C. Learning Determine various Determine various Determine various social, Determine various
Competencies/ social, moral, and moral, and economic
social, moral, and social, moral, and
( Write the code for economic issues economic issues issues discussed in the economic issues
each) discussed in the text discussed in the text text listened to discussed in the text
listened to listened to listened to
II.CONTENT The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on The lesson will focus on
( Subject Matter) analyzing a selected analyzing an audio clip analyzing a recorded listening to an audio text,
text, such as a short or text that students speech or spoken text to such as a podcast
story, article, or audio listen to, aiming to identify and discuss episode or a recorded
clip, to identify and identify social, moral, social, moral, and interview, to identify and
discuss social, moral, and economic issues economic issues within it. discuss social, moral,
and economic issues within it. and economic issues
presented within it. present in it.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Created by: GREG M, Et al
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Relevant articles, audio A recorded audio clip A recorded speech, A recorded audio text
from Learning clips, or excerpts from (e.g., a speech, podcast episode, or (e.g., podcast episode or
Resource LR portal
literature. interview, or podcast spoken text that contains interview), headphones,
episode) or a transcript relevant issues. audio player,
of the audio material. whiteboard, markers,
paper, and pens.
B. Other Learning Whiteboard, markers, Headphones, a Headphones, audio Access to the internet for
Resources audio player, projector, computer or audio player, projector, research if needed.
internet access for player to play the audio whiteboard, markers,
research, paper, and clip, whiteboard, paper, and pens.
pens. markers, paper, and
A. Reviewing previous Briefly discuss the Briefly review the Begin by briefly revisiting Begin by briefly
Lesson or presenting previous lesson's key concepts of critical the concepts covered in reviewing the concepts
new lesson points related to text listening and identifying the previous lesson covered in the previous
analysis and critical issues in texts that related to critical listening lesson related to critical
thinking skills. were covered in the and identifying issues in listening and identifying
previous lesson. texts. issues in texts.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to students that Explain to students that Explain to students that Explain to students that
for the lesson the objective of today's the objective of today's today's lesson objective is the objective of today's
lesson is to analyze a lesson is to actively to actively listen to a lesson is to actively
text to identify and listen to an audio clip or recorded speech or listen to an audio text
discuss social, moral, text and identify social, spoken text and identify and identify social,
and economic issues moral, and economic social, moral, and moral, and economic
that are presented in it. issues discussed within economic issues issues discussed within
This will help them it. This will help them discussed within it. it. Emphasize the
become more critical develop their critical Emphasize the importance of critical
readers and thinkers. listening skills. importance of critical listening skills.
listening and thinking
C. Presenting examples/ Share a short text, audio Play the selected audio Play the selected Play the selected audio
Created by: GREG M, Et al
instances of the new clip, or excerpt that clip or read the text recorded speech or read a text to the class. Choose
lesson. contains evident social, aloud to the class. spoken text aloud to the material that contains
moral, and economic Choose material that class. Choose material evident social, moral,
issues. Discuss these contains evident social, that contains evident and economic issues.
issues with the class to moral, and economic social, moral, and Pause as needed to
model the thought issues. Pause after the economic issues. Pause ensure comprehension.
process. material to ensure as needed to allow
everyone understands students to digest the
the content. content.
D. Discussing new Break the class into Break the class into Divide the class into small Divide the class into
concepts and practicing small groups and small groups and groups and provide each small groups and
new skills. #1 provide each group with provide each group with group with a different provide each group with
a different text. Instruct a different audio clip or recorded speech or a different section of the
them to identify social, text. Instruct them to spoken text. Instruct them audio text. Instruct them
moral, and economic actively listen/read and to actively listen and to actively listen and
issues within their identify the social, identify the social, moral, identify the social, moral,
respective texts. moral, and economic and economic issues and economic issues
Circulate among groups issues within their within their assigned within their assigned
to provide guidance and material. Provide material. Provide guiding section. Provide guiding
answer questions. guiding questions to questions to assist them. questions to assist them.
assist them.
E. Discussing new Have each group Have each group Have each group present Have each group
concepts and practicing present their findings to present their findings to their findings to the class. present their findings to
new skills #2.
the class. Encourage the class. Encourage Encourage discussion and the class. Encourage
discussion and debate discussion and debate debate about the issues discussion and debate
about the issues about the issues presented. Compare and about the issues
presented. Compare and presented. Compare contrast the issues presented. Compare and
contrast the issues and contrast the issues identified in different contrast the issues
identified in different identified in different materials. identified in different
texts. materials. sections of the audio
F. Developing Mastery As a class, discuss the As a class, discuss the As a class, discuss the As a class, discuss the
(Lead to Formative significance of the significance of the significance of the issues significance of the
Assessment 3)
issues identified in the issues identified in the identified in the materials. issues identified in the
texts. How do these materials. How do How do these issues audio text. How do these
G. Finding practical Ask students to think Ask students to relate Prompt students to relate Prompt students to
application of concepts about how these issues the identified issues to the identified issues to relate the identified
and skills in daily living
relate to current events real-world scenarios. real-world scenarios. How issues to real-world
or societal problems. How do these issues do these issues impact scenarios. How do these
How can the analysis of impact people's lives, people's lives, policies, or issues manifest in their
these issues in literature policies, or decision- decision-making own lives or in current
help us better making? processes? events?
understand the world
around us?
H. Making Generalizations Summarize the main Summarize the main Summarize the key Summarize the key
and Abstraction about points of the lesson. points of the lesson. takeaways of the lesson. takeaways of the lesson.
the Lesson.
Encourage students to Encourage students to Encourage students to Encourage students to
generalize their generalize their generalize their generalize their
understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how
literature can serve as a critical listening skills critical listening and critical listening skills
mirror to society, can help them identify analysis skills can help can help them engage
reflecting its social, and engage with social, them engage with social, with social, moral, and
moral, and economic moral, and economic moral, and economic economic issues in
issues. issues. issues in the real world. various contexts.
I. Evaluating Learning 1. What is the primary 11. What is the primary 21. What is the primary 31. What is the primary
objective when objective of identifying purpose of identifying purpose of identifying
determining social, social, moral, and social issues in a text? social issues in a text?
moral, and economic economic issues in a A) To avoid addressing
any societal concerns A) To avoid addressing
issues discussed in a text?
B) To present a single, any societal concerns
A) To ignore these fixed perspective on social
B) To present a single,
A) To ignore any issues issues and focus solely matters
C) To raise awareness fixed perspective on
that are not directly on the text's
and discuss matters that social matters
related to the main topic entertainment value
Answer: C) To gain a
deeper and more
nuanced understanding
of the text's themes and
J. Additional Activities for For students who may Provide extra audio Provide extra recorded Provide extra audio texts
Application or need additional support, clips or texts for further speeches or spoken texts for further practice if
provide extra texts to practice if needed. for further practice if needed. Offer individual
practice identifying Offer individual or small needed. Offer individual or or small group support
issues or offer one-on- group support for small group support for for students who require
one assistance. students who require students who require additional assistance.
additional assistance. additional assistance.
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher III
School Principal I