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Acciaio Beatrice ‘Optimal Risk Sharing with Non-Monotone Monetary Functionals’

Finance and Stochastics Volume 11, Number 2, April, 2007

Acharya Viral, Lasse Pedersen ‘Asset Pricing with Liquidity Risk’ JFE 2005
Acharya Viral, Timothy Johnson ‘Insider Trading in Credit Derivatives’ JFE to be
Achdou Yves, Indragoby Govindaraj, Olivier Pironneau 'Volatility Calibration with
American Options' 2004 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences & Engineering, wp 1/05 <variational inequalities, automatic
differentiation, finite element methods>
Adams Renee, Daniel Ferreira ‘A Theory of Friendly Boards’ Journal of Finance
Volume 62: Issue 1, February 2007
Adler R.J., Jonathan Taylor ‘Random Fields & Geometry’ 2007 Springer
Aguirregabiria Victor, Pedro Mira ‘Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games’
Econometrica Jan. 2007 Vol. 75 Issue 1
Ahcan Ales, Saao Polanec, Igor Masten, Mihael Perman ‘Analytical Approximation for
a Multi-Period Portfolio Problem with Vector Autoregressive Returns’ SSRN 3/07
Ahlin Christian, Robert Townsend ‘Selection Into and Across Credit Contracts:
Theory and Field Research’ 2/07 Journal of Econometrics
Ahn Hyungsok, Varqa Khadem, Paul Wilmott ‘The Pricing Of Risky Bonds: Current
Models and Future Directions’ 1999 Oxford Financial Research Center
Ahoniemi Katja ‘Multiplicative Models for Implied Volatility’ SSRN 3/07
Aihara Shinichi ‘Adaptive Parameter Identification for Infinite-Dimensional Factor
Model By Using Particle Filter’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Aït-Sahalia Yacine ‘Volatility Estimators for Discretely Sampled Lévy Processes’
Bachelier Conference 2006
Aït-Sahalia Yacine, Jianqing Fan, Heng Peng ‘Nonparametric Transition-Based Tests
for Jump-Diffusions’ SSRN 1/07
Aït-Sahalia Yacine, Per Mykland, Lan Zhang ‘Ultra High Frequency Volatility
Estimation with Dependent Microstructure Noise’ TR 554, Dept of
Statistics, Univ. of Chicago 2005
Aiyagari S. Rao, Mark Gertler ‘Asset Returns with Transactions Cost and Uninsured
Risk: A Stage III Exercise’ NBER Working Paper No. W3481 SSRN 1/07
Albeverio Sergio, Frederik Herzberg ‘A Combinatorial Infinitesimal Representation
of Lévy Processes and an Application to Incomplete Markets’ Stochastics Volume
78 Issue 5, 2006
Albrecher Hansjorg, Sophie Ladoucette, Wim Schoutens ‘A Generic One-Factor Lévy
Model for Pricing Synthetic CDOs’ Advances in Mathematical Finance (ed. M. Fu,
et all) 2007
Alevy Jonathan, Michael Haigh, John List ‘Information Cascades: Evidence From A
Field Experiment with Financial Market Professionals’ Journal of Finance Volume
62: Issue 1, February 2007
Alexander Gordon, Alexandre Baptista ‘Portfolio Selection with A Drawdown
Constraint’ Nov 2006 Journal of Banking and Finance
Alexander Gordon, Gjergji Cici, Scott Gibson ‘Does Motivation Matter When Assessing
Trade Performance? An Analysis of Mutual Funds’ Review of Financial Studies,
Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2007
Aliprantis Charalambos, Gabriele Camera, Daniela Puzzello ‘Contagion Equilibria in
a Monetary Model’ Econometrica Jan. 2007 Vol. 75 Issue 1
Almendral Ariel, Cornelis W. Oosterlee 'Accurate Evaluation of European and
American Options Under the CGMY Process' SIAM J. Sci. Computing 2007 < Volterra
Equations, finite-difference method, Lévy driven asset processes, discretized in
space by the collocation method, time explicit backward differentiation formula,
second-order accurate for a relevant parameter range determining the degree of
the singularity in the Lévy measure, integration by parts technique, the fast
