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1 Introduction It is assumed in this chapter that readers are familiar with the usual elementary formulas encountered in introductory trigonometry. We start the chapter with a brief review of the solution of a plane triangle. While most of this will be familiar to readers, it is suggested that it be not skipped over entirely, because the examples in it contain some cautionary notes concerning hidden pitfalls. This is followed by a quick review of spherical coordinates and direction cosines in threedimensional geometry. The formulas for the velocity and acceleration components in twodimensional polar coordinates and three-dimensional spherical coordinates are developed in section 3.4. Section 3.5 deals with the trigonometric formulas for solving spherical triangles. This is a fairly long section, and it will be essential reading for those who are contemplating making a start on celestial mechanics. Sections 3.6 and 3.7 deal with the rotation of axes in two and three dimensions, including Eulerian angles and the rotation matrix of direction cosines. Finally, in section 3.8, a number of commonly encountered trigonometric formulas are gathered for reference. 3.2 Plane Triangles. This section is to serve as a brief reminder of how to solve a plane triangle. While there may be a temptation to pass rapidly over this section, it does contain a warning that will become even more pertinent in the section on spherical triangles. Conventionally, a plane triangle is described by its three angles A, B, C and three sides a, b, c, with a being opposite to A, b opposite to B, and c opposite to C. See figure III.1. B FIGURE III.1 c C A b a

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the sine and cosine formulas for the solution of the triangle:
a b c = = sin A sin B sin C



a 2 = b 2 + c 2 2bc cos A,


and understands that the art of solving a triangle involves recognition as to which formula is appropriate under which circumstances. Two quick examples - each with a warning - will suffice. Example: A plane triangle has sides a = 7 inches, b = 4 inches and angle B = 28o. Find the angle A.

See figure III.2. We use the sine formula, to obtain

sin A =

7 sin 28o = 0.821575 4

A = 55o 14'.6

3 The pitfall is that there are two values of A between 0o and 180o that satisfy sin A = 0.821575, namely 55o 14'.6 and 124o 45'.4. Figure III.3 shows that, given the original data, either of these is a valid solution.

The lesson to be learned from this is that all inverse trigonometric functions (sin-1 , cos-1 , tan-1 ) have two solutions between 0o and 360o . The function sin-1 is particularly troublesome since, for positive arguments, it has two solutions between 0o and 180o . The reader must always be on guard for "quadrant problems" (i.e. determining which quadrant the desired solution belongs to) and is warned that, unless particular care is taken in programming calculators or computers, quadrant problems are among the most frequent problems in trigonometry, and especially in spherical astronomy. Example: Find x in the triangle illustrated in figure III.4.

4 Application of the cosine rule results in 25 = x2 + 64 16x cos 32o Solution of the quadratic equation yields x = 4.133 or 9.435 This illustrates that the problem of "two solutions" is not confined to angles alone. Figure III.4 is drawn to scale for one of the solutions; the reader should draw the second solution to see how it is that two solutions are possible. The reader is now invited to try the following "guaranteed all different" problems by hand calculator. Some may have two real solutions. Some may have none. The reader should draw the triangles accurately, especially those that have two solutions or no solutions. It is important to develop a clear geometric understanding of trigonometric problems, and not merely to rely on the automatic calculations of a machine. Developing these critical skills now will pay dividends in the more complex real problems encountered in celestial mechanics and orbital computation.

PROBLEMS 1. a = 6 b = 4 c = 7 C = ? 2. a = 5 b = 3 C = 43o c = ? 3. a = 7 b = 9 C = 110o B = ? 4. a = 4 b = 5 A = 29o c = ? 5. a = 5 b = 7 A = 37o B = ? 6. a = 8 b = 5 A = 54o C = ? 7. A = 64o B = 37o a/c = ? b/c = ? 8. a = 3 b = 8 c = 4 C = ? 9. a = 4 b = 11 A = 26o c = ? The reader is now further invited to write a computer program (in whatever language is most familiar) for solving each of the above problems for arbitrary values of the data. Lengths should be read in input and printed in output to four significant figures. Angles should be read in input and printed in output in degrees, minutes and tenths of a minute (e.g. 47o 12'.9). Output should show

5 two solutions if there are two, and should print "NO SOLUTION" if there are none. This exercise will familiarize the reader with the manipulation of angles, especially inverse trigonometric functions in whatever computing language is used, and will be rewarded in future more advanced applications.

Solutions to problems. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C = 86o 25'.0 c = 3.473 B = 40o 00'.1 or 139o 59'.9 c = 7.555 or 1.191 B = 57o 24'.6 or 122o 35'.4 C = 95o 37'.6 or 23o 37'.6 a/c = 0.9165 b/c = 0.6131 No real solution No real solution

The area of a plane triangle is

1 2

base height, and it is easy to see from this that 3.2.3

1 1 1 Area = 2 bc sin A = 2 ca sin B = 2 ab cos C

By making use sin 2 A = 1 cos2 A and cos A = (b 2 + c 2 a 2 ) / (2bc ), we can express this entirely in terms of the lengths of the sides: Area = s( s a )( s b)( s c) , where s is the semi-perimeter
1 2


(a + b + c).

