JULY 2007
This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International
Development. It was prepared by DAI Washington.
The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United
States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.
TABLES AND FIGURES.................................................................... V
ACRONYMS..................................................................................... VII
PREFACE.......................................................................................... IX
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1
6. APPENDIX...........................................................................109
6.1 KEY INFORMANTS—CONTACT INFORMATION ....................109
Table 10: Selected Fresh Vegetable Exports from South and East African
Countries to the 25 EU member states, 2005 (tons)..................................... 78
Table 14: Estimated Size of Current Market for U.K. Vegetables by Variety
and End Market (tons) ................................................................................... 88
Table 18: Comparison of Baby and Standard Vegetables, October 2006 .... 93
Table 23: Saudi Arabia Imports of All Green Beans by Volume (tons), 2003
..................................................................................................................... 105
Table 24: Saudi Arabia Imports of All Green Peas by Volume (tons), 2003105
Table 25: UAE Imports of All Green Beans by Volume (tons), 2003 .......... 106
Table 26: UAE Imports of All Green Peas by Volume (tons), 2003 ............ 106
Table 27: South Africa Imports of All Green Beans by Volume (tons), 2003
..................................................................................................................... 107
Table 28: South Africa Imports of All Green Peas by Volume (tons), 2003 108
Figure 1: Food Chain Model for European Fruit and Vegetable Imports ...... 38
EU European Union
EurepGAP European Retailer Protocol on Good Agricultural Practice (now GlobalGAP)
HoReCa hotel-restaurant-café
The end-market study was executed in two stages. In stage 1, DAI commissioned Promar
International to carry out a desk-based research on the topic, complemented with limited telephone
interviews. Promar International is a U.K.-based consulting and research group with extensive
experience in the produce retailing sector. Work was carried out over the period September to
December 2006. Based on comments from DAI, a first draft desk-study report was submitted in
February 2007. This desk study forms the bulk of the final report presented here. In Stage 2 (May
2007), DAI staff, with assistance from Promar International, interviewed key informants in the U.K.
and the Netherlands to confirm or disconfirm the desk-research findings and to obtain further insights
that could only be derived from primary sources. Details on the companies contacted for this research
are presented in Section 6 of this report. The findings from these interviews were combined with
those of the desk study to produce the final report presented here.
For further information on this study please contact Dr. David Neven at DAI, the lead researcher and
final technical editor of this report (, 301 771 7831).
The study has multiple objectives. First, the study aims to understand 1) where Tanzanian products
are currently being exported to in terms of end-user markets, 2) how and in what volumes products
flow through the supply chain after leaving Tanzania, and 3) what have been the observable changes
over time. Secondly, the study aims to understand what the strategic end markets of interest to
Tanzania will be, how target markets are structured, how Tanzania is viewed from the buyers’
perspective, and what Tanzania can learn, in particular
from the Kenyan example (see box).
Key research topics identified for the study include: Kenya as the Benchmark
Kenya is the leading supplier of off-season
• The size of the market for the products subject to this horticultural products to the EU, with an
impressive track record going back 25–30
study; years. Growers are well organized and
efficient. Well-managed exporters are
• The key market channels; clustered around the main point of exit at
Nairobi International Airport, where state-of-
• How quality and price are determined in target markets; the-art cold storage facilities are present.
While there are some concerns over the cost
• Price points and approximate marketing margins at of air freight and the limited availability of air
different levels of the supply chain; cargo space, the infrastructure at Nairobi far
exceeds anything to be found at any other
East African exporting country. Interviews
• Volume requirements for different buyers and channels; with leading EU fresh produce importers
confirmed that the Kenyan off-season
• Sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS) and other vegetable industry sets the standard, not just
EU import requirements and standards; for East Africa, but indeed for the rest of the
world. Kenya can supply all year round and
• Trends in the market for organic and fair trade products is consistently price-competitive. Other
countries may have better prices some times
and other niche market opportunities;
in the year, but they cannot supply, or supply
at much higher prices, at other times in the
• Consumer perceptions of imports versus locally grown year. Any new supplier (e.g., from Tanzania)
products; will be measured against this benchmark:
what does the new supplier bring that the
• Logistical requirements and challenges; importers do not already get from Kenya?
• Current and anticipated demographic trends and consumer preferences, and how affect the
Tanzanian fruit and vegetable export sector; and
• The Executive Summary presents an overall summary, details of our key conclusions, and
recommended next steps;
• Section 4 provides further details on the markets for vegetables in the U.K., France, the
Netherlands, and Germany as the key European markets to target;
• In less detail, Section 5 describes alternative target markets in the Middle East and Southern
Africa; and
Apart from the traditional requirements, such as price and quality, that still govern most buying
decisions, many European consumers now increasingly look for food that is convenient, healthy,
ethically sourced and traded, and/or organic, or that can be regarded as exotic, fashionable, and/or a
premium product. Indeed, consumption of exotic fruits and vegetables (such as mangoes, passion
fruit, and avocados) has boomed since the 1970s. This was initially partly due to higher demand from
growing immigrant populations in Europe from the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia. However, over time
(due to highly effective marketing by the main European retailers), consumption has “crossed over”
to the wider indigenous population.
Health is a major growth factor in the EU food market, as fruit and vegetable consumption is
promoted and consumers become more aware of the fat, sugar, and salt content of their diets. There
are also increasing concerns among some consumers regarding the environmental (carbon, water)
footprint of agricultural and horticultural production.
• Continued immigration into the EU will facilitate the introduction of new vegetables into the EU market. Many
of these will become mainstream products over time.
• Continued changes in household composition and consumer behavior will lead to the introduction of new
vegetable varieties and value-added vegetable products (snack and convenience foods).
• Richer and more knowledgeable consumers will increasingly look at the health, environmental, and ethical
aspects of vegetables (organic, fair trade), in addition to their quality aspects. This relates to new concepts
such decommoditization and the carbon footprint of vegetables. Marketing margins on these products are high
(20–40 percent above conventional), but are coming down as volumes increase.
• Supermarket chains dominate food retailing in general, as well as the retailing of higher-margin products such
as organic, fair-trade or value-added vegetables. Other marketing channels (farmer markets, home delivery
schemes) are gaining some ground, but focus mostly on local produce items.
• Consolidation among the specialized wholesalers who supply the leading supermarket chains will leave a
decreasing number of larger firms in the business. Currently no more than 20 sizeable wholesaler-importers
are estimated to exist in the EU.
• Wholesale markets have been reduced to acting as suppliers of small HoReCa (hotel, restaurant, café)
establishments. The large-scale foodservices industry follows, with some lag, the same trends as the
supermarket sector.
• Specialized wholesalers in the EU are increasingly shifting to North African suppliers such as Morocco and
Egypt from which produce can be shipped in by boat (lower carbon footprint).
• Specialized wholesalers are increasingly procuring directly from producers and investing directly in producing
countries (in farms, cold chain facilities, and the like).
• Compliance with international standards, such as those of GlobalGAP and BRC (the British Retail
Consortium) as well as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) standards, is a basic requirement.
Standards keep changing and expanding. Retailers have developed their own requirements beyond these
industrywide standards. Lead exporting countries have set up national standards that are in line with broad
sets of standards (KenyaGAP, ChileGAP).
• GlobalGAP and fair trade organizations are actively looking into how to bring more smallholder growers into
their schemes.
• Add differentiation to vegetables (introduce brands, pioneer new varieties, develop Tanzanian promotion
• Explore the economic potential for organic and fair-trade vegetables with key stakeholders, such as the
Fairtrade Foundation, and leading EU importers. Markets for fair-trade certified mangetouts are readily
• Identify which USPs Tanzania can develop, on top of regular market requirements, in order to break into
markets (price advantage, supply window, unique product).
• Take a stepwise, multipronged approach. Start with few products and markets to build up volumes and then
expand carefully to more rewarding markets. Good starters are fine beans for the Dutch market (and re-
exports) and fair trade mangetouts for the U.K. market. Organic, value-added, and baby vegetables and
markets such as Germany, the Middle East, or South Africa are secondary or tertiary targets.
• Exploit the proximity of Kenya. Faced by a loss of preferential status under the EU Lomé trading agreement,
Kenya may look to invest in neighboring countries. Actively attract investment.
• Attract investment from or develop partnerships with firms (producers, importers) in the EU.
• Streamline (and reduce the cost of) government export processes in order to attract investment.
• Strengthen the Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), through collaboration between flower and
vegetable sectors. Start developing a TanzaniaGAP, and as volume increases, explore charter options for air
• new products, such as Tenderstem broccoli (a novel high-value vegetable that could be produced in
Consumers are often willing to pay a significant premium to receive goods that are certified as
organic, branded as “fair trade,” or fresh-processed and packaged for convenience—up to 35 percent
in some cases.
Supermarkets often dominate sales of organic fruit and vegetables, with a 48 percent share in Europe
overall—an estimated 70 percent of the organic market in the U.K. However, the supermarkets’
market share is under threat, as sales channels for organic foods broaden into farmers’ markets and
other market channels, such as home delivery, street stalls, and U-Pick farms. The share of these
channels in the overall organic produce market is still small, but growing rapidly.
Organic production is a risky undertaking, especially in tropical regions where plant diseases are hard
to control without chemicals. It also requires supply chains completely separated from conventionally
raised products, including designated pack-houses, transport means, and so on. For this reason,
successful organic export farmers in Kenya, for example, typically prefer to diversify their risk by
devoting only part of their land to organic production, producing conventionally on the rest.
Although premiums on organic produce are still high (20–40 percent at cost, insurance, and freight
[CIF] price level), prices and margins are coming down as supermarkets such as Asda (Wal-Mart)
bring organic produce items into the mainstream.
Fair Trade
Although significantly smaller than the market for organic foods at US$1.3 billion in 2005 (including
all fair trade foods, not just produce), the global fair trade market is growing fast—40 percent per year
in the U.K. in terms of value. Europe represents around 65 percent of the fair trade market. Within
Europe, the U.K. is the largest fair trade market, closely followed by Switzerland, but fair trade
products are increasing their market share throughout Europe.
Fair trade products have achieved an overall market share of some 4 percent in countries like the U.K.
for such products as tea, coffee, and bananas. The Fairtrade Foundation in the U.K. has accredited
suppliers of fair trade products in some 60 countries around the world. The concept is now being
applied to other products, such as clothes, wine, and flowers, and a range of other fruits, such as
mango, pineapple, and papayas.
Among horticultural products, fair trade certification has mostly focused on fruits. While fair trade
standards exist for vegetables, the only certified supplies in the EU today are coming from Egypt (fine
beans and sweet peppers).
Responding to consumer demand, supermarkets are keen to expand their line of fair trade produce
items. Sainsbury’s has shifted (almost) 100 percent to fair trade for bananas, and there is a ready
market for fair trade-certified beans, a product that is hardly available at the moment. (This is a prime
example of a novelty product that offers an interesting market opportunity for Tanzania). One
U.K. Soil Association, Organic Market Report 2006.
Current fair trade standards allow only cooperatives or equity share schemes to be certified, not
individual farmers working, for example, as outgrowers (producers under contract with a lead farmer
or exporter). This is certainly a problem for vegetables air-freighted out of East Africa, given that
these are produced either at large commercial farms or through outgrower schemes. However,
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) in Germany and the Fairtrade Foundation in
the U.K. are looking into how they could adapt generic fair trade standards for produce to certify
these two types of production organization (a pilot project is currently ongoing in Kenya). Given that
Tanzania’s horticultural sector is smaller and in an earlier development stage, it may actually be a far
better location for experimenting with fair trade-certified outgrower schemes for vegetable
production. Fair trade-certified vegetables appear to offer one of the most promising initial routes to
market for Tanzanian producers.
This could eventually be a key market for Tanzanian exporters, but it requires a great deal of
investment in infrastructure and very high standards for supply chain management, hygiene, and
efficiency. Also, demand for convenience packs has not grown as fast as some had hoped: in Kenya,
for example, there is overcapacity in high-care vegetable fresh-processing facilities. These products
are technically challenging and the market for them is maturing, which means that margins are
coming down. It was generally not seen as a good first step for Tanzania.
Carbon Footprints
The carbon footprint of produce items (assumed to be high for air-freighted legumes from East
Africa) is the topic of energetic debate, especially in the U.K., often a barometer for what will happen
in the rest of Europe some 3–5 years later. The 2007 Re:Fresh conference, a leading meeting of
produce sector stakeholders in the U.K., was devoted to the topic. Partly driven by a desire to protect
local foods (a factor in the emergence of “locavores,” persons who strongly prefer to eat locally
grown food), the emphasis is now especially on the transport of produce items—the impact of “food
miles” (moving food long distance by either road, air, or rail) on the environment. (All exotic fruits
and vegetables as under review in this study will invariably be air-freighted). Local-sourcing
initiatives could, in theory, dampen the prospects for East African vegetable exports to Europe in the
future. In many ways, this whole trend reflects a backlash against the trends of supermarket
domination and the internationalization of the agrifood supply chain.
However, the food miles debate is not really translating into consumer pressure at this point. For
example, when Tesco put airplane logo stickers on air-freighted vegetables, a survey revealed that 60
The food miles debate is also still in an early, more emotional stage. Apart from the likely
unwillingness of consumers to give up the convenience and health benefits of having produce year-
round, there are two counterarguments. First, blocking produce from developing countries implies a
politically undesirable hampering of the economic development of these countries. Kenya is already
trying to shift the debate to “fair miles.” Second, from a rational point of view, we need to look at the
complete carbon lifecycle footprint (and water footprint) of a product from production to final
consumption. It may turn out to be more carbon-efficient to air-freight off-season produce from
developing countries than to grow it in greenhouses in Europe.
However, the U.K.’s leading produce importers have started to shift their procurement to start
addressing the food miles issue, and also to reduce a reliance on Kenya. (Bad weather in Kenya had
importers scrambling for supplies from second-string sources in 2006.) They are now sourcing from
countries in North Africa and the Near East (such as Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Turkey) and even
places from which sea and/or road transport makes business sense, including the Caribbean (Jamaica)
and South America (Peru).
Tanzania is starting a long way back compared to most, if not all, other countries in Africa exporting
to the EU, and competing head-to head with countries such as Kenya will be especially hard work.
Alternatively, Tanzania could try to benefit from its proximity to Kenya by attracting investment and
especially technical and marketing management expertise from its neighbor. Tanzania’s good climate,
undepleted soils, low labor costs, and emerging air cargo space, could, with the right investments,
allow it to expand as an extension of the Kenya supply base. Tanzania is likely to find most success in
taking a multipronged, stepwise approach and in targeting emerging niche markets that can be found
across the EU. Fair trade legumes are a prime example here. Nevertheless, even these will be
extremely challenging and take considerable investment, time, and effort.
As a result of the huge influence and commercial power of the major retailers in all major EU
markets, there has been a massive tendency towards concentration and consolidation throughout the
fresh produce supply chain, for both buyers and suppliers. Because of consolidation, large-scale
buyers could (and did) create strategic partnerships with suppliers to ensure that high volumes of
quality produce come from trusted suppliers with reliable regularity. Major European growers and
exporters are often expanding operations. Through joint ventures or other partnership formats, they
are looking to start up production in countries such as Kenya, Egypt, and Central America to ensure
that they can supply their target market with sufficient volumes year round.
Supermarkets are the masters of the value chain and put tremendous pressure on suppliers. For
example, just to keep their suppliers on their toes, a supermarket chain may auction off a certain line
(e.g., the French bean supplies for the upcoming year) and replace the incumbent, unless the
incumbent is prepared to meet the offer made by the best bidder.
Throughout the supply chain, orders are often larger than actually required (some “surplus volume” is
built in, maybe up to 25 percent) and noncompliance with (high) standards is used as a pretext for
rejecting part of a delivery to match actual demand. Retailers may do this to their specialized
wholesaler suppliers, specialized wholesalers to exporters, or exporters to producers. No seller can
complain about such buyer behavior for fear of losing the business. This is not universal: the more
established the relationship and the more trusted the counterpart, the more ethical the behavior of the
agent will be.
While supermarkets dictate the products they want and where and when to deliver them, it’s their
specialized wholesalers who develop the supply chains for these products. Hence, these lead
Specialized wholesalers in the EU, as they are assessing potential countries to source from, will talk
to officials of the government of the exporting country and evaluate the collaboration they anticipate
from. Working closely with the authorities to maximize the efficiency of the export processes, will
increasingly be a central issue. In one example provided by a key informant, a process was developed
whereby a sample from a shipment is sent to the source country’s health inspection services in
advance of the container moving from the pack house, rather than the whole container being
inspected at the airport. This considerably speeds up the export process and avoids allowing produce
to heat up while standing at the airport waiting for inspection before being loaded on the plane. In the
example above, the wait time before loading dropped from seven to two hours. This inspecting-by-
advance-sample was accepted, because the government has inspected and approved the high-quality
infrastructure and processes at the pack house.
As a result, a whole series of joint ventures and vertical and horizontal strategic alliances have
emerged around the world. These alliances—allowing closer links between growers, packers, and
importers than ever in the past—ensure consistency of supply and the ability to supply major
customers on an AYR basis. In terms of vertical strategic alliances, most of the leading Kenyan
exporters, for example, have a series of well-established relationships with EU-based importers.
These range from vertical integration, involving joint ventures and co-investments (an example is
Homegrown, Kenya’s largest vegetable exporter), to trading partnerships that, although loosely based,
are still very well established and may go back 20 years or more. Horizontal strategic alliances
(involving, for example, northern and southern hemisphere producers) have emerged in the United
States (for instance, Global Berry Farms), but are far rarer between European and African producers.
For the European market, AYR requirements are mostly captured by the global procurement
strategies of the specialized wholesalers supplying the supermarket chains.
In terms of revenue, the foodservice industry is growing faster than the retail sector in Europe. In the
U.K., for example, foodservice sales are predicted to overtake retail sales by 2015 (although given the
far higher margins at restaurants, the volume of food sold will remain much lower). As larger caterers
and catering wholesale groups gain market share over smaller players, they are moving towards more
efficient, centrally controlled systems of purchasing that will allow them to trade more directly with
producers. Like retailers, foodservice wholesalers want reliability and conformity of produce,
something that they can far more readily achieve with their greater buying power. The requirements
for carrying out business in this sector are increasingly similar to those required to do business with
major retailers, and in no way should Tanzanian growers and exporters be duped into believing that
this is a “soft route” to market.
The main end market for the premium fresh sector would be the higher end of the foodservice
industry (perhaps the top 25 percent of hotels and restaurants in terms of menu prices). For new
varieties of baby vegetables, key contacts would be smaller, high-quality foodservice suppliers
specializing in vegetables, as well as selected catering wholesalers/distributors. Volumes supplied to
the foodservice sector are likely to be far lower than to the retail sector, but buyers are often more
prepared to trial smaller volumes and more exotic products due to the innovative nature of high-
quality restaurants and hotels and their chefs. As an example, the foodservice sector in the U.K.
Rationalization of the supply chain has led to consolidation throughout. This rationalization is driven
mainly by the growth and consolidation of major supermarkets in Europe and their increased buying
power and influence. At the grower level, smallholder production is increasingly losing out to larger
commercial operations. Although many companies prefer to minimize risk by maintaining
“outgrower” contracts, there are now fewer, but larger exporters that are investing more capital
upstream to gain more control over the supply chain. These investments include direct ownership of
the farms where the produce is grown.
In many cases, smallholders do play an important part in together supplying high volumes of produce,
but with increasing pressure from new standards and efficiency demands, it is expensive and
logistically demanding for exporters to provide the necessary training to large numbers of smallholder
growers. These technical demands, often linked back to the need to ensure food safety and provide
full traceability of fresh produce with respect to pesticide applications, for example, are likely to
increase in importance in the future.
The overall volume of vegetable imports into the EU reached over 10.5 million tons in 2005, an
average annual increase of 4.9 percent since 2001.2 The share of the market accounted for by exotic
and baby vegetables is just a small part of this, but it shows strong growth relative to the fresh
vegetables category as a whole.
The growth in imports of established off-season vegetables underlines the growth potential for more
recently emerged niche markets, such as baby vegetables. Imports of peas and beans, for example,
have grown 40 percent, going from 330,000 tons in 2001 to 470,000 tons in 2005. Non-EU countries
make up around 15 percent of vegetable imports for the EU (85 percent is intra-EU trade).