Fourier transform O(N_t N\log N), partial integro-differential equations;
collocation method> <options-American>
Altman Rachel ‘Mixed Hidden Markov Models: An Extension of the Hidden Markov Model
to the Longitudinal Data Setting’ JASA 3/07
Amerio Emanuele ‘Forward Start Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility: A General
Framework’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Ammann Manuel, Axel Kind, Ralf Seiz ‘What Drives the Performance of Convertible
Bond Funds?’ SSRN 3/07

Anand Amber, Sugato Chakravarty ‘Stealth Trading in Options Markets’ Journal of

Financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol. 42, No. 1, March 2007
Anderluh Jasper, J.A.M. van der Weide 'Double Sided Parisian Options' Aug. 2006 wp
<stock spends time above or below a level>
Andersen Leif ‘Portfolio Losses in Factor Models: Term Structures and Intertemporal
Loss Dependence’ Journal of Credit Risk Vol.2, #4 Winter 2006/2007
Andersen Torben, Luca Benzoni ‘Can Bonds Hedge Volatility Risk in the U.S. Treasury
Market? A Specification Test for Affine Term Structure Models’ 2006
Andersen Torben, Per Frederiksen, Arne Staal ‘The Information Content of Realized
Volatility Forecasts’ 2006
Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Dobrislav Dobrev ‘No-Arbitrage Semi-Martingale
Restrictions for Continuous-Time Volatility Models subject to Leverage Effects,
Jumps and i.i.d. Noise: Theory and Testable Distributional Assumptions’ Journal
of Econometrics 2006
Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Francis Diebold ‘Roughing It Up: Including Jump
Components in Measuring, Modeling and Forecasting Asset Return Volatility’
Review of Economics and Statistics 2006
Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Francis Diebold, Paul Labys ‘The Distribution of
Exchange Rate Realized Volatility’ Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 96, 42–55, 2001
Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Per Frederiksen, Morten Ø. Nielsen ‘Comment (on
Peter R. Hansen and Asger Lunde: “Realized Variance and Market Microstructure
Noise) (Journal of Business & Economic Statistics)’ 2006
Andersen Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Per Frederiksen, Morten Ø. Nielsen ‘Continuous-
Time Models, Realized Volatilities and Testable Distributional Implications for
Daily Stock Returns’ 2006
Anderson T.W. ‘An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis’ 2003 Wiley
Andrikopoulos Andreas ‘On the Valuation of American Exchange Options: An Analytical
Approximation’ SSRN 1/07
Andritzky Jochen, Manmohan Singh ‘The Pricing of Credit Default Swaps During
Distress’ SSRN Jan 07
Androshchuk Taras, Yuliya Mishura ‘Mixed Brownian-Fractional Brownian Model:
Absence of Arbitrage and Related Topics’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 5, 2006
Ankirchner Stefan ‘Metrics on the Set of Semimartingale Filtrations’ Stochastics
Volume 78 Issue 2, 2006
Antonino Zanette ‘A Mixed PDE-Monte Carlo Approach for Pricing Credit Default Swaps
Portfolio Options’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Appasamy Bernd, Stefan Hengstmann, Georg Stapper, Egbert Schark ‘Validation of
Rating Models’ Wilmott (May 2004)
Applebaum David ' Lévy Processes and Stochastic Calculus' 2004 (Cambridge Studies
in Advanced Mathematics)
Applegate David, Robert Bixby, Vasek Chvátal, William Cook ‘The Traveling Salesman
Problem:A Computational Study’ Princeton Press 2007
Aragon George ‘Share Restrictions and Asset Pricing: Evidence From the Hedge Fund
Industry’ Journal of Financial Economics 1/07
