Abram2017 Mapeamento de Conflitos Original
Abram2017 Mapeamento de Conflitos Original
Abram2017 Mapeamento de Conflitos Original
Applied Geography
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Conflict between large-scale oil-palm producers and local communities is widespread in palm-oil pro-
Received 21 April 2016 ducer nations. With a potential doubling of oil-palm cultivation in Indonesia in the next ten years it is
Received in revised form likely that conflicts between the palm-oil industry and communities will increase. We develop and apply
22 October 2016
a novel method for understanding spatial patterns of oil-palm related conflicts. We use a unique set of
Accepted 30 October 2016
conflict data derived through systematic searches of online data sources and local newspaper reports
describing recent oil-palm land-use related conflicts for Indonesian Borneo, and combine these data with
43 spatial environmental and social variables using boosted regression tree modelling. Reports identified
Boosted regression tree modelling
187 villages had reported conflict with oil-palm companies. Spatial patterns varied with different types
Borneo of conflict. Forest-dependent communities were more likely to strongly oppose oil-palm establishment
Mapping land use conflict because of their negative perception of oil-palm development on the environment and their own live-
Oil palm expansion lihoods. Conflicts regarding land boundary disputes, illegal operations by companies, perceived lack of
RSPO consultation, compensation and broken promises by companies were more associated with communities
Sustainable development that have lower reliance on forests for livelihoods, or are located in regions that have undergone or are
undergoing forest transformation to oil-palm or industrial-tree-plantations. A better understanding of
the characteristics of communities and areas where different types of conflicts have occurred is a
fundamental step in generating hypotheses about why certain types of conflict occur in certain locations.
Insights from such research can help inform land use policy, planning and management to achieve more
sustainable and equitable development. Our results can also assist certification bodies (e.g. the Round-
table for Sustainable Palm Oil-RSPO, and the Indonesian and Malaysian versions, ISPO and MSPO), non-
government-organisations, government agencies and other stakeholders to more effectively target
mediation efforts to reduce the potential for conflict arising in the future.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Living Landscape Alliance, 110 Maui Court, Waikiki, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: nicola_abram@hotmail.com (N.K. Abram), emeijaard@gmail.com (E. Meijaard), k.wilson2@uq.edu.au (K.A. Wilson), jtmd2@cam.ac.uk (J.T. Davis), jessie.
wells@uqconnect.edu.au (J.A. Wells), marc.ancrenaz@yahoo.com (M. Ancrenaz), sugengbudiharta@uqconnect.edu.au (S. Budiharta), alexandradurrant@rocketmail.com
(A. Durrant), afiffakhruzzi91@gmail.com (A. Fakhruzzi), r.runting@uq.edu.au (R.K. Runting), dgaveau@yahoo.co.uk (D. Gaveau), k.mengersen@qut.edu.au (K. Mengersen).
0143-6228/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
34 N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44
1. Introduction Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The RSPO is a sus-
tainable certification scheme aimed at mitigating negative impacts
Many regions of the world are undergoing rapid land use and from oil-palm production on society and the environment, by
land cover change to industrial-scale agriculture, especially in the improving agricultural production standards through specific
tropics (Foley et al., 2005; Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2011). From 2006 to principals and criteria (Traeholt & Schriver, 2011). The RSPO's
2009, 15 to 20 million hectares of land in developing countries were Principals and Criteria, amongst other things, incorporates com-
subject to negotiations and transactions for agriculture (von Braun munity aspects such as rights to land, values of forested systems for
& Meinzen-Dick, 2009). In many of these areas, land has been livelihoods and culture, and receptiveness to development, through
historically controlled through indigenous governance systems requiring High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments and
(Larson & Bromley, 1990), rather than through legislated systems of obtaining Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from local com-
land and resource use rights (Redford & Sanderson, 2000). How- munities (RSPO, 2013). To-date such assessments and engagement
ever, power realignments over land and its resources is often driven have been at a plantation level. However, in 2015 district level
by economic development, and challenge existing traditional sys- commitments to a jurisdictional RSPO certification was given by
tems and local peoples' values. In many countries this is leading to government in Central Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), South
increased social tensions and conflict over land and land-use Sumatra (Indonesia); and the State of Sabah (Malaysian Borneo).
(Barron, Kaiser, & Pradhan, 2004). Although such conflicts are Mapping oil palm-community conflicts across landscapes is chal-
found world-wide, we use Indonesia as an exemplary case study for lenging, and one that a jurisdictional RSPO commitment will now
highlighting the extent and type of land-use conflict related to agri- need to address. Outside of the RSPO, understanding how to map
business developments, and demonstrate one method for under- land-use conflicts is important for informed land use planning and
standing these at a landscape level. for targeting mediation and reconciliation efforts.
