13 Stress and Coping
13 Stress and Coping
13 Stress and Coping
STRESS generally pertains to two things:
1. Psychological perception of pressure
2. The body’s response to that pressure which involves multiple
systems i.e. metabolism, muscles, memory, among others
Intentionally/consciously trying to forget an unpleasant experience or memory.
Includes keeping yourself busy and creating diversions.
An attempt to substitute "good" reasons for our real reasons. Allows people to
disguise from themselves the fact that they acted from motives that conflict with
their professed standards.
1. sour grapes: belittling what you fail to achieve
2. sweet lemons: convincing yourself that you are just as well off
without whatever you failed to achieve; being "glad" you lost or failed.
Taking your emotions out on substitute people or objects; a redirection of emotion,
in the absence of the object that would satisfy our instinctual urges. Substitute
objects are rarely as satisfying as the original objects, but they are less threatening.
Copying the behavior, beliefs, lifestyle, and other characteristics of somebody else.
Making up for a personal lack or handicap by doing something else well;
highlighting your assets.
Putting others down, ridiculing people, or acting superior in order to mask your
own feelings of inferiority.
Finding acceptable outlets for energy; the ability to sublimate our impulses makes
possible the ideas, values, attitude, and activity that character to civilized adult
human being.
Putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Inability to stay in one place, in one job, with one relationship; incapable of
Disliking everything mentioned, every possible alternative. This includes excessive
use of sarcasm. People using this are highly defensive. They will even criticize
themselves in order to prevent others from doing so. Chronic complainers,
Refusal to accept the painful truth.
Trying to atone for bad behavior/ guilt/ pretending something did not happen.
Not showing feelings; creating an emotional wall around yourself; keeping distance
from others.
Dismissing anxiety by analyzing emotional issues intellectually and converting them
to theory rather than action. In this way, problems become detached from the self
and removed from unpleasant emotional (guilt) consequences. may also be referred
to as isolation or dissociation. Bad memories are conscious, but are distanced from
the feelings that accompany them.
Behaving the opposite of how you really feel over a period of many years; living a lie.
This included the development of behavior patterns that are the opposite of those
that might create anxiety.
Dividing your life into separate air-tight compartments to avoid facing the
inconsistencies. Creating multiple "selves" to fit into opposing situations.
The use of effective coping skills can often
help improve mental and emotional well-
being. People who are able to adjust to
stressful or traumatic situations (and the
lasting impact these incidents may have)
through productive coping mechanisms
may be less likely to experience anxiety,
depression, and other mental health
concerns as a result of painful or
challenging events.
People who find themselves defaulting to maladaptive coping
mechanisms and/or experience difficulty utilizing effective
coping strategies may eventually see a negative impact on
mental and emotional well-being. Consuming alcohol can
often help people feel less stressed in the immediate
moment, for example, but if a person comes to rely on
alcohol, or any other substance, in the face of
challenging situations, they may eventually become dependent
on the substance over time.
Stress Kills You Because It Damages The Heart