Good Thesis For Arranged Marriage
Good Thesis For Arranged Marriage
Good Thesis For Arranged Marriage
It involves thorough
research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a well-structured argument. The complexities
surrounding arranged marriage, including cultural, societal, and personal perspectives, require careful
consideration and exploration.
From understanding the historical context to examining the contemporary implications, delving into
the nuances of arranged marriage demands significant time and effort. Moreover, formulating a
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We use cookies to create the best experience for you. She added that however traditions, like Bengali
traditions, do say no to love marriages. Arranged marriage is better than love marriage - CareerRide
com. This study looks into arranged marriages, that has happened in all cultures throughout the
centuries. A question I feel not everyone understood was question number 9, which asked the
respondent their opinions of what they think influences mostly on the different views on marriage.
Moreover, human beings are endowed with instincts which tell them that this is the right proposal. In
such circumstances marital discord is minimal and chances of success are high. In some cultures,
arranged marriages are also seen as a way to protect the honor of the family. I feel very comfortable
with my husband, and I certainly have known him now, for a very long time. In arranged marriage
both are willing to give and reach an agreement mid-way in case of disagreements. Reprieve from
consequences can only occur when the reprieve is earned. A shy person will marry a social butterfly,
feeling as though, in their lovers’. Marriage is one of the most important decisions in every person's
life. 26 October Research Proposal Introduction There are two fundamental types of marriage; love
marriage and Arranged Marriage. Marriages are far from inevitable, and certainly seldom the end of
our life stories. Whether it was your parents or friends, whether it was a commercial website or a
dating app, or whether you did it yourself--either way, marriage is the result of an arrangement. Two
mechanisms were chosen to quantify the results. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. The study shows that strict gender roles were observed between males and
females from a young age. This paper will try to decipher if marriages in the Hindu faith last longer
due to satisfaction and at the same time contrast the level of satisfaction that arises from love
marriages. The youth would be guided by friendship and external factors whereas the family
members would probe into the socio-economic search of the other family. US: have your thoughts
changed in any way since then. One of them said that there are still a lot of arranged marriages going
on. It is also much harder to get a divorce under arranged marriage, it is possible but they would be
disowned by their parents and treated badly by their community so the freedom is lost as well as the
freedom of choice for the woman or man who is forced into such situations. Various studies have
been conducted on issues such as factors essential for a successful arranged marriage or the cause of
arranged marriages but no study particularly discusses why the chances of success of arranged
marriages are higher than love marriages. The Arab Marriage: Types And Ceremonies The Importance
of Marriage in The Societies Around The World and The Issues Surrounding Arranged Marriage
Analysis of Dating on The Dl and Arranged Marriage Parents in Indian Family An Arranged
Marriage Issue Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage A Discussion on Whether Arranged Marriages
Are Nothing But Outdated Forms of Slavery Arranged Marriages Honour your family. The purpose
of this is to maintain the wealth for both families. Such marriages provide social security as has also
been pointed out by Zaman as it also helps to combat the security risks at both the macro and the
micro levels. It was intense, intimate, and fixated on their interaction, after. Scholars can use them for
free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Upload Read for free
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The programme was about finding a partner for each contestant she had, she had one month to
match someone with another. Others thought that culture has more influence on arranged marriages.
It was also found that modernization has a deep impact on the beliefs of arranged marriages between
individuals. We must trust my partner forever whatever the matters. A woman has to make more
sacrifices in arranged marriages. Eastern cultures or religions believe that it is their right to make
women 2 nd class citizens. The internet is also a great source of secondary information and I will use
it to find out the marriage rate in Britain to see if it is increasing or decreasing. Both the partners are
at their best during the courtship and usually have a powder-coated behavior. I think these are
important to know because girls might have different views on marriage than a boy, and it is also
important for me to know what background a person belongs to as it may have an effect on my
results. Supporting information for third main point: Unlike in Hindu belief that a child is unholy and
incomplete until he or she is married, Muslims in india believe that it is a parent's duty to have their
daughters happily married and believed that they are incomplete if were able to do so (Ahmad 53).