3.3 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates It is assumed that the reader is at least somewhat familiar with cylindrical coordinates (, , z) and spherical coordinates (r, , ) in three dimensions, and I offer only a brief summary here. Figure III.5 illustrates the following relations between them and the rectangular coordinates (x, y, z).
x = cos = r sin cos y = sin = r sin sin

3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3

z = r cos

6 z

r z

y x


The inverse relations between spherical and rectangular coordinates are

r = x2 + y2 + z2

3.3.4 3.3.5
y x + y2

= cos1

z x2 + y2 + z2
x x +y
2 2

= cos1

= sin 1


7 The coordinates r, and are called, respectively, the "radial", "polar" or "meridional", and "azimuthal" coordinates respectively. Note that r is essentially positive (the symbol denotes the positive or absolute value of the square root). The angle is necessarily between 0o and 180o and therefore there is no quadrant ambiguity in the evaluation of . The angle , however, can be between 0o and 360o . Therefore, in order to determine uniquely, both of the above formulas for must be evaluated, or the signs of x and y must be inspected. It does not suffice to calculate from = tan-1 (y/x) alone. The reader, however, should be aware that some computer languages and some hand calculator functions will inspect the signs of x and y for you and will return in its correct quadrant. For example, in FORTRAN, the function ATAN2(X,Y) (or DATAN2(X,Y) in double precision) will return uniquely in its correct quadrant (though perhaps as a negative angle, in which case 360o should be added to the outputted angle) provided the arguments X and Y are inputted with their correct signs. This can save an immense amount of trouble in programming, and the reader should become familiar with this function. Direction cosines The direction to a point in three dimensional space relative to the origin can be described, as we have seen, by the two angles and . Another way of describing the direction to a point, or the orientation of a vector, is to give the angles , , that the vector makes with the x-, y- and z-axes, respectively (see figure III.5). The angle is the same as the angle . z


8 More commonly one quotes the cosines of these three angles. These are called the direction cosines, and are often denoted by (l,m,n). It should not take long for the reader to be convinced that the relation between the direction cosines and the angles and are
l = cos = sin cos

3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9

m = cos = sin sin

n = cos = cos

These are not independent, and are related by

l 2 + m2 + n 2 = 1.


A set of numbers that are multiples of the direction cosines - i.e. are proportional to them - are called direction ratios. Latitude and Longitude. The figure of the Earth is not perfectly spherical, for it is slightly flattened at the poles. For the present, however, our aim is to become familiar with spherical coordinates and with the geometry of the sphere, so we shall suppose the Earth to be spherical. In that case, the position of any town on Earth can be expressed by two coordinates, the latitude , measured north or south of the equator, and the longitude , measured eastwards or westwards from the meridian through Greenwich. These symbols, for latitude and for longitude, are unfortunate, but are often used in this context. In terms of the symbols , for spherical coordinates that we have used hitherto, the east longitude would correspond to and the latitude to 90o . A plane that intersects a sphere does so in a circle. If that plane passes through the centre of the sphere (so that the centre of the circle is also the centre of the sphere), the circle is called a great circle. All the meridians (the circles of fixed longitude that pass through the north and south poles) including the one that passes through Greenwich, are great circles, and so is the equator. Planes that do not pass through the centre of the sphere (such as parallels of latitude) are small circles. The radius of a parallel of latitude is equal to the radius of the sphere times the cosine of the latitude. We have used the example of latitude and longitude on a spherical Earth in order to illustrate the concepts of great and small circles. Although it is not essential to pursue it in the present context, we mention in passing that the true figure of the Earth at mean sea level is a geoid - which merely means the shape of the Earth. To a good approximation, the geoid is an oblate spheroid (i.e. an ellipse rotated about its minor axis) with semi major axis a = 6378.140 km and semi minor axis c = 6356.755 km. The ratio (ca)/a is called the geometric ellipticity of the Earth and it has the value 1/298.3. The mean radius of the Earth, in the sense of the radius of a sphere having the same volume as the actual geoid, is 3 a 2 c = 6371.00 km.

9 It is necessary in precise geodesy to distinguish between the geographic or geodetic latitude of a point on the Earth's surface and its geocentric latitude ' Their definitions evident from figure III.7. In this figure, the ellipticity of the Earth is greatly exaggerated; in reality it would scarcely be discernible. The angle is the angle between a plumb-bob and the equator. This differs from ' partly because the gravitational field of a spheroid is not the same as that of an equal point mass at the centre, and partly because the plumb bob is pulled away from the Earth's rotation axis by centrifugal force.



The relationship between and ' is ' = 692'.74 sin 2 1'.16 sin 4.

10 3.4 Velocity and Acceleration Components. i. Two-dimensional polar coordinates Sometimes the symbols r and are used for two-dimensional polar coordinates, but in this section I use ( , ) for consistency with the (r, , ) of three-dimensional spherical coordinates. In what follows I am setting vectors in boldface. If you make a print-out, you should be aware that some printers apparently do not print Greek letter symbols in boldface, even though they appear in boldface on screen. You should be on the look-out for this. Symbols with ^ above them are intended as unit vectors, so you will know that they should be in boldface even if your printer does not recognize this. If in doubt, look at what appears on the screen.


Figure III.8 shows a point P moving along a curve such that its polar coordinates are changing at & & rates and . The drawing also shows fixed unit vectors x and y parallel to the x- and y-axes, as well as unit vectors and in the radial and transverse directions. We shall find expressions
for the rate at which the unit radial and transverse vectors are changing with time. (Being unit vectors, their magnitudes do not change, but their directions do.) We have and
= cos x + sin y

3.4.1 3.4.2

= sin x + cos y.

& & & & = sin x + cos y = ( sin x+cos y )

& & = .

