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Universal Basic Income Proposal ILO Standards

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Universal Basic Income proposals

in light of ILO standards:
Key issues and global costing

Isabel Ortiz
Christina Behrendt
Andrés Acuña-Ulate
Quynh Anh Nguyen

ESS ─ Working Paper No. 62

Social Protection Department


Copyright © International Labour Organization 2018
First published 2018

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ii Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx



Abstract ............................................................................................................................................. v

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... vii

Executive summary ........................................................................................................................... ix

Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... xi

1. Universal Basic Income: A tool for social justice or a strategy to dismantle

social security? ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Potential socio-economic impacts of UBI .................................................................... 2
1.2. A complex debate ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Overlapping concepts? UBI and social protection floors ............................................. 5

2. Benefit levels, adequacy and coverage ................................................................................... 7

2.1. Setting benefit levels and ensuring adequacy ............................................................... 7
2.2. Ensuring adequacy over time ........................................................................................ 9
2.3. Cash benefits and access to services ............................................................................. 10
2.4. Coverage ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Social dialogue and consultation with stakeholders ..................................................... 11

3. Costs, affordability and financing ........................................................................................... 13

3.1. Cost estimates for 130 countries ................................................................................... 13
3.2. Affordability and financing .......................................................................................... 17

4. Who would benefit from UBI? Different implementation scenarios ...................................... 22

5. Conclusion: Universal Basic Income in light of ILO standards .............................................. 26

References ......................................................................................................................................... 51


I. Key parameters of selected universal basic income proposals, cost estimates and pilots ....... 31

II. Universal basic income: global costing estimates ................................................................... 37

III. Costing Methodology .............................................................................................................. 45

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx iii



1. UBI benefit levels (per adult) as a proportion of the national poverty line, selected
proposals and studies .............................................................................................................. 8
2. Cost of Universal Basic Income as a percentage of GDP, by world region and income
category ................................................................................................................................... 14
3. Estimated cost of a UBI (as a percentage of GDP), by country .............................................. 16
4. Cost of a UBI in percentage of GDP and GDP per capita in US$, 2015 ................................ 17
5. Cost of UBI at poverty line level and current social protection expenditure, selected
countries, as a percentage GDP ............................................................................................... 21
6. Baseline: Current social protection system in high income countries (without UBI) ............. 22
7. Scenario 1: Introduction of a UBI at poverty line level in high income countries .................. 23
8. Scenario 2: Introduction of a UBI at poverty line level in high income countries,
without employers’ contributions ........................................................................................... 24
9. Scenario 3: Introduction of a UBI in high income countries (below poverty line level),
replacing social insurance by individual savings .................................................................... 25


1. Cost of a UBI (as a percentage of GDP), by world region...................................................... 15

2. Key parameters of selected universal basic income proposals, cost estimates
and pilots ................................................................................................................................. 31
3. Universal basic income: global costing estimates ................................................................... 37


1. Understanding the differences: Universal Basic Income (UBI), Universal Social Protection
(USP2030), Social Protection Floors (SPF) and Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) ........ 4
2. UBI financing proposals not in line with ILO Conventions and Recommendations .............. 20

iv Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

This paper reviews proposals for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in light of ILO
standards. Some UBI proposals have the potential to advance equity and social justice, while
others may result in a net welfare loss. The ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation
(No. 202) includes a number of principles which are highly relevant to guide the debate on
UBI, namely: (i) adequacy and predictability of UBI benefits to ensure income security, set
at least at the national poverty line; (ii) social inclusion, including of persons in the informal
economy; (iii) social dialogue and consultation with stakeholders; (iv) enactment of national
laws regulating UBI entitlements, including indexation of benefits; (v) coherence with other
social, economic and employment policies, and (vi) sustainable and equitable financing. The
impact of a UBI on poverty and inequality depends on the level of benefits and the source
of funding. Based on these principles, the paper shows that some models of UBI can be in
accordance with ILO standards, while others are not.

JEL Classification: I3, H53, H55.

Keywords: universal basic income, social protection, social security systems, social
protection floors, public expenditures.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx v

The authors gratefully acknowledge the comments and suggestions received from
Patrick Belser, Senior Economist and Wage Specialist, Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour
Relations and Working Conditions Branch, Conditions of Work and Equality Department;
Florence Bonnet, Labour Market Specialist, Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour Relations
and Working Conditions Branch, Conditions of Work and Equality Department; Sangheon
Lee, Director, Employment Policy Department; Philippe Marcadent, Chief, Inclusive
Labour Markets, Labour Relations and Working Conditions Branch, Conditions of
Work and Equality Department; Karuna Pal, Head, Programming, Partnerships and
Knowledge-sharing Unit, Social Protection Department; Catherine Saget, Chief, Work
Income and Equality Unit, Research Department; Dorothea Schmidt-Klau, Head,
Department Management and Coordination Unit, Employment Policy Department; and
Manuela Tomei, Director, Conditions of Work and Equality Department.

Special thanks to Deborah Greenfield, ILO Deputy Director-General for Policy, for her

Comments to this working paper are welcome, please send them to: socpro@ilo.org.


Isabel Ortiz, Director, Social Protection Department, ILO.

Christina Behrendt, Head of Social Policy Unit, Social Protection Department, ILO.

Andres Acuña-Ulate, Social Security Actuary, Social Protection Department, ILO.

Quynh Anh Nguyen, former Junior Social Protection Policy and Research Officer, ILO.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx vii

Executive summary
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is being proposed as a possible solution to the rise in
inequality, job and income insecurity associated with changing forms of work and
globalization. There are many UBI proposals. Proposals range from minimal budget-neutral
stipends to larger UBI proposals for the advancement of social justice. Few people grasp the
differences between UBI proposals aiming at redistribution/equity and neo-liberal or
libertarian UBI proposals aiming at replacing the welfare state with a minimalistic safety
net, and their respective implications.

The paper reviews key issues in light of ILO standards. The ILO Social Protection
Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) includes a number of principles which are highly
relevant to guide the debate on UBI, namely: (i) adequacy and predictability of UBI benefits
to ensure income security, set at least at the national poverty line; (ii) social inclusion,
including of persons in the informal economy; (iii) social dialogue and consultation with
stakeholders; (iv) enactment of national laws regulating UBI entitlements, including
indexation of benefits; (v) coherence with other social, economic and employment policies,
and (vi) sustainable and equitable financing. Based on these principles, the paper shows that
some models of UBI can be in accordance with ILO standards, while others are not.

The impact of a UBI on poverty and inequality depends on the level of benefits and its
capacity to meet people’s needs, as well as the source of funding. As a UBI should provide
a basic standard of living for everyone, including those without any other source of income,
the paper assesses the costs of a UBI based on nationally-determined poverty lines, in
accordance with ILO recommendations for income security. If we consider that children
were to receive half the benefit of an adult person, the cost of UBI would range from 17.9 per
cent of GDP in Middle East and North Africa to about 25 per cent of GDP in Asia, Europe
and Latin America - the lion’s dent share being in Sub-Saharan Africa where a UBI would
cost 50.3 per cent of GDP.

To ensure net redistributive impacts, a UBI must use non-regressive sources of funding,
which implies that it should not be financed by taxing households or depriving them from
other social benefits. Financing options should be progressive and sustainable in time, and
could include a mix of the following: (i) re-allocating public expenditures, such as energy
subsidies or the gains from lesser administrative costs of UBI as compared to targeted social
assistance benefits; (ii) increasing tax revenues, improving compliance and raising new taxes
such as on financial transactions or on the gains from technological change; for example, a
small set of levies and taxes to financial activity would provide up to 23.2 per cent of GDP
in high-income countries to finance UBI; (iii) eliminating illicit financial flows, including
tax evasion, money laundering and corruption, estimated at 5 percent of global GDP;
(iv) managing or restructuring existing debt; and (v) aid: while some may say that there is
no development aid for UBI, it is a question of priorities; a UBI for low-income countries
that would eliminate poverty overnight in those countries would cost only 0.68 per cent of
global GDP, this is, 3 per cent of the amount announced by G20 governments to rescue the
financial sector in 2009 or one-fifth of the World’s military expenditure.

A number of regressive UBI financing proposals are not in line with ILO standards and
will lead to further inequalities. Some budget-neutral UBI neoliberal proposals suggest a
low-level safety net at the cost of the complete elimination of existing social security
systems, including ceasing employer contributions, sometimes also cutting other social
expenditures. Replacing public pensions and other social insurance, as well as other public
programmes, by a modest UBI accompanied by private insurance, is a net social loss that
will exacerbate income and gender inequalities. From a financing perspective, the net
winners of regressive UBI proposals tend to be employers, who would not pay social security
contributions (the so-called “labour taxes”). For a UBI proposal to be equitable, it needs to

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx ix

be redistributive, financed by progressive taxation including from corporations, and other
sources explained in this paper. While a UBI could possibly replace general social assistance
and unemployment benefits, as in the Finnish pilot, UBI should not replace main public
social insurance and programmes for those with special needs (e.g. additional support for
disability-related costs). A UBI can provide a basic level of income security, to be
complemented by higher levels of protection. Forward-looking UBI proposals complement
– never displace – the budget for core social security, health, education, active labour market
policies and other crucial social services. A UBI by itself is insufficient to provide a stand-
alone solution to redress inequalities; to the contrary, unless embedded into a coherent policy
framework that takes broader factors into account, a UBI may exacerbate inequality and
damage inclusive growth and social justice.

In a nutshell, among the multiplicity of UBI proposals, some have the potential to
advance equity and social justice, and others do not. Governments that consider
implementing a UBI should carefully examine all options, including the progressivity or
regressivity of the proposed measures, the winners and losers, and the potential risks and
trade-offs. Measures that are regressive or jeopardize inclusive development should always
be avoided. National dialogue with employers and workers as well as civil society, academia,
and supported by United Nations agencies and others, is fundamental to generate a broad
political consensus for UBI and define an optimal policy mix to reduce inequalities, support
inclusive development and advance social justice.

x Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GMI Guaranteed Minimum Income

ILO International Labour Office/Organization

IMF International Monetary Fund

IT Information Technology

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

PDS Public Distribution System

SPF Social Protection Floor

UBI Universal Basic Income

UN United Nations

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

VAT Value Added Tax

ls and ILO standards.docx xi

1. Universal Basic Income: A tool for social justice
or a strategy to dismantle social security?
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the most radical social protection scheme: an
unconditional cash transfer to all citizens/residents in a country. Contrary to public
perception, the idea is not new; a number of philosophers since the sixteenth century had
advocated for some type of minimum universal income to reduce social problems and to
guarantee social justice, such as Juan Vives (1526) or Thomas Paine (1797). 1 In recent
decades, the idea has found supporters on both the left and the right of the political spectrum;
some suggesting that a UBI could replace current social security systems. 2

Today, UBI approaches are discussed as a possible solution to the rise in job and
income insecurity associated with changing forms of work in the context of globalization
and other megatrends, challenges arising from growing precariousness and informality of
employment, as well as from the emergence of new and non-standard forms of employment,
as well as possible job losses in the wake of digitalization and automation 3 (ILO, 2017b,

Those in favour of a UBI argue that it provides a regular and predictable income as a
universal and unconditional entitlement, thereby reducing poverty and inequality more
effectively than means-tested schemes and buffering the possible displacement of jobs by
technology (Standing, 2017; Torry, 2016, 2013; Van Parijs and Vanderborght, 2017). It
would promote individuals’ dignity and human rights by giving them the space to engage in
different forms of work that are not rewarded by the market, such as domestic work and
volunteering (Healy et al., 2013). Moreover, it is argued that UBI should increase work
incentives by reducing the risk of losing benefit entitlements once entering paid
employment, whilst reducing the administrative cost and complexity of existing social
protection systems (Hirsch, 2015). Some proponents also state that a decent UBI can
strengthen the employees’ bargaining power by providing an exit option (Wright, 2002;
Standing, 2013). Another stream of support comes from some neoliberal economists, who,
concerned about the complexity of modern welfare states and large governments, suggest a
guaranteed minimum income, e.g. in form of a negative income tax (Friedman, 1962) or in
the form of a cash transfer as a way to streamline and limit government programmes and
expenditure (Murray, 2008). More recently, similar proposals have resurfaced in the wake
of the discussion on the future of work and the “Fourth industrial revolution” (World
Economic Forum, 2016). For example, a “small but reliable annuity, too modest to live
comfortably but enough to prevent destitution” is being presented as “VC [venture capital]
for the people” (Waldman, 2014).

Juan Vives, in De Subventione Pauperum (On Subsidies to the Poor, 1526), proposed universal
subsistence minimum for citizens in cities; Thomas Payne, in Agrarian Justice (1797), proposed a
one-time payment of £15 to everyone reaching the majority of age at 21 and an annual payment of
£10 for persons with disabilities and for those aged 50 and above; it is unclear whether earlier concepts
included women or not.
We use the terms “social protection system” and “social security system” interchangeably, to refer
to the set of contributory and non-contributory schemes and programmes that together help to realize
the human right to social security (see ILO, 2017a).

Estimates on the number and type of jobs displaced by automation and artificial intelligence vary
widely from estimates of wide-spread job displacements (e.g. Frey and Osborne, 2013) to more
moderate views (e.g. Autor. 2015) who argues that the assertion is greatly exaggerated, as many
middle-skills jobs involving non-repetitive tasks that are less susceptible to automation.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 1

Critics of a UBI approach question the economic, political and social feasibility of a UBI
and its capacity to reduce poverty and inequality (Hirsch, 2015; Macdonald, 2016; OECD,
2017a; Piachaud, 2016). Critics also emphasize that it is too costly to provide everyone,
including the high-income earners, with a basic income (Tanner, 2015; Piachaud, 2016; IMF,
2017) and thus doubt the adequacy of benefit levels (Hirsch, 2015; OECD, 2017a; Browne and
Immervoll, 2017). Furthermore, opponents consider that a UBI, by providing a steady stream
of income, is less efficient in terms of macro-economic stabilization than unemployment
insurance (Vandenbroucke, 2017). Moreover, they fear that it may introduce a disincentive to
work by delinking income from labour market participation (Bergmann, 2004). Trade unions
have also expressed concern that UBI may be used to dismantle the accumulated rights of
workers in social security systems, reduce the need for employers to provide wages that meet
the needs of workers and their families, and deflect attention from wider questions around
workers’ rights and the regulation of the productive sphere. Concerns have been additionally
expressed that UBI may be used to dismantle welfare states, privatize social security and public
services; further, some argue that “UBI isn’t an alternative to neoliberalism, but an ideological
capitulation to it” (Zamora, 2017). Last, but not least, critics also contend that a uniform
amount of UBI cannot adequately respond to specific needs, such as of persons with disabilities
and older persons (Christensen, 2009).