Imports from developing countries dominate the extra-EU fresh vegetable imports and have increased
over recent years throughout the main European markets. In 2005, the EU imported US$1.3 billion
worth of fresh vegetables (955,000 tons) from developing countries (11 percent of total imports, but
80 percent of extra-EU imports). This is an increase of 53 percent both in value and volume compared
to 2001. The major products imported from developing countries are fresh beans, tomatoes, sweet
peppers, and fresh peas. The shares of developing countries in total import value differ significantly
across products. For tomatoes, for instance, this share is only 9 percent, while for beans it is 66
percent. Besides beans, developing countries have significant shares in total fresh vegetable imports
for peas (61 percent), sweet corn (41 percent), asparagus (33 percent), garlic (23 percent), and
artichokes (23 percent). The leading fresh vegetables exporter among the developing countries is
Morocco, followed by Kenya, Turkey, Egypt, and Peru.
The leading importers of fresh vegetables are Germany, the U.K., France, and the Netherlands,
together accounting for over 70 percent of EU imports by value. Germany, despite being the leader,
EuroStat 2006
The overall market in Europe for the high-value vegetables dealt with in this study is still relatively
small. For example in the U.K., green and fine beans, sugar snap peas, and snow peas together come
to around just 1.5 percent of the wider vegetable market. With the addition of baby corn, high-value
brassicas such as baby cauliflower and baby broccoli, premium root vegetables such as baby carrots
and baby turnips, and other specialty vegetables (for which data are not readily available), this figure
is likely comes to around 2–2.5 percent of the total market share.
Nevertheless, for potential exporters in Tanzania the market is still considerable, as 2.5 percent of the
U.K. vegetable market alone totals around 108,000 tons. To put this into context, total Tanzanian
exports to the EU in the last two years were around 1,500 tons, while Kenya’s total vegetable exports
to the EU were around 63,000 tons.
Most developing country suppliers have been able to negotiate at least some degree of preferential
access to the EU market. This allows them to export to the EU at rates of either very low or even zero
duty (as opposed to regular 7 percent tariff) for a whole range of agricultural and food products,
including off-season fruits and vegetables.
As a signatory to the EU–African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Free Trade Agreement, Tanzania
enjoys duty-free access to the EU market, as do all of the other key suppliers from East and Southern
Africa, such as Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Zambia, Uganda, and Kenya. However, most other
countries that also supply exotic vegetables to the EU, such as those in Central America and Thailand,
have preferential trade agreements with the EU as well, which let them enter the market at either zero
or very low rates of duty. In this respect, Tanzania is at neither a disadvantage nor an advantage
versus its competitors in other developing countries.
Interestingly, Kenya will lose its status as a Least Developed Country when the current Lomé
Agreement comes to an end in December of 2007. This will force Kenya to negotiate a separate
economic partnership agreement with the EU, likely less favorable than that for its neighbors and
reducing its competitiveness. This may prompt new investments to shift from Kenya to Tanzania.
Leading horticultural exporters in Kenya have already been hinting at this in the press, especially for
the flower industry.
The situation regarding formal tariff barriers is reasonably straightforward and should not deter the
development of Tanzanian exports of fruit and vegetables to the EU market. Of more concern would
be the ability of Tanzanian growers and exporters to meet a plethora of other requirements that can be
grouped under the heading “nontariff barriers.”
To ensure the quality of fresh produce on the European market, marketing standards provide specific
legally binding requirements for certain fresh produce on the EU market and to exports. Where EU
statutory standards do not exist, standards of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE) or Codex Alimentarius are initially consulted for internationally accepted product
Of far greater importance are the specifications as set out and laid down by the commercial buyers at
retail level (GlobalGAP and retailer specific standards). These standards normally take the EU and/or
the UNECE standards as the starting point, but add a whole range of other quality specifications, both
related to pre- and post-harvest handling, as well as other process and social requirements. These
standards are normally developed jointly by the technical team of the retail chain and their nominated
importers and distributors—and, in some cases, their own suppliers based in-country.
As a result of the intense competition in the food and drink supply chain, especially at the retail level,
some of these non-legislative (voluntary) requirements have de facto become mandatory for growers
and exporters, if they are to stand any chance of winning or keeping contracts with European
importers. Though most pronounced among the big retailers, this trend increasingly applies at lower
levels as well.
GlobalGAP membership admits organizations and companies into a “club” of respected and proven
operators in the supply chain. Many countries outside Europe, such as Kenya, Mexico, and China,
have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the GlobalGAP organization in order to
give their growers and exporters more credibility with leading produce importers and major EU
retailers. The MOUs have led to the emergence of consolidated national GAP standards that are
benchmarked on GlobalGAP and/or other GAP standards. These standards take country-specific
considerations into account, such as the integration of smallholder producers. Examples here are
KenyaGAP and ChileGAP.
Tanzania would benefit hugely from a close involvement and participation with the GlobalGAP
organization. It is true that due to its expense and sophistication, some argue that GlobalGAP
excludes smaller growers from supplying major exporters in African countries. However, the market
for produce that is not certified by GlobalGAP (or an equivalent) is now quite small in Western
Europe, as even wholesale markets require information on agricultural practice to satisfy their
customers as to the quality and safety of produce.
How small the market for noncertified produce might GlobalGAP and Smallholder Farmer
be is open to some debate; estimates of around 10–20
In May 2007, GlobalGAP (then still called
percent of produce are often used. But whatever the
EurepGAP) appointed Johannes Kern as an
actual figure is, it will only get smaller over the next Observer for Africa. Working with the U.K.
few years. Tanzanian exporters should not be and German international development
organizations, among others, Dr. Kern will
encouraged to believe that there is a potential market “be involved in establishing new frameworks
opportunity for uncertified produce in the EU. for best practice in smallholder certification,
making the system more cost-effective by
To obtain GlobalGAP certification of large numbers of developing the group certification model as
smallholder growers, they will need to organize in well as harmonizing the approaches in Africa
with smallholder schemes operating in Latin
groups (of, say, 20 smallholders) which act as if they America and Asia.”
are one bigger farm. The current version of
EurepGAP announced the change September 7, 2007, during its eighth annual conference in Thailand, “to reflect its
expanding international role in establishing Good Agricultural Practices mutually agreed between multiple retailers and their
suppliers” (GlobalGAP press release).
Logistics and direct air freight links are likely to be one of the bigger challenges for building up the
industry for Tanzanian vegetable exports. Although increasing recently with growing tourism, the
historic lack of air cargo space has been one of the main reasons that Tanzanian growers have failed
in international markets in the past. Major importers in Europe will require at least three, but ideally
five, deliveries of fresh produce per week, and with relatively few flights leaving Tanzanian airports
for Europe, this is impossible to achieve with any degree of reliability.
Transshipment (via Kenyan flight routes) is possible but adds to the cost, is less secure (since Kenyan
produce will come first), and adds complexity to the distribution process. Some Tanzanian exporters
to date have managed to develop the Kenya route as a means of entering the U.K. market, but this has
been the exception rather than the rule.
Air freight is the key cost element in vegetables from East Africa, making up around 50 percent of the
EU CIF (cost, insurance, freight) price. It is not surprising, therefore, that key informants had many
things to say about it:
• With three options to choose from (Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Kilimanjaro Airport, and
Dar es Salaam Airport), Tanzania is in a better position than some other African producers (e.g.,
Zambia, Zimbabwe).
• For air cargo, having both light and heavy products is important to balance the airplane. There thus
appears to be a strong incentive for the flower and vegetable industries in Tanzania to collaborate
on developing air cargo routes and negotiate prices with the airlines.
• At some point in their growth, Tanzanian producers will have to move away from a reliance on
cargo space on passenger flights and take the big leap to chartered flights. Regular scheduled
charter cargo planes to the EU would require volumes of 30–40 tons, three to five times per week.
And while in 2005 Tanzania managed to export on average 40 tons per week to the EU, in 2006
• Revised packaging and stacking techniques could slash transport costs (lowering the per kg carbon
footprint as well) by reducing waste and filling container space more fully. Experiments on this are
taking place continuously, and Tanzania should get at the forefront of these developments.
Sea freight is technically an option for vegetables from Tanzania. It is significantly cheaper (maybe
50 percent). For some countries, the quality of produce can be better preserved using sea freight than
air freight, because the cold chain can be more consistently maintained. Air freight from East Africa
usually implies several hours on the (hot) tarmac before the produce is loaded on the plane. However,
the goods would take about 21–28 days to reach Europe from Tanzania—a long time compared with
the 7–9 day boat trip from Egypt, for example, to the U.K. The lag time between order and delivery
from Tanzania is too long and too variable for an efficient management of volumes by the EU
importers. Hence, sea transportation of fresh vegetables from East Africa remains a little-explored
Recent concerns over consumer safety have underscored the importance of tracking produce imported
into the EU. Retailers must be able to trace goods back to their producer in case of product recalls or
liability cases. Traceability systems that can identify products’ origin and their path along the supply
chain help to reassure consumers, importers, retailers, and governments alike. With increasing
pressure from the transparency requirements ,Tanzanian growers and exporters interested in the EU
market need to make sure they are taking issues of labeling and traceability seriously and that they are
communicating information clearly and regularly to key market contacts.
Kenya has been able to meet the stringent commercial and technical demands of the leading U.K.
supermarkets—in a way that many others from East and Southern Africa have not been able to do.
This would include Tanzania, which has had very much a “start-stop” relationship with the U.K.
market and never really broken into the market over the last 15 years, as might have been expected.
Overall, it still remains as a small fringe player to the EU market (see Section 3.9.1 for more details).
In comparison, Kenyan growers are well organized and efficient, and well-managed exporters are
clustered around the main point of exit at Nairobi’s International Airport. State-of-the-art cold storage
facilities exist at the airport. While there are some concerns over the cost of air freight and the
availability of air cargo space, the infrastructure at Nairobi far exceeds anything to be found at any of
the other East African exporting countries.
While Kenya exports produce to the Middle East and other African countries on a small scale, 95
percent of Kenyan exports go to the EU, according to the Kenyan Horticultural Crop Development
Authority (HCDA). The U.K., France and the Netherlands are by far the main target markets,
The Kenyan fresh vegetable export industry is supported by a wide range of both public and private
sector organizations, including the HCDA, the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya
(FPEAK), various government agencies, and international donors—all focused on the development of
export business to the EU. However, the real key to the success of the Kenyan industry is the
involvement of a highly driven and professional private sector, based both on local capital and foreign
direct investment (FDI) from Israel, the Netherlands, and elsewhere, and represented by their trade
organization, FPEAK (see Section 3.7.4 for more details on this).
Kenyan exports of horticultural products now amount to some 163,000 tons per annum and include a
wide range of fruits and vegetables, as well as a huge business in cut flowers. Many of the leading
Kenyan export companies have developed excellent relationships with the major importers in the EU.
In some cases, they have developed formal joint ventures and attracted investment from abroad into
their businesses. They invariably have a high level of pre- and post-harvest export skills, as well as a
detailed knowledge of customer requirements in the main EU markets.
Kenyan fresh vegetable exports have been growing steadily over the past five years to around 63,000
tons per annum. Green beans, mangetout, sugar snaps, baby corn, and packs of mixed vegetables are
taking an increasing share of total exports year on year. These off-season products are outperforming
the overall export sector. Green beans now make up around 60 percent of all Kenyan fresh vegetable
Kenya has seen the development of well-organized and entrepreneurial businesses that are willing to
make the sort of investments required to build and then sustain an export business. This has been
possible for a number of reasons, not least the relative macroeconomic and political stability enjoyed
in Kenya—especially during the 1970s and 1980s, when the development of off-season exports really
began to take off as a business in Kenya. This gave local Kenyan entrepreneurs enough confidence to
invest in their businesses on a long-term basis. The sector’s development in Kenya probably owes
more to the absence of any government involvement than its presence.
Kenyan exports in fresh vegetables have increased at a compounded annual growth rate of 5.87
percent from 2000 to 2005. In 2006, statistics will probably show a decline in total vegetable exports
from the very high levels of 2005 (based on HCDA data from January–July 2006). However, by
breaking the data down into product sets (see Section 3.7.6), it is evident that exports of baby
vegetables, sugar snap peas, snow peas, green beans, and mixed vegetables (including products like
stir-fry vegetable packs) will continue on a path of strong growth. This confirms that they are areas
with significant potential and are gaining a greater share of the Kenyan export market as exporters
move to higher-value and value-added products.
Tanzania exports to a wide variety of EU and non-EU countries, covering all continents. Most of its
fresh vegetables, however, go to the EU, and the majority of those to the U.K.—indeed, only the U.K.
and the Netherlands are significant, regular markets for Tanzania’s vegetables. Also according to EU
trade data, only peas and beans are exported in any significant volumes to Germany, U.K.,
Netherlands, and France, with a small but developing market for sweet corn since 2002.
Export data from the Tanzania Revenue Authority for selected high-value export vegetables show
that, while fluctuating at around 3,000 tons per year, overall export volumes have generally trended
down over the period 2003–2006, especially for key destination markets U.K. and the Netherlands.
The 2006 data appear to indicate that volumes are increasingly exported via Kenya rather than
directly to the EU.
The following are identified by EU vegetable importers as being the major weaknesses in the
Tanzanian supply chain:
• Few direct flights from Tanzania to Europe—which implies high costs of overseas transportation.
• Lengthy, bureaucratic customs procedures at the point of exit—which contrasts with the situation
in Kenya, where the government has introduced quick and easy mechanisms that do not discourage
or penalize the exporter; leading importers are currently actively seeking out high-potential
suppliers in countries where they can work with the government to streamline export procedures.
• A lack of large-scale professional exporters to drive the sector forward, leaving thousands of small
producers to be integrated into a modern supply chain.
• A lack of management skill at various levels—compounded by the lack of well-managed and well-
organized systems of procurement.
• A lack of highly professional export and packing operations capable of meeting international
market standards.
This means that despite the production potential that exists in Tanzania, very little investment has
taken place on the scale required to enter the U.K. or other EU markets. Notwithstanding its modest
exports to the U.K. over the last 15 years, Tanzania is still largely unknown in the EU fresh produce
sector—no major negatives exist, no major positives do either.
Specializing in the supply of baby vegetables may offer (limited) opportunities in the EU market. Not
only do these products retail for a far higher value in the more developed European countries, they
also offer significant opportunities for adding value through pre-preparing, bundling (having more
than one variety in one packet) and packaging. Assuming that Tanzanian farmers could achieve the
relevant levels of sophistication, this should return more revenue to growers and exporters and may
therefore require less volume as the market and infrastructure in Tanzania develop. But as stated
earlier, Tanzanian exporters should not be led into believing they can do this without high levels of
investment and commitment, as well as a degree of commercial and technical sophistication yet to be
seen in Tanzania at any scale.
In terms of other market opportunities to add value and differentiate, Tanzania should be looking at
the following:
For Tanzania to develop a successful horticultural export sector, the following needs to be put in
place over time:
The wholesale sector, which gives access to the foodservice industry and small and niche retailers
does provide some opportunity, especially in Continental Europe as opposed to the U.K., but
standards for fresh produce are likely to be comparably high. Supply chains to these markets are also
more fragmented, so quality, reliability, and value is sometimes lost as produce is distributed through
the supply chain. There is currently a small market for non-Grade I produce, but this market will
shrink further as consolidation continues in the European food industry.
It is recommended that Tanzania follow a stepwise, multipronged strategy (multiple markets, multiple
products). It could start with a limited product range focused on mainstream products for mainstream
markets (for example, mangetout for the Netherlands) to build up volume (for economies of scale in
transportation and to meet market demands). Then it could expand to more challenging but higher-
margin products (like baby vegetables, fair trade, organic, processed, and so on) to reduce both
market and production risks.
• The market is concentrated at the retail point of sale, and once established, most suppliers are able
to build meaningful business with the leading retailers.
• U.K. quality standards are high—but meeting them can be used to leverage into other markets.
• Demand for exotic fruits and vegetables as well as organic, fair trade, value-added, and baby
vegetables is predicted to keep on growing.
• The physical distribution network is well developed—a number of airports are equipped to handle
fresh produce imports, especially at London’s Heathrow and Gatwick facilities.
• The U.K. has a reputation of importing from all around the world. Over a period of time a number
of countries have started from a small base but have gone on to build a significant business on the
back of the U.K. market. The classic case, of course, is Kenya, but others include Chile, Turkey,
Peru, and to a certain extent Zambia.
• The U.K. has less interest in protecting its local vegetable sector from external competition than
tends to be the case in France and Germany.
It is true that it is harder to get a foothold in the U.K. than on the the Continental EU market where, if
a producer is GlobalGAP certified and price competitive, he/she can become a player in the market.
Moreover, although prices in the U.K. are the highest in Europe, the standards are so high and
rejections so common that this price advantage is nearly neutralized. The main attractions of U.K.
supermarkets are the regular demand and the stable prices, by contrast with the easier-to-penetrate but
more ad hoc EU market, where prices are more apt to crash. However, even in the U.K. market,
nothing can be taken for granted. For example, Bomfords, one of the largest fresh produce suppliers
in the U.K., went into receivership in June 2007 (although it will likely be bought out and remain
To break into the U.K. market, Tanzanian producers will have to bring a unique selling proposition
(USP) to one or more of the five leading produce importers-distributors (specialized wholesalers).
These importers are the gatekeepers to the supermarkets and also play an important role in the
produce supply chains for the wholesale trade and the foodservices sector. They have already
carefully and over years built up a reliable African supply base. These are long-term, trust-based
partnerships. For the importers to switch to (or add) another supplier, there has to be a good reason.
The three main reasons (USP types) for importers to take on a new supplier are: 1) a price advantage
(5 percent lower or, for example, 10 cents/kg [GBP] less); 2) contributing to the AYR requirement of
the supermarkets (i.e., address a current gap in the supply calendar); or 3) bringing a unique product
On the other hand, if a supplier has such a USP, the importers are usually willing to work with the
supplier to address other concerns, such as financing working capital or getting GlobalGAP certified
(as long as they can be resolved within a year or so). While all of the lead importers we interviewed
indicated that GlobalGAP certification is a basic requirement, none considered its absence a major
hurdle as long as there is committed management in place and the producer has a USP.
When asked about the most important criteria when assessing potential produce suppliers, apart from
having a USP, U.K. importers indicated supply capacity as the main criterion. This refers to the
supplier’s ability to deliver the right quality, at the right time and in the right volume (according to an
agreed-upon supply calendar). Most suppliers that fail, do so on the basis of giving false promises:
they claim they can deliver what or when they cannot.
Second-tier criteria include reliable technical information (traceability, shipment information, etc.),
supply chain structures/ freight links, accreditation/GlobalGAP, and having a good pricing structure.
Also mentioned as important were packing facilities; a solid, long-term business plan; good, proactive
management; having the right produce (for which demand is readily available); good communication;
and the fundamentals, including cheap land, cheap labor, good access to capital, good climate, good
water supply and irrigation.
One U.K. opportunity of particular note here is Whole Foods. This U.S. food retail chain opened its
first store in Kensington, London, in 2007. Incumbent retailer chains will likely not allow their fresh
fruit and vegetable suppliers to also supply Whole Foods, which may offer an opportunity for new
specialized wholesalers and new exporters in developing countries.
The most viable channel for French imports of fresh vegetables from Tanzania, as in the U.K., will be
supermarkets and hypermarkets (but not hard-discount supermarkets). They require relatively large
volumes and are not as tied to seasonality of vegetables, as they aim to serve the consumer with
produce on an AYR basis. Rungis in Paris, the largest fresh food wholesale market in the world, is
still a major source for fresh fruits and vegetables for France’s supermarket chains. Smaller retailers
and the more traditional street markets in France are more concerned with domestic production and
supporting the domestic agrifood sector, so will almost certainly be less receptive to Tanzanian
As in the U.K., there are five big specialized wholesalers who represent 100 percent of supermarket
supplies. Supermarkets represent 70 percent of these wholesalers’ sales. The other 30 percent is
regionally exported to Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany, and others countries in Europe. These five
leading firms get around 70 percent from farms directly (domestic and imported) and 30 percent from
smaller Dutch wholesalers, who rely 100 percent on imported produce. However, most of these
Tanzanian vegetable exporters have found some success in the Netherlands. However, this has
probably as much to do with the availability of air freight connections to the Netherlands from
Tanzania and the role of the Netherlands as a key re-export center, as with a specific targeting of the
Dutch market per se.
