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Gold Experience Workbook

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ucy Frino & t-indsoy Worwictr







for Schools
a rticles
past simple entertainment
Heppy oleys
page 4
cornparative and superlative the natural world
structu res travel
free time I
t_ -_.1-

tr Hdemtfity i topic: after school clubs present simple and,present personal ity adjectives
r task: multiple matching continuous (p8) I adjective + preposition
page 6
adverbs of frequency, time collocations
phrases (p10) :

- _:..,.---_ _..-.. . .,-. -.

z áet tPte **u*gá i ,.r,.,

I ",r,,unnuun"
past simple and past
continuous (p16)
I langrugu and communication
page 14 task: multiPle choice i verb + preposition collocations
l -lngform (p18)

3 TF¡e fUfUfe AS mOW topic: tips for your first the future; will, going to, present i technolo§y in the home
concert continuous, present simple (p24) i phrasal verbs
page 22
task gapped text modal verbs for advice and
suggestions (p2ó)

4 ToE<rng port topic: swimming clubs present perfect (p34) sport

page 32 task: multiple matching past simple and present
perfect (p36)

5 flm Éhe spotHñght , topic: celebrity weddings i zero, first and second , entertainment
page 40
I if I were you (p44)
: - unless, in cose,
i",-i- 1'
ó tpowtrr il@ e@rTn I diving
topic: a scuba I the passive: present simple and I the natural world

page 48
j experience i past simple (p50) i order of adjectives
i task: gapped text
hove I get something done (p52)

7 TrsveflBers'üsü@s topic: a trip to a language ' defining relative clauses (p60) travel
page 58 i school modals of obligation, prohibition verb and noun forms
task: multiple matching and necessity (p62)

E Tünne out i topic: a photo diary

reported speech (pó8) hobbies and interests
page 66 ; task: multiple choice I indirect questions (p70)

9 tlfe e;(oar¡@nces , topic: house swap holidays past perfect (p76) feelings
page 74 task: gapped text used to (p78) -ed and -ing adjectives

to prsár¡uá

uáuu I l

page 84 I
¡ i

AudEosanEpfs page 100 lExorr,n @verv¡ew page 111

; topic: places ¡n town , toPic: giving personal topic: school
scho councils unit check 1

I task: multiple choice r information task: email

i taskintroductions-social i
: i interaction i

I topic: app camp I

topic: I topic; not such a great evening I unit check 2
task: describing a photo

task: sentence completio. I task: story I

] j ¡



i topic: technology and
topic: technology , topic: making a big purchase unit check 3
' entertainment entertainment task: email review: units 1-3 (p30)
r task: rnultiple choice (pictures) task and , i

I :".,rt:",H*rative

gymnast j topic: dangerous sports

; topic: training to be a I topic: sports at and outside ; unit check 4
i tast: muttiplJchroice I tast: oescrioing a photo
i': , ii :tñ,:"1
task: -

..-:! ^L - -r

. : task: multiple choice task: describing a photo ' task: article

i topic: a local event to help the i topic: reducing plastic waste I topic: visiting a friend
i unit check ó
- env¡ronment i task: collaoorativetask ltait: e..il i review: units 1-6 (p56)
I task: multiple choice i I
,lll '

i topic: an online travel , holiday
topic: going on topic: travel tips i unit check 7
r task: sentence completion I task: discussion task: article

top¡c: hobbies topic: learning a new sklll ¡ topic: hobbies unit check 8
dLlve task article

i task: multiple choice (pictures) task C()lldl'.)of

i faSK: collaborative LdsK ¡i task
fC5f,i cll LlLle ii
topic: experiences topic: weekend activit¡es : unforgettable
topíc: an unit check 9
task: multiple choice r task: collaborative task and
experience review: units 1-9 (p82)
discussion task: story
\ .. i- - -. --


fTi] ¡lut.r, sentence halves (1-7) and (A-G). ffi Wrlt" the word that completes all three sentences in each group.
I This summer I travelled 7 lf you do well in the competit¡on, you will get a ,..
2 On the first day we looked For my last project, my teacher gave me a ...
3 After that we went My favourite team has won first ,.. p.............................

4 ltried l'm really tired - | need a ...

5 Then we met You have a busy day tomorrow - try to get some ...
ó I d¡dn't take any After carrying the boxes upstairs, we stopped for a . I
7 We didn't want to return l'm pleased to be learning a new "..
A around the British Museum for hours. For me, cooking isn't a hobby; it's a ...
B British food and I liked it. A great footballer needs both speed and ...
C home because we were having such Travelling to Australia takes a long ...
agood time.
I lovethe weekends because I have lots of free ...
D to London with my parents.
l'm going to swim outdoors for the f rst ... t.......
E photos of the palace because there were
too many people. Everyone clapped when the actor walked onto the .

F walking along the riverThames. Iget nervous every time I'm on ...
G some friends from home, outside She sang her song, said goodnight and left the ... S.

Buckingham Palacel
ffi Choor" the correct words to complete the message.
.aaoo ? 1B E
{. l/itsii,!lca üetiirs

,lOought@ the / - neÚ phone on Saturday. I used Ia / the,/ - money

my grandparents gave me for my birthday. '?A / The / - phone has
tal anl the amazing camera, of course. You know I love aa I the / -
phones with 5a / lhe / - good camerasl My mum always says, 'Stop
taking 6a / lhe / - photos of life and just live it!' But I think that'a /
the / ; photography is sa I an / - useful skill :and also ea I an / the
interesting hobby. And who knows, I might even be 1oa I the / - famous
photographer one day!
ffi Cnoose the adjective which has a similar
meaning to the word in brackets, to complete
each sentence.
ffi Complete the article with o, on, the or no article (-).
anazing boring gorgeoL!s huge successft-tl

1 Their fi rst performance was .............................

(very good) .
Elote is a verg popular snack and gou
2 Let me show you a photo of my shouldn't leave'........ Mexico without
(verv orettv) dool
trging it. lt's nnade from grilled corn with
3 I liked the book, but the film was really 2........
salt, chillí, lime, butter and cheese.
.. (not very interesting).
You can eat elote from 3........ cup, but it's
The city centre isn't ... (very big),
easier to eat it on 4........ stick - rather like
but there's lots to do. s......., ice
cream. You'll f ind it at 6........ most
5 My cousin's a . (top)
cafés or restaurants ¡n tourist areas,
businesswoman. She owns a technology
but 7........ best place to buU it is in 8........
compa ny.
street, cooked on a barbecue.

ffi Vrt" sentences using the comparative form of the [¡ffj ffi S.i Complete the conversation with these verbs.
adjectives in brackets. There are three extra verbs which you do not need.
Listen and check your answers.
I dogs / cats (friendly)

be .ouldn': did clo ieii i¡ad 1¡,/as wasn'l

wen i urefe weren't
2 cycling to school / taking the bus (good)
A: Hi! Did you have a good weekend?
B: Yes, I ...., thanks I 2............................. horse-riding
for the first time.
3 trying new foods / always eating the same things
A: Wowl Where did you that?
B: ln the countryside near my uncle's village. lt

helmet and riding boots.

4 the food market / the supermarket (cheap) A: l'd love to try horse-riding. But it sounds a bit scary!
B: lt's not, Well, at least I 6..."........ scared - I was on
the horse with my uncle. Although I nearly
5 summers in Spain / summers in the UK (hot) off the horse at one point! It wanted to run but, luckily,
my uncle was in control, so it 8............. go too fast.

ffi Wfr"n was the lastyoutime you did these things? Write true
ó having a picnic / cooking a meal (easy) sentences about using the past simple. when Use
where possible.
I try a new food

ffi Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the

adjectives in brackets.
2 take a photo

1 Mexico City is ............. .... (b¡S) city l've visited.

3 have a meal with a friend / friends
2 Walking is ....................... (natural) way to get fit.
3 Yuk! That's ............. .... (bad) cup of coffee l've
4 swim In the sea or a lake
ever had.
4 Yesterday was.................. (happy) day of my life.
5 The paintings inside that building are
5 travel bytrain
(beautiful) ones in Rome.
ó Finishing my project was........................................... (good) ó buy something
feeling ever!
Iñ] Rewrite the sentences using (not) os ... os'
1 Having a picnic is more interesting than eating indoors

2 My brother is more active than me.

3 Kelly is very shy and so is Amanda I


4 Doing your best is more important than winning.

5 Pete was very disappointed and so was Eric

I love computers. I spend a lot of time
programming my own PC and trying out
new games. I also enjoy solving puzzles
and problems.
ft¡** A,i'\"\l'
l< f:,At i--",, , , ','- '
[ffi Complete the text with these words and phrases.
2 Elena
background hang oul

i¡rith st¡cker

a photo of me wifh my walking club. Here we're all

t;rking part valley
I moved here a couple of months ago and
l'd like to find a new hobby and also meet
local teenagers. I love being outside and I
like most sports, but I don't like competitions.
in a hike {or chari\.Íf's something
we Ao once a \/edr. We hike every weekenÁ {or fwo
monlhg, an| collect a each fime.
! thinkwe're Áoing lhe teconá hike inlhis photo.We're
walking acrott a briáge.Yo,, cantt tee itbulfhere's a AeeT I was a member of a club last year but
I didn't learn as much as I wanted to. I like
high vp.lnfhea........... ......you canteethe making things and I draw pictures all the
v¿ooAs wewere walkir'gthrough.fhe briÁge was ¡o high u?, time. I want to have fun, but l'm also interested
in studying a bit, so I can improve.
we were near fhe tops o{ the trees!

We áo n'f alw ays 9o {o r I o n9 w alks i n th e gro u7. S o m efi m es

we jusf meettot.......,.......,... each other aná

have lun.
4 Sarah
ln my free time I do experiments with my :
'home lab' kit. Last year I won the Young
neaa about five people who are looking for a club to
ffi join. Einstein prize at my school. I want to study
Answer the questions. Blochemistry at university and l'd like to meet
Who: young people who like the same things as me.
1 wants to get better at their hobbY?
2 is interested in technologY?
3 is already very good at their hobby?
4 enjoys wearing costumes? +
5 is new to the area? I have a good imagination and l'd love to
find a hobby to inspire me. I enjoy acting
' Read the advertisements for eight clubs. Decide which and drama. I like dressing up and playing
club (A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (1-5). the part of someone different from myself. l'm
I Callum........ 3 Tom........ 5 Chris ....,... thinking about being an actorwhen I leave school.
2 Elena -....... 4 Sarah .......,
i ..-

, T-he-Badmrnto,
CIub rneet, ,)
hal/ every ,r.,r,.a",
j tn::::::li.:t' - :?:::^"Jt'
:l::::'n"r' You need to
uP ¿t intermediate
level 16
out of our sessrons
f ruev I:. T:r,
:l'J§:i :lil""*v
,/-6 011\'' "
nu" ,::y
..n sign up for the
our page on th"
ciuCby ;:"":H;,"i3":il:Tffi:H'
- -'vs
atternoolj;;.'*n; the fitst website and f6/f6yr¡nn ,.hooi
,y]:1,,"S ha,,"^ rur a couple
$te a\so nlll,'* .*,n to
"" qo to member, Iink the ,New ñ;:#._irp are op riona
I" ,^,^,. un¿ Fridavc -* .
--ro ct .:.90 'eu^ foofil oñ
^^" p.m.
)aturdaY and
tho cinelT\¿ "' '- ü
n^t Oo'u
Do you love finding out about how
the world works? Then come and feed
your hungry mind at theVector Club.
'We welcome visitors to talk to us about
careers in scrence, we organise science
lf you live in the digital world,
workshops and we ofien send
youlll love our Tech Club. We
a team to competitions.Ask
Peter Stevens in Class 8B for don't just sit around looking
more details. at screens and playing all
day, you know! We're looking
The Baseball Club rforwa to a,trip to,thel ' , ,

ís a friendly
group of young people
meet to get fit and month. Visit our website
hang out.
OlaV our matches at the for details.
rocat park on Sundays
and then ;
we have a picnic Why not take up painting?
or a barbecue.
eome and jorn in _ You can express yourself and
n,ot about winning,
our club is
meet people like you. We have trM &wffi &W\b
aoout having fun! members of all levels and once a month
tho Art Club meeis
abilities and we spend as much
time painting ouldoors as we i.:l:] yill lj'i lil,.li ll o' *'
can. Contact Zoe in Class 8A for
more information. ::: lx'Ji:l:,,::il iJ:il:::\il:
-' ,
bu a locat rrt gal\eries

Contact details

ffi vut.t the phrasal verbs (1-7)(A-G).

from the advertisements ffi Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from Ex 4.
in Ex 3 with their meanings I I need to buy a racket because l'm goíng to
1 set up .....,.. 5 join in........ .............tennis.
2 get together........ ó take up........ 2 Ed and Joe never ............ when we play football.
3 7 look forward to ........ They.lust watch'
find out (about) ........

4 sign up (for) ...,....

3 There aren't any youth clubs in my town, so we're going to
a new one.
A take part I always ............ the end-of-year competition.
B start doing a new activity I love taking part and I usually win, too!
c feel excited about something that is go¡ng to happen 5 l'd like to join your group. Where can I .......................................it?
D start a new club, organisation or company 6 l'm not sure I would like climbing. I have to
............. ¡t before I decide.
E get more information on
F put your name on a list for something because you want Shall we .........".. at the weekend to go shopping
to take part ¡n ¡t for new clothes?
meet each other
§ [der¡"Flflv

Ei ffi 1.2 Choose the correct verb forms to

complete the sentences from the recording.
Listen again and check your answers.
present simple ond presenl continuous I lt seems / is seeming as if you're in the
next room.
ffi Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous
form of these verbs. Use the same verb for both gaps. 2 Do you joke / Are you joking? lt's completely
different here.
eal listen play silow sLudv ticly watch urear 3 I don't believe / am not believing it!
4 They build / are building a swimming
1 We usually volleyball but at the moment we pool now.
5 We hear / are hearing them all the time
2 Today she ................. jeans, but most of the time she in the garden.
a skirt.
ó Hang on a minute - I hold / am holding the
3 j often ............, .... cereal for breakfast, but this morning phone out now.
I .......................................... toast.
7 They don't sound / aren't sounding like
4 Today Peter to the radio, although he usually British birds at alll
to music on his MP3 player.
8 He makes / is making breakfast this morning.
5 We.............................,............. tennis from Wimbledon on the TV now.
We................... it every year. Complete the text with the present
6 That's strange - look, it outside. lt never simple or present continuous form
in June! of the verbs in brackets.
7 My sister her room at the moment - she only
¡t once a week.
m aré
8 My friends and I often together but today we
:rc,¡ ,re Fhrmftr.e-
rh,..r J-r+)
on our own '$.»rJ l
Complete the questions to a friend. Use you and the present simple or Antonio comes from Brazil, but at the moment he
ffi present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Brighton. He 2....................... ................... (stay)
1 What (l¡sten) to? lt sounds Iike a group that I know.
with his English aunt for the school holidays, He
2 You look worried. What.............. ... (th¡nk) about? ()ike) his aunr very much,
3 ..................... (understand) the homework? Can you explain it so today he a.
............. (want) to cook
to me? dinner for her
4 Are you reading the new Elena Rose book? What
(think) of it?
5 Why (talk) to me that way? Are you upset? 'English food 5 ......... (taste)
ó ..................... (often / listen) to classical music? very drfferent lrom the food back home. To be
7 l'm not sure I understand. What (mean)? honest, I think it is a bit boring. So today
I 6....................... (make) a traditional
8 What's Madrid like?.......-......,.. (have) a good time?
Brazilian meal for my aunt to try
I 7....................... (use) a recipe I found on
ffi ffi 1.'l Listen to Jess talking to her best friend Amelia. Answer the
questions. Write full sentences in the present simple or present the internet. It 8. (look) good
continuous. in the photos, so let's hope she likes itl'
1 Where do Jess's aunt and uncle live?

2 What's the weather like in l,lanchester?

3 What is Jess doittg?

4 Where do Jess and her aunt and uncle sometimes go ¡n the evenings?

5 How does Amelia feel?

6 Why does Amelia have to go?

ffi what twin brothers say about each other and
v#üeffiLj á_"É,i.;v neaO
choose the correct prepositions.

persono lity odjectives My brother and I look similar, but our personalities
Vrt.f' are quite different. l'm not very good lin I at talking
ffi these words w¡th the pictures (1-6).
to people I don't know and l'm frightened 2with / of
cal¡n clever lazy noisy shy sporty going to new places. Jorge is much better 3at / about
w making friends.

Sergio is a bit shy, but he's brilliant 4at / in listening

and he's very clevgr. I sometimes get fed up 5about /
with him because he knows all the answers at
school! We like the same things, though. We're both
keen 6with / on football and we're interested 7in / on
technology and computers.

ffi Complete the sentences about you. Use one of these

prepositions in each sentence.

aboui at(x2) in ol with

f l'm bored
2 l'm interested
ffi u"t.n the sentences (1-6) with the descriptions (A-F).
3 l'm excited
1 Lisa doesn't mind speaking in public. A She's funny.
4 l'm frightened
2 Diane tells everyone what to do. B She's Iively.
5 l'm brilliant
3 Leila never says'please' or C She's serious.
6 l'm bad
'thank you'. D She's confident.
4 Grace makes me Iaugh. E She's bossy. Hxtertd
5 Tia doesn't often joke or smile. F She's rude.
6 Sophie is always busy and fun to be with ffi Complete the definitions with these words.

ffi Comptete the conversations with adjectives from Exs 1 and 2' anxious brai¡e careiess pclite reliabie sociable
1 A: I think l'm going to fail the exam.
1 A(n) .............,............... person worries about things.
B: No, you're not - you study a lot. You should be more
2 A(n) ............................. person always keeps promises.
3 A(n) ................"............ person makes a lot of mistakes.
2 A; l'm spending the day playing computer games.
4 A(n) ............................. person likes spending time with
B: Oh you're so ............................. ! You need to get more exercise! other people.
3 A: I don't really want to meet your fr¡ends at the party. A(n) ............................. person can help others in
a dangerous situation.
B: Don't be ..................".......... T¡-y to talk more and you'll be fine.
A(n) ............................. person respects other people
4 A: Your new coat is really uglY. and speaks kindly.
B: Heyl That's very ... . SaY'sorrY'!
Listen to a teacher talking about students.
A: That's the funniest thlng l've ever heard! Match the names (1-6) with the descriptions (A-F) to
make se.ntences.
B: Can you stop laughing and be ... for a moment?
This is important! 1 Fran A is careless with school work.
2 Sam B is anxious about exams.
A: Let's get together at the weekend and play some football.
3 Clare c was brave during the school trip.
B: You know i'm not very....,............ l'd rather stay
at horne and watch TV.
4 Alex D isn't very polrte to the teachers.
5 lsobel E is reliable.

ó Nick F needs to be less sociable in class.

,§ {r.ienfity (

' I ni- H¡ ::
, ,b:},

t §sTffi ry=§ !Í
questions (1-6) and hignlight the key
ffi neaO
words. The first one is done for You.
1 You will hear two friends talking about what
to do next in a museum. What are they
go¡ng to look at?
A some coins
B some paintings
C souvenirs they can buy
2 You will hear two friends talking about
travelling by bus. How does the boy feel
about it?
odverbs of frequency, t¡me phroses
A worried
ffiVutcnthese adverbs or time phrases with those with a similar meaning
B excited
below (1-6).
C fed up
3 You will hear two friends who are shopping every dayr frequently hardly ever mcst days now and then once a month
for clothes. What does the girl think her
friend should do? 1 occasionally 4 always
A get a different size 2 rarely 5 everyfourweeks
B choose a darker colour 3 usually 6 often
C try a more modern style
4 You will hear two friends trying to find their ffi Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverb or time phrase in brackets in the
correct place.
way in a shopping centre. What does the boy
think they should do? I My parents go to the cinema. (hardly ever)
A use an electronic map
B goto the information desk 2 We don't eat at restaurants because my brother is too little. (often)
C take the lift rather than the stairs
5 You will hear two friends choosing a film to 3 ls the museum closed on Sundays? (always)
see. Which type of film do they both like?
A comedy 4 I find my way without using a map. (usually)
B action
C science frction 5 I don't go to the city centre. (on weekdays)
ó You will heartwo friends talking about a
café they often go to. Which oplnion do
they share?
ó We travel by train. (rai'ely)

A The café looks better than it did before.

B The quality of the food is the most ffi Writu true sentences about you. They can be positive or negative.
important thing. I take the bus / often
C They don't like the new furniture.

p] loot at the questions in Ex 1 again and 2 meet my friends after school / every day
the key words you highlighted. Decide if
you are listening for an agreement (A), a 3 go to the same café / allvays
suggestion (S) or feelings (F) in each question.
1 .....,.. 3 ........ 5 ........
4 choose my own clothes in shops / usually
2 ........ 4 ........ 6 ........

E ffi r.ri Listen to the six different 5 be late for school / all the time
conversations from Ex 1. For each question,
choose the cor¡'ect answer,
6 get lost / often

ffi Ct',oose the correct words to complete the answers. Then match
the answers (A-F) with the questions in Ex 4 (1-6).

eut the words in the correct order to make questions.

A i love playing chess. One example / reason I iike ít is because it
ffi makes me think.....,...
your / what / surname l's?
B My mum or dad, but I sometimes cook simple meals too -for I so
t '"::..,.,
:¡:,;., ¡',,.'.; :-.,1.,,..,:i.,1;,:.'..r,;-.......... example, pasta with sauce. ........
i middle /'s / your I what / name? C My favourite subject's science because / so I Iike doing lots of
different experiments" ........
D l'm from Warsaw the capital of Poland. There are lots of good
things about living there - for exampie / reason, there are lots of
address I your l's / what?
shops and restaurants. ......".

My sister and I like the same things, because / so I usually ask her
to help me.........
4 town lhow lof / the / the / do / spell / you / name? My mum drives me to school because / so she passes my school
on her way to work.........

ffi neaa part of an interview with a student. Complete his answers

5 what / postcode I your I 's? with these words.

also because but ior example one reason so

ó please I your I can / email / spell / address, / you? Q: Where do you live?
A: l'm from Odessa. lt's a big city in Ukraine,'............................. it's not
the capital,
Q: And what's your favourite thing about living there?
tA ffi1.5 Read the form. Listen to a girl called Sophie A: Well,
-- ánswering the questions in Ex1 and complete the form.
.... I love Odessa is because it's a beautiful city.
There are some amazing buildings - ...", the Opera
and Ballet Theatre.
Q: Do you live with your family?
Full name: A: Yes - with my parents and my two brothers. I get on well with
my brothers and I enjoy spending time with them. Maybe it's
Address: .".. we like doing the same things.

Q: What do you like doing in the summer?

A: We all enjoy water sports, .... we go canoeing or
Postcode: swimming in the sea.
Q: What about in the winter?
Email address:

long walks along the beach.

,Bj ffi i.ó Listen to the questions again and answer
about yourself. Listen to your recording to see how ffiW1.7 Listen and check your answers. Then answer the
clear your answers were. questions from the conversation in Ex ó about yourself.

@ Complete the questions with r¡zhot, where, who

or how.
1 do vou come from?
2 ............................. do you like doing in your free time?
3 ...........................Js yourfavourite sub]ect?
4 ............................ do you get to school every day?
5 ........."........... ....... cooks your meals at home?
6 ..................... ...... helps you to buy your clothes?
T Iriet"riíty'

lfqf E , r+{
HJE $ Bl.r'ir'.
É :-_ i .j ..
ffi nead the advert from a school website and notes 1-4. Answer the questions.
VVEqli':''.{''" I What kind of text do you need to write?.............
2 How many things do you need to wr¡te about? What are they?
on emo¡!
ffi neaO these sentences from different students'
personality (P),
emails. Decide if they are about
hobbies (H) or likes and dislikes (LD).
1 l'd say my sister is very calm.
2 | can't stand computer games.
School councils represent the views of students, so they're really important.
3 My brother and I go skateboarding This year there will be two representatives for each class. lf you think you could
at the weekend.
be one of them, tell your classmatesl
4 l'm keen on cats, dogs, rabbits -
any kind of animal. Write them an email sayinf what you're Iike. What's the best thing about you?
5 I love travelling to new places. What are you good at? Tell the class why they should choose you!
ó My grandmother is sixty now, but
she's really lively.
7 I do karate once a week.

ffi Vat n these adjectives with the prepositions

we úse them with. Write them in the correct
column in the table.

bored bri#iant fed up good

¡nteresred keen lerrible
ffi neaa Ed's email and answer the questions.

Dear Classmates,

l'm Ed Anderson and I want to be your school councillor.

l'm quite a serious person, but l'm also friendly. You can talk to me if
ffi Complete the second sentence so it means you have any problems at school. My friends say the best thing about
the same as the first. Use these words and the me is that I always try to help people when I can.
words in brackets,
l'm very good at speaking in public and l'm also good at listening.
That's another reason l'm the right person for this job.
bossy inleresled keen scared
serious shy sporey You should choose me because I want to help the school and I have
lots of good ideas. I promise l'll make our school better.
I like reading fantasy novels. (quite)
I hope you will vote for me!
l'm ............................. on reading fantasy novels.
I don't smile a lot. (quite) Ed
l'm ............................. person.
I don't often tell people what to do. (very)
1 Does he write about all the points?
l'm not a ............................. person.
2 Does he give extra information about each po¡nt?
l'm terrified of heights. (very)
3 Does he use adjectives? Find examples
l'm .....................1...... of heights.
Learning to speak German interests me.
(quite) 4 What two words does he use to make adjectives stronger or less strong?
l'm ............................. in learning to speak
,"--: Read the advert in Ex 4 again and write your own email in about
I find it hard to talk to people I don't know. 100 words. Use your answers to Exs 4 and 5 and Ed's email to help you.
l'm ............................. around people I don't know.



Read the article. For each question,
tj flq §:T- #

t h{ ffii:*l l.{. choose the correct answer"

a j Complete the blog post with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

l'm usually
Besrm" I ..." (speak) Turkish at home, but Are you fed up 1..".....
your parents asking
todayI .... (speak) English, because my friend William you to switch off your phone? So am l! But
from England .... (stay) with me at the moment.
I understand why parents are unhappy - our
He a............................. (come) to school with me every day.
social lives are very different theirs and
William has just started learning Turkish, so
they're worried. They think we're all bad
there are a lot of words
¡........ writing and terrible a........ communicating
he 5...........,.................
(not know). He face to face. I don't think that's true, but
, maybe we should be hanging out our
understand) me and mY friends more and taking part 6........ activities.
friends when we chal,
My parents say we spend a lot less time
I have to translate for him.
My English outdoors than they did, and I think they're
(¡mprove), but his Turkish
8 (not oet) better!

1i@with B at: C for

2Aof B that C fr:om
',;$Uu*"questions about the text in Ex 1. Use the present simple or present
3Aat B with Cin
4 A,in B for Cat
I what language / Besim / usually / speak at home?
5Ato B with C about
ó,Aon Bin C from
2 why / he / speak / English / today?
ffi - nead the blog post and write thegap.correct
answers. Write one word for each
3 where / Besim and William / go every day?

4 whir I Besim I have to / translate for William?

5 William's Turkish / imptove?

.- .- -,=--.s,
¡$,] nnr*.r the questions in Ex 2. Write full sentences.
l4] n"u¿ the clues and complete the puzzle with personality adjectives. {*_-* \ \É/

Then guess the mystery adjective and complete the clue.
I intelligent l'm so bored .... homework!
2 not calm I spend two hours doing it most days and
3 I have to complete a project
weekend. That's fif ty-two projecls a ye¿r!
4 not reliable Anyway, at leasl it was a good day al school
5 not rude today because I had drama. I'm really keen
mystery adjective .... dram¿, but we only have il
.... a week. on Friday af Iernoons.
I'm always really happy on Fridays!
.The drama group puts on a play twice a year -
in December and lune. We usually perform a
classical play, but now and 5............................. we
wriIe our own play. This year I 6.............................
helping and l'm very exciled about itl

. Read the notices and the emails (1-3). For each question, choose the
correct answer.

ffieutthe letters in brackets in orderto form

a word which completes each sentence. The War'¡ted; second_hand violin for learner
first letter of each new word is in bold. aged 8-12. Willing to pay up to f80,
I Stop playing on your phone and pay for an instrument in excellent condítion.
... (tenoniatt) to what
l'm saying!
People around the world speak English - it's A The buyer is looking for a violin that costs f.80.
an ......-...................... (tiatnelnraino) language. B The buyer might be happy to spend more than [80.
Jeans with holes in them are very c The buyer will only spend t80 or less.
... (abasholefin) these days.
Unfortu nately, languages
(adispapre) all the time - people simply stop
speaking them. From: Ana
The national language here is Spanish, but
many............... (lcaol)peoplealso To: Mum
speak German.
At first I didn't ... (sreeail) that
she was ltalian, but then I read an article Hi Mum,
about her. l've arranged to go to Sally's house after school to revise for
An ...,,........................ (ariscening) number our French test tomorrow. I left my books at home. Please
of people are learning languages online could you bring them to school on your way to work? l'll pick
each year. them up from reception.
Learning a foreign language will
(lalwo) you to commun¡cate Ana
with more people

ffi Uut nthe responses (A-H) with the A Ana wants her mum to take something to Sally's house.
sentences (1-8) above.
B Ana would like her mum to collect her from Sally's house.
^A lt's true, but we can try to change that by € Ana asks her mum to deliver something to her.
teaching young people about them.........
B Deinitely- English is unique in that
sense. ........ lf you'd like to go on next month's Spanish language
C Oh really? What was it about?........ exchange trip, write your name here. You must get
D Those people are lucky to grow up speaking
- permission from your parents before registering, even if
two useful languages......... you have been on Previous triPs.
E That's right - speaking another Ianguage
makes both travelling and business much
A lt's the parents' job to register their children for the trip.
F Sorry, l'm listening now.........
B All students must ask their parents before they sign up.
G l4aybe, but it doesn't mean that they look
C Only students who have been on a trip before can attend.
H Using technology is a great way to |earn......... ffi neaa the article about language quickly. Does the writer think emoji
language is generally positive or negative?

ftl; , neaa the article again. For each question, choose the
correct answer.
I ln the fi rst paragraph, the writer says that emo-Jis
A make conversat¡on between people better.
A new USld
encourage understanding between cultures.
persuade more people to text,
are a new language.
2 How does the writer think emojis affect written language?
A Not everyone knows what the ernojis mean. Shigetaka Kur¡ta first created emojis while working
B They make messages unclear. for a mobile phone company. He wanted to design
pictures that improved short text messages by
C People are unable to explain things clearly.
making them sound friendlier, an aim he
D There is too much focus on images, not words.
certainly achieved. Emojis weren't very
3 According to the writer, spelling tools on our mobile phones
popular when I was growing up but today
A make bad predictions about what we'd like to write. they're like a world language. ln fact, some
B are a benefit to teachers. people say emojis are the fastest-growing
C help people to use punctuation correctly. language.
D stop young people from using their brains.
A written language that uses pictures isn't new.
What does the writer say about emojis in school work?
The Egyptians had one, for example. However,
A They make students appear bad at writing.
it's worrying that emojis are so popular.
B They can cause confusion.
I developed a large vocabulary while
C They bring in unnecessaryfeelings. I was learning English at school. That
D They make young people lazy. vocabulary helps me to communicate a lot
Which sentence best describes how the writer feels of different, difficult ideas in a way that
about emojis? people understand. lf we use emojis all the
A Emojis are a good way for us to avoid learning to spell. time, we lose the ability to write. We can only
B Young people need to learn to write without emo¡is. communicate ideas in simple ways in texts.
C Social networks should stop using emojis.
Of course, itt normal for language to change
D Emojis can help create internationalfriendships.
over time and itt great that the written form
ffi fina these words in the article. Then choose the correct continues today online. However, we spend
meaning for each word as it appears in the article. a lot of time writing only short messages
1 achieved (para 1) and using technology that guesses the
A word we want to type. lt also changes ffi
succeeded in doing
spelling mistakes, so no one needs to learn \
B failed
t' how to spell any more. As well as that, no one
2 communicate (para 2) seems to bother with punctuation. Teachers can see
A chat the effect of this in written work in the classroom.
B make people understand
The ability to write well is important for our school
3 bother (para 3)
lives. Using emojis is a good way to show our
A annoy someone mood quickly, and they are fine to use with
B make the effort to do something friends but using them in school work is
4 effect (para 3) a bad idea. lt just makes the writer seem
A result like a weak communicator. Writing is a
B advantage key skill in education. Teachers need to
make sure that young people can all write
mood (para 4)
well so'that they can communicate
A the way we act well. This means learning to write
B the way we feel without emojis and understanding
6 weak (para 4) when they are and aren't OK.
A not good
B not having much energy
d3 l-.'.¿:t i-1 ),.-., a:,r'-.'"- ./';a
'r" ,\/.,Lr¡§.
Itr: !-"/1*" r: lr./ ;'J \r\ /

ffi Choore the correct words to complete the sentences.

While I lived / was living in Japan, I took / was taking
Japanese lessons.
post s¡mple ond post cont¡nuous
What were they talking / did they talk about when I came /
ffi Comptete the table with past simple form of the verbs. was coming into the room?
Our host family didn't speak / weren't speaking to us in
Spanish while we stayed / were staying with them.
When we arrived / were arriving, all the guests danced /
were dancing.
I didn't use / wasn't using my phone while we travelled /
were travelling.
She spoke / was speaking in a strange language, so
I wasn't / wasn't being able to understand her.

ffi Complete the conversation with the past simple or past

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
A: (you / take) a lot of study books or
a travel guide with you on your language exchange?
ffieead the sentences (1-8) about what different people were B: No, I 2............... . (not need) them. ljust
doing last night. Complete the sentences w¡th the past (put) my smartphone in my pocket
continuous for-m of the verbs in brackets.
I 1.................. (chat) to my friend Ali on my phone look up a word, I 5....................... (use) an online
2 We............. .... (learn) some new English words.
phone 7............
We................... (not do) a great job, though! .,.. (become) both a map and a
guidebook. And of course it was also my camera.
3 I was with my sister. We "................ (have)
A: I seel So you 8...........
dinner and, for once, we .................... (not argue)! ..... (not have to) carry
a heavy bag.
4 lt................ .(rain)and1........................
B: Exactlyl My phone weighs next to nothing, so
(stand) at the bus stop gett¡ng wet.
I e....................... (not get) tired while
I '0..................... (walk) around.
something but ................I . (not listen)!
6 My friend and I ................ . (watch) a film.
I ......................... (not enjoy) it very much.
7t .. (talk) to my parents. They
............ (ask) me about my day.
8t (sleep). I fell asleep while
I (do) my homework!

ffi]ffi 2.1 Listen and check your answers.

ffi Wn.t were you doing at these times yesterday?
Write a sentence for each one.



Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
I Do you tell / talk / say to your friends about your problems?

Ionguoge ond communicotion 2 I didn't know. Thank you for talking / telling / saying me.
3 Who were you saying / telling / talking to on the phone?
, t I Complete the crossword. 4 l'm sorry, I can't hear / listen / speak you because it's too
noisy in here.
5 Sorry, what did you tell I talk I say?
6 Do you want to l¡sten / hear / tell to music or watch a film?

ffi Comptete the blog post with these verbs.

e;<plain profiounce reileat say speak rr¿nslate utrciersta¡rd

1-::,,:. "§

l'm so excited to finalty be in Beijing! We're travelling

in China for three months. l'm learning to
.... Chinese, but at the moment people
often don't .... what I 3.............................

what I mean. I polnt at things and I


everything severaI times. Finally,

I ask my Chinese friend to
for me.
The problem is that I don't
3 say a word with the correct sounds .... the words
.4 know what something means correctly and I get the
6 tell someone about something so they can understand it intonation wrong. Chinese is
8 say things as part of a conversation a very difficutt language!
9 speak words
\*. lO know that a sound is being made
12 say or do something again Complete the sentences to make them true for you.
Down 1 I never listen to.............
I change words from one language to another language 2 find it difficult to pronounce the word

2 have a definition or exPlanation 3 A word or phrase that I say too often is .......................
5 talk to people; say and understand words of a language 4 The person I talk to the most is.......................
7 pay attention to what someone is saying or to a sound 5 I don't really understand the word ... in English.
1l give information to someone
Wffi2.2 Listen to six short conversations. When you hear
the beep. decide which of these words is missing. ffi ffi 2.4 Listen to (1-7)
seven different situations. Match the speaker
or conversation what with
are they doing (A-G).
exotain mean pronou¡lce repea¡: speak understand A making a complaint

1 L B giving an explanation
C giving a greet¡ng
D making an excuse
E interrupting someone
?.3 Listen and check your answers. F
-Ef E}d making a comment
G thinking out loud

§, G*t "1
[ rg f ,-; '=Síi{:."C-e

l-{bj F: l':.' ffi Complete the course review with the -ing form of these
ffi ffi 2.5 Listen to a teacher telling her students about verbs.
a computer course. Which of these things does she
talk about? create do irnprorre kno',ru learn spend watch wc.¡rk

f the type of course 4 the cost

2 when the course will take 5 face-to-face lessons
place ó what the course includes
3 theteachers'experience

ffi neaO the sentences (1-4). What type of word (A-D) ¡s

needed to ñll each gap?

I The fee for the course is t........
2 We'll start at .........
3 Please bring .......,.
4 ........ will teach the course.
A a person
B a thing
C a number
D a time

You can learn how to create
You have video lessons and do

You pay 3t............................. for the course.

You must complete a course assignment to
receive a 1

j] comptete the sentences to make them true for you.
Use the -ing form.
You attend tace-to-Face lessons organised by 1 I love in the evenings
2 l'm really good at
You need to bring a 6............................. with you if 3 l'm pretty bad at
you're twelve or under.

,E] ' ffi 2.ó Listen again and cornplete the sentences in the
advertisement. Write one or two words or a number or
a date or a time.

,- '1 r,- r"' ,-'t | .' ffi loot at the photo of people talking in a town centre. Complete the
: :'"'' rI.'"=" I.' sentences about the photo with one word in each gap.

put the words in the correct order to make I One of the people is wearing a .......................... .. on their head.
sentences describing different photos. 2 In the foreground, there are some skateboards and two...,......................... "

I photo I a typical scene / shows / this / 3 Three of the teenagers are sitting on a ............................. .

in a supermarket 4 ln the b:ackground, there are some blocks of ......................."..... or buildings

5 The three people on the right are listening to the boy on the....."..................".
6 I think that the photo wasn't taken inside. lt was taken
two people I are I and a few others / 7 There are ."..........."............... people in the photo.
in the background / in this photo, / there 8 Two of the people have long hair. The other two have
dark hair.
9 The boy on the right is.sitting on the
that / was taken / I guess i in a supermarket / 10 The girl dressed in a white top has got a pair of ............................. around
this photo her neck.

ffi m 2.7 Listen to the sentences from Ex 2 and check your answers.
ls there anything else you could say about the photo?
:{ allthe people / that's I look I because /
very busy ffi Wni.fr words or phrases in Ex 2 help the speakers to describe the photo?
Can you find any more in Ex 1?

ffi V.t.fr the sentences in Ex 2 (1-10) with the functions (A-E).

5 definítely / for a bus / the couple / waiting / are A introducing the people: ".......
B saying where the photo was taken; ........

c describing the place:

ó the man / and the woman / l'm / D saying what the people look like or are wearing: "......., ........, ........
know each other / sure
E saying what the people are doíng:

ffi No* look at the photo on page 10. Record yourself

. describing the photo, How.many of the describing
words and phrases from Exs 1 and 2 can you use?


I *
¡i 'w§



t ,¡tr

ft Ggr ti';S .rriq;${lj.L_Je

./ fi E'i[ X e. ¡ i'--
\tfÁtJ,\! [,i t "* x.
o story
ffi neaa the writing task and match the questíons (1-5) with the notes (A-E).

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. A a restaurant; goodfooá, huge,
Your story must begin with this sentence: notbugy
B paiá bill (expensive!); leftfeel;ng
We expected to have a great evening. ongry
Write your story ¡n about 100 words.
C on holiáay
D ferrible fooá aná ,ervice
I When did it happen?........
2 Where did it happen?......." E -" and ,nl family; a few other
3 Who was there?........
4 What was the main action / situation / problem?........
5 What happened in the end?........
ffi neaa a student's story. Replace the words in brackets with ffi fhint about a situation where you had an exper¡ence
these words. that wasn't what you expected. Make a list of strong
adjectives that describe that event.
delicious disgusting furious hilarious huge terrible

[, §§ fi fiÉi

iill EiÉi
Ei f;

ffi neaa the task in Ex 1 again and choose a real or

A,n évenin g,; to'{arget imaginary situation you would like to write about.
Can you think of a second sentence for ycrur story
that could follow the first sentence given in the task?
We exyecfedto'have q jreal evening.We Were on
holiá'oy. We áeci'á,,eá to eait at a rettaurant lhat
áe¡crileá' itr lood as 1(very nice) ....,....,................:.. .It wa¡ 7 When á;á it t appen?
':(very big) ..........j...¡.¡......:.... .brf ¡t""r" w"rl"n't -ony people

? Where áiÁ it haPPen?

The waitres¡ á¡An't remember what
we a¡ke| {or aná broughl us lhe wro^g
fooá. At {irtf we thoughl il was
'(very {unny).. ....................... ...bul when rhe
broughl uS the wrang thíngS a teconá ti-e, Whaf wos lhe main action / situatio¡ /
we sloppeA laughing.lt was late, to we
á e ciá eá lo e at the fo o á. lJ n{o rlu nafely, ),'
itwasa(notnice)............. .Thenthings
golworge when the droppeá a drink o^ my 5 What happeneá in fhe en|?
áaá - anÁ lhe Arink wasn't even for him!
Alter to ma^y misfakeg,they were
'(very ongry) ...whenlhey
Write your story in about 100 words. Use your
taw the b¡ll.h wat extremely expensive ,

notes from Ex 3 to help you.

a ná no áitcount had been offereá. We
all ogreed lhal going lhere wat a
"(very bad) . .. . áecision!

ffi finO and correct the mistakes with -ing forms in four of the sentences'
I Swim is really good for You.
i1Í l Complete the sentences with the past simple or
'' past continuous form of the verbs in brackets' 2 Come on! We need to hurrYing uPl
I r .."........,....... (study) Tr:rkish ln
lstanbul when I ............ ...". (meet) 3 I really enjoy getting out on my bike
my friend Elif.
While we (swim), some
4 I can't study without listen to music-
friends (hide) our towels
as a.lokel
When (get)home, mY 5 l'm pretty good at make new friends.
mum.............". .. (talk) to someone
on the phone.
Lucy.............,... (chat) to one ffi vut.h 1-ó with A-F to make sentences.
of her teachers when I ........................ 1 I can't read the article aloud ........ A so l'm explaining it again.
(see) her. 2 They speak very quletlY........ B because the sound is as
I important as the meaning.
| ......"...."............ (slip) and fell while 3 It's difñcult to translate
¡ ........................ (run) down the stairs. poetry........ C because you can't see the
So embarrassing! p¡cture.
I want to remember the
6 My brothers and I ................ . (have) words........ D because I don't know how
a huge fight while w€................;... They didn't understand
to pronounce the words.
(walk) to school yesterdaY. the first time ........ E so l'm repeating them
7 The radio (be) on but
It's difficult to exPlain on
many times.
| ........................ (not listen) to it. the phone........ F so it's hard to hear what
8 While Matthew ........................................... (look) they're say¡ng.
down at his phone, he.....................
(walk) into a lamPPost! ffi Ct',oose the correct words to complete the sentences'
I Don't say / tell me the answer. I want to work it out for mysell
Write thequqstions to gomplete the. ,., -:. ,
conversations. Use the information'in: bÓld to
2 What language do they talk / speak in Egypt?
help yoú. i , 3 Do you mean / say you don't know or you don't want to tell me?
1A: 4 I understand / translate spoken Japanese, but find it difficult to read
B: No, she didn't invite Stephen but she 5 What did you Pronounce / saY?
invited Alex. ó Can you repeat / tell the words? I didn't hear the difference.
2A: 7 Listen / Hearl This is important information.
B: Six o'clock? Wewere doing our homework. 8 Let me speak i explain how to send a text message.
3A: review with these words. You do not need
.B: I think he wór:ked in an ltalian restaur'añt
ffi Complete thewords.
three of the
last summer.
4A: accenc com¡;laint excuse explarrariol greetirrg
B: They wanted some help with their maths interrupted out lou'-l repeated translation
B: No, I wasn't sleeping when he called! I was
check,ng my emails.
l r lt¡-}
El - /-!t- !'

fvly t"Lily and I were looking forward to eating at this restaurant

B: I was talk¡ng to my neighbour Sam when but the menu was in the local language and we couldn't
you saw me. understand it. We asked the waiter for a menu with an English
but he didn't have one. He tried to give us an
of each item on the menu but it was taking him
B: No, Jo, she wasn't laughing at you! She was
ages and his 3.......................,..... was hard for us to understand,
watching a comedY! 4............................. him and said we'd be
so it didn't help. My dad
8: A: OK. I tried to read some of the meals .... to see if
B: They were at home last night. that helped but it didn't. ln the end, we made an

about not feeling well and left.

['\J{* É\ "'*\ ¡.\ .l --. ffi neaa the article again. Are the following statements
§d {* Ée, fl*.) i I ", ; true (T) or false (F)?
The writer thinks:
ffi Complete the words in the sentences' Use the meanings in
brackets to helP You.
f going to a concert is betterthan watching a band
on TV. .......
1 He's a new artist but websites p- - - -t that he will be
- 2 you should always arrive very ear1y.........
really famous. (say something will happen)
2 lt's c n for young people to listen to new music.
3 the most important thing is to look good.........
(happening often) 4 you shouldn't take a ba9.........

It's possible to p- music at home these days, using 5 it's important to take a phone or a camera.........
- - -e
- (make)
simple equipment. ó it's easier to dance if you stand at the back.........
4 l'm going to see my first l- -e concert tomorrow.
ffi finO words in the article that have these meanings.
(not recorded)
home. (without a perfoi'mance, concert, competition, etc. that many
5 After the concert, we went d- - - - - -y people watch or take part in (para 1) .............................
going somewhere else)
i--------e performerl I never miss her showsl 2 some; more than a few (Para 2)
She's an
(so good Icannot believe it) 3 put your foot on something (Para 3)
7 My brother sings and plays the gu¡tar ¡n the school b- -d. 4 things (para 4) .............................
(a group of musicians) 5 energy to make a machine work (para 5) ....

8 Unfortunately, theirfirst album wasn't very s- - -

---- -l' 6
,,,. (selling many coPies)
' ffi neaa the article quickly. What is the main idea? Choose the
ffi Complete the sentences with the words from Ex 5.
correct answer.
1 i've got so much .. in my bag, it's making my
back hurtl
A how to get tickets to see a band
2 Please be careful not to.............................the beautiful
B choosing the right band to see flowers. I

C tips for attending a concert 3 Teachers know students are always more ............................. in

the morning. l
i:,,l; nea¿ the article again. Five sentences have been
The............................. is being organised to raise money for
rernoved from the article. Complete the text with these

sentences (A-H). There are three extra sentences which the new hospital.
you do not need to use. I tried to call you .. times last night. Where
were you?
A Avoid sandals and wear trainers instead.
It's surpris¡ng, but a hairdryer needs a lot of
B lt's not possible to do it all.
to work.
C lf this isn't for you, move away.
D Take a spare battery if you have one.

This can be both tirlng and boring.
F You'll definitely want to try it out.
G This includes a pen for when you meet
the band C
H Think about the essent¡al things you'll need

ffi 1.. ,»

ffi k

Going to my first concert was one of the most brilliant Don't take too much stuff or you'll get bored carrying it
s; things l've ever done. Watching a band play live is so around. .... These include your ticket, some

much better than watching a recording on TV. However, money and your phone. You can put these into your
*i conceds have their problems, so here are some things pocket or a small bag. Make sure everything is safe
G4 you should think about before you go to your first live during the concert.
(,j music event.
You'll want to take a phone or camera to take lots of
G}, First, if there are no seats, plan with your friends or photos. Make sure it has enough power and memory for
*'j family where to stand before you go. lf you want to the whole evening. 4.......,........,............ lt'll help you take all
be near the stage, you'll need to arrive very early. This the photos you want to remember the event.
means several hours on your feet before the band
Finally, remember that people will dance around during
1É appears. .... l'd suggest you only do it for a
the concert. This means you'll probably get pushed.
rj band you really love.
lf itt a lively band, the audience might go a bit crazy.
f'j What you wear is really important. Two things are sure: .... Stand near the back. You can still enjoy

you're going to get hot and people will tread on your the concert from there. You'll have more space to dance
.; toes..This means you shouldn't wear anything too heavy too. Yes, dance. Above all, dance and have a greattimel
except perhaps on your feet. 2............. You can look
T good and be comfortable at the same time.

.S Tü_ie ]r ¡e\rir

ffireAtort h¿,ii ,"

ffi Choor" the correct verb forms to complete
the email.

the fulure
ffi ert the words in the correct order to make sentences.
To: Katie
t he I pay I is I your ticket I to I for I going?

From: Max
2 your / birthday /'ll / a cake I for I make I I

Subject: Concert

3 probably/we / late I be l'lll dinner /tonight/for

Hi Katie,
4 concert / at / the / eight otlock / starts
What lare you doing / wíll you do next
Saturday? l2go /'m going to see some local
5 're lJack / this evening / meeting / we
bands play in the park. Do you want to come
with me? l've got a spare ticket. The concert
ó going /theiralbum I not I I I buy l'm I to 3is starting / starts at eight and I guess it
a's finishing /'ll finish around 1 1 p.m.

7 love I sure l'm I his new song I I l'll I you | 5'll probably take / probably take the bus
to the park and l've already organised a lift
8 starting I your lyou / when / are / drum lessons? home. My dad ópicks /'s picking me up at
11 p.m. outside the sailing club.

I went to the same event last year and it was

ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
fun, so I'm sure it 7's going to bel's good
brackets. Use will or the present continuous.
I lt's really hot in here. I ............................. (turn up) the air conditioning. again this year. I expect there 8'll be / is
2 We can help you tidy up. We ... (put) the d¡rty plates in
food there too, so we can get something to
the dishwasher. eat before the main band comes on. Let me
3 Harry wants to change his job, so he............... (meet) a careers know what you th¡nk.
advisor next week.
4 When we get a smart fridge, we ... (not waste) any food.

5 You've got your coat on. Where ... (you / go)?

6 1............................. (do) any exercise ton¡ght. l'm too t¡red.

7 Don't worry, I ... (explain) how this works. ffi writ" a short paragraph about your plans for
the weekend.
8 we ............. (have) a purit i;;;r;o*. po you want to come?

ffi Corpt"t" the conversation between two brothers with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Use will or going to.
A: Where are you going, Tim?
B: To the computer shop. I 1........... (buy) a new game.

B: OK. The game I want is quite neW so it 3............................. (not take)

long to find it.
B: Ah, here it is. There's no price on it. Excuse me, how much is this?
C: Let me check. This one's forty-five euros but we
(have) a sale soon, so it s............................. (probably / be) cheaper then.
s: Thanks! I 6............................. (not buy) it today, then
A: | 7............................. (meet) my friend ¡n town next
weekend. I can get it for you then if you like.
B: Oh that would be great - thanks, Jon!

miffi 3.1 Listen and check your answers


i@ ffi* 3.it Listen to Charlotte telling her

friend Grace about her holiday. What was
the problem?
technology ¡n fhe home
@;] ffid 3.3 Complete the words in the sentences
ffi Vrt.tnouns
words (1-6) with words (A-F) to rnake compound
are written as one word?
nouns" Which from the recording. The first letter of each
two word is given. Listen again and check your
1 dish A wave anSwers"

2 fridge- B machine I The powerw.............................o,

for two daysl
3 micro C freezer
4 remote DTV 2 We couldn't heat any food because the
m.,......."................... wasn't working.
5 smart E washer
3 We ate cold stuff from the f.......................".....
ó washing F
4 We had to wash plates by hand in cold water
,@tooiat the pictures and complete the sentences. because we couldn't use the d

fH#* I ffi
I couldn't p......."....."............... i......................"......
tl¡lr' '.1,, El my phone, so the battery died.
The wi-fi s...."........................ o...................."........
too, of course, so there was no internet.



o ffi Complete the phrasal verbs in the blog post

d -
We can heat up yesterday's leftover pizza in the........................".....
with these prepositions.

back down out (x3) up (x2) with

2 My parents have a ............. which makes an espresso in less than "ff;;F;,-

a m¡nute.
3 Keeping vegetables in the............... helps them last longer.
4 ls that a ... ? Can you download apps onto it? m
5 I need to tu rn the TV off. Where's the ............... ..............?
6 Put the ... on and boil some water for a cup of tea, will you?
o ss¡stont
7 Harry, look at all these dirty clothes! Don't you know where the All of our smarlphones and tablets have a
built-in diEital ass¡stant these days. You press
8 All the plates and cups in the.......,..................... are clean. Can you put a button, ask a question and the assistant frnds
them away, please? 1........
the answer for you. One day, our digital
assistant will end
ffi Choos" the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentences. organising all aspects
I Remember to switch off / turn down / go off the lights when you go out. of our lives. She'll carry boring chores
for us, such as orderins the weekly shopping.
2 Can you turn up / turn down / switch on the TV? lt's too loud.
She'll help us get home if we're lost. lf
3 It's too dark in here. l'll turn off / shut down / switch on the li9ht.
the car breaks she'll call a mechanic
4 As soon as l've gone off / set up / shut down my new phone, l'll send you
my number. and ask them to come and fix it. ln fact, any
problem we have, our assistant will dea16........
5 I need to switch on / plug in / turn down my phone My battery's low.
it by calling someone who can help. We might
6 Please pick up / switch off / turn up the heating. l'm cold.
even find that our assistanl is happy to call up
7 Switch on / Plug in / Shut down the computer, will you? We don't
our partner and break 7......." with them for us!
need it on.
'l'm not sure that's true, but the bigEest problem
@ Complete the sentences to make them true for you. will be how dependent we are on the assislant.
1 to turn my music uP loud when
like We won't know what to do when LÁÁ pasu.
2 usually switch off the TV when our phone runs 8........
of battery! tu't/ty
3 usually charge up my Phone when
4 turn down the radio when

§. l"he flutu;nc is ntliio¡

4 Who does the boy want to see in concert?

fl_§sTffitud §r-i#
ffi nead the questions (1-7) in Ex 3 and match them with the
purpose of each conversation (A-G).
talking about different game genres........
choosing useful rnaterials for studying ........
n rc
C talking about something which isn't working ........
D discussing what to get when shopping ........
5 What website does the girl use most often?

E finding out when a business opens ........

F talking about their interest in a concert........
G talking about online material they enjoy uslng


ffi neaO lhe questions in Ex 3 again and look at the

pictures. What words do you think you will hear in
each conversation? Match the questions (1-7) to the
ó Which machine has broken down?
words below.

7 What time willthe mobile phone shop open?

\' \ . 1. .'

m . ffi r., Listen to the conversations. For each question,

choose the correct answer.

I What will the girl buy from the shop?

- :\ qdvice ond suggesl¡ons
ü ffi Choor" the correct words to complete the conversation.
ffi,r A: rHow i Why don't we watch a film later?
B: Good idea. We 2ought / should watch the latest Marvel
film. I think Ben has the DVD,

2 What wjll the boy use to do his homework? A: We 3could / rnight download it - it's probably easier.
B: OK, good idea. aShall / Will I do that now?
A: Yes.Then we can watch it when we want to. And we
NB scould ought to get some popcorn, l'll go to the shop.
B: Greatl How about óget / getting some of that sweet and

-(v salty popcorn? I love thatl

A: Sounds good. l'll see what they've got.
3 Which type of game is the girl's favourite? ffi ffi 3.5 Listen and check your answers.
,r-a ffi V"ur. teacher has asked for suggestions for an end-of-year
class event. Complete the sentences to make some
.o'.9 suggest¡ons.
^'97 I How about
2 Why don't we ?

3 We should
4 We could
5 We ought to
m ffi 3.6 Listen to sentences about about different ways of
\- watching films. Complete the sentences with the words
the speakers use.

¿gree i'or poíni righi: sure think true view

| ............................ a tablet's useful. lf you download a film

onto it, you can watch it anYwhere.
That's .............. And the screen's bigger than a

Yes, that's a good .... Maybe a tablet's useful
for watching a film at home, then.
\_4 You're............. l'd like a room like that. lt's better to
watch a film with other people.
5 Hmm, l'rn not.............................. I prefer to watch films alone.
6 ... me , laptops are great for video clips, but
they aren't so good for films.
7 I don't.,...........
8 ln my............... it's more fun to watch films with
other people. ffi V"t.t the highlighted phrases in Ex 1 to the correct
column in the table.
ffi ffi 3.7 Listen again. Look at the pictures (A-E) and decide
which of these things the speakers agree on? gívinE opimions


ffi Complete the conversation with phrases from the table

in Ex 3.
A: I don't like any of these films.
they're boring.
B: Really: ...... I think they're all
really interesting.
A: They're all action ñims. What's interesting about that?
B: Well, yes, 3 ........ .,.... .............. - they ore action
films. But they have good stories too. I mean, there are
some deeper messaq?s in them.
A: a.................. ...,..,.. .. aboltt that. They don't seem
very deep to me. 5...,..... ....., action
films focus too much on spei;al efiects and not enough on
the story.
B: Yes, ó ...., but onlY for some
\_ action films. You have to choose the right ones to watch.

B [":$ ].ü Listen to the questions and record

your answers.
Listen to your answers. How many of the phrases from Ex 3
did you use?
# Thr* fi-¡il*t:'* is i',',ot¿¡

t¡iJ4:1 ll-Jltl,
[lEdPEdg; it'H,': ffi Vut.t'l 1-7 with A*G to make sentences giving advice and
¿du{\n1:it making suggestions
I You ought A getting a set of speakers for your phone?
on emoil 2 How about § you get a new laptop?

ffi neaO the writing 1-4

task and the email and notes below. Then 3 You could ü some really good headphones.
read statements decide if they are true (T) or
false (F).
4 Why dori't 0 get a tablet.
5 You sho,-,lci qet I I send you the website address?
Read this email from an English-speaking friend and the notes 6 Shall F idea to get it online.
you have made. Write your email using all the notes. Write your 7 lt's a qood G to get a more up-to-date phone.
answer in about 100 words.
ffi Complete Mario's email with one word in each gap.

Hi Mario! Hi Antonio,
I've got some news! I've got 'r resyonÁ lo
Congratulations! lt's great that you've got a part-time job.
a part-time jobr!]n¡ryorking lhis neWs

in a restaurant Why don't .... buy a new phone? The one

weekends. you've got now is pretty old! You ought:.............
l'm going to save up and buy have a more up-to-date one so that you can do more
something big. What do you things with it. 3............................. I send you some information
think I should gel?)'d like to get about my new phone? I i.hink you .... buy it

something useful. from a local shop. You'll get better customer service and
can ask more questions.
Where do you think I should
shop? t*.it best to buy things in l'm going to buy an electric guitar with my money. I want
a local shop or online? 6-.- to stañ a band and make my own music. I can't wait!
(' Eav which one \
I knowthatyou've got a *' Mario
paft-time job too and you've been
saving money recently. What are
you going to buy with ¡t? Let me
know! fell Antonio ffi neaa Mario's email again. Does he include all four points in
Antonio the exam task in Ex 1? Are the ideas organised clearly?

[6] ,' Read the writing task again and write your own email
in abou! wq¡ds, Try !o use different phrases for qiving
1 Antonio has written you a letter. advice and making suggestions.
2 He has some good news.
3 He is writing to arrange a meeting with you,
4 You have to respond to four different things
in the email.
You must wr¡te more than 100 words.

[fl vatctr the ideas (A-G) with the notes in Ex 1 (1-4).

A beller cutfomer tervice io tho?

B - you can áolots o{ fh'nll onil

c eleclric guítar - Í wanf 'ro slart abaod!
D co ogratvlatio ns

E can atk more queitions

t your phone is olá!

G 7 wanlto make my own mutic



ffi Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. The first letter
of each verb is given.

,,I l Cfroose the correct words to complete the conversation.

I My phone's almost out of battery I need to p................."......."...
it in.
,A: What rare you doing I will you do at the weekend?
2l'm meeting
2 Shall I s............"..............". down your laptop or do you need to
B: / l'll meet myfriend Ella in town on Saturday use it?
to go shopping.
3 Can you please t.........."."............... that music down? lt'slust
A; 3Are you going to / Will you buy anything? too loud!
B: Yes, al get / f'm going to get a birthday present for 4 l'll help you s............................. up your new speakers. I want
my sister. to hear how they sound.
Sounds greatl sl'm going to / l'll come wíth you, if 5 Don't forget to s...... ... ........ ......... off the lights when ycu
that's OK. leave the room.
OK, great! 6l'mnot going to / I won't take a lot of money ó Our electricity often 9............. off during a storm
because I don't want to spend too much. It's always a bit scaryt
Yeah, I probably 7am not going to / won't spend a lot of
money either. Complete the conversation with one word in each gap,
B: OK, let's get the bus together.'l pay / l'll pay for your A: So,we need to prepare a video presentat¡on for our
i ticket. I owe you money from last week. English homework. What do you think we 1

talk about?
iá atcf, the sentences (1-ó) with their functions (A-F).
B: How'.,.........................". our favourite website?
Look at the future forms in bold to help you.
A: Hmm, lthink someone else is doing that r.,. .

1 l'm seeing the doctor at four this afternoon......... don't we talk about the best places to visit in our town?

2 I don't think the teacher will give us homework tonlght......... B: That's a qood idea. And maybe we a............................. f lm
3 Jack and I are going to have a snowball fight ......., ourselves in those different places, talking about them.
4 You're not going to sleep after seeing that scary filmi ......." A: Brilliant! .... about doing that on Saturday?

5 The programme starts at 9......... B: Sure. l'm free then. But we ought ó............................. check

6 l'll carry those books for you...,..... it's OK with our parents first.

A an arrangement
B a tímetabled event
C an offer
D a prediction based on opinion
E a prediction based on outside knowledge
a F a future plan or intention

: j- nead the clues and complete the crossword with words for
technology in the home. i

ó You use this to change channeis on the TV. (2 words)
7 You clean plates in this.
. 1 You make a cup of coffee with this. (2 words)
2 You clean clothes in this. (2 words)
3 You heat food in this.
4 You can stream TV programmes on this
using wifi. (2 words)
5 You boil water in this.

ffi neaO the texts in Ex 2 again. Complete the sentences with
personality adjectives. Some letters are given.
1 Jana is s_ _ , She isn't 3 Charlie is b_s_ _ and
ffi Complete the blog post with the correct form of the verbs c_______t. c_ _v_ _.
in brackets,
2 Evie is s_o_ _y and no-
4 Daniel is f_ _ _y.

I usually (work) Saturday and Sunday

ffi Vate sentences in the past simple. Put the time expression
in brackets in the correct place.
mornings in a bal<ery, but this weel( I
(worl<) extra hours because I 3........"................
... (save) for
1 we/ have/ a holiday/when I I be I achild (everyyear)
a new tablet. So my new routine is I
4.......r.r................... 2 we I our / spend / holidays / at the beach (often)
(get up) at4,3O a.m.,15............. (go) to work, 3 I / go / swimming (most days)
then I 6............. (cycle) to school. After school 4 my parents / buy I me I an ice cream (usually)
17............................. (do) my homework and finally I 5 my sister and I / find / interest¡ng sea creatures on the
..........,. (go) to sleep. I'............................. (enjoy) it beach (now and then)
ó we / take / them home (never)
7 we I be / happy to go to the beach (always)
ffi Cnoor" the correct words to complete the sentences.
what four young people are saying about their likes 1 Please hear / listen to what l'm saying / talking.
ffi neaO
- and dislikes. Complete the texts with these words. 2 Can you explain / translate what you understand mean?
3 What d¡d they tell / speak you?
abour at (x3) in of on with (x2) 4 How do you pror¡ounce / repeat this word? I don't know
how to speak / say it.
5 I don't explain / understand'n'hal you're talking / telling about,
6 Can you speak / translate this word? I don't know what it
public and I don't like parties because l'm means i pronounces.
not good .... talking to PeoPle
7 Can you repeat / taik that, please? I didn't listen to / hear you.
I don't know. I prefer to hang out with my
8 I enjoy listening to i hearing my grandfather talking / telling
close friends. sto r¡es.

ffi Choor" the most appropriate future forms to complete

the text.
I love playing tennis and football. I get
excited .... comPetltions. My brothe¡ my sister and I have a plan.
I don't understand how people can sit rWe're all going to learn / We'll all Iearn
still: I always want to run and danee. I love new skills this year.
padies, I play the saxophone and I get fed up Oliver 2learns / is going
to learn to play the
drums; He says 3he's working / he'll work
very hard. His lessons abegin / are going to begin on
I work hard and get good grades. l'm Sophie wants to learn to dance. Her friend from Hawaii
interested learning new
.... sis teaching / is going to teach her hula dancing.
things and quick to understand new 6They meet / They're meeting for their first lesson at the
inforr.nation. My teacher also says that l'm weekend. TThey'll probably spend /They're probably
brilliant organising PeoPle spending the whole day dancing!
and explaining things to them. sl'm going to study / I study Japanese. I know that
el'll find / l'm finding it hard to learn because l'm not very
good at languages. I also know that learning Japanese
roisn't being / won't be easy because the alphabet is so
I loi,e making people laugh and l'm good
telling jokes. l'm also very different. lt will take a long time, but l've promised myself
keen 8.........."... telling stories, but that 111'm not giving up,/ I won't give upl
my friends cion't like them as much as rny
iokes. They say they sometimes get bored
e rnv stories.


ffi] complete the crossword.

5 l've put the food in the f..........". -freezer
to keep it fresh for tomorrow.
8 l'll heat your dinner in the m..."..."..

l0 I need a cup of tea. Can you put the

.. k............................. on?

\- I I need to p...................."........ in my phone.The
battery's nearly dead.
\* 2 l've set rny alarm to go o............................. at six
tomorrow morning.
\- 3 PIease put the dirty plates in the
d..........."................. .

\- 4 All your dirty clothes are in the washing

m...........,................. .

\* ó Can you t............................. down the heating?

\- It's too hot in here.
7 Have you seen the r............................. control for
the TV anywhere?
9 Do you want me to help you s............................. up
your new laptop?
ffi Complete the conversations with these words m , Read the article. For each question, choose the
: and phrases. correct answer.
t could how abour ought shall

shall we should why don't you

A: What ... do with allthese old

clothes we have? According to research, we're no longer 1........ at ,u*".b"ring
\- B: We.............. give them a charity important information. Our friends' phone numbers, the way to the
shop. That's one idea. doctor's or the date of an aunt! birthday are all examples of this.
However, there's a good reason why we don't remember this stuff.
A: I can't see any belts in here.
Why should we waste time learning something when we can simply
B: We ............................. to try the shop across
'........ on our phones and
look the information up?
the road. They'll have them there.

A: We walk the same route home from Of course, looking up something we're 3.,...... in online is a fast way
\_- school every day. to get information. Using the internet to a........ a foreign word into
B: We||,...,....... taking a different our own language ís easy too. However, speed means that we
route tomorrow? probably won't be able to 5........ the information or word to someone
else twenty-four hours later. To get the word into our long-term
A: l'm really stressed about my exams memories, we have to think about what it 6........ more deeply so that
next week. it sticks in our minds better.
B: ..............,.............. watch a film or something
to relax?
I A good B able C hard D pleasant
A: l've made a terrible mess of this kitchen.
2 A plug B set C carry D switch
B: You .............
clean it up before
3 A keen B interested C excited D amazed
your parents get homel
4 A pronounce B say C understand D translate
A: l've got a horrible headache. 5 A explain B argue C talk D speak
B: Get vou some tablets? ó A intends B means C suggests D identifies

F\ r..' 1 ,
"l\ I ];'*.
a"\..*' Á
3\ Lr'*\':..1 , '- a--- .
,4Jf/Al is tourteen. She started swimming
ffi Cf'oor" the correct words to complete the email. Lessons when she was very young and
isn't interested in going to swimming
pools any more. She finds swimming
outdoors very exciting. She isn't free
HiBeth, on weekdays.
Idid it! l've never felt so tired in my life, but I did it!
Can you believe I rkept / stood going untíl the end of
the race? All fortytwo kilometres! When I crossed the
finish line, it felt like I was running 2on / otl airl Thank
you for making me 3make / take my training seriously. üMatthew can swim wetland is
The race was really tough, but l'm so glad I took interested in learning how to race. He
lplace / part! would like to have some sessions with
an instructor. He is busy on Mondays and
Do you want to do a marathon with me next year? The
New York marathon takes splace / paftinthe autumn.
What do you think?