3.4.3 3.4.4

11 In a similar manner, by differentiating equation 3.4.2. with respect to time and then making use of equation 3.4.1, we find
& & = 3.4.5

Equations 3.4.4 and 3.4.5 give the rate of change of the radial and transverse unit vectors. It is worthwhile to think carefully about what these two equations mean.
The position vector of the point P can be represented by the expression = . The velocity of P is found by differentiating this with respect to time:

& & & & & v = = + = + . & & The radial and transverse components of velocity are therefore and respectively.


The acceleration is found by differentiation of equation 3.4.6, and we have to differentiate the products of two and of three quantities that vary with time:

&& & & & & & a = v = && + + + && + & && & & & & = + + + && 2 && & = 2 + && + 2 . && & && The radial and transverse components of acceleration are therefore ( 2 ) and && (&& + 2) respectively.

) (


ii. Three-dimensional spherical coordinates z


In figure III.9, P is a point moving along a curve such that its spherical coordinates are changing at & & & rates r , , . We want to find out how fast the unit vectors r, , in the radial, meridional and azimuthal directions are changing. We have
r = sin cos x + sin sin y + cos z

3.4.8 3.4.9 3.4.10

= cos cos x + cos sin y sin z

sin x + cos y

& & & & & & r = (cos cos sin sin )x + (cos sin + sin cos )y sin z.


We see, by comparing this with equations 3.4.9 and 3.4.10 that

& & & r = + sin

By similar arguments we find that


& & & = cos r

3.4.13 3.4.14


& & & = sin r cos

These are the rates of change of the unit radial, meridional and azimuthal vectors.
The position vector of the point P can be represented by the expression r = r r . The velocity of P is found by differentiating this with respect to time:

& & & & & & v = r = r r + r r = r r + r ( + sin ) & & & = r r + r + r sin

& r , and

The radial, meridional and azimuthal & r sin respectively.

& components of velocity are therefore r ,

The acceleration is found by differentiation of equation 3.4.15. [It might not be out of place here for a quick hint about differentiation. Most readers will know how to differentiate a product of two functions. If you want to differentiate a product of several functions, for example four functions, a, b, c and d, the procedure is (abcd)' = a'bcd + ab'cd + abc'd + abcd'. In the last term of equation 3.4.15, all four quantities vary with time, and we are about to differentiate the product.]

& & & & & && & & r a = v = && r + r ( + sin ) + r + r && + r (cos r) & && & & & & + r sin + r cos + r sin && + r sin ( sin r cos )


On gathering together the coefficients of r, , , we find that the components of acceleration are:
& &&r 2 r sin 2 2 r & & && r&& + 2r r sin cos 2 && && 2r sin + 2r cos + r sin &&

Radial: Meridional: Azimuthal:

14 3.5 Spherical Triangles. As with plane triangles, we denote the three angles by A, B, C and the sides opposite to them by a, b, c. We are fortunate in that we have four formulas at our disposal for the solution of a spherical triangle, and, as with plane triangles, the art of solving a spherical triangle entails understanding which formula is appropriate under given circumstances. Each formula contains four elements (sides and angles), three of which, in a given problem, are assumed to be known, and the fourth is to be determined. Three important points are to be noted before we write down the formulas. 1. The formulas are valid only for triangles in which the three sides are arcs of great circles. They will not do, for example, for a triangle in which one side is a parallel of latitude. 2. The sides of a spherical triangle, as well as the angles, are all expressed in angular measure (degrees and minutes) and not in linear measure (metres or kilometres). A side of 50o means that the side is an arc of a great circle subtending an angle of 50o at the centre of the sphere. 3. The sum of the three angles of a spherical triangle add up to more than 180o . In this section are now given the four formulas without proof, the derivations being given in a later section. The four formulas may be referred to as the sine formula, the cosine formula, the polar cosine formula, and the cotangent formula. Beneath each formula is shown a spherical triangle in which the four elements contained in the formula are highlighted.

The sine formula:

sin a sin b sin c = = sin A sin B sin C



The cosine formula:

15 cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A



The polar cosine formula:

cos A = cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a



The cotangent formula:

cos b cos A = sin b cot c sin A cot C







The cotangent formula is a particularly useful and frequently needed formula, and it is unfortunate that it is not only difficult to commit to memory but, even with the formula written out in front of one, it is often difficult to decide which is b, which is A and so on. However, it should be noted from the drawing that the four elements, side-angle-side-angle, lie adjacent to each other in the triangle, and they may be referred to as outer side (OS), inner angle (IA), inner side (IS) and outer angle (OA) respectively. Many people find that the formula is much easier to use when written in the form cos (IS) cos (IA) = sin (IS) cot (OS) sin (IA) cot (OA) 3.5.5

The reader will shortly be offered a goodly number of examples in the use of these formulas. However, during the course of using the formulas, it will be found that there is frequent need to solve deceptively simple trigonometric equations of the type 4. 737 sin + 3. 286 cos = 5. 296 3.5.6

After perhaps a brief pause, one of several methods may present themselves to the reader - but not all methods are equally satisfactory. I am going to suggest four possible ways of solving this equation. The first method is one that may occur very quickly to the reader as being perhaps rather obvious - but there is a cautionary tale attached to it. While the method may seem very obvious, a difficulty does arise, and the reader would be advised to prefer one of the less obvious methods. There are, incidentally, two solutions to the equation between 0o and 360o . They are 31o 58'.6 and 78o 31'.5. Method i. The obvious method is to isolate cos : cos = 1.611 686 1.441 570 sin . Although the constants in the problem were given to four significant figures, do not be tempted to round off intermediate calculations to four. It is a common fault to round off intermediate calculations prematurely. The rounding-off can be done at the end. Square both sides, and write the left hand side, cos2 , as 1 sin2 . We now have a quadratic equation in sin : 3. 078 125 sin 2 4. 646 717 sin + 1. 597 532 = 0. The two solutions for sin are 0.529 579 and 0.908 014 and the four values of that satisfy these values of sin are 31o 58'.6, 148o 01'.4, 78o 31'.5 and 101o 28'.5. Only two of these angles are solutions of the original equation. The fatal move was to square both sides of the original equation, so that we have found solutions not only to