Arai Takuji ‘LP-Projections of Random Variables and Its Application to Finance’
Bachelier Conference 2006
Araújo Tanya, Francisco Louçã ‘The Geometry of Crashes. A Measure of the Dynamics
of Stock Market Crises’ Quantitative Finance, Volume 7 Issue 1 2007 agent-based
modeling, complexity
Arkina Svetlana ‘Investment Timing Problem under Tax Exemptions’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Armitage V., W. Eberlein ‘Elliptic Functions’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Arnaud Porchet ‘Valuation of A Power Plant under Production Constraints’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Arnold Tom, Raymond Fishe, David North ‘The Effects of “Risk Factor” Disclosure on
the Pricing of IPOs and Long Run Returns’ SSRN 3/07
Arnold Tom, Timothy Falcon Crack, Adam Schwartz ‘Valuing Real Options Using Implied
Binomial Trees and Commodity Futures Options’ Journal of Futures Markets March
Aspremont Alexandre ‘A Market Test for the Positivity of Arrow Debreu Prices’
Bachelier Conference 2006
Athanasoulis Stefano ‘Asset Prices and Consumption in a Model of Perpetual Youth’
Journal of Business Vol 79, #6, Nov 2006
Atlan Marc ‘Localizing Volatility’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Babilua P., I. Bokuchava, B. Dochviri, M. Shashiashvili ‘The American Put Option in
a One-Dimensional Diffusion Model with Level-Dependent Volatility’ Stochastics
Volume 79 Issue 1 & 2 2007
Bae Kee-Hong, Chanwoo Lim, K.C. John Wei ‘Corporate Governance and Conditional
Skewness in the World's Stock Markets’ Journal of Business Vol 79, #6, Nov 2006
Bajeux-Besnainou Isabelle, Riadh Belhaj, Didier Maillard, Roland Portait ‘Portfolio
Optimization under Tracking Error and Weights Constraints’ SSRN 2/07
Baker Glyn, Reimer Beneder, Alex Zilber ‘FX Barriers with Smile Dynamics’ SSRN 2/07
Bakshi Gurdip, Dilip Madan 'The Distribution of Risk Aversion' wp 2006
Bakstein David ‘The Pricing of Derivatives in Illiquid Markets’ 2001 Oxford
Financial Research Center
Bakstein David, Sam Howison ‘A Risk-Neutral Parametric Liquidity Model for
Derivatives’ 2002 Oxford Financial Research Center
Bakstein David, Sam Howison ‘Using Options on Greeks as Liquidity Protection’ 2003
Oxford Financial Research Center
Balan R.M. ‘Markov Jump Random C.D.F.’s and their Posterior Distributions’ SP&A
Bali Turan ‘An Extreme Value Approach to Estimating Interest-Rate Volatility:
Pricing Implications for Interest-Rate Options’ Management Science Feb 2007
Bali Turan, David Weinbaum ‘A Conditional Extreme Value Volatility Estimator Based
on High-Frequency Returns’ Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Feb. 07
Balvers Ronald, Douglas Mitchell ‘Reducing the Dimensionality of Linear Quadratic
Control Problems’ Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control January 07
Bandi Federico, Claudia Moise, Jeffrey R. Russell ‘Market Volatility, Market
Frictions and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns’ SSRN 3/07
Bandi Federico, Jeffrey Russell ‘Microstructure Noise, Realized Volatility and
Optimal Sampling’ technical report, University of Chicago, Graduate School of
Business. 2003
Banerjee Anurag ‘A Method of Estimating the Average Derivative’ 1/07 Journal of
Bank Peter ‘Pricing and Hedging In Illiquid Financial Markets’ Bachelier Conference
Barndorff-Nielsen Ole, Neil Shephard ‘Impact of Jumps on Returns and Realised
Variances: Econometric Analysis of Time-Deformed Lévy Processes’ March/April
2006 Journal of Econometrics
Barnsley Michael ‘SuperFractals’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Barone-Adesi Giovanni, Nicola Fusari, John Theal ‘Barrier Option Pricing Using