A[ffie is sixteen. He enjoys swimming

in his free time and is keen to meet other
ffi nead about five people (1-5) who want to join a peopte who share the same hobby. He'd
swimming club. Answer the questions. like to have fun after swimming, as we[[
Who: as in the poot.
I would like to take part in competitions?
2 is also skilled at a different sport?
3 prefers to be in a club with fewer people?
4 is bored with swimming in a pool?
5 wants to socialise with the other Chanto{lte is thirteen. She knows
members of the club? how to swim but wants to feel more
ó is busy every weekday? confident in the water. She'd tike to join a
7 wants to train with a teacher? sma[[ club and meet young people with
8 doesn't want something too easy? the same [eve[ of abitity. She'd prefer to
do somethíng during the week.
- Read the advertisements for eight swimming clubs.
Decide which club (A-H) would be the most suitable for
the people (1-5). i
I Ava ........ 3 A1fie........ 5 Leioh

2 Matthew........ 4 Charlotte........ Leigh is an excellent gymnast as well ,

as a very good swimmer. She would tike t
to join a club where she is chattenged
to learn new things. She isn't free at i
the weekends. r

'\e É

Fum Suvrnlr: ffimd yffiffi#m mffiwfuH
A Towm Susfiammfmg €&roh I Hmmpronre Vowr Swümm{mg
This is a serious cLub for swimmers who are interested in representing lf you are not a beginner swimmer but wou[d Like to improve
our town in competitions. You don't need to be an expert to join us, your techníque, this is the cLub for you. Numbers are [imited,
as we provide training from quatified swimming instructors. There is so our members can get attention from an instructor whenever'
a test to check your [eve[ before you start. We meet every Saturday' they want. Our ctub meets on Tuesdays from 4.30 p.m. to
Ask the receptionist for an up-to-date timetable, 5.30 p.m.

B Wafte¡. Fo[o €fln¡h F ffioflphfms 5upümmiatg Cü,uh

lf you love swimming and competítions, then our ctub is for you! We We are a ctub for kids who love to swiml Each week we try a

need new members to join our teams. There are two levets: beginners new spo( or game and afterwards there is time for a snack and
and intermediate. We provide extra equipment but you do need to a chat in the main haLt. The club is open to anyone aged 10-14
wear a hat and goggtes. We meet every Wednesday, 4.00 p.m. to who can aLready swim 25 metres without hetp, We meet on
6.00 p.m. Saturday afternoons at 3 p.m.
C §wf m WarVww G Aqwa €&uh
We are a friendty swimming ctub which meets on Fríday evenings, What coutd be more fun than keeping fit in the water? Aqua
from 5.00 p.m, onwards. aerobics is Like doing gymnastics underwater. lt's great for
buitding musctes and keeping in shape. The ctub meets every
Each meeting starts with an hour-Long swimming session at the
Saturday and there are two [eve[s: 10.00 a.m. for beginners and
Heath Road pool and then there is a chance for our members to get to
11.00 a.m, for swimmers who have tried aqua aerobics before.
know each other, with refreshments provided. 0pen to young peop[e
aged fifteen and above. H Symefrtro-§wfm
lJ w3t@*bwEmmEm@ We're looking for new members for the synchronised swimming
ctub, Do you think you've got what it takes to join us? You need
Do you enjoy swimming in the open air? Then put on your wetsuit
to be a confident swimmer with dance or gymnastics training
and come wild-swimming with us! We meet on Sundays at the Heath
to start learning this fantastic sport. Previous members of our
Road pooland take a minibus to the [ake. lnstructors wilt be available
ctub have been selected for the national team. Sessions are on
to hetp you make the most of your time and stay safe. You must be an
Mondays from 5.00 p,m. to 6.30 p.m.
l.+ exceltent swirnmer to join.

'aÍ_*.- ..¿ '
litr1. _§,

@rinawords or phrases in the article that have ffi Complete the sentences with words or phrases from Ex 4.
these meanings. ls this the most ...,..,....................." version of the members list?
I with all the latest lnformation (text A) It looks quite old.
2 lesson (text C) 2 Running is good for your heart and for staying
\- 3 food and drink (text C) 3 Take sandwiches and some juice because there aren't any
at the sports centre
4 outside (text D)
l've ............................. the players for the volleyball team.
5 fit (text C) .............................
They're on that list on the wall.
6 chosen (text H) warm days.
5 I love exercisinS .......,....................., especially on
6 Our next training ,. is on Monday afternoon.

4 Tcking pert

/\ d] 7q r. a; .'',"." ".:
ffi Complete the sentences with these adverbs and the
\:7 l{ r#*i ' '-'. : present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

presenl perfect ai,.ruays e\iei' iusl nevel ye i

ffi Cf,oose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.

I I ............,....,, ..... (swim) in a lake in my life, but
1 l'm I l've never tried climbing, but l'd like to. l'd like to.
2 l've did / done gymnastics since I was five years old. 2 They started training at 10.30 and they

3 Has / Have you or your friend ever been in a basketball team?
(not finish).

4 l've always rode / ridden a mountain bike, not a BMX, 3

5 We've just finished / finishing the game. I lostl 4 ltxiñ*l;::r;"§:§:í

5 Tom's hair is wet because he..,.,.,.,..,,.,..
ffi 4.1 Listen to two teachers talking about preparations
"- mfoi sports day at their school, Whích things has the woman
(have) a swimming lesson,

already done? ffi Ctroose which words or phrases go in which column in

the table.

2016 a couple oF hours a few days a month last week

September lhree years we were little
School ryorts AoY - things to áo
7 washteamvettt ú
2 bvy ¡¡inr1erlt meAals t
l wrileteamlisls !
1 l¡ná sacks {ot)vmPing race n
5 ¡ená email fo Tarents ú
G checksovná system tr
7 ask [\r iranger lo culfhe grass n ffi Complete the blog post with the present perfect form of
the verbs in brackets.

ffi m 4.2 Complete the sentences from the recording with

the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets. Listen
Our new sperts centre
again and check your answers. There ore lois of new sports to try ot the sports cenlre. lf I
...;........,....,.;..¡,.,... (iust / open), so I couldn'f woil to go ond find out
I ,.........,,....,.... (you / ever / help) with sports day at
whol's on offer. ln foct, | 2
school before?
(olreody / sign up) for two new sporls!
I ........................ (already / tick) some lhings off
I love swimming, ond l'm quite good ot il but I 3:
the list, but you can help with the rest.
....."..,....... (never /rbe) in o leom before - I 1
3 | ,....................... (not buy) the medals yet, (olwoys / swim) on my own. Now I 5...............,..:.....,,....:.......,.,..
4 Mrs Brown (already / look) in the (ioin) lhe new woler polo teom, which is very exciling: I
sports storeroom,
(you / send) an email to the becouse sessions stort next week.
parents about sports day yet?
l'm olso inferested to leorn oboul the sprint cycling becouse I
| .........,,...........,. (just I do) that. The sound system ,,.,,....,..,..,......,............;........
(never/try) it before. l'm going to do
is ñne. o'slorler' ride on Soturdoy becouse I s.......................
7 Mr Granger (not cut) the grass Yet. (not decide) if I wont lo ioin the group yet.

a (t / foroet) anvthino?

\- 'r ifl\ ¿"\ jt. Íi' ' ffixÉencJ

rit*l'L,ioii.,. , - .

ffiV"tcnthese words with their meanings.

\. arl-rlele captain champior f an
ffi Complete the conversation with these words. final medal stadium
changing rocms coach locker prize race lrack
a prize which you can put
\* around your neck
A: Excuse me, are these the girls'1......,......................?
\- a person who competes
B: Yes, that's right. Come in. Do you want to put your bag in a
in a sport
told me to leave my things here.
A: Yes. The
the last match in a
B: You must be new. You'll like it here. We're preparing for an important competition
cross-country 1.."...........,.........,... at the moment. lt's called 'Five OK'l
a place where thousands
A: Does that mean we have to go into the countryside to run? of people can watch
B: No, we practise on the 5.........,. first. We do shorter distances and live sport
practise starts and finishes. 5 a person who leads a team
A: And what's the .... for winning'Five OK'? 6 someone who is very keen
B: A silver cup, just like those ones over there. lt's lovelyl on a team or sportsperson
a person or team that wins
ffi matctr the verbs (1-8) with A-H to make collocations. a competition
1 1ose........ 4 score ........ 7 kick........
2 beat...,,... 5 train ........ 8 compete.....,.. ffi ffi 4.3 Listen to an interview with a young
man who loves football. Complete the notes
3 6 hit........ with one word in each gap.
A aga¡nst another c a football F an opponent
\, team G for a competition
D a match
a tennis ball a goal H a prize
E Narra¿ of 5vpe"-1
Choose the correct answers to complete the email. Tovvr Lewis

Favovrile ylac¿ le wafch, {oolball,

L .'.1.r .
"r / '........,,....
Hi Mum, Favovr\le {ool$6¡1¿", z..,.,...'.......'.....'..',..
L ^Í

lrm really enjoying summer camp. You won't believe it, but l'm in fl^e feaw,, WeSley ?ic¡ardS
the top tennis group! We play r........ in pairs and groups of four. The
\ea;on, fiinil, Werle/ is a gr¿al
tennis 2.,...,.. are beauliful - and very big! We also 3........ by hitting the
ball against the wall. lt sounds boring, but we have fun by seeing
who can hit the most balls without stopping. Our 4........ says it's a Favovr\fe football w
good way to train. He makes us work really hard - I guess that's '"T1.:+''Nafc\ing
why our group is the best! We play the groups from the other camps
lie cuyu
- r .'........................... al Wewrbley
and we usually s.,..,,.. them. But I think it's more fun to 1.,..... against besl fo otball t o vven\ r: 6.

my friends than people I don't know. {rovw f\e World Cvy in A"genlina
v One more week to enjoy and then back to school!

\-! Love,

1A pnzes B matches C goals D rACES

2A cou ris B rooms C tracks D coaches

3A kick B coach C score D train
4A player B coach C match D team
5A h¡t B score C beat D
6A kick B beat C catch D compete
*& Toking r-rcrf

L§$Tffif'Jll-ii i.- simple ond present perfecl


ffi Cnoose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.

ffi ffi o o Listen to an interview with a young athlete who
1 Yesterday's match was / has been very exciting.
ís talking about gymnastics. Which of these things does
he talk about? 2 didn't run / haven't run in the race this afternoon.

I what he finds difficult f] 3 cycled / have cycled to school today.


2 the time he spends training I 4 Did the race finish / Has the race finished? Who won?

3 how gymnastics is affecting his school work tr 5 I knew / l've known Ben for three years - we always play
football together.
4 what made him start training tr 6 We didn't play / haven't played tennis since Marchl
5 how gymnastics has changed him I 7 The coach is late, so our training session didn't start /
ó another sport hed like to try f] hasn't started yet.

W , tE r.u Listen again. For each question, choose the When I was younger, I didn't like / haven't liked taking part
in competitions.
correct answer.
I How does Ryan feel about training at the gym?
ffi Complete the email with the past simple or present perfect
A He doesn't like having to work so hard. form ofthe verbs in brackets.
B He usually enjoys it even though it's not easy.
C He'd prefer to stay in bed on,weekdays.
2 What does Ryan find the most dlfñcult about being
a gymnast?
Hi Ethan,

A getting up early in the morning

B eating a special diet (enter) the national spoñs competition and

C training under pressure 12,,........,..,......... (decide) to take parfl This

year there are some new sports like synchronised
3 Ryan started gymnastics because
swimming and mud running, whích is great funl
A he saw a programme on television. The competition 3..,...............,........,....,,..,...... (not include)
B his mother made him do it. these sporls last year or the year before, so they're
C his sister was a competitive gymnast. new for everyone. 14.,,.....,.............. (not know)
4 What does Ryan say is his main motívation? which sport to do until last week, when my teacher
A winning
B becoming famous swimming. Of course, I ó........................,.............,.,,, (say)
'yes'! I 7......,.... ..,.. (always / like) swimming,
C being as good as other athletes
Ryan says that the key to being a
but I 1............., . (never / do) gymnastics in
the water. lt sounds fun - | can't wait!
successful athlete is
A the time you put in. Love,
B having a good coach.
C following certain rules.
Ryan feels that gymnastics has i

taught him I

A to be more confdent.
B to appreciate his family.
C to organise his time.


'I :_'
3ó I
r¡ I
i-l ' Comptete the questions about photo A with whot,
who or how.
1 .....,.,.........,........,.. is in the picture?
2 .........................,... are they?
3 ............,.....,.......... are they wearing?
4 ....,..,..,.......,.......... are they doing?
5 .,..,.............,......,... are they feeling?
6 ,.,...,...........".......... do you think about this sport?

a description of photo A. Does the student answer all

ffi neaaquestions
the in Ex 1?

The photo shows two friends. They are at the top of a rock ffi loot at photo B. Complete the sentences describing it with
and there are lots of trees around. They are wearing spotls one word in each §ap. Use Exs 2 and 4 to help you.
clothes, and one of them is also wearing a special hat, He The photo .." a girl and an older man doing an
is pulting a rope, so maybe he is helping a fríend to climb activity together.
up. I think it looks beautiful there, but a bit scary' I'd like to They're playing with large plastic rings - I can't
go climbing one daY. ... what they're called.

3 I can see Iots of trees, so .....,,..............,....... they're in a park.

4 They're both jeans and jumpers, so I don't
ffi ffi 4.6 Listen to a student describing the same photo. very hot or very cold.
think the weather is
- Ooes he answer all the questions in Ex 1?
5 It might ... sPring or autumn,

ffi ffi 4.7 Listen again and decide the phrases you hear, 6 Perhaps the man at the .,..........., of the photo is the
1 It's a photo of ... tr 6 It looks like ... n girl's grandfather.

2 Onthe left ... ú 7 The boys look ... T They both ... very happy - I think they're
having a great time.
3 On the right ... tr 8 lcan't remember
4 At the back ... tr what it's called. tr S"y the sentences in Ex 5. Record yourself.
5 At the front .,. n 9 It might be ... n ffi
10 Perhaps there's .. tr ffi ffi 4.8 Listen to your recording from Ex 6. Then listen to
track 4.8. Compare.

, i'.


4 Tcklng pcri"

@ neaa the a¡'ticle in Ex 3 again and answer

WreáTBhJ ft; the questions"
I Does the student answer all the questions in
on orlicle the advert?
ffi Oo you do any of these sports? Write your sports in the correct column in
the table. Do you do any other actívities that you can add? Does she give extra information for each of
the q uestions?
basketball cycling Foorball rugby running table tennis tenriis volleybaltr

How many paragraphs are there? Which

at school w[th nmyfam.lí[y with rmy fríen'rds {dom't do f¡hese quest¡on does each paragraph answer?

Does the student use words and phrases to

link ideas? Find examples,

ffi neaO the advert in Ex 2 again, then look at

your answers to Ex 4 and plan your own
ffi eeaa the advert for an article about sports. How many questions do you
article. Make notes for each paragraph.
need to answer? Highlight them.

i Tell us ahout sport i¡r Uour life!

i We need a star article for the next edition of the school magazine,

: Which sports or games do you do or play and why?

. How good are you at ühose sponts or games?
ii . How can sports or games help you in your life? I

i Tell us all about it - you might make the front page! i


ffi Complete a student's article with these words. ', Write your article in about 100 words,
Use your notes from Ex 5.
although as soon as because eiEher... or except so thar

,H:::#,::t;,i",:r"*13!d e,E "ressons because r didn,t

i: : :: :: :: :rT ff f* ::xii:.,: dr';ü: H11T; J,:,i'
;;; ;il" ;;;:f:Í: j"l:l""l" l:l: r*ñ;: ;: ::;

.,.. it isn,t a team
.por,. ÁJ ............................
r roved itr;..;.^^^:..;l::.
r soon tri"á otlr"i;rd[Jí.Ti;""o r started,
too, rike high jump jumo
and sprinting, and il¿ua
r mosr rik";;;;;;'ilil..T:
ñrrhá* ^,^-to:'.like
rw I train most
1.............. . .. . -"U"r*.. , .r+^* ^_, days,

IT,fli:f"1'"ff'J.i'l'::1:events'. , . .,.. rongjump. My ravourite

.r,'*pi"n i i;; ,1, i, JJ::;:#: in the n aiion ár, iir",i.,
ilff T:lf
helps rne to be the jj'"}ff H::


ffi laOetthe píctures. The first letter of each word is given.

tJhJ§r ffiL:$ ffi#H
-& ,.T, wat<e sentences in the present perfect.
\ 1 I I play / in a lot of football games this term
I 2 our team / not win / any matches this year
* p........................... m...........""........,.....
i, 3 I not try / mud running, but I d like to
i t:.. '.

4 you I put / your clothes in your locker?

F 5 Jacob I start I learning kickboxing with the new coach
ó the school / buy / some new footballs t,..,.,.....,..,..........., c........................... t.....".....................

-}tr ,;,fl Ur" the information in the table to write a paragraph about
Jack and Amelia. Use the present perfect and olreody or yet.

join a tennis club t...........................
have a tennis lesson
É ffi comptete the blog post with these verbs,

Í Jack and Amelia,have decided toget fit. They have already tleat corlpeted liit kicked gcored traineci !'rron

Match report - Saturday 23 May
t perfect or past V'
t Today was a very important day because we r
simple form of the verbs in brackets.
I in our tast match of the season. We've 2.......,.,..
A: Hey, you two. Look at all the new sports we can do at the for this for a [ong time. We needed to 3......,...,..................
4 sports centre.
Greenfietds High Schoot to get to the top of the league.
t B: (You / trY) sPrint cYcling?
A: No, I haven't got a b¡ke. What about you? No one .... in the first forty-five minutes -
B: I 2......,................ (try) it last week but I
at hatf-time it was 0-0, As soon as we came out after the
r (not like) it. break, Harry t..,.............,.,.....,.... the batt over the goatkeeper,
A: What about you, Dan? but it 1............. the post and didn't go into the net.
Everyone was worried that it was
(join) the water polo team! We

too [ate, except me - I atways betieve
a (have) a training session yesterday but we
in the team! And sure enough, with
(not play) a match yet.
just five m¡nutes to go, Rob got a
B: Maybe we should join, too. goaI and we 7............................. ! We're
A: I 7.,......,......,.,..... (never / play) water polo. in the number óne spot for the first
C: Well, why don't you come to the training session that's on timel l'm signing off now to go and
this afternoon? cetebrate with the rest of the team,
B: Ican't. I t............,...,,.,..... (not finish) last week's
homework yet.
A: I haven't got any homework. l'll comel

r\r*" A Rni\ r?¡^"
!\ k ]t,Ii\,'.i :,-
ln Yolanda Burton's opinion, how can celebrity couples keep
photographers away from thelr wedding?
A by doing a deal with one publisher
ffi Comptete the sentences with these words,
B by using technology
attention backs due right stress rhing C by posting free photographs online
D by hiding
I No one has the .,. tojudge you because of What would the writer be most likely to say?
how you lookl
A Famous people should always keep theirweddings private.
2 i've got exams soon, so l'm under a lot of
B Only photographers should be allowed to attend the
at the moment.
3 The bus is late? That's the 1ast.......,,....,,..,,...,...... I need!
C Getting married in the spotlight ought to be the
4 couple's choice.
from the teacher.
D Being so interested in the lives of people we don't know
It's sad that her old friends have turned their
is wrong.
on her now she's famous.
6 The delay in filming was........................,.... to a problem with ffi nead the text again and decide if these staternents are
the cameras. true (T) or false (F).

I The writer knows lots of celebrities...,.....

ffi neaO the article quickly and find:
1 the name of a fairytale character: 2 The writer thinks celebrities'lives are always glamorous.........
2 a place where two film stars got married: 3 What we see of celebrities is not always rea1.,.......
3 two things photographers may use to get photos from 4 Yolanda Burton suggests ways to help couples keep control
above: of their big day. ........

'., Read the artícle again. For each questíon, choose the
5 The writer feels sorry for celebrities who get married in
correct answer.
ln the writer's opinion, we are interested in the weddings ffi fina words in the article that have these meanings.
of celebrities because The first letter of each word is given.

A we want to see their faces on their wedding day. 1 attractive, interesting and unusual (para 2): 9..
B they are like friends to us. 2 large groups of people (para 3): c...................,....,..,.

C we want to know what their lives are like. 3 place (para ¡): 1..............

D they are our heroes. 4 available only to one person or group of people (para 4):
What does the writer say about celebrities in the second
paragraph? 5 a children's story (para 4). f.,,,.........................
A Their weddings are private events. 6 things you remember from the past (para 4):
B They can't look perfect all the time.
C Their lives are more exciting than ours. [i'6,1 Cf,oos" the correct word from Ex 5 to complete the
D They are just people like us. sentences.
3 The writer mentions Fassbender's wedding as an example 1 When buying a house, decide what is most important to
of how some stars you --..,..........., or space.
A keep their relationships private. 2 Working'on a farm isn't....,........................ but it's rewarding.
B prefer to get married in another country. 3 I like films to have a............. ending.
C get more attention from photographers. 4 The .. at the new shopping centre were huge.
D try to avoid the publlc 5 I have the most wonderful .. of my time at
summer camp.
ó The .. interview with the pop star was
fasci nati ng.

Arreader commented on my article from last week. He said it was wrong to be so interested in the
weddings of people we don't even know - why do we want to find out all the details of an actor or
pop star's big day? I think really it's because we see their faces and read about their lives so often -
we feel like we know these people.

At the sarne time, famous people are like characters in Yolanda Burton, a celebrity wedding planner I spoke
a fairy tale to us. Their lives seem exciting and glamorous. to recently, says she usually advises couples not to 'hide
A celebrity wedding is a bit like Cinderella getting married completely'. 'Photos of a secret wedding will be worth
to her prince, and we all want to be there to watch. thousands of dollars, so photographers will do anythíng to
But we forget that what we see is a public image. They may get them - even use helicopters or drones to take shots
look perfect but these are actual people, not characters from the airl'she said.'lthinkthe best idea isforthe couple
in a story. to sell exclusive photos to only one magazine. That way, the
couple have control over the moments they share. So, the
Because of allthis attention, many celebrities nowadays fans get their "fairytale pictures" and the couple also have
get married in secret, to keep the crowds of fans and their own private memories of their wedding day.'
photographers away. But it's not easy to keep the event out
of the spotlight. To do this, some celebrities have to hold I too love looking at celebrity wedding photos, but I do think
the cerernony in a faraway location, For instance, actors it's a shame if you have to hide on your special day. No one
Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander got married on should have to worry about that. ltt all about respect, really:
a farm on the island of Ibiza, which was difficult for most celebrities or not, the bride and groom should be the ones to
photographers to get to. decide how to spend the happiest day of their life - and who
to share it with.

S In the sPotlighr

ffi neaa the second conditional sentences from an interview

with a child star. Complete them with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
zero, first ond second conditionols 1 I ...........................,. (not be) an actor today if I ............,..,,........,..,
(not enjoy) it.
ffi Complete the zero conditional sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Then decide which sentences 2 They.......... (tell) me ¡f I ..................,,...,..... (need) to
are true for you. take a break.

I When I meet my best friend, she always 3 lf 1...............(have) children, I ........,...,.,...,,..,.,.... (not
(say),'What's new?' push) them to be actors.

2 lf I get home too late, my parents ...........,................. (be) 4 lf I ............., (not be) an actor, I ......,...................... (miss)
usually angry. the excitement a lot.
3 f4y mum ... (make) me a cake when it's 5 lf I ,,........,................., (can) work with any actor, it
... (be) Eddie Redmayne.
my birthday.
4 lt annoys me if anyone ... (go) into my room ó I ..........................,.. (not want) to be in a musical if I

.,, (have to) dance.

without asking.
5 lf I want to relax, | ................,..........., (listen) to music. 7 My brother says he .. (be) in films if he
... (not be) a musician.
ó When my parents .,. (have) a busy day, I help
make dinner.
ffi m 5.1 Listen to the interview and check your answers.
ffi Complete the first conditional sentences in the
conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ffi Complete the interview with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.

Hi, Dan. l'm on my way, but l'm running a bit late

because mumls car broke down. lf I 1 Whcxt would you do IF...?
' (miss) the büs, I 2.....;..,....,....;,...,,.... (let) you know.' '
Every week at Pop News we invite our readers:lo ask
tt'i.l. their tavourite celebrity the questión lWhat would,you do
,,, r,. ,':, r:: .ir,' . . - : , rr :: i..: ..:r :i:: r: :::.,:,: ,: ,.'. .,: ,

O K. lf yo'u 3.,.....,-....,.,,.....,..,,
(not get)' here on tjme. if .., ?' This week we say hi to BillrT,f¡s, the band,lDX.
\¡,/e a....................,...,.... (not see) the show because they Hi, Billy! What would you do if you'..................,........................
ciose the doors. But we can do something different. (not be) in a pop group?
' ,* 2...................
Ah, a diÍticult question! lf I (nol sing),
Thanks. lf I 5,
... (be) too late. l'd be really bored. Singing is my passion.
6 (you / tell) Dylan l'm sorry, please? lf you won the lottery, what 3..;.........
(you I buy)?

OK. l'm sure he (understand) the

.... Creat questionl lf I 1.........,... ... (have) lots of money.

situation if I 8......,.........,,,,......... (explain) it to h¡m. l'd buy a big house for my family.
Billy, if you had another pet, what
(it / be)?
(geD another pet, it'd be a snake,
ffi cnoose the correct words to complete the zero and first
We know you hate flying, Billy. So what would you do if
conditional sentences.
the band 7..........,............., (want) to do a concert in
1 lf you want / will want to take a photo, you press / another country?
you'll press this button.
I 8............................. (travel) by Lrain.
2 lsend / l'll send you an invitation if you give / will give me Well, if it wasn't too far,
your mobile number. I love trains.
3 Your mother is / will be worried about you if you don't /
won't call her.
4 lf Lily concentrates / will concentrate, she always wins /
she'll always win the game.
5 lf you don't / won't listen, you don't i won't know what
to do.
6 You don't / won't get to know them if you don't / won't
talk to them.

r1 $

\-u'-iC;Aij ffi Complete the blog post with words from

Activity 3 in the correct form. Use one word
in each gap.
ffi Wf,i.t', of these verbs cornes before all the words in each group?

book clap enterta,n film intervie,¡¡ peri'ornt reviern,

.-"*,-,"-^*,_*;;;*.Mylocoltheotreisonlysmoll,bufit,sgot of big' comfortoble seois

z ........................... a scene a TV programme a documentary ,,""""""""""""""
' thot ore greot for reloxing ond enjoying
3 ......,..........".......,. on stage in a play on TV
the audience
tl-: """""'"" " wos full
4 ........................... peopre the crowd ]":lnlt lnu ;
of students who eome to wotch o
5 ..........,................ a film star a director a politician
musicol o' tT creoiive Teens Theotre
ó ....................,...... a ticket a seat a holiday
Compony. A live 3,

7 ........................... a concert a book a TV programme

ployed music during the show ond o
*WffiS 2 What is each person going to do? Lísten and match the activities .".. song o mixture of clossicol
iÁ*-rl with the conversationr0-ó).
perrorm in a
record a
;;X!ll,#l!;,llii,l1""'Jll."* ""
ond continued for onother
c interview a pop star n"* Everything wos greot obout the
E review a f lm The octors looked hot ond very
F book a practice room uncomfortoble oll night.
¡3 ! Loot at the pictures and complete the crossword.

ffi vat.t' the jobs (1-7) with the actions (A-G) to
make sentences.
I A poet A writes books.
2 A film-maker B plays songs on the
3 A disc jockey radio or at a disco.

4 A musician c writes poems.

5 A journalist ú entertains people.
ó An author E writes articles or
7 A performer
plays an instrument
or sings.
G makes movies.

ffi Complete the questions with these words,

anirnarion clip exhibition I'iction poem

When was the last time you:

I read or wrote a

2 watched a video
3 read some.....,.....,.,..........,....?
4 went to an ......,............,......... ?
5 watched an .......,...,................. ?

[7] Ans*"r the questions in Ex 6.

I 43
5 ln the spc;-l;gn'i

i.,., unless, in cose, if lwere you
sT ffi $v i " Rewrite the sentences using unless.
ffi! ffi ,,, You will hear six conversations about I We won't wait for them if they don't call to say they're coming.
music. Listen and match the conversations
(1-6) to the top¡cs (A-F),
Which conversation is about:
2 I won't go to the cinema if you don't come too.
A listening to live music?.......,
B a band's new album?........
3 We'll stop and have Iunch if you aren't too busy.

C listening to muslc while travellin g? .......,

D practising for a music performance?.,,.....
4 lf Jo doesn't have to look after her sister, she'lljoin us.

E listening to music with headphones?........

F classical music?........
5 We'll eat later if you aren't hungry.

:.m 5.4 Listen again. For each question,

choose the correct answer. ffi Cnoose the correct words to complete the review.
1 You will hear a girl talking about listening to
music in her car. Why does she do lt?
A to help her concentrate
B to stop her from feeling ill
C to make a journey go more quicklY
2 You will hear two friends talk¡ng about a
concert, They agree that The tate§t in,the Space.Rat §e¡les has nothing ns\/v ¡e 5¿y,
,tuntess / lf yo u,liáve n,t §eenr li V.etr, a tt, lrca n §av. Ís,' Don't bother!'
A the band didn't play very well,
B one of the performances was longer than The fitm starts w¡th a scene pn Matt's spaceship, which you won't
they expected. understand 2untess / if you've seen Space Rat ll. At least the speciaI effects
are exciting. The probtem is that the fitm gets worse from then on. lf I 3am /
C they were standing too far from the stage.
were you, I awilt / would stay at home and watch the first two fitms on DVD.
3 You will hear two friends talkíng about
At teast they have a storytine and are entertaining. I woutdn't waste money
listening to music on a smartphone, What do
on a ticket for this fitm, 5unless / if I needed some hetp fatting asteepl
they agree about it?
ólf / Unless you are ptanning on seeing the fitm at the cinema, take a targe
A The sound quality isn't good with
headphones. coffee'in case / unless you feel your eyes ctosing, as mine did, Give it a miss,
B Listening to music uses up a lot of battery.
C Using headphones is polite.
ffi ffi 5.5 Complete the conversation with these words and phrases,
4 You will hear two friends talking about an Listen and check your answers.
album they listened to. The girl thinks that
the second song if if I were in case unless you are you aren'r
A is very original.
B has good words. A: Have you signed up for guitar lessons?

C sounds like one by another artist. B: Yes, I have. Have you?

5 You will hear two friends talking about A: Yeah. Are you going to buy a guitar or rent one?
listening to music while studying. What does B: l've rented one already. Then r.............. I don't like the classes, I can
the boy say about it? just return it.
A He only does it with certain subjects. A: That's a good idea. l'll rent one too,2.................,........... I give up after a while.
B lt helps his memory. Where did you get yours from?

C He is careful not to disturb other people. B: The music shop in town. l'd go there and try some different sizes
.... you. Then you'll get the best one for you.
ó You will hear a girl talking about a music
competition she has entered. How does A: Oh! l'll enjoy that. I always thought that you can't go in unless
she feel?
5............................. you choose a very fancy one.
A nervous about performing in public B: Yes, they are,
B unsure she can win A: Will you come with me tomorrow and help me choose, if
C worried because she hasn't practised
enough B: OK. lt'll be funl


\-; ffi f-oot at the photo and complete
\-{ s r-'m Kíi',,,i the description with these words.
There are three words you do not
\- ffi nrt these words for describing things in the correct group. need.

black browri le¿ther me[al cra¡lge piastic tor kind looks i'nade
round small thin wood maks smali thing to

It's r"............,............... and cute. lt's'............................. of

porcelain and I think someone has painted it by hand. lt
..., like a bird, but actually it's a..............,.
L,! of toy that makes a sound. You can't use it 1......,.....
play music, though, because it has only one hole at the top
: so it doesn't make different sounds. I think it's beautiful,

W Look at the photos and put the letters in the correct order
i to complete the descriptions. The words are from Ex 1.
tf, ffi ffi 5.8 Complete the conversation
with one word in each
gap. Listen and check answers.
\{ A: What ,,..,,,...,...,.,",,..........
happening in this photo? ls one of

! those boys your brother?

B: No, that's Aidan, my cousin. He lives in lreland. He's the one
with long hair. I think he's playing in some
! of street music festival in this picture.
A: What's he playing? lt looks a drum, but he's
\r holding ít differently.

1 Itlooks like two spoons, lt's made of ............................. (odow) B: Yes, it type of drum. I can't 1...........,
¡s a what it's
and it's ... (mlsal). You use it for playing music, called, but it's an lrish instrument.
A: What's it 5...,.........................
2 It's a thing you use for cleaning flutes. lt's long and of?
\* ... (ntih). lt's made of ,....,........,.............. (amtel) B: Wood and animal skin, I think. You use that little stick
and.......,..................... (lpsiact). .... hit it, but you can use your fingers, too.

L 3 lt's a thing which you use to carry a musical instrument. Aidan can play it really quickly.
It's made of .................,........... (elaehrt) and it's A: lt looks like fun.
(l bcka).
B: Yeah. I need to ask him to let me try next time I visit.

ffi ffi 5.6 Listen to the questions and answer them

using the pictures and information in Ex 2.
Record yourself.
t- ffi ffi5.7 Listen to your recording from Ex 3.
Then listen to track 5.7. Compare. How are
they similar or different?


\* l':'.i:..



S fln¡ t['t* :;poX'[{P;Lri"

ffi Complete a student's article with these words and phrases.

VWi?u:[ ütui
besl thing hear il only baC rhing
on orticle on ihe \ /hole pertect ior recommend

ffi neaA the comments from some students'film and TV

Are they positive (P) or negative (N)?
programme reviews.
I I was really disappointed with the film.
2 The story was fascinating.
3 lt was a really exciting show.
4 I was bored by the end of the film,
5 lt was a very interesting series.
ó The special effects were disappointing.
ffi newrite these negative comments. Use these adjectives
and o áiü.

boring cold expensive olcl sad

I The concert wasn't very interesting.

hgErmma ¡
2 The ending of the film wasn't very happy.
My favourite new ptaylist is catted 'CooI it!' and it's
3 lt wasn't very warm in the theatre. got a great mix of relaxing songs on it. I downtoaded
it because my best friend told me about it. l'm glad
4 The tickets weren't very cheaP. she did!

The r........,..................,. about the ptaytist is the

third song,
5 The songs don't sound verY new 'After the storm', lt's amazing! lt's by a new artist catled
Rache[ Roberts. Rachel's got a great a voice and her
music is .... ptaying when you're studying.
ffi neaA the advert. What two things can you write about? When you ,.,,,|'m sure you'tl become a
RacheI Roberts fan.

