Food, Quantifiers, and First Conditional IE3-SS
Food, Quantifiers, and First Conditional IE3-SS
Food, Quantifiers, and First Conditional IE3-SS
What is food?
•This is an apple.
•There is an apple.
Create sentences with the vocabulary food
•Use these verbs:
•To be (is, are, am)
•eat ( I eat mangoes.)
•buy ( She buys two pears
• on Fridays.)
•sell (My friend sells oranges.)
•like ( I like bananas and grapes.)
Sentences (food)
•This is a carrot.
•There is a carrot.
• Count Nouns:
• They have singular and plural
forms and can be counted. We
can use a / an or numbers.
• a book, four books
• a banana / two bananas
• Uncountable Nouns
• They have only singular form and
cannot be counted.
• meat, milk, sugar
We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information
about the number of something: how much or how many.
We use some with plural
countable nouns.
• Examples:
• There are some apples.
What is “ If ” ?
It is a conjunction.
You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses.
First conditional
First conditional
•If it rains today, I will stay at home.
Si llueve hoy, me quedaré en casa.
•If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow.
Si está ocupado ahora, regresaré mañana.
•If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus.
Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro autobus.
First conditional
First conditional
• Questions:
•If you go to the gym once a week, will you feel healthier?