1.1. Potential socio-economic impacts of UBI

In the debate about the merits and dangers of a UBI, its potential impacts are often
discussed in a controversial way. Actual real-life experience is sparse, and the existing
evidence, as far as it exists, elucidates often only few aspects of its potential impacts, but
does not provide a full picture of the social and economic implications of the implementation
of a UBI. So far, no country has initiated a full-fledged UBI as a main pillar of income
support, whose level would be sufficient to guarantee a national social protection floor.
Whilst some variants of guaranteed minimum income experiments for people living in
poverty have been tested in some low-and middle-income countries, several high-income
countries have begun to debate full-fledged UBI approaches or started partial UBI pilots to
assess the impacts of specific UBI models.

There have been a number of UBI pilots and experiments that have demonstrated some
positive impacts on poverty, on social development outcomes, on economic activity, on
work and employment and on gender equality, yet some of the results are ambiguous, and
lack a systematic analysis of the financing side. While a number of studies and simulations
show impacts on inequality and GDP growth, they do not offer a systematic scrutiny of the
larger macro-economic and employment implications, as well as distributive and
redistributive outcomes.

1. Impacts on poverty and inequality: The UBI pilots in India and Namibia have generated
positive impacts on beneficiaries and their families, namely with regard to improved food
and nutrition, health outcomes, school enrolment as well as a marked reduction in child
labour (Davala et al., 2015; NANGOF, 2009; Schjoedt, 2016). It is not surprising to see
significant positive impacts of a universal cash transfer to poor individuals and households
on a number of development outcomes; comparable effects have been recorded for other
cash transfer programmes, taking into account that narrowly targeted programmes tend to
generate more limited effects than universal cash transfers (e.g. Bastagli et al., 2016).

However, the net redistributive impacts of UBI varies depending on the benefit level
and financing source. In theory, a UBI set at the poverty line level, and financed through
appropriate mechanisms, could eradicate (absolute) poverty and reduce inequality.
Even with a lower level of benefits, such as 25 per cent of the median income, as
estimated by the IMF (2017), Gini coeffients measuring inequality would decrease on
average by five points, and poverty would be significantly reduced in developing
economies, provided that such a UBI were not to be financed by taxes to households

2 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

and/or at the cost of social security. Yet, a budget-neutral UBI as described by the
OECD (2017a), assuming the reallocation of current social security and other social
expenditures to a UBI, to be spread across all children and people of working age,
would worsen poverty and inequality by decreasing the average amount received by
benefit recipients under the current system and thus increasing the number of lower-
income households living below the poverty line (see box 2 below). Inequality would also
increase if employers’ contributions to social security were cut, as explained below.

2. Impacts on growth: A number of studies have looked at the macroeconomic impacts of

UBI, with uneven results. Some studies conclude that a UBI could have a significant impact
on GDP growth by increasing household consumption (UNCTAD, 2017). Nikiforos et al.
(2017), using the Levy Institute macro-econometric model, found that a UBI providing
US$1,000 per month for all adults were to expand the U.S. economy by 12.56 per cent over
the baseline over eight years. However, these results hinge on the financing mechanism: if
a UBI were to be financed by increasing taxes on households, the model forecasts no effect
on the economy, as it gives to households with one hand what it is takes away with the
other. Other studies come to different results, for example, the IMF indicates that UBI has
little impact on GDP (IMF, 2017). This divergence is because the IMF uses a general
equilibrium model to account for the trade-offs between equity and financing, while the
Levy Institute’s Keynesian model assumes that aggregate demand is low in large part
because household income is low; it also incorporates a series of assumptions based on
rigorous empirical studies of the micro and macro effects of unconditional cash transfers,
taxation, government net spending and borrowing (Nikiforos et al., 2017).

3. Impacts on inflation: Minsky (2013) notes that inflationary pressures may result from
basic income transfers increasing the aggregate purchasing power without ensuring
accompanying supply increases. The Islamic Republic of Iran experienced inflationary
pressures in 2010, at a time the government replaced fuel subsidies by a universal cash
transfer to households during the period of economic sanctions. In closed economies
working full capacity like Iran, any additional demand (resulting from UBI) may lead
to higher prices. Such is the case of closed rural regions of Ethiopia, where Sabates‐
Wheeler and Devereux (2010) also document inflationary effects of targeted cash
transfers as traders were slow to adapt to increased demand, or took advantage of their
local monopoly power. These are, however, rather exceptional cases; additionally, IMF
analysis shows that the main reasons for Iran’s inflation were others (IMF, 2014).
Evidence from smaller cash transfer programs around the world show no significant
effect on inflation, not even in rural areas; on the contrary, cash transfers have positive
impacts on local economies (Bastagli et al. 2016; Davis et al.; ILO 2017a).

4. Impacts on work and employment: Another controversy around a UBI centres around its
effects on work incentives for paid work. Concerns have been expressed that an
unconditional income support could cause individuals to stop seeking paid work. On the
positive side, it is argued that a UBI increases the reservation wage in the sense that workers
may not be forced to work under bad working conditions (Wright, 2002). On the other
hand, UBI may also act as a way to reduce the reservation wage (since wages may become
only a secondary and complementary source of income), and leading possibly to a
multiplication of low wage jobs to top up workers’ incomes. 4 By providing an exit option,
a decent UBI may hence strengthen the employees’ bargaining power (Standing, 2011).
The pilot experiences conducted in Canada, India and Namibia do not reveal significant
effects on employment; in Iran, some UBI recipients actually increased their working hours.

In fact, it is important to carefully assess the combined effects of labour market institutions and
income transfers on inequality (Berg, 2015).

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 3

5. Impacts on gender equality: The possible effects of a UBI on gender equality have been
debated in a controversial way as well. While some observers argue that a UBI would
empower women at the household level because of its individual and unconditional
nature and reward unpaid work (e.g. Schulz, 2017; Walter, 1989), others fear that a
UBI may reinforce women’s traditional roles, cement the gendered division of labour
and increase the burden of unpaid work (e.g. Orloff, 1990; Robeyns, 2001). In addition,
if the implementation of a UBI were to lead to a privatization of public benefits and
services, women would be negatively affected.

1.2. A complex debate

The debate on the merits and shortcomings of a UBI approach is complicated by the
fact that there is a multiplicity of different proposals sailing under the UBI label. Few people
fully grasp the differences between UBI proposals aiming at empowering individuals to lead
a life free of worries about income security as a positive utopia, and neo-liberal or libertarian
UBI proposals aiming at replacing the welfare state with a minimalistic safety net, and their
respective implications. For example, proposals differ widely in terms of proposed benefit
levels, often proposing only a small fraction of the national poverty line (see chapter 2
below). Annex I of this paper includes a table which summarizes different proposals and
pilots in a common framework.

The wide variety of approaches discussed under the UBI label differ enormously in
terms of objectives, proposed benefit levels and the extent to which they are intended to
cover basic needs, prospective recipients, costs and financing mechanisms, administrative
arrangements, the benefits and services that such a UBI would replace, as well as the
expected economic and social impacts.

Moreover, the concept of a UBI is often confused with other concepts, such as universal
social protection, social protection floors and guaranteed minimum income, To start, to
avoid confusion, it is important to distinguish different concepts (box 1).

Box 1. Understanding the differences: Universal Social Protection, the Partnership USP2030,
Social Protection Floors (SPF), Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) and Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Universal Social Protection is a policy objective anchored in global commitments such as Article 22 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security;” ILO Conventions
and Recommendations, and other international commitments including in SDG 1.3, part of the UN Agenda 2030.
The Global Partnership Universal Social Protection USP2030 was launched at the United Nations in 2016, led by the World
Bank Group and the ILO, showcasing countries that had achieved universal social protection coverage, normally by a combination
of public social insurance (paid from contributions, providing higher benefits) and basic social assistance (paid from the general
A Social Protection Floor is a policy and a standard, agreed by all governments, employers and workers in the ILO Social
Protection Floors Recommendation No. 202 (2012), and later in SDG 1.3 (2015), consisting of a nationally-defined set of basic social
security guarantees that should ensure as a minimum, universal access to essential health care and to basic income security,
ensuring adequate benefits for all children, mothers with newborns, for those poor and without jobs, sick, with disabilities, and for
older persons, normally through a combination of social insurance and social assistance. Since 2009, there are a series of
partnerships to promote social protection floors by UN agencies, businesses and multinational companies, workers, and more than
80 civil society organizations.
Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) is a social assistance means-tested scheme generally implemented in countries
undergoing austerity or fiscal consolidation –it is targeted to the poor, not universal.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a radical social assistance proposal: an unconditional cash transfer to all residents in a
country. UBI proposals greatly vary in terms of benefit levels, financing mechanisms, the benefits and services they suggest to
replace. Some UBI proposals aim at redistribution and social justice while other neo-liberal or libertarian UBI proposals aim at
replacing the welfare state with a minimalistic safety net.

4 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

1.3. Overlapping concepts? UBI and social protection floors

The vibrant debate on a UBI strikes a chord with many who are concerned about the
increased economic and social insecurity, growing inequalities and the huge gaps in social
protection coverage for the majority of the world’s population (ILO, 2017a, 2014, 2018). In
fact, the resurgence of the UBI debate reaffirms the necessity and importance to provide
every member of the society with at least a minimum level of income security which is
essential to the realisation of human dignity. The positive effects attributed to a UBI reflect
some of the very principles of social security: providing at least a basic level of income
security for all, in a way that protects and promotes human dignity and allows people the
breathing space to engage in meaningful and decent work and care for their families.

These principles are at the heart of the mandate of the ILO as defined in the Declaration
of Philadelphia in 1944, which is part of the ILO’s constitution: “the extension of social
security measures to provide a basic income to all in need of such protection ad
comprehensive medical care”. 5 They are also at the heart of social protection floors, as
defined by ILO Recommendation No. 202, which guarantee at least a basic level of income
security and access to essential health care. In fact, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme
Poverty and Human Rights Phillip Alston noted that a UBI is not at odds with the social
protection floor concept and that the debates on these concepts should be brought together
(UN, 2017). Arguably, a UBI would be the most radical form of the income component of a
social protection floor.

A social protection floor guarantees, at a minimum, effective access to essential health

care and basic income security throughout the life course, to allow life in dignity. Firmly
grounded in human rights, it should ensure universality of protection, adequacy and
predictability of benefits, entitlements to benefits prescribed by national law,
non-discrimination, gender equality and responsiveness to special needs. Social protection
floor guarantees should be defined at a national level in a participatory process and
established by law, to ensure national ownership, responsibility and accountability. These
social protection floor guarantees have been interpreted as representing the “minimum core
content” of the human right to social security, as set out in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (UN,
2014; ILO, 2017c).

At the same time, Recommendation No. 202 is clear in spelling out that social
protection floors only guarantee a basic level of protection, and that States should
progressively ensure higher levels of protection through comprehensive social protection
systems, with a view of realizing the human right to social security for all, as well as related
human rights, ensuring for example access to adequate housing and health care (ILO, 2017a).

Linking the UBI discussion to the broader discussion on social protection floors will
raise a range of issues that need to be explored further, such as the level of a UBI, the
prospective recipients, the affordability and financing modalities, the distributional effects
and the consideration of special needs, as well as its relation to income-related benefits and
other basic benefits and the link to wider economic, social, employment and fiscal policies.
Exploring these questions will give insight into how realistic and feasible it is to integrate
this seemingly simple concept into complex institutional settings and whether it can respond
to the social protection needs of the majority of the population.

This paper therefore sets out to analyse UBI proposals through the lens of ILO
standards, in particular Recommendation No. 202, which provides an internationally
accepted framework for the implementation of basic levels of social protection, together with

ILO Recommendation No. 202, para. 3, see also Behrendt et al. (2017).

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 5

other ILO standards, including the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952
(No. 102). 6 The scope of the paper however does not allow for a broader discussion of
possible implications of the introduction of a UBI on other dimensions of decent work,
including the creation of decent jobs, labour market participation, wage levels and wage
setting, as well as its impact on the informal economy and the formalisation of informal

As governments, social partners and other stakeholders are discussing UBI approaches,
the core principles set out in Recommendation No. 202 can therefore serve as a valuable
reference to assess key parameters of UBI proposals, ranging from the adequacy of benefits
(chapter 2) over financial, fiscal and economic sustainability and coherence with social,
economic and employment policies (chapter 3) to considerations on the possible
implementation of a UBI (chapter 4). The conclusion explicitly does not take a position on
the social and economic feasibility of a UBI in different contexts, but it offers some
considerations based on ILO standards that governments, social partners and other
stakeholders may find helpful in their deliberations.

See also ILO (2017).

6 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

2. Benefit levels, adequacy and coverage
One of the key arguments in favour of UBI approaches is their promise to offer a
solution to persistent poverty and inequality, especially in developing countries. However,
as outlined above, the picture is not as simple as it may seem. The potential impact of a UBI
on poverty and inequality hinges on key design parameters with regard to the level of
benefits and their capacity to meet people’s needs, coverage, as well as on the way how a
UBI is financed. A UBI would be able to reduce poverty and inequality only if it provides
for adequate benefit levels and coverage, and if it is financed in a sustainable and equitable
way (see chapter 3).

The guidance provided by international standards (ILO, 2017c) can provide a useful
yardstick to assess key parameters of UBI proposals, including with regard to benefit levels
and the adequacy of benefits. Recommendation No. 202 requires that social protection floor
guarantees are set at a sufficiently high level to enable individuals to live in dignity and to
ensure effective access to essential goods and services. 7 Possible benchmarks for the
monetary value of a set of necessary goods and services may be national poverty lines,
income thresholds for social assistance or other comparable thresholds established by
national law or practice and may account for regional differences. For children, the
recommendation requires that benefit levels should be sufficient to ensure access to
nutrition, education, care and other necessary goods and services.

2.1. Setting benefit levels and ensuring adequacy

The determination of benefit levels is obviously critical to the capacity of a UBI to

guarantee income security and a decent standard of living. This is certainly the litmus test to
distinguish between those UBI proposals predominantly concerned about social justice and
poverty reduction, and those more interested in replacing the welfare state by a modest basic
income (see Murray, 2008; Zwolinski, 2015). Whilst Van Parijs and Vanderborght (2017)
suggest a UBI levels of some 45 per cent of the median disposable income for an adult,
others use the thumb rule of 30 per cent of the average income of lower income families (see
Davala et al., 2015).

As shown in figure 1, benefit levels vary remarkably. In the Indian pilot, for example,
the benefit level equalled about 17 per cent of the national poverty line, while the benefit in
the Finnish pilot corresponds to 52 per cent of the poverty line (50 per cent of median
equivalent disposable income). Other proposals suggest a UBI level of equivalent to the
national poverty line. However, the adequacy of a UBI depends not only on its level, but
also on the other benefits and services which would be available alongside the UBI.

