Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance: Data Sheet
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance: Data Sheet
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance: Data Sheet
Supports Privacy and Compliance
Encryption protects the privacy and integrity of data, but
also creates a blind spot that attackers can exploit to evade
security controls. Considering over half of all Internet traffic
The SSL Visibility Appliance serves as an effective policy
today is encrypted, it creates a rather large gap in an
enforcement point to control SSL traffic throughout the
organization's security posture, leading to increased
enterprise, reducing risks posed by encrypted traffic, while
vulnerability and risk, as well as a damaged reputation. The
maintaining compliance with relevant privacy policies and
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance, a key component of the
regulatory requirements. Using Host Categorization and
Encrypted Traffic Management solution set, enables
SSL traffic types for policies, organizations can easily create
organizations to cost-effectively eliminate blind spots within
and customize granular policies to selectively decrypt traffic
their environment and maximize the effectiveness of their
to meet their business needs (for example, do not decrypt
security infrastructure investments. With Symantec
financial or banking traffic going out of the business).
technology, organizations have the visibility and control they
Policies can easily be set to control obsolete or weak
need over encrypted traffic to ensure compliance with their
ciphers and standards, such as traffic using SSL v3.0.
privacy, regulatory and acceptable use policies.
Broadcom SSL-Visibility-DS100
May 3, 2021
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance Data Sheet Remove Security Blind Spots Created by SSL/TLS Encryption
This enables organizations to focus on the communications that represent the highest risks effectively balancing security
with data privacy and compliance requirements. These policies also utilize Symantec market-leading Global Intelligence
Network to exchange and update SSL host categorization, threat and malware knowledge across the globe.
Figure 2: Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance Helps Centralize the Management of Encrypted Traffic
Passive Devices
IDS, Forensics, Analytics, and so on.
Decrypted Traffic
Encrypted Traffic
Business Assets
Clients and Servers
Broadcom SSL-Visibility-DS100
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance Data Sheet Remove Security Blind Spots Created by SSL/TLS Encryption
Anti-Malware Anti-Malware
Copy Port
Passive Device
for Segment #2
(Security Analytics)
Flexible Deployment Options: supporting multiple in-line or tap segments that feed one or more active or passive
attached appliances (the number of segments supported varies depending on model number).
Passive Devices:
Active Device: (for example, IDS, Analytics,
(for example, IPS, DLP)
NGFW, Anti-Malware)
Copy Ports
Broadcom SSL-Visibility-DS100
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance Data Sheet Remove Security Blind Spots Created by SSL/TLS Encryption
Copy Ports: the SSL Visibility Appliance can send copies out to many devices over the additional ports on the device.
This allows organizations to feed all traffic (decrypted and non- SSL) to additional passive devices on the network.
Application Preservation: delivering decrypted plain-text to security appliances as a generated TCP stream, with the
packet headers as they were received. This allows applications and appliances, such as next-generation firewalls
(NGFW), intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), data loss prevention (DLP) systems and security analytics,
to expand their scope and provide protection from threats hiding in the previously encrypted traffic. This is done without
requiring any special software or capabilities in the attached security tools. When feeding ProxySG the SSL Visibility
Appliance must be running a 4.x or later software release and ProxySG must be running 6.7.2.x or later software.
Comprehensive Support: delivering complete visibility into inbound and outbound SSL sessions; supporting networks
with asymmetric traffic routing; providing support for multiple re- signing Certificate Authorities (CA) when inspecting
outbound SSL flows; allowing the import of many server key/ cert pairs to inspect inbound SSL flows to enterprise SSL
Input Aggregation: allowing the aggregation of traffic from multiple network taps onto a single passive-tap segment for
Broadcom SSL-Visibility-DS100
Symantec SSL Visibility Appliance Data Sheet Remove Security Blind Spots Created by SSL/TLS Encryption
4.5.x 5.2.x
Software Version SGOS SGOS
Broadcom SSL-Visibility-DS100
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