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A Schematic Diagram On The Development of Institutional Correction

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A Schematic Diagram on The Development of Institutional Correction

Physical Emerged in 18th

Age of Reform
punishment was The Rise of to 19th century, The offenders
utilized to Incarcenation used solitary are
uphold law and confinement and Parole,
deter hard labor to reintegrated
probation and
criminality. Imprisonment deter crime educational back into
replaced opportunities society
corporal were provided
Primitive punishment. The Pennsylvania
to the law The Reintegration
Institutional and Auburn
offenders Era
Correction System

A. Primitive Institutional Correction

This era of institutional correction utilized the following.

a) Death
b) Corporal Punishment
c) Public Humiliation
d) Banishment

B. The Rise of Incarceration

As a result of the humanitarian movement's advocacy for treating offenders with greater compassion,
imprisonment replaced corporal punishment.
C. The Pennsylvania and Auburn System
a) Pennsylvania System utilizes solitary confinement and reflect as means of rehabilitating someone.
b) Auburn System emphasizes silence and hard labor to deter a person when he commits crime.
D. Age of Reform
In order to deter a crime, parole, probation and educational opportunities were provided to the law offenders. It
replaced corporal punishment, banishment exile and physical disfigurement and shifted to rehabilitation which
became its goal of correction.

D. The Reintegration Era

The offenders are reintegrated back into society, which includes providing them livelihood and skill they could use
upon release.

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