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Delhi Public School, Jammu

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Delhi Public School, Jammu

Question Bank
Session 2017-18
Class: IX Subject:- English
Section-A (Reading)

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Being eco-friendly is in vogue. Whether on the ramp or at home, a large number of people are
emphasizing the use of eco-friendly products, thereby doing their bit to protect environment. Eco-
friendly products are those products that inflict minimal or no harm to their environment. Made of
natural elements, these products are not only safe but also add an artistic dimension to one’s home.

The products are made of environment sensitive materials such as recycled wood, deadwood, recycled
paper. bamboo, jute, natural fiber and natural organic cotton. ’’Grasses like sabai grass and vetiver can
be woven to make mats, screens, bags and baskets. ’’Old textiles can be used to make recycled paper,
which can be used for packaging, lampshades, notebooks and other stationery. Recycled plastic can be
used for containers and furniture.

Though there’s been a lot awareness about using eco-friendly products, it is still not the first thing that
people look when buying things for their homes. Eco-friendly products not only stand out in their looks,
their durability is also high.’’ The life cycle of these products can be up to fifty years,’’ says Majumdar.

There are many other benefits of using these products, you can help decrease pollution, the destruction
of forests and other ecosystems, and the amount of waste sent to landfills. A simple and yet more
effective way to live eco-friendly life is to either take public transportation for your daily commuting or
try pooling in with your office colleagues to save fuel and reduce your carbon footprint.

In addition to this, eco-friendly products are better for your health ,as they don’t contain any harmful
chemicals that can irritate skin and eyes. Another benefit of using green products is the peace of mind
that you’re helping keep the planet a clean and safe place to live not only for your generation ,but for
generation, to come.

Going an eco-friendly community is getting easier. There are more and more community gardens, swap
meets and farmer’s markets that make it easier for an entire community to actively participate in eco-
friendly activities.
A. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief:
a) What are eco-friendly products?
b) What are the benefits of using eco-friendly products?
c) Why eco-friendly products are considered as eco-friendly?
d) How can the society be made eco-friendly?
B. Find the the words from passage which means the same as:
a) Prevailing fashion b)Imperishability
C. Find the the words from passage which means the opposite as:
a) Artificial b)Soothe


A. a) Eco-friendly products are those products that inflict minimal or no harm to the environment.
Made of natural elements, these products are not only safe but also add an artistic dimension to
ones’s home.

b) These products are not safe, but also add an artistic dimension to ones home. Besides, by using
these products you can help decrease pollution, the destruction of forests and other ecosystems, and
the amount of waste sent to landfills.

c) These products are made of environmental sensitive materials such as recycled wood, dead wood,
recycled paper, bamboo, jute, natural fibre and natural or organic cotton.

d) The society can be made eco-friendly by actively engaging the entire community in eco-friendly

B. a) inflict b) durability

C. a) natural b) irritate

Q2: Read the following poem and answer the following questions:

Home they brought the warrior dead,

She nor swooned, nor uttered a cry ;
All the people watching said,
“She must weep or she will die.”

Then they praised him soft and low,

Called him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe ;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.

Stole a maiden from the place,

Lightly to the warrior stepped
Took the face cloth from the face
Yet she neither moved nor wept.

Rose a nurse of ninety years,

Set her child upon her knee –
Like summer tempest came her tears-
Sweet my child ‘I live for thee’.

A) On the basis of reading the poem answer the following questions:

(i).Who was brought home?

(ii) What was the reaction of the wife?

(iii) How did they try to make her cry?

(iv) Give a suitable title to the poem.

B) Find the words from the poem which rhyme with the following:

(a) dead

(b) years

C) Find words from the poem which mean the same as the following:

(a) fainted

(b) storm

D) Find the words from the poem which mean the opposite as the following:

(a) Old woman

(b) Laugh

A.i) they brought home the warrior dead.
ii) The wife of the warrior neither moved nor cried at the sight of her dead husband.
iii) All the maidens surrounding her tried many things to make her cry:
 They spoke in gentle tones while praising her dead husband.
 The reminded her of the deep relation of her with her husband.

iv) Home They Brought the Warrior Dead.