The Recommendation does not offer a universal definition of “essential goods and services”, but it
sets a framework their definition at the national level. This framework includes benchmarks both with
respect of the level of benefits (allowing life in dignity, avoiding hardship and an increased risk of
poverty), as well as with respect to the process (guarantees established by law and regularly reviewed
through a transparent procedure with tripartite participation and consultations). For more information,
see ILO (2012a) and Behrendt et al. (2017).

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 7

Figure 1. UBI benefit levels (per adult) as a proportion of the national poverty line, selected
proposals and studies

Note: Where UBI benefit levels are different for adults and children, this figure reflects the rate for adults. Where benefit levels are set by household,
the UBI benefit level for an adult is calculated by dividing the household rate by 2.8, applying an equivalence scale with a weight for 1.0 for the head
of household, 0.8 for the second adult, and 0.5 for each of the two children, adding to 2.8 for a four-person household (taken as a proxy). Where
available, the calculation is based on the official poverty line in the country; where not available it is based on a relative poverty line of 50% of median
disposable equivalent income for high-income countries. For more details on poverty lines, see Annex II.
Source: Authors’ elaboration, based on detailed sources listed in Annex I.

UBI proposals also vary in the benefit parameters proposed for children. While some
of the proposals foresee that children would receive the same amounts as adults, others
suggest reduced levels (e.g. 25 per cent of the adult rate in the Swiss proposal), and some do
not foresee any benefits for children. It is in fact remarkable that some UBI proposals do not
include benefits for children, given that some countries already dispose of what could be
considered as a “partial UBI” for children in the form of a universal child grant (ILO, 2017a).

Likewise, some UBI proposals foresee different rules for older persons. For example,
Stern and Kravitz (2016) suggest limiting eligibility for a UBI to older persons who do not
dispose of an equally high old age pension, which would have implications for their income
security in old age. Hence, a careful assessment of UBI proposals also needs to look into
their assumptions with regard to coverage and benefit levels for children and older persons,
which obviously have major implications for capacity of the proposed UBI to cover the
needs of the population.

The large variation of proposed UBI benefit levels calls for a thorough assessment of
the overall benefit package that people would receive. As a UBI would replace at least social
assistance benefits according to most proposals, the assumed benefit level should be
sufficient to ensure at least a basic standard of living for everyone, including those who
cannot rely on any other source of income. However, as the relative benefit levels in figure 1
show, many UBI proposals do not come close to guaranteeing the minimum level of
consumption set by national poverty lines. This is certainly the case for the Alaska dividend
which has been referred to as a model by some, but also for a number of pilots and
experiments, as well as analyses of budget-neutral UBI schemes (e.g. OECD, 2017b). If a
UBI is to guarantee at least a basic level of income security, as to allow life in dignity, it
should be set at a level that allows effective access to a set of necessary goods and services,
as set out by Recommendation No. 202 (see chapter 3 below). If benefit levels remain far

8 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

below the poverty line, the expected effects of a UBI on the reduction of poverty and
inequality, empowerment and economic freedom remain an unfulfilled promise.

Moreover, a uniform amount of UBI cannot adequately respond to special needs and
circumstances, such as higher needs due to health conditions or disabilities, depending on
whether there are other complementary benefits and schemes in place, or not (UN, 2017).
Individuals who receive relatively high benefits under the existing system would
substantially lose out under a flat-rate and budget-neutral UBI. These may for example
include persons with special needs, such as persons with disabilities, older persons or single
parents (Ensor et al., 2017; Macdonald, 2016; OECD, 2017a). So far, only few UBI
approaches explicitly address the integration of special needs and circumstances in a UBI:
one example is the Ontario pilot which plans to provide beneficiaries with disabilities with
an additional uniform payment of up to CAD 500 per month (Withers and Clarke, 2017).
Critics, however, doubt the ability of this approach to accommodate the different needs of
this heterogeneous group.

Similarly, for those UBI proposals that suggest replacing the entire social security
system by a UBI, it remains doubtful whether a uniform benefit would be able to fully meet
people’s needs for the full range of life-cycle contingencies normally covered by such
system, including maternity, sickness, disability, employment injury, unemployment,
survivorship and old age, as set out by Convention No. 102, as well as in other relevant
standards. 8 Social protection systems need to be able to provide adequate protection through
appropriate mechanisms, based on collective financing and risk-sharing, as to prevent
poverty and vulnerability, and contain inequality (ILO, 2018; Behrendt and Nguyen, 2018).
From a human rights perspective, it is evident that the introduction of a UBI should by no
means leave individuals worse off than with existing social security benefits. This implies
that schemes aimed at compensating for special needs, such as disability-related costs,
should be retained alongside a UBI. These considerations point to the complexity of
integrating a seemingly simple UBI into the existing system and call for further research on
its impacts on the prospective recipients. Moreover, such considerations also raise serious
concerns regarding UBI proposals that assume that all or most existing social protection
benefits could be replaced by a UBI without significant welfare losses.

2.2. Ensuring adequacy over time

While most UBI proposals offer some considerations regarding the setting of the initial
UBI benefit level, less attention is given to the question of adjustments to changes in
purchasing power and overall standards of living, as to ensure the adequacy of benefits over
time. Some proposals appear to assume that initial benefit levels would be carried forward
into the future in some way or another, but do not devote much attention to the question of
how this can be achieved.

UBI benefit levels would need to be indexed to inflation, wages or a mix of both,
increased over time to maintain their real value and purchasing power. Moreover, in a
context where the overall living standards were to increase (especially in view of expected
productivity gains), how would those who rely only on a UBI benefit from this increase in
living standards?

These include, for example, the Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964 (No. 121); the
Invalidity, Old Age and Survivors’ Benefit Convention, 1967 (No. 128); the Medical Care and
Sickness Benefit Convention, 1969; the Employment Promotion and Protection against
Unemployment Convention, 1988 (No. 168) and the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000
(No. 183). See ILO (2017c) for an overview.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 9

Recommendation No. 202 provides clear guidance on how countries can and should
ensure the adequacy of benefits over time. A regular indexation of benefit levels, and a
review of the benefit levels through a participatory and transparent procedure that is
established by national laws, regulations and practice is therefore fundamental (ILO, 2012b).
Such a regular review should be conducted with the participation of social partners, and in
consultation with other stakeholders (see section 2.5 below).

2.3. Cash benefits and access to services

The capacity of a UBI to prevent poverty, reduce inequality and promote social justice
depend on the question to what extent it fully meets the needs of the population. However,
some UBI proposals devote little thought on to what extent cash benefits would need to be
complemented by effective access to services, namely in the areas of health, education, care
and other basic services, as well as to employment services and active labour market policies.
Many observers are concerned that the introduction of a UBI could possibly undermine the
provision of such services, in contexts where its fiscal costs were to displace the budget
allocations for such services (e.g. Ruckert et al., 2017). This may lead to the privatisation of
public services, or a growing divide between underfunded public services, and private
services for those who can afford to pay for them (most likely those who can rely on
substantial incomes on top of a UBI).

Such consequences may significantly increase inequality, and constrain the access to
services for some categories of the population, particularly those who can rely only on a
basic income. Recommendation No. 202 emphasises the complementarity of preventive,
promotional and active measures, benefits and social services. Effective access to health
care, including maternity care, is one of the four guarantees of a national social protection
floor. It also highlights the essential complementary role of employment policies, including
active labour market policies, which is particularly important for facilitating labour market
transitions and re-skilling in the context of rapid economic and technological change. More
generally, the Recommendation also stresses the importance of high-quality public services
that enhance the delivery of social security systems, including in the areas of health care,
education and care, and which play an essential role in promoting effective access to health,
education and work, and promoting gender equality.

In view of the significant implications of a possible negative impact on the effective

access to health, education, care and other services, a careful analysis of the possible impacts
of the introduction of a UBI on access to services is indispensable. The essential role of
universal access to services is highlighted in proposals for Universal Basic Services,
focusing mainly on housing, food, transport and information/IT to ensure full participation
in modern societies (UCL IGP, 2017).

2.4. Coverage

One of the key arguments used to promote a UBI is that an unconditional provision to
everyone will help to close coverage gaps and ensure a more efficient administration of
benefits. Especially in countries with severe information constraints on targeting, universal
cash programmes such as a UBI may be cheaper per unit of poverty reduction than targeted
anti-poverty programmes or safety nets. For example, for the case of India, a recent study
concluded that a UBI, set at INR 450 per month and covering 75 per cent of the population,
could be more effective in reaching the poor than the two largest social assistance
programmes, namely the Public Distribution System (PDS) and the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Government of India, 2017; see also Dutta

10 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

et al., 2014; Ravallion, 2018). 9 Similarly, the IMF (2017), based on a micro-simulation,
finds that a UBI might outperform the PDS in terms of coverage, progressivity, and
generosity of benefits.

Whilst universal coverage is one of the key definitional attributes of UBI, this issue is
not as clear-cut as it seems. Some UBI proposals assume fully universal coverage (often
without specifying its boundaries), others stipulate that UBI entitlements should be restricted
in two important ways.

First, as discussed above, some proposals foresee the payment of benefits to adults only,
excluding children in some cases, and others apply different rules for older persons. The
impact of such rules on the adequacy of benefits has been discussed above in section 3.2.
The benchmarks provided by Recommendation No. 202 require that both children and older
persons should enjoy at least basic income security, which in the case of children is further
specified with regard to their effective access to nutrition, education, care and any other
necessary goods and services. It is not clear whether all UBI proposals include adequate
mechanisms to guarantee this level of income security for all.

The second restriction concerns the question of whether benefits would be available
only to nationals of the country of those with a certain minimum duration of residency,
defined as legal or fiscal residency, which is often – explicitly or implicitly – motivated by
concerns about setting incentives for migration. These choices have important implications
with regard to the capacity of a UBI to ensure adequate protection for all, and are closely
related to decisions about financing and benefit levels. Annex 1 includes information on
coverage for selected UBI proposals, where available.

Whilst most UBI proposals leave the question open as to whether and how groups such
as migrant workers and refugees shall be protected, Recommendation No. 202 provides
useful guidance by specifying that national laws shall be subject to the countries’ existing
international obligations, such as those set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The latter lays
down the “right of everyone to social security” (Art. 9), reaffirming the States’
responsibilities to provide all members of society with adequate social protection.

The principle of universality of protection also lies at the core of the social protection
floor concept, stipulating that everyone should enjoy at least a basic level of social security
throughout their life course. Recommendation No. 202 requires that, at a minimum, basic
income security and access to essential health care should be guaranteed for at least all
residents and all children, and subject to the country’s existing international obligations.
From this perspective, a UBI restricted to nationals or fiscal residents only, or not providing
sufficient benefits to meet all children’s needs, would be insufficient to provide the required

2.5. Social dialogue and consultation with stakeholders

While many UBI proposals set out detailed parameters regarding benefit design and
expected impacts, few proposals elaborate on the question on how policy processes should
be designed to generate these results. As outlined above, this concerns in particular the
question on how to ensure adequate coverage and benefit levels over time, as well as
equitable and sustainable funding mechanisms. Recommendation No. 202 refers specifically
to the principle of solidarity of financing, which is closely linked to an “optimal balance
between the responsibilities and interests among those who finance and benefit from social
security schemes”. In the case of a UBI, the interests of those for whom the benefit

With regard to financing, the study theoretically assumes a budget-neutral scheme.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 11

constitutes a substantial proportion of their total income would need to be particularly

In order to generate a broad consensus on a UBI, and to ensure its adequacy and
sustainability over time, it is essential to ensure the participation of social partners and other
relevant stakeholders in a national dialogue process. Recommendation No. 202 highlights
tripartite participation with representative organisations of employers and workers, as well
as consultation with other relevant and representative organizations of persons concerned
for the setting and updating of the range and levels of benefits, and the importance of
effective social dialogue and social participation for the formulation and implementation of
national social protection strategies.

12 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

3. Costs, affordability and financing
If a UBI is to have a measurable impact on the reduction of poverty and inequality,
adequate benefit levels and coverage need to be ensured in an equitable and sustainable way.
Ensuring adequate benefit levels however comes at a substantial cost, and requires
appropriate financing strategies, which are the focus of this chapter.

How much would it cost UBI at adequate benefit levels? The following sections
provide a first estimate of the potential cost of a meaningful UBI for 130 countries (section
3.1) and discuss possible financing sources (section 3.2), including a discussion on which
UBI financing proposals are not in line with ILO Conventions and Recommendations

3.1. Cost estimates for 130 countries

Based on the principles of Recommendation No. 202, we assess the costs of a UBI that
would be sufficiently high to reduce poverty and ensure at least a basic level of income
security for all. These cost estimates assume that UBI would be set at the level of the national
poverty line, 10 which represents a nationally accepted measure of the level of income
necessary to meet basic needs, and reach a minimum standard of living. 11

Two scenarios are presented:

I. A basic income transfer at 100 per cent of the national poverty line for all adults and

II. A basic income transfer at 100 per cent of the national poverty line for adults and 50 per
cent to children up to 15 years old.

The cost estimates under both scenarios, expressed as a percentage of GDP, are
presented in figures 2 and 3. Table 1 shows average results for regional and income groups.
Country-specific results can be found in Annex II.

For most world regions, the average costs of both scenarios are in the range from 20 to
30 per cent of GDP (see figure 2 and table 1). This is the case for the East Asia and the
Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and South Asia. For the Middle East and North Africa,
average costs are slightly lower, and for the Americas slightly higher. However, Sub-
Saharan Africa stands out with substantially higher average costs. By income category, the
average costs of both scenarios are between 20 and 30 percent of GDP for high-income,
upper-middle income and lower-middle income countries, but dramatically higher for low-
income countries.

National poverty lines are constructed in different ways, and are not entirely comparable. For
countries that have more than one poverty line, the calculations are based on the higher poverty line,
as it reflects not only food needs, but takes into account other basic necessities. Where poverty lines
are available for urban and rural areas, but not a national poverty line, the calculations are based on
the poverty line applied to urban areas is not available, but separate poverty lines for urban and rural
areas, the former has been used. Where there is no official poverty line, the calculations are based on
a relative poverty line of 50 per cent of median equivalent disposable income (applied to forty
high-income countries. For more details, see Annexes II and III.

It should however be acknowledged that, in many countries, there are debates on the issue to what
extent the national poverty lines correctly represent a minimum acceptable standard of living and
allow life in dignity. Addressing this question would require a more detailed assessment which cannot
be undertaken in the scope of this paper.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 13

The results for scenario I (figure 2 and table 1) show that the cost of a UBI at the level
of the national poverty line would reach between 20 and 62 per cent of GDP in the different
world regions (17 to 50 per cent for scenario II). In the Middle East and North Africa, about
20 per cent of GDP would be necessary to fund a UBI, whereas in Sub-Saharan Africa, the
cost would well more than 60 per cent of GDP.

