. Samsara – reincarnation of soul (cycle of rebirth)
1. Mantras – religious poetry address to the gods 2. Moksha – liberation from samsara
2. Brahmanas – ceremonial guidelines 3. Karma – every thought or deed, it has a consequence
3. Aranyakas – material for ascetic
4. Upanishads – philosophical commentaries Four Yogas (KJRB):