• Schizophrenia
◦Splitting of the mind
• Schizophreniform Disorder
• Delusional Disorder
• Schizoaffective Disorder
• Highly implausible
• Distortions of perceptions
• A sensory experience (such as an image, sound, smell, or taste) that seems real
but that does not exist outside of the mind
◦Hearing = auditory hallucination (most common)
• Loose association/derailment
◦Series of ideas presented with loosely apparent or unapparent logical
• “Word salad”
◦Random words or phrases linked together in an unintelligible manner
Negative Symptoms
• Flat Affect:
◦Lack of emotional expressiveness (facial expression, voice intonation, or
• Asociality:
◦Loss of interest in social relationships, few friends, poor social skills
• Anhedonia:
◦Inability to experience pleasure
• Avolition:
◦Lack of energy or will, apathy
• Alogia:
◦Loss of meaningful speech, poverty of speech (amount or content)
• Agitation
◦Constant hyperactive motor activity
• Immobility
◦Hold rigid poses for hours
◦Waxy flexibility:
‣ another person can move the persons’ limbs into strange positions that
they maintain for extended periods
Inappropriate Affect
◦Rapid shifts from one emotional state to another for no discernible reason
J foracute
• Heterogeneity:
◦People with schizophrenia can differ from each other more than people with
other disorders
Impact on Life
• Delusions and hallucinations can be incredibly frightening experiences
• Can be isolating
• Genes
• Biochemical factors
Genetic Influences
◦Adoption studies:
‣ Children reared apart from mothers with schizophrenia at increased risk
at developing schizophrenia
‣ When you remove the shared environment we can be confident that the
effect is due to genes.
• Dopamine theory:
◦schizophrenia result from excess dopamine activity in certain areas of the
• Rather than excess levels of dopamine, newer research suggests it’s abnormal
dopamine receptor activity
◦Too many receptors or overly sensitive
Brain Structures
• Enlarged ventricles
◦Spaces in the brain that implies a loss of brain
• Thoughts about how these complications can occur that develop schizophrenia:
◦Complications during delivery lead to structural changes due to lack of oxygen
reaching the brain
• The psychosocial factors are more so the stressors than the diathesis, the
diathesis is the schizophrenia being biological
◦low warmth
Evidence-Based Treatments
Treatment is difficult because patients lack insight into their impaired condition
• 1st generation:
◦conventional antipsychotics (e.g., phenothiazine, chlorpromazine)
‣ Tardive dyskinesia
• Chronic side effects
• Affect 10-20%
◦Especially for people who did not respond well to 1st generation antipsychotics
Psychological Treatments
◦Learn coping skills that allow clients to manage positive and negative
◦Defeatist beliefs
‣ CBT helps them develop more adaptive beliefs
◦Meta-analysis of 26 RCTs:
‣ Cognitive training can moderately improve cognitive performance (e.g.,
processing speed)
◦Research found ACT help with stable housing, reduce homelessness and
hospitalizations, and reduce symptoms