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Frostgrave Holiday-22 PF

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A Gentlemanly Sport presents

Jingle spells, jingle spells, ...

kaboom your face away.
Holiday Special 2022 - A Frostgrave Fan Scenario

This scenario was written to be played in our first post-covid holiday Frostgrave game at “a
gentlemanly sport”. It is meant to be a very non-serious event, bringing friends together and enjoy
a favourite pastime.
The scenario may be played PVP, Coop or as tag team. Ideally it is played Coop or Tag Team. Also
this is more in the spirit of your favourite end of the year holiday. If played by more than 4 player,
you might want to adjust enemy and token numbers and deployment rules.… the more, the merrier.

Photographs: A Gentlemanly Sport
Background image: "image: Freepik.com". This cover has been designed using assets from Freepik.com
Miniatures: 3D printed off Thingiverse
Krampus: Yasashii Kyojin Studio (https://www.thingiverse.com/yasashii/designs)
Elves: Roman Bevza (https://www.thingiverse.com/gloomykid/designs)
Snowman: Brite Minis (https://www.thingiverse.com/briteminis/designs)
Gingerbread Warriors: D Mehdals (https://www.thingiverse.com/mehdals/designs)

"Jingle spells. Jingle spells, kaboom your face away ..." is a homebrew fan scenario for Joseph A. McCullough's
Frostgrave, Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City. This document may be used freely but not for profit.

version 1.2 31.12.2022

he story begins…
As winter encroaches frozen Felstad, the days grow shorter
and the nights colder. Many travellers, mercenaries, ad-
venturers and of course a legion of wizards brave the grow-
ing cold in the many enclaves in and around Felstad.

For a while now, you hear strange rumours and stories around the fireplac-
es and in the drinking halls. Stories of treasures miraculously appearing
in ruined houses in a northern district of the city, only to vanish a few
days later. Spirits and creatures of unfamiliar shapes and behaviour ap-
pear for a few nights and mysterious stars illuminate an oddly sparkling
snow. Orbs of unknow purpose and origin cast coloured reflections on
ruined walls and the air smells of… cinnamon and conifer. And, so people
say, all these occurrences only happen at the height of winter.

Of course, as any sensible person would, you reject these stories as mere
humbug. But before long, you learn of wizards, some of great renown,
move out into the snow, investigating whatever haunts wintery Felstad.
But all trace of them is lost, until one day, a wretched man appears in
your tavern. He mumbles something about a powerful treasure hoarding
spirit of old, whose riches and secrets spill into our world as the fabric of
space and time weakens at the end of the year.
Tired by the endless rumours and fearful there might be an ounce of truth
to the peculiar stories, you mount a great expedition to figure out what the
Deuce is going on.

When you arrive, you notice you are indeed not the first explorer up north.
From an elevated vista, you notice an old camp in one part of the district,
some ruined mansions whose chimneys still tell of their former grandeur,
a grand plaza overgrown with conifer and a peculiar cottage on an eleva-
tion at the far end of the district.

As you take in the view, one of your scouts calls for your attention. Some-
thing else is moving in the district and it is not one of the usual denizens
of the frozen wastes.

Setting up the game

1. Put a plaza, devoid of debris in the centre of the table. Place the festive conifer in the centre
of a ring of confer of approximatively 10” diameter. The ring of conifer should be as dense as
possible and blocks line of sight.
2. Set-up your ol’Felstad-ruins as usual (some adjustments will be made in later steps)
3. Determine deployment areas. Each wizard deploys his warband in an 6x6” starting area in one
of the tables corners. Do not deploy yet.
4. Place a cottage at an edge furthest from any starting area, preferably on an elevation.
5. Put an abandoned camp at the opposite edge from the cottage. It should consist of a few tents,
some crates, and barrels and most importantly, a fireplace.
6. Place four chimneys on the table. They must be placed at least 9” from each border, at least 12”
apart and not in the plaza, at the camp or next to the cottage.
7. Each player gets 2 baubles. Each player rolls a D20. Place the baubles one after the other, beginning
with the player wearing the ugliest sweater. The baubles must be placed 8” from any edge.
8. Deploy warbands. The player with the least Exp may select a deployment zone first.
9. The Winter Spirit spawns after the deployment of all warbands at a random chimney.