As expected, Scenario II shows consistently lower costs because of the lower benefit
level for children; the cost difference between Scenario I and II is proportional to the ratio
of children in the population. Given that the number of children tends to be higher in low-
income countries and the regions of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, the difference
between Scenario I and II is most pronounced in these regions.

For low income countries, the cost of UBI is clearly too high at 80 per cent of GDP
(60 per cent for Scenario II). However, it must be noted that the cost of a UBI that would
eradicate poverty in all low-income countries is only 0.66 per cent of global GDP. Results
by country (figure 3) show that costs of a UBI can range from 3 per cent of GDP in the case
of Mongolia to more than 80 per cent for a small group of countries from Sub-Saharan
Africa. This is largely due to the different value of poverty lines (nationally determined) in
relation to a country GDP. A geographically diverse group of countries with relatively low
costs (below 10 per cent of GDP for Scenario I) include Mongolia, Guyana, Kazakhstan,
Philippines, Namibia and Indonesia.

Figure 2. Cost of Universal Basic Income as a percentage of GDP, by world region

and income category

Note: Based on nationally-determined poverty lines; administration costs not included. For more detail, see Annexes II and III.
Sources: Own calculations based on UN World Population Prospects, IMF World Economic Outlook, ILO World Social Protection Database, OECD,
national sources.

As mentioned above, the region that on average shows the lowest UBI costs is the
Middle East and North Africa with close to 20 per cent of GDP (17 per cent in Scenario II),
followed by East Asia and the Pacific which on average shows an estimated UBI cost of
26 per cent of DGP (23 per cent in Scenario II), with some countries with costs below 10 per
cent as mentioned before and others such as East Timor and Myanmar close to and exceeding
50 per cent respectively.

14 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

South Asia, with an average UBI cost of 28 per cent of GDP (23 per cent), is influenced
upwards by Bangladesh and Afghanistan, the countries with the higher costs in the region;
at the other end is Sri Lanka, with UBI costs just over 10 per cent of the GDP.

The Europe and Central Asia region has Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan as outliers, with
UBI costing 6.7 per cent and 46.1 per cent of GDP respectively, while the other countries
are close to the regional average of 28.4 per cent of GDP (26 per cent in Scenario II).

Latin America and North America, with an average UBI cost of 31.9 per cent and
32.3 per cent of GDP (29 and 28 per cent in Scenario II, the savings of reduced benefits for
children make the costs higher in North America than in Latin America in Scenario II while
the opposite happens in Scenario I), have a wide disparities, with Honduras and Venezuela
as the countries where UBI is most expensive, and countries and Guyana the least expensive.

Sub Saharan Africa is the region where UBI is most costly, reaching 62.1 per cent, of
GDP as an average in Scenario I and 48.8 per cent for scenario II, with a number of countries
where UBI costs that exceed 100 per cent of the GDP, but also with countries where the cost
of UBI is less than 10 per cent, such as Namibia, or just above, like Gabon.

Table 1. Cost of a UBI (as a percentage of GDP), by world region

Cost (percentage of GDP)

Region or Income Group Scenario I (%) Scenario II (%)
Middle East and North Africa 20.3 17.4
East Asia and Pacific 26.2 22.8
South Asia 28.0 23.3
Europe and Central Asia 28.4 25.9
North America 31.9 29.1
Latin America and the Caribbean 32.3 27.6
Sub-Saharan Africa 62.1 48.8
Low income 79.1 62.3
Lower middle income 28.0 23.1
Upper middle income 22.8 19.8
High income 29.9 27.4
Global average 39.4 32.7
Note: Based on nationally-determined poverty lines; administration costs not included.

Sources: Own calculations based on UN World Population Prospects, IMF World Economic Outlook, ILO World Social Protection
Database, OECD, national sources.

The estimated average cost of UBI tends to be higher in high-income countries that in both
lower-middle income and upper-middle income countries; the main reason being that in high-
income countries poverty lines are mostly defined in a relative way, as a proportion of median
income, as opposed to absolute poverty lines that generally only focus on limited basic needs.

However, despite comparatively higher relative poverty lines in high-income countries,

it must be noted that the assumed benefit level could be insufficient to reach a meaningful
level of income security. The assumed UBI benefit level of €279 per month in Latvia, €242
in Lithuania, €354 in Greece, €337 in Slovakia, €397 in Portugal, €900 in Germany or €911
in France would be considered by many as inadequate for a decent living standard. People
therefore would need to rely on income from jobs, pensions or other sources to complement
a modest UBI.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 15

Figure 3. Estimated cost of a UBI (as a percentage of GDP), by country

Note: Based on national poverty lines, administration costs not included.

Sources: Own calculations based on UN World Population Prospects, IMF World Economic Outlook, ILO World Social Protection Database, OECD,
national sources.

16 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Figure 4. Cost of a UBI in percentage of GDP and GDP per capita in US$, 2015

Sources: Calculations based on World Bank Development Indicators, ILO World Social Protection Database.

The potential costs of UBI as percentage of GDP show a vast range of values for
countries with low levels of GDP per capita; for example, countries whose GDP per capita
is lower than US$ 1,000 show potential costs in the range of 20 to over 100 per cent of the
GDP (figure 4). Above US$ 1,000 of per capita GDP, the potential costs of UBI are below
40 per cent of GDP, with some exceptions, such as countries showing costs below 5 per cent
pf GDP. For most countries with GDP per capita over US$ 15,000, the costs of UBI scenario
I and II are around 30 per cent of GDP.

3.2. Affordability and financing

Although being one of the most important factors influencing the feasibility of a UBI,
affordability and financing remain less debated. The affordability of UBI depends mostly on
the proposed benefit level and the financing sources.

As discussed earlier, many existing UBI proposals and cost estimates assume very low
benefit levels, far below national poverty lines, which are one of the possible benchmarks
for adequacy supported by Recommendation No. 202. The IMF (2017) estimated that a UBI
set at 25 per cent of median per capita income (which represents roughly half of the relative
poverty line of 50 per cent of equivalent disposable income commonly used for OECD
countries) costs around 6-7 per cent of GDP in advanced economies and 3-4 per cent in
emerging and developing economies. Despite the low benefit level, IMF Executive Board
Directors considered UBI unfeasible in the current fiscal context. 12

Though “IMF Directors generally concurred that there may be scope for strengthening means-
testing of transfers in many countries and for increasing the progressivity of taxation in some others.
Most Directors noted that any consideration of a universal basic income would have to be weighed
carefully against a host of country-specific factors—including existing social safety schemes,
financing modalities, fiscal cost, and social preferences, as well as its impact on incentives to work—

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 17

A meaningful amount of UBI benefits is generally found to be fiscally infeasible
(OECD, 2017a; Tanner, 2015; Van Parijs and Vanderborght, 2017). Thus, if governments
were to consider the introduction of a UBI at adequate UBI benefit levels that could have a
significant impact on the reduction of poverty and inequality, they would need to explore
new financing sources.

Proposals include an increase in existing taxes, for example, income, inheritance,

capital, corporate, or value added taxes, or the imposition of new taxes on natural resource
revenues, financial transactions or robots (Reed and Lansley, 2016). Others have proposed
the abolishment of existing tax-free allowances or the taxation of the UBI alongside other
incomes to reduce the cost and make it more targeted to low income earners (see OECD,
2017a); such a tax claw back approach would have similar effects to a negative income tax
model 13 – care should be taken with the diminished redistributive effect of some financing

Given that UBI is proposed to redress growing inequalities caused by corporate

globalization and new forms of work, it should be redistributive. UBI should not be financed
by regressive methods such as taxing households or depriving them from other social
benefits, as this UBI policy would give to households with one hand what it would take away
with the other.

The ILO and other UN agencies have pointed to the capacity of national governments
to achieve the extension of social protection coverage and benefits by exploring all possible
means of expanding fiscal space. There is a wide variety of options to generate resources for
social protection, even in the poorest countries. The financing options presented below are
supported by policy statements of the international financial institutions and the United
Nations. They are described in full in joint work by ILO, UNICEF and UN Women (Ortiz
et al., 2017) that presents multiple examples of governments around the world having applied
these options for decades. Fiscal space options should be carefully examined at the national
level, including their trade-offs, winners and losers, and discussed in open national dialogue.

Options to finance UBI at adequate benefit levels to effectively reduce poverty and
inequality include the following:

1. Re-allocating public expenditures: this is the most orthodox option, which includes
assessing on-going budget allocations, replacing high-cost, low-impact investments
with those with larger social impacts, eliminating spending inefficiencies and/or
reducing administrative costs. For example, Costa Rica and Thailand have reallocated
military expenditures to social protection; Ghana, Indonesia and many other developing
countries have reduced or eliminated fuel subsidies and used the proceeds to extend
social protection programmes. The lesser administrative costs of UBI as compared to
targeted social assistance benefits would also allow more funds to be allocated to UBI
benefits. Some social protection schemes (e.g. social assistance, welfare programs,
unemployment support) could be retrenched, as in the Finland pilot, however caution
needs to be taken with this policy (box 2).

which, in the view of many Directors, raised questions about its attractiveness and practicality.
Directors emphasized that improving education and health care is key to reducing inequality and
enhancing social mobility over time.” IMF Executive Board’s discussion of the Fiscal Monitor,
Global Financial Stability Report, and World Economic Outlook on September 21, 2017.

The negative income tax model proposed by Friedman (1967) phases out benefits for those with
higher incomes. Persons whose incomes fall below a pre-defined threshold for tax liability, receive
“negative taxes”, i.e. payments from the tax authority based on the distance to the poverty line. Such
a financing mechanism could reduce the net cost of the UBI, yet is challenging in countries where a
large part of the workforce is in informal employment.

18 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

2. Increasing tax revenues: This is the principal channel for generating resources for UBI.
It is achieved by altering different types of taxes – e.g. on corporate profits, financial
activities, property, inheritance, imports/exports, natural resources, consumption – or
by strengthening the efficiency of tax collection methods and overall compliance. In
the context of the future of work discussion, some have suggested new taxes on the
gains from technological change (Reed and Lansley, 2016), such as taxes on robots, yet
it is not fully clear how national governments would be able to tax the highly mobile
owners of robots or other productive capital in the context of global tax competition
(ILO, 2018). Currently, many countries are increasing taxes for social protection, for
example, Bolivia, Mongolia and Zambia are financing universal pensions, child
benefits and other schemes from mining and gas taxes. Ghana uses a VAT on alcohol,
cigarettes and luxury goods to finance the national health insurance scheme, and,
together with Liberia and the Maldives, has introduced taxes on tourism to support
social programmes; Algeria, Mauritius and Panama, among others, have complemented
social security revenues with high taxes on tobacco; these taxes, however, would
deliver small amounts. Brazil introduced a temporary tax on financial transactions to
expand social protection coverage, a more promising avenue. Given that the financial
sector remains untaxed or with very low taxation, this could be a main source of finance
for UBI; a small set of levies and taxes to financial activity would provide between 1.9
and 23.2 per cent of GDP 14 in high-income countries to finance UBI.

3. Lobbying for aid and transfers: for low income countries to implement UBI, an option
may be to engage with different donor governments or international organizations in
order to ramp up North-South transfers. As presented earlier in this paper, the cost of
UBI (scenario II) for low-income countries is 0.68 per cent of global GDP, a small
amount compared to the cost of UBI to developing countries, as low-income countries
in average would need to invest 64.2 per cent of its own GDP to finance it. While some
may say there is no ODA for UBI, it is a question of priorities: a UBI for low-income
countries that would eliminate poverty overnight would cost only one thirtieth (3 per
cent) of the amount announced by G20 governments to rescue the financial sector in
2009 15 or one fifth (20 per cent) of the world’s military expenditure. 16

4. Eliminating illicit financial flows: Given the vast amount of resources that illegally
escape developing countries each year, estimated at ten times total aid received,
policymakers should crack down on money laundering, bribery, tax evasion, trade
mispricing and other financial crimes are illegal and deprive governments of revenues
needed for social protection. Given the large scale of corruption, estimated at more than
5 per cent of global GDP, this could become a main source of finance for UBI.

5. Using fiscal and central bank foreign exchange reserves: This includes drawing down
fiscal savings and other state revenues stored in special funds, such as sovereign wealth
funds, and/or using excess foreign exchange reserves in the central bank for domestic
and regional development. Chile and Norway, among others, are tapping into fiscal
reserves for social investments; Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global is perhaps
the best-known case. Over the past decade, the accumulation of foreign exchange

According to the IMF’s Report to the G20 and background material (Claessens et al., 2010,
p. 139).

According to the IMF (Claessens et al., 2010, p. 31), the amount announced by G20 governments
to rescue the financial sector in 2009 totals US$ 9.6 trillion; enough to pay for an adequate UBI for
all residents in low-income countries more than 30 times over.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (2017), military expenditure by
governments around the world was US$1.686 trillion in 2015.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 19

reserves in Central Banks increased more than six-fold between 2000 and 2013,
reaching 17 per cent of global GDP; this strategy of self-insurance has been questioned
by many, from the United Nations to the IMF, as some of these excess foreign exchange
reserves held in Central Banks could be used for economic and social development. 17

6. Restructuring existing debt: For countries under high debt distress, restructuring
existing debt may be possible and justifiable if the legitimacy of the debt is questionable
and/or the opportunity cost in terms of worsening social deprivations is high. In recent
years, more than 60 countries have successfully renegotiated debt and over 20 (such as
Ecuador and Iceland) have defaulted on or repudiated public debt, directing debt
servicing savings to social protection programmes.

Governments that consider implementing a UBI should carefully examine all options,
including the progressivity or regressivity of the proposed measures, the winners and losers,
potential risks and trade-offs. Measures that are regressive or jeopardize inclusive
development should always be avoided (box 2). National tripartite dialogue with employers
and workers as well as civil society, academia, and supported by United Nations agencies
and others, is fundamental in generating the political will to exploit all possible fiscal space
options in a country, and adopt an optimal mix of public policies for inclusive growth and
social protection, including UBI.

