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Ques 1

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Group 1 Questionnaire

Coverage: Chapters 1 to 6 of NBCP

Red mark = answer key

1. This Decree shall be known as the “National Building Code of the Philippines”
and shall hereinafter be referred to as the ________?
a. Coding
b. National Coding
c. Code
d. Building Code
2. The words, terms, and phrases enumerated in Annex ___ hereof shall have
the meaning or definition, correspondingly provided therein.
a. B
b. A
c. D
d. C
3. Presidential Decree No. 1096 is called ______.
a. National Build Code of the Philippines
b. Building Code of the Philippines
c. National Building Code of the Philippines
d. International Building Code of the Philippines
4. Section 105 a.k.a. ______ stated that the lank or site upon which will be
constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary or auxiliary facility
thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic, or safe.
a. Structure Requirements
b. Facility Requirements
c. Building Requirements
d. Site Requirements
5. Number 1 or Top priority that Civil Engineer to consider.
a. Safety
b. Site
c. Property
d. Building

1. Who is the head of administration and the enforcer of the provision of the
national building code?
a. Building Officer
b. Technical Staff
c. Secretary
d. City Engineer
2. What is the number 1 qualification to become a building officer?
a. A duly registered architect or civil engineer
b. Must be a Filipino citizen and have good moral character.
c. A member of an accredited organization for more than 2 years
d. To have 5 years experience in structural design and construction
3. The following are duties of a building officer EXCEPT:
a. In charge of issuing building permit within his/her jurisdiction
b. To inspect and determine compliance with the requirements of this Code,
and the terms and conditions provided for in the building permit as issued.
c. Authority to stop or discontinue the undergoing construction and prescribe
terms and conditions when the work will be allowed to resume.
d. Formulate policies, plans, standards, and guidelines in building design,
construction, use and occupancy in accordance with this code.
4. What section does this code define and elaborate dangerous and ruinous
building or structure?
a. Section 214
b. Section 215
c. Section 216
d. Section 217
5. How much is the administrative fine when violating the provision of this code
or any rules and regulation issued?
a. Not exceeding P5,000
b. Not exceeding P10,000
c. Not exceeding P20,000
d. Not exceeding P25,000


1. What does TCT stands for?

a. Transfer Certificate of Title
b. Technological Certificate Title
c. True Certificate Title
2. Which conditions would cause a building permit issued under the provisions of
the code to expire and become null and void?
a. If the building or work authorized therein is not commenced within one
year from the permit date.
b. If the building or work authorized therein is suspended or abandoned after
it has been commenced, for a period of 90 days.
c. If the building or work authorized therein is suspended abandoned after it
has been commenced, for a period of 120 days.
3. Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice regarding the non-
issuance, suspension, or revocation of permits, what action may the
applicant/permittee take according to the provisions?
a. The applicant/permittee must file an appeal with the Secretary within ten
(10) days, who shall render a decision within thirty (30) days from the date
of receipt of notice of appeal.
b. The applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the Secretary within fifteen
(15) days, who shall render a decision within fifteen (15) days from the
date of receipt of notice of appeal.
c. The applicant/permittee has thirty (30) days to file an appeal with the
secretary, who shall render a decision within twenty (20) days from the
date of receipt of notice of appeal.


1. No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building which

would place the building in a different sub-type or type of construction unless
such building is made to comply with the requirements for such sub-type of
a. True
b. False
2. What type of construction is commonly used in a single or simple residential
a. Type 3
b. Type 2
c. Type 1
3. This type of building shall be wood with protective fire-resistant materials.
a. Type 2
b. Type 3
c. Type 4
4. It shall be of masonry and wood construction.
a. Type 2
b. Type 3
c. Type 4
5. This type of construction shall be totally fire-resistive.
a. Type 3
b. Type 4
c. Type 5


1. In Section 507, who is responsible for promulgating specific restrictions for

each type of fire zone?
a. Local authorities
b. Building Official
c. Secretary
d. Fire Marshal
2. According to Section 506, what conditions allow for the repair of damage from
fire, earthquake, typhoons, or any fortuitous event in existing buildings in fire
a. The repairs must not exceed 10% of the replacement cost.
b. Repairs are allowed only if the building is less than 10 years old.
c. The cost of repair shall not exceed 20% of the replacement cost, using the
same kind of materials.
d. Repairs are allowed without any cost restrictions.
3. In Section 504, what is the main requirement for temporary buildings in fire
zones according to special permits?
a. They must be fire-resistant.
b. They must be completely removed upon permit expiration.
c. They must be constructed using specific materials.
d. They are permissible for an indefinite period.
4. In Section 501, what criteria are used to determine the classification of fire
zones for building construction?
a. Surrounding landscape features.
b. Historical records of previous fires.
c. Number of nearby fire hydrants.
d. Use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.

1. Which section defines the fire resistive rating?
a. Sec 601
b. Sec 602
c. Sec 603
d. Sec 604
2. It is the length of time a material can withstand being burned which may be
one-hour, two-hours, three-hours, four-hours, etc.
a. Fire-Resistive Rating
b. Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating
c. Fire-Resistive Regulations
d. Fire-Resistive Standards
3. Fire resistive standard is defined as?
a. Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a material can withstand
fire as determined by generally recognized and accepted testing methods.
b. Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a material can
withstand being burned which may be one-hour, two-hours, three-hours,
four-hours, etc.
c. All materials of construction, and assemblies or combinations thereof shall
be classified according to their fire-retardant or flame-spread ratings as
determined by general accepted testing methods and/or by the Secretary.
d. The Secretary shall prescribe standards and promulgate rules and
regulations on the testing of construction materials for flame-spread
characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of building construction
and materials, door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window
assemblies, the installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and fire
detectors for fire protective signaling system, application and use of
controlled interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural members,
fire-resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceiling, fire-
resistive assemblies for protection of openings and fire-retardant roof
4. Which is not a factor affecting the ratings of materials in terms of fire
a. Time
b. Degree of temperature
c. Appearance
d. None of the above

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