(Connect to larger context, refer back to introduction, or connect to audience): The practice may not
be acceptable in most parts of the world but it has actually held india 's society together for. Essay
on Arrange Marriage vs Love Marriage - Preserve Articles. I think that it is not needed to please
parents and not the actual bride and groom. Even today in many parts of the world marriages are
arranged by the families of the incumbents. This is why those certain couples try to make things
work, especially for the sake of their own families. However, you can also take a critical stance in
your essay. The main formula for life goes something like: have a childhood, get an education, get a
job, have children, and grow old. Arranged marriage is a arrange where parents match their child
with a suitable spouse to be with for the rest of the life. They also said how the idea about marriage
is passed down by generations. And another reason children are not going through the pain of
parents divorcing because elder will always be there to guide the couple. Most people said that yes,
marriage is important whereas 3 people felt that it isn’t. With admiration, respect, honor, dignity, and
integrity. If the case was that a young girl was being made to marry a adult male, that is being
labelled as paedophilia. Arranged marriages: An assessment of the attitudes of the college students in
India. Rao, V. V.; Rao, V. Nandini Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol 7(3), 1976, 433-453.
This practice means that if one marriage fails the family will pressurize the separation of the other
relationship that had stemmed from the first. Sumita meets her partner and the next day they get
married. Arranged marriages are marriages arranged by the family members of the two partners
concerned. Economic, educational, essay, cultural, and most of all romantic compatibility is very
important too. Even more, do not choose someone you do not respect, admire, and feel challenged. A
husband whose wife has strayed can set aside his anger. In arranged marriages, the two partners are
fully aware of the significance and responsibilities of marriage.
I am not against arranged marriages, but not necessarily in favour of it. Arranged marriages are
marriages arranged by the family members of the two partners concerned. I have also asked the
respondents to explain their answers. These include language and culture, faith or spirituality,
approach to money and its use and children. I feel that some possible ethical issues for my research
are that my questions may not be clear or hard to understand. Children are more likely to be religious
and respect their cultural tradition because of both parents' influence. I think these are important to
know because girls might have different views on marriage than a boy, and it is also important for
me to know what background a person belongs to as it may have an effect on my results. Around the
world there has been a custom or tradition of subjugating women. For some, the temptation is to
demand too much: We are all quite capable of the. Another person said that there are as much
arranged marriages as there was before, i.e. there hasn’t been much that changed. I no longer feel
unhappy about this marriage, I think there will be some definite long-term benefits, although I don’t
feel the most excited for my marriage, I have no idea what it will be like yet, so I will just have to
wait and see. When the family background is strong, the two partners are more likely to adjust and
accommodate with each other. If it isn’t possible, they go through with arranged marriage’. It is
people in marriage that fail, marriage does not fail, says Lewis (2002). First, it relieves many of the
pressures involved in finding a partner. Marriages are far from inevitable, and certainly seldom the
end of our life stories. Happiness meant protection, a close family, respectable neighbors and the
fulfillment of basic needs. The two partners stand by each other through thick and thin while in love
marriages people seek individual identity and independence. This tells us that when not being forced
to conform to their culture, American Indians are dissatisfied with their marriage. When you have
found someone you can admire for their strength, integrity, and. It is believed that once a male
member has started earning his mind should not be allowed to divert or get attracted to women from
different cultures and work areas. Both partners should be able to come forward and make
adjustments. This story shows that sometimes an arranged marriage can be a negative one.
Additionally, in Indian marriages the norm is for two strangers to enter into a marital contract.
Besides, when the family does the partner search, they ensure compatibility in terms of education,
family and profession. In conclusion this paper manages to reveal that marital bliss is a phenomenon
that is indeed enjoyed in couples who wed by arranged marriages. Now that we know the feelings of
someone who is actually in an arranged marriage, it is time for someone who is anticipating an
arranged marriage to be interviewed. This is why those certain couples try to make things work,
especially for the sake of their own families. Due to this stark discord in Indian society marriages
between castes were and are not only considered unacceptable but they were treated with great
punishment. Co-habitation, which is living in a relationship outside of marriage, is also becoming
If people get married it should be because they love one another but not because there parents
arranged it the marriage. Many people are viewing arranged marriages as something they might fall
back on if they fail in finding someone themselves. Also, I wasn’t able to find much secondary data
such as whether the marriage rates are increasing or decreasing because I lacked timing. A true
marriage cannot exist when it is defined by violence, betrayal, disrespect. When we talk about
keeping relationship, I will think the key of this is trust. Arranged Marriages Essay”, n.d.) Traditional
Marriages vs. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
However, a relationship is believed to work only if there is some sort of love between the husband
and the wife. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. However, endogamous marriages are the only ones allowed. A dominant part of
Indian society believes that divorce is not an option even when a relationship is abusive. The parents
would choose a suitable mate for their child, based on factors such as social status, wealth, or
physical attractiveness. Indeed, in many cases society has chosen to make complex and paradoxical.