The Netherlands is also the largest single export market for Kenyan horticultural products (boosted
hugely by major cut flower imports); it absorbs 42 percent of Kenyan exports to the EU overall. As
already indicated, much of this is then re-exported. Since the early 1990s, as in most major EU
markets, supermarkets have gained significant market share in the Netherlands, with major retailers’
share coming to some 78 percent. It is not, however, quite as consolidated as in the U.K.
The Netherlands is also following the U.K. trend to more pre-prepared and -packaged vegetables to
meet the market and consumer requirements for added convenience, one of the major drivers of
growth in high-value and baby vegetable consumption. Nevertheless, the fact that there is more loose
bulk sale in the Netherlands makes it a prime target (having a slightly lower threshold entry point) for
vegetable exporters from Tanzania at the initial stages.
There are four main reasons why Tanzania should start with the Dutch market: 1) air-freight
connections already exist (via daily flights from Kilimanjaro Airport to Schiphol) and offer a useful
link with the flower industry (which needs the heavier legumes to balance out the planes and is
further developed in Tanzania than the vegetable subsector); 2) the Dutch market is easier to penetrate
than the U.K. market; 3) this market is the main throughput market for Germany, Scandinavia, and
several other European markets; and 4) this market offers a basis for building volume and establishing
Tanzania as a reliable supplier, which would provide the foundation on which to build exports to
more demanding (and rewarding) markets such as the U.K. and secondary markets such as Dubai or
South Africa.
Hard-discount supermarket chains have boomed in Germany, indicating that pricing is a key factor as
consumers become more price conscious. Also as in many other European markets, significant
consolidation has left a handful of major retailers with a large share of the market. Given the
concentration of the discount retail sector in Germany, it is unlikely that demand for high-value,
exotic, and baby vegetables will be as high as the U.K. It is true that there is a strong market for baby
corn, which is often added to salads in Germany, but almost all of that is imported from Thailand.
Because Germany imports relatively little produce from outside of Europe directly, it seems a
doubtful export destination for Tanzanian exporters at this point.
Kenyan export data are certainly indicative. Only 1 percent of their horticultural exports are to other
African countries, with c. 65 percent of this being exported to South Africa. Kenyan exports to the
South African market are modest—no more than just over 1,000 tons per annum—and cover the full
range of Kenyan exports, so it is likely that the share of the specialty and baby vegetable sector is
minimal. In addition, 3.2 percent of Kenyan exports go to “Asia,” with around 65 percent of these
exports split between Dubai and the rest of the UAE. Only 0.3 percent goes to North America.
Further, Kenyan exports to the Middle East are no more than 3,000 tons per annum. Again, since this
covers all Kenyan horticultural exports, the share of baby vegetables and other specialty produce in
this figure is probably strictly limited.
In the Middle East, vegetable produce tends to be sourced from nearby countries such as Jordan and,
to a lesser extent, Turkey. Volumes currently coming from East Africa are not very large. Kenya is
the established and preferred source of supply for a wide range of fruits and vegetables, but there is
also trade for selected items from Egypt. Egypt will have significant advantages due to its highly
developed export industry for products like green beans, its Arabic culture, and its being the
geographic link between Africa and the Middle East. India and Pakistan are both established suppliers
to the Middle East markets for horticultural products such as mangoes.
In the last 10 years, hypermarkets and shopping malls have taken off in the Middle East, with
Carrefour, Géant, and Tesco operating across the region. Locally, the UAE-based EMKE Group now
operates 18 hypermarkets across the region. The six countries of the Gulf Co-Operation Council
(GCC), comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE, provide the biggest
growth opportunities in the retail sector, as they are the most affluent and have had significant
increases in population over recent years.
As in other countries, the major end markets would be supermarkets. Based on potential overall
volumes, though, it is difficult to see the Middle East as an obvious market for Tanzanian vegetables,
despite its geographical nearness (see Section 5.2).
In South Africa, around 55 percent of the formal food retail market is accounted for by the
supermarket sector. The development of the supermarket business in countries such as South Africa
does increase the quality of fresh foods, as they normally have higher standards. This typically
provides business and marketing opportunities for those larger-scale growers (including those with
contract grower schemes) who are able to adapt and supply the supermarkets—as has been the case in
most other countries around the world (not least in the EU).
Since the end of apartheid in 1994, South African supermarket chains have also expanded throughout
Africa. The Shoprite group of companies, Africa’s largest food retailer, operates 846 corporate outlets
in 17 countries (including Tanzania). Other food retail chains from South Africa (SPAR, Woolworths,
As a result, as with the Middle East markets, the South African market in reality represents useful
incremental business to the Kenyans and not a major opportunity in its own right—and should almost
certainly be viewed by Tanzanians in the same light. Europe should remain the key target market,
despite its numerous challenges.
• Present the findings of the two complementary USAID-funded studies on the Tanzanian export
vegetables sector.
• Set these findings in the broader context of previous analytical work and dialogue on this topic
(e.g., the work done by Wageningen University and the stakeholder consultation meetings
organized by the Dutch government in Arusha in October 2005 and January 2006).
• Bring Tanzanian stakeholders into a direct dialogue with representatives from target markets
(several key informants for this study expressed a strong interest in sharing their expertise on such
topics as market requirements, logistics efficiency, and fair trade standards in a workshop setting).
• With the combined findings and broad expertise at hand, use strategic management tools (SWOT
analysis, value-chain analysis, scenario analysis, and so on) to develop a strategy concept paper for
the sector.
• Capsicums—975,000 tons
• Lettuce—914,000 tons
• Beans—310,000 tons
• Cauliflower—295,000 tons
• Artichokes—265,000 tons
In the North of Europe, such as in the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries,
where there is a less favorable growing climate, production is lower, but is often boosted by the use of
greenhouses. These North European countries have also become more dependent on imports from
Southern European producers, such as those based in Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Italy in particular,
especially for the more exotic products that have become popular among European consumers over the
past 20 years.
However, most of the EU vegetable production base relies on relatively high-cost structures, compared to
other parts of the world. In the future, it is likely that more vegetables will be sourced from either Eastern
Europe and/or from other so-called third countries of supply, such as Central America, North Africa, and
East and West Africa—all of which have much lower production cost structures. Many companies work
with selected partner organizations in warmer countries, which ensures consistency of supply and good-
quality produce at good prices. As an example, Marshall’s, a U.K. supplier of high-value and prepared
vegetables to supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer, and Waitrose, has partners in Spain
and Morocco for baby and exotic vegetables. In the past two years, uncharacteristic weather conditions
have threatened domestic harvests of both fruit and vegetables in various areas of Europe, such as Spain
and Portugal, which could encourage more extra-European imports in the future.
Data provided by the Spanish embassy.
Unlike extra-regional EU fruit imports, which are largely controlled by Latin American countries such as
Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, Africa supplies a relatively high percentage of fresh vegetables that are
imported from outside the EU. Major importers from Africa are France, the U.K., and the Netherlands. As
noted in the introduction, Kenya is a particularly important African player in the supply of a wide range
of vegetables to the EU—in particular, peas and green beans.
There is a strong tendency to source fresh vegetables from domestically based EU suppliers when
produce is in season and then import them from outside the EU at other times of the year to ensure all-
year-round (AYR) supply. The key months for off-season supply of fresh vegetables to Europe are
usually between November to March, depending on the importing country, its climate, and growing and
consumption traditions. However, many countries will rely on imports for some produce on an AYR
basis, especially for more exotic, tropical products that do not grow well in Europe, such as baby corn.
Consumption of exotic fruit like mangoes, passion fruit, and avocados has boomed in Europe since the
1970s. This was initially partly due to demand from growing immigrant populations in Europe from the
Caribbean, Africa, and Asia. Over time, however, due to highly effective marketing by the main European
retailers of these products, consumption of these products has “crossed over” to the wider indigenous
population. For the major EU retailers, the attractions in stocking and selling exotic fruit to the
mainstream market were a combination of the following:
• The opportunity to grow overall demand for fruit in a relatively stable market with new and appealing
products to EU consumers, albeit from a small base.
• The ability to fill a growing demand from consumers for new products, healthy products, and products
with degree of “excitement” about them.
• The fact that the supply base was relatively disorganized, which meant that supermarkets could require
suppliers to meet high standards of both technical and commercial performance to achieve the “right to
If exotic fruit has led the way in the development of this market in the EU, exotic and baby vegetable
varieties are now clearly following the same basic trends. It can be expected that the overall demand will
continue growing as these produce items become more mainstream in the European vegetable market and
demand for off-season vegetables increases.
European consumers eat a hugely diverse range of fresh vegetables from all over the world, delivered on
the basis of the supply calendars of international growers and the seasonal supply of the European home-
grown production. On the whole, throughout Europe, populations are getting older, there are smaller
households as families have fewer children, and there is an increase in single-person households.
Prosperity has risen across Europe over the years, which has, in turn, changed eating habits and increased
the sophistication of the highly competitive food and drink market. Apart from the traditional
requirements, such as price and quality, that still govern most buying decisions, European consumers are
now increasingly looking for food that is:
With increasingly busy lives, less time devoted to preparing long meals, and more single-person
households, many European consumers now want or even demand quick, easy-to-prepare food. This has
led to more ready-to-eat vegetables, pre-prepared and prepackaged, as well as to products like baby
vegetables, which also make preparing meals easier.
The fresh-cut prepacked vegetables represent a growing segment (especially the more complex packs),
and processing vegetables fresh at the source has some key advantages. Apart from adding more value,
one advantage of producing high-care fresh vegetable products is that it allows the producers to use a
higher percentage of their yield. Products which cannot be shipped off directly to supermarkets because
peas are scarred, beans are not straight or too thick, and so on (around 20–50 percent of harvest) can be
cut up and used in high-care fresh vegetable products (although the quality used in prepacks has gone up
over time).
However, prepacked products are also technically challenging (it is easy to lose money quickly on them)
and the market is maturing, which means that margins are coming down (examples include China’s
increasing role as an exporter of prepacked produce and Kenya’s huge overcapacity in high-care
processing facilities). Entering this market was therefore generally not seen as a good first step for
Tanzania. Furthermore, there is a trend from fresh-cut packs of just vegetables to complete meal solutions
(with meat, potatoes, and so on, all in one product), which are difficult to produce in developing
“The big trend that has affected the market in Europe is convenience, particularly in the U.K.
and the Netherlands. Ready-to-eat products are on the rise. U.K. consumers lead this trend,
but it is now picking up all over Europe.”
Dutch importer
CBI, EU Market Survey: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 2005.
Consumer Trends and the Implications for Vegetable Exports from Tanzania
From a market view point, a project designed to export vegetables from Tanzania would be in a strong
position to capitalize on the current trend to be found in the EU market.
Demand for baby vegetables is growing, and there is no logical reason why, given enough time, effort, and
resources, Tanzania should not be able to produce vegetables to the standards required by the organic
sector and the Fairtrade Foundation. The demand for products that are both healthy and convenient also fits
well into a proposed vegetable export project. So does Tanzania’s ability to meet the need for exotic
products sourced from ethical locations and traded by reputable companies in the end user markets.
Market niches exist for all of these areas for a greater or lesser extent. The real challenge for such a
program in Tanzania will be whether the existing competition (given the nature and sheer strength of the
Kenyan industry) can be overcome. The key question is whether Tanzania can establish itself as a credible
supplier to the U.K. and other EU markets—not so much as to whether the market opportunities exist in the
first place; clearly they do.
Fair trade is another niche market that has established itself in Europe, although it is not growing at the
rate of organic produce. The main products marketed under this scheme are tea, coffee, cocoa, and certain
tropical fruits such as bananas. These products have achieved an overall market share of some 4 percent
in countries such as the U.K. The Fairtrade Foundation in the U.K. has accredited suppliers of fair trade
products in some 60 countries around the world, and the concept is now being applied to other products,
such as clothes, wine, flowers, and a range of other fruits, including mangoes, pineapples, and papayas.
Consumers are often willing to pay a significant premium to receive goods that are certified as organic or
branded as being sold under the principles of “fair trade”—as much as 35 percent in some cases.6
Fairtrade Foundation U.K. (referring to Fairtrade bananas).
• displaying individual supplying farmers in TV ads and in-store displays that go along with the products
they supply; and
The market for organic produce has boomed in recent years: globally, this market was estimated to be
worth US$29 billion in 2005. Consumer demand for organic fresh produce continues to strengthen, with
revenues increasing by 26 percent between 2001 and 2004 in Europe.7 Premiums on organic produce are
still high (20–40 percent at CIF price level), but prices and margins are coming down as supermarkets
such as Asda (Wal-Mart) bring organic produce items into the mainstream.
Most sales of organic fruit and vegetables are concentrated in relatively few EU markets—Germany and
the U.K. alone represent over half of all European revenues. A major growth factor is the widening
availability of organic products in mainstream retailers, with a growing number of supermarkets and
discount stores introducing organic fresh produce.
The supermarkets often dominate sales of organic fruit and vegetables, with a 48 percent market share in
Europe. (In the U.K., the figure is much higher; supermarkets there account for about 75 percent of all
organic food sales.) But other channels, such as farmers’ markets and home delivery systems for organic
food, are also showing phenomenal growth, albeit from a modest base. In the U.K., for example, the
number of farmers’ markets went from just one in 1997 to over 500 by 2006, when they had an annual
turnover of over US$400 million—about 10 percent of all farm retail. However, while the majority of
produce in farmers’ markets is organic, it is traditional British produce from the local area. The rise in
U.K. Soil Association, Organic Market Report 2006.
Leading U.K. supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and Asda have over the last 3–4 years often
encouraged large, conventionally based fresh produce companies to enter the organic market. These
companies are taking up strong positions, with “organics” seen as just part of a range of products they
offer their major customers. In the U.K., the retail value of the organic food and drink market was around
US$2.8 billion in 2005, with around 65 percent of produce being produced domestically. Around 65
percent of U.K. consumers in 2005 were knowingly buying organic products8 at some stage of the year.
Though the production of organic fruit and vegetables has increased significantly across Europe, imports
continue to play an important role. Imports (mainly off-season) represented 22 percent of total sales
volume in 2004, although it was often organic fruit rather than vegetables that comprised the majority of
these imports. In the U.K. and Germany, demand currently outstrips supply, which has increased the
reliance on imported organic produce. But as demand levels out in the future, European producers may
also have increased organic capacity to meet the demand.
All food and drink sold as “organic” must be produced according to European laws on organic
production. This means it comes from growers, processors, and importers registered and approved by
organic certification bodies, which are in turn registered by bodies like the United Kingdom Register of
Organic Food Standards (U.K. ROFS) or equivalents elsewhere in the EU. In the U.K., the Soil
Association is regarded as the leading organization in the organic sector and is involved both in
accrediting suppliers in the U.K. and abroad and in training, lobbying, and some degree of market
promotion. It is a well-funded organization and has attracted high-profile support—probably less from the
commercial agrifood sector than from politicians and environmental support groups.
• Check the supply chain to ensure that no fertilizers or pesticides have been used that are not approved
for organic production; and
• Check that land has been farmed organically for the initial conversion period (normally 2–3 years)
before food can be sold as “organic.”
In the U.K., the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has a grant scheme in
place to encourage farmers to convert to organic production. However, possibly more persuasive to
farmers has been a recent pledge by Sainsbury’s to guarantee to buy the produce coming from farms at
the end of the organic conversion process.
Packing labels for food sold as “organic” must indicate the certification body that the processor or packer
is registered with. The labels must include a code number, and the name or trademark of the certification
body may also be shown.
U.K. Soil Association, Organic Market Report 2006.
not least, as the national and international media continues to scrutinize the power and tactics of large
food companies and retailers. Most, if not all, of the large multinational food processors such as Nestlé,
Danone, Unilever, and Cargill are now all paying a huge amount of attention to the issue of corporate
social responsibility (CSR) and are intensely aware of the damage which can be done to their business by
adverse publicity in this respect. Major retailers are likewise very much aware of the need to demonstrate
their CSR credentials to the rest of the world.10
The international fruit trade has often been at the forefront of this development, and companies such as
Dole, Chiquita, and Del Monte11 were among the first to start actively demonstrating their CSR initiatives
as long as 5–10 years ago. Unfortunately, they are not involved in the production of smallholder crops
such as regular vegetables and baby vegetables.
Although significantly smaller than the market for organic foods at US$ 1.3 billion in 2005 (including all
fair trade foods, not just produce), the global fair trade market is growing fast: at 40 percent per year in
the U.K., and at 20 percent in the EU, in value terms. Fair trade products have achieved an overall
(market) share of some 4 percent in countries like the U.K. for products such as tea, coffee, and bananas.
U.K. Soil Association, Organic Market Report 2006.
Sainsbury has announced recently that all its bananas will be sourced from fair trade-accredited farms in the future.
All of these companies are involved in plantation-based production of crops such as bananas, pineapples, and mangoes.
This market niche is not currently a high-growth sector for high-value vegetables such as might be
exported from Tanzania. It will usually be the products that are sold in the highest volumes that will be
accredited to the fair trade scheme first (in itself, quite a lengthy process), although new products are
being accredited all the time. As mentioned earlier, products such as wine, flowers, clothes, and some
exotic fruits are now being sold in the U.K. under the fair trade banner.
For horticultural products fair trade certification has mostly focused on fruits (bananas, mangoes,
pineapples, papayas).While fair trade standards do exist for some vegetables, the only certified supplies in
the EU today are coming from Egypt (fine beans, sweet peppers).
Responding to consumer demand, supermarkets are keen to expand their line of fair trade produce items.
For example, Sainsbury’s has shifted to (almost) 100 percent fair trade for bananas (as have some other
supermarket chains elsewhere in Europe). Importers that were interviewed indicated that there is a readily
available market for fair trade-certified beans, a product that is not yet available anywhere (this is a prime
example of a novelty product USP that offers an interesting market opportunity for Tanzania). One
importer, for example, indicated that he could easily sell 10–15 tons per week of fair trade-certified
mangetout peas to his supermarket customers.
The fair trade brand is one of the most recognized brands in the U.K., with a 60 percent name recognition
rate. Fair trade certification implies guaranteed minimum prices and extra premiums for producer
communities. Sainsbury’s, for example, pays US$7 per box of bananas above the world market price, plus
US$1/box via fair trade for community projects (these bananas are sourced from St. Lucia and Costa
Rica). Beyond these extra payments, fair trade standards have economic, social, and labor components to
them, based on the standards from the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and
Labelling (ISEAL) Alliance. The Fairtrade Foundation in the U.K. is working with 600 producer groups
across over 60 countries, mainly focusing on training in the field in collaboration with local NGOs.
Currently, the fair trade standards allow only cooperatives or equity share schemes to be certified, not
individual farmers (working, for example, through a lead farmer) or exporters using outgrower contracts.
This is certainly a problem for vegetables air-freighted out of East Africa, given that these are produced at
either large commercial farms or through outgrower schemes.
However, in part at the request of supermarket chains, the standard setting and certifying body Fairtrade
Labelling Organizations (FLO) International in Bonn, Germany, and the certifier Fairtrade Foundation in
the U.K. are looking into how they could adapt generic standards for produce to certify these two types of
production, as it would allow many rural poor to benefit from the scheme. In this context, an experiment
is currently ongoing in Kenya to assess how an outgrower scheme can be fair trade-certified (involving
Max Havelaar from Holland, and the U.K.-based NGO Africa Now!). Given that Tanzania’s horticultural
sector is smaller and in a more omnipotent early development stage, it may actually be a far better
location for experimenting with fair trade-certified outgrower schemes for vegetable production.
• Road miles for all products, be it in Africa or the U.K. and/or EU.
• Air miles for produce imported by air (which is seen especially by NGOs as being highly polluting).