In Indonesia, forest land-use related conflicts affected 12.3 to No single framework exists for studying conflict, but it is helpful
19.6 million people (i.e. 5e9% of the country's population) from to focus on actors of conflict, underlying causes of conflict, conflict
1990 to 2000 (USAID, 2006). More recently, in 2010 alone over 663 management and conflict resolution (Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014; Yasmi
documented ongoing conflicts were identified, mostly located on et al., 2010, 2012). In this study we aim to contribute to the growing
the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo literature on conflict by applying a novel method for exploring
(Komnas & Sawit Watch 2010). Such conflicts have been largely due spatial patterns of land-use conflict between local communities
to tenuous indigenous or customary land rights for local commu- and a land-intensive industry. To do this we use conflict data
nities in development agendas as forested lands have belonged to derived through systematic searches of a georeferenced national
the State i.e. “under the Forest Estate” (Bartley, 2010). This is of database (of natural resource conflicts), and local newspapers. For
particular importance in relation to the countries expanding ‘for- one industry sector, oil-palm agriculture, we extract details on the
est-frontier’ oilepalm sector. Indonesia is globally the lead palm-oil type of conflicts that have occurred. Using boosted regression tree
producer country, with oil-palm plantations covering 8.4 million modelling we relate the types of conflict to a comprehensive spatial
hectares in 2010 (Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, 2011). By dataset of environmental and social variables that describes the
2009, 9.7 million hectares had already been licensed for oil-palm characteristics of the locations where the conflicts have occurred
estates. However, 18 million hectares have been identified as suit- and the local communities involved. This study is intended to better
able for this crop and targeted for future development (Jakarta Post inform scientists, policy makers, oil-palm producers, and certifi-
2009). With such current extent and future oil-palm expansion, cation bodies to assist with reforming land use policy and imple-
instances of land-use conflicts are inevitable. For example, of the menting effective management to reduce the potential for different
232 agrarian conflicts documented in Indonesia in 2012, over half types of conflict and to better target mediation procedures in the
(119) were associated with the oil-palm industry. future (e.g. Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014; Dhiaulhaq, De Bruyn, & Gritten,
Major environmental impacts (Abram et al., 2014b; Fitzherbert 2015).
et al., 2008; Meijaard & Sheil, 2013) and social disruptions by oil-
palm plantations have been widely documented in Indonesia 2. Methods
(Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014; Obidzinski, Andriani, Komarudin, &
Andrianto, 2012). However, simply knowing where land-use con- 2.1. Conflict data
flicts are located is insufficient. It is also important to understand the
types of conflicts that have occurred, and if possible the character- We collected land use conflicts reports from the Geodata
istics of the impacted communities and the root causes of these Nasional (GDN) database (n ¼ 122) (http://www.geodata-cso.org/)
conflicts. Many conflicts are at local scales (i.e. one to several vil- and from articles in local newspapers (n ¼ 143). The GDN database
lages) (Meijaard et al., 2013); and at this scale, it is possible to compiles information on natural resource conflicts in Indonesia
identify such nuances in oil palm-community conflicts. Such con- collected by the following organisations: Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan
flicts can result from: a lack of appropriate consultation with local Partisipatif (JKPP), Perkumpulan Untuk Pembaharuan Hukum Ber-
communities, land tenure issues where large land leases overlap basis Masyarakat dan Ekologi (HuMA), Perkumpulan Sawit Watch,
with community areas, illegal operations, displacement of people Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA), Konsorsium Pendukung Sistem
from agricultural land (Patel et al., 2013; Yasmi, Kelley, & Enters, Hutan Kerakyatan (KpSHK), and Jaringan Advokasi Tambang
2010); and inadequate provisioning by companies to communities (JATAM). We obtained the newspaper articles through online
for resettlement or compensation (Colchester, 2010). Although most archive searches of the Rakyat Kalbar, Harian Equator, Radar Ban-
conflict occurs between large plantation companies and local jarmasin, Balikpapan Post, Kaltim Post, Samarinda post, Banjar-
communities, sometimes conflict arises between smallholders and masin Post, Tribun Kalteng, Radar Tarakan, Tribun KalTim, and
other community members, especially regarding legitimacy and Kalimantan news.com; using keywords related to land use conflicts
security of their land holdings (Vermeulen & Goad, 2006). Mapping (e.g., konflik lahan, sengketa lahan).
such nuances is challenging, yet necessary for improving land-use Overall, 265 conflict reports were collected. Information
plans and sustainability in the oil-palm industry. extracted from these reports included: village names, sub-district,
Approaches for creating sustainability within the oil-palm in- district and province information, general conflict type (i.e., agri-
dustry include the international certification body of The culture, forestry, mining), status of conflict (i.e., if underway or
N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44 35
finished/resolved), start and end dates of conflict and whether the confined to those points that spanned similar ranges of population
conflict was still underway at time of the report, conflict de- density, impervious surface cover, and elevation as the observed
scriptions, impacted local communities, major ethnic groups and presence points, and fell within the 46 districts for which our data
livelihoods, industry or government bodies involved, and whether sources have coverage (46 of Kalimantan's 54 districts). This gave a
companies involved were national or international and company sampling pool of 460,016 points (75% of the population frame),
names, along with how companies had handled the situation. from which the 374 locations representing ‘absence of conflict’
For each conflict incident we extracted location information were randomly sampled.
based on named village(s). Locations were georeferenced by It is acknowledged that the absence dataset may have included
searching for the village name (and any subdistrict or other true, but unreported occurrences of conflict, but we were not able
administrative information) in gazetteers and online place name to establish this in this study. Moreover, we reasoned that any
databases (Google Earth, Geographic Names http://www. misclassified conflicts would have been too small to be reportable
geographic.org/geographic_names/and Wikimapia), and assigning in any of the three databases from which the conflict information
the geographic co-ordinates if a confident match could be made. was extracted.