Adjusted Transition Probabilities’ SSRN 2/07
Barrieu Pauline ‘Hybrid Cat-Bonds’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Bartram Söhnke, Gregory W. Brown, Jennifer Conrad ‘The Effects of Derivatives on
Firm Risk and Value’ SSRN 2/07
Bass Richard, Zhen-Oing Chen ‘Systems of Equations Driven by Stable Processes’
Probability Theory and Related Fields Volume 134, Number 2 / February, 2006
Basu Devraj, Chi-Hsiou Hung, Alexander Stremme ‘International Asset Pricing and
Time-Varying Risk Premiums’ SSRN 2/07
Bäuerle Nicole, Ulrich Rieder ‘Portfolio Optimization with Jumps and Unobservable
Intensity Process’ Mathematical Finance April 2007 - Vol. 17 Issue 2
Bavouzet Marie Pierre ‘Pricing and Sensitivity Computations of American Options in
Jump Type Market Models’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Bayraktar Erhan , Virginia Young ‘Correspondence between Lifetime Minimum Wealth
And Utility Of Consumption’ Finance and Stochastics Volume 11, Number 2, April,
Bayraktar Erhan, Masahiko Egami ‘The Effects of Implementation Delay on Decision-
Making under Uncertainty’ SP&A 3/07
Bayraktar Erhan, Ulrick Horst, Ronnie Sircar 'A Limit Theorem for Financial Markets
with Inert Investors' Mathematics of Operations Research Vol 31,#4 Nov. 2006
Bazaraa Mokhtar ‘Nonlinear Programming:Theory & Algorithms’ 2006 Wiley Press
Bazdarich Michael ‘Separability and Pension Optimization’ Journal of Fixed Income
Winter 2006
Becherer Dirk ‘Bounded Solutions to Backward SDE with Jumps for Utility
Optimization and Indifference Hedging’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Becker Katrin, Melanie Becker, John Schwarz ‘String Theory & M-Theory’ 2006
Cambridge Press
Bekaert Geert, Eric Engstrom, Yuhang Xing Risk ‘Uncertainty and Asset Prices’ CEPR
Discussion Paper No. 5947 SSRN 1/07
Beliaeva Natalia, Sanjay Nawalkha ‘Pricing American Interest Rate Options Under the
Jump-Extended Vasicek Model’ SSRN 3/07
Beliaeva Natalia, Sanjay Nawalkha ‘Pricing American Interest Rate Options under the
Jump-Extended Vasicek Model’ <double-exponential-jumps> SSRN 2/07
Beltratti Andrea, Claudio Morana ‘Breaks and Persistency: Macroeconomic Causes of
Stock Market Volatility’ March/April 2006 Journal of Econometrics
Bender Christian, John Schoenmakers ‘An Iterative Method for Multiple Stopping:
Convergence and Stability’ Advances in Applied Probability V. 38,3 2006
Bennani Norddine ‘Indifference Price for Unbounded Semimartingales: An Orlicz Space
Approach’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Bennemann Christoph, Christop Burmester, Andreas Werner ‘Random Walk auf dem
Börsenparkett’ Physikalische Blätter 56 (2000)
Bennett Andrew ‘Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Benninga Simon, Zvi Wiener 'Value-at-Risk' (VaR) Mathematica in Education &
Research Vol. 7, #4 1998 <Risk>
Ben-Rephael Azi, Ohad Kadan, Avi Wohl ‘The Diminishing Price Effects of
Idiosyncratic Liquidity and Idiosyncratic Volatility’ SSRN 3/07
Ben-Tal Aharon, Arkadi Nemirovski ‘Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization’ 2001
SIAM Press
Benth Fred Espen ‘Option Theory with Stochastic Analysis’ 2004 Springer Press
Benzoni Luca ‘Do Bonds Span Volatility Risk in the U.S. Treasury Market? A
Specification test for Affine Term Structure Models’ SSRN 3/07
Benzoni Luca, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Robert Goldstein ‘Explaining Pre- and Post-
1987 Crash Prices of Equity and Options within a Unified General Equilibrium
Framework’ SSRN 2/07
Berti Patrizia, Luca Pratelli, Pietro Rigo ‘Almost Sure Weak Convergence of Random