In many ways, this whole trend represents a backlash against the trends of supermarket domination and
the internationalization of the agrifood supply chain.12 It represents a small but growing part of the overall
food market in the U.K., but points to a change in shopping habits of some consumers. The strong
This has also been caused by the impact of food industry scares such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or mad cow
disease) and foot and mouth disease in the U.K. Many industry observers feel these catastrophes were caused at least to some
extent by the overintensification of the farming and food supply chain, not just in the U.K. but also in other modern farming and
food countries, such as other EU countries and North America. There is also concern regarding sourcing food supplies from
countries such as Brazil, China, and Thailand, where standards of food safety and hygiene are deemed to be lower than in the
This would be where food is transported to nearby regional distribution centers and consumption of much
off-season produce imported thousands of miles from third countries is restricted. Air-freighted
produce—as would be used from Tanzania to export to the U.K. and other EU markets—might be
especially vulnerable. “Sustainability” is a key phrase and is now being widely used by the EU
Commission and major commercial food processors and retailer/foodservice companies alike—with
increasing emphasis on looking at the whole food supply chain from “field to fork.”
However, the food miles debate is not really about consumer pressure at this point. For example, since the
beginning of 2007, leading U.K. supermarkets like Tesco13 and Marks & Spencer14 have added an
aeroplane “air-freighted” logo to some produce to help consumers identify products with high impact on
the environment more easily. A survey revealed that 60 percent of consumers actually thought the logo’s
presence was a good sign, as it shows produce is flown in and should therefore be fresher and of better
Furthermore, entrenched consumer shopping patterns across the U.K. and in other EU markets are very
difficult to subvert, as is the massive power of private sector retail multiples (chain stores). U.K. and
Continental European consumers will not stop wanting to eat baby corn, for example, on an AYR basis—
not least because a generation of consumers has now become used to being able “to get whatever they
want, whenever they want it.” Nor will supermarket giants be overinclined to source locally if there are
significant economic benefits from sourcing produce from Africa.
Tesco has a market share for food in the U.K. of some 30 percent and appeals to a wide range of consumers.
Marks & Spencer is an up-market retailer in the U.K., with a market share of some 5 percent.
U.K. importer
This is particularly the case in the U.K., where supermarkets capture around 85 percent of the overall food
retail market. (A generic model is used, as the percentages for each channel vary across different EU
countries. For more specific details of the key end markets, see Section 4).
In Continental Europe the picture is more fragmented, as there is a larger role for traditional markets in
the supply of fresh vegetables at both wholesale and retail. This is due in part to consumer preferences but
also to the higher degree of liberalization, commercialization, and investment in the grocery retail
industry in the U.K.
There are still some 30 wholesale markets in the U.K., for example. Most major cites have one; London has one large and several
small ones. But in many cases their role has been confined to supplying independent retailers and catering establishments. The
physical condition of many of these wholesale markets is often quite poor, and a number of them are in the process of being
revamped into modern facilities more appropriate for fresh food distribution. Some food is imported, especially for ethnic
populations. However, the majority of vegetable products at wholesale markets are produced in Europe.
W holesale
Processing Cash& carry, delivered and
traditional markets
For example, in France, long-standing legislation prevents the opening of supermarkets in the center of
Paris—no such legislation exists in the U.K. for the center of London. This situation is one of the chief
reasons why the massive facility at Rungis Wholesale Market in Paris is still seen as a vibrant trading
place, although it clearly has not altogether escaped the pressure exerted on more traditional food
distribution systems. Furthermore, growth in the supermarket sector on the Continent has been driven by
the discount and hypermarket format, focusing on low prices, whereas in the U.K., supermarkets’
strategies have revolved around quality as well as value.
A summary of some of the key features of three of the leading EU food retail markets is given on the
following page.
As a result of the huge influence and commercial power of the major retailers in all major EU markets,
there has been a massive tendency towards concentration and consolidation throughout the fresh produce
supply chain, both at the level of buyer and supplier level.
“There’s been consolidation in all areas of the supply chain: importers and wholesalers with
10 key customers 5 or 6 years ago, now typically will have 2 or 3. We now try to just deal with
one major exporter in each country.”
U.K. importer
The supermarkets, hypermarkets, and hard discounters that have grown to dominate the European market
for all fresh produce, including vegetables, consistently demand high volumes of top-quality fresh
produce, and as a result place huge importance on supply chain efficiency and best practice procurement
methods. The huge growth and concentration of large retail chains in Europe has increased the tendency
to want to trade directly with suppliers to simplify processes and “cut out the middleman.” This is all
ultimately aimed at greater efficiency and the protection of margins, with the current downward pressure
on food retail prices.
The consolidation has meant that buyers want to create strategic partnerships with suppliers, ensuring that
large volumes of quality produce come from trusted suppliers regularly. This in turn has led to
consolidation among producers, since they aim to provide increasing volumes to valuable, powerful
European customers. This is especially the case as many smaller growers are losing their contracts to
supply export organizations, since they are unable to keep up with high EU standards on production
methods. Major European growers and exporters are often expanding operations and looking to start up
production in countries such as Kenya, Egypt, and Central America to ensure that they can supply their
target market with sufficient AYR volume.
Increasingly, the big prize for producers, regardless of where they are based in the world, is a major
contract with a large U.K. and/or continental European retail chain. But to secure this, producers must be
big enough to supply large volumes regularly and reliable enough not to endanger the efficiency of the
supply chain.
• The U.K. grocery market is worth €176 billion, of which food and drink make up €114
billion (2005).
• Forecasts indicate the U.K. grocery market will reach €200 billion by 2010.
• Food and other groceries make up the third biggest element of U.K. household
expenditures, accounting for 13.1 percent. Housing and transport are 18.7 percent and
14.2 percent respectively.
U.K. • This is a highly concentrated sector, with four players representing 75 percent of the
market: Tesco (30.4 percent), Asda–Wal-mart (16.6 percent), Sainsbury’s (15.9 percent),
and Morrisons (11.5 percent).
• Tesco remains the leading food retailer, operating around 2,365 supermarket stores in the
U.K. and generating a turnover of around €39 billion.
• It is expected Tesco will continue to dominate, as it leads the way with its wide range of
products from discount items through to “Tesco’s Finest,” which means it can appeal to all
• The value of the food retail market in Germany has grown relatively slowly, going from
€112.5 billion in 1994 to just €121.7 billion in 2005.
• The principal winners over the past few years are discount stores and large periurban
Germany • The top five food retailers are Edeka Group (25 percent market share); Rewe (22
percent); two major discount groups—Schwarz-Group, which owns Lidl (17 percent) and
Aldi (18 percent); and Metro (14 percent), all of which offer different store formats to
appeal to many customers.
• Discount stores are expected to grow further after sales in the discount sector increased
from 2002 onwards.
• In 2005, discount stores grew by 5.4 percent, more than any other supermarket segment.
• The value of the domestic food market is some €29 billion per annum.
• 90 percent of the Netherlands food retail outlets are full-service supermarkets covering
between 500 and 1,500 square meters.
• The hypermarket concept is still underdeveloped in this country, with only 120 stores.
Netherlands • Netherlands-based retailers are currently in a price war, which has led to low food
prices—among the cheapest in Europe.
• Albert Heijn, Laurus, and Schuitema have a combined market share of 60 percent.
• The share of discount stores in grocery retailing grew from 6 percent in 1999 to 10
percent in 2004.
• The auction market based just outside Amsterdam at Aalsmeer in the Netherlands (mainly for fresh
• Frankfurt’s large, modern facility for handling air-freighted produce, with its associated redistribution
• Other major points of entry for sea-freighted vegetables into the EU market, such as Rotterdam,
Antwerp, Marseilles, and Zeebrugge.
Key importers often look to add value to products by undertaking tasks such as ripening, portioning,
repackaging, and re-palletizing produce before they are redistributed. Much of this work is being pushed
back up the supply chain as exporters are becoming more
involved in preparing and packing vegetables ready for
Supply Chain Contraction:
supermarket shelves. A Fact of Life for Tanzanian Exporters
In most cases, importers have long-standing relationships While literally hundreds of companies across
the EU market specialize in handling fresh
with key suppliers and work with them directly or through fruits and vegetables, with the ongoing
agents to advise on aspects of quality control, such as consolidation of the EU retail market, the
produce size, levels of maturity, and packaging. Agents are number of specialist importers that handle
exotic fruits and vegetables has also shrunk.
often used as intermediaries to establish contacts between As a result, there are probably no more than
exporters and importers, frequently working for 10–20 companies across the EU that really
wholesalers by maintaining contact with a number of specialize in the import and distribution of
exotic vegetables.
foreign suppliers and taking commission on the final sales.
Even with these trust-based, long-term relationships in place, strategic behavior by individual agents
undermines collaboration for the common interest at times. The following are two examples.
• Supermarkets are the masters of the value chain and put incredible pressure on suppliers. For example,
just to keep their suppliers on their toes, a supermarket chain may auction off a certain line (for
example, the green bean supplies for the upcoming year) and replace the incumbent, unless the
incumbent is prepared to meet the best bidder’s offer.
• Throughout the supply chain, buyers may place larger orders than actually required (maybe up to 25
percent) and then claim noncompliance with standards to reject part of a delivery so as to match actual
demand (high standards will easily allow this strategy). Exporters may do this to producers, importers
or wholesalers to exporters, or retailers to importers. No seller can complain about such buyer behavior
It is estimated that as much as 80 percent of the fresh produce that enters the Netherlands is subsequently re-exported to other
EU markets, such as the U.K., France, Germany, and Scandinavia, all sourcing products using the auction system of distribution.
Re-exports are also made to Eastern Europe, Russia, and even as far afield as the Middle East and North America.
Category Management
In the past, importers would buy a variety of produce from
The increasingly complex task of sourcing
multiple sources (often literally depending on what was produce has seen the development of a
available and in season) and sell them to a range of whole series of joint ventures and strategic
customers. There was a strong trading mentality to the alliances around the world. This is in order to
ensure consistency of supply and the ability
business, which was often conducted on a “day to day” to supply major customers on an AYR basis.
basis. For the leading companies in the U.K. and other EU As a result, links between growers, packers,
fresh produce businesses, this has all changed. Buyer- and importers are both closer and more
highly technical than ever in the past.
supplier relationships look more like partnerships as
“category management” has become the preferred method of
sourcing produce for major retailers.
Category management is a more strategic management of product groups through trade partnerships
between retailers and suppliers to ensure that sourcing reflects customer spending patterns and in-store
trends. A category management team for high-value, exotic vegetables would involve members from the
supermarket chain who report on consumer demand and what they want for their shelves. Importers who
are able to use this information to seek out the best possible produce from around the world, making
strategic partnerships with growers and key exporting
Implications for a Tanzanian
This structure aims at reliability, economies of scale, and Export Project
expertise in each different product set. Suppliers will often
Consolidation has seen import companies
sign contracts to supply just 1–3 retailers, and as a result, develop a high degree of expertise on a
they themselves tend toward “sole-sourcing,” committing to small range of produce and build
exceptionally close relationships with just a
trusted importers to ensure consistent quality, simple
few key retail accounts. The U.K. has gone
processes, traceability, and a dedication to customers’ down this route most strongly of the key EU
demands. markets and in extreme cases, firms like
Asda17 have appointed just one company to
Some wholesalers, normally further down the supply chain, deal with the full category on their behalf.
are now becoming importers of air-freighted products such
as green beans or baby vegetables from southeastern Africa. This is because they are now able to import
the required volumes directly from exporters, often prepackaged and paying the same freight cost per
kilogram as major importers, thus avoiding the need to source through an importer and paying for their
additional fees or markup.
The tendency for large retail chains—especially those based in the U.K.—to want to trade in direct,
straight lines with suppliers has thus reduced the traditional role for wholesale importers in more
developed European markets. In many cases, the role of the importer has changed over the last 5–10 years
Owned by Wal–Mart.
Leading specialized wholesalers increasingly have direct investments in overseas farms or in post-harvest
facilities, such as cold-chain facilities at the airport (an important trend). These are mostly equity stakes in
export firms, but also some wholly owned farms, in countries such as Zambia, The Gambia, Kenya,
Jordan, Guatemala, Peru, and Egypt. If the specialized wholesalers make the initial capital investments,
they may be bought out over time by the producers groups or their association. The main objectives are to
secure supplies and improve efficiency. Lead importers also provide technical advice on quality control
aspects (e.g., level of maturity, size), packaging, and cold chain technology through their own technical
teams. Importers may also prefinance producers (at times) to help with cash flow issues (normally they
pay 30 days after receiving the produce). They may go so far as to offer a price-payment guarantee to
farmers, so that even if the crop fails, the farmers will get paid, just to overcome the farmers’ risk-
averseness during the first season.
These direct investments are part of a key trend to take place over the next 2–5 years, towards shorter and
more direct supply chains—that is, direct sales by producers to the specialized wholesalers in the end
market (no exporters or importers involved anymore; more vertical integration). Further in support of this
development, producers will increasingly need to organize themselves at the national level to be in a
better negotiating position vis-à-vis the airlines (whose rates are considered monopolistic by some key
informants we spoke to). Countries where such consolidated efforts take place will be more likely to be
selected as sourcing countries by the specialized wholesalers that are the gatekeepers to the supermarket
chains. Organizing producers at the national level may be easier in Tanzania than in a country like Kenya,
where exporting patterns are much more tied to existing structures.
Specialized wholesalers, as they are assessing potential countries to source from, will also talk to and
evaluate the collaboration they anticipate from the government of the exporting country. It is always
considered vital to be able to work closely with the authorities (various ministries such as agriculture and
finance, the port authority, customs) to maximize the efficiency of the export processes. In one example
provided by a key informant, a process was developed whereby a sample from a shipment is sent to and
inspected by the source country’s health inspection services in advance of the container moving from the
pack house, rather than having the whole container inspected at the airport. This considerably speeds up
the export process and avoids produce heating up while standing at the airport waiting for inspection
before being loaded on the plane. In the present example, the wait time before being loaded on the plane
dropped from 7 to 2 hours. This inspecting-by-advance-sample was accepted because the government had
already inspected the high-quality infrastructure and processes at the pack house.
In effect, the wholesale distribution sector in Europe has become irrelevant to the major retail operators,
due to the rationalization of the supermarket supply chain and the current trend for retailers to develop
close technical and commercial relationships with their suppliers. Wholesale markets in Europe as a result
now tend to focus their business on smaller, niche, independent retail operations and the foodservice
sector, particularly HoReCa (hotels, restaurants, cafés) establishments.
As in retail, the wholesale sector has become concentrated into the hands of fewer, larger players,
reducing the role for small wholesalers. Generally, wholesalers are split into “cash and carry”
wholesalers, where customers visit actual physical markets and/or the wholesaler’s depot and collect all
In the U.K., these markets, like New Covent Garden in London, for example, have wholesalers that would
supply smaller, higher-class restaurants with high-quality exotic vegetables, but little to retailers (see
box). The largest and probably the most sophisticated wholesale market in Europe is Rungis in Paris,
which stocks a huge range of fresh produce and has valuable links to foodservice and independent retail
sectors in France. Delivered wholesale has been growing in recent years, leading to increasingly large and
sophisticated handling companies receiving the majority of importing and distribution business in the
most developed EU countries.
A lot of the vegetables supplied by major national wholesalers to catering groups are frozen products,
which reduces logistical burdens for themselves and their customers and reduces waste. Therefore, to
understand how fresh vegetables are supplied, it is necessary to look towards wholesale markets and more
specialist wholesalers of fresh vegetables. Major European distributor wholesalers include Fyffes,
Redbridge, Mack, Geest, and the fresh produce arm of the foodservice company 3663 in the U.K., as well
as the Atlanta Group in Germany, Pomona in France, and The Greenery in the Netherlands.
“Wholesale markets have been in slow decline for the last 20 years and will continue to do so as
supermarkets put smaller independent retailers out of business; nowadays it’s the foodservice
industry that consumes the most of our wholesale products.”
“Ninety percent of our produce goes to supermarkets. The amount that goes to other
channels—namely, wholesale, foodservice and food processing—depends on how much
produce there is around at the time. It’s really a peripheral business to the multiples, as it
doesn’t have the same regularity.”
U.K. importer
“In the U.K., supermarkets are really the only sensible route to market, as the demands from the
wholesale, processing, and foodservice sectors are similar in terms of price and quality, and
they are a more fragmented market, with more links in the supply chain that add costs.”
U.K. importer
“We do less and less business now with wholesale markets, as there has been no growth in the
return we can make as the wholesale prices we are getting have been static. Now we don’t
procure specifically for wholesale at all.”
U.K. importer
In Germany and France, there are more fragmented players dealing in fresh produce that may be more
approachable. But this would be a competitive market with significantly smaller volumes, a fact which
should be taken into account when considering options for Tanzania.
In terms of overall revenue, the foodservice industry is generally growing faster than the retail sector in
Europe. In markets across Europe, foodservice could overtake the retail sector in terms of sales value by
the middle of the next decade18 (although given the far higher margins at restaurants, food volumes would
remain far lower). As in the retail sector, money spent on eating out is going to fewer, larger catering
As larger caterers and catering wholesale groups gain market share from smaller players, they are moving
toward more efficient, centrally controlled systems of purchasing to get closer to direct trade with
producers. Like retailers, foodservice wholesalers want reliability and conformity of produce, something
that they are far more readily able to achieve with their greater buying power. Catering organizations
mainly buy produce from delivered wholesalers, with smaller outfits buying from cash-and-carry
wholesalers; however, the vast majority of vegetables supplied to caterers by these wholesalers will be
Globally, there are many predictions of foodservice revenue overtaking food retail. In the United States, estimates are usually for
around the year 2010, while in the U.K., estimates usually cite 2025 as the point when foodservice will overtake retail.
However, on the whole, the foodservice industry has to be seen as a far less attractive option for
Tanzanian vegetable exporters than retail. The trends in foodservice across Europe can be seen as similar
to retail. The industry is far more fragmented and opaque, but due to consolidation, supplying the industry
is becoming more efficient. Across Europe, similar trends can be highlighted that have already been
mentioned for the retail sector: In France, foodservice establishments prefer fresh, local and seasonal
produce. In Germany there is a great pressure on price. The U.K. has perhaps the most advanced market
in terms of consolidation, something that can be seen to a lesser extent in the Netherlands.
In each market the major wholesaler distributors to the foodservice industry are becoming larger and
fewer in number. This creates a cost-driven industry and makes supplying the foodservice sector more
difficult, especially for first-time or novice exporters. Traditionally more power has lain with producers
and manufacturers in this market sector, but this power is being eroded as consolidation creates major
distribution companies (such as 3663 and Brake in the U.K.) that, like the EU retailers, are turning
towards a “preferred supplier list.” This has resulted in major suppliers to the industry sacrificing margin
for volume of products sold. However, this model is far less
viable for high-value vegetables.
At the high-volume end of the foodservice market, Long term, the growth of the foodservice
vegetables are often frozen. It is not logistically impossible sector is something the leading growers and
exporters in Tanzania should be aware of.
to supply frozen vegetables from Tanzania. However, as The sector is currently serviced through the
soon as they are frozen, high-value vegetables tend to lose larger wholesale businesses operating in the
their “high value,” since frozen products are seen as far fruit and vegetable sector. In the U.K., for
example, this would include companies such
lower quality and are only really required by the low-cost as Mack, Fyffes, Poupart and Redbridge, as
end of the sector. Therefore supplying these sort of low- well as the specialist foodservice companies
margin products from Tanzania is far less attractive, as the such as 3663, Brakes and Woodwards.
efficiency required in the supply chain to make the business
viable would be difficult (though maybe not impossible) to achieve.
Small volumes of quality products are sold at wholesale markets to smaller independent HoReCa
establishments and HoReCa suppliers, and these do present limited opportunities for African vegetable
exporters. However, this is a shrinking sector, with increasingly high standards and stronger demand for
local and seasonal produce (especially in France and Germany). It is more sensible for Tanzanian export
projects to aim for the supermarket sector; if contracts cannot be found or produce falls short of
requirements, the less reliable and transparent wholesale sectors can provide a secondary market for the
At the grower level, smallholder production is increasingly losing out to larger commercial operations.
There are now fewer, larger exporters that are investing more capital upstream to gain control of more of
the supply chain—often owning the farms where produce is
grown, for example.
