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Concept of Disability
The term disability means any kind of impairment or permanent reduction in physical or
mental capacity. The reduction can be related to any kind of physical loss, mental
illness, intellectual impairment or reduction in the use of sense organs. This may be
present from birth or occur during a person’s lifetime. This affects a person’s
participation in different areas of life and reduces the full use of body structures and
Definition – “A disability is defined as a condition or function judged to be significantly
impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group,”
Concept of Disorder
Disorder is any ailment that disturbs the health of a person, hinders a person’s
performance and diminishes his/her efficiency. Disorder grows inside a person, they are
small in the beginning but may become serious and grow into a disability. There are
many kinds of disorders like mental disorder, neurological disorder, hyper activity
disorder, eating disorder, addiction disorder, attention disorder etc.
Definition – “Disorder can be defined as a blip in the usual functioning of a person.”
Types of Disability
There are three types of disabilities which are as follows
1. Genetic Conditions These include things like Down syndrome and fragile X
2. Problems during Pregnancy This can interfere with fetal brain development.
3. Alcohol or Drug Use may also cause intellectual disability.
4. Problems during Childbirth Like if a baby is deprived of oxygen during
childbirth or born extremely premature.
5. Illness or Injury Infection like meningitis, whooping cough or measles can
lead to intellectual disability. Extreme malnutrition, infections in the brain,
exposure to toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse
can also cause it.
[Attention Deficit’ Hyperactivity Disorder]
The nature of this disorder is related to . behavioural changes or disorders. About 10%
of school going kids suffer from ADHD,
Boys are more suspectible to this disorder than girls. The common symptoms of this
disorder are hyperactivity, trouble focusing on a task, very short span of attention and
missing details. . Children with ADHD may understand what’s expected of them but
have trouble following the instructions required to complete the task. ‘ Young children
mostly act in this way when they are excited or anxious but the difference with ADHD is
that these symptoms are present over a longer period of time and take place in different
settings. The ADHD disorder affects a child’s academic performance as well as social
behaviour. Causes of ADHD are .
Children with ASD also have sensory sensitivities such as not using eye contact,
confused by language, repeating a word etc. Here the brain does not function in the
typical’way due to which they face developmental challenges.. Children and adults with
ASD do not acquire good social skills and face many behavioural problems. They often
stare at a particular person or object, like a few foods, get over excited by certain
sounds etc.
Causes of ASD are as follows
1. ASD can be the result of heredity factors, genetic differences and genetic
2. It can also cause through abnormal mechanisms of brain development and
other neurobiological factors.
3. Environmental factors related to exposure to drugs, toxins like lead,
insecticides, hydrocarbons and dietary factors may cause ASD.
Here children in their early teens try to defy authority every now and then, they express
their defiance by arguing, disobeying, talking back to parents, teachers and other adults.
Though this type of behaviour is normally seen among all the teenagers but the
difference in ODD is that the behaviour lasts more than 6 months and is excessive in
comparison to other children of the same age. This kind of behaviour often disrupts the
child’s normal daily activities and hampers academic performance.
Causes of ODD are as follows
Some examples of this type of disorder are frequent or excessive hand washing,
counting to things repeatedly, checking if a door is locked again and again. These
activities occur to such a degree that it affects a person’s life negatively. The OCD can
become serious and may cause other problems related to mental illness.
Causes of OCD are as follows
1. Familial Disorder The disorder may run in the family, therefore close
relatives of people with OCD are likely to develop it.
2. Behavioural Causes The behavioural theory suggests that people with OCD
associate certain objects or situations with fear and learn to avoid those
things or learn to perform rituals in order to help reduce the fear or the
stress related to that situation.
3. Cognitive Causes This happens when people misinterpret their thoughts
like the feeling of dirty hands even when they are cleaned many times.
4. Environmental Causes This means stressful situation present in the
environment such as within the family or society that triggers OCD in
Macro and Micro Nutrients Macro Nutrients
The macro nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in all activities that we do. The elements
of carbohydrates are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates are organic
compounds which are important for our digestive process. They require less water in
diet. There primary function is to provide energy to the body, especially to the brain and
nervous system. There are two main types of carbohydrates i.e. simple carbohydrates
and complex carbohydrates.