Probability Measures’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 2, 2006
Berti Patrizia, Luca Pratelli, Pietro Rigo ‘Skorohod Representation on a Given
Probability Space’ Probability Theory and Related Fields Volume 137, Numbers 3-4
/ March, 2007
Bhansal Ishu, S.Srinivasan ‘Portfolio Selection Using Evolutinary Computational
Techniques’ SSRN 3/07
Bhansali R.J., L. Giraitis, P.S. Kokoszka ‘Approximations and Limit Theory for
Quadratic Forms of Linear Processes’ SP&A 1/07
Bhattacharjee Ranjit, Branislav Radak, Robert Russell ‘Volatility Skew and the
Valuation of Mortgages’ Journal of Fixed Income Winter 2006
Bhattacharya Rabi, Mukul Majumdar ‘Random Dynamical Systems:Theory and
Applications’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Biagini Francesca, Tomas Björk ‘On the Timing Option in a Futures Contract’
Mathematical Finance April 2007 - Vol. 17 Issue 2
Biagini Sara, Marco Frittelli ‘The Supermartingale Property of The Optimal Wealth
Process For General Semimartingales’ Finance and Stochastics Volume 11, Number
2, April, 2007
Bick Avi ‘The Law of One Futures Price’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Bidarkota Prasad, Brice Dupoyet ‘The Impact of Fat Tails on Equilibrium Rates of
Return and Term Premia’ Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control March 07
Bion-Nadal Jocelyne ‘Pricing and Risk Measuring In Incomplete Markets and Context
of Uncertainty with Extension to A Dynamic Framework’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Birbil S. Ilker, Gül Gürkan, Ovidiu Listes 'Solving Stochastic Mathematical
Programs with Complementarity Constraints Using Simulation' <stability,
equilibrium constraints> Mathematics of Operations Research Vol 31,#4 Nov. 2006
Blundell Richard, Amanda Gosling, Hidehiko Ichimura, Costas Meghir ‘Changes in the
Distribution of Male and Female Wages Accounting for Employment Composition
Using Bounds’ Econometrica V. 75, #2 March 2007
Bobrowski Adam ‘Functional Analysis for Probability and Stochastic Processes’ 2005
Cambridge Press
Böcker Klaus, Jacob Sprittulla 'Operational VAR:Meaningful Means' RISK 12/06
<severity, finite mean>
Boehmer Ekkehart, Robert Jennings, Li Wei ‘Public Disclosure and Private Decisions:
Equity Market Execution Quality and Order Routing’ Review of Financial Studies,
V. 20, # 2, March 2007
Bollen Nicolas, Robert Whaley ‘Hedge Fund Risk Dynamics: Implications for
Performance Appraisal’ SSRN 3/07
Bollerslev Tim, Hao Zhou ‘Volatility Puzzles: A Simple Framework for Gauging
Return-Volatility Regressions’ March/April 2006 Journal of Econometrics
Bollobas Bela ‘The Art of Mathematics’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Bonti Gabriel, Michael Kalkbrener, Christopher Lotz, Gerhard Stahl ‘Credit Risk
Concentrations Under Stress’ Journal of Credit Risk Volume 2 /Number 3, Fall
Boone Audra, J. Harold Mulherin ‘Do Termination Provisions Truncate the Takeover
Bidding Process?’ Review of Financial Studies, V. 20, # 2,March 2007
Bordag L.A., A. Y. Chmakova ‘Explicit Solutions for a Nonlinear Model of Financial
Derivatives’ Feb 2007 IJT&AF
Bordo Michael, David Wheelock 'Stock Market Booms & Monetary Policy in the
Twentieth Century' FRB St. Louis Review March/April 2007
Borodin Alexei, Grigori Olshanski ‘Markov Processes on Partitions’ Probability
Theory and Related Fields Volume 135, Number 1 / May, 2006
Borovkova Svetlana ‘A Closed Form Approach to Valuation and Hedging of Basket
Options’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Bos Charles, Phillip Gould ‘Dynamic Correlations and Optimal Hedge Ratios’ SSRN