In Kenya, major exporters like Homegrown
In many cases, smallholders do play an important part in have become vertically integrated, exporting
together supplying high volumes of produce, but with the produce from their own farms; controlling
increasing pressure in terms of standards and efficiency it is their own storage, cooling, and logistics
facilities; and making their own
difficult for exporters to supply the necessary training and transportation agreements with air freight
transportation to a large group of small growers. These companies, as well as having dedicated
technical demands often link back to the need to ensure food importers based in the EU. However, a move
to producing 100 percent from owned farms
safety and provide full traceability of fresh produce in such has not yet occurred, because of outgrower
areas as pesticide applications, and they are likely to increase schemes’ lower overhead expenses and
market-related risks for the exporter.
in importance in the future.
The largest market for the products that Tanzania is potentially interested in exporting to Europe will
undoubtedly be the major supermarket groups. The wholesale sector, which gives access to the
Given the pressure concerning both quality and price from Europe, the possibilities for niche export
operations are small, and products would naturally have to be highly differentiated.
“Small shipments to smaller markets make no economic sense at all. You should aim to export
as big a shipment as possible as fixed costs will be similar for everyone and exporting gives
economies of scale. It’s the same with importers: importers are not interested in small
shipments, unless they are trials, as we need to keep costs and prices down by supplying large
Dutch importer
There is currently a small market for non-Grade I produce, but this market will shrink further as
consolidation continues in the European food industry.
“Standards have gone up all over the industry so there is very little market for Grade II
Dutch importer
Exporters around the world generally produce vegetables to supermarket standards. If they do not
meet these requirements, there are limited options for other routes to market through wholesalers, at
much lower value.
U.K. importer
“We aren’t seeing that much of a change in terms of the products we import. What we are
seeing is more and more value being added at source, and we are giving more and more
technical advice further up the supply chain.”
U.K. importer
It costs European supermarkets much more to package, grade, and label produce in their own countries,
due mainly to the major differences in labor costs. Furthermore, having these operations done in the
country of origin invariably places the responsibility for inventory control and traceability in the hands of
the exporters, taking even more pressure off retailers.
Kenyan exporters have built up such a good reputation for adding value to produce through high-quality
packaging that often vegetables from other countries are flown to Kenya to be packaged before they are
flown on to the leading U.K. supermarkets. Quick to spot this trend, the Kenyans built new infrastructure
for packaging produce, but they overestimated the size of the market and now have too much capacity.
According to a major U.K. importer of exotic vegetables,
only 50–60 percent of this capacity is now in use, so any
future growth in demand for these products could still be Currently, most U.K. and other EU importers
who are involved in this sort of business
easily absorbed by Kenyan companies in the coming years. believe that Tanzanian companies are losing
out on this opportunity, as they must either
The market for these products in Europe is considerable source appropriate packaging from abroad
and is increasing due to the changes in vegetable (primarily Kenya) or transport produce to
Kenya to be packaged. Investing in more of
consumption already outlined. This could be a key market the infrastructure, materials, and technology
for Tanzanian exporters, but requires a great deal of needed for prepacking produce would
investment in raw materials and packing facilities and very therefore reduce costs for Tanzanian
exporters in the long term at the same time
high standards for supply chain management, hygiene, and as it would increase the value of products.
efficiency (see Section 3.4.3).
• The overall volume of vegetable imports into the EU reached over 10.5 million tons in 2005. The
increase in overall vegetable consumption forms the first building block in terms of developing exports
from Tanzania to the U.K. and other key EU markets—and this market is still growing.
• The leading importers of fresh vegetables are Germany, the U.K., France, and the Netherlands (the
“Big 4”), together accounting for around 70 percent of EU imports by value.
• The proportion of the trade accounted for by developing countries has increased significantly and
above the overall rate of market growth.
After the Big 4 markets are considered, the overall size of individual markets begins to fall quite rapidly,
with no other country importing over 1 million tons in 2005. While the figure for imports into Belgium is
quite high, much of this is a combination of produce from the Netherlands for domestic consumption and
produce from a variety of other countries which it re-exports to other EU markets.19
The 10 “new member” EU states from Eastern Europe and the Baltic states together imported 936,000
tons—just 9 percent of all EU imports. Despite vegetable imports generally growing at a faster rate in
new EU countries, the market is very small compared with the EU as a whole and will be unlikely to
present substantial opportunities in the near future.
Germany, despite being the leading importer of vegetables in the EU, imports relatively little on a direct
basis from Africa. Germany has often sourced its fruits and vegetables chiefly from internal EU suppliers
and, outside of the EU, from countries like Turkey. It is also worthwhile noting that despite being the
largest importer, Germany is the only country where fresh vegetable imports have decreased between
2001 and 2005, due to increased domestic production. Germany often sources produce from countries in
East Africa and Latin America through importers based in the Netherlands.
This leaves France and the U.K. as the clear leaders in direct imports of produce from developing nations.
France imports 32 percent of all vegetables the EU sources from developing nations, and the U.K. imports
25 percent.20
Although extra-EU imports accounted for only around 12 percent of all EU import volumes, they are
growing far faster than intra-EU imports. This is the result of the growing consumption of more exotic
products, as well as the growing demand for seasonal European vegetables all throughout the year. In
2005, the EU imported US$1.3 billion worth of fresh vegetables with a volume of 955 thousand tons from
developing countries (11 percent of total imports, but 80 percent of extra-EU imports) .21 This is an
increase of 53 percent in both value and volume compared to 2001.
In some ways the markets of Belgium and the Netherlands are quite distinct; in others, very similar. It is very common to find
Netherlands-based companies operating in Belgium and vice versa, based on the ease of travel between the two and the
excellent distribution, handling, and packing infrastructure found in both countries.
CBI, EU Market Survey: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 2005.
CBI, October 2006.
Source: CBI, EU Market Survey: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, 2005 (NL = Netherlands).
The major products imported from developing countries are beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and peas.
The shares of developing countries in total product import value are very different across products. For
tomatoes, for instance, this share is only 9 percent, while for beans it is 66 percent. Besides beans,
developing countries have significant shares in total imports of fresh vegetables, including peas (61
percent), sweet corn (41 percent), asparagus (33 percent), garlic (23 percent), and artichokes (23 percent).
The leading fresh vegetable exporter among all developing countries is Morocco, followed by Kenya,
Turkey, Egypt, and Peru. Table 2 (next page) provides a breakdown by country for 2002.
The leading Europe-based suppliers to the EU are Spain and the Netherlands representing 60 percent of
imports in value by EU member countries. Imports from outside the EU come from a plethora of other
countries. These are discussed in more detail later on in this report, but Kenya is by far the biggest single
supplier from Africa and has built up a significant business to all of the leading EU markets over a 30-
year period. Kenya’s main target market in the EU has been the U.K. followed by the Netherlands, which
acts as a major re-export center for all agrifood products entering the EU from Africa, Asia, and Central
and South America.
The U.K. has been the main target for the Kenyan export business, based initially on the historical links
between the two countries. However, this has since been superseded by the fact that Kenyan growers,
packers, and exporters have shown themselves to be consistently “best of class.” They have succeeded in
meeting the stringent commercial and technical demands of the leading U.K. supermarkets—in a way that
many others from East and Southern Africa have not been able to do. This would include Tanzania, which
has had very much a “start-stop” relationship with the U.K. market and has never really made the
breakthrough there that might have been expected over the last 15 years.
As a signatory to the EU–African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Countries Free Trade Agreement,
Tanzania enjoys duty-free access to the EU market, as do all of the other key East and Southern African
suppliers to the EU market, including Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Uganda. However, most other
countries that also supply exotic vegetables to the EU, such as those in Central America and Thailand,
also have preferential trade agreements with the EU, which see them enter the market at either zero or
very low rates of duty, for a whole range of agricultural and food products. This is extended to off-season
fruits and vegetables.
Interestingly, Kenya will lose its status as a Least Developed
Country when the current Lomé Agreement comes to an end Tanzania is not at a disadvantage—or an
advantage—as regards tariffs for exports to
in December 2007. This would force Kenya to negotiate a the EU market. There is no logical reason
separate economic partnership agreement with the EU, likely why tariffs should keep Tanzania from
less favorable than that for the other countries in the region developing an export business to the EU.
and reducing its competitiveness. This may offer some
Exporting countries, regardless of source, must give importing countries phytosanitary certificates that
will prove that SPS requirements have been satisfied. The accuracy and reliability of this certification
process is important in building international trade relations. For this, exporting countries need to have the
correct infrastructure, including laboratories equipped to test food for pesticide residues and other
substances, as well as sufficient expertise to accurately
monitor and certify the standard of their produce.
As well as measures set out by international bodies, such as These Are Now Seen As “Must Have,” Not
the WTO, on issues such as SPS agreements, nontariff “Nice To Have”
barriers are increasingly driven by the major international As a result of the intense competition in the
food retailers. In practice, though, these additional food and drink supply chain, especially at
requirements are actually implemented by their nominated retail level, some non-legislative
importers and typically cover areas of best practice or added requirements have in effect become
mandatory for growers and exporters, if they
value—these are not required by law. stand any chance of winning contracts with
European importers. This would apply to any
However, they will invariably give any exporter who can export project in Tanzania as much as
meet or exceed them a significant competitive advantage. anywhere else.
The retailers involved themselves also see these additional
requirements as giving them a strong advantage over their
main competitors.
As far as we are aware.
GlobalGAP (the Global Retailer Protocol for Good Agricultural Practice), formerly known as EurepGAP,
is a global partnership scheme with the backing of major EU retailers that aims at promoting good
agricultural practice (GAP), with 250 rules covering areas including food traceability, worker welfare,
environmental issues, and food safety.24 This standard attempts to develop themes of sustainable
agriculture, cooperation, and transparency in the supply chain and aims at the global harmonization of
agricultural standards. It also gives European importers confidence to trade with international producers
from around the world. Organizations involved with
GlobalGAP include:
Membership in the GlobalGAP scheme in effect
• Major retailers across the EU. admits organizations and companies into a
“club” of respected and proven operators in the
• Major agrichemical and life science-based companies, supply chain. Many countries outside Europe,
such as Bayer and Syngenta. such as Kenya, Mexico, and China, have signed
memorandums of understanding with
• Leading food companies, especially those operating in GlobalGAP in order to give their growers and
exporters credibility with leading produce
the area of fresh fruits and vegetables. importers and major EU retailers. Tanzania
would benefit hugely from a close involvement
• Leading trade associations, such as the Chilean Fresh with and participation in the GlobalGAP
Fruit Export Association. organization.
As a private sector-driven standard, GlobalGAP
However, the GlobalGAP protocol requires significant can give assurances to the importing company
that produce from a specific source of supply is
investment and know-how. Growers will require training safe and of good quality, even if the national
in implementing the protocol, as well as incur extra food control safety structures are not well
expenses in constructing and upgrading structures like developed in the exporting country.
toilets, pesticide stores, shelters, and offices. Extra staff
must also be employed to maintain and monitor standards
The British Retail Consortium is in effect a trade association and represents the interests of the major U.K. retail chains—all of
them are members—as well as other forms of independent retailing in the U.K.
EurepGAP announced the name change to GlobalGAP September 7, 2007, during its eighth annual conference in Thailand, “to
reflect its expanding international role in establishing Good Agricultural Practices mutually agreed between multiple retailers and
their suppliers” (GlobalGAP press release).
UNCTAD has analyzed the summarized costs of compliance and accreditation to GlobalGAP based on
interviews with Tanzanian producers:
The two largest producers of high-value vegetables in Tanzania (Serengeti Fresh Ltd and Gomba Estates)
are both GlobalGAP certified. Situated in Arusha,
Serengeti Fresh comprises four GlobalGAP-certified
GlobalGAP and smallholder farmer
units supplying a BRC-accredited packhouse. certification
Due to its expense and sophistication, it has been argued In May 2007, GlobalGAP appointed
Johannes Kern as an Observer for Africa.
that GlobalGAP excludes smaller growers from Working with the U.K. and German
supplying major exporters in African countries.25 Unlike international development organizations,
the WTO standards, which do not concern themselves among others, Dr. Kern is expected to “be
involved in establishing new frameworks for
with farming methods but demand an “equivalence of best practice in smallholder certification,
risk outcome” when comparing product safety, making the system more cost-effective by
GlobalGAP demands an “equivalence of system.” This developing the group certification model as
well as harmonizing the approaches in Africa
means that even if produce is within limits for pesticide with smallholder schemes operating in Latin
residues and similar substances, the correct European America and Asia.”
Nevertheless, at the GlobalGAP 2005 conference, it was revealed that the number of GlobalGAP-certified growers had doubled in
the previous year to 35,000, with another 10,000 applications being processed. In addition, GlobalGAP members (which are all
retail chains) had increased to 275 from the 21 original founders in 1999. The implication is that accreditation can be achieved
when growers (and donors) see it as important and put sufficient resources behind it.
“I don’t think that GlobalGAP accreditation is that difficult to achieve in countries like Tanzania,
apart from for the really small growers. Even then it is by no means impossible, if exporters are
professional and are able to co-ordinate operations with small growers efficiently. Actually, some
of our African suppliers have been ahead of quite a few of our southern European suppliers in
terms of getting accredited to GlobalGAP.”
U.K. importer
For GlobalGAP certification of large numbers of Many of the growers had a very high
personal commitment to quality. But they
smallholder growers, it will be necessary to organize in were still not able to operate using
groups (of say 20) which act as if they are one bigger farm. GlobalGAP-equivalent systems—for
The current version of GlobalGAP makes some provisions example, measuring how many kilograms of
pesticide per hectare were being applied to
for this. The group certification model implies group their crops.
representatives guaranteeing the compliance of the group This is potentially a serious concern for
members. The mechanism is self-governing in that all group Tanzania, where many producers operate
members will suffer if one of them fails to comply or makes from very small farms.
a mistake. This is further supported through a traceability
system, which makes it easy to identify any culprits, and sample-based auditing by third-party
organizations. Since they are usually the most sensitive to food safety problems (due diligence rules), EU
importers will further reduce their risks by 1) doing some of their own testing (in addition to public sector
and GlobalGAP testing), 2) providing technical advice to farms, and, linked to this, 3) taking out the high-
risk elements by, for example, doing the agrochemical applications themselves.
Retailers’ Protocols
Some of the leading EU retailers also have their own
specific protocols for crop production—which again are The Bottom Line for Potential Tanzanian
required from all suppliers, regardless of their exact Exporters Is That…
location. Tesco in the U.K., for example, has developed a …the market for produce that is not certified
similar but slightly more stringent standard than GlobalGAP by GlobalGAP (or an equivalent) is now very
small in Western Europe. Even wholesale
called Tesco’s Nature’s Choice. Companies that are markets require information on certification
registered with Tesco’s suppliers can be certified as having and provenance to satisfy their customers as
met the required standard of good agricultural practice that to the quality and safety of produce.
satisfies Tesco’s specific customers and corporate
Dutch importer
“On the whole, I think there are far too many standards and codes of practice in the market,
but they are now a fact of life in the industry. I must accept them, as my customers
[supermarkets and wholesale markets] are all demanding certified produce.”
Dutch importer
It covers such critical topics as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, quality
management, factory environment standards, and product and process controls. An updated version of the
standard, released in 2005, dealt with traceability and food manufacturing, as well as communication
between buyers and suppliers. More details of the BRC standard can be found at
After the crisis involving bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or mad cow disease), the FSA was created as an independent,
science-based organization to help restore consumer faith in U.K. food safety.
COLEACP (in French, Comité de Liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique) is a interprofessional network promoting
sustainable horticultural trade, gathering together ACP producers/exporters and EU importers of fruit and vegetables, flowers and
ornamental plants, and other companies and partners operating in the ACP/EU horticultural industry. It is based in Paris.
Biodynamic is organic production that has a more holistic and spiritual outlook. More details at:
Pesticide Residues
In Europe, pesticides are generally used in accordance with the principle “as little as possible, but as
much as necessary” or “as low as reasonably achievable.” In order to have a set of standards to enable
trade, check compliance with GAP, and ensure human health is protected, legally applicable maximum
residue levels (MRLs) for food have been set. In the case of noncompliance, products are taken out of the
market and, in some cases, fines are imposed. It is essential that all suppliers to the EU—again, regardless
of source—monitor the pesticide residue levels of their produce. The annual EU PPP residues monitoring
report shows that typically 2–4 percent of samples exceed MRLs. Unfortunately, due to the lack of
opportunities to gather data and assess tropical products, high-value vegetables do not generally have a set
MRL. This means that the acceptable level for residues of harmful chemicals is effectively zero. For
more, see box below.
“Kenya Off-Season and Speciality Fresh Vegetables and Fruits: Lessons of Experience from the Kenya Horticultural Industry,”
UNCTAD background paper, 2001.
management system include identifying areas for reduction in energy and other resource consumption,
preventing pollution, reducing waste and its associated costs, improving community goodwill, and
demonstrating commitment to high quality.
Social Requirements
Social issues concern both general labor conditions, such as minimum wage, the use of child labor, and
maximum working hours, and the health and safety of the employees. Exporters to the EU market are not
obliged to comply with the EU countries’ legislation on labor conditions. However, the requirements of
leading importers and retailers in this respect are an increasingly important concern when looking at
accessing European markets. This is because of rising consumer awareness of these issues, the pressure
exerted on the supply chain by certain NGOs, negative media coverage of agrifood multinationals
sourcing from developing countries, and the overall growing commitment to corporate social
responsibility. For these reasons, European importers and the retailers that they supply increasingly
request adherence to minimal social standards from their fresh produce suppliers in developing countries.
Exporters in developing countries do not necessarily develop their own code of conduct, but have to
conform to the requirements set by leading produce organizations which are frequently coordinated by
industrywide bodies, such as the U.K. Fresh Produce Consortium. Such codes often require produce
companies’ suppliers to adhere to the standards set by the International Labour Organization.
Fair Trade
Fair trade has already been mentioned in this report in terms of its impact on the overall market for fresh
produce per se. Fair trade produce carries a label that guarantees that the producer organization supplying
the product has received at least the minimum accepted price for the produce that covers the cost of
sustainable production as well as an extra premium that is invested in social or economic development
The Fairtrade Labelling Organization International (FLO) is There is a potential market for fair trade
an umbrella body representing 20 national fair trade labeling green beans, but it is unlikely that this will be
initiatives. It can take many months to register new fair trade extended in the immediate future to cover
the types of high-value vegetables that this
products and ensure the supply chain structures are properly study is concerned with. This is due, not
researched, so the product range is still quite limited, but it is least, to the small share of the market they
expanding all the time. For contact details, see represent and the complexities involved in
setting up accreditation at this stage.
• Class II—reasonably good quality, sound but deficient in one or two requirements, such as shape,
color, or small blemishes and marks
The standards may be waived temporarily in a season of extreme shortage, when supplies are too low to
meet consumer demand. On the other hand, minimum sizes may be raised in a season of surplus (see
Regulation 2200/96 Art. 4). Such decisions are made on an EC-wide basis.
The minimum standards for all green beans require the produce to be intact, clean, practically free of any
visible foreign matter, fresh in appearance, practically free from pests, and free of any foreign smell
and/or taste, among other things. Additional requirements are applied as follows:
• “Extra” Class must also be turgid, easily snapped, very tender, practically straight and stringless.
• Class I beans must fit the standards for Extra Class, but are allowed to have slight defects in shape,
slight defects in coloring, and slight skin defects.
Most supermarkets in Western Europe will only accept produce that is at least Class I or above. There is
virtually no market for Class II produce, and if there is, produce is sold at a considerable discount price.
There are very little reliable data available for the supply of Class II or lower grades of produce, or indeed
for produce bought and sold through wholesale markets across Europe.
There are tolerances for each class allowing a certain percentage of product to be outside the
corresponding standards. The “Extra” class may include 5 percent by number or weight of beans not
satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class I. Class I may include 10 percent by
number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements
of the class, but meeting those of Class II. Ten percent are
permitted to be stringed, and no more than 15 percent by While there is no legal reason why Class II
and III produce can be sold on the U.K. and
number or weight may have the stalk and a small section other EU markets, the reality is that leading
of the narrow part of the neck missing, provided these supermarkets will not be interested in trading
pods remain closed and dry and are not discolored. produce that meets at least Class I
standards as a minimum. And in most cases,
they have their own additional standards and
For Class II beans, 10 percent by number or weight of protocols, which need to be in addition to the
beans satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor basic statutory requirement.
the minimum requirements are permitted, with the
exception of produce affected by bean spot disease,
rotting, or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption. No more than 30 percent by number
or weight of beans may have the stalk and a small section of the narrow part of the neck missing.