Box 2
UBI financing proposals not in line with ILO Conventions and Recommendations
For the advancement of social justice, policy makers should avoid regressive policies that disproportionally benefit the
wealthy and cause detriment to the majority of the population, particularly the poor and those on low incomes. Such policies may
not only violate human rights principles, but may also be incompatible with ILO Conventions and Recommendations.
For example, some budget-neutral UBI proposals suggest replacing the entire social protection system, including public
social insurance financed by employers’ and workers’ contributions, by a UBI benefit spread out as a uniform rate (see, for
instance, Tanner, 2015). The Economist (2016), based on an interactive UBI calculator, 1 shows how much basic income a
government could pay out if it scrapped its non-health transfer payments, and spread them evenly across the population in the
form of a UBI.
Dividing the existing level of social protection expenditure equally by the total population (including many people currently
not receiving benefits) necessarily results in a low UBI benefit level that in most countries remains well below the poverty line
(figure 5). For example in Japan, a UBI calculated in this way would come to Y 616,290 per year, which corresponds to only half
of the current poverty line for a single adult (Y 1,221,000). Luxembourg would allocate €16.590 euros per individual, still 15 per
cent short of the poverty line, although it is the country that were to come closest to the poverty line. If a UBI were to be set at the
level of the poverty line, as assumed in Scenarios I and II in this paper, current social security expenditures would be insufficient
to finance such a UBI in all high-income countries included in figure 5 – in half of the countries, the necessary financial resources
are more than twice as high as the current social protection expenditure.

Many countries exceed the safe level benchmarks, the number of months for which a country could
support its current level of imports if all other capital flows were to suddenly stop (3 months
benchmark) and the Greenspan-Guidotti rule of thumb that advises countries to hold enough foreign
reserves to cover total short-term external debt obligations. For a discussion and list of countries that
exceed safe level benchmarks, see Ortiz et al. (2017).

20 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Figure 5. Cost of UBI at poverty line level and current social protection expenditure, selected countries, as a
percentage GDP

Source: Authors’ calculations based on ILO World Social Protection Database.

Public social insurance systems are redistributive for at least two reasons: (i) social insurance contributions are shared by
workers and employers based on the principles of solidarity and risk-pooling, and could therefore be considered as transfers from
employers to workers, and (ii) they are traditionally designed to redistribute income from those with higher lifetime earnings to those
with lower lifetime earnings, particularly where they include mechanisms to take into consider account periods of care leave and/or to
guarantee minimum benefit levels.
Generally, employers’ contribution rates tend to be larger than workers’—as a world average, employers contribute 14 per
cent and workers 7 per cent of covered earnings. From a financing perspective, the net winners of regressive UBI proposals tend
to be employers, who would not pay social security contributions (the so-called “labour taxes”), as discussed in the next chapter..
Phasing-out employer contributions to social insurance would release employers from their social responsibilities and shift
economic and financial risks to individual workers, hitting hard especially to those with limited earnings and savings capacities,
typically women and vulnerable workers, thus generating more inequality. For a UBI proposal to be equitable, it needs to be
redistributive, financed by progressive taxation including from corporations, and other sources explained in this paper. Employer
contributions need to be preserved and be adequate to ensure higher levels of social protection through public social insurance.
Additionally, eliminating the redistributive components of public social security systems (the transfers from high- income to
low-income earners) by limiting public provision to a modest UBI, and promoting individual savings, private insurance and provision
for those who can afford it would also exacerbate income and gender inequality and, as women tend to have shorter careers,
lower earnings and lesser savings. 2
Last but not least, the suggestion to replace the delivery of essential public services, such as health, education and care, with
a uniform cash benefit is problematic (UNCTAD, 2017). Cuts in the provision of public services and the privatization of public services
do not only undermine the fundamental responsibility of the State to guarantee its citizens effective access to essential services, but
is also likely to further exacerbate income and gender inequalities.
ILO Conventions and Recommendations concretize State obligations with regard to promoting social security as a human
right, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, including universality of protection, based on social solidarity (ILO Constitution, Recommendation No. 202), solidarity and
collective financing (Convention No. 102, Recommendation 202), entitlement to defined benefits prescribed by law (C.102, R.202),
adequacy and predictability of benefits (C.102, R.202), non-discrimination, gender equality and responsiveness to special needs
(R.202), under the overall and primary responsibility of the State (R.202).

1 See https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/06/daily-chart-1 [28 June 2018].

2 This social contract was broken in some countries with the introduction of individual accounts in the 1980s by the World Bank, the Inter-
American Development Bank and the OECD. These institutions forcefully pressed for the introduction of individual accounts, defined
contributions (instead of defined benefits) and other reforms, including full or partial privatization of pension and other social insurance
schemes, in a number of Eastern European and Latin American countries. While many of these countries have today reversed this
trend, these ideas remain in the policy discussions of the international financial institutions.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 21

4. Who would benefit from UBI? Different
implementation scenarios
The political economy of UBI implementation requires a careful look at the winners
and losers of the different proposals. This section presents three scenarios on the introduction
of a UBI. Figure 6 represents the baseline; it sketches out (in a very simplified form) a
stylized social protection system in high-income countries, without a UBI. In this baseline
case, area A represents the non-contributory (tax financed) social assistance benefits targeted
to the poor. Area B represents universal benefits without a means-test, such as universal
child or disability benefits for all eligible citizens. Note that many sometimes countries pay
social assistance as a differential amount, this is, the difference between the actual income
of the household and the minimum income threshold, represented in the area A’ where
benefits are scaled down to complement earnings received in the household. Area C
represents contributory schemes, typically public social insurance with financial
participation of workers and employers, in all the branches of social security, including old-
age and disability pensions, maternity and family benefits, unemployment, sickness, and
work injury. Finally, area D represents complementary private insurance (e.g. private
pensions) bought by individuals.

Figure 6. Baseline: Current social protection system in high income countries (without UBI)

A Social assistance benefits targeted to C Public social insurance eg. old age,
the poor disability and survivors pensions;
A’ Differential social assistance maternity and family benefits;
unemployment and sickness support,
B Universal non-contributory benefits eg. etc.
universal child benefits, disability
D Complementary private insurance eg.
private pensions

Scenario 1 assumes the introduction of a UBI set at the level of the poverty line
(figure 7). The UBI is represented as a new area E that replaces areas A and B (social
assistance for the poor and universal non-contributory benefits such as universal child
benefits and/or disability benefits). Area C, contributory social insurance, is basically the
same as in the baseline scenario, with a small reduction caused by the absorption into UBI
of benefits for some contingencies (i.e. unemployment support as in the Finland pilot). Given
that the UBI replaces social assistance and most of the poor receive the same level of
transfers, this scenario is generally poverty neutral 18, except for those in A’ previously
receiving social assistance in addition to earned income; with UBI, they will have a higher

Assuming that the minimum income threshold used in the social assistance scheme is equal to the
national poverty line.

22 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

income as now they will be allowed to keep the full amount of UBI in addition to their
earnings. Not considering potentially higher tax payments, the main winners are the majority
of citizens in a country, under areas A’ and C. For those under area C, they will receive
social security benefits plus UBI, though the net impact of the introduction of a UBI depends
on the combined effects of additional benefits received, and the levels of taxation required
to finance UBI. In addition, it is assumed that non-take-up of benefits would be reduced. 19
Thus, these three groups – the majority of the population – are the net winners, a reason why
this UBI scenario would reduce inequality.

Figure 7. Scenario 1: Introduction of a UBI at poverty line level in high income countries

C’ Public social insurance eg. old age, D Complementary private insurance eg.
disability and survivors pensions, etc. private pensions
excluding unemployment E Universal Basic Income

Scenario 2 sketches out the introduction of UBI in exchange for cuts in employers’
contributions to social security systems (figure 8). This scenario is not in line with ILO
standards, as explained in box 2. Given that, on average, employer contribution rates are
double than workers’, cutting employers’ contributions (sometimes called “labour taxes”)
would lead to a significant reduction of social protection benefits for those in formal
employment, shown here as area C’’ that represents one third of the original area C in the
baseline and scenario 1. Public social insurance would still exist in a reduced form, financed
only from workers contributions, which would reduce its capacity to share risks and to
redistribute in a vertical (from high income earners to lower income earners), and horizontal
way (e.g. from the healthy to the sick). Even if UBI benefit levels were set at the level of the
poverty line, scenario 2 would benefit only a small percentage of the population (those low
income in A’, plus a number of those previously not contributing or claiming benefits). The
net losers would be the large majority of people in formal employment who would lose the
higher levels of protection of public social security systems, including low and the middle
classes. Even if they were proportionally compensated with higher salaries, this scenario
may well lead to increased inequality, as most of the wage increase would go into increased
consumption or savings, which is unlikely to provide a comparable level of social protection
for the large majority of workers. From the point of view of financing, the net winners would
be corporations, given that the reduction in “labour taxes” (employers contributions)

Note that in high-income countries, all citizens are generally covered by the social protection
system. Those who are not sufficiently protected by social insurance are usually entitled to social
assistance; yet a small proportion of the population do not contribute nor take up benefits for various

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 23

unlikely to be converted into new corporate taxes to finance UBI; on the contrary, the debate
usually calls for budget-neutral solutions or, at best, for UBI to be funded from general

Figure 8. Scenario 2: Introduction of a UBI at poverty line level in high income countries,
without employers’ contributions

Scenario 3 presents the most radical neoliberal proposal, the introduction of UBI with
the complete abolition of public social insurance (figure 9). This scenario is not in line with
ILO Conventions and Recommendations (box 2). If citizens were to receive a UBI at the
level of the poverty line (e.g €279 per month in Latvia, €397 in Portugal, or about €900 in
France and Germany); many would consider this benefit levels inadequate, and those who
can afford it, would have to save in private retirement plans, invest in rents (e.g. real estate)
and others. Yet, most neoliberal UBI proposals assume rather meagre benefit levels below
the poverty line level (as presented in the graph) which would not be sufficient to eliminate
poverty. In this scenario virtually everybody is a net loser; the poorest will not receive
anymore social assistance at the poverty line level; the low and middle classes, before
covered by a better social protection system, now they will lose their accumulated social
protection benefits. Eliminating public social insurance systems by a modest UBI, and
promoting individual savings and private provision for those who can afford it, would reduce
the potential for both vertical and horizontal redistribution, thereby exacerbating income
inequality. In addition, as women tend to have shorter careers, lower earnings and lesser
savings, a greater role for private pensions and individual savings is likely to increase gender
inequality (Rein and Behrendt, 2004). While the net winners would be a very small group,
similar to the ones on scenario 2, this model, as the earlier one, will result in significant
increases in inequality, as companies will stop paying social security contributions and UBI
be paid from general taxation. Unless taxation would be made significantly more progressive
including effective corporate taxes, very unlikely given the current trend of tax cuts,
scenarios 2 and 3 imply a net social loss and lead to larger income inequality.

24 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Figure 9. Scenario 3: Introduction of a UBI in high income countries (below poverty line level),
replacing social insurance by individual savings

D Complementary private insurance E Universal Basic Income

eg. private pensions

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 25

5. Conclusion: Universal Basic Income in light
of ILO standards
UBI approaches are being discussed as a tool to reduce inequalities and address job
losses, precariousness and informality of employment resulting from changing forms of
work, automation and globalization. Proponents and detractors are engaged in a complex
debate that has led to multiple proposals. This paper intends to contribute to the debate by
looking at UBI in light of ILO standards. As outlined earlier, some UBI proposals are in
accordance with ILO Conventions and Recommendations, and others are not.

The UBI debate reaffirms the necessity and importance to provide every member of the
society with at least a minimum level of income security which is essential to the realisation
of human dignity - the very principles of social security. Indeed, UBI could be the most
radical form of the income component of a national social protection floor, an important tool
for the advancement of inclusive development and social justice. UBI on its own cannot be
considered a panacea to existing and future income security and social protection challenges,
but can potentially help to close coverage gaps and provide a basic level of income security.

Recommendation No. 202 provides important guidance and core principles regarding
coverage, adequacy, financing and other aspects, and the need to complement a basic level
of social protection with provision for higher levels on the one hand, as well as a set of other
policies, namely labour market, employment, wage, tax, health, education, care and other
social policies.

In discussions on possible implementation of a UBI, careful consideration should be

given particularly with respect to the following design issues:

The adequacy of benefits needs to be ensured such that UBI effectively reduces poverty
and inequality:

 UBI benefit levels would need to be set at a level that is adequate to ensure at least a
basic level of income security, including for persons who do not have any other source
of income. The guidance provided by Recommendation No. 202 suggests that such a
level could correspond to the level of the national poverty line, or similar minimum
thresholds reflecting the cost of essential goods and services. UBI benefit levels would
need to be indexed on a regular basis to inflation (preferably), wages or a mix of both,
in order to maintain their real value and purchasing power.

 The nature and level of benefits should ensure non-discrimination and responsiveness
to special needs. This implies that the benefits guarantee that those with special needs,
e.g. persons with disabilities, are adequately covered through additional benefits in cash
and in kind, with a view to preventing vulnerability and to realizing the human right to
social security for all.

 Contributory mechanisms, and in particular public social insurance, should continue to

play a key role in ensuring higher levels of protection for as many people as possible.
Even if a UBI benefit is set at the poverty line, many will consider this very low
income20 and will aim to have higher levels of protection through public social
insurance, as it is redistributive and can guarantee higher living standards for larger
number of people than private insurance. If a UBI is not complemented by public social

For reference, even if UBI was set at the relative poverty line in European countries, the assumed
UBI benefit level would be €279 per month in Latvia, €242 in Lithuania, €354 in Greece, €337 in
Slovakia, €397 in Portugal, €900 in Germany or €911 in France, this would be considered by many
as inadequate for a decent living standard; people therefore would need to rely on income from jobs,
pensions or other sources to complement a modest UBI.

26 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

insurance, higher levels of protection will only be available to those who can afford to
seek them through personal savings and private insurance, thereby undermining
solidarity and social cohesion. Neoliberal or libertarian UBI proposals that suggest
eliminating public social insurance, ceasing employers’ contributions and cuts in social
services, replacing them by a meagre safety net, will exacerbate inequalities and are not
in line with ILO standards. In order to fully meet people’s social security needs, UBI
should be supplemented by higher levels of protection through public contributory
schemes, ensuring wider scope and higher levels of protection with redistribution. For
this reason, a combination of contributory and non-contributory elements will remain
key to building a comprehensive social security system with a strong social protection
floor, in line with ILO Recommendation No. 202, as well as with Convention No. 102
and other social security standards.

 As basic income security is not sufficient to ensure effective access to basic services, a
UBI would need to be combined with effective policies that ensure universal access to
health care, education and other social services. With respect to health care, the
principle of adequacy requires States to provide everyone with access to essential health
care, including maternity care, which meets the criteria of availability, accessibility,
acceptability and quality, as well as to ensure that those in need of health care do not
face financial difficulties due to seeking and accessing health care.

Non-regressive financing mechanisms are essential for ensuring equity and


 The net distributive effect of UBI depends on the benefit level and the source of
financing. Recommendation No. 202 and Convention No. 102 point to the need of
solidarity in financing social protection. Particular attention needs to be given to
ensuring the progressivity of financing sources. UBI should not be financed by
regressive methods such as taxing households or depriving them from other social
benefits, as this UBI policy would give to households with one hand what it would take
away with the other. Given that UBI is proposed to redress growing inequalities caused
by globalization and new forms of work, it must be redistributive.