The 1.....,....,.,............,... about the ptaytist is some

of the songs at the end aren't very relaxing! But

because the fiIst 2O songs are fantastic.

ffi neaO the article again and choose the things the
student does.
a How did you hear about it? 1 use a title T
a What is / was the best thing about it? 2 cover all three questions in the advert T
a ls / Was there anything that isn't / wasn't so good? 3 make positive comments I
4 describe problems f
5 make a recommendation T
ffi loot at your answers to Ex 3. Do you need to write about
ó describe other people's opinlons T
both of these things? neaa the advert in Ex 3 again, Decide what you are goíng to
write about and make notes to plan your answer. Try to do
the things you t¡cked in Ex 6,

Write your article in about 100 words. Use your notes

from Ex 7 to help you.

* irt-i-l'p* Cornplete the blog post with these words, There are three words you
I ¡ : tr I i i :
do not need.
Choose:the con'ect verb forms to complete: ;uciir:ncr cho!r costum€! rnusjci¿r-¡s or{:hesir¿
the sentences. t:ericr¡ilers rows ceai! ,.Lage
I lf I win the tickets to the festival, I take / l'll
take you with me.
lf you practise a lot. you will / would learn
the dance routine.
The lost doy of our holidoy - itr wffis trhe hesfE
The theatre will lose money if they don't /
won't sell all the tickets. On Sundoy we were very lucky becouse there wos o circus event in
Píano players only get better if they play /
will play every day. H,:;Ym;ilf,"Ti"ilj,l'l1il'i 1',,s+fi
Yru'll learn faster if you practise / you'll every squore, ploying folk songs.
practise more,
After lunch it stqrted to roin, so we wenl to on exhibition
lf you need help with the scenery, ask / of troditionol locol r...."......... . They looked
Y you'll ask me.
7 You won't hear their most famous songs if
omozing - but very uncomfortoble! n

Y And in the evening we went io o rother unusuol

.t you leave / you'll leave early,

P, Complete the second conditional sentences mode of recycled plosticl Unbelievoblel We hod good
x with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. neor the 1.........,................., , so I took some
\ 1 lf we ... (ask) them,
(they / sing) for us?
\ 2 I ,..,.,.......,............... (not play) the drums in here
\ if I,..,........,.....,.......... (be) you.
- Read the review. Choose the correct answers to complete the review.
\ ffiffimms oi the ffieffiffitagme
\ 6 This week, Entertoinment News is ,,...... The Voíce,
\ Saturday night's lavourite talent show. -
Y It's a simple idea. The contestant comes onto !he 1........ and gives a shorE
\ I introduction. Then the sludio 2..,...,, watches as he or she sings in front
Y (meet) your favourite pop star? of four judges, The judges can't see who is 3..,.,,.. because they have
their backs lo the singer. lf they like the singer, they press a red button
Y fP Complete the advice with in cose, if t were you
or unless, and lheir chair turns around. When this happens, everybody starls 1..,,.,.
I Take a bottle of water ... there because it means the singer is good, The winner of lhe competitlon has
V aren't any drinks. lhe chance to 5.....,.. an album. The show works well because the singers
V 2 Don't leave your seat .........,".....,...,......,, you want are good and also because thejudges and olher guest slars know
to lose it. how to 6........ the audience with slories of how they became famous.
3 | wouldn't sit in the first row
Y because the view isn't very good.

Y 4 ..., I would ask for my money back. A interviewing B performing Qreviewing

fA row B stage C exit
v 5 Can I have your mobile number
I need to call you? 2A a udience B choir C orchestra
Y. You should wear a jacket ... it gets 3A performing B filming C acting
b- colder in the evening. 4A recording B clapping C entertaining
l'd study music...,.......... . You could be
E a professional musician.
5A dLL B perform C record
k vou sav somethino. she'll never
6A interview B review C entertain
know you like her.

.. ..,
t?ffiAmgNiG ffi neaa the blog post on page 4gquickty. Was
the writer's experience posítive ór negat¡ve?

ffi neaO the clues and complete the crossword,

Across Down
2 something you can see
ffi fina the pronouns in these sentences (A-H).
f travel around an area to find Sometimes there is more than one,
5 continue to live after serious out about it A lt was calm and warm.
problems or a dangerous 3 great; so good that you can't B They were a real surprise.
situation believe it
C I didn't want to return to land, though.
ó Earth, Mercury, Mars, etc. 4 very small
D I didn't think it would be possible"
E Then we went down further.
F There were four other beginners with me.
G I wasn't qu¡te sure if it was right.
H They were really painful.
ffi . 'Read the blog post again. For each gap,
choose the correct sentence from Ex 4.
There are three extra sentences which you
do not need to use, Use the pronouns you
identífied in Ex 4 to help you find which
sentence fits each gap.

ffi flna words in the article that have

these meanings.
I very surprised (para 2)
2 immediately, without delay (para 3)

3 moving in a regular rhythm (para 3) I

feel so frightened you can't think clearly l

ffi 1"ra the advertisement. What do the pronouns in bold (1-6) refer to? (para 3)
Circle the right part of the text.
relax (para 3) ........,.,..................
ó the top part of an area of water or land
(para 5)

ffi Choose the right word from Ex 6 to complete

the sentences from reviews of a scuba
diving trip.
I You can hear your heart .........,..,..
Our exper[ instruclors will take you to a fantasttc spot in the ocean. because it's so quiet down there.
First, 3they'll teach you about safety as 4this is extremely important
to us. Then sthey'll show you some amazing sea life. you,ll even be
2 lt's easy to .........,.,........,........ at ñrst, but once
you ...........,..............,.. you'll love it.
' able to photograph ó¡t wilh one of our underwater cameras, '3 You have to remember not to swim
.. up to the
I was ............................. at everytn¡ng we saw

. ii'i : ¡

My ffr nst #6

/iff s#ffi @6&w@ffiffi

,A V P'N

l've wanted to scuba dive since I was little. I saw a documentary about the ocean and I wanted to ' '..,i.,"-
go underwater and see all those amazing sea creatures myself. ..." " Howeveri last week
:: ;n :l'.,:.?_ '. i

my dream came true and I went scuba diving for the first time. ;l:i*itaÍ:i':..,i:n
-iii: riu":.
i:>-í jlll
l, :
:.- .- 1.-,
I was on holiday with my parents on my birthday. My gift was a scuba diving lesson. I was amazed!

. -*¡l' , ,: ,. ,
. ,.'i.::.
It wasn't a solo lesson. '.............................. They were all as excited as me. Thomas, the instructor, !,=.;-)
:: r' l:r'.'
started by teaching us how to breathe with the equipment. He taught us what to do and also what }i,.;:i.,,

. i:i:ili!+a:; li¡r i
not to do. Atthat point, I started to get neryous. I realised scuba diving could be dangerous. -rliiii "1.r, :i!'1r-
.iL::l'irljJ:i i :i
A lot of beginners start in the swimming pool but we went straight ¡nto the sea. The boat took us to
a place about fífteen minutes from the coast. There, we got into the water.
3........... . My body
wasn't. My heart was beating fast and I suddenly felt cold" I was starting to panic. I took some deep
breaths and tried to calm down.
We were shown some breathing exercises to staft, then we went down into the water. We got down
to about ten metres. I could only pay attention to my ears at first. .... . I tried to get the
water out of them and after a minute or two, they stopped hurting. I looked around. The sea was
a beautiful colour- not the same as it looked from the boat at all. There were fish all around me.
They were all different colours. I started to relax.

We spent around forty-five minutes in the sea be,rore the instructor told us to swim slowly up to the
surface so we could head back to the coast. .... . I wanted to stay there longer to enjoy
the fascinating sea life but sadly the day had come to an end. lf you ever get the chance to dive,
you should take it. I loved it and l'm definitely planning on going again next year. I iust have to save
some money now!


t Fr

*]!. ,

& Dcu¡ri'Fc ecni';l

ffi (1-5)
neaA the email and complete the sentences
using the present simple or past simple
passive. Look at the verbs in bold to help you.
the possive
ffi Cnoos" the correct verb forms to complete the passive sentences.
1 The sand on the beach is I are cleaned every morning.
2 All of the children in this class were including / included in the documentary. HiCha¡'lotte,
3 This fruit isn't / aren't used for cooking because it tastes disgusting. l'm staying in an amazing village in
4 The waterfall is often photographed / photograph at night. Tenerife. Because it's hidden behind
5 The tickets for the trip weren't i didn't included in the price of the holiday. some huge mountains, people didn't
6 The soil hasn't / wasn't prepared for the new plants, so nothing grew well, know about it for years. When tourists
7 Your help isn't needed / doesn't need at the moment, but thank you finally rdiscovered it in the 1960s, locals
for offering. 2built new houses and
cafés there.
8 The forest plants are using / used to make medicine. Unfortunately, young people 3don't
need the new houses because they are
ffi m 6.1 Complete the news report with these passive verbs. Listen and leaving the village to work in the city.
check your answers. But lots of tourists avisit the village all
the time. A good new road slinks the
is often hitis slili covered \ Jas hil vtras rnoved were asked village to the airport, so it's easy for
were gir;en urere provideci tr'lere repCrted
them to come and go.

See you soon.

Resort hit by avalanche Aiden

The Mountain View Resort .... by a small avalanche yesterday'

Guests .... to stay in their rooms for several hours while the
3.............. food and 1 It ............................. by tourists in the 'l 960s.
emergency serüces tried to reach them. They
drinks by hotel staff, and children .... with games. As this is an

area which .... by avalanches, locals were able to keep guests 3 The new houses .. byyoung
calm. Everyone in the area6............................. out of the resort during the people because they're leaving the village.
evening and no missing people or serious injuries ".. . The area The village .. by lots of tourists
every year.
at least a week. The village .. to the airport by
a good new road. I
ffi Write a short paragraph about a place
I Co4plgte the sentences with the correct passive form óf the verbs you know well. lf you don't know all of the I
in brackets. information, make it up. Make sure you
a red flag. . what it is called.
2 The children ... (not teach) in the villages where they live. . where it is located.
3 This photo.............. (take) when we were in lndia. . when it was built or discovered and who by.
4 More help............................. (need) if we are going to change this situation. . who it is visited by.
5 The rubbish bags ............................. (collect) earlier this morníng. . what people think of it.
6 Dangerous animals ... (not use) in the documentary we saw.
7 The river............................. (ciean) by volunteers every year.
8 Those small houses............................. (build) by our grandparents
many years ago.

;.'.-t.ii Í :', i,,i4+;*,a


\ '-":i ,
ffi V.tcn the first part of the sentences (1-7) with the correct
ending (A-G).
I They live in a beautiful, A biue coat.
lhe nofurol world 2 Marie's making a wonderful B wl-lite stars.
the word halves (1-8) with (A-H) to form words 3 She's wearing a strange
* Vut.f'
about the natural world.
C old house.
4 They're swimming in a dangerous. D black sand.
1 And 5 We're looking up at the incredible, E deep lake.
2 Bar ó I took a walk on the unusual, F long path.
3 c 7 Harry followed the scary, G chocolate cake.
4 D
5 E f ! Cnoore the correct answers to complete the blog post.

6 F

7 G

8 H

ffi Comptete the sentences with the correct form of the

words from Ex 1. Use a plural form where necessary.
I Max and his friends couldn't go surfing because the
.. weren't big enough.

2 We couldn't see very far in front of us because We all love watching the r........ waves aI the beach and some
of the
of us can even suTf in them, but on a recent geography trip
3 I didn't want to cycle on the road, so I took the I discovered just how powerf ul the sea really is. When it's
along the river instead. very windy, strong waves hiI the '2........, and the power of
Grace and her friend were relaxing in the sun when the water breaks up lhe 3........ , which falls and creates Ihe
they saw the dark ............................. in the distance. beach below. Somel¡mes you get a 1........ beach, but in some
5 There's only one ... in the sky tonight! areas lhe 5..... . is btack because Ihe beach is near a volcano.
6 It's so hot at the beach today, it's impossible to walk on Strong ó........ can then pull whal's on the beach back into the
tha sea. ln some areas, this is causing a problem because plants
are dying because the 7........ that they live ín is being carried
ffi Complete the advert with these words.
away by the wind and waves.

clif? paths sand stars sunshine wa[erfall waves

1A big, amazing B big and amazing C amazing, big

"e*. 7A paths B cliffs C ciouds

;iBlfl@,ffi,ffi 3A rock B earth C sand
4A beautiful, white B white, beautiful C white and beautiful
P¡drugeffi@M'Flffi 5A field B sand C fog
6A snowfall B su nshine C waves
Grgmb, w 7A fog B earth C storm

Come on your own or come with friends' With around

325 days of 1............................. every year, you won't be Hxi'emm
bored at lsland Adventure Centrel You can surf the
the soft white ffi ffi 6.2 Match the adjectives in A with the nouns in B.
.... , Play beach volleyball on
midnight walk Listen and check your answers. Listen again and repeat.
.... or join us on an exciting

in Turkey'
A clear green heavy hu¡mici narrow sandy sirong thick
that lead to the highest
T Our adventure centre is located on the top of a

r .... , with amazing views of the mountains beach fcg Srass p¿ih sky snowi'all !¡/ai"re3 weather
behind and the sea in front. ln the evenings we also offer
ti dance all night and
boat trips with music, so you can describing an area of natural beauty you
r watch the .'.. in the sky at the same time! ffi writ" a paragraph
know. Try to use words from this page.
j For more information, visit our website'

6 D*wn io ecnti'l

É_ §,§ Iffi hove / get someth¡ng done

ó.3 Listen to a radio ¡nterview with a boy who organised
ffi eut the words in the correct order to make sentences.
ffi ffi t had I her / she I han I cut / paut
an event. Choose the correct words to complete the / by
I Lucas organised a marathon / rubbish run. 2 this afternoon I I lto / my / get / bike I want lrepaired
2 There were 200 / 300 runners in the race.
3 The event was / wasn't successful. 3 do / eyes / you I your I where / tested / have?
4 Lucas wants / doesn't want to organise the event again.
4 I l'm / invitations / printed / having
ffi Aeaathe questions (1-ó) and find the key words. ^y
I Why did Lucas decide to organise the event?
5 not / l'm / getting / coloured I my I hai
A to make his parents proud of him
B to improve the appearance of his local area ó checked / we / the / last week / got / computer
C totrytowinaprize
2 On the day ofthe event, Lucas was
7 we I our nails / at the salon / done / had
A concerned about tiny details.
B confidentthat itwould go well. 8 a dress / Becky's / for her sister,s wedding / made / getting
C excited to take part in ¡t.
3 What did people love most about the event?
A that they had a fun time ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous or
B that the whole family could attend past simple of hove something done.
C how it was organised
I I ."........................... my eyes ............................. every year. (check)
4 For next year's event, Lucas will
2 They .. their skateboards ............................. in
A ask people to provide their own equipment. the shop yesterday. (repair)
B allow people to run the race in teams. 3 Emma photo
.. her .. at the
C choose a different day. moment. (take)
5 What does Lucas want to do in the future? 4 Daniel a|ways............. his hair .. by his
A help other teenagers organise events dad. (cut)
B create similar events across the country 5 They ..pizza ............. last night.
C learn to use social media to advertise the event
ó What advice does Lucas give to other young people?
ó We ............................. the classrooms .. last year.
(not paint)
A Try to make a small difference to your area.
7 My nei9hbours.............................their house
B Pick up your rubbish and put it in a bin. twice a week. (clean)
C Be creative with your ideas. 8 My 9randma............................. her hearing
last week and it was fine. (test)
ffi ffiu.o Listen again. For each question in Ex 2,
choose the correct answer.

é.8 Listen to the instruct¡ons. Match the options (1-5) with the pictures (A-E).
\- ú-- if.FH
the school provides more recycling bins........
1 charge for plastic bags at the cafeteria ...".... 3

2 students bring their own reusable water bottles 4 coffee is served in mugs, not plastic cups........
for drinking........ 5 the school provides free drinking water........
Reducing plostic wqste



\{ A.
two students doing the task in Ex 1 and answer Wffi6.7 Listen again and check your answers.
@ ffi ó.6 Listen to
the questions.
1 Which opt¡ons do theY discuss?
ffi neaa the questions. Choose the best phrase
to answer each one.
2 Which student tries to help the other say more?
Because they ... For me, ... is betrer because
ffi Complete the gaps in the conversation (1-5) with sentences A-F. Well, firstly, we ... Yes, I wouid because ...
There is one extra sentence you do not need' , Yes, they ought lo ...
A Go on. D How would that help?
B Why do you think that? E What do you think about the mugs? I When you buy a drink, do you prefer a glass
F bottle or a plastic one?
C Do you agree? What do you like?
A: I think the school should provide recycling bins.
2 Would you like to use less plastic?
B: Yes, I do. Um ... er...
* A:2........
B: we definitely need to recycle more, and having more recycling
3 ln what ways do we use a lot of plastic?
F Yes, well,
bins will help.
A: Exactly.3........ Why do you think people use so many
] B: They're better than throw away cups with plastic lids. The cafeteria should
plastic bags?

l use those, really. Plastic lids are a waste and can't be recycled easily
A: I agree,and we use so manyofthem, I alsothinkthe school needs to 5 Do you think schools should recycle more?
] provide more water founta¡ns, too. Then people won't need to buy
¡ bottles of water.

] B: Yes. that's a good idea. And so is charging for plastic bags in the cafeteria, ffi ffi ó.8 l-isten to the questions from Ex 5 and
record your answers. Listen to your answers.
in my opinion.
Did you give enough details?
r A: Hmm. .

I B: Well, if people had to pay, they'd stop using them.

A: s........
B: Because we only use them when they're free!
A: Hmm, good point!
,& [-jü\*r'n tc ,ee¡;-il'¡

tr n/r':l*f*JÉ\ i1 l-
ts t-f 5\: !,': 'l'\ ffi Oecide if the phrases in Ex 2 give thanks (T),
make an invitation (M), acceplan invitation (i¡
or refuse an invitation
on emo¡l (R).
1 ........ 3 ........ 5
ffi neaa the writÍng task. Why is Etspeth writing?
2 ........ 4 .......^ 6
A to thank you for something C to accept an invitation
B to invite you to do somethíng ffi ftl your answer to the writing task in Ex 1.
Follow these steps.
Read this email from your English-speaklng friend
Elspeth and
1 Find the four main po¡nts you need
the notes you have made. Write yor, using all the notes to include.
Write your answer in about 100 words"rnall 2 Think about what you can wrjte for each
point. Make notes.
3 Think about useful phrases you can use to
thank, invite, etc. Add them to your notes.
.r..' : 4 Think about how you will start and end
your email.

Responá fo
fhis news.

How are you? I hope you,re having a

great holiday, I went rock climbing in the
Refuse aná
mountains for the first time last week and
say why.
it was amazing!

Do you want to come and visit me

next week? I could take you to the new
national park here. lt,s great. Yes! lnvite Elspeti
to my home.
Maybe you want to do something next
month, too. We have lots of free time in
the holidays. lt'd be nice to see youl
' --' Write your email in about 100 words.
By the way, I know it,s your birthday Use your notes from Ex 4.
tomorrow, so I sent you something in the Thank her.
post yesterday. You should get it today.
Have a gleat day!


ffi eut the words in the correct order to make usefur phrases
for your emair. ir 1l
1 visiting / about I me I in August I how? {.¿!-

A **
2 i
for I me/sending /thank/a birthday I you I gift l,
i,r ,'".-
r*f r*¿- s ..

3 visit I I I can't I l'm I nextweek/you I afaid norjor.'

4 would you / come and stay /next month wíth me
/ / like to?
iii:1': n'

5 sounds I idea I like/ a great /that

ó come I l'd I and see / next week i love to / you

54 ,j''
ffil Complete the words in the messages. The first and last letter of each
word is given.

Complete the puzzle with the past partíciples

of the verbs. What is the infinitive of the past Hil Got here late last n¡ght but luckily there was a full
,m.......................-:...n, so we could see
to put the tent up.
partíciple in red?
We could see hundreds of 2s.".......,.....-,....."......s
'# in the sky. lt was amazing!

q How's the weather?

Warm and not a 3c...............,.;.r.......:.d in the skyrthis morning. Hope
x this as.............................e lasts, but the campsite owner says itlll be
windy tomorrow. We might even get á ti.....,......,......,,..,....,m by the
'$ end of the week!
x Hope not! What are you doing today?

x Across We're going for a wa'lk, fhe¡e's a 6p.,..,...,....-.........i.....h that goes

x 1 brea k 5 give along the mountaln. lt'll take us to á 'w....,..,........,,,...,..;.,,1 abou't
kilometres away, where we hope to swim.
five '

\ 2 write ó think
-É 3 throw 7 tear Sounds amazing!
4 sing infinitive: Yeah, it does. I think the water
\ will be pretty cold, though.
-* ffi Ur" some of the past participles from Ex 1 to
in the passive.
complete the sentences
\ 1 The girl ............................. lots of new toys for
\ her birthday. ffi Writ",tf'"se adjectives in the correct group in the'table:
She returned the item to the shop and told
\ them it.............................when she opened it.
amazing ancienr dar;gerotts ilat high horrible huge
incredibie r¡arro'!^.1 prei¡j scary tiny
\ His speech ... on his tablet - but
his tablet ¡s in that taxi!
None of the students knew howthe book
\ but the teacher was furious.
\ 5 Everyyearthe p1ants........,.................... inside
when it gets cold, but they still don't always
survive the winter.

l13J- Choose the correct verb forms to complete

Y the sentences.
f Experts believe that the avalanche and correct mistakes with the order of adjectives in four of
was cause / caused by the change in
* the sentences.
I Rob found a smooth, comfortable rock and sat on ¡t.
2 The bags at our local supermarket isn't make /
I aren't rnade of plastic, They're paper bags.
The rocks over there were forming / formed
2 They had their picnic on the lovely, green grass in the park.
* over millions of years.
l A lot of rubblsh was found / were founded 3 We spent the day at the sandy, pretty beach.
on the beach this morning.
That photo didn't take / wasn't taken in 4 We sat and looked at the beautiful, calm sea.
] Paris! That's a street in Rome.
I Ben and Hannah were / have warned about
5 We watched the pink, amazing sunrise.
the river, but still went swimming.
7 The animals at the zoo are given / were gave
] food several times each daY. ó No one went into the icy, scary river.

; 8 The moon has covers / is covered by the

clouds, so we can't see it. 55

ffi complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in
ffi Choot" the correct verb forms to complete the text. 1

lf somebody ... (buy) you a ticket to

George and I lare / has been / have been friends for anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
a long time. We ,met / were meeting / have met at
summer camp five years ago and we still 3got on / I'd go to New York. I 2............................. (dream)
get on / are getting on well today. We 4spent / about it now and then.
have spent / are spending a lot of time together since
we smet / have met / were meeting, but last year we 3.........
6didn't see / haven't seen / weren,t lf you ...............;... (can) take a friend,
seeing each other who a..¡;.,..;...........;.,..,...
(it / be)?
at all because George moved to a different area with
his family. We Tmeet up /'re meeting up /,ve met up 5.............................
Defi nitely Phoebe. She (come) with me
with each other next month. We 8,ll probably see /
and my family to Spain last year and we 6,
'll see probably / 're probably seeing a football (have) lots offun.
match. We talready planned /'ve already planned /
've already planning to go to a summer camp next
Conversation 2
yea¡ but we rodidn't decide / weren,t deciding /
haven't decided where we'll go yet. 7.:....,.;,..".:.,....-.....,.
lf the weather (be), n,ice tomorrow what
will you do?

ffi Complete the texts with these words. , I 8............................. (take) my dog to the beach.
What about you? :
calm captain competes confident hits kick lose
score scores serious trains wins
| ,.....................,....... (So)
to my grandparent,s house unless they
t0.;.;.;,.,.,,.,.,.,.;.......,. (have)
other pfans. Last month I went round
Roger ís a great tennis player. He's to seé them but they !r...,:.....:...,..... . . .... (h¡ke) in the hillsl l
fast, athletic and he
the ball hard. He's ,............................. in Conversation 3
his abilities because he knows he's
one of the best players in our school W-l'rát ha.ppels if someone ,r....,...............,,..., .. (press) that
He doesn't .... a lot of matches. button there?
Whatt funny, though, is that het terrible at
football - he can't .... a balll l've got no idea. No one ever does it. Try it and seel

Gareth is a brilliant footballer. He Um, nol I 13............................. (not do) it just in case
.... a Iot of goals. Het
something bad ra...........................,. (happen)l
always when he plays
and not at all stressed. ñ
His team usually ffi Cf,oor" the correct word to complete the sentences.
their matches because We tried to book / perform / review some seats for the theatre, but
he's a good 8. there weren't any lef t.
Emma's rock band is going to enterta¡n / film / record an album
this summer.
Simone is a fantastic aymnast. She 3 I don't understand this word. Can you explain what it repeats
means i translatesT
every day and is r0....,......... 4 I aiways sit near the front exit / row / stage at the theatre so that
about her work. When she I can see everythíng.
in 5 I need to plug in / turn on / set up my phone. The battery,s
tournaments, she often gets the nearly gone.
híghest 12.

l've got to interview / perform / review this book for my English
but I haven't read it yet.
7 Jake put his clothes in the court I locker / track and went into
the pool.
5ó 8 Sorry, can you pronounce / repeat / saythat again?
[§1 Cornplete the sentences with the correct ffi eut the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
passive form of the verbs in brackets.
- active orpresent simple or past simple.
1 up / black /theyl and saw/ clouds / big, / Iooked / some
Use the
2 on / can / the lights I turn / you?
I Photos of the students
3 a goal / the match / but lost / the team I scored
(always / take) on the last day of school.
r-- j 4 word / how / pronounce / you / do / this?
2 The students ... (spend)
yesterday making plans for the summer. 5 strawberry I all of I cake / they / lovely I ate / that

3 A prize ... (give) to the best 6 the children / on stage / perform / we / the play I watched
student yesterday. 7 a dress / for the party I having / Jess¡ca / made / is

4 One of the students................."........... (film) last 8 clapped / the orchestra / when / we / finished / loudly
\_-t' night's concert.
i For each question, choose the correct answer.
\J The science students .". (take) to
the science museum last week,
I Uniforms ... (not wear) by
students on the last day.

V{ 7 A party for students

(organise) by the teachers every year, :tl
I The students (perform) a play

each December.
s ffi Complete the email with these words.
Resea rchers are using nature lo help them creale be[ter sports

\ audiencer cliff cloud enterlainment Path techno ogy, This is because animals and planls are r........ at ¿dapting to the
\i sand storm sunshine waves welsuit
world around them. When Ihere's a problem, they find a solution. Studying
these living Ihings can 2........ us about how they move, which can help
sportspeople Io 3........ better.

* 0ne example is lislening lo the heartbeal oI animals to find out when they
\ speed up and when they slow down. lI aIhletes 0........ up an app to measure
Hi Anna,
their heartbeals, lhey can learn when to go fast and when lo go slow
l'm having a brilliant time in Cuba. After when they 5........ against olhers. This will help them Io 6........ more events.
\-; the bad .... last night with
rain and wind, today the weather is great One animal has already helped to make skis safer. The gecko lizard can
\ with lots of 2............................. - there isn't a stick Io trees. Scientists have examined how it does this and used this
.... in the sky. knowledge to make skis saf er in icy conditions.

The hotel is great. lt's on the top of a

1 A keen B brilliant C interested D intelligent
The staff are lovely. There's 2 A talk B say C tell D understand
.... every evening, which is 3 A train B coach C know D teach
fun. Last night there was an amazing 4 A turn B set C give D keep
singer with his guitar. The night before
5 A race B join C meet D enter
we watched some dancers. Some of the
joined in but we didn't. 6 A beat B win C lose D compete

We just watched,
Behind the hotel there's a 7,
that you can take to walk down to the
beach. The sea is an incredible colour
and the .... is soft and
white. This afternoon we're hopinE to go
suding because there are some great
won't need to wear
a because the water's
so warm. lt's not like home at alll
See you soon,
ffi On page 59 there are dedcriptions of eight host farnilies.
Read description A. Which of these things are mentioned?

ffi Comptete the blog post with the correct form of these verbs. fanri!y mein{:ers focci host's hobbies host's ,ob location
peis t_-vpe oi hcuse type of rocn¡ availaLrle
get aboul lurmped oif jurnped cn signerJ up stop ofr

W Read all the texts about the young people and the
My clossmotes ond I hove iust hod o fun doy in descríptions of host families. Decide which host family
London. We went on o 'duck tour' of the cify in o vehicle (A-H) would be most suitable for each student (1_5).
lhofs holf-boot, holltruck. lt's o greol woy to I Soia ........ 3 Sara ........ 5 Marco........
ond see the city from both rood ond 2 1uca...,.... 4 Daniel ........
river. We ,.......-....-.............. the truck neor lhe London
Eye ond trovelled post ollthe moin sighis like Big Ben. ffifinathe words in the article which mean these things.
After o while, the vehicle went slroight from the rood 1 free, available (text A)
down into the Thomes, where we trovelled up fhe
2 meals cooked outside over fire (text B)
river to see where Jomes Bond ond olher spies livel
3 an indoor sport similar to tennis but played with a small
We 3.............,............... the bool ol the London Eye ond
object that has feathers on it (text C) .............................
wolked bock io our hofel. Some of us 1................;..;..i......
a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant and eat at
for on ice creom on lhe woy. And for tomorrow we've
home (text C) ........,..........".........
oll s.,.......:......,..,...,...'. for o trip lo'Modome Tussquds lo
see lhe wox models of fomous people. I con't woill 5 give something to someone (text E) .............................
6 a journey in a vehicle, when you are not driving (text G)

ffi fnese young people (1-5) are going to take a course at 7 things made with milk (text H)
a language school in the UK. They all want to stay with
a host family during their visit. Read text 1 about Sofia
quickly. What information is given about her?
Sana [oves animals and spends a [ot of
famlly life I interests u time reading. She uses a wheelchair, so
food preferences I room preferences tr she is unabte to use stairs and needs
friends tr accommodation ctose to the schoot.

Sara doesn't eat meat.

Sofia loves watching sports. She enjoys
cooking and wants to try [ocaI dishes I

but she doesn't usuatty eat sweet things. Dan'¡,ie[.loves [ístening

to and writing I
She's happy to share a room with another music. He doesn,t mind if he
shares a
room or has his own, but I
language schooI student. he wants to
be able to watk to schoo[. I
Animat hair
makes hÍm sneeze.
Luca is reatly active. He loves
a[[ sports
and wants to ride a bike to school. "'j I
He'd tike to share a room with $Viarcs loves painting and drawing. *&
[anguage schooI student. He
He'd tike to be ctose to his cousin, who
spicy food. is studying for a degree ín the city.
He'd also líke to be ín a famity with it
teenage chí[dren.

* ffiffi ffimffiffiffimfu tuwffiffiffiffiffiffi ffimfuffiffim
1 Host fomilr¡ q(commodqtion

E .ü..!,:fr,#,ffi'Ht§ -':;ifi:.i,ii¿?i:
'. l *; ";, ;
l'm retíred ond live with my cot Molly. l'm o vegetorion ond We love ort ond hisiory, wh¡ch is lucky becouse we live close to
I love boking ond spend hours moking delicious cokes ond
bofh on ort gollery ond o museuml We olso enioy cooking ond
eot o lot of ltolion food. We hove o flot on the ground floor of o
É biscuits, whLh l'm hoppy to shore! I live in o quiet, ground floor
flot, iust o fiveminute wolk from the school. I hove one spore lorge house ond con provide one student wifh their own room"
room wilh one bed.

We live in o house neor o pork with on outdoor swimming pool l'm o keen cook who loves kying oul new recipes from oround
ond tennis courts. We're obout thirty minutes on fooi from the the world. I olso ploy the guitor in o bond. I live in o flol on the
* school. Our grown-up children no longer live with us but they second floor of o building, o short bus iourney from the school.
oúend our omozing weekly borbecues. We hove one spore I hove two spore bedrooms, eoch with one bed.
t room for two students.

t: i:: . Yi .:r

tq We live in o house with our fwo teenoge doughters ond our

I live in o house on the edge of the city with o lorge gorden'
I live with my doughter ond her dog. We live close fo o gym dog Billy. We're iust o short bus ride owoy from ihe school.
ond we botÉ bve ploying bodminton. We usuolly cook simple We're oll huge footboll fons ond wotch motches whenever
-* British meols. Someiimes we get o tokeowoy. We hove one we con. We cook troditionol Briiish food. We hove one room
spore room for two students. ovoiloble with two beds.

t We live very close to the school ond con offer occommodotion á

We live in o house neor the locol university wifh our fifteen-yeor-
old son. We con loke one studeni' We love ort ond hove on ort for two students shoring o room. We love going to concerls ond
{ listen to oll kinds of music. We're vegon, so we don't eoi meot
studio in our gorden. Fomily meols usuolly consist of curries ond
t(i other lndion fáod. We don't hove ony pets but our neighbour's
cot sometimes visitsl
or doiry products, but we grow our own vegetobles ond cook
tosty food!



r. I \



? "int',r:11¡:nt''t'*lae
| ¿\-A V V,tr'-rIU
H IUliv!-

ffi Complete the blog post with wha, which, where or thot.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. lf a relative
pronoun is not necessary, write'-'.
defining relolive clouses
ffi ert the words in the correct order to make sentences.
f is /the /that / bag I I I yesterday/ bought /this

2 Emma / looking forlflight / a /that / in /stops i is / Paris

For your holiday this year, try a place ..." you can
3 staying / my/with/ live/cousins/Canada lwho lin /we're enjoy something really differenl. Try Big Lake Summer Campl
I went last year and ¡t. was a holiday 2............................. I

4 where /visited / we / Shakespeare / born /was / house /the will never forgel. Each day there are dilferent act¡vities
.... you can choose f rom an amazing programme.