Boufoussi Brahim, Marco Dozzi, Raby Guerbaz ‘On the Local Time of Multifractional
Brownian Motion’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 1, 2006
Boyle Katharyn, Thomas Coleman, Yuying Li ‘Hedging a Portfolio of Derivatives by
Modeling Cost’ January 2003
Boyle Phelim, Feidhilm Boyle 'Derivatives: the Tools that Changed Finance' Risk
Books 2001
Brandimarte Paolo ‘Numerical Methods in Finance & Economics:MATLAB’ 2006 Wiley
Brannan James ‘Differential Equations’ 2006 Wiley Press
Breton Michele, Hatem Ben-Ameur ‘Numerical Methods in Finance’ 2005 Springer Press
Breuer Thomas, Martin Jandacka ‘Temporal Aggregation of GARCH Models: Conditional
Kurtosis and Optimal Frequency’ SSRN 3/07
Briand Philippe, Ying Hu ‘BSDE With Quadratic Growth and Unbounded Terminal Value’
Probability Theory and Related Fields Volume 136, Number 4 December, 2006
Bridger Mark ‘Real Analysis’ 2006 Wiley Press
Briec Walter, Kristiaan Kerstens, Octave Jokung 'Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio
Performance Gauging: AGeneral Shortage Function and Dual Approach' Management
Science Jan. 2007
Brigo Damiano, Andrea Pallavicini, Roberto Torresetti ‘Default Correlation, Cluster
Dynamics and Single Names: the GPCL Dynamical Loss Model’ SSRN 1/07
Brody Dorje, Lane Hughston, Andrea Macrina ‘Beyond Hazard Rates: A New Framework
for Credit-Risk Modelling’ Advances in Mathematical Finance (ed. M. Fu, et all)
Broman Erik, Olle Häggström, Jeffrey Steif ‘Refinements of Stochastic Domination’
Probability Theory and Related Fields Volume 136, Number 4 December, 2006
Bronstein Anne Laure, Lane Hughston, Martijn Pistorius, Mihail Zervos
‘Discretionary Stopping of One-Dimensional Itô Diffusions with a Staircase
Reward Function’ J. Applied Probability V. 43,4 12/2006
Bronstein Anne Laure, Mihail Zervos ‘Sequential Entry and Exit Decisions with an
Ergodic Performance Criterion’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 2, 2006
Brown Emery ‘Signal Processing & Statistical Challenges in Neuroscience Data
Analysis’ SIAM News March 2007
Brown Gregory, Peter Crabb, David Haushalter ‘Are Firms Successful at Selective
Hedging?’ Journal of Business Vol 79, #6, Nov 2006
Brunner Hermann ‘Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional
Differential Equations’ Cambridge Monogr. Appl. Comput. Math. 15, Cambridge
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Brunnermeier Markus, Christian Gollier ‘Optimal Beliefs, Asset Prices, and the
Preference for Skewed Returns’ SSRN 2/07
Bruti-Liberati ‘Weak Approximations of Jump Diffusions with Applications in
Finance’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Buckle David ‘Nobel Prize Versus No Bells and Whistles: An Assessment of Two Active
Portfolio Construction Techniques’ Quantitative Finance, Volume 7 Issue 1 2007
Byström Hans ‘Back to the Future: Futures Margins In A Future Credit Default Swap
Index Futures Market’ Journal of Futures Markets Jan 2007
Byun Suk Joon ‘Closed-Form Upper Bounds for the Optimal Exercise Boundary of
American Put’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Cadenillas Abel ‘Stock Options with Unknown Executive Type’ Bachelier Conference
Cai Jun ‘How Dangerous It Will Be If An Insurer Invests Its Surplus Into A Stock
Market’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Calvet Laurent, Adlai Fisher ‘Multifrequency Jump-Diffusions: An Equilibrium
Approach’ NBER Working Paper No. W12797 2007
Calvet Laurent, Adlai Fisher, Samuel Thompson ‘Volatility Comovement: A
Multifrequency Approach’ March/April 2006 Journal of Econometrics
Campanale Claudio, Rui Luís de Castro, Gian Luca Clementi ‘Asset Pricing in a