See Appendix S1 in the Supporting Information for full methodo-
logical details. To determine the accuracy of the georeferenced 2.2. Environmental and socio-economic spatial variables
villages we cross-referenced this dataset with three others, as characteristics of conflict locations
outlined in Appendix S1.
We used a spatial data framework of 43 variables describing the
2.1.1. Village level oil-palm conflict data environmental and social characteristics of the landscape (Abram
To enable spatially explicit statistical analyses of our conflict et al., 2014a; Davis et al., 2013; Meijaard et al., 2013). These vari-
data we refined the data set by: (1) removing entries for villages on ables fell into the broad categories of: (1) Land-use and land cover
three small islands, because many of the spatial variables for sta- types; (2) Topographical variables; (3) Accessibility; (4) Socio-
tistical analysis did not cover these islands; (2) identifying villages economic variables; and (5) Community perceptions of ecosystem
with multiple conflict incidences, and merging entries to eliminate services and land cover change (see Table 1 for brief descriptions
duplicate data (while retaining any information on distinct conflicts and codes with further details in Appendix S2). The variables were
affecting the same village); and, (3) by selecting those reports that extracted at 1 km2 grid cell resolution for the whole of the target
were marked as ongoing as per time of publication. The resulting region (n ¼ 85,759 pixels).
dataset comprised 238 villages with conflict under differing in-
dustry sectors (forestry, mining, agriculture and fishing). We then 2.3. Modelling and mapping oil palm conflict
separated the dataset into the corresponding industry sectors and
extracted the data relating to oil palm in the agricultural sector. This We used Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) modelling to relate the
resulted in 187 spatially referenced conflicts relating to industrial environmental and socio-economic spatial variables to the presence
scale oil palm (Fig. 1). of each of the five conflict types. BRTs are a statistical method for
We grouped the 187 reports into five non-exclusive categories of grouping observations, based on a set of explanatory variables (in
conflict type: (a) All conflict occurrences (187 villages); (b) Conflict this case, grouping types of conflict, based on the associated envi-
where communities oppose a company (89 villages), e.g. commu- ronmental and socio-economic variables). The grouping is achieved
nities oppose the company, and question the integrity of the by a series of binary splits of the explanatory variables, where the
company; and, (c) Conflict over land boundaries and illegal oper- selection and ordering of variables, and the location of the binary
ations by companies (102 villages) e.g. claims by one local com- splits, are all determined by the statistical model and based on the
munity that the oil-palm company took 50 ha of their land, reports data. The BRT creates many possible series of splits based on random
of companies holding meetings with communities and making subsets of the data, and then combines them via a boosting algo-
promises when they did not have an operating license; (d) Conflict rithm, whereby the trees are developed sequentially to improve the
over negative impacts on the environment and people's livelihoods, model's accuracy, stability and predictive performance. This
arising from oil-palm developments (62 villages), e.g. reports of approach provides a relative weight for each variable based on its
company destroying sacred sites, companies polluting rivers and contribution to the full ensemble of models. BRTs can thus be used
lakes so much that the water cannot be used by the local people; (e) to determine the most important variables for grouping types of
Conflict over a lack of consultation by oil palm companies/gov- conflict, as well as the important levels of these variables.
ernment bodies with local communities, and/or broken promises BRTs were selected because they impose few assumptions on
and lack of compensation from concession owners (70 villages), e.g. the distribution of the data or the relationships between the vari-
claims of falsification of companies in regards to impact assess- ables. Moreover, they accommodate complex nonlinearities and
ments, companies forging signatures of local community members interactions between the explanatory variables and with the
in documentations, and companies planting on community lands response (Elith et al., 2006; Elith, Leathwick, and Hastie, 2008).
with no compensation pay out. Villages were allowed to have more Each model was fitted using the relevant conflict occurrence data
than one type of conflict. (presences) and the pseudo-absence data (absences) as binary re-
These five conflict types formed the response variables for the sponses, and the values of the 42 spatial variables at each of the
statistical modelling. The variables were modelled as binary out- response locations. Cross-validation is also employed to optimise
comes, with a ‘presence’ of conflict at a location defined as at least bias-variance trade-offs (Friedman & Meulman, 2003).
one occurrence of the specific conflict type, and pseudo-absences The BRT models were fitted in R version 2.15.0 (R Core Team.,
defined as follows. 2013) using the functions ‘gbm’ and ‘gbm.step’ in the ‘dismo’
package (Hijmans, Phillips, Leathwick, & Elith, 2013), with the
2.1.2. Pseudo absence oil palm conflict data following specifications: a Bernoulli distribution for the response
We generated 374 pseudo-absence points, giving a sample size variable; maximum 5000 trees with an interaction depth of 3
equal to twice the number of observed conflict presences. The (allowing for multi-way interactions between primary explanatory
population frame comprised the centre-points of 1-km grid cells variables); bagging fraction of 0.5 (50% random samples used for
covering Kalimantan (612,230 points) and the sampling frame was fitting the trees); training fraction of 0.8 (20% data reserved for
36 N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44
Fig. 1. Location of villages (n ¼ 187) with land use (oil palm) conflict occurrence in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, with sub-district (grey lines) and district (black lines) infor-
mation, with protected areas (grey) and 2010 land cover types (from Gaveau et al., 2014).
independent model testing); and five-fold cross-validation (for (81% of which were Indonesian registered); and, 4% of villages had
model robustness). conflicts involving unknown actors or sectors.
