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Verify Trigonometric Identities by Transforming Each Side of An Equation Into The Same Form

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Academic Year Reference(s) in the Student Book (English Version)

2023/2024 Question* Learning Outcome/Performance Criteria**

‫العام الدر ي‬ )‫االنجلتية‬
‫ر‬ ‫المرجع يف كتاب الطالب (النسخة‬

Example/Exercise Page
*‫السؤال‬ **‫معايتاألداء‬
‫ر‬ /‫ناتج التعلم‬
Term ‫تمرين‬/‫مثال‬ ‫الصفحة‬

1 Use trigonometric identities to simplify expressions Exercises (28-33) G10Adv(T3) P773

Subject Mathematics/Reveal

‫المادة‬ ‫ريفيل‬/‫الرياضيات‬

2 Find values of sine and cosine by using sum and difference identities Example 2 G10Adv (T3) P783

3 Find values of sine and cosine by using sum and difference identities Exercises (12-17) & (24-29) G10Adv (T3) P785
Stream Advanced

‫المسار‬ ‫المتقدم‬

4 Find values of sine and cosine by using half-angle identities Exercises (1-6) & (12-17) G10Adv (T3) P793

Number of MCQ
‫عدد األسئلة الموضوعية‬

5 Find inverses of 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 matrices Exercises (27-34) P291

Marks of MCQ
‫درجة األسئلة الموضوعية‬ 6 Multiply matrices Exercises (1-8) P291

Number of FRQ
‫عدد األسئلة المقالية‬ 7 Use linear programming to solve applications Exercises (1-8) P318
MCQ - ‫األسئلة الموضوعية‬

Marks per FRQ

‫الدرجات لألسئلة المقالية‬

8 Write equations of parabolas in standard form Exercises (1-4) P335

Type of All Questions MCQ/ ‫األسئلة الموضوعية‬
‫نوع كافة األسئلة‬ FRQ/ ‫األسئلة المقالية‬

Maximum Overall Grade

9 Graph parabolas Exercises (26-31) P335
‫الدرجة القصوى الممكنة‬

Exam Duration - ‫مدة االمتحان‬ 150 minutes

10 Graph circles Exercises (47-50) P343

Mode of Implementation -‫طريقة التطبيق‬

SwiftAssess & Paper-Based

11 Write equations of hyperbola Exercises (1-4) P360

Calculator Allowed

‫اآللة الحاسبة‬ ‫مسموحة‬

12 Solve vector problems and resolve vectors into their rectangular components Exercises (38-44) P417

13 Represent and operate with vectors in the coordinate plane Exercises (1-10) P425

14 Write a vector as a linear combination of unit vectors Exercises (38-43) P425

15 Express vectors algebraically and operate with vectors in space Exercises (36-47) P442

16 Verify trigonometric identities by transforming each side of an equation into the same form Exercises (19-32) P779

17 Solve trigonometric identities Exercises (45-55) P801 & P802

FRQ - ‫األسئلة المقالية‬

18 Solve systems of linear equations by using Cramer's rule Exercises (11-18) P300

19 Graph equations of ellipses Exercises (24-31) P352

20 Find the dot product of two vectors and use the dot product to find the angle between them Exercises (16-23) P434

* Questions might appear in a different order in the actual exam.

* .‫الفعل‬
‫ي‬ ‫قد تظهر األسئلة ربتتيب مختلف يف االمتحان‬

** As it appears in the textbook, LMS, and (Main_IP).

** .‫ والخطة الفصلية‬LMS‫كما وردت يف كتاب الطالب و‬

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