Bar Council of India - An Overview
Bar Council of India - An Overview
Bar Council of India - An Overview
The Bar Council of India is a statutory body created by Parliament to regulate and represent the Indian bar. We perform the regulatory function by
prescribing standards of professional conduct and etiquette and by exercising disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar. We also set standards for legal
education and grants recognition to Universities whose degree in law will serve as qualification for enrolment as an advocate.
In addition, we perform certain representative functions by protecting the rights, privileges, and interests of advocates and through the creation of funds for
providing financial assistance to organize welfare schemes for them.
The Bar Council of India (BCI), headquartered at Delhi is a constitutional body formed under the Advocates Act, 1961. BCI regulates legal education and
professional standards in India including directing the state bar councils, standardizin law education, and course the framework at the universities and law
colleges in India as well as conducting the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) to grant 'Certificate of Practice' to advocates practicing law in India. BCI also funds
welfare schemes for economically weaker and physically handicapped advocates. The law graduates have to enroll with their state's bar council on payment
of Rs 600 and Rs 150 to the BCI.
Bar Council of India under its formation has been given powers to regulate many things. Few major powers that BCI holds are divided amongst the
committees set up by the Advocates Act. Section 9 of the act sets up the Legal Education Committee and under Section 10 an Executive Committee is set up.
Chapter III of the Bar Council of India Rules permits the Council to form more committees in addition to those specified in the Act. The Council also has the
power to delegate the duties or functions to these committees.
Legal Education Committee has the power to make recommendations to the council for laying the standard of legal education. This committee also
goes for inspection to different universities and reports to BCI.
Disciplinary Committee of BCI hears an application for revision by persons against summary dismissal of their complaints against advocates for
professional misconduct, by the state bar councils.
Executive Committee deals with all the questions related to the management of funds, affairs of the staff, allotment of work, audit, accounts, library,
and legal publications delegation.
Advocate Welfare Committee is empowered by the Advocates Welfare Act, 2001. This committee looks after the application procedure made by
advocates for welfare funds. It also verifies their application and provides the fund.
Legal Aid Committee has the power to offer services to the poor, who cannot afford the services of a lawyer. This committee gives the payment of the
court from the charges of preparing a case, drafting to filing the case.
Other committees look after the infrastructure of the council's office across the country.
All these committees work under the BCI. BCI has the power to discontinue of recognition of any University which is based on the recommendation by
the Legal Education Committee. BCI also hears every appeal which is proceeded by the Disciplinary Committee.
BCI has the power to conduct the All India Bar Examination (since 2010) wests an advocate's ability to practice law. An aan advocate must pass this
examination to practice law in any court.
BCI also conducts the National Moot Court the competition promotes advocacy skills amongst law students through Bar Council of India Trust (public
charitable trust). There is an Indian Bar Review which is a quarterly journal of BCI and is among the top legal periodicals in the country.
Legal basis:
Advocates Act, 1961 is the act that provides for the constitution of the Bar Councils and an All-India Bar.
Section 3 of the act talks about the State Bar Council whereas Section 4 the act talks about the existence of Bthe ar Council of India. Section 4 of the
act also talks about the members who will consist of structure BCI. The Attorney- General of India and the Solicitor- General of India will be ex officio.
It also talks about that there will be one representative from each State Bar Council.
Section 5 of the act establishes that BCI will be a corporate body as there will be perpetual succession and a common seal, and can it sue by the name
which it is known.
Section 7 of the act mentions all the functions to be performed by BCI. An amendment was made by Act 60 of 1973 and more functions were inserted
in Section 7. Section 7 also gives power to BCI to become a member of international legal bodies, for example, the International Bar Association. The
Act in Chapter II states all about the council through different sections. Under Chapter II, the constitution of the different committees, the criteria of
disqualification of members, a staff of Bar Council, etc. are mentioned.
Bar Council of India Rules also laid our rules, which were made by BCI in the exercise of its rulemaking power under the Advocates Act, 1961. Bar
Council of India Rules lays down the procedure for the election or the termination of the members of the council. It also specifies the powers of the
chairman and vice-chairman of the council. Not only this it also talks about the procedure of the meetings of the council or the meeting of the
committees and their reports. Chapter IV of the rules gives the qualification and conditions of service of the secretary, accountant, and other
members of the staff.
All these sections and Advocates Act lays down the legal basis of BCI.
The Bar Council of India can also constitute funds for the following purposes:
1. Giving financial assistance to organize welfare schemes for poor, disabled, or other advocates,
2. Giving legal aid, and
3. Establishing law libraries.
The Bar Council of India can also receive grants, donations, and gifts for any of these purposes.
They have obtained a law degree after completing three years of law course from any university within India that is recognized for the objective and
intent of the Act by the BCI. In a few cases, an advocate who has gained a degree from any University outside India, and if the degree is recognized for
the objective and the intent of this Act by the BCI, he may be admitted.
They must satisfy such other prerequisites as stipulated in the rules made by BCI
At present, an Ian individual who desires to get enrolled as an advocate has to first clear the BCI exam. Subsequently, the person can enroll himself/
herself under any State Bar Council (SBC). Eligible individuals are admitted as advocates on the rolls of the SBCs. The Advocates Act empowers SBCs to
formulate their own rules concerning the enrolment of advocates. The Council's enrolment committee will examine a candidate's application.
Different SBCs have framed their own rules concerning enrolment as an advocate. Nevertheless, many of the SBCs require candidates to apply
together with their law degree and mark sheets along with a judicial stamp paper and necessary fees.
The candidates have to send the application fee for enrollment with SBC and BCI through the separate Demand Drafts to each.
Those admitted as advocates by any SBC are eligible to take the AIBE that is conducted by the BCI. Passing the AIBE grant state-enrolled advocates
with a Certificate of Practice (COP) that facilitates them in practicing law as an advocate in any the ower court and High Court within the Indian
The Bar Council of India has plenty of capacities vested inside itself, whereby practicing those capacities can rebuild and reframe the entire legal field in the
nation. Indeed, it very well may be all the more overwhelmingly visualized, that in present-day times it has scarcely contributed valuably to the improvement
of law in India. Bar Council of India is working effectively, although there have been talks related to an increase in the power of BCI to ensure more effective
command over the law as a profession. Meetings are held regularly to ensure the smooth functioning of BCI.
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Sreedharswamy Mittapally
Sir,it is an excellent essay.but who wilprivide funds to BCI?
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Isn't it a statutory body?
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