PRE5 Notes
PRE5 Notes
PRE5 Notes
GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING Section 104. Records and reports required by primarily
responsible officers.
encompasses the process of analyzing, recording,
classifying, summarizing, and communicating all 1) The head of any agency or instrumentality of the national
transactions involving the receipt and disposition of government or any government-owned or controlled
government funds and property, and interpreting the corporation and any other self-governing board or
results thereof. commission of the government shall exercise the
diligence of a good father of a family in supervising
OBJECTIVES GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING: accountable officers under his control to prevent the
incurrence of loss of government funds or property,
1. To produce information concerning past operations and otherwise he shall be jointly and solidarity liable with the
present conditions; person primarily accountable therefor. The treasurer of
2. To provide a basis for guidance for future operations; the local government unit shall likewise exercise the same
3. To provide for control of the acts of public bodies and degree of supervision over accountable officers under his
officers in the receipt, disposition and utilization of funds supervision, otherwise he shall be jointly and solidarily
and property; liable with them for the loss of government funds or
4. To report on the financial position and the results of property under their control.
operations of government agencies for the information of
all persons concerned. Section 105. Measure of liability of accountable officers.
GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING EMPHASIZES 1) Every officer accountable for government property shall
THE: be liable for its money value in case of improper or
unauthorized use or misapplication thereof, by himself or
1. Sources and utilization of government funds; any person for whose acts he may be responsible. We
2. Responsibility, accountability, and liability of shall likewise be liable for all losses, damages, or
entities entrusted with government funds and properties. deterioration occasioned by negligence in the keeping or
use of the property, whether or not it be at the time in his
SOURCES OF FUND actual custody.
2) Every officer accountable for government funds shall be
a. Taxes and other fees liable for all losses resulting from the unlawful deposit,
b. Borrowings use, or application thereof and for all losses attributable to
c. Grants from governments and international bodies. negligence in the keeping of the funds.
UTILIZATION OF FUNDS Section 106. Liability for acts done by direction of superior
Expenditures on:
1) No accountable officer shall be relieved from liability by
a. Programs reason of his having acted under the direction of a
b. Projects superior officer in paying out, applying, or disposing of
c. unanticipated losses from calamities the funds or property with which he is chargeable, unless
prior to that act, he notified the superior officer in writing
PD NO. 1445 (CHAPTER 5)
of the illegality of the payment, application, or
Responsibility, Accountability, and Liability over disposition. The officer directing any illegal payment or
Government Funds and Property disposition of the funds or property shall be primarily
liable for the loss, while the accountable officer who fails
Section 101. Accountable officers; bond requirements. to serve the required notice shall be secondarily liable.
1) Every officer of any government agency whose duties Section 107. Time and mode of rendering account.
permit or require the possession or custody of government
funds or property shall be accountable therefor and for the 1) In the absence of specific provision of law, all
safekeeping thereof in conformity with law. accountable officers shall render their accounts, submit
2) Every accountable officer shall be properly bonded in their vouchers, and make deposits of money collected or
accordance with law. held by them at such times and in such manner as shall be
prescribed in the regulations of the Commission.
Section 102. Primary and secondary responsibility.
Section 108. Prohibition against pecuniary interest.
1) The head of any agency of the government is immediately
and primarily responsible for all government funds and 1) No accountable or responsible officer shall be pecuniary
property pertaining to his agency. interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract or
2) Persons entrusted with the possession or custody of the transaction of the agency in which he is such an officer.
funds or property under the agency head shall be
immediately responsible to him without prejudice to the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING
liability of either party to the government. RESPONSIBILITY:
Section 103. General liability for unlawful expenditures. 1. COMMISSION ON AUDIT (COA) – It has the primary
function to examine, audit and settle all accounts and
1) Expenditures of government funds or uses of government expenditures of the funds and properties of the Philippine
property in violation of law or regulations shall be a government.
personal liability of the official or employee found to be 2. DEPT. OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT (DBM) –
directly responsible therefor. responsible for the formulation and implementation of the
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National Budget through the efficient and sound 1. UNDERSTANDABILITY – information is easily
utilization of government funds and resources for the understood.
attainment of the country's development objectives. 2. RELEVANCE – how helpful the information is for
3. BUREAU OF TREASURY (BTr) – acts as principal financial decision-making processes
custodian of the financial assets of the national Confirmatory value – Provides information about
government. It makes funds available for various past events
government programs and projects. Predictive value – Provides predictive power
4. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – responsible for regarding possible future events
oversight or administration of a specific sector, field, or 3. MATERIALITY – an information is material if the
area of study. omission, misstatement and obscuring of the information
could reasonably affect the economic decision of primary
NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 4. TIMELINESS – how quickly information is available to
users of accounting information.
5. RELIABILITY – information accurately reflects a
company’s resources, obligatory claims, transactions, etc.
6. FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION – actual effects of the
transactions shall be properly accounted for and reported
in the financial statements
7. SUBSTANCE OVER FORM – transaction and events
are accounted in accordance with their substances and
reality and not merely their legal form
8. NEUTRALITY – without bias in the preparation or
presentation of financial information/free from bias
9. PRUDENCE – dealing with the uncertainties in the
THE GAM FOR NGAS measurement process such that assets or income are not
overstated and liabilities or expenses are not
For National Government Agencies understated
10. COMPLETENESS – requires that relevant information
VOLUME I – accounting policies, guidelines and should be presented in a way that facilitates
procedures, and illustrative accounting entries understanding and avoids erroneous application.