5 train i leaves / which / at four / that's / the

activity. I tr jed act¡vities s............................. were completely new
for me, like sky-diving and film-making.
ó is /friend /vis¡t¡ng la lhe lwho/ on holiday/ met / Liam
At frrst, lwas very nervous because ididn'l know anyone,
out I soon tound f riends .... were doing the
ffi neaa the sentences. Circle the relative pronoun if it can be same act.vit,es as me. The weekends were more relaxing,
left out. with shopping Irips and sightseeing in parts of the island
The motorwavúffiñ\r,"y used was very busy. .... not many people go. One day we met some
people in lhe lown .... invited us to their party.
I We were in a traffic jamthat lasted five hours.
ll was brillrant!
2 Ivisited the village where my grandparents got married.
3 What's the name of the website that I can use to buy
a cheap flight?
4 l've got a friend who has won a holiday to New York. ffi Cnoor" the correct words. Then complete the sentences to
make them true for you.
5 The teachers are planning a trip which the students
will love. 1 A person which i who I really admire is
6 The man who looked at my passport laughed at the photo.
7 The tourists that we saw at the check-in desk were very
2 An object who / which is important to me is
beca use
8 The giri that I met lived in a small village near our hotel.
3 A family member that / which l'm close to is

ffi Complete the sentences with who, which or where.

lf a relative pronoun is not necessary, write'-'. A place where / which I spend a lot of time is
I l've got this new rucksack ... is perfect for har:, ,ca

going camping. One thing that / who I always take with me when I travel is
2 Max can't find the photo ... he needs for .. uecdu5e
his passport.
3 I know a boy.............,. always arrives ten to fifteen
minutes late.
4 We went to a restaurant............................. you can eat as
much as you want for twenty euros.
five r:
5 There's a boy in my class ... speaks
different languages.
é The sightseeing trip............................. my dad booked
was brilliant. {
7 Anna enjoyed the trip ... her friends
organised for her birthday.
8 We stayed in a very small town.. I
everyone knew each other.
ffi ffi 7.i Listen and check your answers. I
\;i'-i ffA*ir
ii ffi Complete the conversation with these words.

abroad flights jor-rrney motorway passport

trovel sightseeing lraveilir-rg lrip

ffi Complete the travel words in the sentences. The ñrst and
last letters are given. Guess what! l'm going on a school
1 She didn't enjoy the f-
-- -t to New York because the .... to lstanbul in the spnnql
plane was hot and noisy.

2 You can't travel to another country if you don't have a Really? Wow! How are you
p______t. .... there?
3 This snow is going to d-
- -y
the bus and we'll arrive late.
4 The j- _ _ _ _y home took eight hours and it was very long By coach. The 3..................;.......... ár'€ too expensive
-l and boring.
bet that's a long way,
5 The planes can't l-
on this island because there are too I
\ many mountains.
Yeah, thirty-six hours lt:ll be a r:eally
ó We're go¡ng on a t- -p to Disneyland. I can't wait!
boring'............................. too. We'll be on
7 Liam and his friends walked over the b- - - -r from Austria the s................,............ most of the time.
into ltaly.
I Lee and her family are going to t- - - -l around Europe by
ls it vour first time 6 ')

- train this summer.

- ffi ffi 7.2 Listen and match the speakers (1-6) with the Yeah. We usuallyiust go camping around
photos (A-F). here, l've j,Ust got rny''..-..........,...............rout
because our teacher wants to see thenr all.
: z,'P-
E l-,low's the photo?!
Y So embarrassing. lt's four yéars old. I look so young!
What are you going to do while you're in lstanbul?
: We're going to visit a school there and, of course,
Y :i.t:+^-.
...- ,.42!! we'll go "...........,-....,.......... to see some of the most

==-uf:¡-- interesting places in the city.

ffi ffi 7.3 Listen and match the definitions (1-8) with these
words. There are six words you do not need.

H orReadverb
the sentences. Decide if the word in bold is a noun (N)
boarding card brochure charter cruise currency
departure full bo¿rd half board luggage package route
1 lt took us a long time to check in our bags because the self-catering subwalr yourfihosiel
airport was very busy.........
r 2 The students always enjoy going on a tr¡p to the I ............................. 5 .............................
r theatre......... 2 ............................, 6 .............................
¡ 3 I don't think the plane can land in this weather......... 3 ............................. 7 .............................
I 4 I was frightened during the take-off because the plane 4 ............................. 8 ......................,.....
made a loud noise.........
T 5 Emily met some friends on the train journey. ........ [@ write a paragraph describing a holiday or trip you went on.
Try to use words from this Page.
l 6 One day I want to travel around the wor|d.........
¡ 7 After a long delay they finally announced our fli9ht.........
8 Air travel is becoming more expensive.........

] ót

modo¡s of obligotion, prohibition ond necess¡ty
@ vrt.f, the first sentences (1-6) to the second sentences (A-F).
ffi neaO the sentences about a YouTube channel. I You must get a passport. A Somebody might take ¡t.
Decide which type of word (A-F) is needed to
complete each sentence (1-6).
2 trhere's a iot of snow on the road. B We must drive slowly.

A an action ........ D people........

3 We don't have to go c You can't travel abroad
sightseeing now. without it.
B a date........ E a place........
4 They have to go now. D We need to start without him.
C a number........ F a thing ........
5 Jake will be late because of the E The train leaves in ten m¡nutes
I The YouTube channel is about travelling in traffic 1am. F Everything is open tomorrow.
the south of .............................. 6 You mustn't leave your bag there.
2 The presenters show you places that you
could ...,........... in the future. @ Choor" the correct answers (A, B or C) to complete the conversation.
3 They talk to ............................. about their A: So, are you ready for your holidaY?
experiences of the area. B: No, not at all. My passport's only just arrived. I 1........ get a new one
4 They teach you about local because I lost my old one.
5 The next episode comes out on A: That's typical of youl When do you 2........ leave?
B: We're flying at seven o'clock in the morning, so we 3........ be at the airport
ó Each episode is about by five otlock. Dad says we 4....,... leave the house early in case there's
minutes lóng. a trafñc1am.
A: But you hate getting up earlYl
ffi ffi 7..1 Listen and complete the sentences
in Ex 1. B: I know. I 5........ forget to set my alarm. Anyway, l'm going to pack my bags
and then l'm going to bed.

m - ffi r.t You will hear a boy called Alfie A: That's a pity. l'm just going to Anna's party.
Sanchez talking about an online travel B: Anna's party? Hang on, let me think. I 6........ pack now.
show he presents. Listen and complete the you do, Maria. You can come to the party, but you 7........ pack first.
A: Yes,
sentences. Write one word or a number or
I'll come and help. We 8........ be there until nine o'clock.
a date or a time.
B: Brilliant! I hate packing, but l'll do itfaster if you help me.

Y 1 A 'll need to B had to C must

2 A haveto B must C will have to
Alfie started recording his trips when he was 3 A hadto B don't have to C 'll have to
years old. 4 A mustn't B had to C rnust
5 A don't have to B mustn't C must
The first place Alfie filrned was a
ó A didn't have to B don't need to C must
Scottish 7 A hadto B have to C don't have to
Alfie used to travel with his parents 8 A mustn't B didn't have to C don't need to
and his

Alfie chooses his destinations by

Alfie really enjoys learning about

His videos sometimes ínclude an

with a local person.

': ri
, '\;;
ffi fvatct'r the question halves (1-ó) to (A-F) to complete the questions.
I I What kinds of travel A you've ever hadT
-: problems do B people experience on holiday?
\-.: ¡l
2 Do you prefer to travel C you're bored on holiday?
t¡ 3 What's the best holiday D going to the beach or going

4 Which is more fun: to the mountains?
5 What do you do if E go on holiday?
\-; ó Why do people F by plane or by train?
U 1,ffi i¡.6 Listen to two students answering questions from Ex 1. Which

two questions do they answer? What answers do they give?

\ ffi,ffi r., Listen again and complete the extracts from the
\* conversation. Why does the boy use the highlighted phrases?

I Mariam: l've never been on a plane.
Ben: ... l''1ariam, l've been on a plane.

t 2 Mariam: I think going to the beach is more fun because there

are more things to do there.
r Ben: As Mariam ..., there are lots of things to do
at the beach

! Ben uses the highl¡ghted phrases to


\ ffi Complete the extracts from another conversation with these

phrases. You do not need three of the phrases.
t as E',ra said I agree with Eva
i'rn noa sune i agree v'iilh Erra l've never dot.ie that iike Eva
[hal's never happened io nre unlike Er,,a
ffi ffi 7.8 Listen and check your answers.
1 A: A common problem is that people lose their luggage on their
flight. lt happened to my grandparents once. ffi ffi 7.9 Think about your own holiday exper¡ences.
Then listen to the girl's comments again from
B: but our flioht was delaved last
Ex 3. Record your own responses using the phrase
year and we had to sit in the airport for eight hours. from Ex 3.

A: The best holiday l've ever had was at a campsite near a river.
ffiUstento your recording from Ex 6. Compare.
I learnt how to fish and then cook the fish on the barbecue.
Check the things you are happy with in your
tl B: ......... ............ ......... My favourite holiday was to Venice. recording.
I loved all the old buildings there. lt was really beautiful.

film on my phone or tablet

Stress and intonation tr
A: When I'm bored on holiday, I watch a
if I can.
Speed tr
B: ..................... ..........,1watch a film or I read a book.
Pronunciation I
I usually have some books on my phone.
Enthusiasm I
A: People go on holiday week or two. They want to stop
to relax for Record yourself again and try to improve on the
I a
ones you weren't happy with.
thinking about their work and do something fun.
T B: ..................... ........... People get very stressed these
ts days, so they need to relax. Holidays help them to do that.

F j-trr.1-r,¡*lief=' tr::leS

ffi Complete a student's article with these adjectives'

;{§} ii".j
bert,er cheaper popular seccnd-h¿nd usefl:i
on ort¡cle
neaO the advert. What information should
ffi you include in article?
Your i'li: a: ir {:.,1 r'¡tr;tri¡ i\. -:";41,,l',il '...l¡ryah{"1Ei1¿r

. Ét/
&_ .. @.:il.H;.1::;,.ffi
there's a bus network, a train service and there are plenty oftaxis.

&rmwm&&§mg &ffiffiwssd ,,, .;i However, cycling is the most ... form of transport.

Thousands ofpeople travel around the city by bike every day. It's
Srsa§tr ffiüryr or'&wwm .... than other forms of transport and you can avoid the traffic.
It's also .... for your health. You can hire a bike or you can buy
Tell us about the different waYs of
a 4......,,..................... one.
getting around. t
The train is probably the least way to get around because it
Say which is the best.
Say which is the worst.
w takes you away from the city, not around it.

So, that's Cambridge. What would you recommend to visitors in your town
Write an article describing these three points or city?
and we will publish the most interesting ones
on our site.
ffi neaO the advert in Ex 1 again and make notes to plan your article.
Around 100 words, Please!
Think about these things,
I What title will you give your article?

opening questíon for the 2 Think of an opening question to the reader.

ffi CnootuintheEx best 3 Look at your answer to Ex 1 and make notes for each point you need
article 1.
to include.
A Have you ever travelled to school by boat?
B How important is the tram system in
4 Think of a closing statement or question to the reader.
your city?
C How many different ways are there to get
around where You live?

question / statement
ffi Ct oot" the bestin closing
for the article Ex 1.
l\ Have you got any good suggestions for
places to visit?
What would you recommend to visitors in
your town or city?
Let me know if there are more different Write your article in about 100 words. Use your notes from Ex 5.
types in your area.
x' ffi
x ÜM il{j:l{:
Cnoose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

Y', *ffiti
§ru ñT I A lot of people are waiting to ........ their bags at the airport.

Comptete the sentences with relative pronouns. Sornetimes A delay B check in C take off
Y more than one answer is possible. lf a pronoun is not During the two-hour ........, we ate our sandwiches and
\_¡* necessary, write'-'" watched a film.
f Do you remember the girl ... sat next to us on A flight B border C motorway
the plane? Oliver heard about the.....,.. in the town centre, so he
\ 2 The city............................. I want to visit the most is decided to go by bike.
Buenos Aires. A border B motorway C trafficjam
3 We're travelling on the train ... goes to Dublin. Today the students are ........ in London, but tomorrow they
\ 4 The peopIe............. work here are nice and begin their classes.
\ very friendly. A travelting B abroad C sightseeing
Y 5 Where are the tickets ... I gave you 5 Alice enjoyed her holiday in Brazil, but she's very tired after
this morning? the iong ........ home.
x There was a long delay at the airport .. made A journey B time C travel
\ people angry.
ó ['m'always very nervous during ........, but once the plane is

\ 7 The place ... I love the most is definitely Venice. in the air, l'm fine
8 I love places ... I can have fun. A delay B take-off C ',check in
\ pl Complete the sentences with these verbs. ffi Complete the words in the blog post. The first and last
letters are
\ didn't have to don't have to
had to 'll have to

\ musrn'l need to

\ You ......... buy the tickets online, but they're

The train stopped at the border because w€......................,......
show our passports.
\ | ............,............... see the doctor. l've had a headache for two
\ 4 We............................. be late. The bus will leave without us.
\ 5 Alice ............................. travel on her own. She met an oid
\ friend on the train.
flight tomorrow at 6 a.m. We..........,.................. 9et
\ The
up very early.

[Sl prt the letters in the correct order to make travel words'
I 'Find the hidden message.
T Last year my family and I went on a 1c-
nald - - -e around the
\ Mediterranean on a
huge ship. lt was Iike a cityl We took a
- - -t from London to
Barcelona and on the ship
\ I eadyl ,:t
3d- over the
3 there. There were five different -- - - -s
Y week, including Naples and Rome. We didn't ah- -e to get
2 dabora off the ship in each place but, of course, we wanted to do
\ some ss- We 6h-d to be back on the ship by
3 - - - -g.
> nyu re.j o
a certain time, though, or we could be left behind. In Rome,
* we paid a 'g- -e to show us around the main sights. lt's

4 rotsapsp tt -
such a beautiful city! The only problem was the t- - - - -c
jams on most of the roads, ew- it difficult to get
- -h made

Y 5 hietngesgis to all the places we wanted to see.

! But the best thing about the trip was the food. The holiday

k 6 sitnitenado
ttl was rofull-b
so there was food to eat all day. And eat
we did!
x tr,Tl ,r F F] ,Il I r-j-Jl
I ó5

¡*§ r- ,á f-\
" r''. h, I ffieeaathe article about taking photos quickly. What
l\ L- ! \b/ 5I 'rr -"-. ,
experience is the writer describing? Does she feel
this was generally a good or bad experience?
ffi Complete the article with these words.

continuously decreasing development improve increase llrc8ress

the article again and choose the correct
;1¡¡f Read
answer (A, B, C or D).
I ln the wr¡ter's opinion, the best thing about
smartphone photos is that they are
, A very good quality. C
oren't olf bod news! B inexpensive D
easy to post online.
The writer began the project in order to
We heor o lot of bod things in the news obout smoriphones ond A remember what she did for a year.
the woy they ore chonging our world. But let's gtop for o minule B share her experiences with people she knows.
ond think obout oll the woys they help us moke C improve her photography skills.
Smortphones keep us sofe. Those opps which 2 D make a decision about her education.
trock our locotion help our friends ond fomily know where we ore ln the third paragraph, the writer says that
oll the time. And they con even help ihe emergency services to selecting the right images for her project was
find people who ore tropped ofter disosters such os eqrthquokes. sometimes

Smortphones octuolly ....our bro¡ns - we don't

A relaxing. C difficult.
need to remember lots of focts ony more becouse we con B boring. D impossible
look them up on the internet. But this doesn't meon our broin At the end of the project, the writer felt
power is a............................. - if 's just thot we hove leorned how to A worried that she hadn't achieved her aim.
find informqtion quickly ond then we orgonise it differently in B sad that she couldn't contínue working on it.
our broins.
C happy that she had so many good memories.
Smortphones ore olso helping the s............................. of poorer D surprised by how much she enjoyed it.
countries. lf you think obout it, buying o few smortphones or What would be a good introduction to this article?
toblets gives o school occess to oll the informotion on the
A Photography student Helen Winter writes about
infernet. How mony textbooks would ihey need io buy to get the how to take better photos with your smartphone.
some omount of knowledge?
B Helen W¡nter describes how she created a daily
picture diary.
Being oble fo shop, check emoils ond find informotion on our C Do we use our camera phones too much?
phones soves time. One study cloims we hove twenty-two exiro Student Helen Winter discusses this question.
doys of free time o yeor, oll ihonks to our phones! D Helen Winter, 16, arguesthatwe can make art
with everyday photographs.

ffi finA words or phrases in the article that have these

I photos (para 1)

2 a lot of money (para 1)

3 record an event, activity, etc. ¡n a photo or on video
(para 1)
4 remember something from the past (para 2)

5 be an expert in a sub.ject (para 2)

ó worrvino (oara 3)
I [ook aphoto a day
For a wholg year! byHetenwinter
Like most young people nowadays, I love taking photos with my smartphone.
Even before I started the '3ó5 Photos' project, I took lols of snaps of my family,
my pets and sometime§ even my dinnerl I love the fact tha[ without spending
a fortune, you can take excellent photos with a smartphone, which you can
then share on social media - somelhing I also really enjoy doing! But most of
all I love lhe way that you can photograph something at the exact moment you
see lt. You can capture a moment in time.

When one of my friends told me lhat she had started the proiect, I thought it
was a great ídea. I wanted to Use the photos to cfeate a record of the year for
me to look back on. Bul what I didn't realise at the s[art was thaI it would also
make me a better photographer. Now I even want to specialise in photography
at art school.

I thought that taking a pic[ure every day would be simple, and on some days
il was - in fact, it was hard to choose just one picture as there were so many
I liked. BuI on other days all the photos seemed unin[efesting and it was quile
sIfessful to find one that was good enough Io keep. lt was only when I looked
back on the whole year that I saw thaI some of lhe simples[ shots were the
mos[ meaningful.

When I finally had my 3ó5 photos, I couldn't believe iI had been a whole year.
At the beginning it felt like it would be a very long time but actually, it was over
before I knew it - time went by really quickly. You would think that I would be
glad to have a year of experiences caplured on camera, but mostly I felt sorry it
was over. I knew I was going to miss it. But looking at all my photos also made
me realise thaI you don't have to be a really creative pefson to make art' All it
takes is some haPpy moments - and a smartphone!

'61,,.,ri t/^
§ complete the sentences with words from Ex 4 in the correct form.
'l We will ., these days as a special time when
4 I love this ... of my basketball team. Look how
we're older. happy we all look.

2 This is avery.......... time for her - she's studying for 5 Wait, let me take a photo. I want to .....:....................... this
her end-of-year exams. happy moment!

3 Dave spent ............... on his new phone - it cost around 6 I want to ... in Russian history in college
1,000 euros! I find it fascinatingl

I Time out
GreAMfu,tA;;.. l'\u- aná Daá ha'te)ust gotbacklrom pareolgr eve^i^g
reported speech at tchool. My mvsicteacher lolá Daá thaf I
..................1he guilar really well. Daá sail thal
ffi Complete the reported statements with pronouns.
he2................... redly svrTriseÁbecaute he aná
'l love making paper planes for my little brother.'
l\um3.............. ... any íosfruments.Then Daá ¡aiA
Nathan said that........ loved making paper planes for........
lhaf he me a new guitar. bríllianl
little brother.
'We aren't going to your PartY, Kate.'
We told Kate that ........ weren't going to ........ party.
Itol¿Da¿fha|I5............. ....fo payforfhe guitar,
'We often take photos of our friends.'
They said that ........ often took photos of ,....... friends.
lhal he ..................to help. Dad also saiá irandad
4 'l'm making a film for my school project.'
...........t...... guitar mvtic. Well, he'll be my {irsf fan!
Anna said that ........ was making a film for...,.... school project
7'll ylay lor him wheol'm gooá enough!
'l can't find the information you need.'
Olivia told me that "....... couldn't find the information ........
questions and write the direct
ffi ffi 8.1 Read the reported your
ffi Complete the conversation with the correct form of the speech. Listen and check answers,
verbs in brackets.
I She asked me if she was in the right queue for tickets.
A: Are you comlng to drama class tonight? ?,
B: No, I can't. I told my parents I 1............................. (will) look 2 He asked a girl where he could buy a souvenir.
after my little brother tonight.
A: But Dan, the drama teacher said we .... (have
to) be at the last class. She said we .... (need)
3 lan asked his friend what day it was

to practise the songs.

B: I know but my parents are working. I told them it 4 Her mum asked her if she needed her swimming costume.

5 Martha asked me when my friend was going to arrive
.A: Wait a minute. I can help. My brother said he
(want) to watch basketball on TV tonight. Perhaps you could
leave Tom at my house with him? 6 I asked them if their parents were going to pick them up
after the match.
B: That's a great idea. Tom told me they (like)
the same team.
A; See? I said that I s............................, (can) helpl
7 The teacher asked him where his sister was.

ffi neaO the conversations below. Then complete Maria's diary 8 The boy asked his friend if she had a phone charger
entry at the top of the page with the things they said.
#, ffi Rewrite the statements and questions in reported speech.
Maria plays the guitar really well. 'l'll send you the photos.'
Harry told me that
nl'l?'*jl, That's greatl Her mum and I can't #
play any ¡nstruments. l'll get her W
'You can leave.'

a new guitar. <ffi Emma told her f riends that

Dad 'l'm tired.'
Tuesday Dan said that
'Can yo,u read us your story againT'
R! I can help to pay for the guitar.
.iw They asked me
Don't worry, Grandad's going to Pay rÍh 5 'Our photos aren't very good.'
for it. He wants to help. And he loves :!ií They said that..
guitar music. @lP
6 'What time can I call you?'
Alice asked me


\"'i ]CALEL; , .' . j

ffi matct sentences (1-5) with the descriptions (A-E).

hobbies ond interesls I Robert is usually smiling

ffi Vut.h the words (1-7) with the hobbies and interests (A-G)" 2 Nick is a very good ,rr,.;;;.
f taking A a musical ¡nstrument 3 Gary always tells the truth.........
2 doing B jewellery 4 Ted wouldn't hurt anybody. ........
3 keePing cfit 5 Oliver makes really funny jokes.........
4 making D gam¡ng
A He's honest.
5 online E drama B He's got a good sense of humour,
ó practising F figures c He's kind.
7 collecting action G photos D He's cheerful.

ffi ffi 8.2 Listen to six people talking about their hobbies. What are they? E He's talented.
Whose hobby is not mentioned in Ex 1?
1 Maria 4 Daniel: ffi Complete the conversation with words and
phrases from Ex 5.
2 Amy: 5 Fred: A: You look very Good news?
: 3 ó Katie: .... !
B: Yesl I won that competition ... First prize!
's hobby ¡s not mentioned in Ex 1.
Can you believe it?

complete the sentences with these words. A: Wow ... Congratulationsl l'm not really
ffi surprised, though -you are so 2.

- B: You are very 3................

baltery glue ¡ngredients lens painrbrush recipe But to be

1 The problem with my new camera is the............".. . lt doesn't last long. people who made creative thingsl
z Jack's got an art exam tomorrow so he's gone to buy a new..........................,... A: Have you told your mum yet?
3 l've broken a cup. Maybe I can repair it with some B: Not yet... maybe I should pretend I didn't win
for a chocolate cake, but she forgot and then surprise her with the news!
4 Amelia bought the .............................
the flour, A: That's so mean. You have a very strange
I used the zoom ............................. for this photo - that's why you can see all
the details.
ffi Cnoor" the correct words to complete the
6 ' I downloaded a ............................. for pancakes. Shall we make some? sentences about getting better at things.

ffi Choor" the correct words to complete the email. I The otherteam defeated / checked us on
Saturday. We couldn't winl
2 She has already got on / achieved a lot in her
life by the age of 18.

Hi Kieran,
3 John is confident that he can take / lead the
group to success.
How was your weekend? Did you chill rin / out all weekend?
4 Tomorrow Mr Brown will attempt / plan to
My cousin arrived on Friday evening and we went to the beach. do that crazy experimentl
She is mad 2about / with taking photos, and she took 5 lf you don't try, you can never attempt /
some at sunset. r[t
:'l I. succeed.
On Saturday we stayed in and 3did / made some really :¡.
cool 3D models of animals. My little sister wanted to join
ain / out, but she was really annoying!

Yesterday it was sunny and we went to the new skateboarding

park - | 5go / am into skateboarding at the momentl The park is a
great place to hang 6over / out and l've made lots of friends.
Shall we go together?
Bye for now,

& T[nne er:t

ó Where does the girl want to meet Jack on Saturday?

Lfl STffi §\n § fl-.¡,G";

ffi ffi[t., Listen and choose the number or date you hear.
1 A 1310512006 B 3010s12006 c 3010512016
2 A €10.99 B €99.10 c €10.09
3 A 5,050 B 5,005 c 5,500
7 What's the boy most looking forward to this weekend?
4 A 80o/o B 18o/o c 8o/o
5 A 2.75 B 275 c 2,750

,fn'i +4
6 A 1211211972 B 2l 12 I 1972 c 2211211927
7 A419 B 490 c 4,019
I A 30.20/o B 13.2o/o c 13.020/0

ffi Recora yourself reading your answers to Ex 1. Then listen

indirect quesl¡ons
again to track 8;3 and compare.

m . [[ 8.4 Listen. Then choose the correct answer for ffi fina and correct the mistakes in five of the indirect questions.
each question. 1 Do you know if do they serve vegetarian food here?
I Which ingredient does the girl need to buy?
2 Can you say me why you like collecting action figures?

e19 3 Can I ask you where you usually go to pract¡se windsurfing?

. ,.t:- ,rl

[ ''
4 Do you know how many goals did the team score?
2 What is the boy's hobby?
5 Doyou know if she's going totakethe photography course?

6 Can you tell me what do I have to do?

7 Can I ask you if you have tried online gaming?

3 What does the girl need to buy after school?

eN¡ 'il: Isry

I ffi
Do you know if did they win the match?

neaO what the people asked and complete the indirect

l? quest¡ons below.
4 Which photo did the girl take at the weekend? 1 Why is the plane late?
2 What time does the film finish?
3 ls this the right battery for my phone?
4 Where did you take this photo?
5 Are they coming to practise with us?
6 Did you edit this video?
5 Which instrument does the bov want to learn? 7 How long does the cooking course last?
': -.t
} 8 Have you seen my guitar?
ü:' 1 Do you know....,.......... ..................?
/t 2 Can you tell me... . )
3 Do you know..... .. . .. 1

4 Can I ask you 1

5 Do you know............... .............. . ..?

6 Can you tell me.................... .................................. ?

7 Do you know................... )
8 Can I ask................. .................... ....?

ffi ffi8.7 Listen to two students discussinE the courses.
Which course do they NOT talk about? Which course do
they choose?
s Listen and decide if the speakers are making
.ál B a
*ffi"]suggestion (M) or responding to a suggestion (R). E.i-t Match the suggestions (1-5) with the reasons (A-E).
ffi ffi
7 ,....... Listen again and check your answers.
1 ........ 3 ........ 5 ,.......
2 "....... 4 ........ 6 ........ 8 ......"" I How about the computer course? ".......
2 What about learning chess?........
m-":,flt.ó Choose the correct words to complete the 3 How about learning the guitar?........
iártuersation. Then listen and check your answers.
4 Why don't we recommend something more creative,
A: OK, so we need to finish building this today and we oniy then?........
have two hours.
rWhy don't we I How about asking Ryan
and Emma to helP?
5 So maybe the writing course?........
B: i'm not 2sure
/ agreed about that. Id rather we worked it A Playing matches would be fun"
out ourselves. B Painting is creative, but I think it's for older people.
A: OK.3What about / Why don't we look in the manual again C lt's interesting, creative and it could also help her with her
and go back through each step in the instructions? school work.
B; / That's a great idea. Then we can see if we have D Yes, a musical ¡nstrument is a nice idea, but she may prefer
missed anything. something she can make progress in.
A: sShall / Would I check we've got all the pieces while you E I think it would be interesting to know how to program a
read aloud? computer,
B: óAgreeing / Agreed.l'll read and you check. And l'll tick
i each instruction as we check it. ffi ffi8"9 l-isten to another student's suggestions for the
slet's / Shall speaking task. Follow the instructions to respond, using the
A: Yes, OK. This all sounds 7as / like a good idea.
words in brackets. Record yourself'
we see if it works!
1 Accept the suggestion: creative and useful (great ideo)
ffi neaa the speaking task in the box below and answer 2 Reject the suggestion: a fun / creative activity = better for
the questions. summer holidays (nice ideo, but)
1 Who are you going to talk about? Reject the suggestion: a bit boring; choose something
2 When is this person go¡ng to do the course? more excíting (sounds, Prefer)
3 What does this person want to learn? 4 Accept the suggestion: creative, relaxing and fun (sounds)
4 How many courses do you need to choose? 5 Reject the suggestion: very expensive (nof sure)

A girl in your class wants to learn a new skill over the ffi ffi8.10 Listen to your recording from Ex 6. Then listen to
summer holidays. Here are some of the things she could another student's responses on track 8.10. Compare.
study on a short course. Talk together about the different
.ourr", and say which one you think would be the best'

E- Summer holidoy octivities

@sft=sz -oo


& Tin*re l;uf

ffi neaa a student's article and complete it with these words.

arnazing exciling reaily r-elaxing sr-rrpr-ised unusual

on orficle
ffi fio, would you describe these hobbies?
Write them in the correct column for you.

3D prinling coding kickboxing making comics

r'My s rü rp rn s n m g,kgff*Hry
playing the piano skateboarding
You míght be ,............................. to know that rny hobby is singing in a
choir! lt's quite 2............................. for footbalters to sing in public, but I saw
the choir performing one day and they were 3...............,............. I I decided
I wanted to join. At ñrst I was 4............................. nervous, but now l've been
in the choir for a year and I love it.
We meet every Friday to rehearse. We sing atl kinds of
music and prepare for concerts. We somet¡mes
sing in pubtíc ptaces like shopping
centres or in the street.
Being in a choir helps me forget
about my worries - it's very
ffi neaO the advert below and answer the
..... I a[so find
singing in concerts very
I Who is the message for?
There are
lots of peopte watching -
. 2 What do they need to write? just tike a footbatt match!

3 How many words should they write?

ffi ffrint of a hobby you do regularly. Choose the reasons why you like it.
Can you think of any more? Add them to the list.
4 How many questions do they need to answer?
. lt's fun. E . lt's very creative. !
It's really interesting. . lt's relaxing. I
It helps me to keep fit. f
. lt's a good way to socialise. I
W Read the advert in Ex 2 again. lmagine you are a member of a sports
team at your school and want to send in your article. Make notes to plan
your answer.

my hobby:
We'd like to know more about you, the
members of our school sports teamsl howl ¡tarleá ond why:
Send us a short article about your
favourite hobby (except sports, of
coursel). How and why did you start
doing it? When and where do you do when ond v,here I áo if:
it? Why do you enjoy it?

online profile on the school website.

Only about 100 words, pleasel why I like if :

ffi Writ" your article in about 100 words. Use your notes from Ex 5 to
help you. j

72 I

ffi Complete the interview with Jo, a teenage fashion designer.
Use the questions in brackets to make indirect question-s.

*-- Rewrite the statements in reported speech. Hi, Jo. I love your dress! Can i ask you r

Use the reporting verb in brackets' (Did you make it?)

I Luke: 'The cake is delicious.' (saY)
yes, I did. I made it for a friend,s

Can you tell us 2............ ......,...............?

Me to Amy: 'l'll email you the photos.'(tell) (How long does it take to design a dress?)

It depends. Somet¡mes a day, sometimes weeks.


3 Rachel and lan: 'We're bored.'(saY)

Could I ask you ......"...."....................... ?
(When did you start designing?)

4 Grandrna and Grandpa:'We'll be at the When I was twelve!

beach at ten otlock.'(saY)
\- Wow! And do you know 1
(Are there many professional teenage designers?)

\*, 5 Neil to me:'l love keeping fit.'(tell)

Yes, there are. And somer of them are very good.

Can you tell us s............ ...................... ?

Emma to her sister: 'You can't use my (What do you want to do in the future?)
Yes, l'd love to run my own business

Iá' Ni.l is interviewing Amanda Forrester,

(Have you ever made a dress for a famous person?)
a famous skier. Report his questions.
1 Are you practising for a competition? No, I haven't, but l'd like to one day
2 Where do you train?
3 Do you sometimes fall over?
look at the photos and write the hobbies and interests.
4 How do you feel before a competition?
5 Are you going to take part in the local
tournament this year?
6 Are your parents here to watch You?

&,fu &


3 online 6

ffi vrt.t'l (1-6) with (A-F) ts complete the descriptions.

1 l'4y dad is mad about cooking. He A is using special glue.

2 Those are my sister's paintbrushes. She B has qot an amazing zoom lens.
3 He's making a model. He c can start cooking.
4 I can't take photos because my phone D loves trying new reciPes.

5 She's really into photography. Her camera E is doing an art course.

6 We've got all the ingredients so we F has no batte'U.
.:, p"r6 the blog post again. Five sentences have been
removed. Complete the blog post with sentences A-H.
There are three extra sentences which you do not need
ffi Complete the advert w¡th these words. to use,

A First of all, I had a picnic in Central Park.

classic loads original proud puI logether remind
B Then we got a taxi to the airport.
C They are an American family with two children.
D ltwasn't as good as I expected.
E They sa¡d they hoped we had enjoyed our stay in New York.
F Then we waited to see who would reply.
G But reading all those instruct¡ons, I started to feel a bit
i,,...:,,,-..;,.:..,...,;,,. lh¿ré worried.
tá stolt this summeltTtWé
H We were having an amazing time and wanted to stay
there forever.
ore truly omozing- like this tree house in the Brecon
Beocons. The tree house hos 3............................. of modern ffi finO words and phrases in the blog post that have
feotures; such os o hot fub ond wi-11, combined with the these meanings.
things you éxpecf from .c tree, house: I exchanoed (oara 1)
on orti,sfic slructure, mode from nott¡rol 2 contacted (oara 3)
moteriols ond omozíng views. 3 a guide to how something works (para 4)
And whot could be beiter thon 4 be successful (oara 4)
woking up in the bronches of o 5 stranoe (oara 4)
tree to .,.you of 6 important and useful to spend t¡me on
the beoufy of the forest? /^^-- r\
\Pdrd J/

We ore very 6.............. 7 passed; was over (para 6)

of our new collection ond look 8 something amazing that you will remember forever
(para ó)
forword to welcoming you soon.
Book onliné nowl corff
ffi thá sentáncés wittr worUs from Ex 4 in the
I Did your cousin ............. with you about coming to
ffineadthe blog post about New York and answer the questions. stay over the summer?

