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by Anna Caruk

Warm up!
Describe both of the women. Use the words from the word bank.

Straight Skin:
Curly Fair
Wavy Dark
Face: Smooth
Round Clear
Oval Body:
Heart-shaped Slim
Square Curvy
Eyes: Tall
Big Short
Small Clothing style:
Blue Casual
Brown Elegant
Green Sporty
Nose: Chic
Straight Lips:
Curved Full
Small Thin
Large Plump

Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think the woman might be

doing in this picture?
2. Where do you think she is?
3. What emotions do you think she might be
4. What do you think her hobbies or interests
could be?
5. What do you think her personality is like
based on the picture?

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

1. What do you think the woman might be doing
in this picture?
2. Where do you think she is?
3. What emotions do you think she might be
4. What do you think her hobbies or interests
could be?
5. What do you think her personality is like based
on the picture?

Which job do you think would be better for a woman? Why?

Which sentences do you agree with? Which ones do you disagree with?

1. Women are better at different things compared to men.

2. Women earn less money than men for the same job.
3. Women understand feelings better than men.
4. Women do not enjoy sports as much as men.
5. All women are caring and nurturing.
6. Women are great leaders.
7. Women usually enjoy shopping more than men.
8. Women are always portrayed negatively in the media.
9. Women talk about emotions more than men.
10. There aren't as many women in science and tech jobs as men.

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

What might be the similarities and differences between a little girl and
an elderly woman? Match the words from the word bank to the right
category. Add your own ideas as well.

Both of them are often... Relaxed, Old, Only one of them is usually...
Loving, Weak,
................................ ................................
Funny, Happy,
................................ ................................
Strong, Little,
................................ ................................
Smart, Energetic,
................................ ................................
Friendly, Curious,
................................ Experienced, Big, ................................
Which of the things listed below may women find easy and difficult to
do in your opinion? Why?

1. Making friends.
EASY 2. Dealing with unfair treatment. DIFFICULT
................................ 3. Doing more than one thing at ................................
a time.
................................ 4. Accessing healthcare. ................................
................................ 5. Talking about feelings. ................................
................................ 6. Feeling confident about their ................................
................................ 7. Earning fair money. ................................
................................ 8. Being caring and supportive. ................................
................................ 9. Getting a job in some fields. ................................
10. Understanding others'
................................ emotions. ................................
................................ 11. Doing their job while taking ................................
care of family.
12. Fighting stereotypes.

Do you think all women will always find the same things easy or
difficult? Why or why not? Give examples.

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Here are two different diary entries written by 2 different women. Can
you guess who the women are? What helped you guess?

1st woman 2nd woman

Today in the palace was all about fancy Another day on the farm, with the sun
dresses and important meetings with rising early and setting late. From the
important people. It felt like I was living in moment I wake up to the moment I rest
a big, beautiful bubble where everyone my head on my pillow, I'm surrounded by
knows who I am and what I have to do. the earth's warm embrace. There's
But sometimes, I feel like a bird in a something special about the smell of fresh
golden cage, wishing to fly away. I dream soil and the sound of animals waking up.
of adventures beyond these tall castle It's hard work, no doubt, but there's a
walls, where I can feel the wind in my hair peaceful rhythm to it all. Despite the
and the sun on my face. Maybe one day,
sweat on my brow and the dirt on my
I'll find the courage to step out of my royal
hands, there's nothing I'd trade for the
shoes and chase my dreams like a hero in
a story. simplicity and beauty of farm life.

The woman is: ............................. The woman is: .............................

Look at the quotes below. Try to interpret them. Do you agree with them?
Why?/Why not?

"Girls can do anything boys

can do – and do it in high "Girls just wanna have fun."
heels." - Cyndi Lauper
- Unknown

Challenge! Read the sentences out loud.
Witty women wish for wellness.
She sells seashells by the seashore, where the women wander.
Wonderful women wear wondrously warm woolen wraps.
Five fine female firefighters fought fiercely through the flames.

Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

Translate into English.
1. Kobiety są silne.
2. Matka kocha swoje dziecko.
3. Moja siostra lubi czytać książki.
4. Nauczycielka uczy dzieci w szkole.
5. Ta kobieta lubi gotować obiady dla swojej rodziny.
6. Dziewczynka bawi się teraz lalkami.
7. Ta pani pracuje w biurze.
8. Moja córka pomaga mi w domu.
9. Kobieta idzie do sklepu kupić jedzenie.
10. Babcia opowiada teraz bajki wnuczkom.


Watch a video about Rosie. Make notes. Then, share things you
remember about her.


Ⓒ by Anna Caruk 2023

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