B.i) said ii) tears

C.i) swooned ii) tempest

D.i) maiden ii)cry

Section- B (writing & Grammar)

Q3.You are Varun Joshi, a resident of Pandu Nagar, New Delhi . Your locality is
overcrowded and the children need space to play. Write a letter to the Municipal
Commissioner, West Zone, New Delhi , requesting him that the space around be used for a
park for the children .

10 Pandu Nagar
New Delhi
Date: __-__-20xx
Municipal Commissioner
West Zone
New Delhi
Subject: Using the space for a park for the children

I invite your kind attention to the fact that there is no children’s park in our locality.
This locality is , in fact , overcrowded . There are no open spaces for children to play.
Children play in the streets and sometime on the roadside. This can result in accidents. So due
to this fact , there is a great need of more playing safe spaces . At present, only one open
space exists inside the locality. It can be used for this purpose. If this is developed into a
Children’s park , it would solve the problem greatly . It would be a safe and good place for
the children to play.

In the circumstances you are requested to visit the locality. Kindly asses yourself the
possibility and utility of converting this space into a Children’s Park. The residents of the
locality shall feel obliged to you for this .

Thanking you
Yours truly
Varun Joshi

Q4. The rapid increase in number of vehicles in traffic congestion on the roads . To
add to this many public transporters violate the traffic rules. The result is chaos
/confusion on the roads. Write an article expressing your opinion on the state of traffic ,
failure to control / check and suggest measures to improve the situation .

Chaotic State Of Traffic –How To Improve

By Line

Perhaps there is no state in the country which doesn’t suffer from the chaotic condition of
traffic on its roads. The rapid increase in the number of vehicles has contributed to this
problem manifold. The public transporters happily break the traffic rules as per their
conveniences. Then the shop owners encroach on the footpaths. The most horrible aspect of
this chaos is the breaking of traffic rules and the absence of police or any other regulating
agency that could put a noose around the abusers of traffic rules . The result is jams, slow
movement and the problems due to that . Many patients have died due to this as they couldn’t
reach the hospitals in emergencies.

This all can be controlled if traffic police challans the erring drivers. Change of lane and
flouting of traffic rules are the two main culprits. If these are put in force, 80% of traffic
problems can be solved . Close circuit T V cameras should be installed at some places where
it is practicable. Otherwise, police force should stand at short distances to challan those
flouting traffic rules . It is strange that we more than a crore of people can’t solve traffic
problems which simply need a simple will power and implementation of existing rules. We
need a work culture that is free from any corrupt means. The future is, indeed, dark due to
obvious reasons in our psyches.

Q5. Complete the given story with the help of the opening sentences:

The lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived……

Burglary At The Flat

The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived .

She had got tired due to shopping. In the lift, her thoughts were on lunch and good rest. But
when got at her own floor, she was shocked to see her front door open . She walked slowly
into the hall and cried at once that all the doors were open and things were scattered here and
there on the floor. Now she became sure that burglars had broken into her flat but she
controlled herself and went to fetch the porter from the basement. The porter telephoned the
police . Then he assisted the old lady in searching for any intruders who might be still hiding
in her flat. While going through the rooms , they were careful to touch anything . In the
meantime, the police arrived. The old lady told them the story of her ransacked flat . Then the
police began to look for fingerprints. They also checked whether the front door locks had
been forced open so that they might be able to prove that the burglars had either used
skeleton keys or entered through the balcony .Unfortunately , the police could not trace the
fingerprints. They registered a case of theft and advised the old lady not to stay alone in the
flat for a few nights .Then they went away assuring her to catch the burglars and recover the
valuables(burglars) as soon as possible .

Q6. A. Edit the given passage:

Error Correction

a. India had been a strange _____ ______

b. Country to foreigners . In it glorious ______ ______
c. Past , it were considered a country with _______ ______
d. The lot of wealth . _______ ______

Ans . Error Correction

a. Had has
b. It its
c. Were was
d. The a
B. Omission :

Before missing word

a. Environmental issues adverse
b. Effects on living conditions of
c. People worldwide . A few the
d. Challenges faced the population
e. Have successfully managed .

Before missing word After

a. Issues have adverse

b. On the living
c. Few of the
d. Faced by the
e. Have been successfully

Q7. Complete the given passage ;

Sonu (a) ______ his entrance exam and (b) ____ admission in IIT. He (c) __ a brilliant

And believed in hard work.

