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The Dome of The Rock NZETC

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Among the world's most splendid monuments the Title: The Dome Of
Dome of the Rock, in the centre of the Temple The Rock

area, Jerusalem, ranks high. Its beauty is etched Author: C.B.

deeply in the memory of all who have seen it: the In: The Kia ora
dome, soaring into Palestine's blue sky, the coo-ee : the
magazine for the
colonnades, rich in marble and mosaics, the
ANZACS in the
colours, the grace, the whole wonderful shrine that Middle East, 1918
for a thousand years and more has stood on the
Publication details: Cornstalk
rocky summit of Mount Moriah gleaming in Publishing, 1981, Sydney
sunshine like a "dome of many coloured glass".
Digital publication kindly
authorised by: David A. Kent
Abraham was a resident of Beersheba when he
Part of: The Kia ora coo-ee : the
received the Divine order to sacrifice Isaac. They
magazine for the ANZACS in the
set out together one morning, and after three days' Middle East, 1918
travel reached the Mount. The Patriarch stretched Keywords: Literature
his son on the rock and prepared to slay him; but
License: Creative
his hand was stayed, and he offered up a ram Commons
instead. From that hour the spot became historic; Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 New Zealand Licence
for long centuries now, it has been sacred, and
millions of pilgrims have worshipped where the Facebook
Almighty tried the faith of his servant, Abraham.
The Dome of the Rock is a shrine, not a mosque,
and its correct title is Kubbet es Sakhrah. It was
built by the Khalif Abd el Melek, in A.D. 69I, and CONNECT
occupies the former site of the Temple of Solomon,
the sacred rock having formed the floor of the Holy
of Holies. Though he did not build it, the Khalif
Omar's name will always be associated with the

When Omar made his triumphant entry into
Jerusalem, in A.D. 637, he ordered the Patriach to WORKS
conduct him to the "Mosque of David''. The Patriach
first lead the way to the Holy Sepulchure and then SUBJECTS
to Sion, saying of each in turn that it was the Autobiography; Biography;
Mosque. Omar brusquely called him a liar. Finally Journals; Correspondence

the Khalif was taken to the Haram enclosure, the Contemporary Māori and Pacific
Noble Sanctuary, as it was called. They had to
Historical Māori and Pacific
crawl through the gateway, over piles of rubbish, to Islands
reach the Court of the Sanctuary. Then Omar was Language
satisfied, saying that this was the spot described by Literary Criticism and History
the Apostle of Allah. By the Khalif's o'der, the Holy Literature
Rock was cleared of rubbish, and a temporary New Zealand History
mosque was built beside it. Science and Natural History

Omar was assassinated in 644, at Medina. His

successor was Othman, who rulled for 12 years,
and was then murdered by rebels. The next Khalif, Aly, was also
assassinated. After several others had ruled for periods varying from 20
years to three months, Abd el Melik, 5th of the Omeyyad Dynasty, became
Khalif. It was he who made Jerusalem a place of Moslem pilgri-mage by
building the Dome of the Rock and the Mosque of Aska. He consulted the
Governors of the Provinces before ordering the work to begin, and they all
expressed cordial approval of the great project.

The Rock shrine has been damaged by earth-quakes, and has been restored
several times. As originally built it lacked the outer walls, the colonnade
being open. In his "Story of Jerusa-lem", Col. Sir C.M. Watson quotes the
following description of the Dome of the Rock, written by Makaddasi, who
was born in the Holy City in A.D. 946:—

"Within the building are three concentric colonnades, with columns of the
most beautiful marble, polished, and above is a low vaulting; within these
again is the central hall over the rock; the hall is circular, not octoganal, and
is surrounded by columns of polished marble, supporting round arches. Built
above these, and rising high into the air, is the drum, in which are large
openings; and over the drum is the Dome. The Dome from the floor up to
the pinnacle, which rises into the air, is in height 100 cubits, and, from afar
off, you may perceive on the summit of the Dome its beautiful pinnacle, the
size of which is a fathom and a span. The Dome externally is completely
covered with brass plates, gilt, while the building itself, its floors and its
walls, and the drum, are ornament-ted with marble and mosaics".

Much of the material used in building the Dome of the Rock was obtained
from ruined buildings.


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