17 cos = 1.611 686 1.441 570 sin but also to the different equation cos = 1.611 686 1.441 570 sin . This generation of extra solutions always occurs whenever we square an equation. For this reason, method (i), however tempting, should be avoided, particularly when programming a computer to carry out a computation automatically and uncritically. Method ii. This method makes use of the identities sin =
1 where t = tan 2 .

2t , 1+ t 2

cos =

1 t 2 , 1+ t2

When applied to the original equation, this results in the quadratic equation in t: 8.582t2 9.474t + 2.010 =0 with solutions t = 0.286528 and t = 0.817410.

The only values of between 0o and 360o that satisfy these are the two correct solutions 31o 58'.6 and 78o 31'.5. It is left as an exercise to show, using this method algebraically, that the solutions to the equation
a sin + b cos = c

are given by
1 tan 2 =

a a 2 + b2 c2 . b+c

Method iii. We divide the original equation 4.737 sin + 3.286 cos = 5.296 by the "hypotenuse" of 4.737 and 3.286; that is, by


+ 3.286 2 = 5.765151.

18 Thus
0. 821 661 sin + 0. 569 976 cos = 0. 918 623

Now let 0.821 661 = cos and 0.569 976 = sin (which we can, since these numbers now satisfy sin 2 + cos2 = 1) so that = 34o 44'.91. We have or from which Therefore Method iv. Methods ii and iii give explicit solutions, so there is perhaps no need to use numerical methods. Nevertheless, the reader might like to solve, by Newton-Raphson iteration, the equation
f ( ) = a sin + b cos c = 0, cos sin + sin cos = 0. 918 623

sin(+ ) = 0.918623

= 66o 43'.54 or 113o 16'.46 = 31o 58'.6 or 78o 31'.5

for which

f ' () = a cos b sin .

Using the values of a, b and c from the example above and using the Newton-Raphson algorithm, we find with a first guess of 45o the following iterations, working in radians: 0.785 398 0.417 841 0.541 499 0.557 797 0.558 104 0.558 104 = 31o58'.6 The reader should verify this calculation, and, using a different first guess, show that NewtonRaphson iteration quickly leads to 78o 31'.5. Having now cleared that small hurdle, the reader is invited to solve the spherical triangle problems below. Although these twelve problems look like pointless repetitive work, they are in fact all different. Some have two solutions between 0o and 360o ; others have just one. After solving each problem, the reader should sketch each triangle - especially those that have two solutions - in order to see how the two-fold ambiguities arise. The reader should also write a computer program that will solve all twelve types of problem at the bidding of the user. Answers should be given in degrees, minutes and tenths of a minute, and should be correct to that precision. For example, the answer to one of the problems is 47o 37'.3. An answer of 47o 37'.2 or 47o 37'.4 should be regarded as wrong. In celestial mechanics, there is no place for answers that are "nearly right". An answer is either right or it is wrong. (This does not mean, of course, that an angle can be measured with no error at all; but the answer to a calculation given to a tenth of an arcminute should be correct to a tenth of an arcminute.)


PROBLEMS (All angles and sides in degrees.) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. a = 64 a = 39 a = 16 a = 21 a = 67 a = 49 A = 24 A = 79 A = 62 A = 59 A = 47 A = 79 b = 33 b = 48 b = 37 b = 43 b = 54 b = 59 B = 72 B = 84 B = 49 B = 32 B = 57 B = 62 c = 37 C = 74 C = 42 A = 29 A = 39 A = 14 c = 19 c = 12 a = 44 a = 62 a = 22 C = 48 C=? c=? B=? c=? B=? C=? a=? C=? b=? c=? C=? c=?

20 Solutions to problems. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 28o 18'.2 49o 32'.4 117o 31'.0 30o 46'.7 or 47o 37'.3 33o 34'.8 or 146o 25'.2 3o 18'.1 or 162o 03'.9 7o 38'.2 20o46'.6 36o 25'.5 or 143o 34'.5 76o 27'.7 or 219o 21'.9 80o 55'.7 or 169o 05'.2 28o 54'.6

Derivation of the formulas. Before moving on to further problems and applications of the formulas, it is time to derive the four formulas which, until now, have just been given without proof. We start with the cosine formula. There is no loss of generality in choosing rectangular axes such that the point A of the spherical triangle ABC is on the z-axis and the point B and hence the side c are in the zx-plane. The sphere is assumed to be of unit radius. z A A c a B r1 C r2 b

k i j


If i, j and k are unit vectors directed along the x, y and zaxes respectively, inspection of the figure will show that the position vectors of the points B and C with respect to the centre of the sphere are

r1 = i sin c + k cos c
and respectively.

k cosb

r2 = i sin b cos A +

j sin b sin A +


The scalar product of these vectors (each of magnitude unity) is just the cosine of the angle between them, namely cos a, from which we obtain immediately cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A. 3.5.9

To obtain the sine formula, we isolate cos A from this equation, square both sides, and write 1 sin 2 A for cos2 A. Thus,