The predictive performance of the models was assessed through Those conflicts associated with oil palm, as per time of media
goodness of fit plots between observed and predicted values, and report, occurred in 187 villages. Villages occurred in all four prov-
by calculating the proportion of correctly predicted presences and inces in Kalimantan, with 63 villages (34%) in West Kalimantan, 65
absences, respectively. To better understand the underlying re- villages (35%) in Central Kalimantan, 42 villages (22%) in East
lationships between the spatial variables and the conflict type, Kalimantan, and 17 villages (9%) in South Kalimantan.
fitted function plots were created for the top nine most influential As part of the exploratory analyses, the correlations between the
spatial variables for each of the five BRT models. 45 explanatory variables were calculated using the full spatial
In order to visualise the spatial pattern of conflicts, each BRT dataset (n ¼ 85,759 pixels). The results are reported in Appendix S3
model was applied to the full spatial set of explanatory variables and Table S1.
and used to generate a likelihood of conflict occurrence across the
landscape. These were input into ArcGIS 10.1 (ESRI), converted to a 3.2. BRT models of oil-palm conflict
raster grid (based on a 1 km2 grid-mask), and then classified into
quartiles (equal number of observations in each class) to delineate 3.2.1. Conflict occurrence
areas of low, medium, high and very high likelihood of the five The conflict occurrence model had a positive predictive accuracy
different types of conflict. of 93% and a negative predictive accuracy of 98% (Fig. 2). The
occurrence of conflict between oil-palm companies and local
3. Results communities was strongly correlated with the probability of
deforestation, explaining 34% of the model variance. Fig. 3a shows
3.1. Descriptive statistics the nine most important predictive variables for conflict occur-
rence, according to the BRT model. These are: the probability of
Of the 265 incidences of land use conflict (in 238 villages) re- deforestation (prob_deforest), distance to mangroves (man-
ported in online media in mainland Kalimantan: 75% (199 in- grove_m), distance to severely degraded logged forest (svlog-
cidences) were associated with conflicts between communities and ged_m), distance to oil palm concessions (op_concess_m), distance
oil-palm companies (with 92% of these corporations being Indo- to oil palm plantations (oilpalm_m), communities' uses of the 7
nesian registered); 11% of incidences were associated with the specific forest products asked about in the survey (uses7), neigh-
forestry sector (with 97% of companies being registered in bourhood values of carbon (carbon_s), road density (road_d), and
Indonesia); 10% of villages had conflict with mining companies distance to agroforests (agroregr_m).
N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44 37
Table 1
Summary table of the 43 spatial variables used within the boosted regression tree models.
Land use and land cover Statistic of neighbourhood values of Intact natural forest intact_s
Distance to Intact natural forest intact_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Mangrove mangrove_s
Distance to Mangrove mangrove_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Logged forest logged_s
Distance to Logged forest logged_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Severely degraded logged forest svlogged_s
Distance to Severely degraded logged forest svlogged_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Agro-forests/forest re-growth agroregr_s
Distance to Agro-forests/forest re-growth agroregr_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Industrial timber plantation indtim_s
Distance to Industrial timber plantation indtim_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Other land cover otherlc_s
Distance to Other land cover otherlc_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Oil palm plantations oilpalm_s
Distance to Oil palm plantations oilpalm_m
Statistic of neighbourhood values of Protected Area pa_s
Distance to Protected Areas pa_m
Distance to oil palm concessions op_concess_m
Distance to Peat peat_m
Deforestation Probability of deforestation Prob_deforest
Carbon Statistic of neighbourhood values of Carbon carbon_s
Hydrology River density river_d
Distance to Rivers river_m
Topography Ruggedness ruggedness
Elevation elevation
Accessibility Accessibility sum (road, river, foot) access_sum
Accessibility 10 (road, river, foot) access_10
Infrastructure Impermeable surface area (%) impervious
Road density road_d
Settlement density (2011) pop_2011_n
Wealth Poverty Index poverty
Culture District population (%) who follow Islam Islam
District Population (%) who follow Christianity christian
Ethnic groups ethnic_gp
Communities perceptions Perception of largescale forest clearance for oil palm agriculture lgscalbd
Perception of smallscale forest clearance for oil palm agriculture smscalgd
Uses of 7 specific forest products uses7
Uses of 29 other forest products uses29
Cultural and/or spiritual values of forests cultural_ben
Direct benefits from the forest to peoples lives direct_ben
Benefits from forest to peoples health health_ben
Benefits from forest to peoples environments environ_ben
More specifically, there have been fewer conflicts in areas with a community opposition to oil-palm development are in locations
low probability of deforestation, and a near-linear positive trend in that are more extensively forested (within the core of Borneo is-
conflict with increased probability of deforestation (Fig. 3a). Con- land) (Fig. 4b).