General Equilibrium Production Economy With Chew-Dekel Risk Preferences’ SSRN
Campolieti Giuseppe, Roman Makarov ‘Pricing Path-Dependent Options on State
Dependent Volatility Models with a Bessel Bridge’ Feb 2007 IJT&AF
Canchi Devendra, Sachin Mehta ‘Estimating the Value of Structuring in Segmented
Markets Case of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations’ SSRN 3/07
Cao Yanzhao ‘On Convergence Rate of Wiener-Ito Expansion for Generalized Random
Variables’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 3, 2006
Capelle-Blancard Gunther, Mo Chaudhury ‘Spider Options and the S&P 500 Index
Options Market’ SSRN 2/07
Capinski Marek, P.E. Kopp ‘Measure, Integral and Probability’ 2004 Springer Press
Carmona Rene, Erhan Cinlar, et al ‘Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance
2002’ 2003 Springer Press
Carmona Rene, Erhan Cinlar, et al ‘Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance
2003’ 2003 Springer Press
Carr Peter, Ali Hirsa ‘Forward Evolution Equations for Knock-Out Options’ Advances
in Mathematical Finance (ed. M. Fu, et all) 2007
Carr Peter, Apollo Hogan, Harvey Stein ‘Time for a Change: the Variance Gamma Model
and Option Pricing’ SSRN 1/07
Carriero Andrea, Carlo Favero, Iryna Kaminska ‘Financial Factors, Macroeconomic
Information and the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates’
Journal of Econometrics
Cartea Álvaro ‘Dynamic Hedging of Financial Instruments When the Underlying Follows
a Non-Gaussian Process’ <non-local information, P&L, Carr/Wu> Birkbeck U. London
Cartier Pierre, Cecile DeWitt-Morette ‘Functional Integration’ 2006 Cambridge Press
Castagna Antonio, Fabio Mercurio 'The Vanna-Volga Method for Implied Volatilities'
RISK Jan 07
Ceci Claudia ‘Risk Minimizing Hedging for a Partially Observed High Frequency Data
Model’ Stochastics Volume 78 Issue 1, 2006
Centanni Silvia, Marco Minozzo ‘A Monte Carlo Approach to Filtering for a Class of
Marked Doubly Stochastic Poisson Processes’ JASA 12/06 <Cox Process, Monte
Carlo EM, Reversible-jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo, MCMC, ultra-high frequency
Cerny Ales ‘Optimal Continuous-Time Hedging with Leptokurtic Returns’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Cerný Aleš ‘Optimal Continuous-Time Hedging With Leptokurtic Returns’ Mathematical
Finance April 2007 - Vol. 17 Issue 2
Cerný Jirí 'Moments and Distribution of the Local Time of a Two-Dimensional Random
Walk' SP&A 2/07
Cespedes Juan Carlos Garcia, Juan Antonio De Juan Herrero, Alex Kreinin, Dan Rosen
‘A Simple Multifactor “Factor Adjustment” for the Treatment of Credit Capital
Diversification’ Journal of Credit Risk Volume 2 /Number 3, Fall 2006
Çetin Umut ‘An Equilibrium Model for Default Risk (A Detailed Summary of Results
Without Proofs)’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Chae Joon, Cheol-Won Yang ‘Failure of Asset Pricing Models: Transaction Cost,
Irrationality, or Missing Factors’ SSRN Jan 07
Chambers Marcus, J. Roderick McCrorie ‘Frequency Domain Estimation of Temporally
Aggregated Gaussian Cointegrated Systems’ 1/07 Journal of Econometrics
Chance Don ‘A Synthesis of Binomial Option Pricing Models for Lognormally
Distributed Assets’ SSRN 3/07
Chang Geunhyuk, Jangkoo Kang, Hwa-Sung Kim, In Joon Kim ‘An Efficient Approximation
Method for American Exotic Options’ Journal of Futures Markets Jan 2007
Chang Lo-Bin, Ken Palmer ‘Smooth Convergence in the Binomial Model’ Finance and
Stochastic Jan 2007, Vol 11 #1
Chapman S.J. ‘The Kelly Criterion for Spread Bets’ <gambling; strategy; optimal
bankruptcy; expectation>IMA J. Applied Math. Volume 72, Number 1, February 2007
