Verify Trigonometric Identities by Transforming Each Side of An Equation Into The Same Form
Verify Trigonometric Identities by Transforming Each Side of An Equation Into The Same Form
Verify Trigonometric Identities by Transforming Each Side of An Equation Into The Same Form
Example/Exercise Page
*السؤال **معايتاألداء
ر /ناتج التعلم
Term تمرين/مثال الصفحة
المادة ريفيل/الرياضيات
2 Find values of sine and cosine by using sum and difference identities Example 2 G10Adv (T3) P783
3 Find values of sine and cosine by using sum and difference identities Exercises (12-17) & (24-29) G10Adv (T3) P785
Stream Advanced
المسار المتقدم
4 Find values of sine and cosine by using half-angle identities Exercises (1-6) & (12-17) G10Adv (T3) P793
Number of MCQ
عدد األسئلة الموضوعية
Marks of MCQ
درجة األسئلة الموضوعية 6 Multiply matrices Exercises (1-8) P291
Number of FRQ
عدد األسئلة المقالية 7 Use linear programming to solve applications Exercises (1-8) P318
MCQ - األسئلة الموضوعية
12 Solve vector problems and resolve vectors into their rectangular components Exercises (38-44) P417
13 Represent and operate with vectors in the coordinate plane Exercises (1-10) P425
15 Express vectors algebraically and operate with vectors in space Exercises (36-47) P442
16 Verify trigonometric identities by transforming each side of an equation into the same form Exercises (19-32) P779
18 Solve systems of linear equations by using Cramer's rule Exercises (11-18) P300
20 Find the dot product of two vectors and use the dot product to find the angle between them Exercises (16-23) P434
* .الفعل
ي قد تظهر األسئلة ربتتيب مختلف يف االمتحان