She added that however traditions, like Bengali traditions, do say no to love marriages. However, I
would ask questions which both younger and older Asians would feel comfortable to answer. Eyes
meet, birds sing, hearts beat and the world turns upside down; unless you are in a arranged marriage.
After that, you should discuss the pros and cons of arranged marriages. And true love brings many
good changes in us as an individual. After clicking the Request New Password button, you will be
redirected to the frontpage. On the other hand, in arranged marriages, the individuals do value their
traditions of family and social life; hence there is restriction as to whom they should marry. Saleem's
voice of concern over an Arranged Marriage stems from the fear of making a wrong choice under the
pressure of limited time. Now, the usual view of the arranged marriages comes from the eastern
culture which was not always so. And in this book, it is seen that codependency can be set in place in
an arranged marriage because the partners feel as since they were arranged marriage that if they leave
out of one they may be shunned. In arranged marriages, the parents have to look at so many factors
before they approves that the partner can fit in their family or not. Arranged marriage should not be
confused with the practice of forced marriage. Besides, the final decision is taken after the two give
their consent. This story shows that sometimes an arranged marriage can be a negative one. I’m sure
that women tend to frown upon that as well, any control over anyone is frowned upon. Risk of
divorcing is eliminated, which has a good effect on the children. Collectivism is a yielding focus
where life decisions are made taking the needs and benefits of the family, rather than the individual,
into account.
Religions, like Islam may have also had influence on it as it does not allow sex before marriage and
so, it encourage people to not have any form of mixing of the sexes socially. I think that this is an
important question as it shows if those form the younger generations are thinking about arranged
marriages or not. Furthermore, even though singles can arrange their own marriage in this subcaste
they do not indulge in romaneces with the other classes because of the strong belief in the fact that
all other classes are beneath them. As people say in India, “First comes marriage, then comes love”.
The parents would choose a suitable mate for their child, based on factors such as social status,
wealth, or physical attractiveness. Although child marriages used to be common, they are now
abolished by law. This explains why many people prefer arranged marriages where they marry a
person whom they have never met. It is important to the study of history because a person’s
interpretation of the facts and or situation can sway the tide of events. They minds have been
molded towards accepting such responsibility whereas in love marriages the two partners are carried
away by emotions. It’s a good tradition because I feel and know that no one ever gets hurt
celebrating New Years Eve. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service
and privacy policy. This may be because those who are over 18 are likely to be married and therefore
would answer my questions through the help of own experiences. AD: yes, I have in fact been
married, by an arranged marriage. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative
ideas for their writing assignments. When selecting a bride people would look for housekeeping skills
or generosity of heart says Saran, which implies inner beauty is important. Online 19 July, 2011 from
Lewis, A. (2002). Why Do Marriages Fail. In arranged marriages, the parents have to look at so
many factors before they approves that the partner can fit in their family or not. This includes two
questionnaires, whichmeasure how much one person listens to their spouse and how much their
spouse is perceived as listening to them. The reason why I have chosen this method is because I
could ask questions which could include both open and closed question. For example, if a person is
British, they may feel that arranged marriage is similar to forced marriage because they lack
knowledge. Also, in keeping with the simplistic beliefs of Hinduism happiness and satisfaction have
very different meanings for Indian women. In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom are
selected by a third party rather than each other. However, those marriages happen only minimally,
with the majority of the Japanese getting married through the traditional ceremony in the Shinto
shrines. Now, the usual view of the arranged marriages comes from the eastern culture which was
not always so. The authors also find that a man’s marriage age decreases with his wage rate. If the
case was that a young girl was being made to marry a adult male, that is being labelled as
paedophilia. The couple respect each other and they always know that their parent have chosen the
best partner for them. Which is better: an arranged marriage or a love marriage? - Quora. In love
marriage the expectation level of both the partners is very high whereas in arranged marriage the two
are willing to accept each other as they are. Besides, try to understand the cause of the problem but
not to get angry with others.