I Why was th¡s tr¡p a new experience for Anna and her family? 2 The plans for the journey............................. very well. We
arrived just before Iunch.
3 It's ............................. to do some research before you visit
2 Where do Anna and her family live? a new city, so you don't waste t¡me.
4 I ............................. email addresses with the boys I met on
3 What kind of pet do they have? holiday. We're going to write to each other.
5 Time always .. very quickly when you're
4 How did Anna feel at first about someone sleeping in having a good time, doesn't it?
her room? 6 Camping in your garden may seem
but actually lots of people do it.
5 Which sport did the family watch in New York? 7 Seeing the Taj Mahal was ............................. for me.
Just incredible!
ó Does Anna want to have a similar holiday again? 8 lf you don't know how it works, we'd better find
Li Ie .._-__....._..-....-...-..... .

ffi My week in §

-tt' ffii,

\- I have [o share my experience with you all' fhis triP

we,ve just ¿rrived home and l'm really Iired from the Flighl, but
was ditferent f rom any holiday we've been on before beiause
we look part in a house swap' Yes, we actually swapped
apartmenls wi[h ano[her familY!
websile and adverlised our apartment' First' they had lo
A couple of months ¿go my paren[s signed up [o a house swap
what we could offer a family who wanted to
post photos and give lo[s of information aboul exactly where we live and
visil London.
find out that they lived in New York
Luckily, the Baker family got in touch with us. '...We were really happy to
because it was one of the places we had hoped to visil'
space in our wardrobes and helped Mum and Dad get
Before we lef t, my brother and I tidied our rooms, cleared some
'home manual'explaining how to use everything and even how to
the rest of the house ready. We also had to wrile a
.... I wondered if it was all going to work
oul Also' it was a bi[ worrying to think
look after ouf cal, Bafney!
But by the [¡me the holidays starled, I had emailed the girl in the
that someone else would be sleeping in my room.
American family a few times, and it felt less weird'
worthwhile because lhe apartmen[ we stayed in
when we arrived in New york, we felt like all the preparations had been
for us and also recommended what lo see and do during
was fantastic. The Baker family had filled the fridge with food
1....................'...."" I also saw Ihe New York skyline from the top ol
our stay. I did so many rhings l've always dreameá of.
game, which was really exciling.
the Rockefeller building. Rnd we wa[ched a live baseball
The week went by very quickly. when we got back, [he Baker
family had lef t us a nole say¡ng what a great week lhey'd
had in London. '...........................- tt reatty was the experience
of a lifetime, and I hope we'll do another house swap soon
But now I really need [o gel some sleep!
Night everyone!
::¡:¡{i;t+ri}.ij:.: r'.ri

\- *¡*r ;muffi



\- 75
§ l-ife experienees

ffi Complete the blog post with the past perfect

GreAilVH flq¿i¿,;' or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

posl perfect - ,r@ rl}

a tu ¿.F;Ft #4.:nra ñ
ffi ro Complete the sentences with the past perfect form
9.1 ,
¡¿i l'4 rf
6rf I l* a l"l
.¿-wñ'*LJE SUffiifi'ler
of the verbs in brackets. Listen to an American girl talk
about her house swap experience and check your answers.
I EIlie was nervous because she..,.......................... (never / fly)
to another country before. (invite) me to spend the school holidoys with her. She
2 She...."........ (only / be) on vacation in the US. /
.... lust open) o summer school for young
3 Their passports .. (just / arrive) in time for
ortisis ond osked me to help. l'd olwoys got on well with
the trip. her so I .... (wont) to go. The closses hod iust
storted when 11............................. (orrive). Most of the students
4 Anna's parents .. (never / drive) on the left
before. were beiween fourteen ond eighteen ond some of them

5 EIIie ... (not think) that crossing the street .... (olreody / winl prizes for fheir orl ot school.
Eoch doy I '..............,.............. (help) my ouni with the octivifies
would be different.
ó She............. (never / see) a real palace.
thot she .... (plon). One doy, I iook o group
of students to o pork to see o brilliont exh¡bition of huge
sentences (1-8), Choose the sculptures. Before I stoyed with my ounl I 8.............................
ffiAeaathe short story in the
action (in bold) that happens first in each sentence. (not think) much obout ort. Now I con't woit to be one of
her siudentsl
I Alex and his friends decided to go to the beach after they
had finished studying.
2 lt had been warm all day. but it was very windy when
they arrived.
3 They sat on the sand and ate the picnic that they had
4 They went into the sea, but hadn't noticed the red flag
warning of danger.
5 Other swimmers had left the water, but Alex and Nathan
jumped into the waves.
ó lt was difficult to swim because the sea had become
so wild.
7 Fortunately, a lifeguard had seen them and he ealled to
them to leave the water.
8 When they got out of the water to their bags, everybody
else had left the beach. ffi loin the sentences. Use the past perfect; the past simple
and the words in brackets in each sentence. The first
ffi Cnoor" the correct verb form to complete the sentences. sentence in each pair is the action that happened first.
When I met / had met my best friend, he had already been 1 Sam finished his breakfast. His friends arrived. (after)
at our school for ages.
By the time the girls found their seats, the show began /
2 She listened to my message. She called me. (when)
had begun.
After the party had finished, they tidied / had tidied the
Nick had a few lessons. He began to cook for his
house from top to bottom.
friends. (once)
4 We just left / had just left a message for Anna when
she arrived.
They always lived in an apartment. They bought the
I waited / had waited an hour for the bus when it
house. (until)
finally came.
He didn't do / hadn't done the class because he had left
his guitar at home. 5 The gate closed. Hector and his family arrived. (just, when)
When she answered the phone, her mum said she tried /
had tried to call her four times. The sun came up. We got to the top of the mountain.
I brought / had brought food to cook dinner, but everyone (by the time)
had already eaten.



ffi Complete the blog post with these words.
VüffÉ\ffitJ L¿,iir',,
I amazing annoying borlng ciisappointed embarrassed
feelings exciring surprised worried

ffi t., How do they feel? Listen and match the speakers
(1-ó) (A-F).
with the adjectives
A confident........ D nervous......".

B guilty....".". E jealous ........

F Lasl weekend was my firsl [ime 'glamping'- it's camping

I C ca1m........ disappointed........
but w¡th glamour! l[ was very near [he beach and it was
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences" beaulif ul. There was a(n) 1................ tent waiting for
us, ready to sleep in. lt even had heating! lam usually
t lt's worried / worrying that we haven't heard from Noah yet
2 l'm bored / boring with this game. Let's play something else. camping, but this place had luxury bathrooms w¡th hot
3 There's no mobile phone signal here. lt's really showersl
annoyed / annoying.
1r 4 There's no need to feel embarrassed / embarrassing. We bought food lrom the campsite shop and cooked it
I understand how You feel. on our own stove. When it was lime to go to sleep, I was
listen to relaxed / relaxing music before an exam. .... at how comfortable it all was. lt was just
5 It helpsto
t like my bed al home. And the 1 noise from
6 You look worried / worrying. ls everything OK?
olher campers which usually keeps you awake at night?
t 7 l'm annoyed / annoying that you didn't tell me you any! slept really well.
I didn'r hear I
weren't coming.
The only problem was [hat I found the weekend a bit
with -ed or'ing
l ffi neaa the clues and complete the crossword . We didn't have anything to do because
t everything was done lor us. The things that make

firewood, just didn't happen. l'm '..,......,................... lo adm¡t

F it, but lthink that lprefer regular camping after alll
lf you like more luxurY than You ger
with normal camping, You should.,
definitely try glamPing - You
I won't be

(1-ó) with adjectives (A-F) that have
ffi Vat.t adjectives
I nervous A angry
I 2 frightened B positive
Across 3 annoyed C miserable
I lt's.............. what you can do when you tryl 4 very sad D ashamed

3 l'm so .. about the concert, I can't waitl 5 confident E anxious

5 The news about Oscar winning a prize was really ó guilty F afraid
.I didn't know he played chess so well.
ffi Complete the sentences to make them true for you.
6 l'm really.. . with Tom - he's so late that we've
missed the bus. 1 The last time I felt angrY was
i Down 2 I somet¡mes get anxious

2 The programme about positive thinking was very 3 The most positive person I know is

... I couldn't stoP watching 4 lwouldfeelmiserableif''...'.'........'.....'

4 That blog's really ...-there's nothing new in it. 5 I once felt ashamed when

I Lífe experiences FN
I Ár\
!f r.rj..$5r*§eÁ8,§.§i¡*'i{

' É-

LBSTffi NJ ; i\t {= ¡l-t ¿

1...1 ,'-
ffi ffi 9.3 Complete the conversation with these words.
Listen and check Your answers.

can don't ought shall should wouldn't

A: I think l'm ready for the hlking trip. Are you?

B: No, I haven't finished packing yet. What do you think
I r............................. take?
A: Well, l'4r Blackburn said that we 2.............................
to wear shorts and boots, but also take a hat and
sunglasses with us. lt 3............................. be cloudy in
the mountains, but it will still be hot.
You will hear a boy talking to a friend about doing chores
B: OK.4........... take my guidebook so we won't get
at home. What do they both think?
lost when we are out walking?
A They don't have time to do everything.
A: I s............................, if I were you. Remember, we've got to
carry everything and that book is really heavyl I think B Young people shouldn't have to help at home.
they'll give us maps of the area when we get there. C They need to be more organised.
B: Why .... you take the compass you got for You will hear two friends talking about a football match.
your birthday, then? We can practise orienteering. How does the boyfeel about it?
A: Good idea. A worried
B confident
ffi nead the questions (1-6) in Ex 3 and think about what you
need to listen for: feelings (F) or opinions (O)? C bored
1 ........ 3 ........ 5 ........ used lo
2 ........ 4 ........ 6 ........
ffi complete the sentences. Use the correct form of used to
,- Now listen to the six conversations' For each and the verbs in brackets.
W E[ ,.0
question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Think 1 We............. (enjoy) playing board games.
about your answers to Ex 2.
2 ............................. (Max / be) in the hiking club?
1 You will hear two fríends talking about an exchange 3 They .. (not like) playing hockey.
programme. What does the girl think the boy should do?
A ask his teacher about it
4 Jess ... (write) short stories at primary school.

B talk to his familY about it

5 I ............................. (not wear) earrings, but now I do.
6 ............................. (they / live) next to you?
C sign up for it
2 You will hear a boy telling a friend about a course he did.
How did he feel at the end of the course? Comptete the interview with a young musician. Use the
A embarrassed correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets.
B very tired A; Hi, Alice, and well donel I really enjoyed your first solo show.
C proud of himself Tell us, r............ (you / perform) when you were little?

You will hear a girl talking to her brother about a problem B: Yes, I d¡d. I '1............... (sing) with my grandparents
she is having with a friend. What does her brother advise almost every weekend. They were in a band and they
her to do? .... (invite) me to sing with them on stage.

A avoid talking about what causes the problem A: So, did they give you singing lessons, too?
B ask her teacher for helP
proper lessons, but I watched and listened and that's how
C ignore what her friend is saYing
I learned.
You will hear iwo friends talking about an event they
A: '..............'...............
(you / dream) of becoming a famous singer?
attended. What do they agree about it?
B: Not at alll I 6........... (want) to be a vet!
A They didn't pack the right things.
A: A vet?
B The music was the most important thing.
B: Yes, l've always loved animals and everybody
C lt wasn't a good idea to go.
.... (tell) me I would be a great vet. But now
l'm into singing, ljust can't stop!


I l_,
Which activity do they choose? Why?
ffi ffi r.S Read the speakíng task below. Listen to two students discussing the activities.
Here are some things they
L¿t A group of four friends want to try a new activity at the weekend.
activities, and say which one would be the best

coil¿ io. falt< together about the different
É ul",.
!-'á {:,. ¡
§ Weekend oclivities


again. Which phrases do the students use to talk

ffi ffi 9.8 Listenlikes
: Complete the sentences from the students'
about their and dislikes?
Üñcussion with one word in each gap' Listen again and -
check your answers. I l'm into... I 6 l've always loved... tr
I What do you ............ about playing in a band? 2 l'm not into ... tr 7 I don't like ... very much. tr
2 How . ........ a vlrtual reality game? lt would 3 l'm keen on... n 8 I quite like ... n
be exciting. 4 l'm not verY keen on ... tr 9 I hate... tr
3 Maybe they...................'....'.... prefer to do something 5 l love ... n 10 I can't stand ... - q-
ert the phrases from Ex 4 in the correct place in the table.
Yes, hiking ... good, but I don't think it will ffi
be a new activitY for all of them.
l'm not ... about that. lt's quite expensive,
isn't it?
Yes, you're right. Well, they............'...............' try judo'

* ffi 9.7 Read the discussion questions below' Listen and
ññt.i, the students (1-6) with the questions they are
the words in brackets in your
answering (A-F). ffi fotto* the instructions. Use
answers. Record Yourself.
A Which is better. doing sport in a team or doing sport on
Your own? ........ 1 Say that you like team sports very much. (into)
B Which sport or activity is your favourite? Why? """" 2 Say that you generally like doing indoor sports. (prefer)
C Wouid you like to try a dangerous activity, like bungee 3 Say that yóu really like learning new skills. (absolutely)
jumPing? ........ 4 Say that you hate doing the same thing every weekend' (stand)
D How often do You do sPort?...'..'. 5 Say that you don't really like water sports. (keen)
E How do you feel about competitive sports?.'.'. " ó Say that you want to do a bungee jump one day (like)
F Do you like trying new things?.'......
9.9 Listen to your recording from Ex 6. Then listen to
* ffi
iliuOent saying the same sentences on track 9'9' Compare'
# tife cxperie:jcrds
E A;q=atT*,i\ ffi neaa the exam task and two students'notes below
VV I< ! e it\q {. (A and B). For each set of notes, decide where the points
should go in the story: at the beginning (B), middle (M) or
o slory end (E)? Choose two points for each part.

ffi neaO the story below quickly. Which of these sentences

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
starts the story? Your story must begin with this sentence:
A Jo couldn't decide what to do on her birthday.
Eric would never forlget his trip to the mountains.
B Last year Jo had the best birthday ever.
C Jo's birthday wasn't what she had expected. Write your story in about 100 words.
D Jo wanted to have a birthday party.

'- She haá invifeá some {rien|s fo go walkng i^ lhe
lo celebrate herbirfháay'Í\ tteather {or helpingthe eagles'
a n
t"l^i;rrrsf / Next,rueywalke.a u7 alarge hill'
Eric prize
l"t L
fhey were chalting aná ei¡oyinglhe day' z Ericwalks up a mounlainto lake picfures'

zlnthe en| / A{fer a while, )o noficeA someblack 5 Ericfakes phofos ol a -an who is slealíng
eggt' n
clouAs in fhe sky, so they oi'll
.on áown lhe hill' I Eric phones o wllálí{e organizalion aná
,f,^rll" / SuAÁe'n)v, )o\ irienA Ellen fell over anÁ hurt fell s lhe m ab o vl fhe m a n - n
white',afi{¡¿¡ /-then
;::;;k;; i; s,iiíiponi"x"á{or alwo girls lo go baek
5 Eric has got a neV,t camera he wanfg fo fry' T
ti"v t oá A)wn, Jo askeá tr
"oááá C Eric{inAs a \tery rate eagle\ nesL
downthe hill to gel helP'

eare,als arriveá
c sEvenfually / Sul,Áenly, one of \7 _. i

,o'-" porl^.áir:s,wí) helTed Ellen'"After / tinolly' :?

1 Lric aná l^is frtenás gel lost.
haA some
thev vtenlbacklo )o\ house, gof Aty anA 2 Lric aná l^is {rtends dec¡áe lo go Aii,ng.
thaltheir {riená
it:u{ra.y ."ne'lheywere ha?-Py
1 Lr\c and A,s friends realiSe lLey Aaue
was tafe.
{orgolfen to lake
^a? or ,atnav.
\ lricjakes a V,¿avy^rvcisaciyzith
Iofr of
ffi eeaa the story in Ex 1 again and choose the correct words tood and ár\m|.
to complete it. 1 Lric o,nd Ais frtends bvild a fi"¿ y,
v^aLe o,tig^al.
ffi neaO the story in Ex 1 again. ln which paragraph does the
b A w\ovnla\n rg5cat¿ learn
writer talk about these things? {i6¿5 Eric and
I what Jo did about the situation ........ A\s fr¡ends.
2 what surprising thing happened.......
3 the reason for the trip........
4 what happened in the end........ ffi Write a story for the writing task in Ex 4. Use the plans
5 how everyone reacted at first........ in Ex 4 or your own ideas. Write about 100 words and try
to use a range of words and phrases to order the events in
ó how the girls felt at the end ........ the story.


, Eh l;*tr ¡*=fi ,fl-'l-' j " ffiuatcnthesentencehalves(1-6)with(A-F)tocomplete
t i*i ¡ \ i E L, f-: L.'. .. each sentence.

i the I She's so confldent' """'

I I Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of
[ ,"rüin Uir.f"tr. 2 Jake sounded so relaxed on the phone,......".
.F' 1I ....... (not swim) in the sea until I went 3 My mum is disappointed ........
to 4 lsaac was nervous during his first driving lesson ........
§ Z The lesson (just / start) when we 5 l'm so excited, I can't speak! ........
B arrived,
ó Patrick felt guilty for shouting at his sister"""""
f" '"-tr" Jlist before
3 we................... (not write)t a- shopping
we went to the market A l'm very jealous of his holiday.
I 4 My dad came to meet me after he B but he stayed calm and did well.
I (f nish)work.
C l'm surprised she didn't want to sing on stage.
5 Their train (already / leave), so we
'r couldn't wave'goodbyei
D but she could be so annoyingl
á E This concert is going to be amazingr
5 Until she saw the audience, she ..................
r because
usLou)s II found
rvu the family sailing holiday boring.
¡ (notfeel) nervous.
3 mComplete the text with the past perfect or
past simple fM!
ffi :i-T:
Crace wants to find out about her grandmother's childhood.
Write her questions' Use the correct forrn of used to'
form of the verbs in brackets.
I I where/live?

t (be) vefy s[fessed. The oven (break) 2 walk / to school?

rnrt r
chp (invite) friends around for
' dinner. I a................... (say) I would help but she 3 what sports / play?
I s........ ...,.... (tell) me to go and do my homework

t ; (not g¡ve) us any homeworkl rogether 4 where I go I after school?

, the barbecue and the microwave - we e.............. .. 5 have / a lot of homework?

t (arr¡ved). Everything was OK! ó what / enjoy / studying at school?
I 3 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the blog post. her questions. Complete
:' Gru.",, grandmother is answering
t what shé says with the correct form of used to and the
verbs in brackets'

't nt the end of eoch school yeor we hove o closs trip. near the sea. There were four of us children, so we

n lt's usuolly quite lbored / boring - we go to o museum or to (share) a room' But we

the cinemo in town. But this yeor wos different, We were (not mind). We had a lot of fun.
t '2sulpilsed / surprising to heor ihot
the school hod We a-................ (catch) the bus to school
r' orgonised o hiking trip' We were going fo see on because there wasn't a school in the village in those
,omozed / omozing woterfoll which is fomous in our region, days. After school we s.................. (go) down
When we got off the minibus to slort the hike, we were oll to the beach and do some fishing or go swimming in
*' 4exciled / exciting becouse no one hod wolked to the
viewpoint, the summer. Sometimes we played football, too. We
.', or play computer
woterfoll before. lt took two hours to get to the
sdisoppointed / .......... (not watch)
but when we got there, we weren't games like you do'
n disoppointing, The woterfoll wos reolly beoutiful ond olso
ot we have) as much homework
very noisy! lt wos o bit ófrightened / frighlening to siond '................. .-...........'............(not
n *i;ilil Üox oown ot o¡ thot woter. as you children do nowadays, though' I remember l, .
(like) science best,at school' Maybe
: we hod o rest ond ote our lunch, Then it wos time to
rE wolk bock down to the cor pork, For o moment we were that's why I became a chemistry teacher!
Tworrying / worried thot it mlght roin, but we were lucky
I ond it didn't. When we got bock to the bus, we oll ogreed
thot we were very stired / tiring, but hoppy. The trip wos o
= lot of fun. 8l
I? ffiV§ffiLI'N,,: :
;' ffi Choot" the correct words to complete the letter.

ffi fina one extra word in each sentence. Miil Bank School
1 I enjoyed the play which we saw it at the theatre.
School trip to the Edinburgh Festivat
2 What would you do if you have had more free time?
3 Everyone in my family loves to singing. Dear Parents and Students,
4 My parents have a newspaper is delivered every morning
All students lrequired / are required to be at the school at
5 Tom told to his parents that he wanted to stay at a 2leave
8.30 a.m. as the coach / will leave at 9 a.m. Students
friend's house.
who arrive late are haüng to / will have to miss the trip and
é The temperature will be increase this afternoon.
take classes instead.
7 You must to go to the dentist about your toothache.
8 We have a famllytrip to the beach from now and then When we flrst booked this trip, the coach company said that
students 3can / could eat their packed iunch on the coach.
ffi Complete the crossword. The first letter of each word
However, they ahave / had recently decided that this is no
is given.
longer possible. The coach driver sis going to make / makes
a stop along thejourney so that students can eat their packed
iunches in a pretty forest area.

Everything at the festival Ís free, so students 6don't need to /

didn't have to take large amounts of cash with them. As it'll be
a warm day, they Twould / should take a few pounds for drinks
but nothing more.
Students smust / can return to the car park by 4.45 p.m.
The coach will leave at 5 p.m. and arrive back at the school
at 9 p.m.

We hope everybody has a great day.

Mr Hiller
Head Teacher

ffi Cnoore the correct definition for the words in bold.
3 We went to London on the train today. lt was a fun
t............................. . I can only make a meal if I follow a recipe,
7 You need at least a week for s.....,.....,................. in New York A instructions for a meal
because there are so many interesting places to visit. B a pan for cooking food
8 We watched the surfers riding the w.......,..................... in
Let's walk along the cliff top.
the sea.
A Iarge area of rock with a steep side

I Canyou e............................. this maths problem to me? I don't B area of sand or stones at the edge of the sea
understand it. want a new phone. This one's ancient!
I really
2 The tennis players walked onto the c..................,.......... and
A old-fashioned
started to play.
B very old
4 My phone alarm 9........... off at six every morning
5 The actress walked onto the s............,................ and everyone l'm anxious about my science test. I don't think I did well
went quiet. A worlied
ó lf there's a d....................."....... with our train, we'll have time B depressed
to go to the café for lunch.
This meat is disgusting. I don't think I can eat it.
A very different
B extremely unpleasant


ffi Complete the sentences with these words. You do not need
Our team got the prize for best presentation'
T two of the words.
A high marks in a test
B something that says you did well in a competition beautil=ul bossY calrn depressing fed up
I guiltr¡ narrow relaxing
The final destination of our tour was the art museum'
A a place You're going to I always have a long bath after a stressful day. lt's
t B a place You're leaving so ......"....."..........."..." .

I don't think we can drive down this street. lt's

The city's never very lively on a Sunday evening'

too ........................."....
A fullof peoPle 3 You never get angry, You're alwatTs so......'".........'...........
B exciting with lots of things happening 4 We swam in the Pool below the
high waterfall.
ffi Cf,oose the correct words to complete the sentences'
gaming' They 5 You're so ... ! Stop telling me what to do!
I Jack and Dan don't like keeping fit / online
prefer doing sPort outside. 6 Have you done something you shouldn't? You look
I join
We haven't got any homework tonight! Let's chill out /
in at the beach. 7 Why do you listen to this sad music? lt's so '.........'...

3 Everyone in the orchestra / choir sang really

well' 8 l'm ............................. with doing the same thlng every day'
narrow cliff path I field and I want to do something differentl
4 We walked along the long,
looked out onto the ocean. .,:- Read the article and write one word for each gap'
meant we ffi
There was an early morning cloud / fog, which

couldn't see much.
join in I
festival in the park. Why don't you go and
There's a
hang out with the fun? The b.y who hwñEt hEs ewm
l Where's the remote machine / control? I want to change

the channel.
Grace is saving for a new camera' She's mad /
keen about ,.&sa €m&wg@@
taking photos.
with the correct form of the
L6] Complete the conversation
verbs in brackets.

A: You lookfed uP.
(go) into town this morning with
B: I am. I 1.............................
(arrange) to do a When Brendon Humphries wos twelve yeors old, he
Gemrna because w€'.'.',..'.........'.....'..."
decided to build o roller cooster ride in his own bock
babysitting course. Gemma / (already do)
! ""
some babysitting but I haven't and I wanted to know gorden in SydneY, Austrolio' He got
more about it. ideo ofter seeing online videos of similor, smoller proiects'
t A: So what haPPened? He liked those, but he wonted to creote o bigger
ond it ¡'......'....
.... . Four yeors loter
B: BY the time we got there, the course
(start). The teacÉer said that the course was full and we now finolly fin¡shed. Brendon wonted to moke something
i could n't join. similor to the roller coosters you find oi theme porks,
A: What "" (You / do)? so his ride hos o theme: it looks ond feels like o roilrood

B: we '...
(ask) them to check their computer'
There was a mistake on their system'
f Surprisingly, Brendon ... never loken
A: Oh no!
closs in his l¡fe. He built the ride by
on engineering
, B: Yes, well, l'm not surprised When I booked it' the worked' He had
trying things out ond seeing whot
t ..-....:................... iesi the different sections himself, so he
trmel She ,..' (not pay) attention to me'
Apparently, she e.......'.,..'...'...."...... (not book) us onto a
hos hod o few croshes over ihe yeors, but nothing serious'
10............... (book) us onto a
Í babysitting course. She Friends ond fomily con now ride the entire roller cooster'
course in flower arranging but we didn't want
to do that!
Well done, Brendon!
The next babysitting course """ (start) on
t ó we 12'....'.'....'....'..."""" (probably / do)
the twenty-fourth,
t it then.


Psrt ?

Questions 1-5

For each question, choose the correct answer'

tr'' A All students must give back their books before the start ofthe
Unless you have provided holidays.
a deposit, please return
all books belore the B Students who have paid money can keep books over the holidays.
summer vacation.
c Students will receive money back when they return their books.

No one is permitted to use
A People are not allowed to use the lift when the ñre alarm sounds.

this lift while the fire alarm B People should exit the lift if the fire alarm goes off.

is ringing.
C People are unable to use the Iíft at any time.

sL@a a
rt I Don't
^ forget L_-, ^-^^.^^+-
to ask'7our Parents

a it is essentiar that sisned reports are returned any day up to Friday

I :^,::l']::::Y"'::Y::51;ll:',,.
to sign and date Your end-of-Year I
I rcpo[ts, Please return them before
raportt before I C it is important that students sign and return their reports on Friday
\- | the end of the week,

, íi.,:;

, ,.--
\* q.." j

The student chonging
rooms ore currently
o O A Students are allowed to use the staff changing rooms.

-: ,, I stoH IILjf\
unovoiloble. The stolf a Students can choose which changing rooms to use.

il +
chonging rooms ore
-: | ;;^.^f .:^^^;
iherefore ;;iloll
open to lt Tf I c Staff are unable to use the student changing rooms.
¡r, ll


The school chess club is

looking for new players

I A New players are wanted even ifthey have not played before.

I totoJomtnereamnexty€ar'
join the team next Year.
| a Ateacherisneededtogivetrainingtotheteam.
Previous experience not
I reouired. Training
required. be
will be --L. I C Only new members to the team will receive specialtraining.
provided to the whole team.


?ffi Prccfice tesr

Fmrt 2
Questions 6-10

For each question, choose the correct answer.

The five young people below want a part-time job over the summer holidays. On the next page are descriptions
of eight available summer jobs. Decide which job would be the most suitable for the people below

Marcia's really sociable and likes spending time with other

people. She also enjoys baking. ln the holidays she looks after
her little brother from Monday to Friday, so is only available to
work at weekends.

Danny is going to run a marathon, so he spends his days

traíning. However, he's free in the evenings. He enjoys being
outside and doesn't want to be kept inside at work.

Ellie wants to work for a few hours a week. She doesn't want
to work at weekends. She enjoys spending time in nature and
she's happy to wórk on her own.

Billy would like a job where he can be active outside. He wants

to earn as much money as possible so that he can buy a new
bike. He's huppy to work hard.

f0 Yasmin is crazy about anything related to food. She hopes to

work during the week as she wants to spend Sundays with her
family. She's shy and doesn't want to work with customers.



r Job Advertisements
A Kitchen assistant required B Dogsitterneeded
I We need a part-time assi§tant to work in the small kitchen We'd like to employ alocal dog sitter to look after our two
of our hotel restaurant. The job involves preparing food dogs for one hour a day Monday to Friday. We'd like you

before the restaurant opens and then cleaning the dishes to take the dogs for a walk through the woods and then
after we have served the food. We require someone to feed them when they return home. We're looking for a
work three hours Tüesday to Saturday, and Friday and responsible, independent petson.
Saturday evenings. We offer good pay. ,:
r." l:'

C Waiter/Waitress wanted D Gardener required
, We're looking for a friendly, hard-working person to serYe Gardener needed for weekend work to help keep our

customers at our Italian café' You will greet customers, garden clean and tidy. You will need to cut the grass,
.take orders, serve food and clear away dishes and plates' water plants and do some Seneral tidying. We're looking
We'd like you to work all day Thursday to Sunday each for someone who enjoys physical work and is happy to
week, with other hours possibly available' Our staff are work alone. This iob would suit a student interested in the
I fun and great to work with. environment.

t E Farm assistant required F Care home assistant wanted

'The position of farm assistant is available over the A young person is wanted to work at our care home for

summer period. The iob involves picking fruit for several four hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons' The job
hours per day and assisting with the packlng of the fruit requires you to make tea and fetch snacks for our elderly
before it is sent for delivery. You mustbe fit and happy residents, as well as sit and chat to them. All our assistants
I to work outdoors for long periods of time' No previous must have basic kitchen skills.
i experience needed. We offer a good salary'

G Furniture delivery per§on wanted II Weekly delivery Person needed
Do you want to keep fit? Do you enioy varied work? Are We're looking for a fit, healthy person to deliver our
you willing to work many hours a week? If so, then apply weekly newspaper to over 100 homes in the Dilton area.
for the iob of delivery person at our furniture shop' We You must be able to walk or cycle over three miles while
deliver large pieces of furniture to customers, so you'll pulling a shopping trolley fulIof newspapers in all kinds
I need to be physically strong and happy to travel out of of weather. The iob takes around three hours per week'

the area. We're happy for you to do it after 6 p.m.


i- g7

?ffi Prmc"líce test

FcxrÉ S
Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Selling iewellery
Lily Richards shares her experience of starting her own business when she was still a teenager.

I thought about making jewellery. My mum recommeñded that I get a part-time iob
was sixteen years old when I first
over the summer holidays and so I did some babysitting. However, it didn't pay very well and I soon began looking for
something else. I think what motivated me was money. I was determined to buy a car so that I could learn to drive.
I thought I could make and sell iewellery after my mum received a gorgeous handmade bracelet from a friend for
her birthday.

The f,rst thing I did'was make a shopping list of things I needed to buy. Shopping for them with my mum was definitely
the most fun part. I then tried to make a necklace. Watching videos of jewellery makers online helped a bit but my
first tries were rubbish, so I decided to take a course at aTocal college. With the teacher's help, I made fewer errors then
started to get better. It took some time but I finally made something that I was proud of. I gave it to my friendJade for
her birthday. She loved it and that gave me the confidence to carty on.

I spent hours making different types of jewellery - all my own designs. I showed them to some of my friends and family
online, and they offered to buy them from me. That's when my business started. I made more pieces and gave them to
rny friends and family to setl. They held parties and sold them to their guests at a fair§ cheap price. My mum and I also
sold some at a really popular market during the summer holidays. That's when my iewellery started to get noticed.

I soon realised I needed to pick company name. I chose Purple Leaf Jewellery. I'd like to say that the name is made up
of my favourite colour plus my favourite natural object. However, the truth is that I used a website that recommends
names you can use. Friends made lots of suggestions and voted for their favourite but in the end I didn't go with any of
those. I didn't listen to my brother either. He wanted me to name it after him!

1l Lilysaysshebecameinterestedinmakingjewellerybecause 14 HowdidLilychoosethenameofhercompany?
A she planned to give someone a gift. A She found it online.
B she wanted to save money. B She used words she liked.
C her mum sugqested it to her. C She asked her friends.
D her ambition was to become a designer. D She talked to family members.

12 Atfirst,Lilythoughtthebestthingaboutmaking 15 WhichofthesethingsisLilylikelytosayabout
jewellerywas starting a company?
A gett¡ng tips from experts. A 'lt was too difficult and I wouldn't do it again.'
B learning from her mistakes. B 'lt's something you can do quickly.'
C going to the store to buy materials. C 'l'm so happy that my childhood hobby became my job.'
D showing her creations to family. D 'lt's possible to achieve your dream.'
13 Lily thinks her jewellery started to become popular because
A she advertised it on social media.
B buyers were allowed to decide how the jewellery looked"
C she chose a reasonable price for customers.
D she sold the jewellery in a particular place.

\ FmnÉ 4
I Questíons 16-20
\ -L^-_^¿L the correct answer. There are three
! Five sentences have been removed from the article below. For
each quest¡on, choose
Y extra sentences which you do not need to use'
\ My summer of adventure
I Last summer I had the most amazing expg-tie,nce. I went on a sailing
trip from the uK to France'
There were twelve people on
Y It was organised by a charity and I was offáred one of six places.
\ boardintotal.HalfofuSy/efeteenagels.ló.......'Wewerealltheretowork.
I got seasick and
Y I'd never been on a boat before that trip and I was feeling nervous' What if
r1....... I was absolutely ñne the whole time. We spent half of
Y couldn,t help? I,d be so embarrassed.
Then we got on board
the first day on land learning about safety rules and how to sait the ship'
! and started our iourneY.
the day went on, the sun came out
Y I The weather wasn't great at first. It was wet and windy but as
ánd the wind slowed. r1....... That made our trip slower but easier'
V My first lobwas to help in the right direction. we were all expected to do the
steer the ship
re........ I didn't mind doing that but some of the
different jobs around the ship over the five days.
Y stuff, not boring housework'
other kids didn't feel the same. They only wanted to do the exciting
the day at the beach'
\ In the evenings we had time to relax. When we arrived in Ftance, we spent
21.......It was a lot of fun'
We had a barbecue and played some games'
I'd definitely
I All in all, I had a grcat time. I met some cool people'and learnt some new skills' ''
recommend it.
I A Neither of us had done it before'

' I
B Everyone enjoyed the beach bowling in particular'

I C The others were experienced adult sailors'

I p They didn't all come from the same place'

E That meantthey had a variety of work'

¡ F LuckilY, I wasn't ill at all.