Size is determined by the maximum width of the pod measured at right angles to the seam and is only
compulsory for needle beans, in accordance with the following classification:
• Medium: width of the pod not exceeding 12 mm. (Medium needle beans may not be placed in the
“Extra” Class.)
For all classes (if sized): 10 percent by number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements as
regards sizing are tolerated.
Beans must be packed so that they are properly protected. The materials used inside the package must be
new and clean, and must not cause external or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials,
particularly of paper or stamps bearing trade specifications, is allowed, provided the printing or labeling
has been done with nontoxic ink or glue. Stickers individually affixed on the product may not leave
visible traces of glue when removed, nor may they lead to skin defects. Each package must bear the
following details, visible from the outside:
• Nature of produce: i.e., “Beans” and/or commercial type, if the contents are not visible from the
outside; the name of the variety is optional.
• Origin of produce: country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or
local place name.
• Commercial specifications: class and size. (For needle beans, this is indicated by the words “very
fine,” “fine,” or “medium.”)
“The most important thing is that suppliers are able to get the produce out of their country
effectively, in good condition, quickly and cost-effectively.”
Dutch importer
Air cargo is the main means used to transport fresh fruit and vegetables from Africa to the EU, despite
being more expensive than ocean cargo. The far shorter in-transit time possible with air transport is
critical for highly perishable goods. The products that this study focuses on are well established as “air-
freighted” vegetables, by contrast with longer-life products—for example, butternut squash and many
fruits—that can be easily transported by sea.
Frozen vegetables can also be transported by sea. The possibility of exporting frozen produce and thereby
eliminating some of the time pressure is something that could be explored in Tanzania. However, the lack
of high-class food processing companies and cold storage infrastructure in the country is likely to label
these sorts of projects as highly ambitious in the short term. Kenya is well ahead of Tanzania in this
regard, yet of all Kenyan beans exported in 2005, only 0.5 percent, or 181 tons, were frozen, which would
seem to show that this model is of limited value.30
HCDA, 2005 export data.
It is essential to maintain a seamless cold chain when exporting fresh perishables to the EU. Keeping
produce at the optimum temperature for the length of the journey can have an important impact on its
freshness when it arrives at supermarkets and its subsequent shelf life. This process must begin
immediately. Field heat must be removed by chilling the products before they are loaded onto a means of
transport; this has a huge effect, since it slows the rate of respiration and ripening.
Logistics and direct air freight links are likely to be among the biggest problems stakeholders will
encounter in building up the industry for Tanzanian vegetable exports. The lack of these has been one of
the main reasons that Tanzanian growers have failed on international markets in the past.
“Tanzania has problems with freight links in that most produce ends up being transported by
truck to Kenya to get transported to Europe… if Tanzania received significant funding it’s
possible that they could look to charter flights from Dar-es-Salaam, but there’s a worldwide
shortage of charter flights and air freight space in general.”
U.K. importer
Major importers in Europe require at least three deliveries of fresh produce per week, and with relatively
few flights leaving Tanzanian airports for Europe, this is impossible to achieve with any degree of
reliability. Therefore Tanzania must rely on the transit of produce via Nairobi, where there are more
departures to Europe, superior infrastructure for fresh vegetable exports, and more air freight capacity.
But going through Nairobi not only adds costs; it also loses valuable time and consequently has the
potential to damage product quality.
“We need at least three deliveries a week, and ideally five days out of seven… We have
reduced our contracts in Zambia because we couldn’t get the reliability of supply. The main
problem for Zambian exporters is getting the produce out of the country; most of the produce
goes via South Africa. This would be the most likely problem for Tanzania, assuring quality
and reliability, mainly because it will be difficult to get produce out of the country efficiently.”
U.K. importer
The increasing and unpredictable cost of oil has made the industry wary of relying too heavily on air
freight. Some importers who source from Morocco or Egypt are looking to experiment with receiving
beans and other fruits and vegetables by road and sea, which takes longer, but is cheaper and more
sustainable. This is obviously far more suitable for North African countries that are closer to Europe than
Air freight is the key cost element in vegetables from East Africa, making up around 50 percent of the
U.K. CIF price. It is not surprising, therefore, that key informants had many things to say about it.
Specialized wholesalers mentioned the following.
• With three carriers to choose from—Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Kenya Airways, and Dar-es-
Salaam—Tanzania is in a better position than some other African producers (e.g., Zambia, Zimbabwe).
• While growing tourism offers some transport opportunities at the moment (passenger flights with extra
cargo space), at some point Tanzanian producers will have to move away from relying on this channel
and take the big leap to chartered flights. This will require volumes to both increase and flatten out
throughout the year. Regular scheduled charter cargo planes to the EU would require volumes of 30–40
tons, 3–5 times per week, to become cost-effective. In 2005 Tanzania did manage to export on average
40 tons per week to the EU—three 40-foot containers (12 tons each) per week. However, in 2006
exported volumes dropped back to less than 1,000 tons total, and they are expected to be even lower in
• Transport costs can be made a lot less than they are today (lowering the freight’s carbon footprint as
well) by reducing waste and filling container space more fully through revised packaging and stacking
techniques. Experiments on this are taking place continuously, and Tanzania should get at the forefront
of these developments.
Sea freight is technically an option for vegetables from Tanzania. It is significantly cheaper (by maybe 50
percent). Quality of sea freight can also be higher than air freight even with the long transportation time,
because the cold chain may be more consistently preserved. Air freight from East Africa usually implies
several hours on the (hot) tarmac before the produce is loaded on the plane (and again at off-loading at
However, by boat Tanzanian produce would take about 21–28 days to reach EU ports from Tanzania—
very long relative to Egypt (from Egypt a boat takes only 7–9 days to reach the U.K. market). The lag
time between order and delivery is too long and too variable for an efficient management of volumes by
the EU importers. Hence, sea transportation of fresh vegetables from East Africa remains a mostly
unexplored option.
Packaging requirements should always be discussed with the importing client. Packaging can be very
important in maintaining the right microclimate for the vegetables being exported, as well as protecting
them from damage. Having the correct size packaging is important also. The most common size standards
for packaging shipments of vegetables to the EU from Kenya and other established sources of supply are
as follows:
It is important, however, that suppliers meet all packaging regulations as well as being aware of and
meeting the customers’ requirements and packaging specifications, which can vary from client to client.
This is obviously especially true for the growing market for prepacked, shelf-ready packaging.
“Packaging, especially for prepacked products, is very important. Some of our suppliers
claim to have EU standard packaging, but often it turns out that they don’t. We have to do far
too much re-packaging and when we deduct the cost for this from our payment, our suppliers
often get upset.”
Dutch importer
The Kenyans, as previously mentioned, are the regional “best in class” in packaging exotic vegetable
products for European retailers, often ready for supermarket shelves with all the necessary labeling and
bar coding. Supermarkets like to pass this function up the supply chain to save on labor costs. However,
the Kenyan suppliers had to prove themselves over a period of years as highly efficient, reliable providers
of packaging services; so would Tanzanians and others wishing to do the same.
Almost all high-value vegetables under discussion are sold prepackaged in polystyrene or plastic trays,
often with cellophane covering, in packs of between 150g and 500g in European supermarkets. Generally,
the higher the value of the product, the more will be spent on packaging and branding. Of the products
under discussion here, green beans are the only ones commonly found loose in European supermarkets.
Combination packs are becoming more and more popular as a convenient vegetable portion for one or
two people to have with their meal, or to add to a stir-fry, for example. Common combinations include
sugar snaps and baby corn or green beans and baby carrots, but there will undoubtedly be more
innovation in combinations and styles of packaging in the future.
• The likelihood that GM foods and varieties will be accepted in the EU fresh produce market over the
next 5–10 years is just about nil, and it would be commercial suicide for Tanzanian growers and
exporters to go down this route if they wish to penetrate the EU market. Rightly or wrongly, the level
of suspicion among many EU consumers about the use of GM technology is very high and the major
retailers are unlikely to take any significant risk in this direction. Nor do they probably wish to engage
with highly focused and well funded NGOs on this subject which they probably see as a “no win”
situation for them.
CBI, EU Market Survey: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 2005.
• The major life-science companies have also made strong attempts to reduce the application of
agrichemicals by using “smart inputs” which lessen the requirement of regular spraying. The whole
issue of the use of agrichemicals for the fresh produce sector, along with the thorny subject of pesticide
residue levels, is not going to go away in the short to mid-
term. Any new technology in this sector should be welcomed It is only over the last 10–15 years that
by growers and exporters in Tanzania, as should Tanzania has been attempting to make a
developments in areas such as advanced disease testing. significant impact on the EU fresh produce
market, although clearly the potential has
• There are nearly always new developments in the area of always existed to do so. The use of
advanced technology in the field, in the
packaging, such as modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP), packhouse, and in the office will clearly be
which in theory could see the use of air freight to export critically important if Tanzania is to compete
successfully with other “best in class”
products around the world largely replaced by the use of sea players—especially the Kenyans.
freight. Companies such as Kappa in the Netherlands have
However, there are also fundamental
been carrying out extensive trial work in South Africa and hurdles to overcome in terms of physical
Chile for products such as grapes, stonefruit, and soft citrus infrastructure—roads, airports, storage, and
over a number of years. To date, however, commercializing so forth—as well as the institutional and
commercial infrastructure, such as a
the technology has remained a tantalizing opportunity on the network of well-managed businesses,
horizon. Again, the challenge for Tanzania will be to keep access to finance and training, and some
abreast of these sorts of developments with companies like aspects of government policy. Just dumping
high-tech solutions on the Tanzanian
Kappa Packaging and begin an active dialogue with them. It horticultural export sector is unlikely to pay
is highly likely that if they were looking to develop R&D real dividends without accompanying
programs in East Africa they would go first to the Kenyan improvements in physical, institutional, and
commercial infrastucture.
industry, and there is a danger that Tanzania might not be on
their radar screen.
• One of the biggest developments in the use of technology in the international fresh produce sector
during the last 10 years or so has been the expanding use of office-based technologies to enable
producers, growers, and exporters to communicate effectively with each other on both technical and
commercial issues, as well as the ability to analyze huge amounts of customer data and information
(such as consumer behavior, supplier benchmarking, and individual store performance). If Tanzania is
to be taken seriously in this sector, its managers and entrepreneurs will need excellent all-round IT
From analyzing supermarket prices against average U.K. wholesale prices (Table 5), the following
estimates produce similar results—the producer receives around 11–13 percent of the retail sales value.
Table 6 indicates that only the percentage for baby corn falls significantly below this 11–13 percent level.
It seems that retailers add far higher margins to the wholesale price, making the producer price only 5.5
percent of the retail value; the markup reflects the relatively commoditized global market for baby corn.
US$ rates converted using Oanda Historical FX rates (December 31, 2006).
Tables 7 and 8 show the overall small part that high-value exotic vegetables play in U.K. vegetable
consumption (this also applies to the rest of the EU). Traditional vegetables like potatoes, cauliflower,
broccoli, and carrots will still sell in far higher volumes than all leguminous vegetables put together.
Fresh Produce Consortium, RE:Fresh Directory 2006.
Fresh Produce Consortium, RE:Fresh Directory 2006.
TNS WorldPanel 2006 (
TNS WorldPanel 2006.
About 55 percent of the imported value was supplied by developing countries. In 2003, France was the
leading EU importer of peas and beans, accounting for 23 percent of the imported value, followed by the
U.K. (19 percent), the Netherlands (15 percent)37 and Belgium (15 percent) . The French market is
typically supplied by French-speaking West African countries, while the U.K. tends to be supplied by the
East African countries such as Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Uganda, although Kenyan exporters do
send reasonable volumes of produce to the French market as well.
The sale of green beans supplied to Europe has been a major source of revenue for Africa and African
growers. This business has been soaring, thanks to investments in modern transportation and refrigeration
facilities, especially in Kenya. African exports are likely to remain significant well into the future, as they
account for most of the European supply during the period from December to May.
countries Kenya
19% 19%
France Spain
13% 15%
CBI EU Market Survey 2005: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
Baby vegetables are still positioned at the premium end of the market and will be popular among
consumers who have a passion for cooking and high-quality, innovative food. However, rather than just
being fancy and fashionable, nowadays the main driver for the purchase of baby vegetables at retail level
is convenience. There is generally little or no preparation required, so vegetables can be cooked quickly
and are easily added to popular, convenient dishes, such as stir fry. Consumers may prefer baby carrots, in
particular, to pre-prepared peeled and chopped carrot batons (carrot sticks), as they seem more pure,
natural, and wholesome. Furthermore, baby vegetables are naturally sweeter, according to Univeg, a U.K.
major importer of baby vegetables; they may therefore be particularly attractive to younger age groups. 38
Baby vegetables will also grow in popularity due to the overall shrinking in size of families and
households generally. With baby vegetables, there is less waste: people who buy a whole baby
cauliflower for one meal, for example, do not need to leave half or more of it to be used for later meals or,
as is often the case, to be tossed out. Generally, after new baby products have proved a success with the
foodservice sector, they have been slowly taken on at the major supermarket chains. For producers,
contracts with retail multiples provide far larger and more reliable revenues, and this reliability is key for
generating profits in the long term for suppliers. As the number of baby vegetables on supermarket
shelves around Europe increases, they should be a key target market for exporters.
Many U.K. suppliers of baby vegetables grow a range of vegetables in the U.K. as well as in Spain, for
example, to benefit from a warmer climate and give an AYR supply capacity. However, European
growers have found that although baby vegetables command a higher price and can be cultivated more
quickly, production is more difficult and labor-intensive. As baby vegetables are smaller, there is a far
smaller size band within which produce must fit, so Europe’s unpredictable and sometimes extreme
weather makes it more difficult to produce baby vegetables there. The labor-intensive nature of
production, as well as the need for a consistent climate, all support suppliers of these products based in
“U.K. Distr butors Focus on Bringing Up Baby,” Fresh Produce Journal, August 21, 2001.
The market for prepacked vegetables is increasing rapidly in Europe. According to the Fresh Produce
Journal (2006), around 70 percent of vegetables bought in the U.K. are now prepacked, including almost
all of the target vegetables for this study. And, due to the far higher labor costs in Europe, these
vegetables are increasingly being packed in the exporting country.
In comparison, Kenya is the leading supplier of these off-season products to the EU. Growers are well
organized; efficient and well-managed exporters are clustered around the main point of exit at Nairobi
International Airport. Excellent, state-of-the-art cold storage facilities exist at the airport. While the cost
of air freight and the availability of air cargo space are concerns, the infrastructure at Nairobi far exceeds
anything to be found at any of the other East African export countries.
A very high proportion—95 percent—of Kenyan exports are destined for the EU market, with the U.K.,
France, and the Netherlands as the main target markets. Minor exports go to the Middle East and other
African countries, but these have not shown significant growth in recent years. The focus is on building
and maintaining the EU markets, which Kenya has now dominated for the past 25 years.
The Kenyan industry is well supported by a range of both public and private sector organizations,
including the Horticultural Crop Development Authority (HCDA), the Kenyan Flower Council (KFC),
the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK), and various government agencies—all
highly focused on the development of export business to the EU. However, the real key to the success of
the Kenyan industry is the involvement of a highly active and professional private sector.
Kenyan exports of horticultural products amounted to some 163,000 tons in 2005 and included a wide
range of fruits and vegetables, as well as a huge business in cut flowers. Many of the leading Kenyan
export companies have developed excellent relationships with the major importers in the EU. In some
cases, they have developed joint ventures and attracted investment from abroad into their businesses.
They invariably have a high level of pre- and post-harvest export skills, as well as a detailed knowledge
of customer requirements in the main EU markets. They are recognized as being “best of class” by the
leading supermarket chains, which dominate the food retail markets in all EU countries.
Kenyan fresh vegetable exports have been growing steadily over the past five years to around 63,000 tons
per annum in 2005. Green beans, mangetout, sugar snaps, baby corn, and packs of mixed vegetables are
taking an increasing share of total exports. These off-season products are outperforming the overall
sector. Green beans now make up around 60 percent of all Kenyan fresh vegetable exports.
The export sector was given a kickstart in the late 1970s and early 1980s by investments from major
multinational companies then operating in Kenya. From this solid base Kenya was able to build up its
export business and infrastructure with support of the government and the international community. In
fact, in 1990–2000, Kenya’s exports rose about 420 percent, from KS 35 billion to KS 146 billion.40
The formal banking sector has also been keen to invest in Kenya’s horticultural export sector, including:
• Commercial banks (these lend primarily to larger-scale producers with less perceived risk).
• The parastatal Agriculture Finance Corporation (AFC), responsible for providing development inputs
and credit to the agriculture sector.
• The Co-operative Bank of Kenya, which has lent to registered cooperative societies, as well as made
one-off loans to other small-scale applicants.
• The Development Bank of Kenya, which offers short-term loans to help set up production or medium-
term loans for financing expansion or specific projects on functioning production sites.
• Some exporters of horticultural goods. These offer credit support to smallholder farmers with whom
they have a production contract; the standing crop, which is the basis of the agreement, acts as security.
Kenya is the leading exporter of beans and peas to the EU, accounting for 19 percent of the market.41
Over the last 30 years, Kenya has built up its export of green beans and moved into the market for higher-
value sugar snap and snow peas, as well as baby vegetables and specialty Chinese vegetables. Kenyan
vegetable exports were valued at some US$185 million in 2005, an increase of 15 percent over 2004.42 In
2005, Kenyan exports of beans were valued at US$117 million; sugar snap and snow peas at
US$16 million, which represent 63.5 percent and 8.6 percent of Kenya’s total vegetable export revenue
respectively. Tanzania is now considering entering a very different market than the Kenyan companies 30
years ago and to a great extent will have to fit in with an already quite mature market, rather then ride on
the back of new, booming opportunities.
One of the main factors restricting the development of Kenya’s horticultural production is the amount of
available water in the country. Despite Lake Victoria covering 8 percent of the country, the National
Development Plan 2002–2008 recognizes Kenya as a water-scarce country—one in which water demand
exceeds renewable freshwater sources. Total internal renewable water resources amount to around 20
CFTC, Establishment of an Association of Southern African Horticultural Producers and Exporters, September 2001.
CBI, EU Market Survey 2005: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
HCDA: Annual Values, 2005.
3% Other EU
15% Netherlands
UK 42%
The main European markets for Kenya’s produce have been the U.K. (especially for the trade in green
beans and specialty Asian vegetables), the Netherlands (mainly for cut flowers and as a key re-export
market) and to a lesser extent France, Germany, and Belgium. For historical and cultural reasons, France
tends to source produce from West African nations and Germany sources vegetables largely from within
the EU. Imports are made into Germany via Frankfurt Airport, which has excellent produce-handling
facilities. Produce is then moved on to other EU markets and distributed throughout Germany.
N America
Asia 0.3%
3.3% Africa
FAO’s Aquastat website:
Despite government involvement, the success of the Kenyan export sector has largely been due to the
strong involvement of the private sector. Initially, this came from the involvement of foreign-owned
multinationals, such as Unilever, Tate & Lyle, and Del Monte.44 Present sources of investment include:
• Local private sector businesses, owned by both Kenyan Asians and Kenyan Africans.
• Attraction of agricultural sector investors from countries such as Israel and the Netherlands.
• The involvement of some of the international aid agencies, such as the International Finance
This has seen the development of well-organized and entrepreneurial businesses that are willing to make
that sort of investments required to build and then sustain an export business. This has been possible for a
number of reasons, not least the relative macroeconomic and political stability enjoyed in Kenya. This has
given private sector entrepreneurs sufficient confidence to invest in their businesses on a long-term basis.
The involvement of the international aid sector in the development of the sector has also been evident in
Kenya. However, given the strength of private sector companies in this industry over the years, it is likely
that a successful export sector would have been created even without this assistance.