flicts have also occurred in locations nearer to mangrove forest (i.e.,
coastal areas) or far away from them i.e., approximately 230 km 3.2.3. Land boundaries and illegal operations by companies
from mangrove forest with more conflicts occurring with The model for conflicts over land boundary disputes and illegal
increasing distance from the coast, and fewer conflicts far from operations of companies had a positive predictive accuracy of 94%
roads (Fig. 3a). and a negative predictive accuracy of 84% (Fig. 2). This type of
conflict has predominantly occurred in locations within 250 km of
3.2.2. Communities oppose company mangrove forest (Fig. 3c). Land boundary disputes and/or conflict
The model for conflict where communities strongly opposed oil- over illegal actions by companies have also occurred in areas where
palm companies had a positive predictive accuracy of 76% and a forests were more accessible by more people; where people had
negative predictive accuracy of 89% (Fig. 2). This type of conflict was moderate to indifferent perceptions of negative impacts from large-
strongly influenced by the two variables that indicated greater scale oil-palm agriculture; and where there was moderate to little
usage of forest products by local communities i.e., 7 specific forest use/dependency on provisioning services from forest (Fig. 3c).
products (timber, rattan, hunting, traditional medicine, mining, Based on these observed relationships this type of conflict has a
honey and aloes wood) and 29 other forest products (e.g. fish, fire greater likelihood in coastal areas (Fig. 4c).
wood, fruit and vegetables, tree sap) (Fig. 3b). This type of conflict
has also been more strongly associated with areas that have a lower 3.2.4. Negative impacts on the environment and livelihoods
road density (Fig. 3b). The probability of deforestation was also The model for conflicts over negative environmental and social
important but unlike the general conflict occurrence model, impacts from oil palm had a positive predictive accuracy of 92% and
opposition-type conflicts have been more likely to occur when a negative predictive accuracy of 83% (Fig. 2). This type of conflict
there was a lower probability of deforestation (Fig. 3b). Based on has occurred in areas with very low road density and in areas
the observed relationships, the regions with a high likelihood of >25 km from oil-palm concession areas (allocated, under title, oil-
38 N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44
Fig. 2. Goodness of fit plots between observed and predicted responses for five boosted regression tree models for the following: (a) Conflict occurrence; (b) Conflict where
communities oppose company; (c) Conflict over land boundaries and illegal operations by companies; (d) Conflict over negative impacts arising from oil palm on the environment
and peoples livelihoods; (e) Conflict over a lack of consultation with communities, broken promises and lack of compensation.
palm areas that may or may not yet have oil palm) and >40 km from 4. Discussion
existing oil palm cultivations (Fig. 3d). This type of conflict has also
been more common away from the coast (>50 km from mangrove In Indonesia, land allocation is characterised by a complex po-
forest) (Fig. 3d). Those areas where forests were more accessible to litical landscape that promotes the transformation of forest assets
people and where communities had a higher use/dependency of to other land uses, such as oil palm, often at the expense of tradi-
forest products have experienced more environmental and social tionally managed lands and livelihoods of local communities
conflict (Fig. 3d). Similar to the model for people opposing com- (Brockhaus, Obidzinski, Dermawan, Laumonier, & Luttrell, 2012).
panies, these environmental and social conflicts are more likely to Understanding characteristics of conflict locations and the com-
occur in areas where there is more ‘intact’ forest in the core of the munities that have experienced conflict, facilitates the under-
island (see Figs. 1 and 4d). standing of why and where certain types of conflict has occurred.
Such information can assist with conflict prevention and future
3.2.5. Lack of consultation and compensation and broken promises resolution attempts (Dhiaulhaq et al., 2015). This is not only
The model for conflicts associated with lack of community important for regional land-use planning in Indonesia, especially in
consultation, broken promises, and lack of compensation, had a view of emerging jurisdictional approaches to RSPO certification,
positive predictive accuracy of 83% and a negative predictive ac- but this methodology is relevant for mapping community conflicts
curacy of 74% (Fig. 2). Conflicts of this type have been strongly associated with other land use types e.g. those related to other agri-
associated with areas within 70 km from industrial timber business and mining sectors, for example.
plantations (which accounted for 25% of model variance) (Fig. 3e)
and with some surrounding intact forest (Fig. 3e). Thus these 4.1. Conflict occurrence
types of conflict have occurred in regions that have gone through
or are going through forest transformation to oil-palm or In this study we demonstrated innovative methods for assessing
industrial-tree plantations (see Figs. 4e and 1 for land cover spatial patterns of land-use conflict across mainland Kalimantan, a
types). region of rapid land-cover and land-use change (Gaveau et al.,
N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44 39
Fig. 3. Fitted function plots for the nine most influential spatial variables within each boosted regression tree model. One row is presented for each model (each type of conflict, a-
e). Plots show the bivariate effect of each spatial variable on the response variable. Spatial variables and abbreviations are explained in Table 1. Relative importance values for each
variable are shown in parentheses.