 Budget-neutral UBI proposals are not in line with ILO standards. Dividing the existing
level of social protection expenditure equally by the total population necessarily results
in a low UBI benefit level, in most countries well below the poverty line, generating
further poverty and inequalities. Replacing the entire social protection system –
including public social insurance financed by employers’ and workers’ contributions –
and other social expenditures, by a UBI benefit spread out as a uniform rate would
result in a net welfare loss. From the point of view of financing, the net winners would
be employers and corporations, given the reduction in “labour taxes” (employers’
contributions). Even if workers were proportionally compensated with higher salaries,
it may well lead to increased inequality, as most of the wage increase would go into
increased consumption or savings, which is unlikely to provide a comparable level of
social protection for the large majority of people, including for low and middle classes.
Further, given that UBI is proposed to amend inequalities, including those resulting
from corporate globalization, it would be important that corporations additionally
contribute to UBI; however, the debate often ignores these points. Phasing-out
employer contributions would release employers from their social responsibilities and
shift economic and financial risks to individual workers, hitting hard especially those
with limited earnings and savings capacities, typically women and vulnerable workers,
thus generating more inequality.

 For a UBI proposal to be progressive, it needs to be redistributive, financed by

progressive taxation and other sources explained in this paper. Employer contributions
need to be preserved and be adequate to ensure higher levels of social protection
through public social insurance. The financing of a UBI will need to be carefully

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 27

considered in order to avoid adverse effects on inclusive growth and development, and
compromise the sustainability and equity of the social protection system including a

Progressive realization, including by setting targets and time frames:

 Countries that desire moving forward towards a UBI, but without sufficient resources
to implement a UBI today may consider phasing-in UBI progressively. Universal
benefits for broad groups of the population, such as universal old age pensions or
universal child grants, constitute possible policy options for strengthening universal
social protection, which require less resources and hence may be more realistic and
feasible in many countries as a step forward towards UBI. 21 Progressive realization
requires including objectives in national development strategies and plans, setting
targets and timeframes.

A legal framework and effective governance and administration:

 A UBI would need to be anchored in a sound legal and institutional framework that
clearly defines the level and range of benefit as well as its duration; the qualifying
conditions and the financing modalities. 22 This would contribute to facilitating the
adequate delivery of a UBI and to designing the administration in a sound, transparent
and accountable manner that ensures financial sustainability in the long-run. Such
frameworks should regulate the setting of benefit levels as well as their regular
adjustment to changing costs of living, eligibility criteria, rights of appeal and grievance
mechanisms, and accountability mechanisms.

Social dialogue is key for ensuring the participation of key stakeholders and building
broad societal consensus:

 A UBI would need to be agreed through legitimate national dialogue, including

government, workers and employers’ organisations, as well as other stakeholders such
as civil society. Institutionalized social dialogue mechanisms are essential for ensuring
the participation of all stakeholders.

Ensuring gender equality will require a careful and comprehensive analysis of the
various implications of a UBI for women’s rights and their empowerment:

 While the introduction of a UBI may have positive immediate effects on ensuring at
least a basic level of income security for women, it is important to also understand other
impacts in the short- and the long run. For example, if the introduction of a UBI is
associated with the privatization of benefits and services, women will likely be
negatively affected. Regressive UBI budget-neutral proposals that suggest the
replacement of public social insurance systems by a modest UBI, promoting individual
savings and private insurance for those who can afford it, are not in line with ILO
standards and would have negative impacts on women, as women tend to have shorter
careers, lower earnings and lesser savings. Further, the privatization of public services

Even the IMF includes the options of universal child benefits and universal pensions in its estimates
and suggests that “a gradual approach to reform would be desirable, possibly focusing first on
universal coverage of subgroups of the population, such as children and the elderly” (IMF, 2017,
p. 29).

Only few of the existing UBI pilots established the entitlement to UBI by law. For example, the
bill on the Finnish pilot was adopted by the Parliament, whilst the Dutch experiments are currently
still on hold due to pending approvals by the government.

28 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

does not only undermine the fundamental responsibility of the State to guarantee its
citizens effective access to income security and essential services, but is also likely to
further exacerbate inequalities.

 The introduction of a UBI should also take into account the need to consider
complementary gender-sensitive policies, such as employment and labour market
policies, wage policies, as well as parental leave and care policies, so as to prevent
negative effects on women. This close coordination of a UBI with other policies is also
essential for ensuring effective access to social protection for women and men,
including through a strong social protection floor.

Systematically assessing implications for the broader policy context is essential for a
UBI to positively contribute to social justice and inclusive development:

 The implications of the possible introduction of a UBI on social and economic

outcomes requires a more thorough consideration of the wider policy context, including
with respect to employment, macro-economic, fiscal as well as health, education and
care policies. Close coordination of a UBI with other social, employment and economic
policies, as requested by Recommendation No. 202, is essential. This includes policies
that enhance education, literacy, vocational training, skills and employability. The link
between income security and employment policies is particularly important to enable
individuals to integrate more decent and productive employment, avoid long-term
dependency and encourage labour market participation. Policies including public
procurement, government credit provisions, or labour market policies may also be
useful complements to promote formal employment and productive economic activity.

 Complementary policies, such as wage policies would also be key to set an appropriate
regulatory framework. For example, effective minimum wage policies along the lines
of ILO Conventions No. 131 or No. 26 could potentially offset a possible wage freeze
or cut induced by a UBI, which may function as a wage subsidy. Minimum wage
policies could also avoid that a UBI based on citizenship perpetuates the economic
insecurity of certain groups such as guest workers or irregular migrants. Likewise,
effective policies to regulate labour markets and employment are critical to avoid
possible unintended consequences of a UBI to subsidize precarious employment.

 Effective labour market institutions are necessary to ensure decent work for all in a
rapidly changing environment. The World Economic Forum (2017) recognizes that a
UBI cannot substitute labour market institutions, such as active labour market policies
and policies aimed at ensuring equal access to quality basic education or equal
opportunities for women. Similarly, the implications of a UBI on other labour market
institutions, such as wage setting mechanisms and collective bargaining, are not yet
fully understood. In addition, the interaction of a possible UBI with vocational training
and other policies to support life-long learning would need to be more fully explored,
given their importance for preparing the future of work. Furthermore, high quality
public services that would complement a UBI are essential for ensuring universal
access to quality health, education, care and other services.

 In order to foster inclusive growth and yield better distributive outcomes from
macroeconomic, growth and income distributional benefits, a UBI would need to be
complemented by other universal provisions, as well as by macro-economic,
employment, wage, tax and other policies that address the distribution of primary
incomes in order to supplement its potential redistributive impact. A UBI by itself is
insufficient to provide a stand-alone solution to redress an ever more unequal primary
distribution of incomes; to the contrary, unless embedded into a coherent policy
framework that takes these broader factors into account, a UBI may exacerbate
inequality and damage inclusive growth and social justice.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 29

The multiplicity of UBI proposals requires a better understanding of issues regarding
benefit adequacy, costs and financing sources, impacts on poverty, inequality and gender,
among others. As discussed in this paper, some UBI proposals have the potential to advance
equity and social justice, while other proposals may result in a net welfare loss.

It is important to carefully examine all issues within a UBI proposal, including the
progressivity or regressivity of the proposed measures, the winners and losers, potential risks
and trade-offs. Measures that are regressive or jeopardize inclusive development should
always be avoided. National social dialogue is fundamental to generate a broad political
consensus for UBI and define an optimal policy mix to reduce inequalities, support inclusive
development and advance social justice.

Governments considering the implementation of a UBI can rely on the guidance

provided by ILO standards and should carefully reflect on an effective way to embed the
UBI in the social protection system, combined with well-designed public social insurance
and other social protection benefits, as well as effective measures to guarantee effective
access to high-quality public services, including health, education, care and other social
services. Such a careful assessment should also include ways to ensure sustainable and
equitable financing mechanisms, as well as broader macro-economic, labour market,
employment and tax policies. The momentum gathering behind the idea of a UBI can help
to spur a discussion on how to respond to existing economic and social changes in a more
effective and empowering way based on social solidarity and while ensuring social justice
outcomes for all.

30 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Annex I. Key parameters of selected universal basic income proposals, cost estimates and pilots
Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)
UBI proposals

Van Parijs and Vanderborght USD 1163/month in the United States, BI to be supplemented by social Fiscal residents Income tax Expected results: BI as an
(2017): partial basic income that is USD 1670/month in Switzerland, USD assistance and social insurance instrument to achieve social
designed to guarantee a “floor” 33/month in India for adults (~45% of top-ups justice, understood as a fair
median disposable income or 90% of distribution of real freedom
the national poverty line)

Van Parijs and Vanderborght On average, EUR 200/month for National social security systems EU citizens (gradual Different options: Money Expected results: BI as a means
(2017): partial basic income adults (~14% of median disposable or remain intact. phasing in, e.g. starting creation by the European to reduce the pressure weighing
throughout the European Union (or 29% of the poverty line in the EU). with a specific age Central Bank, financial on national redistribution
Eurozone) Benefits would vary according to the group) transaction tax (Tobin tax), systems resulting from the
living cost in each of the countries. carbon tax, capital tax; most single market as well as
promising option: value added selective immigration and
tax emigration, and to secure the
European social model

Stern and Kravitz (2016) US federal poverty line (2015), US$ UBI should not displace social Adults 18-64 and older Reallocation of funds from Expected results: Raise the
1000/month for a single person, US$ security or public services, persons 65+ who do not 126 US welfare programmes income floor, eliminate poverty,
2000/month for a family of four however it should replace receive at least US$ (social assistance), and reinvigorate the economy
(US$12,000 respectively US$ 24,000 current welfare programs (social 1,000 per month adjustments to health system,
per year). assistance) taxation and increased
revenue from new sources of

Switzerland: national referendum CHF 2,500/month for adults (~56% of Not specified All residents Not specified The referendum was rejected by
on unconditional basic income the median disposable income or a majority of 76.9 per cent of the
(2016) (BIEN, 2018) 113% of the national poverty line) electorate.
CHF 625/ month for children (~14% of
the median disposable income or 28%
of the national poverty line)

Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)

Davala, Jhabvala, Standing and Standing, as an advisor to the Replaces means tested All residents in a given Four options: elimination of Expected results: BI as a means
Mehta (2015): unconditional basic government of India, used the thumb benefits. community, province or “regressive subsidies”, tax to provide basic security more
income for India rule of 30% of the income of lower- country increases, establishment of effectively than means-tested
income families (~8% of median sovereign wealth funds, schemes, remove the poverty
disposable income or 17% of the funding by donors and precarity trap and buffer the
national poverty line). A low level of BI possible technological
should be built up gradually (Standing, disruption of the labour market

Atkinson (2015, 1996): basic No specified level of PI for adults; PI replaces income tax The PI payment is Proposed tax reforms: Expected results: 1) reduction of
participation income (PI), with a GBP 200/month for children (~13% of allowances and child benefits. limited only to those Taxation of income above the number of people
prospect of an EU-wide child basic the median disposable income or 27% Existing insurance-based social who are either in paid certain amount of earnings dependent on means-tested
income of the national poverty line) protection and pension work, job-seekers, benefits by half a million; 2)
schemes remain intact. those engaged in some 57% of families would gain
PI complements existing social kind of socially useful under a PI, 33% would lose out
protection schemes. activity (e.g. caring,
volunteering, education
or training) and those
who are unable to
participate due to
disability and sickness.

Schleswig-Holstein/Germany EUR 1,000/month for adults (~55% of BI would replace social All residents Not specified Not specified
(proposed by Federal State the median disposable income or assistance benefits, child
Government) 110% of the national poverty line) benefits and BAföG benefits
EUR 500/ month for children (~27.5% (state-sponsored student grants
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

of the median disposable income or and loans)

55% of the national poverty line)

Paine (1779): unconditional ground- Single lump sum for individuals aged Replaces social redistribution. All citizens. Funded by ground-rents, paid Expected results: ground-rent
rent lump sum for adults, plus 21-50; annual pension to each person by landowners. Death duties as a means to reduce poverty
annual pension for older persons over the age of 50 and to persons with amount to no more than 10 by compensating the landless
and persons with disabilities disabilities per cent of the value of and guarantee social justice
estates or 20 per cent in the
absence of an heir.
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)
BI pilots

Finland: a BI pilot, implemented EUR 560/month for adults (~26% of BI replaces some basic social 2,000 randomly Cost-neutral, financed by Objectives: to assess the
within the social security system the median disposable income or 52% security benefits, including the selected recipients of replacing existing benefits for effectiveness of UBI to 1)
(2017-18) (KELA, 2016) of the national poverty line) basic unemployment benefit, unemployment benefits the target group promote labour market
the sickness benefit, as well as between 25 and 58 participation and provide work
some parental benefits and years incentives, 2) reduce
rehabilitation benefits. bureaucracy and simplify the
Most of the earnings-related benefit system.
benefits are retained. The BI will No results yet.
be deducted from the after-tax
amount of the earnings-related
unemployment allowance.

Ontario/Canada: three-year BI pilots CAD 1,415.75/ month for adults BI replaces Ontario Works and 4,000 low-income Financed by replacing existing Objectives: to assess the
in three regions (planned) (Segal, (~40% of the median disposable Ontario Disability Support residents between 18 benefits for the target group effectiveness of a UBI to
2016; Government of Ontario, 2018) income or 80% of the national poverty Program. and 64 years improve health and education
line); CAD 2,002.25/ month for Child, disability and old age outcomes as well as job
couples. In addition, up to CAD security benefits are retained. prospects for low-income
500/month for persons with Income from other schemes individuals.
disabilities. The level of basic income such as the Canada pension No results yet.
is reduced by CAD 0.50 for every Plan and Employment
additionally earned dollar. Insurance decreases the
amount of basic income by CAD
1 for every dollar.

Utrecht/Netherlands: BI pilot EUR 972/month for individuals (~47% Not specified Randomly selected Not specified Objectives: to assess the
(delayed by the Dutch Ministry of of the median disposable income or recipients of social effectiveness of different policy
Social Affairs and Employment). 94% of the national poverty line); EUR assistance benefits options to stimulate labour
Meanwhile, similar experiments 1,389/ month for couples market participation.
proposed in Tilburg, Wageningen, No results yet.
and Groningen are reviewed
(BIEN, 2018)

Islamic Republic of Iran: universal USD 45/month per head of household Not specified All residents Fuel subsidy Measured results: Some UBI
cash transfer programme introduced (no data on the median disposable recipients increased their
in 2010 as replacement for energy income) working hours
subsidies (IMF, 2014)

Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)

UBI experiments (conducted by institutions other than the government)

India: three BI experiments, INR 200/month (~USD 4) for adults; in Not linked to existing schemes 6,000 randomly Experiment financed by Measured positive impact on
coordinated by the Self Employed the 2nd year: INR 300 (~8% of median and programmes selected individuals external grant from UNDP financial inclusion, food
Women’s Association (SEWA), disposable income or 17% of the from nine rural villages and, more substantially, from sufficiency and nutrition levels,
UNICEF and UNDP (2009-13) national poverty line ); INR 100/month UNICEF. health, school enrolment levels,
(BIEN, 2018) for children (~4% of median Financing options were not productive activity and
disposable income); in the 2nd year: part of experiment. participation of women in
INR 150 household decision making,
reduction in child labour.