I G That included cooking'and cleaning'


. H It stayed fa rly calm for the rest of the trip'


-I 89

ffi Prca:1-iee,

PmrÉ §
Questions 21-2ó

For each guest¡on, choose the correct answer.

Are long summer holidays good?

In some countries, the summer holidayíaie ¡ust a few Án, torg. In others, they can 2r........ almost
three months. So which is better?

The main about long summer holidays is memory. When students go on holiday for several

weeks, they forget what they have studied. lMhen they come back to school for the new term,
teachers have to spend time 23........ old topics with thern.

Of course, longer holidays mean more time to relax. Students and teachers work hard during the
school year. Long summer holidays give them the 21....... to get some energy back. \fhen everyone
returns to school, they feel ready to start again.
Longer school holidays also give young people time.to do things outside of school. They can
26........ to a child's
new places, try new actiüties and have new experiences. All of these things are

2lAgo B exist C last D run

22 A worry B reason C chance D problem

23 AknowinS B reviewing Csearching Dunderstanding

24 A access B choice C hope D opportunity

25 A check B travel C explore D question

26 A key B urgent C large D necessary


PcrÉ S
Questions 27-32
\ write one word for each gap.
For each question, write the correct answer.

\ My summer proiect
\ ing useful during rqy,armmer holidays, so I decided to set myself a proiect:
to open a youth club in my town. ttrere úi"eo to " -...-.-.,........-....... one but it closed. The
was still there but it was empty. I wanted to reopen it'
I contacted hundreds of local companies and asked
28.. . to give some money to the
project. A lot of the people I spoke to said 'no"e............................. first, so I visited them and
gave a
presentation. Eventuall¡ some said'yes'.
and buy
\ I.worked with someone from our local council. We used the money to repair the building
,furniture and equipment 30.................,...,....... as a pool table and a coffee machine' I asked some adults
\ I knew to help me look after the club. They were happy
t'..........'.'........."""' do this'

I felt proud.


Y 9l

Effi Frcctice tesi

WretT§f\q ffi
F*rf §

You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words.

Question 1

Read this email from your English teacher and the notes you have made.

From: Mrs Edwards


Hi class,

You've all worked really hard this year, so I'd like to organise an end-of-year
event for the school.
\ Edwardr

We could have a talent competition or a sports event. \¡Vhich would you prefer? I think
both could be fun. We'd need to organise aprize. \Mhat could the winners receive? ,"1---==
The school could provide some food. What kind of food would you like to have?

Write and tell me your ideas.

Mrs Edwards

Write your email to Mrs Edwards, using all the notes.

V Purt 2
Y Choose ONE of these questions.

t Write your answer in about 100 words.

v Question 2 Question 3

r you see this announcement on an English-speaking website. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story' Your story
must begin with this sentence.
)- Articles wanted! When we heord the bell, we oll ron.
Y What helps you relax? Write an article telling us about
Write your story.
the things you do to relax when you're feeling stressed.
r Do you think they're good things to do? Why?

r We'll read all your articles and publish the best one on
our site.
r Write your article.


: 93

lO Proctice test

Port I
Questions 1-7 ,

l[ ro.r For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Which job does the boy want to do?

2 Where did the girl get her new bag?

What is the prize for the winner of the radio competition?

B c


4 Which activity has the girljust done?


I 5 Which is the last lesson before the school holidays?



ó Where is the boy at the moment?

I 7 When does the girl have a job interview?



IO Proctice test

Pott 2
Questions 8-13

l[ ro.z For each question, choose the correct answer.

8 you will hear two friends in a shop looking at mobile phones. What do they think about the silver phone?

A The screen is too small.

B lt's too exPensive,

C lt's not very attract¡ve.

9 you will hear two friends talking about a problem at school. The boy advises his friend to

A tell the truth.

B forget about it.

C say'sorry'.

1O You will hear two fl'iends who are lost. What do they decide to do?

A call the girl's Parents for helP

B look at a map

C ask someone for directions

l1 youwill hearagirl talkingtoafriendaboutherholiday.Whatdidshelikebestaboutit?

A The food was very good.

B fhe campsite was great.

C The countrysidewas beautiful.

12 you w!![ hea¡ a brqthel and sister talking about

ahor rt ctr rdvino for exam
studying exams. The boy advises his sist :er to

A start a study group with herfriends.

B study on her comPuter.

C spend more time on difficult subiects.

13 You will hear two friends talking about babysitting. How do they both feel about it?

A They want to get paid for it.

B They think it's easy.

C They are tired of it.

Y Fc¡rÉ S
Y Questions 14-19
Y O.: For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.
ffi f
Y You will hear a man called Sam telling a group of students about his work as a chef
Being a chef
sam,s f,rst job after school was
ra............................. in a lestaurant kitchen.
Y Sam became a head chef after ..'.. years'

Y sam,s responsibilities include buying ."... as well as cooking and presenting food.
Sam needs a17............................. for his job.
Y Sam says one advantage of his career is being able to ..., "" '

Y Sam would like to work on a
1e.....................,....... in the near future'

Fer* 4
Questions 20-25

ffi rO.+ For each question, choose the correct answer'

You will hear an interview with a hospital nurse called Amy'
Y 20 Amy wanted to work as a nurse because 23 What does Amy like best about her job?

Y A she wanted to helP PeoPle.

A working in a team

B some of her family worked at the hospital. B every daY being different
Cr she was ¡nterested in biology at school. C saving lives

\ 21 How did Arny feel on her first day as a nurse? 24 ln the future AmY Plans to
\ A nervous because of her age A get some more qualifications.

Y B excited to start herjob B change to a different department.

C worried that she would make a mistake C cont¡nue to do her job well.
\ 25 Amy advises anyone who wants to be a nurse to
22 What makes AmY feel angrY?
\ A working long hours A get some work exPerience.
\ B people who waste her time B choose a good universitY course.
\ C rude behaviour towards doctors and nurses C talk to people who have done the job.

IO Proctice test

Porf I
Phose I
l[ ro.S The examiner is going to ask you some questions about you. Listen and answer the questions. Pause the recording after
each beep and give Your answer.

Phose 2
![ The examiner is going to ask some more questions about you. Listen and answer the questions. Pause the recording after
r O.O
each beep and give your answer.

Potl 2
rO.Z The examiner is going to give you a photo and ask you to talk on your own about it. Listen and follow the examiner's
instructions. Speak for about a minute.


-1 Fort 3
ffi The examiner is going to describe a situation to you and give you some p¡ctures. You and the other student must talk
f O.e
-1 about them together, Listen and follow the examiner's instructions. Talk together for about two minutes.

Jobs the girl could do







'r n\

tr tl'b

'f §dffirT 4"
tr pictures in Part 3. Listen and answer the
ffi lO."; Now the examiner is going to ask you some quest¡ons about the topic of the
the recording after each beep and give your answer.
f questions. Pause
s.l I.3
I Fran is a very intelligent girl. I know that she N: You will hear two friends who are shopping
A=Ann B=Ben
for clothes.
worries a lot about the end-of-year test that's
A: Hi! Did you have a good weekend?
coming up, but she should be more positive A: Well, what do you think?
B: Yes, i did, thanks. I went horse-ridlng for the about her chances. B: Hmm... Not sure I like it, lthink I preferthe
first time.
2 l'm rather unhappy about Sam th¡s term, He's one you tried on before - the blue one.
A: Wow! Where did you do that? always chatt¡ng with his friends in class. He A: Do you really?
B: ln the countryside near my uncle's village. needs to talk a bit less and do more work. He
can make his plans for the weekend after class!
B: Yes, it suited you better.
It was amazingl I had to wear a special helmet
A: But you said you didn't like that one. You sa¡d ¡t
and riding boots. 3 l'm afraid I had to get angry with Clare last
looked old-fashioned and too dark.
A: ld love to try horse-rid¡ng. But it sounds a bit week, She's often rude to me and I knów that
scary! her other teachers are fed up with ¡t too. B: I knoq l'm sorry. lt looked better than this one,
though. Do you know what?
B: lt's not. Well, at least I wasn't scared - I was on 4 lt's nearly exam time and Alex needs to take a
the horse with my uncle. Although, I nearly fell lot more care with his work if he w¿nts to get A: What?
off the horse at one point! lt wanted to run but, a good mark, He does it too quickly and he B: Why don't you take that off and try on a b¡gger
luckily, my uncle was in control, so it couldn't go doesn't check it before he hands it in. one? I think this one's too tight.
too fast, 5 Iwas so impressed with lsobel recently. We A: Same colour?
went out for the day to the forest and she had
I.l ond 1.2 a nasty fall. She didn't panic or start crying -
just patiently waited for help.
B: Yeah,
ask ¡f
actuallythe colour's great. Butyou should
they have it in Large. lt will look better
J=Jess A=Amelia she
with your jeans.
J: Hi, Amelia. How are you? ó Nick is doing very well th¡s term. He always
does his homework. He's never late for school
A: Oh hi, Jess. l'm fine, thanks. It's so good to hear N: You will hear two friends trying to ñnd their
and I know that if I ask him to do something,
from you. lt seems as if you're in the next room,
he will always do it as well as he can. way in a shopplng centre.
not thousands of miles away in Australia! How
are things?
A: Where are we? I always get lost ¡n these places!

J: Great, thanks.
1.4 B: I know what you mean. Once you're inside it's
N = Narrator diffrcult to know where you are.
A: Are you still at the hotel in Sydney?
1 A: Are the cash machirres on the second floor?
J: No, I'm staying with my aunt and uncle now.
N: You will hear two friends talking about what to B: I don't think so. Let's look at this map.
A: Where do they llve? ls it very d¡fferent from do next ¡n a museum.
Ma nchester?
A: We're here, I think ... Oh, there's an information
A: Where shallwe go next? desk. Maybe we can try asking there.
J: Are you joking? It's completely different here.
B: I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind B: We've just walked past ¡t - ¡t's closed on
They live on the Gold Coast and the weather is
looking at some pa¡ntings. Sundays, We should try using the interactive
fantastic. lt's st¡ll hot and sunny even though
A: Really? l'm not sure. map.
it's nearly six o'clock.
A: I don't believe itl lt's raining here in Manchester. B: Would you rather go to the Roman section A: Where is it?
What are you doing at the moment? to look at the coins? I saw them last t¡me and B: lt's over there next to the lift, look. lt's touch-
J: Well, l'm having d¡nner in the garden. They've
they're really beautiful. screen and ¡t shows you exactly where you are,
got a huge garden and theyte building a A: Yes,that sounds like a good idea. And I know in 3Dl
swimming pool now. you love collecting co¡ns! What floor do we A: Great idea! Come orl, let's go.
need to go to?
A: What's that noise? 5

J: lt's a kookaburra bird. We hear them all the B: Um, upstairs to the second floor, I think- next N: You will hear two friends choosing a film to see.
time in the garden. Hang on a minute - l'm to the gift shop.
A: Hi, how are things?
holding the phone out now. 2
B: Good, thanks. Have you had any ideas about
A: Wow! They don't sound like British birds at alll N: You will hear two friends talkÍng about what we should watch?
J: I knowl I love it here. ln the even¡ngs we travelling by bus.
A: I had a look at the cinema webs¡te online, but
somet¡mes go to the beach, too. We have a A: The bus should be here in a few minutes. there's so much choice, I don't know .. . What
swim and watch the sunset. B: Are we at the right stop? Are we go¡ng to be do you feel like?
A: Well, at the moment l'm listening to the rain late?
B: There's that new science fiction ñlm - what's ¡t
against the window and I feeljealous! But l'm A: Don't worry, we're at the right place, The bus is called again? Somethinq about'The Stars'?
' really happyforyou, too. probably in some traffic. l'm at the bus station
A: Yeah, I know the one. I don't like science fiction
J; Thanks, Amelia. every day, remember? I take the bus to school. much and I hate the actor. He's terrible.
l'm tired of taking it every single day, actually!
A: Listen, I have to go because my dad's calling B: Oh, I love sc¡ence fict¡on! Um, OK, what about
me. He's making breakfast this morning, and B: Are you? That's a shame. I love taking the something funny, then? A comedy?
I think it's ready. bus - I guess it's because I don't often get the
chance. Oh, I can't wa¡tl l'd liketo sit on the top A: Hmm ... l'm not sure. Shall we watch that
J: Oh yes, of course - I forgot about the time act¡on film about pilots? i saw a video the other
difference. Have a good day! deck; that OK?
day about how they made it, and I really want
A: Have a good evening! A: Yes, i d like that too. I usually have to stand to see it"
downstairs on the way to school in the
morn jng. B: Yeah, I l¡ke those too. Let's go for that one, then.

B: Here it comes now!

! .¿.&
I 6
N: You will hear two friends talking ¿bout a café
W: Do you live with your family?
A: Yes -with my parents and mytwo brothers. 1 l'm so sorry i'm late. The bus dídn't come, so

lr A:
they often go to.
Brill Coffee looks so different now doesn't it?
get on well with my brothers and I enjoy
spending time with them. Maybe it's because
I got a taxi but i still got stuck ¡n traffc,

l'm calling to teli you about the awful service I

we like doing the same things got
T B: Yes, I l¡ked it the way it was. !n one of your shops today. The lady serving
W: What do you like doing in the summer? me was very rude - I didn't buy anything
Y' A: Did you? Why? because she wouldn't help rne!
A: We all enjoy water sports, so we go c¿loeing
B: lt just seemed brighter. Why have they put all or swimming in the sea. 3 Hi, Gregl lt's me, Sam. We met at Anya's
Y these pa¡ntings on the walls and changed the
W: What about in the winter? b¡rthday party last year How are you?
Y A: ln the winter we also go to the sea, but we go 4 A:. ".so, wewenttothe beach and then we...
A: I think they wanted to make it a bit more
for long walks along the beach. B: Sorry bljt the lesson's going to start in ¿
homely, you know? That's why they've put
Y minute, We need to go.
the new sofas in the corner with the cushions.
Y I think I prefer the new look, actually. 5 So, I needto get milk, bread and a new
B: Well, ldon't rnind what it looks like,as long as 1 Hmm, I think I was chatting to my friend Ali notebook. Hmm .. . íf I go to the supermarket,
Y they're still making those delicious sandwichesl on my phone then. I should be able to get it all from there. OK,

2 I was at a fnend's house and we weTe learning

time to go.
A: You're right! Let's hope theyhaven't changed
Y the menu as well. some new English words ready for a test at 6 ln my vrew, the book was amazing but the film
schoof today. We weren't doing a great job, was disappointing.

Y Tffi thoughl 7 So, English is a stress-timed language, which

)- M=Man S=Sophie 3 8 o'clock? I was with my s¡ster. We were having means that not every syllabfe in a sentence is
dinner and, for once, we weren't arguing! stressed. Some are stressed and some aren't.
Y 1
4 | was coming home from football. lt was raining
M: What's your surname? and I was standing at the bus stop getting wet. 2.§ nnd 2"ó
Y S: Taylor. Knowing how to program a computer is a very
5 lthink my brother was tell¡ng me about
r 2

M: What's your middle name?

something but I wasn't listen¡ng - as usual!
Sorry, little brol
useful skill these days. That's why we've developed
¿n online course for you. A lot of similar courses
? S: Maria. ó My friend and I were watching a film. i can't
teach you the skills you need to des¡gn a game, but
on our ten-hour onl¡ne course you will learn how to
remember the name but I know I wasn't
Y 3 enjoy¡ng it very much.
build apps.

I M: What's your address? 7 Iwas talking to my parents while they were

The course provides you with some short films
explaining how to do d¡fferent things, You then try

t S: 74 Clarence Street, Weybridge.

making dinner. They were asking me about
my day.
those things yourself w¡th some practice activities.
We could give you a test, but we think that would

I M: ilow do you spell the name of the town?

S: W_E_Y-B_R-I-D-G_E,
8 8 otlock? Oh yeah, I was sleeping. I fell asleep
while I was do¡ng my homework!
be unkíndl
Many online courses are expensive. You can pay
over f 1,000 for the longer ones. With our course,
I 5 2"2 mmd 2.3 the teachers all give their time for free, so there's
M: What's your postcode? 1 just a small fee offlOto coverthe costs of
S: Kf13 7ZH. A: How many languages do you speak? running our website. That's just a week or two of
I pocket moneyl
6 B: Two-
English and Arabic.
At the end of the course, you'll receive an email
M: Can you spell your email address, please? 2
to say that you've completed the ten hours. lf you
I S:, S-O-P-H-l-E-T at H-l-T-H-E-R-E dot com A: How do you pronounce this word? choose to do the course assignment, you'll also get
a certiñcate to show that you passed the course.

I 1 What's your surname?

You say it like this: bother.
Bother. Great, thanks!
Thís will be a good thing to add to your CV when
you finish your studies.
I 2 What's your middle name?
A: didn't hear what the teacher sa¡d. Can you
lf you don't like the idea of an online course, there
I are some one-day face-to-face sessions that you
)* 3 What's your address? explain what we need to do? can attend here in the city some weekends. Local
4 How doyou spell the name of thetown? B: Sure. First, we have to do exercise 1 on page 23. companies arrange them at one of the colleges,
5 What's your postcode? 4 lfyou attend one ofthe face-to-face sessions, and
ó Can you spell your emaÍl address, please?
A: I don't know this word. What does it mean?
you're not yet a teenager, you'll need to have a
parent with you, Anyone who attends might want
B: 'Very big.' to take their own laptop. Howevel you don't have
A: Oh right, thanks, to because there are laptops and tablets available
W=Woman A=Anton for you to use.
W: Where do you live?
A: l'm from Odessa. lt's a big city in Ukraine, but
A: Turn right at the end of this road. Then turn left
and then left aqain. You'll see the hospital on
it's not the capital.
the right.
W: And what's your favourite thing about living
B: l'm sorry, I didn't catch all that. Couid you
repeat it, pleasel
A: Well, one reason I love Odessa s because
it's a beautifi,l crty. There are so''l'le amazing
\- buildings -for example, the Opera and Ballet
A: Our new teacher has a really strange accent.
B: Yes, f agree. I don't always understand him.


C: Well, there wasn't much I could do. We spent 5

2.7 the evenings playing cards by candlelight. lt N: What website does the girl use most often?
1 One of the people ¡s wear¡ng a cap on their was kind of fun at first but after an hour or two
A: Have you seen this football website? lt's great.
head. it got boring. Honestly, I had no idea how much
we need electricity! I was so happy when it B: Oh yeah, I go on there all the t¡me. I probably
2 ln the foreground, there are some skateboards
go on there more than any other site.
and two bikes. came back on.
3 Three of the teenagers are sitting on a wall.
A: I like this music site too. Have you seen it?

4 ln the background, there are some blocks of

3"4 B: Yes. I findthe articles a bit boring. I prefer
N = Narrator listening to music to reading about ¡t. lt's the
flats or buildings.
same with all these blogs people write. I prefer
5 I think that the three people on the right are 1
having my own experiences to reading about
listening to the boy on the left. N: What will the girl buy from the shop? other people's. I don't go on those kinds of sites
6 Ith¡nk that the photo wasn't taken inside. lt A: So, what do you need in here? much at all.
was taken outside. B: Well, l'd liketo getsome newheadphones but 6
7 There are four PeoPle in the Photo, l'm not sure th¡s is the best place to buy them. N: What machine has broken down?
I can get them cheaPer online.
8 Two ofthe people have long hair.The other A: What's wrong?
two have short dark hair. A: OK,sowhatelse?
B: l'm annoyed. I put all the plates and dishes in
9 The boy on the r¡ght is sitting on the ground. B: My mum's given me moneY for some new the dishwasher this morning but I forgot to
10 The girl dressed in a white top has got a pair of speakers, so I should get some ofthose. I think sw¡tch it on. lvly mum won't be happy!
headphones around her neck. they're over there. l'd also quite like a keyboard
for my tablet -typing with that would make my
A: Oh dearl
homework easier. Unfortunately, I don't have B: That's not the worst thing. The washing
3.1 enough moneY for one at the moment. machine isn't working, so I have no clean sports
J=Jon T=Tim A=Assistant clothes for our sports lesson later.
J: Where are you going, Tim? A: You can come to my house at lunchtime and
N: What will the boy use to do his homework?
T: To the computer shop. l'm going to buy a new borrow some of my brother's stuff. He won't
A: What's our English homework? mind. And we can cook some chips ¡n the
B: We have to write a news art¡cle on a top¡c of microwave and have them for lunchl
J: l'm bored. l'll come w¡th You.
our choice. B: OK, great. Thanks!
T: OK.The game I want is quite new, so ¡t won't
take long to find it.
A: Oh yeah. Have You done Yours? 7
B: Yes, I handed it in yesterday. I used a |ocal N: What time will the mobile phone shop open?
T: Ah,here it ¡s.There's no price on it.Itoshop
newspaper to come up with some topics.
osslstontj Excuse me, how much is this? A: Do you know what t¡me the mobile phone
A: don't need that.
t already have an idea, so I shop opens this morning? I dropped my phone
A: Let me check. This one's forty-five euros but
Do we need to take photos to include in the yesterday and the screen broke. I want to get it
we're go¡ng to have a sale soon, so it'll probably
article? ñxed.
be cheaper then.
B: I don't think so, but you might want to use an B: Well, they usually open at nine fifteen but it's
T: Thanks! I won't buy ittodaythen.
onl¡ne dictionaryto check your spelling You'll Saturday today. I think they open half an hour
J: l'm going to meet myfriend ¡ntown next lose marks if it's wrong. earliet at eight forty-five.
weekend. I can get ¡t for you then if you like.
A: Good idea. l'll do that. A: Oh right.Well, I guess if I walktothe busstop
T: Oh that would be great -thanks, Jon.
3 at eight fifteen, I should get there at about the
N: Which type of game the girl's favourite? t¡me they open. Then I can get my phone fixed
3.2 ond 3,3 is
and still enjoy the rest ofthe day.
G=Grace C=Charlotte A: So, what kind of games do You like?

G: Hi, Charlotte. How are things on holiday? B: l'm not keen on those an¡mal games -the 3.5
ones with magic and stuff. They are better for
C: Great,thanks,exceptthat atthe weekend,the younger kids - I think they're really boringl
A: Why don't we watch a film later?
power went off for two daYsl B: Good idea.We should watch the latest ¡4arvel
A: I knowwhatyou mean.
ñlm, I think Ben has the DVD.
G: Oh no! What did you do?
B: I sometimes play sports games, I can beat my
C: Well, we went out during the day to the beach A: We could download it - it's probably easier.
older brother at racing games, which really
but the evenings were difñcult. B: OK, good idea. Shall I dothat now?
annoys him! I like simple games best, though
G: I can imag¡ne. - like ones where you shoot at little circles A: Yes. Then we can watch it when we want to.
C: I mean,we couldn't heat anyfood becausethe so they disappear, for example. I spend hours And we ought to get some popcorn. l'll go to
microwave wasn't work¡ng, and we couldn't play¡ng those kinds of games on my phone. the shop.
cook because the oven wouldn't work either. 4 Br Great! Howabout getting some of that sweet
The local cafés couldn't open because they had and salty popcorn? I love thatl
N: Who does the boywantto see in concert?
the same Problem as us.
A: l'm trying to get t¡ckets to see my favourite A: Sounds good, l'll see what they've qot.
G: Oh dearl What did you eat?
C: We ate cold stuff from the fridge-freezer' We
B: lsthatthe girl bandfromtheTVtalent show? 3.ó ond 3"7
didn't starve, Of course, we had to wash our A: lthinkatabiet's useful, lf you download afilm
plates by hand in cold water because we couldn't A: Yes!
onto it, you can watch it anywhere. lt's really
use the dishwasher, That wasn't so bad because B: They annoy me. They pretend to be really good convenient.
we didn't have any dirty pans or anything. The friends but they've only just met. You should
main problem was that I couldn't plug in my see that new rock band. I saw them last month.
B: That'strue.And the screen's biggerthan a
phone, so the battery died. And the wi-fi shut off Their songs are great.
mobile, so it's easier to see what'i happening -
too, of course, so there was no internetl but smartphones are easier to carry around.
A: l've hear-d that a famous DJ is playing here in You mighi not want to take your tablet on a
G: Oh no, that's really bad. How did you cope? the summer. The one who's number one at the bus or something.
. moment,
A: Yes, that's a good point. Maybe a tablet's useful
B: Really? Oh wow we have to go! l'd love to see for watchrng a film at home, then, rather than
him livel when you're out.


B: Yes. How about the home cinema? What dc¡ A: Have I forgotten anything? l: And what would you say motivates you the
l you think to that? B: Mmm... I don't know. l'll let you know ¡f I think most?
A: lthink it's fantastic if you have the space. lt's of anything. R: Definitely not medals - I don't really care about
i like having a pr¡vate cinemal winning. What makes me want to keep gorng
B: You're r¡ght. l'd like a room like that. It's better is watching older gymnasts do well. They are
l my heroes - I learn so much from them and
to watch a film wíth other people, too. R = Reporter T=Torn
want to be like them. My coach often says
l A: Hmm, l'm not sure, I prefer to watch films R: So, Tom, how does it feel when people call you
being a successful gymnast may also mean l'll
alone, lt's e¿sier to concentrate when there 'Tom Lewis - super-fan'?
be famous - and richl - but i don't really care
aren't other people talking all the time - l¡ke rny T: Idon't nrind. lquite like being a'super-fan'. ¡ ¿¡¡ about that e¡ther.
little sisterl very keen on my football, it's true. I always have l: And what is the most important factor in being
B: So you don't think watching films on a laptop been, since I can remember. a great gymnast?
with friends is a good idea either? R: Have you got a favouríte place to watch R: lt's the hours you spend training - the'ten-
A: Well, for me, laptops are great for video cl¡ps footbal l? thousand-hour rule'. My coach s¿ys that to
l but they aren't so good for films. T: I think ¡t's the new city stadium. It's amazing. become an expert in any sport, you need to
B: I don't agree. ln my view it's more fun to watch When the crowd start singing Wesley Richards' tra¡n for ten thousand hours. That's over years
films with other people because you can stop name, you know it's a great place to be. and years, of course. Skill is very important too
the film and t¿lk about it R: ls that your favourite player at the moment? - I mean, if you have a natur¿l talent for a sport,
you're iikely to be reolly good at itl But the
A: Maybe. I don't m¡nd thecinema because T: Yes, the captain of the team, Wesley Richards. harder you train, the better you'll bel
1 everyone has to be qu¡et and ¡t's nice to go out He's playing very well right now.
and see something. It makes it more special. l: What has gymnastics taught you?
It's expensive, though, ¡sn't it?
R: What makes him such a good PlaYer?
R: Well, when you are competing, you spend a lot
B; Yes, my mum's always telling me thatl T: He's a great athlete. He trains very hard. of time with different people, and you have to
R: And could you choose your favouritefootball feel OK about being away from your family. So
a_A moment? What has been the best moment I think l'm much less shy than I used to be. The
you've experienced sc far? one thing I st¡ll need to get better at, though,
1 I l¡ke watching films on my tablet with
is time management - with all the time I have
headpnones. Do you? T: That's a tough question ... I think watchlng the
to spend at the gym, I need to learn to manage
cup finalat Wembley two years ago. I had a
I 2 I thínk documentar¡es are amazing, don't you?
great seat ¡n the front row that day. my time better.
3 lt's best not to watch scary films before bed.
R: Lucky you! And I hear that you have coilected
l: Well, Ryan, thanks so much for talking to me
I Do you agree? and good luck for the futurel
qu¡te a lot offootball material over the years.
4 These days, cartoons aren'tiust for kids, are What's the best souvenir in your collection?
T: I think it's my medal from the World Cup in
4.6 an¡d 4.7
I Argentina. lt's more than forty years old and it Well, ¡t's a photo of two teenagers. They're in the
4.T sffid 4,.t was difñcult to find. countryside and they're climbing. They?e wearing
i A: Right. Have you ever helped with sports day special clothes and one of them is wearing a
R: Well, Tom, thanks very much for talking to me special hat - I th¡nk it's called a helmet? At the
before? today. Enjoy todaY's match! back there aTe some fields and trees. The boy who
B: No, I haven't. Can you tell me what I have t: I nanKs a tor. is sitting down is pulf ing something - um, I can't
I to do? remember what it's called. Perhaps there's another
A: Um, yes. These are the things to do. l've already 4"4 cmd 4.5 person climb¡ng with them - it might be a fríend
ticked some things off the list, but you can help or a parent. The boys look very confident. They
with the rest. Let me see , .. l've washed the
l=lnterviewer R=Ryan
don't look f rightened. And the activity looks really
team vests. I did that last week. l: Today l'm speaking to young gymnast Ryan exciting - | d ove to try it.
Johnson. Ryan, ¡t's great to meet You.
B: Great. What about the medals?
R: Hil 4.8
A: No, I haven't bought the medals yet. Can you
do that? l: So, do you enjoy going to the gym six days 1 The photo shows a gírl and an older man doing
a week? an activíty together.
B: Yes, I can order them on the internet.
R: Well, there are days when I really don't want 2 They're playing with large plastic rings - I can't
A: Good. I haven't written the team lists yet - but
to come to the qym, and I have to push myself remember what they're called.
l'm going to do that tomorrow. Ahl Can you
to get out of bed. But most of the time, I don't 3
find the sacks for thejumpinq racd? lt's the one I can see lots of trees, so maybe they're in
want to be anywhere else. lt's hard work, but it
the parents take part in, a park.
makes me feel good about mYself.
B: Where do I look? l: What would you say is the most difficult thing
4 They're both wearingjeans andjumpers, so
I don't think the weather is very hot.
A: I.4rs Brown has already looked in the sports about gymnastics tra n ng?
I storeroom and they weren't there. You need to
R: Well,theearly mornrngs are hard sometimes-
5 lt might be spring or autumn.
ask around and see if the sacks are in one of the ó Perhaps the man at the back of the photo the
especially after a hard day at school. But l'd is
other storerooms. girl's grandfather.
say watching what you eat is more diffrcult -
B: OK. Have you sent an email to the parents you really need to look after your body if you 7 They both look very happy - I think they're
about sports day yet? want to be the best. other gymnasts find having a great time.
A: Yes. I sent an update on Monday with the t¡rnes the pressure of trarning fcr competitions the
and a list of events. hardest - but not me. 1'm good at dealing 5.?
i with thatl
B: That's great. What's the next thing on the list? A: Eve, thanks for talking to 7be, ,me today,
A: Er... checkthesound system.Well, l'vejust l: Why d;d vou start do,rg Svmnastics. Ryan? It's great to meet you.
done that. The sound system is ine. R: At horne, we used to \¡/atch gymnastics on B: Thanksl
TV all the time but \rhat really got me into
B: OK, A: You started acting when you were very young
rt was watchinq my older sister take part in
A: But lvlr Granger hasn't cut the grass yet. cornpetitions - she's a gymnast too. l'd watch
-Just seven years old. Do you think that it was
Can you ask him to .¡¡ ¡1 ¡6¡¡6¡¡ew, if it too young?
her and think,'l could do thatl'l had to go to
I doesn't rain? the gym with her, anyway - my mum couldn't
B: Will do leave me at home. So ljoined the training
programme when I was five.

B: A lot of people ask me that. I wouldn't be an 6 A: I really l¡ked the second one" What's it called -

actor today if I didn't enjoy it. My parents d¡dn't ButterflyW¡ngs? Butterfly? I can't remember
A: How ¡s ¡¡s 5frsss feel?
push me" I really wanted to act from a young the words, but the song is great.
B: They're fine. Yeah. The costume is great. l'm just
age. going to do my warm-up. B: Oh, I knowwhich one you mean. lt reminds me
Ar So, your parents don't m¡nd? of something else, though.
A: Great. Good luck out therel
B: No,they?e really supportive.They look after A: Does it? lthink it's really different and fresh,
me. And I think they would tell me if I needed to B: lt makes me think of another band - you know,
take a break.
5.3 ond 5.4 it's a bit One Direct¡on.
N = Narrator
A: So, you th¡nk ¡t's OK to be famous when you A: Really? I didn't think that. But l'll download lt
are little? when I get home and have another listen.
B: Well,it's not rightforeveryone. lf I had N: You will hear a girl talking about listening to 5
music in her car.
children, I wouldn't push them to be actors. N: You will heartwo friends talking about listening
It would be their decision. But I love act¡ng- lf A: How did you find out about that pop group?
to music while studying.
I wasn't an actor, I would miss the exc¡tement l've never heard of them.
a lot. A: Do you always listen to music when you do
B: I heard the¡r new sonq on the radio ¡n the car.
your homework?
A: Do you have any hopes or dreams for the A: Do you always have music on in the car?
future? B: Yeah - not too loud, though. lt helps me
B: Yes,olwoysl lf I don't listen to music, I feel sick. concentrate.
B: There are lots of actors ld love to work with,
lf I could work with any actor, it would be Eddie
A: RealJy?! A: Yeah, metoo-but notwhen l'm doing sc¡ence.