2014). To better understand the interplay between local commu- opposed oil-palm companies. Anecdotal accounts of opposition
nities (at the village level) and oil-palm companies, we modelled included reports of indigenous communities outright rejecting the
conflict occurrence and found that conflict intensity increased presence of the oil-palm plantations. For example, as companies
(almost linearly) with higher probabilities of deforestation. Exten- developed oil palm in what were considered as customary forests
sive lowland regions in Kalimantan have been converted to oil palm under local/traditional governance systems. Our results revealed
and other human land uses (Carlson et al., 2013; Koh, Miettinen, that local opposition by communities was associated with regions
Liew, & Ghazoul, 2011); and our findings demonstrate that con- where communities had high use of provisioning services from
flicts have occurred at a greater intensity in regions undergoing forests (e.g. for timber, rattan, and hunting), and with more remote
conversion of forest to agricultural (Gaveau et al., 2014). Our find- areas with intact forests that had a lower likelihood of deforesta-
ings showed some general associations between land cover and tion. These results and the mapped outputs from the model
conflict type between the models for communities opposing oil (Fig. 4b) suggest that forest-dependent communities more strongly
palm (3.2.2), and those associated with perceived negative social oppose oil-palm development. Furthermore, the model that
and environmental impacts from oil palm (3.2.4). These models considered conflict due to negative impacts on the environment
demonstrated similar spatial patterns, with these conflicts domi- and on villager's livelihoods arising from oil palm occurred within
nating in interior forest areas. These types of conflicts likely occur 33% of villages. We found that a higher occurrence of this type of
when people anticipate negative impacts from oil-palm develop- conflict was associated with areas with a very low road density that
ment will outweigh possible benefits. This finding matches com- were away far from oil-palm concessions (25 km or more) or
munity perceptions about large landscape-level clearing for oil- plantations (40 km or more), and more than 50 km from coastal
palm that we identified in a previous independent study (Abram areas. These areas were associated with accessible forested areas
et al., 2014a; Meijaard et al., 2013). where communities still had high dependency on forest products.
Conflicts arising from land boundary disputes, illegal actions, Indeed, spatial patterns for both these models were similar with
and perceived lack of consultation, on the other hand, seemed to higher occurrence of conflict generally associated with areas of
dominate areas where oil palm was developed from the more continuous forest e.g. north of Central Kalimantan and west of
1990se2000s (see Gaveau et al., 2014). Areas where oil palm was East Kalimantan (Fig. 4b and d). One account of conflict from our
already or in the process of being established were generally in flat dataset was in Long Pahangai in Mahakam Ulu (previously under
and fertile coastal areas, with conflict types transforming from administration of Kutai Barat) in East Kalimantan, where villages
general opposition of the industry to more specific forms of were initially impacted by a timber company from the 1980s, but
disputes. more recently by an oil-palm company which controls 80,000 ha of
land that overlaps with 21 villages. In this region, communities
4.2. Oil palm conflict with forest dependent communities perceived that the oil-palm plantation had robbed them of their
livelihoods, the sustainability of forest and water resources,
Among the oil-palm related conflicts, 48% of villages strongly without providing sufficient benefits in return. The appeal of the
40 N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44
Fig. 4. Mapped outputs from five boosted regression tree models on conflicts between oil palm companies and local communities from online data sources and local newspaper
reports, overlaid with protected areas (grey) and district level boundaries (black lines). Maps show the likelihood of various types of conflicts (mapped as quartiles) for the
following: (a) Conflict occurrence; (b) Conflict where communities oppose company; (c) Conflict over land boundaries and illegal operations by companies; (d) Conflict over
negative impacts arising from oil palm on the environment and peoples livelihoods; (e) Conflict over a lack of consultation with communities, broken promises and lack of
modelling approach presented here is that stories like these are no perception of benefits of large-scale oil-palm establishment in
longer considered as individual cases, but are systematically more remote areas where there was more intact forest and com-
aggregated to identify points of commonality. munities have higher resource use of forests (Abram et al., 2014a).
An independent study based on a Borneo-wide questionnaire This tendency is supported by other studies (Marti, 2008; Orth,
dataset undertaken in rural communities showed negative 2009; Sirait, 2009) and suggests that communities linked to
N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44 41
forest-based livelihoods or forest-based cultural identity and tra- failing their obligations to provide services such as technical
ditions generally have negative perceptions about oil palm. In parts assistance in plantation management, schools, or clinics (Sirait,
of Central Kalimantan, for example, oil-palm establishment has 2009). Such unfulfilled obligations to communities can occur not
impacted on indigenous Dayak communities, shifting cultivation only with companies but also local government officials. Indeed,
practises and causing food insecurity (Orth, 2007). Similar findings some local officials may have vested interest through corruption,
have been shown in West Kalimantan where groups most impacted financial support in electoral campaigns, and increasing district
by oil-palm establishment have been former customary land users, authority through tax revenues from oil palm, and as a result
who have experienced loss of livelihoods due to limited access to development agreements may be rushed, ill-considered and poorly
forest and ease of accessing land for swidden agriculture; as well as executed (Adnan & Yentirizal, 2007; Rist et al., 2010; Sirait, 2009).
negative environmental impacts including flooding, polluted wa- However, conflicts can also occur within communities, for example
terways and pest issues (Obidzinski et al., 2012). if the head of the community smallholdings cooperative maximises
On the other hand, if managed properly, socio-economic bene- personal gain through receipt of bribes to favour company interests
fits from oil-palm establishment (by either companies or small- over community interests (Rist et al., 2010; Sirait, 2009).
holders) have positively transformed many rural communities,
providing livelihood improvements and poverty alleviation (Myers, 4.4. Methodological strengths and limitations
Ravikumar, & Larson, 2015; Semedi, 2014). For example, in Bungo
District in Indonesia, smallholding farmers prefer planting oil palm There are obvious challenges in the conception, conduct and
compared to other agricultural land use options (e.g. rubber and interpretation of studies on social issues such as conflict in com-
rice) due to its high returns (Feintrenie, Chong, & Levang, 2010), munities, such as those in Borneo. Five main issues that arise in the
with similar findings throughout Indonesia (Rist, Feintrenie, & study presented in this paper are discussed here.