(sin b sin c cos A)2

(cos a cos b cos c ) ,



and when we have carried out these operations we obtain sin 2 A = sin 2 b sin 2 c cos2 a cos2 b cos2 c + 2 cos a cos b cos c . sin 2 b sin 2 c 3.5.11

In the numerator, write 1 cos2 b for sin2 b and 1 cos2 c for sin2 c, and divide both sides by sin2 a. This results in

sin 2 A sin 2 a

1 cos2 a cos2 b cos2 c + 2 cos a cos b cos c .. sin 2 a sin 2 b sin 2 c


At this stage the reader may feel that we are becoming bogged down in heavier and heavier algebra and getting nowhere. But, after a careful look at equation 3.5.12, it may be noted with some delight that the next line is: Therefore
sin A sin a = sin B sin b = sin C . sin c


The derivation of the polar cosine formula may also bring a small moment of delight. In figure III.15, A'B'C' is a spherical triangle. ABC is also a spherical triangle, called the polar triangle to A'B'C'. It is formed in the following way. The side BC is an arc of a great circle 90o from A'; that is, BC is part of the equator of which A' is pole. Likewise CA is 90o from B' and AB is 90o

22 from C'. In the drawing, the side B'C' of the small triangle has been extended to meet the sides AB and CA of the large triangle. It will be evident from the drawing that the angle A of the large

x B' a' C' A' y A


triangle is equal to x + a' + y. Further, from the way in which the triangle ABC was formed, x+ a' and a' + y are each equal to 90o . From these relations, we see that A + A = [(x + a') +y] + [x + (a' + y)]

23 or Therefore In a similar manner, 2A = 180 + x + y = 180o + A a' A = 180o a' B = 180o b' and C = 180o c'

Now, suppose f(A', B', C', a', b', c') = 0 is any relation between the sides and angles of the triangle A'B'C'. We may replace a' by 180o A, b' by 180o B, and so on, and this will result in a relation between A, B, C, a, b and c ; that is, it will result in a relation between the sides and angles of the triangle ABC. For example, the equation cos a' = cos b' cos c' + sin b' sin c' cos A' 3.5.14

is valid for the triangle A'B'C'. By making these substitutions, we find the following formula valid for triangle ABC: cos A = cos B cos C sin B sin C cos a, which is the polar cosine formula. The reader will doubtless like to try starting from the sine and cotangent formulas for the triangle A'B'C' and deduce corresponding polar formulas for the triangle ABC, though this, unfortunately, may give rise to some anticlimactic disappointment. I know of no particularly interesting derivation of the cotangent formula, and I leave it to the reader to work through the rather pedestrian algebra. Start from cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A and cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C. 3.5.15

Eliminate cos c (but retain sin c) from these equations, and write 1 sin2 b for cos2 b. Finally sin c sin A for sin a , and, after some tidying up, the cotangent formula should result. substitute sin C Examples. At this stage, we have had some practice in solving the four spherical triangle formulas, and we have derived them. In this section we encounter examples in which the problem is not merely to solve a triangle, but to gain some experience in setting up a problem and deciding which triangle has to be solved.

24 1. The coordinates of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, near Victoria, British Columbia, are Latitude 48o 31'.3 N Longitude 123o 25'.0 W

and the coordinates of the David Dunlap Observatory, near Toronto, Ontario, are Latitude 43o 51'.8 N Longitude 79o 25'.3 W

How far is Toronto from Victoria, and what is the azimuth of Toronto relative to Victoria? The triangle to be drawn and solved is the triangle PVT, where P is the Earth's north pole, V is Victoria, and T is Toronto. On figure III.16 are marked the colatitudes of the two cities and the difference between their longitudes. The great circle distance between the two observatories is easily given by the cosine formula: cos = cos 41o 28'.7 cos 46o 08'.2 + sin 41o 28'.7 sin 46o 08'.2 cos 43o 59'.7 From this, we find = 300 22'.7 or 0.53021 radians. The radius of the Earth is 6371 km, so the distance between the observatories is 3378 km or 2099 miles.
43o 59'.7

41o 28'.7

46o 08'.2



Now that we have found , we can find the azimuth, which is the angle V, from the sine formula: sin V and hence = sin 46o 08'. 2 sin 43o59'. 7 sin 30o 22'. 7 V = 82o 00'.3 = 0. 990 275

But we should now remember that sin-1 0.990 275 has two values between 0o and 180o , namely 82o 00'.3 and 97o 59'.7. Usually it is obvious from inspection of a drawing which of the two values of sin-1 is the required one. Unfortunately, in this case, both values are close to 90o , and it may not be immediately obvious which of the two values we require. However, it will be noticed that Toronto has a more southerly latitude than Victoria, and this should easily resolve the ambiguity. We could, of course, have found the azimuth V by using the cotangent formula, without having to calculate first. Thus cos 41o 28'.7 cos 43o59'.7 = sin 41o 28'.7 cot 46o 08'.2 sin 43o 59'.7 cot V There is only one solution for V between 0o and 180o , and it is the correct one, namely 82o 00'.3. A good drawing will show the reader why the correct solution was the acute rather than the obtuse angle (in our drawing the angle was made to be close to 900 in order not to bias the reader one way or the other), but in any case all readers, especially those who were trapped into choosing the obtuse angle, should take careful note of the difficulties that can be caused by the ambiguity of the function sin-1 . Indeed it is the strong advice of the author never to use the sine formula, in spite of the ease of memorizing it. The cotangent formula is more difficult to commit to memory, but it is far more useful and not so prone to quadrant mistakes.