Namibia: Basic Income Grant (BIG) NAD 100/month (~USD 12) for adults Complementing other 1,000 individuals Experiment financed from Measured positive impact on
experiment (2008-09) (NANGOF, until the age of 60. After the end of the programmes including universal registered living in the donations from individuals, economic activity, households’
2009) project, a monthly allowance of NAD old age pension of then NAD Otjivero-Omitara churches, organizations and purchasing power, children’s
80 was paid to all participants 500/month settlement below the donors, organized through nutrition and enrolment rates
age of 60. Basic Income Grant Coalition and women’s empowerment
Financing options were not
part of experiment.

Kenya: NGO-run BI pilot (2016- USD 23/month, unconditional benefits. Not specified 6,000 residents of a Experiment financed by Give Objectives: assess the impacts
2028) (Give Directly, 2018) Payments through mobile money randomly selected Directly and donations, for of a UBI with respect to
system. village example from Omidyar economic status, time use, risk-
A large-scale Network. taking, gender relations
experiment covering Financing options not part of Long-term UBI is compared to a
200 villages with about experiment. short-term UBI, lump sum
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

26,000 individuals is payments and to a situation with

planned for 2017. no scheme in place.

United States: BI experiment USD 1,0000/month Still in design phase 1,000 randomly Experiment financed by Objectives: assess the impacts
conducted by a private investor in selected individuals external grant from private of a UBI with respect to
two US States for 3-5 years between the age of 21 investor (Y Combinator). economic, social, and
(planned) (Y Combinator, 2017) and 40 Financing options not part of physiological self-sufficiency
experiment. and well-being, use of time and
money and on the recipients’
children and those in their
No results yet.
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)

Busibi/Uganda: BI experiment USD 18.25/ month for adults; Not specified All residents of the Experiment financed by Eight Not specified
(2017-) (Eight.World, 2018) USD 9.13/ month for children (no village Busibi (56 adults (charitable organization)
available data on median disposable and 88 children) Financing options not part of
income) experiment..

Variants of UBI (including negative income tax and annual dividend models)

Friedman (1967): negative income Benefits would vary inversely with Negative income tax replaces Fiscal residents who Negative income tax Expected results: 1) lower costs
tax proposal (similar to BI). family income according to a negative all other welfare and social would be net recipients and reduced bureaucracy; 2)
tax rate schedule (payment at assistance programmes under a BI more support to the poor; 3)
household level) more personal freedom; 4)
increased work incentives

Alaska/USA: Permanent Fund Variable annual dividend, equivalent In the month of disbursement of All permanent Natural resource dividends Measured results: 1) about one
distributes part of the state’s oil to USD 172/ month (2015), USD 85/ the dividend, support from residents, including third of dividend income was
revenues to all residents month (2016) (respectively 6 % and means-tested social assistance children (minimum used for debt reduction, 2) no
(State Alaska, 2018) 3% of the median disposable income programmes drops out requirement: one year) significant impact on labour
and 12% and 6% of the national To compensate the temporal supply
poverty line) loss, a “hold harmless”
programme was introduced

UBI analysis and cost estimates

OECD (2017); Browne and At the guaranteed minimum-income Replaces social insurance and All children and working Budget-neutral UBI proposal, Expected results: Because of
Immervoll (2017) (GMI) level, which is below poverty social assistance, may also age adults thus using current social low benefit levels, overall
lines, and at lower benefit levels replace all social spending for security and other social poverty rates would increase
the age group expenditures (spreading them significantly. From an economic
among all children and perspective, UBI does not act
working age people), as an automatic stabilizer as it
abolishing tax-free does not go up or down in a
allowances. downturn.

Description Level of basic income a Relationship to other benefits Target group Financing Objectives and (expected)

IMF (2017) 25 percent of median per capita Replaces social assistance and A cash transfer of an Financing options that are Expected results. Depending on
income; the fiscal cost would be about subsidies equal amount to all budget neutral can involve financing options, substantive
6−7 percent of GDP in advanced individuals in a country any combination of cutting impact on inequality (Gini
economies and 3−4 percent in spending (e.g. welfare) or decreasing on average by five
emerging markets and developing increasing direct or indirect points); also significant
economies taxes. Other sources of reduction of poverty in
revenue could include developing economies. Net
elimination of energy and redistributive impact will depend
other subsidies on financing mechanisms.

Nikiforos, Steinbaum and Zezza, Simulations on economic growth using Replaces social assistance but For all adults Paid from the national budget Expected results: Using the
Roosevelt Institute (2017) different benefit levels: US$1000 or UBI is an income supplement but not taxing individuals, if Levy Institute macro-
US$500 for each adult/month that does not displace Social paying for UBI by increasing econometric model, a UBI
Security or public services. taxes on households, the providing $1,000 per month for
Levy model forecasts no all adults expands the economy
effect on the economy by 12.56 per cent over the
baseline after eight years.

This paper At the national poverty line level, UBI replaces main social All residents Financing options: Re- Expected results: Eradication of
estimations provided for 130 countries assistance and unemployment allocating public expenditures poverty globally, reduction of
support, but not social (e.g. defence, subsidies); inequality, including gender
insurance or programmes for increasing tax revenues (e.g.; inequalities. Thus it is an
those with special needs (e.g. to corporate and financial sector instrument of social justice while
compensate for disability- taxes); eliminating illicit also increasing consumption,
related costs). If phasing-in UBI, financial flows and corruption; economic activity and growth.
a first step are social protection managing/ restructuring debt;
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

floors. and others.

Note: a Monthly median disposable income data were calculated based on annual median disposable income data from the OECD in national currency, at current prices and for the year 2014 and from Eurostat, 2017:
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/income-and-living-conditions/data/database; http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gdp-and-beyond/quality-of-life/median-income. For Dauphin, data for 1979 were used. Poverty lines are defined as 50%
of the median equivalised disposable income.

Sources: As indicated in the table.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Annex II. Universal basic income: global costing estimates

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
Afghanistan AFG Low income South Asia 44.0 23,932 Absolute 38,034 62.9 49.1

Angola AGO Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 47.7 118,429 Absolute 837,988 14.1 10.8

Argentina ARG Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 25.2 27,312 Absolute 103,759 26.3 23.0

Armenia ARM Lower middle income Europe and Central Asia 18.4 500,033 Absolute 1,561,933 32.0 29.1

Australia AUS High income East Asia and Pacific 18.8 24,269 Relative 67,967 35.7 32.3

Austria AUT High income Europe and Central Asia 14.1 12,891 Relative 38,982 33.1 30.7

Azerbaijan AZE Upper middle income Europe and Central Asia 21.9 1,657 Absolute 7,320 22.6 20.2

Bangladesh BGD Low income South Asia 29.4 33,230 Absolute 78,065 42.6 36.3

Belgium BEL High income Europe and Central Asia 17.0 12,120 Relative 35,923 33.7 30.9

Belize BLZ Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 32.5 3,948 Absolute 9,540 41.4 34.7

Benin BEN Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.2 140,808 Absolute 424,522 33.2 26.2

Bhutan BTN Lower middle income South Asia 26.9 23,458 Absolute 147,749 15.9 13.7

Bolivia, Plurinational State of BOL Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 32.4 10,760 Absolute 18,264 58.9 49.4

Botswana BWA Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 32.0 14,586 Absolute 91,533 15.9 13.4

Brazil BRA Upper middle income Latin America and Caribbean 22.5 6,567 Relative 26,521 24.8 22.0

Burkina Faso BFA Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 45.6 119,742 Absolute 385,153 31.1 24.0

Burundi BDI Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 44.8 674,700 Absolute 424,975 158.8 123.2

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
Cambodia KHM Low income East Asia and Pacific 31.6 1,763,131 Absolute 5,193,484 33.9 28.6

Cameroon CMR Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.5 343,539 Absolute 679,142 50.6 39.8

Canada CAN High income North America 16.0 20,749 Relative 55,792 37.2 34.2

Cape Verde CPV Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 29.7 64,285 Absolute 369,158 17.4 14.8

Central African Republic CAF Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 39.1 308,243 Absolute 280,862 109.7 88.3

Chad TCD Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 47.7 297,000 Absolute 473,222 62.8 47.8

Chile CHL High income Latin America and Caribbean 20.8 2,088,054 Relative 8,791,324 23.8 21.3

China (People's Republic of) CHN Upper middle income East Asia and Pacific 17.7 9,984 Relative 43,745 22.8 20.8

Colombia COL Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 24.3 2,964,324 Absolute 16,316,834 18.2 16.0

Comoros COM Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 40.3 420,602 Absolute 379,916 110.7 88.4

Congo COG Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.6 312,932 Absolute 1,887,574 16.6 13.0

Costa Rica CRI Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 22.3 1,287,516 Absolute 6,001,604 21.5 19.1

Côte d'Ivoire CIV Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.5 269,075 Absolute 827,757 32.5 25.6
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Czech Republic CZE High income Europe and Central Asia 15.1 115,552 Relative 409,870 28.2 26.1

Democratic Republic of the COD Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 46.0 1,115,343 Absolute 322,598 345.7 266.2
Denmark DNK High income Europe and Central Asia 16.8 117,512 Relative 350,391 33.5 30.7

Dominican Republic DOM Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 30.0 56,327 Absolute 302,286 18.6 15.8

Ecuador ECU Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 29.0 1,042 Absolute 4,998 20.8 17.8
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
Egypt EGY Lower middle income Middle East and North Africa 33.2 4,428 Absolute 26,954 16.4 13.7

El Salvador SLV Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 27.0 611 Absolute 4,950 12.3 10.7

Eritrea ERI Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.8 16,499 Absolute 10,987 150.2 118.0

Estonia EST High income Europe and Central Asia 16.1 4,518 Relative 15,022 30.1 27.6

Ethiopia ETH Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 41.4 6,121 Absolute 9,649 63.4 50.3

Finland FIN High income Europe and Central Asia 16.4 12,847 Relative 38,241 33.6 30.8

France FRA High income Europe and Central Asia 18.3 10,930 Relative 32,397 33.7 30.7

Gabon GAB Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 37.1 554,889 Absolute 5,491,489 10.1 8.2

Gambia GMB Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 46.2 9,065 Absolute 23,611 38.4 29.5

Georgia GEO Lower middle income Europe and Central Asia 17.3 1,762 Absolute 8,039 21.9 20.0

Germany DEU High income Europe and Central Asia 13.1 10,804 Relative 36,211 29.8 27.9

Ghana GHA Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 38.8 1,511 Absolute 3,793 39.8 32.1

Greece GRC High income Europe and Central Asia 14.5 4,251 Relative 16,336 26.0 24.1

Guatemala GTM Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 36.6 10,652 Absolute 31,389 33.9 27.7

Guinea GIN Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.5 3,910,954 Absolute 4,809,712 81.3 64.0

Guinea-Bissau GNB Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 40.8 248,504 Absolute 314,394 79.0 62.9

Guyana GUY Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 28.8 50,063 Absolute 899,974 5.6 4.8

Haiti HTI Low income Latin America and the Caribbean 33.7 17,794 Absolute 48,671 36.6 30.4

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
Honduras HND Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 31.8 40,181 Absolute 58,066 69.2 58.2

Hungary HUN High income Europe and Central Asia 14.4 850,807 Relative 3,303,281 25.8 23.9

Iceland ISL High income Europe and Central Asia 20.3 2,072,348 Relative 6,127,072 33.8 30.4

India IND Lower middle income South Asia 28.7 18,898 Relative 70,729 26.7 22.9

Indonesia IDN Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 27.7 4,276,296 Absolute 45,728,103 9.4 8.1

Ireland IRL High income Europe and Central Asia 21.7 12,075 Relative 42,155 28.6 25.5

Israel ISR High income Middle East and North Africa 27.9 42,008 Relative 138,775 30.3 26.1

Italy ITA High income Europe and Central Asia 13.7 8,796 Relative 26,680 33.0 30.7

Jamaica JAM Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 23.6 163,597 Absolute 667,745 24.5 21.6

Japan JPN High income East Asia and Pacific 13.0 1,221,000 Relative 3,880,435 31.5 29.4

Jordan JOR Upper middle income Middle East and North Africa 35.5 996 Absolute 4,338 23.0 18.9

Kazakhstan KAZ Upper middle income Europe and Central Asia 26.7 153,128 Absolute 2,281,037 6.7 5.8

Kenya KEN Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 41.9 62,625 Absolute 100,896 62.1 49.1
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Kyrgyzstan KGZ Lower middle income Europe and Central Asia 31.4 32,256 Absolute 70,035 46.1 38.8

Lao People's Democratic LAO Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 34.8 2,614,712 Absolute 13,025,267 20.1 16.6
Latvia LVA High income Europe and Central Asia 15.1 3,340 Relative 11,850 28.2 26.1

Lebanon LBN Upper middle income Middle East and North Africa 24.0 5,045,136 Absolute 19,912,838 25.3 22.3

Lesotho LSO Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 36.1 3,684 Absolute 9,745 37.8 31.0
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
Liberia LBR Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.3 66,112 Absolute 33,505 197.3 155.6

Lithuania LTU High income Europe and Central Asia 14.6 2,903 Relative 12,478 23.3 21.6

Luxembourg LUX High income Europe and Central Asia 16.4 19,306 Relative 89,541 21.6 19.8

Madagascar MDG Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 41.7 639,563 Absolute 1,238,566 51.6 40.9

Malawi MWI Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 45.2 47,417 Absolute 75,389 62.9 48.7

Malaysia MYS Upper middle income East Asia and Pacific 24.5 13,606 Absolute 36,644 37.1 32.6

Maldives MDV Upper middle income South Asia 27.5 19,541 Absolute 100,446 19.5 16.8

Mali MLI Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 47.5 192,257 Absolute 436,588 44.0 33.6

Mauritania MRT Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 40.0 188,215 Absolute 468,058 40.2 32.2

Mauritius MUS Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 19.3 80,883 Absolute 353,748 22.9 20.7

Mexico MEX Upper middle income Latin America and Caribbean 27.5 23,479 Relative 143,819 16.3 14.1

Mongolia MNG Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 28.2 268,974 Absolute 7,736,613 3.5 3.0

Morocco MAR Lower middle income Middle East and North Africa 27.2 4,362 Absolute 33,328 13.1 11.3

Mozambique MOZ Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 45.3 11,530 Absolute 27,600 41.8 32.3