VOLUME II – Accounting books, registries, records, 11. COMPARABILITY – accounting standards and policies
forms and reports are consistently applied from one period to another
VOLUME III – the revised chart of accounts (updated
1. Statement of Financial Position
2. Statement of Financial Performance
3. Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
4. Statement of Cash Flows
REPORTING PRINCIPLES 5. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts
1. Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) 6. Notes to Financial Statements
and relevant laws, rules, and regulations
2. Accrual basis of accounting
3. Budget basis 1. ASSETS – items of economic benefit that are expected
4. Revised Chart of Accounts to yield benefits in future periods
5. Double entry bookkeeping 2. LIABILITIES – legally binding obligations payable to
6. FS based on accounting and budgetary records another entity or individual
7. Fund cluster accounting 3. EQUITY – the amount invested in a business by its
owners, plus any remaining retained earnings
4. REVENUE – an increase in assets or decrease in
Code Fund Cluster
liabilities caused by the provision of services or products
01 Regularly agency fund to customers. It is a quantification of the gross activity
02 Foreign assisted project fund generated by a business
03 Special account-locally funded/domestic grants 5. EXPENSES – the reduction in value of an asset as it is
fund used to generate revenue
04 Special account-foreign funded/domestic grants
05 Internally generated funds
06 Business related funds
07 Trust receipts
The qualities or attributes that make financial accounting
information useful to the users.
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The Budget Process
THE NATIONAL BUDGET The budget preparation in the Philippines uses a “bottom-
up” approach.
Government accounting is primarily budgetary “BOTTOM-UP” BUDGETING – several parties
accounting. participate in the budget preparation, starting from the
Government accounting does not only aim to provide lowest to the highest levels of the government.
information on past events and transactions but also “TOP DOWN” BUDGETING – wherein the budget
budget information in accordance with PPSAS 24. preparation starts from the agency heads.
NATIONAL BUDGET – is the government estimate of
the sources and uses of government funds within fiscal The current year’s budget is formulated
year. INCREMENTA based on the previous year’s budget,
L BUDGETING which is just adjusted for any various
BUDGET CYCLE experiences in the past.
ZERO BASED The current year’s budget is formulated
Budget Preparation BUDGETING without regard to the
Budget Legislation previous year’s budget. Government
Budget Execution agencies are required to justify their
Budget Accountability current year’s proposed programs and
expenditures, irrespective of whether
I. BUDGET PREPARATION these are new or carried over from the
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previous year. After deliberations in both houses are finished, a
committee called the Bicameral Conference Committee is
1. BUDGET CALL formed to harmonize any conflicts between the
Representatives and Senate version of the GAB.
The budget preparation starts when the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM) issues a Budget Call to all 7. PRESIDENT’S ENACTMENT
government agencies.
The President enacts the budget, which is now known as the
RELEVANT TERMS: General Appropriations Act (GAA).
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The DBM issues guidelines on the release and utilization of 3) NON-CASH AVAILMENT AUTHORITY – authority
funds while the various agencies submit their Budget issued by the DBM to agencies to cover the liquidation of
Execution Documents (BEDs). their actual obligations incurred against available
allotments for availment of proceeds from loans/grants
BEDs through supplier's credit/constructive cash.
4) CASH DISBURSEMENT CEILING – authority issued
It summarizes an agency's fiscal year plans and performance by the DBM to agencies with foreign operations.
It includes the following:
This phase occurs concurrently with the Budget
Physical and Financial Plan
Execution phase.
Monthly cash program
As the budget is being executed, it is regularly monitored
Estimate of Monthly income to determine the conformance of actual results with
List of obligations that are not yet due and demandable. planned targets
1) NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (NGAS) – Government agencies are required to submit the following
simplify the recording of government transactions and accountability reports:
generate financial statements that are reflective of the
government's true state of affairs. a. Monthly Report of Disbursements
2) LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUS) – designated b. Quarterly Physical Report of Operation
as units of local government by law, which exercise c. Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations,
limited governmental powers or powers in respect to Disbursements and Balances
limited governmental subjects d. Summary of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations,
3) GOVERNMENT OWNED AND CONTROLLED Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditure
CORPORATIONS (GOCCS) – a state-owned e. List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments
enterprise that conducts both commercial and non- f. Statement of Approved Budget, Utilizations,
commercial activity. Disbursements and Balances
g. Summary of Approved Budget, Utilizations,
9. ALLOTMENT Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditure
h. Quarterly report of Revenue and Other Receipts
Allotment is an authorization issued by the DBM to i. Aging of Due and Demandable Obligations
government agencies to incur obligations for specified
amounts contained in a legislative appropriation in the 13. PERFORMANCE REVIEWS
form of budget release documents
It is also referred to as Obligational Authority. The DBM and COA perform periodic reviews of the
agencies' performance and budget accountability and
OBLIGATION report to the President.
are costs incurred indirectly an allocated to a
responsibility level.
To better evaluate the budget accountability of an entity
government accounting adheres to the concept of
responsibility accounting.
A part, segment, unit, or function of a government agency
Headed by a manager, who is accountable for a specified
set of activities.
RECEIPTS – monitor the revenue and other receipts
estimated/budgeted, collected and remitted/deposited.
Obligation Request and Status (ORS)
ALLOTMENTS (RAPAL) – to monitor appropriations
and allotments charged thereto.
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a. Personnel Services – Employment contracts (Job Order)
Entity A receives its allotment from the DBM consisting of the amounting to P70,000
following: b. Maintenance & Other Operating Services – Purchase
contract for office supplies worth P25,000
Personal Services (PS) 90,000 c. Capital Outlays – Purchase contract for office equipment
Maintenance & Other OpEx 40,000 worth P160,000
Financial Expenses -
Capital Outlays 170,000
Total Allotment 300,000
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Determines the amount of allotments not covered by
Monitors the available balance of NCA
or Notice of Obligation Request and Status Adjustment.
This is used when the obligations recorded in the RAOD
and ORS needs to be adjusted.
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