2. Consider two points, A and B, at latitude 20o N, longitude 25o E, and latitude 72o N, longitude 44o E. Where are the poles of the great circle passing through these two points? Let us call the colatitude and longitude of the first point (1, 1 ) and of the second point ( 2 , 2 ). We shall consider the question answered if we can find the coordinates (0 , 0 ) of the poles Q and Q' of the great circle passing through the two points.

26 In figure III.17, P is the north pole of the Earth, A and B are the two points in question, and Q is one of the two poles of the great circle joining A and B. The figure also shows the triangle PQA. From the cosine formula, we obtain 0 = cos 0 cos 1 + sin 0 sin 1 cos ( 1 0 ), from which tan 0 = 1 . tan 1 cos(1 0 ) P 0 1 900 A(1 , 1 ) B (2 ,2 )


Similarly from triangle PQB we would obtain tan 0 = 1 . tan 2 cos( 2 0 )

These are two equations in 0 and 0 , so the problem is in principle solved. Equate the righthand sides of the two equations, expand the terms cos ( 1 0 ) and cos ( 2 0 ), gather the terms in sin 0 and cos 0 , eventually to obtain

27 tan 0 = tan 1cos 1 tan 2 cos 2 . tan 2 sin 2 tan 1sin 1

If we substitute the angles given in the original problem, we obtain tan 0 = tan 70o cos 25o tan 18o cos 44o = 2.412 091 0 tan 18o sin 44o tan 70o sin 25o

from which

0 = 112o 31'.1 or 292o 31'.1

Note that we get two values for 0 differing by 180o, as expected. We then use either of the equations for tan 0 to obtain 0 (It is good practice to use both of them as a check on the arithmetic.) The north polar distance, or colatitude, must be between 0o and 180o, so there is no ambiguity of quadrant. With 0 = 112o 31'.1, we obtain 0 = 96o 47'.1, i.e. latitude 6o 47'.1 S. and with 0 = 292o 31'.1, we obtain 0 = 83o 12'.9, i.e. latitude 6o 47'.1 N. and these are the coordinates of the two poles of the great circle passing through A and B. The reader is strongly urged actually to carry out these computations numerically in order to be quite sure that the quadrants are correct and unambiguous. Indeed, dealing with the quadrant problem may be regarded as the most important part of the exercise. Here is a challenging exercise and an important one in meteor astronomy. Two shower meteors are seen, diverging from a common radiant. One starts at right ascension 6 hours, declination +65 degrees, and finishes at right ascension 1 hour, declination +75 degrees. The second starts at right ascension 5 h, declination +35 degrees, and finishes at right ascension 3 hours, declination +15 degrees. Where is the radiant? The assiduous student will make a good drawing of the celestial sphere, illustrating the situation as accurately as possible. The calculation will require some imaginative manipulation of spherical triangles. After arriving at what you believe to be the correct answer, look at your drawing to see whether it is reasonable. The next step might be to develop a general trigonometrical expression for the answer in terms of the original data, or to program the calculation for a computer, so that it is henceforth available for any similar calculation. Or one can go yet further, and write a computer program that will give a least-squares solution for the radiant for many more than two meteors in the shower. I find for the answer to the above problem that the radiant is at right ascension 7.26 hours and declination +43.8 degrees.

28 3.6 Rotation of Axes, Two Dimensions In this section we consider the following problem. Consider two sets of orthogonal axes, Ox, Oy, and Ox', Oy', such that one set makes an angle with respect to the other. See figure (a) below. A point P can be described either by its coordinates (x,y) with respect to one "basis set" Ox, Oy, or by its coordinates with respect to the other basis set Ox', Oy'. The question is, what is the relation between the coordinates (x,y) and the coordinates (x',y')? See figure III.18. We see that OA = x, AP = y, ON = x', PN = y', OM = x cos , MN = y sin , 3.6.1


x ' = x cos + y sin .

MA = NB = x sin ,

PB = y cos , 3.6.2

y ' = x ' sin + y cos .

These two relations can be written in matrix form as x' cos sin x = y ' sin cos y . 3.6.3

P (x , y) , (x' , y') y


x' N B M O x FIGURE III.18

29 There are several ways of obtaining the converse relations; that is, equations for x and y in terms of x' and y'. One way would be to design drawings similar to (b) and (c) that show the converse relations clearly, and the reader is encouraged to do this. Another way is merely to solve the above two equations (which can be regarded as two simultaneous equations in x and y) for x and y. Less tedious is to interchange the primed and unprimed symbols and change the sign of . Perhaps the quickest of all is to recognize that the determinant of the matrix cos sin sin cos is unity and therefore the matrix is an orthogonal matrix. One important property of an orthogonal ~ matrix M is that its reciprocal M1 is equal to its transpose M (formed by transposing the rows and columns). Therefore the converse relation that we seek is x cos sin x' cos sin x' = = y sin cos y ' sin cos y ' .


The reader might like to try all four methods to ensure that they all arrive at the same result.

3.7 Rotation of Axes, Three Dimensions. Eulerian Angles We now consider two sets of orthogonal axes Ox, Oy, Oz and Ox', Oy', Oz' in three-dimensional space and inclined to each other. A point in space can be described by its coordinates (x,y,z) with respect to one basis set or (x',y',z') with respect to the other. What is the relation between the coordinates (x,y,z) and the coordinates (x',y',z')? We first need to describe exactly how the primed axes are inclined with respect to the unprimed axes. In the figure below are shown the axes Ox, Oy and Oz. Also shown are the axes Ox' and Oz'; the axis Oy' is directed behind the plane of the paper and is not drawn. The orientation of the primed axes with respect to the unprimed axes is described by three angles , and , known as the Eulerian angles, and they are shown in figure III.19. The precise definitions of the three angles can be understood by three consecutive rotations, illustrated in figures III.20,21,22.