Although Kenya has experienced great success in developing its export sector, there are still challenges
and improvements that can be made at a macropolitical level. Horticultural exports would be aided by
further liberalization of the economy, as well as the continued deregulation within the East and Southern
African (COMESA) region (which could potentially stimulate inter-country trade with neighbors like
Tanzania). Also, despite being long strides ahead of neighboring African countries, improvements could
be made to the physical infrastructure that the industry relies on, especially in rural areas. Another key
point for involvement could be in R&D, supported by capacity building through education, to create
improved strategies for developing the portfolio of produce grown in and exported from Kenya to
maximize the value of the sector and maintain competitive advantage into the future.
Del Monte is not directly involved in the export of off-season vegetables, but it is still a major influence in the development of
Kenya’s exports of fresh and processed fruit and the development of its international reputation on world markets. If international
companies see the Del Monte brand associated with international trade with Kenya, it is likely to give them confidence in the
suitability of Kenya as a trading partner for other food products and the capability of Kenyan producers to meet international
However, with liberalization and reduced government involvement in direct trading, HCDA’s role has
been changed to regulating and facilitating, to ensure a smooth production and marketing environment
and advocate for policies that favor investment and enhanced performance of the sector.
The vast majority of Kenya’s fresh vegetable exports are carried out using air freight. The airport at
Nairobi is regarded as the main hub in the East African region. Horticultural products are exported both
on passenger and specialized air freight services. Sea freight is not currently an option for the majority of
Kenyan horticultural exports, partly due to a lack of infrastructure, but also because the typical products
exported have a limited shelf life.
Nairobi Cargo Centre, a major facility for handling fresh produce at Jomo Kenyatta airport in Nairobi, has
sharply boosted the efficiency and capacity of air freight into and out of Kenya. The US$20 million
investment was opened in May 1999, funded by local and international investors and development
groups. The cargo center has capacity for 70,000 tons, with a huge cold storage facility. The center is
fully computerized and is able to relay information to airlines, freight forwarders, and customs authorities
all over the world. Due to the capacity of this facility, the market for freight handling has been opened up
to allow smaller handlers to gain business that was previously all controlled by Kenya Airways Cargo
Handling. The center also facilitates the transshipment of produce from other African countries. This
facility is one of the key elements in the ongoing success of Kenya’s horticultural export industry.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (est)
Products that decreased in export volume include various important but “second string” products in
Kenya. These include capsicum, chili peppers, zucchini, and okra, all of which showed significant
decreases in the first six months of 2006 compared with the same period in 2005.45
In terms of the future development of the Kenyan horticultural export sector, the following summarizes
what we see as the key factors:
Drivers Constraints
• The potential exists to extend export operations • Continual improvement of infrastructure in rural
into liberalizing markets, including the COMESA areas is needed
region (especially South Africa) and Central and
• There is a lack of R&D to establish new and niche
Eastern Europe
products and stay ahead of the market
January-July statistics (kg): Capsicums: 2005: 9,360, 2006: 2,913; Regular Chili Peppers: 2005: 232,127, 2006: 217,864;
Zucchini: 2005: 34,062, 2006: 31,645; Okra: 2005: 865,314, 2006: 662,631. Source: HCDA.
• Added-value products could boost export revenues • There have been high post-harvest losses in
various locations in the supply chain
• Kenya offers a wealth of experience and expertise
• Availability of water has often been cited as a
• Strategic relationships with EU importers may help
potential problem in Kenya
Kenyans develop new products and services in the
future • The cost and capacity of air freight are continued
• Nairobi’s transport and storage infrastructure is
highly advanced • Kenya is less politically and economically stable
than many Western alternatives for sourcing
vegetable imports
Leeks Cau/Bro Peas Beans Sweetcorn Courgettes Totals
Kenya 356 90 10,528 30,440 378 19 41,811
Tanzania 30 0 494 975 85 0 1,584
Uganda 0 0 4 11 0 0 15
S Africa 222 9 42 2 213 187 675
Zambia 0 5 1,488 1,266 614 128 3,501
Zimbabwe 5 1 1,725 1,908 67 2 3,708
Source: EU Eurostat data
Zambian growers have moved into the market for value-added and baby vegetables and are building a
reputation for horticultural exports around the world. The largest horticultural exporter from Zambia,
York Farms, has built a strong portfolio of high-value vegetables (baby corn, fine beans, snow peas, sugar
snap, baby carrots, baby zucchini, baby leeks, Tenderstem broccoli, and chili peppers) that it exports to
Tesco in the U.K., South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It is an innovative company, and difficult
trading conditions in recent years have made the organization more efficient, stimulating it to look to
different target markets and different products (such as organics) and modifying its use of pesticides.46
Source: 24/08/2006.
The Horticultural Promotion Council of Zimbabwe (HPCZ) is a producer-led body with the remit to
create and sustain an environment for the maintenance and expansion of the horticultural sector in the
country. Recent years have seen a highly unstable political and economic situation, which has made
exports increasingly difficult for growers and packers. The HPCZ puts the cost of air freight down as one
of the major weaknesses for the export industry in Zimbabwe. It estimates that air freight rates in
Zimbabwe run between US$1.90 and US$2.20 per kilo, while they are US$1.80–U$2.00 in Zambia and
just US$1.80 in Tanzania and Kenya.
The majority of European vegetable exports from Tanzania that relate to this study go to the U.K.—and it
is only the U.K. and the Netherlands that have any significant, growing, and regular trade in these
vegetables with Tanzania. Table 11 shows that exports of the target products to the target markets to date
in Tanzania are very small, but strongest in green beans. According to EU trade data, only peas and beans
are exported in any significant volumes to Germany, U.K., Netherlands and France, though a market for
sweet corn has been developing since 2002.
The Growth and Development of the Horticultural Sector in Zimbabwe, Stanley T Heri, UNCTAD Conference, 2000.
Table 13 below provides Tanzania export data for selected high-value export vegetables based on data
from the Tanzania Revenue Authority. While these data show some discrepancies from the Eurostat data
above (which are based on EU import statistics), the two datasets largely confirm some major points. The
data show that, while fluctuating around 3,000 tons per year, export volumes have generally trended down
over the period 2003–2006, especially for key destination markets U.K. and the Netherlands.
The 2006 data appear to indicate that volumes are increasingly exported via Kenya rather than directly to
the EU. This helps explain why per kg values fell dramatically in 2006, after an upward trend over 2003–
2005 (although Kenya export prices are abnormally low).
It should further be pointed out that Tanzania exports to a wide variety of EU and non-EU countries,
covering all continents, as the table notes.
United 4,084 1,103 3.70 3,315 811 4.09 5,994 1,421 4.22 3,258 747 4.36
Netherlands 151 116 1.31 1,350 479 2.82 1,813 616 2.94 875 252 3.48
Other EU 175 105 1.66 463 134 3.46 93 25 3.74 30 8 3.58
Kenya 218 1,068 0.20 242 504 0.48 88 708 0.12 116 1,033 0.11
Other non-EU 752 2,232 0.34 285 783 0.36 120 245 0.49 304 614 0.50
TOTAL: 5,380 4,623 1.16 5,656 2,711 2.09 8,108 3,016 2.69 4,585 2,654 1.73
Notes: Calculated from Tanzania Revenue Authority data. Values are FOB in US$000. Volumes are in tons. Prices
are in US$ per kg.
Other EU countries include France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, and Greece. Other non-EU countries include
Botswana, Oman, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Bulgaria, Rwanda, United States, United Arab Emirates,
Australia, South Africa, Pakistan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia, Ecuador, The Gambia, and
Israel. Products include leeks, cauliflowers, red and white cabbages, carrots and turnips, peas, beans, leguminous
vegetables, eggplants, celery, and other fresh vegetables.
• A lack of modern handling facilities, including high-quality packaging and refrigeration amenities.
• Few direct flights from Tanzania to Europe—nondirect routes add substantially to costs and time.
• The lack of highly professional export and packing operations capable of meeting international market
It is clear that in comparison with the more established growers and exporters in East Africa, Tanzania is
almost a full generation behind the “best in class” in terms of developing its horticultural export sector. A
huge amount of work remains to be done before the sort of international market recognition that has been
achieved by Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe can be gained.
Specializing in the supply of baby vegetables may possibly fill a growing gap in the EU market. Not only
are these products sold for a far higher value at retail in the more developed European countries, there are
also significant opportunities for adding value through pre-preparing, bundling (having more than one
variety in one packet), and packaging. This should return more revenue to Tanzanian farmers and
exporters and may therefore require handling less volume as the market and infrastructure in Tanzania
Based on the feedback gained from leading U.K. and other EU importers, however, it is unlikely that
Tanzania’s growers would be able to produce vegetables much more inexpensively, more reliably, or at a
much higher quality than their African neighbors. Standards are already very high, so it is important that
they differentiate themselves in terms of the produce they supply in order to give European buyers a
reason to choose them as trading partners in the future.
Tanzania is still largely unknown in the U.K. and Continental EU fresh produce sector—no major
negatives exist, but at the same time, no major positives either.
In terms of other market opportunities to add value and differentiate themselves, Tanzanians should be
looking at the following, as a minimum:
• Organic production.
• New products (perhaps new ideas on preparation or growing the first organic or fair trade products for
a certain variety).
For Tanzania to develop a successful horticultural sector, the following needs to be put in place over a
period of time:
The following SWOT analysis for the Tanzanian horticultural export sector summarizes the historical and
current situation:
Key informants recommended that Tanzania needs to first focus on basic products to get the volume (e.g.,
20 tons of fine beans per week), maybe taking low margins on this just to get into the market. It may be
able to undersell the Kenyan producers because soils in Tanzania are still rich relative to the depleted
soils in Kenya, which is a main reason for drops in Kenyan productivity from 5–8 tons per hectare to 3
tons per hectare. However, it is not just relative land productivity but total factor productivity which is of
relevance here.
The importance attached by the specialized wholesalers to good management at the production and post-
harvest level indicates the need for a mixed management structure (African-European). This could, for
example, be accomplished by attracting experienced managers at various levels from Kenya and by
bringing in expertise from an importer in the EU.
The largest market for the products that Tanzania would be interested in exporting to Europe is
undoubtedly the major supermarket groups. For example, around 80 percent of vegetable imports in the
U.K. go direct into the supermarkets. There are also some smaller markets, but there is no significant
“middle market.” Between 70 and 85 percent of the lead importers’ business (mirroring the overall
industry) is supermarkets, while 15–30 percent goes to greengrocers and wholesale/foodservices. The
latter are not increasing as a group, but foodservice is growing at the cost of wholesale and specialized
It is further recommended that Tanzania follow a multipronged strategy (multiple markets, multiple
products), i.e., that it produce and market mainstream products (like fine beans) alongside higher-margin
products (like baby vegetables, fair trade, organic, processed, and so on) to get to economic volumes (in
terms of transportation in particular) and to reduce both market and production risks.
The total U.K. vegetable market has been growing slowly but steadily for many years, slightly below the
rate of inflation. Consumption has been relatively static, with any growth coming from emerging niche
markets such as organic, fair trade and pre-prepared products. Vegetables represent around 15 percent of
consumer spending on food. In 2004 the total market was 4.3 million tons and was worth around
£2.2 billion at import value. The average market value of vegetables in the U.K. in 2004 was around £550
per ton.49
The total fruit and vegetable market is the equivalent to some 7.6 billion tons per annum. In order to reach
the government’s target of everyone eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, the U.K. will need
to consume more than an extra 1 billion ton. In 2005, apart from apples and potatoes, all fruit and
vegetable categories saw growth as the 5-A-Day message gained momentum.50
Despite the modest increases in overall vegetable market volumes, imports have risen significantly over
the last 20 years, reaching over 1.7 billion tons in 2004. Imports now account for around 40 percent of the
U.K. vegetable market, compared with around 25 percent 10 years ago. As previously indicated, in the
absence of reliable data for some products, an estimate of the market for green beans, sugar snaps, snow
peas, and baby vegetables is around 2.5 percent of the total vegetable market in the U.K.
This represents around 108,000 tons per year,51 with the vast majority being sold to consumers at major
supermarket chains and most of the produce being imported from outside the EU.
U.K. Foreign Commonwealth Office.
Fresh Produce Consortium, Re:Fresh Directory 2006.
Fresh Produce Consortium, Re:Fresh Directory 2006, p.32.
Based on DEFRA figures of 4.3 million tons for the overall vegetable market in 2005.
The main attraction for the suppliers in supplying U.K. supermarkets is not really the price. It is true that
prices in the U.K. are the highest in Europe, but the standards are so high and rejections so common that
this price advantage is nearly neutralized. Rather, the U.K. market should be targeted because of its
reliability: it is the regularity of demand and stability of price there that attracts suppliers. This is less the
case when supplying the mainland EU market. It is true that the EU market is easier to penetrate: if you
are GlobalGAP-certified and price-competitive, you can become a player (new entrant). On the other
hand, the mainland EU operates on a more ad hoc basis (prices there can really crash). In short, the U.K.
is more demanding and more difficult to penetrate, but once you are “in,” the U.K. offers one of the most
stable markets in the EU. Still, in the highly competitive U.K. environment, nothing can be taken for
granted. For example, Bomfords, one of the largest fresh produce suppliers in the U.K., went in
administration (receivership) in June 2007 (although it will likely be bought out and stay in business).
To break into the U.K. market, Tanzanian producers will have to bring a unique selling proposition (USP)
to one or more of the five leading produce importers-distributors (specialized wholesalers). These
importers are the gatekeepers to the supermarkets and play a dominant role in the produce supply chains
for both the wholesale trade and the foodservices sector. They have already carefully built up a reliable
Africa supply base over a period of years. These are long-term, trust-based partnerships (an importer may
go for several years in a row without adding a new supplier). Therefore, for the importers to switch to (or
add) another supplier, they must be given a good reason. The three main reasons (USP types) are: 1) a
price advantage (5 percent lower or e.g., 10 cents/kg [GBP] less would be an attractive/significant enough
price difference); 2) contributing to the AYR requirement of the supermarkets (i.e., address a current gap
in the supply calendar; for example, address the April–May and October–November windows for
mangetouts and sugar snaps, when supplies from Kenya are low); or 3) offering a unique product (e.g., a
new item or a new value-added format, such as fair trade-certified vegetables, or Tenderstem broccoli).
Overall, these importers respond to maybe 1 out of 20 samples offered, and they will actually work with
only 1 in 50 enquiring suppliers. On the other hand, if a supplier has such a USP, the importers are
usually willing to work with the supplier to address other concerns, such as financing working capital or
getting GlobalGAP certified (if issues can be resolved within a year or so).While all of the lead importers
we interviewed indicated that GlobalGAP certification is a basic requirement, none considered it a major
hurdle as long as there is committed management in place and the producer has a USP.
When asked about the most important criterion they apply when assessing potential produce suppliers,
apart from having a USP, U.K. importers mentioned supply capacity. This refers to the supplier’s ability
to deliver the right quality at the right time and in the right volume, according to an agreed-upon supply
calendar. Most of the suppliers that fail, do so on the basis of giving false promises—they claim they can
One U.K. opportunity of particular note here is Whole Foods. This U.S. food retail chain opened its first
store in the Kensington area of London in 2007. Incumbent retailer chains will not allow their fresh fruit
and vegetable suppliers to also supply Whole Foods, a fact that may offer an opportunity for new
specialized wholesalers and new exporters in developing countries.
Figure 7 below shows that the key areas of the U.K. supply chain in terms of gross value-added activity
are in the retailing and food processing sectors—as would be expected, with activities such as primary
production and wholesale distribution adding relatively low value.
10% Agriculture
Retail Channels
In recent years, the supermarket industry has come to totally dominate the U.K. grocery market, with less
and less food being sold through independent retailers, greengrocers, and traditional street markets.
With convenience as a major driver of shopping habits in the U.K., leading supermarket groups
(especially Tesco) have managed to gain significant market share by moving into both smaller
convenience formats and larger hypermarkets and by diversifying into more nonfood areas. The Institute
of Grocery Distribution (IGD)52 believes that the U.K. grocery retail market will continue to grow at an
average rate of 2.9 percent over the next five years. This will see an overall market worth £138.2 billion
(at current prices) by 2010, with growth expected to come from both ends of the store portfolio spectrum
(convenience and hypermarkets).
A well-respected not-for-profit organization undertaking research and training in the U.K. food sector, with a membership
comprising both leading food companies and processors and retailers.
Foodservice Channels
The U.K. consumer is eating away from home more and more, with almost 30 percent of all food
expenditures going to the foodservice sector. Since high-value and baby vegetables must be aimed at the
premium end of the market, viable target markets are restaurants and hotels, as quick-service outlets like
sandwich shops, pubs, and other catering services would not consume significant volumes of such
produce. The vegetables that they do order are likely to be frozen and sourced locally or from continental
Restaurants and hotels generally procure fresh produce from specialist catering wholesalers, and usually
have produce delivered. Large foodservice chains will generally buy produce from the larger U.K.
catering distributors such as Brakes, Woodward, and 3663, who stock frozen baby corn, baby carrots,
green beans, snow peas and sugar snap peas. Smaller and higher-class restaurants and hotels buy fresh
vegetables and may visit wholesale vegetable markets, such as New Covent Garden, Western
International, and Spitalfields (all located in London), to buy fresh produce, although market traders are
increasingly having to deliver their goods to maintain demand.
Constant at 2005 prices.
Some U.K. suppliers have taken the trend further by supplying “mini” vegetables, which fit within even
smaller size bands than baby vegetables and are aimed at the foodservice sector. Momentum of demand
for these products will be fueled largely by the burgeoning market for restaurants, TV chefs, and food
writers in the U.K. that have popularized less traditional products in recent years. If this momentum and
popularity is substantial enough, baby products will find their way onto supermarket shelves in coming
With the increase in eating out in the U.K. and the tendency for restaurants to innovate and use new,
fancy foods, the restaurant sector may be a growth area, although the higher class restaurants that serve
fresh vegetables are also more likely to want to source produce locally. The supermarket sector is a far
bigger prize. The valuable and growing market of young people and single-person households with high
disposable income should be a key target market for exporters of exotic vegetables, capitalizing on the
evolution of people’s lifestyles in Europe. Introducing new products can take some time, however, and
usually demand is driven higher in the winter months, when restaurants revamp their menus.
Pack size for baby vegetables, snow peas, and sugar snap peas are usually between 150–300 g, and
average retail price is £5.90 per kg, or around £1.20 per pack. Different baby vegetables are quite often
packaged and sold together (for example, baby corn, baby carrots, and snow peas). Combination packs
are more expensive by weight, an average of £6.34 per kg from our sample.
Based primarily in the South of England, Waitrose is positioned as a premium retailer. It sells only the
highest-quality products at slightly higher prices, as can be seen in the above table.
Fresh Produce Consortium, RE:Fresh Directory 2006.
In order to supply the U.K. market, it will be necessary to grow significant volumes and to the standard
required by the major supermarket groups. Not only do the supermarkets represent the largest market for
these products by far, but other channels are more fragmented, with more links in the supply chain; they
are less suited to fresh exotic vegetables, less dependable, and increasingly impose the same standards for
quality and accreditation as the supermarkets.
France is the third largest importer of fresh vegetables in the EU after Germany and the U.K. Unlike
Germany, however, France imports a relatively high proportion of its vegetables from outside the EU,
with more than a quarter coming from developing countries (notably, 16 percent of its vegetable imports
come from Morocco).55 Compared to other EU countries, it is a more developed import market for higher-
value products such as zucchini, eggplants, artichokes, and truffles. Due to historical and language ties,
any French trade with African suppliers tends to be with those based in the north and west of the
continent, although France did import over 23,000 tons of horticultural produce from Kenya in 2005—15
percent of the total Kenyan horticultural produce exported.56
France has a sophisticated distribution system for fresh produce, with extensive channels linking domestic
farmers, retailers, and foodservice companies through to the end consumers. Imports supplement
considerable volumes of domestic production of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. French consumers
are known for demanding fresh, good-quality produce and knowing how to recognize it. Imports from
Africa via sea freight generally come through the southern port of Marseilles; air-freighted produce
travels either direct to Paris or via Schipol Airport in Amsterdam (produce is then moved by truck to the
French market). Many imports go through the largest fresh food wholesale market in the world, Rungis,
which is situated 12km south of Paris.
