Ind As 2
Ind As 2
Ind As 2
from paragraph
Cost of inventories 10
Cost formulas 23
Net realisable value 28
Appendix A- References to matters contained in
other Indian Accounting Standards
Appendix 1-Comparison with IAS 2,
Ind AS 2, Inventories
1 The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment
for inventories. A primary issue in accounting for inventories is the
amount of cost to be recognised as an asset and carried forward until
the related revenues are recognised. This Standard deals with the
determination of cost and its subsequent recognition as an expense,
including any write-down to net realisable value. It also provides
guidance on the cost formulas that are used to assign costs to
2 This Standard applies to all inventories, except:
(a) 1Omitted
# This Ind AS was notified vide G.S.R. 111(E) dated 16th February, 2015 and was
amended vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016, G.S.R. 310(E)
dated 28th March, 2018 and G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.
1 Refer Appendix 1. Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March,
2016 and omitted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
6 The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings
Inventories are assets:
(a) held for sale in the ordinary course of business;
(b) in the process of production for such sale; or
(c) in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the
production process or in the rendering of services.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary
Ind AS 2, Inventories
Measurement of inventories
9 Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net
realisable value.
Cost of inventories
10 The cost of inventories shall comprise all costs of purchase,
costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the
inventories to their present location and condition.
2 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
Costs of purchase
11 The costs of purchase of inventories comprise the purchase price,
import duties and other taxes (other than those subsequently
recoverable by the entity from the taxing authorities), and transport,
handling and other costs directly attributable to the acquisition of
finished goods, materials and services. Trade discounts, rebates and
other similar items are deducted in determining the costs of purchase.
Costs of conversion
12 3The costs of conversion of inventories include costs directly related to
the units of production, such as direct labour. They also include a
systematic allocation of fixed and variable production overheads that
are incurred in converting materials into finished goods. Fixed
production overheads are those indirect costs of production that
remain relatively constant regardless of the volume of production, such
as depreciation and maintenance of factory buildings, equipment and
right-of-use assets used in the production process, and the cost of
factory management and administration. Variable production
overheads are those indirect costs of production that vary directly, or
nearly directly, with the volume of production, such as indirect
materials and indirect labour.
13 The allocation of fixed production overheads to the costs of conversion
is based on the normal capacity of the production facilities. Normal
capacity is the production expected to be achieved on average over a
number of periods or seasons under normal circumstances, taking into
account the loss of capacity resulting from planned maintenance. The
actual level of production may be used if it approximates normal
capacity. The amount of fixed overhead allocated to each unit of
production is not increased as a consequence of low production or idle
plant. Unallocated overheads are recognised as an expense in the
period in which they are incurred. In periods of abnormally high
production, the amount of fixed overhead allocated to each unit of
production is decreased so that inventories are not measured above
cost. Variable production overheads are allocated to each unit of
production on the basis of the actual use of the production facilities.
Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
4 Refer Appendix 1. Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March,
2016 and omitted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
5 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28 th March, 2018.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
6 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
Recognition as an expense
34 When inventories are sold, the carrying amount of those
inventories shall be recognised as an expense in the period in
which the related revenue is recognised. The amount of any write-
down of inventories to net realisable value and all losses of
inventories shall be recognised as an expense in the period the
write-down or loss occurs. The amount of any reversal of any
write-down of inventories, arising from an increase in net
realisable value, shall be recognised as a reduction in the amount
of inventories recognised as an expense in the period in which
the reversal occurs.
35 Some inventories may be allocated to other asset accounts, for
example, inventory used as a component of self-constructed property,
plant or equipment. Inventories allocated to another asset in this way
are recognised as an expense during the useful life of that asset.
36 The financial statements shall disclose:
(a) the accounting policies adopted in measuring inventories,
including the cost formula used;
(b) the total carrying amount of inventories and the carrying
amount in classifications appropriate to the entity;
(c) the carrying amount of inventories carried at fair value less
costs to sell;
(d) the amount of inventories recognised as an expense during
the period;
Ind AS 2, Inventories
8 Effective Date
40 *
40A *
7 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
8 Heading and paragraphs 40-40E inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th
March, 2018.
* Refer Appendix 1
Ind AS 2, Inventories
40B *
40C *
40D *
40E As a consequence of issuance of Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts
with Customers, paragraphs 2, 8, 29, 37 are amended. An entity shall
apply those amendments when it applies Ind AS 115.
40F 9 *
40G Ind AS 116 amended paragraph 12. An entity shall apply that amendment
when it applies Ind AS 116.
* Refer Appendix 1
Paragraphs 40F-40G inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March,
Ind AS 2, Inventories
Appendix A
References to matters contained in other Indian
Accounting Standards
This Appendix is an integral part of the Ind AS.
This appendix lists the appendix which is a part of another Indian Accounting
Standard and makes reference to Ind AS 2, Inventories.
1 Appendix A, Intangible Assets-Web site Costs, contained in Ind AS 38,
Intangible Assets.
2 Appendix B, Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface
Mine, contained in Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment.
Ind AS 2, Inventories
Appendix 1
Note: This Appendix is not a part of the Indian Accounting Standard. The
purpose of this Appendix is only to bring out the major differences, if any, between
Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 2 and the corresponding International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 2, Inventories, issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board.
10 Omitted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter,
inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
11 Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018 and, thereafter,
substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30h March, 2019.