Myanmar MMR Low income East Asia and Pacific 27.6 553,763 Absolute 976,116 56.7 48.9

Namibia NAM Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 36.7 5,893 Absolute 65,896 8.9 7.3

Nepal NPL Low income South Asia 32.7 24,275 Absolute 68,763 35.3 29.5

Netherlands NLD High income Europe and Central Asia 16.8 12,500 Relative 40,365 31.0 28.4

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
New Zealand NZL High income East Asia and Pacific 20.0 20,165 Relative 53,359 37.8 34.0

Nicaragua NIC Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 30.0 18,202 Absolute 39,297 46.3 39.4

Niger NER Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 50.5 197,691 Absolute 255,759 77.3 57.8

Nigeria NGA Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 44.0 84,484 Absolute 366,800 23.0 18.0

Norway NOR High income Europe and Central Asia 18.0 185,727 Relative 612,549 30.3 27.6

Pakistan PAK Lower middle income South Asia 35.0 30,453 Absolute 167,520 18.2 15.0

Panama PAN Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 27.2 1,686 Absolute 10,976 15.4 13.3

Paraguay PRY Lower middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 30.1 7,615,272 Absolute 20,507,861 37.1 31.5

Peru PER Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 27.9 3,633 Absolute 20,471 17.7 15.3

Philippines PHL Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 31.9 10,969 Absolute 128,890 8.5 7.2

Poland POL High income Europe and Central Asia 14.9 13,551 Relative 44,686 30.3 28.1

Portugal PRT High income Europe and Central Asia 14.1 4,763 Relative 16,640 28.6 26.6

Russia ROU Upper middle income Europe and Central Asia 16.8 124,451 Relative 421,672 29.5 27.0
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Rwanda RWA Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 41.1 167,344 Absolute 524,558 31.9 25.4

Senegal SEN Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 43.8 413,030 Absolute 612,364 67.4 52.7

Sierra Leone SLE Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.4 2,119,138 Absolute 2,252,786 94.1 74.1

Slovak Republic SGP High income Europe and Central Asia 15.3 4,048 Relative 14,042 28.8 26.6

Slovenia SVN High income Europe and Central Asia 14.7 6,971 Relative 18,244 38.2 35.4
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
South Africa ZAF Upper middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 29.3 13,197 Relative 73,907 17.9 15.2

Spain ESP High income Europe and Central Asia 14.9 7,448 Relative 22,340 33.3 30.9

Sri Lanka LKA Lower middle income South Asia 24.6 48,403 Absolute 500,441 9.7 8.5

St. Lucia LCA Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 23.1 6,735 Absolute 18,877 35.7 31.6

St. Vincent and the VCT Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 24.5 6,535 Absolute 19,513 33.5 29.4
Sudan SDN Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 40.5 2,143 Absolute 6,548 32.7 26.1

Swaziland SWZ Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 37.4 7,352 Absolute 33,328 22.1 17.9

Sweden SWE High income Europe and Central Asia 17.3 134,104 Relative 406,023 33.0 30.2

Switzerland CHE High income Europe and Central Asia 14.8 26,345 Relative 79,344 33.2 30.7

Tanzania, United Republic of TZA Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 45.2 507,751 Absolute 1,237,450 41.0 31.8

Thailand THA Upper middle income East Asia and Pacific 17.7 23,522 Absolute 217,410 10.8 9.9

Timor-Leste TLS Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 42.4 490 Absolute 1,013 48.3 38.1

Togo TGO Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 42.2 351,015 Absolute 279,672 125.5 99.0

Tunisia TUN Upper middle income Middle East and North Africa 23.4 1,501 Absolute 8,716 17.2 15.2

Turkey TUR Upper middle income Europe and Central Asia 25.6 6,692 Relative 26,684 25.1 21.9

Turkmenistan TKM Upper middle income Europe and Central Asia 28.2 4,677 Absolute 27,817 16.8 14.4

Uganda UGA Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 48.1 682,471 Absolute 1,555,812 43.9 33.3

United Kingdom GBR High income Europe and Central Asia 17.6 8,804 Relative 29,008 30.3 27.7

Country Code Classification Region Children Poverty line, Relative or GDP per Cost Cost
in total adult(LCU) absolute capita (LCU) Scenario I Scenario II
pop. (%) (%) (%)
United States GBR High income North America 19.2 16,038 Relative 56,420 28.4 25.7

Venezuela, Bolivarian VEN Upper middle income Latin America and the Caribbean 28.1 95,241 Absolute 103,584 91.9 79.0
Republic of
Viet Nam VNM Lower middle income East Asia and Pacific 23.1 9,544,290 Absolute 44,078,168 21.7 19.2

Zambia ZMB Lower middle income Sub-Saharan Africa 45.9 2,366,020 Absolute 9,841,243 24.0 18.5

Zimbabwe ZWE Low income Sub-Saharan Africa 41.6 1,160 Absolute 961 120.7 95.6

Note: The national poverty lines in this table refer to either relative poverty lines (for high-income countries) or to absolute poverty lines. Relative poverty lines correspond to 50 per cent of the median equivalent disposable income.
Absolute poverty lines reflect poverty lines used in official national reports; in local currency units (LCU) per adult, per year, updated to the year 2015, using the respective CPI change. Absolute poverty lines are aimed to all basic
needs, meaning they are different (higher) than the food poverty line. Where no national poverty line was available, but only urban and rural poverty lines, the former is used.

Sources: Own calculations based on UN World Population Prospects, IMF World Economic Outlook, ILO World Social Protection Database, OECD, national sources.
Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx
Annex III. Costing Methodology


The approach to estimate the level of resources to be mobilized by a basic income

scheme consists in calculating the Benefit Cost (Direct cost) multiplying the basic transfer
amount times the target population. As in the basic income the target population is the full
population, their projection consists of the national population prospects.

𝐵𝐶𝑡 = 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡

For this, 𝐵𝐶𝑡 is the direct cost of the benefit for a given year, 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 the total population
for the same year (measured at the middle of the year) and 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 is the total annual benefit
for the same year in the currency used to express the 𝐵𝐶𝑡 .

Over time the Cost of the Benefit will change according to the behaviour of some

∆𝐵𝐶𝑡 = ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 + 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 + ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡

∆𝐵𝐶𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 + 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 + ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝐵𝐶𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡
∆𝑃𝑂𝑃 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡
= + +
𝑃𝑂𝑃 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡

The relative change in the cost is the sum of the relative growth of population, the
relative growth of benefits and the product of both.

The absolute or relative change in benefit amount could be defined in the rules of the
benefit or adjusted in an ad hoc basis, or in any rule that could be modelled for calculation

The relative change in the population instead is more complex to assess. The population
of year t is composed by the population of each age (x for male, y for female), single age
population in a given year is represented as 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 , hence Total Population is:


𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 = ∑ (𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 )


Here 𝑋̅ is the maximum age of the population.

For all ages but zero, the population of the next year (in a very simplified model) is the
surviving population of the year before (the possibility of not surviving in the country a year
at a given age x is 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) plus the immigrants of the given age (𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑥,𝑡 ), minus the emigrants
(𝐸𝑚𝑥,𝑡 ). Hence 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥+1,𝑡+1 = 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) + 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑥,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑥,𝑡 .

For the age zero, the expected population of a year is the expected numbers of births
plus the immigrants at age 0 subtracting the emigrants. The expected number of births is the
sum of the expected births from female of each age. The expected number of births of female
of a given age is the number of female at that age times the fertility rate of that age. The sum
of the fertility rates of all ages is the Total Fertility Rate and can be interpreted as the
expected number of children a female will expect to have in the country. From this:

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 45

𝑝𝑜𝑝0,𝑡+1 = ∑𝑌𝑦=0 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 + 𝐼𝑚𝑚0,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚0,𝑡 ,here 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 is the fertility rate for age y
at year t, for all ages before and after the fertile age it is equal to zero. Using masculinity
rates the newborns can be allocated as male or female.

The Population for the year t+1 would be:


𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡+1 = ∑ (𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥+1,𝑡+1 + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦+1,𝑡+1 )



𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡+1 = ∑ (𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) + 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑥,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑥,𝑡 + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 (1 − 𝑞𝑦,𝑡 ) + 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑦,𝑡


+ 𝐸𝑚𝑦,𝑡 ) + ∑ 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 + 𝐼𝑚𝑚0,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚0,𝑡


𝑌̅ 𝑋̅

𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡+1 = ∑ 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 + ∑ (𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑥,𝑡 + 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑦,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑥,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑦,𝑡 )

𝑦=0 𝑥,𝑦=0

+ ∑ (𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 (1 − 𝑞𝑦,𝑡 ))


Subtracting the population of the previous year:

∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 = 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡+1 − 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡

𝑌̅ 𝑋̅

= ∑ 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 + ∑ (𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑥,𝑡 + 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑦,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑥,𝑡 − 𝐸𝑚𝑦,𝑡 )

𝑦=0 𝑥,𝑦=0

− ∑ (𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑦,𝑡 )


The absolute change has three components, the newborns, the net migration (𝑁𝑀𝑡 ) and
the deaths. The relative change is:
̅ ̅
∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∑𝑌𝑦=0 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 𝑁𝑀𝑡 ∑𝑋𝑥,𝑦=0(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 + 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑦,𝑡 )
= + −

The relative change is composed by the Crude Birth Rate, the relative Net Migration
and the Death Rate. The first and last component are highly dependent of the age distribution
of the population (exposition to risk) as to the mortality or fertility. For example, two
countries with the same life expectancy and life table will differ in the death rate given their
population are distributed in different ways over ages.

The precise impact of changes in fertility rates and life expectancy is difficult to
estimate, nevertheless, the population growth (and cost of the Universal Basic Income) will
be higher when: fertility and life expectancy are higher and net migration is positive (and
higher). How much higher will depend in the initial age distribution of the population.

46 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

We can also estimate the cost of the scheme as a proportion of the GDP, there we can
call it 𝑏𝑐𝑡 in lower case to identify it. Additionally, 𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑡 is the nominal GDP for the year,
and 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 the nominal GDP per capita.

𝐵𝐶𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑏𝑐𝑡 = = = =
𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 ∗ 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

For a flat Universal Basic Income, the cost as percentage of GDP will be the proportion
of the benefit to the GDP per capita. From this result we can notice that the cost as percentage
of the GDP will grow if the benefit grows faster than the per capita production and diminish

𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 − 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

∆𝑏𝑐𝑡 = = − 𝑏𝑐𝑡
𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 2 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡
∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡
= ∗ − 𝑏𝑐𝑡 =( − ) 𝑏𝑐𝑡
𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

The change in the costs as proportion of the GDP is the initial cost as percentage of the
GDP multiplied by the difference between the relative change of benefit and per capita GDP.

The use of costs as proportion to the GDP helps in the understanding of many trends
without explicitly evaluate the population dynamics, nevertheless the GDP per capita is
directly affected by population.

Some UBI proposals also consider benefit levels differentiated by age instead of a
uniform benefit level. For such proposals, the main task becomes the identification and
projection of the different groups to multiply them by their respective benefit.

𝐵𝐶𝑡 = ∑ 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡


Where 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 represents a population group and 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 = ∑𝑖 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

𝐵𝐶𝑡 = 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∑ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡

𝐵𝐶𝑡 = 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅

∑𝑖 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡
Here, ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 is the average benefit amount and equals:

The change in the amount can be calculated as:

∆𝐵𝐶𝑡 = ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅𝑡 + ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛

𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 + 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛 ̅̅̅̅̅𝑡

In relative terms:

̅̅̅̅̅𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛

∆𝐵𝐶𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛 ̅̅̅̅̅𝑡
= + +
𝐵𝐶𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅

The relative change in the Benefit Cost is the sum of the relative change in population,
the relative change in average benefit and the product of both.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 47

As the change in population is the sum of the changes in population.

∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 = ∑ ∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

The relative change is equal to the sum of the relative changes in the groups, times its
relative size in the population.

∆𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡

The relative change in benefits equals the change in each benefit relative to the average
benefit weighted by the demographic importance of the benefit recipients, the change in
population of the group compared to the total population weighted by the relative size of the
benefit compared to the average, subtracting the relative change weighted by population and
benefit relative importance.

∆𝑏𝑒𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡 ∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑖,𝑡
=∑ +∑ −∑
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖

The main conclusion from the dynamic changes in such a scheme is the importance
that movement of population between groups with different benefits will have into the
scheme and the higher the change in the most populated groups the higher the impact.

For the initial group (the one including age 0,) the growth rate is the net between the
Crude Birth rate adjusted for the group, the relative exits and the crude death rate of the

̅ 𝑥 −1
∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 ∑𝑌𝑦=0 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑦,𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑟𝑦,𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥𝑖 ∑𝑥=0 𝑖
(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ))
= − −
𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑂𝑃𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

The dynamics of the last group of age assuming the migration is relatively irrelevant

∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 ∑𝑥=𝑥𝑖 −1(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ))
𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡
𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥𝑖 −1,𝑡 ∗ (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) − ∑𝑋𝑥=𝑥 𝑖
(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ))

∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥𝑖 −1,𝑡 ∗ (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) ∑𝑥=𝑥𝑖(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ))
= −
𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

The relative change in the group is the difference between the relative size of the new
entrants from younger groups and the crude death rate of the group.

For all other groups (groups that do not include age 0 nor the highest age) this relative
change is:
𝑥𝑖 −1
∆𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥𝑖 −1,𝑡 ∗ (1 − 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ) − 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥𝑖 ∑𝑥=𝑥𝑖(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑥,𝑡 ∗ 𝑞𝑥,𝑡 ))
= −
𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑖,𝑡

48 Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx

The difference between the net of entries and exits in the group as proportion of the
population and the crude death rate.

For all previous formulas: 𝑥𝑖 is the lower age bound of the group i, 𝑥𝑖 is the higher age
bound of the group i.

From, the flat general benefit we know that the relative change of the cost as percentage
of GDP is:

∆𝑏𝑐𝑡 ∆𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

=( − )
𝑏𝑐𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

For a general income which is different for different groups, we include the change of
the average income instead of the change of the flat income, but we must consider that the
latter is basically unaffected by demographics while the former is very responsive to them.

∆𝑏𝑐𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅𝑡 ∆𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

=( − )
𝑏𝑐𝑡 ̅̅̅̅̅𝑡
𝑏𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑑𝑝𝑡

Sensitivity considerations

The main sources of sensitivity in the results of a Universal Basic Income include:
possible variability in total population and groups population projections (different mortality
and fertility behaviour), different levels of operational expenses and mainly deviations in the
projected value of benefits.

The rules of the scheme could contain adjustment factors for the benefit value creating
the need to project the parameters accordingly. In cases when the benefit value changes in
an ad hoc basis, the sensitivity to the decisions must be clearly highlighted in the projection
report and high and low scenarios of benefit values must be presented.

Universal Basic Income proposals and ILO standards.docx 49

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