A note on Token:
This scenario uses no treasure-marker.
Instead, 2/player+1 hint-token will be placed on the table according to the rules for treasure marker.
Hint-token do not grant treasure at the end of the game and cannot encumber. They can be dropped,
exchanged, and looted if the carrier is out of action.
If one is claimed, roll on the random encounter table. Random encounters spawn D20” in a random
direction from the token.

The abandoned camp

A lost group of adventurers set up camp in the ruins of a particularly devastated area of the district.
Between the tents, some large some small, you notice a large sled, some crates and barrels. Maybe
the camp hides some information on the illusive spirit haunting these grounds.

Includes :
2D4 random undead of the players’ choice; a fireplace

The oddly festive cottage

An oddly festive cottage stands on an elevation at the far end of the district. It is surprisingly well
preserved, considering the overall state of Felstad. A peculiar smell of cinnamon and cookies
emanates from the cottage.

Includes :
2 Gingerbread warriors

Special rules :

Every turn, the cottage spawns a Gingerbread-warrior. They count as members of the Winter spirits
warband and behave like uncontrolled creatures.

Gingerbread Warrior 5 +3 +0 12 +0 12 Construct

The Plaza of Merriment and Wealth

The district must have been prosperous in the heyday of old Felstad. A tiled plaza lies encroached
by the ruins of once glorious townhouses in the heart of the district. Conifer have grown on it,
forming a perfect circle blocking the view at the plazas centre. All you can see, is the tip of a very
large conifer, the glow of coloured lights. Once you get closer, you hear jingle bells and high-pitched

Includes :
1/player+1 festive imps ; a very brightly lit and Festive Tree

Special rules :

Ghastly little green creatures

The festive imps in this area will never leave the conifer ring.
If there are less than 4 festive imps in this area, the Festive Tree will spawn one at the beginning of
each turn.

Festive Imps 6 +1 +0 10 +4 6 Demon

The shiny baubles

Bizarre spheres of a nondescript shiny material appear all over the area. You have never seen
something like it. Maybe you should investigate it? Man, look at them. All shiny and pretty.

Special rules :

Those baubles are pretty and shiny. Just take a moment and look at them.
If a member of your warband tries to activate within 3” of the bauble, it must pass a Will-roll on 10+
or cannot activate this turn.

These baubles are obviously not natural. Investigating them, might provide further information.
The shiny baubles can be destroyed by attacking them. Destroying them, gives +1 Hint-token.
Use the following stats: F=+1 ; A=10 ; HP=5

What the fudge…?

Every 2nd bauble that is destroyed spawns one festive imp at the baubles position.

The Winter Spirit/ the jolly old man/ Father Winter/ the Yule Ghost

Winter Spirit 5 +4 +2 14 +3 10+D20* Demon
* roll HP at the beginning of the game

Special rules :

If the Winter Spirit is connected to its source of power (see below), apply the following rules:
- The Winter Spirit rolls for initiative.
- If the Winter Spirit is first player in a turn, he can activate twice. Once as first player and once in
the creature phase. Otherwise, he activates only in the creature phase.
- If brought down to 0 HP, the Winter Spirit respawns at a random chimney.
- The Winter Spirit is immune to non-magical weapons. (Half damage)
- The Chimneys-special rule applies.

If at the beginning of his activation the Winter Spirit is within line of sight of 2+ soldiers or spellcaster,
he will de-spawn and respawn at a random chimney. He may then restart his activation.

Something stalks the ruins

The Winter Spirit hunts for lone travellers. He will always move towards the most isolated or the
model with the least HP in his vicinity.

Source of Power
To beat the Winter Spirit, the players need to identify his source of power.
At the beginning of each activation, a wizard may attempt to locate the source of power. This
happens automatically if one warband has sufficiently information gathered. If a warband has 2/
player+1 hint-token, that player may roll a D6 to determine the source :

1 - 2 cottage
3 - 4 the festive tree
5 - 6 the fireplace at the abandoned camp.

The link between the Winter spirit and its power source can only be severed by a spellcaster. We
assume, the wizards are proficient enough to know the art of banishing otherworldly creatures. A
casting roll on 19 may shatter the link between Spirit and source of power. Like any casting roll, it
may be reinforced by spending HP.
Doing so annuls the Winterbound–special rule.

