Social philosophy- it deals with the philosophical Philosophy of Person- deals with the
study of society and its institutions. philosophical inquiry into a human being as a
person and as an existing being in the world. It
Political philosophy- it is equivalent to social deals with the study about dignity of man, truth,
philosophy since both deals with the discussion freedom, justice, love, death, and his relationship
on society as a whole. It comes from the Greek with other human beings and with God.
word polis which means community or city. It Branches of Philosophy
focuses on one social institution, the state and Philosophy of thought
seeks to determine its justification and proper Epistemology
organization Logic
PHILOSOPHY OR MORALITY- deals with man’s Philosophy of Reality
question regarding the problems of morals and Metaphysics
good deeds Theodicy
ETHICS- comes from the Greek word ethos which Cosmology
means “customs,” “usage” or “character”. Philosophy of Psychology
Philosophical study of moral judgments. It tries to Social Philosophy
study the human acts and searches for the means Political Philosophy
on how to obtain wisdom regarding how life Philosophy of Morality
should be lived. Ethics
Aesthetics- comes from the aesthesis which
means harmony. It provides meaning on arts and
Philosophy of Man
beauty and it is also known as the philosophy of
the art.. It deals with the questions about the
meaning of beauty and tries to determine
whether beauty is in the subject or in the object
So how do you acquire knowledge?
TRUTH AND OPINION First, we can acquire knowledge using
Epistemology- is a science devoted to the our senses, this method of acquiring
discovery of the proper method of acquiring and knowledge is called empiricism and it has
validating knowledge” (Rand 1990). many adherents in the history of
philosophy such as John Locke, George
Purpose of Epistemology Berkeley, and David Hume.
1. To show how we can acquire knowledge. Second, we can acquire knowledge by
2. To give us a method of demonstrating whether thinking with the use of our minds (what
the knowledge we acquired is really knowledge philosophers call the rational faculty).
This is what rationalism advocates.
According to Ayn Rand knowledge is a “mental (Some well-known rationalists in history
grasp of reality reached either by perceptual are Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza and
observation or by a process of reason based on Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz).
perceptual observation”
Existence is really all there is to know Premise provides justification, evidence, and
(Another name for it is the Universe [Peikoff proof to the conclusion
1990]). Is really all there is to know
Argument expresses a reasoning process which
2. Perception logicians call inference (Hurley 2011).
Our first and only contact with reality is
through our senses. Knowledge begins with Knowledge- episteme in Greek
perceptual knowledge. At first the senses Opinion- doxa in Greek
give us knowledge of things or entities (what
Aristotle calls primary substance) Plato is often considered the first to differentiate
knowledge from opinion
Aristotelian categories cannot be separated
from the entities that have it According to Plato, is certain whereas opinion is
not certain
3. Concept
After we perceive other things. It is “an Dialectic- is an instrumental in drawing out
abstract or generic idea generalized from assumptions inconsistencies, and citing counter
particular instances”. examples so the truth is known. It is learned by
Plato to his teacher Socrates
Abstraction from abstractions-Process where we
can form higher level concepts through a process Aristotle developed syllogism
Syllogism-deductive argument of a certain form
Two types of abstraction from abstractions: where a conclusion is inferred from two premises
wider generalizations (or simply widenings) and
subdivisions (or narrowing’s) (Binswanger 2014) RENE DESCARTES- father of modern philosophy
- He introduced the notion of indubitality
Wider generalization is the process of forming
wider and wider concepts Opinions are those that can be doubted and are
As we go up to these progressive often confused in our thought
widenings our knowledge increases Knowledge, on the other hand are indubitable
and thus certain
Subdivisions consist of identifying finer and finer
distinctions Postmodernist have come to be known for their
As we go down these progressive narrowings our denial of philosophical viewpoints
knowledge of things subsumed under a concept
increases Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
In the late 1960’s, he developed
The result of this progressive widenings and deconstruction which challenged
narrowing’s is a hierarchy (or levels) of concepts traditional views in philosophy
whose based is sense perception According to him, like other postmodern
thinkers, we find the desire for a more
4. Proposition is a statement that expresses democratic society. Power and authority
either an assertion or a denial (Copi, 2002) that is shifted from those who used to be at
an existent belongs to a class or possess certain the center of society
attribute. Usually expressed in a declarative Theories of truth
sentence in knowing the truth or falsity of a statement, we
generally use the following theories of truth
Affirmative proposition therefore has the
following structure: “S is P” (where S is the
The Correspondence theory of Truth
subject, P is the predicate and “is” is the copula
What we believe or say is true if it corresponds to
stating the logical relationship of S and P) while
the way things actually are based on the facts
the negative proposition has the structure “S is
not P” (“is not” is the copula expressing denial).
Austin Cline argues, it is important to note here
that “truth” is not a property of “facts
5. Inference
How do we demonstrate that the statement is
Fact is some set of circumstances in the world,
true? By providing an argument
cannot be either true or false
Belief is an opinion about what those facts are, Praying- is a unique tool of theology which is in
capable of being true or false the realm of faith
Coherence Theory
For Cline, only when statements are tested as St. Anselm said “its faith seeking understanding.”
part of a larger system of complex ideas, then St. Thomas Aquinas- one of the great theologian
one might conclude that the statement is “true”. of the church quoted in Latin the relationship
between philosophy and theology; ‘philosophia
- Coherence Theory is similar to the ancilla theologiae’ or philosophy is the
Correspondence Theory since both evaluates handmaid of theology
statements based on their agreement with
reality. The difference lies in the method where Framework- is a conceptual map consisting of our
the former involves a larger system while the views and beliefs which affects the way we view
latter relies on a single evidence of fact the world (Abella 2016)