Levang, 2010) and elsewhere in the tropics (Pfund et al., 2011). First, this study has aimed to develop a quantitative assessment
However, often the benefits of oil palm are felt through the of conflict based on data derived from online media. This data
establishment of smallholdings rather than large commercial source was chosen because it was publicly accessible and therefore
plantations (Abram et al., 2014a; Rist et al., 2010), and in these auditable by others. Moreover, it covered the whole of the target
communities elites are likely to benefit most, to the detriment of region and presented current information in a somewhat uniform
non-elites (Colchester, 2010). This inequality is particularly manner. However, the disadvantage of relying on media reports is
emphasised within indigenous groups, where case studies identify that it induces potential bias due to simplification of the issues,
that non-elites in communities can often lose ancestral land and selective reporting of certain types of conflict, and under-reporting
livelihoods, and are subsequently forced to migrate to urban cen- in rural areas or of smaller scale conflicts (Gritten, Mola-Yudego, &
tres to look for employment, often leaving behind women, children Delgado-Matas, 2011). This bias was ameliorated to some extent by
and elders and hence fracturing social systems (Li, 2015; Sirait, the use of a wide search for conflict stories, including a national
2009). Oil-palm establishment in indigenous lands can therefore database on natural resource conflicts compiled by five major or-
erode traditional customs, cultures and identity, ensuing the ganisations and eleven local news sources. Moreover, the study
detachment of people from their natural environment and the focused on the most predominant reported issue, oil-palm agri-
collapse of customary systems of natural resource management culture, which affects a wide cross-section of the community in the
(Achobang et al., 2013). region.
Second, the use of conflict reports based on online media has a
4.3. Oil palm conflict in transformed areas further disadvantage in that the extracted articles did not provide
information about communities that are happy with oil-palm
Over half (55%) of the villages were noted to have conflict over development. This motivates a future study that includes both
land boundary disputes and/or illegal operations by oil-palm positive and negative stories about oil-palm development. How-
companies, primarily in areas less than 250 km from mangroves ever, in order to achieve the desired balance in such a study,
(generally low-lying coastal flats), with accessible forests (sug- arguably a wider search than online media alone would be needed
gesting non-remote areas). Additionally, higher levels of this con- to compensate for the potential bias towards negative stories in
flict type were associated with areas in which people were less newspaper reports. More detailed studies on broader welfare
dependent on provisioning services from forests, and where there changes in communities adjacent to oil palm would help build
was already extensive oil palm (Fig. 3c). These results suggest that understanding about the conditions under which oil palm can
land boundary and illegal operations of companies were mostly deliver net societal benefits.
located in predominantly agricultural areas with some remnant Third, although one of the strengths of this study is the ability to
forest, where oil palm was established and expanding, potentially derive a spatial understanding of conflict across the region, the
displacing local people from their lands (Achobang et al., 2013; validity of this approach is predicated to some extent on the ac-
Colchester, 2010). This is especially pertinent considering that curacy of the geo-coding of the reported conflicts. An estimate of
land allocation in Indonesia is characterised by a complex political this accuracy was obtained by cross-referencing the conflict dataset
economic system which facilitates forest conversion to oil palm, with three separate sources. The results indicated acceptable ac-
often overriding rights or informal claims to land (Larson et al., curacy with respect to the scale of the spatial variables used in the
2013; Paoli et al., 2013). For example, caveats in law permit gov- analysis. Furthermore, although a formal sensitivity analysis was
ernors and ministers the right to override land use decisions made not conducted, a review of the inferences from the statistical
by districts (i.e., Government Regulation No. 26/2008) (Brockhaus analysis suggested that they would be unlikely to be affected by
et al., 2012). We also note that land speculation by communities movement of the villages within the average spatial range. While
in these agricultural areas can be significant, with many informal this does not completely resolve the issue, it does provide some
and formal land claims overlapping, leading to an increased like- confidence in the reported results.
lihood of conflict (Dennis et al., 2005). Fourth, although the BRT models that were used in this study
As expected, transformed areas also experienced conflicts are able to flexibly model spatially correlated data, they may not
associated with lack of community consultation, broken promises, have encompassed all of the spatial autocorrelation in the conflict
and lack of compensation. Such conflicts can occur over companies response variables since records were derived from online sources
42 N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44
and therefore no systematic sampling was undertaken. However, a potential to enable households to lift themselves out of poverty,
wide geographic area is covered in the analyses, diversifying the which appears most feasible where smallholdings are independent
environmental space within the models. Moreover, although the of companies (Feintrenie et al., 2010). However, whether local
spatial explanatory layers invariably exhibit varying degrees of in- people directly benefit from oil palm is highly dependent on the
accuracy, every attempt was made to omit poor quality data from local context, with the particular deals offered to communities
the spatial framework. varying widely with respect to land exchanges, loan conditions, and
Finally, it is acknowledged that the models developed in this sale of lands (see Orth, 2009; Rist et al., 2010). This is also influ-
study were not intended to describe causal relationships between enced by the capacity of the local people to adapt to new man-
the spatial variables employed and the occurrence of conflicts. agement of land and alternative livelihoods (Sirait, 2009). Other
Rather, our study is an exploratory exercise aiming to understand important issues include the extent to which oil palm displaces
the types of conflicts that are occurring, the characteristics of the smallholder farming, especially for food staples such as rice, thus
communities that have been impacted by conflict and of the loca- reducing community self-sufficiency, and also whether oil palm
tions where these conflicts have occurred. As understanding cau- development requires the import of migrant labour, which can
sality was not the focus of this study, we do not assert that the have significant social impacts (Anderman, Remans, Wood, DeRosa,
models accurately predict the location of future conflicts. Rather & DeFries, 2014).