Proteins are the basic constituents of our cells. They are large molecules, so they
cannot get directly into our blood. So, they turned into amino acid by our digestive
system. There are 23 amino acid and only 9 are available in diet. Proteins form tissues,
repair the broken tissues, regulate balance of water and oxygen etc. They are body
building foods. Foods rich in proteins are eggs, meat, fish and dairy products as well as
pulses, nuts and cereals
Fats contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. These are the most concentrated source of
energy in food. Fats have a very high energy content. Foods rich in fats are butter, oil,
sausage, cheese, fish, chocolate, olives and nuts. If we permanently take too little
exercise, we become overweight or even ill. Many fats are unhealthy such as trans-fats
in deep fried foods.
Micro Nutrients
Micro nutrients are vitamins, minerals and secondary plant compounds.
Vitamins are compounds of carbon which are essential for the normal growth and
working of the body. They are required in very small quantities. Many of them can be
stored in the body for months or even years but others need to be freshly absorbed
every day. There are two groups of vitamins i.e. fat soluble and water soluble
Fat Soluble Vitamins The vitamins that are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
and are soluble in fats such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. The fat
soluble vitamins are explained below
● Vitamin A This is essential for normal growth of the body. Deficiency of
vitamin A leads to night blindness and also affects the kidneys, nervous
system and digestive system. Sources are milk, curd, ghee, egg yolk, fish,
tomato, papaya, green vegetables, orange, spinach, carrot and pumpkin.
● Vitamin D This is essential for the formation of healthy teeth and bones.
The presence of this vitamin in the body enables it to absorb calcium and
phosphorus. Its deficiency causes rickets, softness of bones and teeth
diseases. Sources are egg yolk, fish, sunlight, vegetables, cod liver oil, milk,
cream and butter.
● Vitamin E This is essential in increasing the fertility among men and women
as well as proper functioning of adrenal and sex glands. Its deficiency
causes weakness in muscles and heart. Sources are green vegetables,
sprouts, coconut oil, dry
and fresh fruits, milk, meat, butter and maize.
● Vitamin K This is helpful in the clotting of blood. Its deficiency causes
anaemia and blood does not clot easily.
Sources are cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, tomato, potato, wheat, egg and
Water Soluble Vitamins The vitamins that are composed of nitrogen, sulphur and are
soluble in water such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C.
● Vitamin B Complex There are 12 vitamins in this group, some of them are
Bj, B2, B3, B6 and B12. They are necessary for growth, proper functioning of
heart, liver, kidney and maintains smooth skin. Its deficiency causes
Beri-Beri disease. Pellagra and also decreases immunity.
Sources are wheat, milk, nuts, peas, egg yolk and sprouts.
Minerals contain elements needed by our body in small quantities. But these are
essential for proper growth and functioning of the body. A shortage of minerals can
have severe effects on health. For example, a long-term shortage of foods containing
iodine in people leads to thyroid gland diseases. Some of the important minerals are
mentioned below
A Healthy Weight
The most accurate assessment of your ideal weight takes into account the composition
of your body, how much of your weight is lean body mass (muscles and bones) and how
much is body fat. For optimum health, body fat should be no more than 20% of total
weight for men and 30% for women. A person is maintaining healthy weight or not, can
be checked with the help of BMI
From the table, the score 24.22 shows normal weight status.
1. Eating too Little In dieting people take just 1500-1800 calories per day. But
this is not sufficient to meet the daily requirements. This may result in
massive weight loss and other related health problems.
2. More Drinking than Eating In order to reduce calorie consumption, more
drinks are taken like sweetened juices, sodas, tea and coffee with sugar.
These increase the weight.
3. Skipping Meals Not taking breakfast, lunch, dinner or proper meals reduces
the metabolic rate. Then the body starts conserving energy, the next time it
gets food. This also results in more intake of calories in next meal.
4. Intake of Labelled Foods By taking foods that are labelled as Tow fat, Tow
sugar, Tow calories’ may not produce proper results. For example, drinking
more tea with sugarfree results in more intake of tea and hence greater
calorie consumption.
5. Not Performing Exercises No exercises reduce the level of metabolism
drastically and there is no burning of calories. In that case dieting will not
be effective.
Food Intolerance
Food intolerance is the intolerance of certain elements in some foods that cannot be
properly processed by our digestive system. It is pretty common to have an adverse
reaction to a certain food, but in most cases it is an intolerance rather than a true
allergy. Although intolerance and allergy may have similar symptoms, a food allergy can
be more serious and it usually comes on suddenly. Features of food intolerance are as