Cheang Gerald ‘American-Style Options on Two Assets Under Jump-Diffusion Processes’
Bachelier Conference 2006
Chen An ‘Loss Analysis of A Life Insurance Company Applying Discrete-Time
Riskminimizing Hedging Strategies’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Chen Long, David Lesmond, Jason Wei ‘Corporate Yield Spreads and Bond
Liquidity’ Journal of Finance Volume 62: Issue 1, February 2007
Chen Nan, Paul Glasserman ‘Additive and Multiplicative Duals for American Option
Pricing’ Finance and Stochastics Volume 11, Number 2, April, 2007 <Haugh and
Kogan, variance reduction>
Chen Nan, Paul Glasserman 'Malliavin Greeks without Malliavin Calculus' 7/06
Chen Ren-Raw, Frank Fabozzi, Ging-Ging Pan, Ronald Sverdlove ‘Sources of Credit
Risk: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps’ Journal of Fixed Income Winter 2006
Chen Te-Feng, Ming-In Lin, Kehluh Wang ‘The Information Content of the Implied
Convenience Yield: Using American Call Option Based Structural Model’ SSRN Jan
Chen Xiaohong, Yanqin Fan ‘Estimation and Model Selection of Semiparametric Copula-
Based Multivariate Dynamic Models Under Copula Misspecification’ Nov/Dec 2006
Journal of Econometrics
Chen Xinliang ‘Static Super-Replicating Strategies for Exotic Options’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Chen Zhiyong, Paul Glasserman 'Fast Pricing of Basket Default Swaps' 9/06
Cherchye Laurens, Bram De Rock, Frederic Vermeulen ‘The Collective Model of
Household Consumption: A Nonparametric Characterization’ Econometrica V. 75, #2
March 2007
Cheridito Patrick, Damir Filipovic, Robert Kimmel ‘A Note on the Dai-Singleton
Canonical Representation of Affine Term Structure Models’ Oct 2006
Cherny Alexander ‘Pricing Optimality and Equilibrium Based On Coherent Risk
Measures’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Cherny Alexander, Pavel Grigoriev ‘Dilatation Monotone Risk Measures Are Law
Invariant’ Finance and Stochastics Volume 11, Number 2, April, 2007
Cherubini Umberto ‘Accounting Fraud and the Pricing of Corporate Liabilities:
Structural Models with Garbling’ Bachelier Conference 2006
Chiarella Carl ‘Pricing American Options under Stochastic Volatility’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Chiarella Carl, Chih-Ying Hsiao ‘The Impact of Short-Sale Constraints on Asset
Allocation Strategies via the Backward Markov Chain Approximation Method’ Sept.
2006 Computational Economics
Chiarella Carl, Christina Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, Erik Schlögl ‘A Markovian
Defaultable Term Structure Model with State Dependent Volatilities’ Feb 2007
Chib Siddhartha, Federico Nardari, Neil Shephard ‘Analysis of High Dimensional
Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models’ Oct 2006 Journal of Econometrics
<Bayesian inference; Markov chain Monte Carlo, MCMC; Marginal likelihood;
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; Particle filter; Simulation; State space model;
Stochastic jumps; Student-t distribution; Volatility; Value-at-Risk; Risk
measurement; Forecasting; Time-varying correlations>
Chollete Loran, Randi Naes, Johannes Skjeltorp ‘Pricing Implications of Shared
Variance in Liquidity Measures’ SSRN 3/07
Choulli Tahir ‘Minimal Hellinger Martingale Measure of Order Q’ Bachelier
Conference 2006
Chourdakis Kyriakos ‘Pricing of Interest Rate Sensitive Instruments under Markovian
Interest Rate Models’ 2007
Chourdakis Kyriakos ‘Regime Switching Lévy Models: Finite Distributions and Option
Pricing’ Bachelier Conference 2006
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