our mapped outputs are intended to visualise where different types In some cases, initial conflict can be a starting point for positive
of conflict are more likely to occur, based on the relationships change for communities, by allowing for cross-stakeholder di-
observed in the past and using the data on conflicts that we were alogues, clarification of land tenure, and for potential development
able to access. opportunities (Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014). Reducing the frequency of
Notwithstanding these limitations in our methods, the data future disputes can be beneficial for all parties. For example,
source and modelling approach demonstrate a robust approach to financial risk incurred by plantations when disputes arise can be
understanding the spatial trends and patterns associated with significantly reduced. One large plantation estimated that, over a
landscape level information on the environmental and social several year period, social disputes with local communities could
context and different types of conflict. These methods are appli- easily cost USD 1,000,000 (Levin et al., 2012). Fires are also
cable to other regions and industries that are conflict prone such as frequently used by communities in a conflict situation, causing
forestry or mining. significant crop losses to the company (Dennis et al., 2005).
The Indonesian government maintains a village-level database Ensuring that local communities can benefit from development
on conflicts which is updated every 3 years in the potensi desa and that companies can limit risks associated with land-use con-
process. However, underreporting of conflicts by the government in flicts with local communities (e.g. due to increased operational
Indonesia is common, meaning that community-oil palm conflict costs) underpins aspects of the RSPO's standards; and the less
occurrence may indeed be much higher than suggested by gov- known mandatory Indonesian equivalent ISPO (Indonesian Sus-
ernment data (Barron et al., 2004). Nevertheless, in 2012, for Kali- tainable Palm Oil). In regards to the RSPO, certification requires
mantan, the Ministry of Agriculture stated that there were 439 company compliance with applicable laws and regulations (Prin-
land-use conflict cases for oil palm, with 250 cases in Central ciple 2), for example, by demonstrating full rights to land which is
Kalimantan alone, 78 in East Kalimantan, 77 in West Kalimantan not contested by local people, and being able to demonstrate Free
and 34 in South Kalimantan (Hadinaryanto, 2014). This suggests and Prior and Informed Consent (Principle 7) (RSPO, 2013). The
that conflict is extensive and widespread. Moreover, land-use RSPO is a voluntary certification scheme, however the new juris-
conflict will likely be exacerbated as oil palm and other human dictional approach may see transformations in how its HCV as-
land uses continue to rapidly expand. For example in West Kali- sessments and FPIC procedures are rolled out across landscapes.
mantan, oil-palm covered 0.3 million hectares in 2000 (Sirait, Although the ISPO has similar requirements, it is regarded as sub-
2009), then expanded to over 1 million hectares in 2010, yet over standard to RSPO. Nevertheless both schemes are under scrutiny
5 million ha have been granted in concession to around 390 com- for inadequate social and environmental safeguards (Caroko,
panies (data from Gaveau et al., 2014). When we segment the size of Komarudin, Obidzinski, & Gunarso, 2011; Ruysschaert & Salles,
the province (14 million hectares) into 3.7 million hectares under 2014). Nevertheless, there remains hope that such requirements
timber companies, 3.7 million hectares protected and 1.5 million will improve current practice and standards, in an industry with a
hectares under mining permits, only 0.7 million hectares remain for poor reputation. Moreover, in contexts in which conflict already
4.3 million people (Hadinaryanto, 2014). The scale of existing and exists, mediation and conflict resolution efforts may prove useful
future conflicts becomes clear when considering the rapid and tools for overcoming conflict.
extensive land cover change occurring in the more rural areas Prior to establishment of oil palm by any company, willingness
(Gaveau et al., 2014) and that such large-scale transformation may for the particular development should be better determined
work against the poor in these areas (McCarthy & Cramb, 2009). through engagement and incorporation into spatial plans (Paoli
If, however, the transformation is successful and returns are et al., 2013). This will help to reduce the negative impacts of oil-
managed equitably, high net revenue from oil palm can deliver palm plantations on communities, and maximize the potential for
significant economic benefits at local levels, providing such benefits oil palm to elevate local economies (Obidzinski & Dermawan,
accrue to rural people and outweigh the societal costs of oil palm 2010). Additionally, current and future development projects
(e.g. costs of increased flooding, costs of higher temperature asso- should consider the different types of conflicts they may encounter,
ciated with land clearing) (Abram et al., 2014a; Sayer, Ghazoul, given the spatial characteristics of the sites. Obviously, reconciling
Nelson, & Klintuni Boedhihartono, 2012). Indeed, one study on competing land uses and factoring in the desires and needs of
livelihood impacts of oil palm noted that in all of the four case study stakeholders is complex (Sayer et al., 2013). Spatially explicit
regions, most communities were eager for economic development methods for decision analysis for conflict resolution in land use
and in remote regions villages compete for development investors planning are available (e.g. Zhang, Li, & Fung, 2012; de Groot, 2006),
(Rist et al., 2010). A desire for oil-palm development is due to its and despite requiring significant data gathering and analysis, the
N.K. Abram et al. / Applied Geography 78 (2017) 33e44 43
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