30 z


x' N y

FIGURE III.19 First, a rotation through counterclockwise around the Oz axis to form a set of intermediate axes Ox1 , Oy1 , Oz1 , as shown in figure III.20. The Oz and Oz1 axes are identical. Part (b) shows the rotation as seen when looking directly down the Oz (or Oz1 ) axis. z, z1 y1 y

O x

y x1

x1 (b)


31 The relation between the (x, y, z) and (x1, y1 , z1) coordinates is

x1 cos sin x = y sin cos y . 1


Next, a rotation through counterclockwise around the Ox1 axis to form a set of axes Ox2 , Oy2 , Oz2 . The Ox1 and Ox2 axes are identical (Figure III.12). Part (b) of the figure shows the rotation as seen when looking directly towards the origin along the Ox1 (or Ox2 ) axis. z1 z2 z2 z1

O x1,x2


y1 (a) (b) FIGURE III.21

The relation between the (x1 , y1 , z1) and (x2 , y2 , z2) coordinates is
y2 cos sin y1 = z sin cos z . 1 2


Lastly, a rotation through counterclockwise around the Oz2 axis to form the set of axes Ox', Oy' Oz' (figure III.13). The Oz2 and Oz' axes are identical. Part (b) of the figure shows the rotation as seen when looking directly down the Oz2 (or Oz') axis. z2 , z' y' x' x2 (a) FIGURE III.22 (b) x' y2



The relation between the (x2 , y2 , z2) and (x' , y' , z') coordinates is
x' cos sin 1 x2 y ' = sin cos 0 y2 . z' 0 0 0 z 2


Thus we have for the relations between (x',y',z') and (x,y,z)

x' cos sin 0 y ' = sin cos 0 z' 0 0 1 0 0 cos sin 0 x 1 0 cos sin sin cos 0 y . 0 sin cos 0 0 1 z


On multiplication of these matrices, we obtain

x' cos cos cos sin sin y ' = sin cos cos sin cos z' sin sin cos sin + cos cos sin sin sin + cos cos cos sin cos sin sin x cos sin y . z cos


The inverse of this may be found, as in the two-dimensional case, either by solving these three equations for x, y and z (which would be rather tedious); or by interchanging the primed and unprimed quantities and reversing the order and signs of all operations (replace with , with , and with ) which is less tedious; or by recognizing that the determinant of the matrix is unity and therefore its reciprocal is its transpose, which is hardly tedious at all. The reader should verify that the determinant of the matrix is unity by multiplying it out and making use of trigonometric identities. The reason that the determinant must be unity, however, and that the rotation matrix must be orthogonal, is that rotation of axes cannot change the magnitude of a vector. Each element of the matrix is the cosine of the angle between an axis in one basis set and an axis in the other basis set. For example, the second element in the first row is the cosine of the angles between Ox' and Oy. The first element of the third row is the cosine of the angles between Oz' and Ox. The matrix can be referred to as the matrix of direction cosines between the axes of one basis set and the axes of the other basis set, and the relations between the coordinates can be written
x' c11 c12 c13 x y ' = c21 c22 c23 y z' c 31 c32 c33 z


R' = CR.


You will note the similarity of the forms of the direction cosines to the cosine formula for the solution of a spherical triangle, and indeed the direction cosines can all be derived by drawing and solving the relevant spherical triangles. You might (or might not!)enjoy trying to do this. The matrix C of the direction cosines is orthogonal, and the properties of an orthogonal matrix are as follows. The reader should verify this using the formulas for the direction cosines in terms of the Eulerian angles. The properties also apply, of course, although more trivially, to the rotation matrix in two dimensions. (a) det C = 1 (det C = 1 implies that the two basis sets are of opposite chirality or "handedness"; that is, if one basis set is right-handed, the other is left-handed.) (b) The sum of the squares of the elements in any row or any column is unity. This merely means that the magnitudes of unit orthogonal vectors are indeed unity. (c) The sum of the products of corresponding elements in any two rows or any two columns is zero. This is merely a reflection of the fact that the scalar or dot product of any two unit orthogonal vectors is zero. (d) Every element is equal to its own cofactor. This a reflection of the fact that the vector or cross product of any two unit orthogonal vectors in cyclic order is equal to the third. ~ (e) C-1 = C , or the reciprocal of an orthogonal matrix is equal to its transpose. The first four properties above can be (and should be) used in a numerical case to verify that the matrix is indeed orthogonal, and they can be used for detecting and for correcting mistakes. For example, the following matrix is supposed to be orthogonal, but there are, in fact, two mistakes in it. Using properties (b) and (c) above, locate and correct the mistakes. (It will become clear when you do this why verification of property (b) alone is not sufficient.) When you have corrected the matrix, see if you can find the Eulerian angles , and without ambiguity of quadrant. As a hint, start at the bottom right hand side of the matrix and note, from the way in which the Eulerian angles are set up, that must be between 0o and 180o , so that there is no ambiguity of quadrant. The other two angles, however, can lie between 00 and 3600 and must be determined by examining the signs of their sines and cosines. When you have calculated the