Answers: a. cleared
b. got
c. has been
Q8. Rearrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences :

i. Several/therefore/similarities/ weather patterns / in the /there are

ii. Is/ actually / a combination / light/ of / colours / many
iii. Can be / these / by / seen / light / splitting / the / a prism / with


i. Therefore there are several similarities in the combination in the weather patterns
ii. Actually light can be seen by splitting the light with a prism
iii. They have different wavelengths , energies and frequencies .

Section- C (Literature)
. Read the following extracts and answer the questions.

The amount of homework she did was amazing .She would read, repeat write and
1. Who is she in the above lines?
2. What homework is being talked about here?
3. Why was she so keen on doing the homework?
4. What does this extract reveal about the character of she?

ii. Avva, the grandmother.
iii. She did the homework which her granddaughter assigned her.
iv. She wanted to learn, read and write so that she could be independent. She has fixed the
dead line of Saraswati Pooja on Dussehra.
v. It shows her willpower and determination.
Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history
Is second childishness and mere oblivion
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans every thing

1. Which is the last stage of all?

2. Why this stage is called a second childishness?
3. What is meant by eventful history?
4. What is the meaning of oblivion?

i. Old age is the last stage of all.
ii. Old age is called second childishness because in his old age man is like an
infant he is dependent on others he has neither teeth nor taste.
iii. Eventful history means all the events that have happened in a man’s life.
iv. Oblivion means forgetfulness.

Q9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

1. How did Jeanne react to Gaston’s decision to purchase the villa?

Jeanne was extremely surprised taken aback by her husband’s views and sudden change of plans she
was surprised how he changed his mind while buying the Villa which he did not like at all.
2. Why was private quelch labelled as a professor?
Private quelch was lanky, stooping, frowning through horn rimmed spectacles and hence was given
the nickname of Professor moreover he was the man who knew too much he can talk about any
subject and he can tell the answer of any question .

3. How does the poet feel about his choice in the poem ‘the road not taken?
The poet had to make a choice between two roads he did not regret his choice. He took the road which
had been travelled less and keep the other road for some other time. He did not follow the crowd and
take the path that others were treading.

4. How did Harold react when he came to know about his father's reaction?
When he came to know that his father was a professional boxer he thought it was rotten that his
parents hid this fact from him. A student is him showing Phil Scott’s autograph. They called him
goggles they would stop calling if they knew that he was the son of Young Porky. He was proud of
the fact that his father was a professional boxer.

Q10. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

1. What message does the play ‘the Bishops Candlesticks’ give?

The various messages which the play The Bishop’s candlesticks convey to the readers are:
 Empathy is one of the very important features which a man should possess. Nobody ever
questions or listens to the criminal's point of view on how or why he indulged into bad or illegal
practices. Thus, every person should be given a second chance just like the bishop gave the
criminal a chance to improve his life. If the situation of every strayed person is understood, the
world would witness a very picture of brotherhood.
 The power of love, kindness, benevolence to transform a person is very well exemplified in
this play.
 Hate the sin not the sinner. One should always hate the cause and not the person who committed
the crime because no person is evil from the root. The sin or the crime needs to be eliminated
rather than feeling hatred for the sinner.
Optimism is the key to better relationships and thus, a well developed society.

Q11.Not the bases of your reading 3 men in a boat answer the following in 150 -200 words.

1. How do the 3 friends feel about the rainy weather in the beginning and how did their attitude
change later on their journey back home from Oxford?
On the journey back from Oxford, it rains incessantly. The men, miserable, pass the time by
playing penny nap, a card game, and listening to George play the banjo. Although J. describes him
as an unskilled player elsewhere in the book, George here plays a mournful rendition of “Two
Lovely Black Eyes” that plunges the men further into depression.
Though they swore to complete the trip, the men decide to abandon the boat and spend the rest of
the trip in an inn in Pangbourne. They enjoy a delicious supper there, and tell the other guests
about their travels. As the novel ends, they toast their decision to end the trip when they did, and
Montmorency barks in agreement.
In the end they have to come back home in the train due to the rain.

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