At a retail level, hypermarkets play an important part in the sale of groceries; almost 33 percent of French
consumption is purchased at these stores. The growth of hypermarkets and hard discounters such as Lidl
and Aldi are taking market share from traditional market and smaller supermarkets. However, traditional
street markets, which generally procure vegetables from larger wholesale markets, still have a larger
overall proportion of the food market in France (at some 20 percent) than in many EU countries,
especially the U.K.
Figures 9 and 10 show the overall breakdown of the retail market in France by the main channels of
distribution, and then the respective sales of the major supermarket chains.
CBI, EU Market Survey 2005: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
HCDA, Export Destination Volumes for 2005.
The majority of baby vegetables produced in France are cultivated in the Brittany region. There,
production and commercialization is overseen by the Cerafel (Comité Economique Régional Agricole
Fruits et Légumes), created in 1964 from the merger of several cooperatives. Today, the Cerafel
“controls” 100 percent of the production of fruit and vegetables in Brittany. In France, there are seven
other regional committees, like the Cerafel, representing their own production at the national and
European level.
Prince de Bretagne ( is a leading producer of branded fruit and vegetables
in Europe. It produces a wide range of branded baby vegetables that it supplies to mainland European
countries and the U.K., including cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, beets, artichokes, zucchini, pear-
shaped tomatoes, peppers, leeks, and fennel. Some 12 producers cultivate these branded baby vegetables,
each specializing in one or two of them. HotGame is another cooperative located in northwest Brittany
that specializes in baby vegetables. HotGame claims to have invented baby vegetables in the early 1980s
and has prestigious customers, such as the gourmet food and specialty company Fauchon, the Méridien
hotel in Hong Kong, and the Cannes Film Festival.
As in the U.K., the most viable channel for French imports of fresh vegetables from Tanzania will be
supermarkets and hypermarkets—not price-driven hard-discount supermarkets. They require relatively
Smaller retailers and the more traditional street markets in France are more concerned with domestic
production and supporting the French agrifood chain, so will almost certainly be less receptive to
Tanzanian produce per se. Seasonality is seen as a strength to local markets. French consumers who shop
at markets like to buy what is locally available at a given point in the year, so AYR supply of produce is
far less relevant here than in supermarkets.
The Netherlands is the second largest vegetable exporter in the EU (behind Spain), but it relies heavily on
its thriving re-export industry. This reinforces its position as a potential key target market for Tanzanian
exports, as the Netherlands is often a gateway to other European markets, such as Germany, Scandinavia,
and Russia. Re-exports and transit trade have grown significantly across Europe after the creation and
subsequent enlargement of the EU and Eurozone, which have removed barriers to international trade and
After the U.K., the Netherlands is the second largest market for Tanzanian vegetable exporters. This
probably stems largely from the availability of air freight connections to the Netherlands from Tanzania
and the Netherlands’ role as a key re-export center, rather than Tanzanians targeting the Netherlands
market per se. The key aspect of the Netherlands market for fresh produce is its re-export industry, and
this provides significant capacity outside the demand from domestic Dutch retail and wholesale channels.
The Netherlands is also the largest single re-export market for Kenyan horticultural products, given the
huge Dutch trade in cut flowers (domestic and re-export), as well as a significant re-export market for
Kenyan fruits and vegetables.
Imports and associated logistics in the Netherlands are strongly concentrated in and around Rotterdam.
The Greenery is the result of the merger of a number of leading Dutch trading companies and has become
a huge centralized, coordinated company supplying fruit and vegetables to Holland and other EU
countries. Other import companies, such as FTK, Exotimex, and Bud Exotics, are also heavily involved in
the import of fruits and vegetables from third-country suppliers such as Kenya, Israel, South Africa,
Egypt, and those based in the Caribbean and Central and South America.
As in much of Europe, one of the major drivers of change in food consumption in the Netherlands is the
trend toward convenience and time-saving in meal preparation, fueling demand for prepacked and semi-
prepared vegetables.57 Prepacked vegetables accounted for over 50 percent of total vegetable sales.
Netherlands Commodity Board for Horticulture.
As in most other major EU markets, supermarkets in the Netherlands have taken significant market share
from greengrocers and more traditional street markets since the early 1990s, since consumers have tended
to move toward one-stop shopping for their grocery needs. The major retailers account for an overall
share of the market equivalent to some 78 percent—still not quite so consolidated as is in the U.K.
Turnover € millions
Albert Heijn C1000 Super de Aldi/Lidl other
(Ahold) Boer
In summary, there are three main reasons for Tanzania’s vegetable export strategy to focus on the Dutch
market: 1) existing air freight connections (daily flights from Kenya Airways to Schiphol); 2) the link
with the flower industry (which needs the heavier legumes to balance out the planes and is better
developed in Tanzania than the vegetable subsector); 3) a market that is easier to enter than U.K. and is
the main throughput market for Germany, Scandinavia, and other European markets. Tanzanians can use
the Dutch market to build volume and a reliable supply infrastructure: these would provide the basis on
which to build export to more demanding (and rewarding) markets, such as the U.K., as well as secondary
markets such as Dubai or South Africa.
Despite the fact that Germany is the leading market for the import of fresh fruit and vegetables, it actually
imports relatively little on a direct basis from outside the European Union.58 Only 7 percent of the total
value of Germany’s imported vegetables comes directly from outside the EU, and only 1 percent comes
from developing countries.59 No doubt developing countries are the original source of a portion of the
vegetables Germany imports from its EU neighbors, but the nature of the re-export industry in Europe
makes it very difficult to estimate how much of the produce Germany imports is from re-exports and
where those re-exports originally came from.
More important, however, is that consumption in Germany still centers on the traditional products grown
in the EU, such as tomatoes, capsicum, cucumbers, lettuce, and carrots. Though baby corn is a popular
exotic vegetable and often added to salads in Germany, the vast majority of the supply is currently
imported at very competitive prices from Thailand. Given these basic factors, the market for high-value
specialty products imported from Tanzania is still relatively limited at this stage of development. Also, as
in France, German consumers tend to be more nationalistic when it comes to purchasing food, mainly due
to quality and safety concerns, but also to support national production. This is especially true for organic
foods, which are not just viewed as safer and healthier, but also as a means of supporting domestic
farmers. Germany’s organic food industry is the largest in Europe and is currently mainly served by
domestic production.
For sea-freighted fresh produce imports, Hamburg is a major hub into Germany; for air-freighted produce,
as stated earlier, the facility at Frankfurt Airport is commonly used. However, Germany also imports (via
road haulers) much produce that has entered the EU at Antwerp in Belgium or Rotterdam in the
Figure 13 below gives an indication of how fresh produce in Germany is distributed through the main
channels and routes to market. As in many other European markets, significant consolidation has left just
a handful of major retailers with a large share of the overall market. Hard-discount stores have become
extremely popular in recent years, accounting for nearly 50 percent of the market share for fresh
It is estimated that up to 80 percent of all German imports of fresh produce are sourced via importers and reexporters based in
the Netherlands.
CBI, EU Market Survey Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, 2005.
Figure 14 gives an indication of the respective sales of the major German supermarket chains. The
German market has historically been dominated by the discount chains, as typified by Aldi and Lidl. For
the German discount chains, the focus is very much on price; the demand for a range of added-value
products and services, as found in the U.K. and, to a lesser extent, in the Netherlands, is strictly limited.
The huge emphasis that the German market puts on price would make it a challenging starting point for
any Tanzanian effort to move more exports into the EU market.
Turnover € millions
Edeka Rewe Aldi Markant Spar Others
Metro EH Tangelmann
Faced with the fact that Germany currently imports very little produce from outside of Europe, it seems
that targeting the German market as an export destination—at this stage—makes relatively little sense.
Tanzanian growers and packers will probably do better to develop relationships within the Netherlands
market, which may offer more reliable access to German consumers through re-exports of Tanzanian
produce. This is confirmed by looking at the Kenyan example: it shows very small volumes of
horticultural exports going direct to Germany compared to the U.K., France, and the Netherlands.
• The market is concentrated at the retail point of sale; once established, most suppliers are able to build
meaningful business with the leading retailers.
• U.K. quality standards are high—but can be used to leverage into other markets.
• Demand for exotic fruits and vegetables, as well as baby vegetables, is predicted to keep growing.
• Tanzania has some (albeit limited) experience in the U.K. market to date.
• The physical distribution network is well developed—a number of airports are equipped to handle fresh
produce imports, especially at London’s Heathrow60 and Gatwick facilities.
• The U.K. has a reputation of importing from all around the world. Over a period of time, a number of
countries have started from a small base, but have gone on to build a significant business on the back of
the U.K. market. Besides the classic case of Kenya, examples include Chile, Turkey, Peru, and Zambia.
• The U.K. has less of an interest in protecting its local vegetable sector from external competition than
may other countries, such as France and Germany.
British Airways have an impressive facility based at Heathrow dedicated to the import of fresh produce from around the world on a
daily basis.
Table 21 below gives a summary of the overall potential for Tanzanian exports of high-value specialty
and baby vegetables to a number of potential EU markets via a variety of channels.
As in the EU market, any export development effort to these markets will pit the Tanzanian horticultural
sector against its counterpart in Kenya. This has achieved the position of “lead supplier” in these markets,
as it has done in the EU. As the most advanced exporter of exotic vegetables in East Africa by far, Kenya
has explored possible channels outside the main EU market and already exploited much of the export
market potential that might exist in these alternative markets.
Table 22 below shows the volume of Kenyan exports to these alternative markets. As can be seen, in most
cases the volumes involved are relatively small and are composed of more mainstream horticultural
products (such as mangoes and green beans) rather than more exotic or baby vegetables. Whether these
alternative markets represent a meaningful opportunity for the Tanzanian horticultural export sector is
something to be decided in Tanzania, of course—but in terms of the sort of thought process that might be
required to make this decision, it should be borne in mind that:
• The Kenyans are experts in this field. If there were a significant opportunity in these markets, it is
likely that the Kenyans would have already developed significant business in them, and this is not the
case to date.
• The Kenyans have (we expect) already captured the bulk of the business in them.
• Other competition will come from countries such as India and Pakistan. Many of the leading importers,
especially those based in the Middle East, are staffed by expatriate Indians and Pakistanis. While this is
not an insurmountable barrier, it does present the Asian exporters with some degree of advantage.
• Quality standards for supermarkets in many of these countries—in the Middle East and in South Africa,
for example—are not to be underestimated. While they are not as high as might be found among the
leading U.K. retailers, they should not be regarded as markets where second-grade produce can easily
find a customer.
• The wholesale markets of the Middle East are often run on an auction system and /or an open
commission basis, and so represent of a risk for even the most experienced horticultural exporters.
They are probably not well suited for fledgling export projects for Tanzania at this stage.
Only 1 percent of Kenyan horticultural exports are to other African countries, with about 65 percent of
this being exported to South Africa for all products. An additional 3.2 percent of Kenyan exports go to
“Asia,” with around 65 percent of these exports split between Dubai and the rest of the UAE. Only 0.3
percent of these export volumes go to North America.
Given the very small share of Kenyan exports that are destined for other non-EU markets, this study will
cover import issues and market opportunities in extra-EU markets relatively briefly, focusing only on the
Middle East and South Africa.
The key target markets for the Middle East region would be as follows:
Imports are typically made via Jeddah and redistributed to the rest of the country via refrigerated trucks.
Saudi Arabia is the largest single market in the Middle East. It is, however, a very conservative market
compared to the UAE, and of course at the moment it is subject to ongoing incidents of terrorism.
Markets are quite often closed, and despite a large population of migrant workers who might normally be
interested in the type of horticultural products Tanzania can offer, their main preoccupation is often to
save and send money home rather than spend on high-value consumer products, including food. At the
other end of the market spectrum is a highly affluent Saudi population caught between the attractions of
Western-style foods and the urge to protect the best traditions of Arab religious, social, and political
Dubai acts as a major import center for the Gulf region. It re-exports fresh produce to the rest of the Gulf
in the same way that the produce sector based in Rotterdam in the Netherlands does for the rest of the EU.
The commercial environment is strong, and the local economy is highly receptive to new ideas in terms of
products—both goods and services—as it looks to diversify away from dependence on the oil sector and
to move strongly into areas such as tourism, leisure, and financial services.
However, the markets are much smaller (only around 3.5 million people live in the UAE), more
fragmented than in Europe, and culturally more difficult to deal with. The operation of import systems in
However, due to limited water resources and unsuitable soil conditions, the Middle East does import
around 90 percent of its food needs. The UAE has a particularly large share of total food imports due to
its large expatriate population and, especially in Dubai, with a strong demand for a wide range of fresh
produce for consumption and re-export. Indeed, growing expatriate and tourist populations are increasing
food requirements in the region.61 Moreover, the Middle East will have lower barriers to entry for
Tanzanian exporters, as SPS requirements are not quite as stringent as in the key EU markets. However, it
should not be assumed that this means the UAE can be regarded as a “soft route to market.”
In the Middle East, vegetable produce tends to be sourced from nearby countries like Jordan and, to a
lesser extent, Turkey. Volumes currently coming from East Africa are not very large. Kenya is the
preferred source of supply for a wide range of fruits and vegetables, but there is also trade for selected
items from Egypt. Egypt will have significant advantages due to its highly developed export industry for
products like green beans, its Arabic culture, and its status as the geographic link between Africa and the
Middle East. In addition, India and Pakistan are both established in the Middle East markets as sources
for fresh products such as mangoes as well as commodities such as rice, sesame seeds, and spices.
In the last 10 years, hypermarkets and shopping centers have taken off in the Middle East, with Carrefour,
Géant, and Tesco operating across the region. Locally, the UAE-based EMKE Group now operates 18
hypermarkets regionwide.62 Though small, the six countries of the Gulf Co-Operation Council—Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE—provide the biggest growth opportunities in the retail
sector, as they are the most affluent and have had significant increases in population over recent years.
Recent hikes in oil price have produced a cash-rich population in these countries.
Tables 23 and 24 give an indication of the volume of trade for green beans and peas into Saudi Arabia—
the biggest single market in the region, with an estimated population of some 20 million. (Green beans
and peas have the biggest sales volume of all the vegetables reviewed for this study.) Tables 25 and 26
give the same sort of data for the UAE. As can be seen, the volumes involved—compared to the potential
size of the prize in the EU markets—are negligible.
“Agri-business Exhibition Middle East” (brochure), IIR.
62 Business Intelligence Middle East:
Based on these volumes, the Middle East seems a less than obvious market to try to develop for the
Tanzanian vegetable sector. As in other countries, the major end markets would be supermarkets, but the
opportunities to enter these markets and win significant business in the Middle East, despite its
geographical closeness to Tanzania, seem, at this stage, limited.
Mainly apples, pears, grapes, citrus and stonefruits. The U.K. is by far the most significant market and accounts for about 50
percent of all EU imports from South Africa.
South African Dept Trade and Industry Website:
By 2003, about 55 percent of South Africa’s urban food retail market was accounted for by the
supermarket sector; in Kenya, by comparison, the figure was around 30 percent.66 The development of the
supermarket business in countries like South Africa does increase the quality of fresh foods, as they
normally have higher standards for produce. This typically provides business and marketing opportunities
for larger-scale growers who are able to adapt and supply the supermarkets—as has been the case in most
other countries around the world (not least in the EU).
Since the end of apartheid in 1994, South African supermarket chains have also expanded throughout
Africa. The Shoprite group of companies, Africa’s largest food retailer, operates 846 corporate outlets in
17 countries across Africa (including Tanzania), the Indian Ocean islands, and South Asia. It plans to
open a further 91 stores in 2007, mainly in South Africa ( Other food retail chains
from South Africa (SPAR, Woolworths, Pick ’n Pay) and even Kenya (Nakumatt, Uchumi) are poised to
expand their branches throughout Africa. As they grow, these chains will develop continental
procurement systems, which will increasingly imply trade of food products from the best-source country
to all the countries where they operate outlets. This implies both increased competition and increased
opportunities for vegetable producers in Tanzania.
The growth of the South African supermarket trade will have an even more profound effect on the
country's domestic production sector. Major South African growers and packers are looking to build
business based on the growing domestic retail market. Smaller growers will be forced to meet the
demands of major supermarkets to expand their share of the overall market. For Tanzanian growers to
enter this market, they would need to develop even faster to offer supermarket-quality products preferable
to those available from the South African supply base.
A government campaign has the potential to expand the market for horticultural goods. As with many
other countries around the world, South Africa’s Department for Health is seriously trying to raise
awareness of the health benefits of eating fresh fruit and vegetables with a Five-A-Day message. It claims
major illnesses, including heart disease and certain cancers, can be reduced if people eat more healthily.
Such a campaign might well boost consumption of fruits and vegetables, but it is likely to benefit locally
based producers first and foremost, if it is successful.
Tables 27 and 28 below show the figures for South African imports from several sources for two
vegetables. They give an indication of the size of import markets that might be expected for exotic
vegetables from Tanzania. Total Kenyan exports of all horticultural products to South Africa are only just
over 1,000 tons, including flowers and fruit products; it is likely that the volume accounted for by the
specialty and baby vegetable sector is minimal.
66 th
FAO Article: “Rise of Supermarkets across Africa threatens small farmers” 8 October 2003.
At least in the short term, South Africa would not be the key priority market for Tanzania to target,
despite its relative geographic proximity, the economic links between the two countries since 2003, and
the potential business offered by the growth in the supermarket sector. Demand for high-value vegetables
is likely to be absorbed primarily by large domestic producers. Secondary and much smaller volumes are
likely to be sourced from neighboring countries and established trading partners with better developed
production and marketing expertise for these products, such
as Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Summary: South Africa’s Market Potential
The fact that these three countries still only export small The South African market for imports of
volumes of products to South Africa, despite the ongoing specialty vegetables is relatively small
because the country has an adequate local
process of urbanization and supermarket consolidation in production base.
the country, merely underlines the limited possibilities of
• Imports are sourced from Kenya in
South Africa as a target export destination for Tanzania in modest amounts, as well as a number of
the coming years. As with the Middle East markets, the other international suppliers.
South African market represents useful incremental • Tanzania has no track record of supply to
business to Tanzanians, not a major opportunity in its own South Africa.
right. Europe should remain the key target market, despite • The market’s growth will continue to be
its numerous challenges. driven by supermarket developments.
Exotic Farm Produce—importers of high-value vegetables from Africa; Kenya: sugar snap peas,
snow peas, green beans; Zambia: baby corn, chili peppers; Morocco: Tenderstem broccoli; Egypt:
green beans, sweet potatoes, butternut squash; South Africa: butternut squash, asparagus.
Mani Estate, Skeldyke Road, Kirton, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 1LR U.K.
Robert Levison, Managing Director
Head Office. 1st Floor, Unit 4, Dolphin Way Industrial Estate, Purfleet, Essex, RM19 1NZ
New Covent Garden Market Authority—leading produce wholesale market for London (by far),
mostly supplying small-scale catering. London represents 50 percent of the HoReCa industry in the
M & W Mack Limited, Transfesa Road, Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6UT
Wealmoor Ltd—import asparagus, chili peppers, baby corn, squashes, runner beans, green beans,
fine beans, extra fine beans, mangetout, sugar snap peas, and composite packs, mainly from Kenya
but also from Gambia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Egypt.
Jetha House, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex, United Kingdom, UB4 0JT
Fax: + 44 20–8867–3770
Contact: Stuart Hutchinson, Category Manager, Vegetables
Minor Weir & Willis—major U.K. importer and supplier of tropical fruit and vegetables, primarily
to U.K. retail multiples.
241 Wellington Road, Perry Barr Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B20 2QQ
Vitacress Salads Ltd—Europe’s leading growers and packers of watercress, rocket, baby leaf salads,
and specialty vegetables.
Bud Holland—leading importer (and re-exporter) of exotic fruit and vegetables in Holland.
Source all relevant produce from: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Swaziland
Bud Holland B.V., Postbus 411, 3140 AK Maassluis, Transportweg 67, 2676 LM Maasdijk
Tel. 0174–535353
Fax 0174–513912
Rift Valley Exports—marketing arm for Gomba Estates Ltd., Tanzanian produce exporter.
Postbus 1172
1430 BD Aalsmeer
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