34 Eulerian angles, a further useful exercise would be to prepare a drawing showing the orientation of the primed axes with respect to the unprimed axes.
+ 0.075 284 882 7 0.518 674 468 2 + 0.851 650 739 6 0.553 110 473 2 0.732 363 000 8 + 0.397 131 261 9 0.829 699 337 5 + 0.442 158 963 2 0.342 020 143 3

Note, as a matter of good computational practice, that the numbers are written in groups of three separated by half spaces after the decimal point, all numbers, positive and negative, are signed, and leading zeroes are not omitted. 3.8 Trigonometric Formulas I gather here merely for reference a set of commonly-used trigonometric formulas. It is a matter of personal preference whether to commit them to memory. It is probably fair to remark that anyone who is regularly engaged in problems in celestial mechanics or related disciplines will be familiar with most of them, at least from frequent use, whether or not any conscious effort was made to memorize them. At the very least, the reader should be aware of their existence, even if he or she has to look to recall the exact formula.
sin A = tan A cos A

sin 2 A + cos 2 A = 1
1 + cot 2 A = csc 2 A 1 + tan 2 A = sec 2 A
sec A csc A = tan A + cot A

sec 2 A csc 2 A = sec 2 A + csc 2 A

sin( A B ) = sin A cos B cos A sin B

cos( A B) = cos A cos B m sin A sin B

tan( A B) = tan A tan B 1 m tan A tan B

35 sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A cos 2 A = cos2 A sin 2 A = 2 cos2 A 1 = 1 2 sin 2 A

tan 2 A = 2 tan A 1 tan 2 A

1 sin 2 A =

1 cos A 2 1 + cos A 2

1 cos 2 A =

1 tan 2 A =

sin A 1 cos A 1 cos A = = = csc A cot A sin A 1 + cos A A + cos A

1 1 sin A + sin B = 2 sin 2 S cos 2 D,


S = A+ B


D = A B

1 1 sin A sin B = 2 cos 2 S sin 2 D

1 1 cos A + cos B = 2 cos 2 S cos 2 D 1 1 cos A cos B = 2 sin 2 S sin 2 D

sin A sin B =

1 2

(cos D cos S )
1 2

cos A cos B = sin A cos B =

(cos S + cos D ) (sin S + sin D )

= 2t , 1+ t2

1 2

sin A =

T 1+ T2


1 T = tan A and t = tan 2 A

36 1 t 2 cos A = = 2 1+ T 2 1+ t 1
tan A = T = 2t 1 t 2

s = sin A,
cos A= c cos 2 A = 2c 2 1 cos 3 A = 4c 3 3c cos 4 A = 8c 4 8c 2 + 1 cos 5 A = 16c 5 20c 3 + 5c cos 6 A = 32c 6 48c 4 + 18c 2 1 cos 7 A = 64c 7 112c 5 + 56c 3 7c

c = cos A
sin A = s sin 2 A = 2cs sin 3 A = 3s 4s 3 sin 4 A = 4c( s 2s 3 ) sin 5 A = 5s 20 s 3 + 16 s 5 sin 6 A = 2c(3s 16 s 3 + 16 s 5 ) sin 7 A = 7 s 56 s 3 + 112 s 5 64 s 7 sin 8 A = 8c( s 10 s 3 + 24 s 5 16 s 7 )

cos 8 A = 128c 8 256c 6 + 160c 4 32c 2 + 1 cos 2 A =


(cos 2 A + 1) cos A = 1 (cos 3 A + 3 cos A) 4 4 cos A = 1 (cos 4 A + 4 cos 2 A + 3) 8 5 1 cos A = 16 (cos 5 A + 5 cos 3 A + 10 cos A) 1 cos 6 A = 32 (cos 6 A + 6 cos 4 A + 15 cos 2 A + 10)
1 2

cos 7 A =

1 64

(cos 7 A + 7 cos 5 A + 21cos 3 A + 35 cos A)

1 cos 8 A = 128 (cos 8 A + 8 cos 6 A + 28 cos 4 A + 56 cos 2 A + 35)

(1 cos 2 A) sin 3 A = 1 (3 sin A sin 3 A) 4 4 sin A = 1 (cos 4 A 4 cos 2 A + 3) 8 5 1 sin A = 16 (sin 5 A 5 sin 3 A + 10 sin A)
sin 2 A =
1 2

sin 6 A = sin 7 A =

(35 sin A 21sin 3 A + 7 sin 5 A sin 7 A) 1 sin 8 A = 128 (cos 8 A 8 cos 6 A + 28 cos 4 A 56 cos 2 A + 35)
1 64

1 32

(10 15 cos 2 A + 6 cos 4 A cos 6 A)


A3 A5 sin A = A + L 3! 5!
cos A = 1

A2 A4 + L 2! 4!
(m 1)!!(n 1)!! X , (m + n)!!

/ 2

sin m cos n d =

where X = /2 if m and n are both even, and

X = 1 otherwise. e ni = ein (de Moivre's theorem - the only one you need know. All others can be deduced from it.) Plane triangles:
a b c = = sin A sin B sin C

a 2 = b 2 + c 2 2bc cos A
a cos B + b cos A = c
1 s = 2 (a + b + c)

1 sin 2 A =

(s b)(s c) s(s a)

1 cos 2 A =

s(s a) bc
(s b)(s c) s(s a)

1 tan 2 A =

Spherical triangles
sin a sin b sin c = = sin A sin B sin C

cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A cos A = cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a

cos (IS) cos (IA) = sin (IS) cot (OS) sin (IA) cot(OA)

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