Bag of plenty
If the Winter Spirit is beaten, the players can claim presents from his bag of plenty in the post-game
The player or teammates whose warband(s) beat the Winter Spirit may roll immediately on the bag
of plenty-loot table. This is an extra roll in addition to the rolls in the post-game phase.

Ending the game

The game ends if either of the following happens:

• the Winter Spirit is beaten (play until end of turn)

• every Spellcaster is out of action or left the board
• there are no more cookies left
• general consensus that the game beat you and dinner is ready

Experience points :

Beating the Winter Spirit 50 XP

Winter Soldier vanquished 10 XP
Hints claimed 10 XP
Surviving Wizard 10 XP
Creature and Spells as per the rulebook


If the Winter Spirit is beaten, his treasures spill from his bag of plenty. Each surviving mage rolls
twice a D20. A warband whose wizard is out of action rolls only once.

1 100 gold + random potion
2 D3 x 100 gold + potion of your choice
3-5 D6 x 100 gold
6-7 random magic item
8-10 D4 x 100 gold + random magic item
11-14 1 random magic item + 1 magic item of your choice
15-16 random grimoire
17-18 grimoire of your choice
19 D3 x 100 gold + random grimoire
20 D6 x 100 gold + grimoire of your choice


The player/team with the most experience points wins. The other players must bake a plate of tasty
cookies for the next game.
Also, everybody gets a hearty “well played”.


random encounter table

2nd Roll t 1st Roll T

1-8 9-15 16-20

1 2 Wraith Winter Spirit activates Medium Construct
2 Zombie Ghoul D3 Ghoul
3 Skeleton 2 Giant Rat Armoured Skeleton
4 Skeleton D3 Zombies Giant Worm
5 Snow Leopard Skeleton Archer D3 Armoured Skeleton
6 Giant Rat Armoured Skeleton D4 Armoured Skeleton
7 2 Giant Rat D2 Armoured Skeleton Medium Construct
8 Ice Spider Armoured Skeleton Snow Leopard
9 Ice Spider D3 Ice Spider Bear
10 Snow Leopard D2 Skeleton Archer Bear
11 Ice Spider D4 Zombie D6 Giant Rat
12 Ice Spider Snow Leopard Boar
13 2 Armoured Skeleton D3 Ice Spider Giant Worm
14 Giant Rat Armoured Skeleton Wraith
15 Zombie Ghoul D2 Ice Toad
16 Giant Rat Bear D4 Ice Spider
17 Skeleton Ghoul Bear
18 Skeleton Ice Toad D3 Ghoul
19 Boar Ice Toad Boar
20 Bear Giant Worm 2 Wraith

Random encounters spawn D20” in a random direction from the claimed token.

creature stats
M F S A W HP Special Rules
Armoured Skeleton 6 +2 +0 12 +0 1 Undead
Bear 6 +4 +0 10 +0 14 Animal, Large, Strong
Boar 6 +2 +0 12 +0 8 Animal, Bounty (10GC), Horns
Festive Imps 6 +1 +0 10 +4 6 Demon
Giant Rat 6 +0 +0 6 +0 1 Animal, Pack Hunter
Giant Worm 7 +4 +0 10 +5 20 Burrowing, Large
Gingerbread Warrior 5 +3 +0 12 +0 12 Construct
Ghoul 6 +2 +0 10 +2 10 Undead
Ice Spider 6 +1 +0 8 +0 4 Animal, Expert Climber, Poison
Ice Toad 4 +2 +0 10 +0 5 Amphibious, Animal, Powerful
Skeleton 6 +1 +0 10 +0 1 Undead
Skeleton Archer 6 +0 +0 10 +0 1 Undead, Bow
Snow Leopard 8 +3 +0 10 +2 10 Animal, Expert Climber
Winter Spirit 5 +4 +2 14 +3 10+D20 Demon, see special rules section
Wraith 6 +2 +0 10 +3 6 Energy Drain, Ethereal, Immune
to normal weapon, Magic attack,
Zombie 4 +1 +0 12 +0 6 Undead


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