Redmayne. I think he's great. B: Yes, I have to listen and concentrate on the Or maths - I tend to focus on the music and
road at the same t¡me. forget about the numbers!
A: What would be your least favourite role?
A: What do you do if you're in someone else's car? B: Really? lt helps me remember things more
B: l'm not that good at dancing. So I wouldn't
easily, actually. Especially classical music. lt's
want to be in a musical if I had to dance. But B: I have to ask them to sw¡tch on some music as something about the style, the timing - I don't
really, I am very lucky. I can't imagine doing soon as we get inl
know. But it works - it somehow helps my brain
anything else. 2 'record' important ¡nformation!
A: You don't want to be in pop music, like your N: You will hear two friends talking about a A: Hmm ... interesting. l've never l¡stened to
brother? concert" try it.
classical music before. l'll
B: No! Definitely not! But my brother says he A: That was good, don't you think? 6
would be in f lms if he wasn't a mus¡cian.
B: it was, but I couldn't the band very well.
see N: You will hear a girl talk¡ng about a mus¡c
A: And what do you ... I was watching the screen a lot. competit¡on she has entered.
A: Me too. I was really disappo¡nted - I didn't go to A: Ready for the big day?
5.2 the concert to have to watch them on a screenl
B: l'm not sure, to be honest.
1 Next t¡me let's go nearer the front.
A: Good morning. lt's a real pleasure to meet you.
A: You?e not worried about playing in front of an
B: Yeah. We'll know better next t¡me!
audlence, are you?
Are you ready to start?
A: I thought the concert went really quickly,
B: Well, l'm not very keen on playing in front of
B: Yes. though. people, but it's not that. lt just seems a waste
A: I sent you a list of questions last week. Are you B: ltdid. I wantedthemto playa couplemore of of time. .

happy to talk about those? their songs - you knog like Trovel in Time.
A: But you've worked so hard for this show. Hours
B: Yes, that's fine. A: I agree. That's my favourite. and hours of practicel
A: OK. Let's sw¡tch on the microPhone. 3 B: I know but I don't think l've got any better,
2 N: You will hear two friends talking about listen¡ng really-And so many people have entered-
A: Well, l'd better go home and start writing. to music on a smartphone. they must be better than me. l'm just not good
B: What did you th¡nk? A: ls that your new phone?
A: lt was OK, but not as good as I was expecting. B: Yeah. What do you think? lt's got lots of space
for music,
l'm probably going to give ¡t three stars.
A: Have you signed up for guitar lessons?
3 A: lt looks great. Have you got headphones for it?
lYy parents don't let me listen to mine without B: Yes, i have. rlave you?
A: I need to go through my part before our
headphones. They say ¡t's rude, I guess it is. A: Yeah.Areyou going to buya guitaror rent one?
performance on Saturday.
B: Yeah, I think so too, to be honest, l've got some B: l've rented one already.Then if I don't likethe
B: I know me too. l'm not sure of all the notes yet. headphones, and a spare battery, too. The classes, I can just return ¡t.
A: I think there's a room free at the studio. Shall I
problem is that the music neveT sounds as good A: That's a good idea. l'll rent one too, in case
call them? through headphones, does it? I give up after a whiie. Where did you get yours
B: Yeah. Good idea. A: Well, it depends. My headphones sound fine. from?
4 B: Can I try them? B: The music shop in town. ld go there and try
A: OK. Shall we go in? Have you got your lyrics? A: Sure, l'll bring them when I come over at the some different sizes if I were you. Then you'll
weekend. get the best one for you.
B: lt's fine. I know them already.
A: Ohl j'll enjoy that. I always thought that you
A: Great.You go intothestudioand putonyour 4
can't go in unless you're a real musician. Are all
headphones. Then we'll check the microphone. N: You will hear two friends talking about an
the guitars the same pr¡ce?
5 album they listened to.
B: Yes, they are, unless you choose a very fancy
A: Move a b¡t to the left. OK. That's fine" We've got A: that band. I think
Thanks for telting me about
a view of Tower Bridge in the background now, l'm going to download some songs from their
Ready? new album. A: Willyou come with me tomorrow and help me
choose, ifyou aren't busy?
B: Yes" B: Are youT Their new album is great. Which ones
did you like best? B: OK! ft'll be fun.
A; OK. We're going live in five, four, three. two,
one .. "


L: lt's a race where people run and pick up rubbish D: I agree, and we use so many ofthern. I also
%,{, think the school needs to provide more water
from the streets at the same time. ¡4y mum
1 Look at oblect one. What does it look like? and dad started to complarn about the rubbish founta¡ns, too. Then people won't neecl to buy
2 Look at object two. What do you use it forT in the village last year, rrostly from cars driving bottles of water.
3 Look at object three. What's it made of? through.fhat's when I noticed it lwanted io M: Yes, that's a good idea. And so is charging fqr
be happy that I lived in a pretty place, not sad plastic bags in the cafeteria, ¡n my opinion
4 Look at obiect one. What dc you use it f<.rr?
I lived somewhere ugly. After the Tace, we won
D: Hmm ... How would that help?
5 Look at object two. What's ¡t made of7 a 'Prettiest Village'award - but that wasn't why
I did it. M: Well, if people had to pay, theyd stop Lrsing
6 Look at ob]ect three. What colour is it?
P: The event was quite brg. How did you feel on
the day? D: Why do you think that?
f lt looks like two spoons. L: Weil, before the event, I was worried about the M: Because we only use them when they're free.
really smallthings we needed to do. I didn't D: Hmm. good point!
2 You use it for cleaning flutes.
have time to look forward to it. On the day,
3 lt's made of Ieather. though, I was reallv calm I was sure the event 6.&
4 You use it for playing music. would be successful. I loved watching everyone
1 When you buy a drink, do you prefer a glass
lt's made of metal and Plastic. bottle or a plastic one?
P: And what did the 200 runners that took part
ó lt's black.
like most about it?
2 Would you iike to use less plastic?
\-1 FA L: Well, they said it was enjoyable and, of course,
3 ln what ways do we use a lot of plastic?

t- a useful way to clean the village. Above all, 4 Why do you thínk people use so many plasttc
A: What's happening in this photo? ls one of those
though, they liked the wav ¡t was planned - bags?
boys your brother?
! B: No, that's Aidan, my cousin. He's the one with
the fact that both adults and children couid run
the race and enjoY a good day out'
5 Do you think schools should recycle more?

long hair. I think he's playing in some kind of

\ street music festival in this picture.
P: I hear that you're going to repeat the event
next year. What will you do differently?
\ A: What's he playing? lt
holding it differentlY.
looks like a drum, but he's
L: Well, l'll definitely set lt up for a different A: l've got this new rucksack which is perfect for
weekend, probabiy one in early summer, to going camping.
\ B: Yes, it is atype of drum. I can't rememberwhat' avoid the cold and the rain we had thís year.
B: Oh greatl That'll be handy for our trip in the
it's called, but it's an lrish ¡nstrument. Another idea ls that we have a team race
\ A: What's ¡t made of? I think that'll be too diffrcult to organise,

! B: Wood and animal skin, I think. You use that

little stick to hit it, but you can use your fngers,
though. I might also ask people to bring their
own rubbish bags but l'm not sure yet

A: Max can't find the photo he needs for his

too. Aidan can play it really quickly P: What are your Plans for the future?

A: lt looks likefun. L: l'd like to have a national clean-up day where B: I think I saw it on top ofthe fridge.
events lÍke this happen ¡n villages. towns and 3
B: Yeah. t needto askhim to Iet metry nexttime
cities everywhere. That d be great. I used social
I visit.
media to tell people about my event. lt'll be
A: l'm so sorry l'm late. Why can I never be on
easy to use it to create interest in all the events.
l 6.1 P: And finally, what suggest¡ons would you give
B: lt's okay, you're only a m¡nute late. I know a boy
The Mountain V¡ew Resort was hit by ¿ small who always arrives ten to fifteen minutes late.
i other teenaqers about our environment?
avalanche yesterday. Guests were asked to stay in That drives me mad!
their rooms for several hours while the emergency L: Well, young people like me know to throw their
services tr¡ed to reach them. They were given
rubbish in a bin, so I won't say that l think
the important thing ¡s thát we all try to make A: So,wewentto a restaurantwhereyou can eat
food and drinks by hotel staff, and children were
a small change because if we all do that, it as much as you want for twenty euros!
provided w¡th games. As this is an area which is
often hit by avalanches, locals were able to keep becomes a big change. You don't have to think B: Really?Where is it? ld loveto gol
guests calm. Everyone in the area was moved out of anything partlcularly new and amazing.
of the resort during the evening and no missing S¡mple things can helP.
A: There's a boy ¡n my class who speaks five
people or serious injuries were reported. The area
ÁÉ. different languages.
is still covered in large amounts of snow and hotels
will remain closed for at least a week. Some students want to reduce plastic waste at
B: Five? That's amazingl

their school. Here are some thlngs they could 6

encolrrage the school and the students to do Talk A: The sightseelng trip my dad booked was
clear sky together about the different things and say which brillia nt.
would help to reduce piastic waste most.
9reen grass B: Was it?What did you see?
heavy snowfall 6"6 mmd é.7 7

A: Anna enjoyed thetrip herfriends organised for

t humid weather
narrow path
D=Dylan M=Marta
D: I thinkthe school shor..¡ld provide more recycling
her birthday.

sandy beach bins. Do you agree? B: Did she? Oh, that's great. lt was such a lovely
surprise for her.
strong waves M: Yes. I do. Um .. Er . .

thick fog D: Go or.
to recycle more,
A: We stayed in a very small town where everyone
M: Yes, well, we defrnitely need
knew each other.
*.13 *¡^rd &,4 and having more recycling bins will help
B: Sounds lovelyfora holiday, but I wouldn'twant
P=Presenter L=Lucas D: Exactly. What do you think about the mugs?
to live there.
P; Today, l'm talking to Lucas who recently M: They're better than throw away cups with
organised a rubbish run in his village. plastic lids. The cafeter a shouldn't use those,
Lucas, what is a rubbish run and why did really. Plastic lids are a waste and can't be
you organise it? recycled easily.


To make my travel show interesting, I have to travel 4

7"2 to several different places every year. Deciding
1 Where's your passport? You haven't forgotten
A: People go on hol¡day to relax for a week or two.
where to go isn't easy. There are a lot of travel They want to stop thinking about their work
it, have you? websites online that teli you about popular places and do something fun.
2 We can't check in until latet so let's go and get at the moment, but I prefer blogs becausé then
B: I agree with Eva. People get very stressed these
a coffee. I can find out about cool places from travellers
days, so they need to relax. Holidays help them
3 We've been stuck in this traffic jam for an hour before they become popular!
to do that.
now, lt feels like foreverl I learn so much when I travel. I learn about

4 The plane's going to take off in a minute, so geography, for example. I can name most countries
in the worldl The most excíting thing for me,
I have to turn my phone off, l'll call you when
I arrive. OK, yeah ... speak to you later. Byel though, is history. I love imagining what life was 1 A common problem is that people lose their
like in different places a century or more ago, luggage on their flight. lt happened to my
5 How long will we be on the motorway for? grandparents once.
Can we stop and get a drink? I also make sure I meet people who live in the area
because they can teach me and the people who 2 The best holiday l've ever had was at a
ó Dad should be here soon. His plane lands in ten
watch my show a lot, lf they're really interest¡ng, camps¡te near a nver. I learnt how to fish and
m¡nutes. then cook the fish on the barbecue.
l'll put an interview with them in my film. lt's good
for my fans to hear what they have to say. They can 3 When l'm bored on holiday, I watch a film on
7.3 see the world through their eyes and notiust mine. my p.hone or tablet if I can.
1 the bags you carry when travelling 4 People go on holiday to relax for a week or two.
2 a place where people, especially young people, 7.6 ond 7.7 They want to stop th¡nking about their work
stay for a short time at a low cost E=Examiner G=Girl B=Boy and do something fun.
3 when a hotel provides guests with three meals E: Mariam,doyou prefertotravel by planeor
a day by tra¡n? 8.1
4 an underground train system G: Erm,well, l've neverbeen on a plane,so I can't 1 Am I in the right queue fortickets?

5 a holiday on a large ship really answer that! l've been on a train lots of 2 Where can I buy a souvenir?
times and it's usually enjoyable" Sometimes it 3
ó a documentan airline givesyou sothatyou can
can be very crowded, though, so I don't enioy it
What day is it?
get onto a plane
then. 4 Do you need your swimming costume?
7 a holiday where you stay somewhere that has a
E: What about you, Ben? 5 When is your friend going to arrive?
kitchen, and you make your own meals ó Areyourparents going to pickyou up afterthe
B: Unl¡ke Mariam, l've been on a plane. lthink I
8 the system of money a country uses prefer flying because it's faster than a train. match?
Also, when you fly, you usually go to a d¡fferent 7 Where's your sister?
7.4 country, which ¡s more interesting. When 8 Do you have a phone charger?
1 Go to our YouTube channel to see v¡deos about I travel by train, it's usually to another town or
our traveis in southern Europe. city nearby.
2 ln each video, we present ¡nteresting places E: Mariam, which is more fun: going to the beach
1 l'4aria
that you might one day explore. or going to the mountains?
I likeit because it's something you can do
3 We interview backpackers to ñnd out what G: I think going to the beach because there are
indoors - you know, when the weather's too
they think about the regions they've v¡s¡ted. more th¡ngs to do there. Yóu can swim in the
bad to actually meet up. We arrange a time and
4 We research food in the area and tell you all sea or visit a water park or something. There
we all connect and interact while we're playing.
about it. isn't so much io do in the mountains, I f nd myself talking to the l¡ttle figures on the

5 To catch our next episode, visit our channel on E: Ben, what about you? screen and sometimes I forget that my friends
the twenty-seventh of June, B: to do at
As l.4ariam said, there are lots of things aren't in the rooml
ó Our episodes are all approximately thirteen the beach but it depends on the month. ln the 2 Amy
m¡nutes in length. wintet the mountains are better because you I spend about an hour playíng every day.
can go skiing. You can't really do much at the
I need to train rny fingers to find the right
beach in winter. lt's too cold.
7.5 notes wjthout me having to think about it.
Hi. ld like to tell you about my onl¡ne travel show, teacher says I should do more theory too,

A Teenager's Trovels. lt aims to show people the

7.8 but I like playing bestl
beauty of different cultures. I loved travelling from 1
3 Max
a really young age. I was about six when I first A: A common problem is that people lose their l've got about sixty now. We had to put
took a trip away. Howevel ¡ d¡dn't start filming my luggage on their flight. lt happened to my á special shelf in my bedroom so I can display
exper¡ences unt¡l I was twelve. Now l'm eighteen, grandparents once. them all. I buy them online or get them for my
I can say that l'm quite an experienced blogger!
B: That's never happened to me, but our flight birthday or Christmas. Some of my friends do
I.4y very first video was of me in the middle of was delayed last year and we had to sit in the the same and we swap if we get doubles.
Scotiand. The castle we were visiting was lovely but airport for eight hours. 4 Daniel
I can't say the same about the quality of the video!
2 I don't make cakes and biscuits - f prefer things
l've certainly improved my filming skrlls since then.
l've also visited all kinds of amazing places, My A: The best holiday l've ever had was at a like pies or pasta. I don't always follow a recipe.
favourite was filming from the top of a mountain campsite near a river. i learnt how to fish and I add my own ingred¡ents and see what it tastes
then cook the ñsh on the barbecue, like. Luckily, my family don't mind if I practise on
but l've also filmed in a rainforest, national park
and many other places. B: l've never done that. My favourite ho,iday was
When I started out, I mostly travelled with my to Venice. I loved all the old buildings there. 5 Fred
parents because, obviously, I was young and they It was really beautiful. Wete practis¡ng a play at the moment.
were payingl My cousin usually came too because 3 It's quite difñcult to learn all the lines but I

Idon't have any brothers or sisters and my parents Al When l'm bored on holiday, I watch a frlm on enjoy rehearsing, and taking on different roles,
wanted me to have someone my age with me. my phone or tablet if I can.
The play has a few songs in it as well, so l'm
Nowadays I tend to t!'avel with a friend. practising those at home in the shower!
B: Like Eva, I watch a film, or I read a book.
I usually have some books on my phone.

ó Katie A: Yes, I know what you mean. But I think it would &"6
be too quiet for you if you lived there. Do you
it suits me because l'm very creative and l'm A: OK, so we need to f nish building this today
a patient person - each piece takes a long time.
think you d like to be thére three hundred and
and we only have two hours. How about asking
sixty-five days a year?
At the moment l'm working on a necklace for Ryan and Emma to help?
my friend's birthday. I found a design online and B: l'm not sure. But I got some good photos, lookl
B: l'm not sure about that. l'd rather we worked it
l'm using beads in her favourite colours. Itook this from my bedroom window, Look at
out ourselves.
the view. So green and not a house in sightl
e? A: That's a great picture.
A: OK" Why don't we look in the manual again and
go back through each step in the instructions?
1 the thirtieth of May, two thousand and six 5
B: That'sa great idea.Then we can see if we have
2 ten euros ninety-nine cents N: Which instrument does the boy wantto learn? missed anything.
3 five and a halfthousand A: So have you decided which instrument you're A: Shall I check we've got all the pieces while you
4 e¡ghty percent going to learn? read aloud?
5 two point seven five B: Yes. Well, I thought about the gu¡tar, but B: Agreed. l'll read and you check. And {'ll tick each
everyone plays that, don't they? I want to play Instruction as we check it.
6 the second of December, nineteen seventy-two something a bit more unusual.
7 four hundred and n¡neteen
A: Yes, OK. This all sounds like a good idea. Let's
A: But didn't you want to learn the pi¿no? see if it worksl
8 thirteen point oh two percent B: Well, yes, but that's not very unusual either, is
it? Besídes, I want to learn something that I can &"7 cmd 8"8
8"4 carry around and I also want to make progress A: Right, we need to choose a course for the girl
N = Narrator quickly. So, I think l'll go with the saxophone. to do in the holidays. Would you like to start?
Someone told me that if you practise, you can
\_ 1
learn ¡t pretty well in two years.
B: Yes, thanks. How about the computer course-
N: Which ¡ngredient does the girl need? learning coding, perhaps? I think it would
6 be interesting to know how to program a
A: Have you got everything you need to make the
omelettes, Emily? N: Where does the girl want to meet Jack on computer.
Saturday? A: Hmm... l'm notsure aboutthat, ltwouldn't
B: No, I haven't got it all yet. l've got the milk, lots
Hi, Jack. Um, ljust wanted to let you know be very interesting to do it every day over the
of th¡ngs to go inside them, and I bought some
cheese because I thought you might want to what's happen¡ng on Saturday. We ail need to holidays. What about learning chess? Playing
meet up to work on the history project. So l'm rnatches would be fun.
put some on the top.
going to the library f rst with Sarah to get B: Um, I don't think chess is a good idea. I tr¡ed
A: Yes, I will. How many eggs have you got? some of the books we need, and then I thought playlng with rny cousin once and we both
8: Well, that's the thing. I think I snould get more. we could meet at my house at about eleven hated it. l'd rather choose something that's
because there wiil be four of us at dinner. l'll go o'clock. lt's opposite that new café on Flsher more popular with people our age. How about
and buy another box. Street. lt's number seventy-four. Anyway, l'll learning the guitar?
2 text you the address. Can you text me back to
let me know you've got the message? See you
A: Yes, a musical ¡nstrument is a nÍce idea, but she
N: What is the boy's hobby? may prefer someth¡ng she can make progress
later. Byel
in. I don't think she can learn to play the gu¡tar
I used to play online and that's how I learned
7 in such a short time.
most ofthe strategy and got better. There are '
tutorials which teach you all about the different N: What's the boy most looking forward to doing B: Yes, you're r¡ght. Why don't we recommend
pieces - the shapes and also how much they're this weekend? something more creative, then? Painting is
worth in an exchange. But really the game is A: HeyAsh, what areyou dolng this weekend? creative, but I think it's for older people, So
all about the fght with your rlval. lt's more fun B: Well, my cousíns are coming to stay sc
what about the cre¿tive writing course?
to play with an actual opponent, not in'virtual tomorTow we're walklng up to the top of Pike's A: Yes,that's a good ldea. lt's ¡nteresting, creative
realityl I play against my cousin every Sunday Hill with a picnic. and it could also help her with her school work.
and we sometimes enteT local competitions.
l've won twelve matches this season. A: Oh, great! B: Great! So sha I we choose the creative writing
B: Then, on Sunday morning we're having a family
basketball game down at the park. i really can't A: Yes, fet's go wlth that.
N: What does the girl need to buy after school? wart fo- trat. I tove beat ng n-\ cOLS nS.
A: Are you con'ring to the café with us? A: Sounds fun. Do you know what time you'll be 8.9
B: No, I need to go to the art shop before it closes. there? I m¡ght come and ,,vatch. 1 Shall we suggest the creatlve writing course?
l've got sorne homework to do tonight. B: Probably about eleven. After that, we'l have 2 What about the computer course?
A: What do you need? Maybe I could lend itto a bÍg family meal at home I expect we'll fight
3 How about recommending the art course?
you? over the food. We usually do but ít'll be nice.
B: Well, l've been painting multi-coloured shapes,
4 Why don't we suggest the guitar course?
and toníght I need to stick them together so s,q 5 What about the jewellery-making course?
they look lÍke a window. l've got th¡rty-s¡x pieces 1 That sounds great.
of paper to stick together, but no glue!
2 l'm not sure,
A: Oh. I haven't got any, sorrY. 1 That's a great idea. lt's creative and can be very
3 How about do¡ng some online gaming this usefu l.
B: Don't worry. l'll get some at the shop and then even i ng?
l'll meet you afterwards. 2 That's a nice idea, but a fun or creative activity
4 Shal i booka roomsowecan practiseT might be better for the summer holidays.
5 , 'i*e t^e idea but I m busY tomorrow
N: Which photo did the girl take at the weekend?
3 That sounds a bit boring. l'd prefer to choose
6 Why don't we try using a zoom lens? something a bit more exciting.
A: Did yo- enjoy your stay with your aunt and 7 That's a good dea. 4 That sound.s great! lt's creative, relaxing and fun.
uncle, Lisa?
Yeah, it was great. lt was good to get some
I Would you ike to have the first turn? 5 l'm not sure about that. -Jewellery-making ís
B: very expensive, isn't Ít?
peace and quiet - you know get away from the
town for ¿ while.


B: You haven't s¡gned up yet? I have. B: That's OK. Do you always clean the car?
We had a really great vacat¡on ¡n London. I was A: l'm not sure about being awayfrom home. A: Yes, but I don't mind.At least ¡t ¡sn't as boring
pretty nervous before we went, because I had l've never been abroad. as vacuuming. That's what my sister has to do.
never flown to another country before. There are B: Did you talk to Mrs Weston about it?- B: I help a bit at home, but we aren't organised
plenty of great places to vis¡t in our country, so like your family - we just do stuff when it needs
A: Yes, I did. She said it would be good for me to
we had only been on vacat¡on in the US before. So practise speaking. She says l'll forget all about doing. My parents say that young people should
that meant we all had to get passports. We were home once I get there.
do chores - you know, to learn to be responsible
happy that they had just arr¡ved in time for the trip at home.
B: Why don't you your parents what they
- a couple of days before we got the plane. A: The problem is, when do you get it all done?
think? And your sister? Didn't she do the French
Anna's family let us use the¡r car while we were exchange two years ago? B: I know. l've got homework and gymnastics as
in London, which was great- But my parents took well. l'm always busyl
it slow at the beginning -they had never driven A: Yes, she did. That's a good idea.
on the Ieft before. Oh, and I almost qot ¡nto an 2
accident because I hadn't thou§ht that cross¡ng N: You will hear two friends talking about a
N: Youwill heara boytelling afriend about
the street would be differentl You have to look a cou'se he did.
football match.
right first, then left. But I got it after the first day. A: So, it's the semi-f nal on Saturday. How are you
A: How was the windsurfing course?
Ithink the best th¡ng about London was all the feeling?
super-old buildings. I loved them - especially
B: lt was good, thanks.
B: l'm quíte relaxed, actually. l'm surprised that l'm
Buckingham Palace. I had never seen a real palace A: Did you get a cert¡ficate at the end? not more worriedl
before that. B: No, but they did have a ceremony with medals A: D¡dn't you lose to th¡s team last season?
on the last day. Some people were a bit
B: We did. But we're a much better team now.
9.2 embarrassed to stand up in front of everyone,
We've done loads of extra training. The coach
1 OK, don't worry, We can catch the next bus. but I didn't mind.
made us pract¡se corners for an hour yesterday,
So, l'll check the t¡metable on my phone. A: So, you did well, Some boys were complaining that it was
2 What a shamel I was really looking forward to B: Yeah. I was proud that I managed to stand on boring, but I think we needed to do it.
that film and it wasn't what I expected. lt feels the board and even sail for a bit. lt's not easy. A: So you feel ready?
like we wasted our time. A: I know-you need to have really strong arms. Bl Yeah. l'm looking forward to it.
3 l'm not sure l've done enough work. lthink l'm B: Yes, it's quite t¡r¡ng.
go¡ng to forget the answers at the last m¡nute.
Where's my lucky pencil? 3 9.5 ond 9.ó
N: You wíll hear a girl talking to her brother about A: So we have to choose an activity that
4 Ifeel terrible. I d¡dn't even say'happy birthday'.
teenagers would enjoy.
She made me that beautiful card for my a problem she ¡s havjng with a friend.
birthday, l'm súch a bad friend. A: I don't know what to do about Maria. She's B: Well, what do you think about playing in a
really jealous that I won the science prize. band? I think they would enjoy ¡t because ¡t's
5 And why did C¿therine get a higher mark than
me? l'4y pro]ect wasJUSt as good. I deserve to B: How do you know?
get a1 A ¿s ,vell A: Well, yesterday she told to stop talking
A: l'm not sure. Everyone likes listening to music,
but maybe they can't all play music with other
6 We've practised ihe scene ots of t¡mes, so ¡'m about ¡t. She said she was bored with hearing
people. How about a vjrtual real¡ty game? lt
sure we'll be frne. lt's going to be the best p¡ay about ¡t.
would be exciting.
we've eveT done and people are going to love us! B: Don't listen to her. I think you should be proud
B: l'm sorry, I don't agree. I think some of the
of winninq.
group would find it boring. Maybe they would
9.3 A: Thanks. Maybe 1 will ask the teacher not to prefer to do something outdoors.
A: I think l'm ready for the hiking trip. Are you? display the prize in class, though.
A: They could go hiking. Be¡ng out ¡n the
B: No, I haven'tfinished packing yet. What do you B: I wouldn'tdothat if i wereyou.You don't need
think I should take?
countryside is relaxing. And you can chat -
to be ashamed of doing well. Don't worry, l'4ar¡a it's soc¡able.
A: Well, Mr Blackburn said that we ought to will get over ¡t!
B: Yes, hiking sounds good, but I don't think it will
wear shorts and boots, but also take a hat 4 be a new activity for all of them. We need to
and sunglasses with us. lt can be cloudy in the
N: You will hear two friends talklng about an event choose something for the group to try for the
mountains, but it will still be hot.
they attended. first time,
B: OK. Shall I take my guidebook so we won't
A: l'rn glad to be home, aren't you? I really need to A: What about horse-riding? Not many people go
get lost? horse-riding.
get some sleep.
A: I wouldn't if I were you. Remember, we've got
B: l'm not
to carry everything and that book is really
B: Metoo. I mean,the music was great, but sure that's a good idea. It's qu¡te
the camping part was really uncomfortable. expensive, isn't it?
heavyl I think they'll give us maps of the area
It spoiled the event for me. A: Yes, you're right. Well, they could try judo.
when we get there.
B: Why don't you take the compass you got
A: Yes, I know. Next t¡me we should take an B: Hmm... Butthey can't dothat all together-
lnflatable mattress, not mats. they have to do it ¡n pa¡rs.
for your birthday, then? We can practjse
or¡enteering. B: Yeah, good idea. I thinkwe oughttotake ear A: I see what you mean.And some people might
plugs too if we go again. And we forgot to take not ike fight¡ng anyway.
A: Good idea"
a torch.
B: How about badminton, then? lt's a bit different.
9.4 A: Ano we really needed one.
A: Yes, it is. Four people can play badminton
N = Narrator B: Never m nd. Next year we should be experts together. And it's not too expens¡ve.
at c¿mpingl
1 B: I agree. Let's choose badm¡nton.
N: You will hear two fr¡ends talking about an
exchange programme. N: You will hear a boy talking to a friend about
doing chores at home.
A: ¡ still haven't decided what to do about the
French exchange. A: Sorry I'm late. I had to clean the car.


9.7 *n# 9"& 3

f l'm ¡nto sport so I do karate once a week after N: What the prize for the winner of the radio
is N = Narrator
school, I usually play tennis most days in the competition?
summer, and l'm keen on cycling too. I go don't forget that Friday is the last day to
cycling with rny brother at the weekend.
N: You will hear two friends in a shop iooking at
send us your entries for the'Top Ten Films'
mobile phones.
2 i love karate. I d say it's because there are lots of competition.,Ali you need to do is write a líst of
special moves to learn. and lalso like moving up your favounte ten films of all time. lt doesn't A: Ihat's the phone my cousin's got.
from one colour beit to the next. matter if you've seen them at the cinema or B: The silver one with the big screen?
watched them many t¡mes on DVD. Whoever
3 l'm not very keen on doing competitrons
matches the top ten chosen by our film experts
A: Yes, that's the one. He says a screen like that
because I think that sport should be mostly is great because it's big enough for watching
wins a copy of the book Film Fovourites of the
about enjoying yourself. And keeping fit, films and stuff
Twenty-first Century. Don't forget to include
of course. your name, an email address or mobile phone B: -lrnm . I guess it's expensive.
4 can't stand team sports. I tried playing
I number so we can contact you. And good luckl A: Not too expensive for what rt does.
football in the school team and I didn't like it.
You have to remember to stay in one position
4 B: Itt quite ugly, though, isn't it?
and sometimes you can feel that people are N: Which act¡vlty has the girljust done? A: Yes. it is,
disappointed with the way you are playing. A: How did it go, lulia? 9
I prefer to do sports by myself,
B: lt was a good session. I think we're working N: You will hear two friends talking about a
5 Yes, I qu¡te l¡ke try¡ng new things. I went together much better now. lt's difficuft, problem at school.
canoeing as part of a school trip once and though - the music is fast and we all have to do A: l'm worried about the homework I handed in
it was a good experience. lf you don't try each move at exactly the same time. But I think yesterday.
someth¡ng new you won't know if you like it. we're looking good.
B: Why?
6 l'm not sure. I don't like heignts very much. A: Do you feel ready for the show next week?
I don't think I would put myself in a dangerous A: I copiedthe ideafrom Gemma. ltwasn'tmy
B: Nearly. l'm giad we're going to do the routine
own work. l'm sorry I did it.
s¡tuatron because l'd be worried about getting one more time at the dress rehearsal, though.
hurt- lt doesn't sound like fun to me. And that's when we'll get to hear the band B: Oh dearl I remember when something like that
that's playing for us, which is exciting! happened to me. I felt bad afterwards. I kept
9"9 thinking about ¡t all the time.
A: ¡ can't wait to see it!
1 l'm really into team sports.
A: I know.Wh¿t did you do?
2 i generally prefer doing indoor sports.
N: Which
B: We{1, I told theteacher in the end. I thinkyou
is the last lesson before the school ought to be honest, too.
3 | absolutely love {earning new skills. holidays?
4 I can't stand doing the same thing
A: Yes. you're probably right.
A: I can't believe it's nearlythe summer holidays.
every weekend. 10
B: Yeah, I know. No more science lessons until
5 l'm not very keen on water sports. September! N: You will hear two friends who are lost.
6 l'd like to do a bungee jump one day. A: What do you mean? We've got chemistry A: This isn't the right way. I th¡nk we're lost.
before we go home this afternoonl B: Oh dearl lt'sgetting late. Do you think we
\- 10"t B: Oh, have we? I thought we weTe going to watch should stop the next person we meet and ask
N= Narrator the Year 12 drama group. them the way?
1 A: No, we need to finish our experiments from A: I'm not sure. We haven't seen anyone else for
last week. ages. We can't keep wa king away from the
N: Which job does the boy want to do?
A: You know so much about animals. Are you 6
go¡ng to train to be a vet?
B: How about ca llng your mum and dad?
N: Where is the boy at the moment?
A: We can't because there isn't a phone signal
B: No, I don't think so. I really want to work Hi, Mum, l'm on the tra¡n. l'm phoning to say
outdoors but I don't want to study at university that i'll be home at about seven o'clock. i'm on
for years. ld like to be a farmer. I saw a TV the later train because there was a ong queue Bi Why don't we go back to that sign we saw with
programme about it. lt's hard work but I think at the ticket ofñce. I missed the s x o'clock tra n. the map on it? Then we can see exactly where
l'd love the way of life. Then I had to wait for a while on the platform. we are,
A: Yes. I thinkyou'd be good at it, too. Anyway, can you come and collect me? l'll wait B: Great idea.
outs¡de the station.
B: Thanks. 11
7 N: You w¡ll hear girl talking to
2 a a friend about
N: When does the gírl have a job ¡nterview? her holiday.
N; Where d¡d the g¡rl get her new bag?
A: l'm a bit nervous about the interview. lt's my A: Did you have a good holiday?
A: Cool bag, D¡d you get it from that new bag
third interview this month.
shop on the High Street? B: Yes, thanks. Ididn't think I would enjoy camping
B: The one for the Saturdayjob? Don't worry, so much, but I did. We stayed near a national
B: lt's nice, isn't it? No, my aunt made it for me. you'll be f ne. When is it? park, and the scenery was really beautiful.
A: Reaily?
A: Well, it was on the thirtieth but they called A: Was it a b¡g campsite?
B: Yes, she's making lots ofthem and then she's me last week and changed the date, So it's
going to sell them on a stall at the market. lt's
B: No, it was quite small and not great, to be
tcmorrow the thirteenth. honest. The showers didn't work for two days
going to be her newjob. But she made this one
B: Oh Un 16t y '6r somel and it was a bit noisy at night.
specialiy for me as a present.
A: Don't say that, Dadl A: Who did the cooking?
A: Wowl
B: Sorryl l'm sure you'll get the.1ob. B: tYainly my dad. He's not very good at cooking,
thoughl I was just happy to eat outs¡de, with
the mountains in the distance. I felt really ciose
to nature.


12 Another disadvantage of thejob ¡s the wages. You 10.5

don't earn a lot unless you're able to run your own What's your name?
N: You will hear a brother and sistertalking about
restaurant or be a head chef, But there aTe some
studying for exams. Where do you come from?
great reasons to become a chef. One Ís that a chef
A: How isthe revision going? can travel. fhe skills you need to prepare food are What subjects do you study at school?
B: OK, I suppose. lfind some subjects more very s¡milar in any country, so if you want to see Thank you.
difficult than others, and I never want to spend the world, it would be a great career for you.
much time doing those ones, I thought about being a private chef for a while, r0.ó
A: I remember that from when I was revising. You cooking for a celebrity on a huge country estate.
How do you get to school every day?
need to set yourself a goal - you know, say, 'lf I That was my dream, along with being a food
do ten exercises on th¡s topic, I can have half an stylist, working on the food you see in photographs What did you do last weekend?
hour playing on the comPuter.' in recipe books, What ld love to do next, though, is Do you th¡nk that English will be useful for you in
idea, but l'm not sure I can do that. I need
to cook on a cruise ship. lt would be a fantastic way the future? Why or why not?
B: Good
to travel while I work.
someone else to push me to study, really. Thank you.
A: Well, why don't you call your friends and see
¡f they want to meet up and study with you?
I0.4 10.7
You could meet three times a week and study ¡= lnterv¡ewer A=Amy Now ld like you to talk on your own about
a different subject each t¡me. l: Hi, Amy. Thanks for talking to us about your something. l'm going to give you a photograph
B: Yes, l'll try that, thanks. careeT in nursing. Can I ask you ifyou always and l'd like you to talk about it, Here is your
wanted to be a nurse? photograph. lt shows young people studying
A: Yes, I did. lt's strange because no one in my together. Please tell us what you can see in the
N: You will hear two friends talking about famíly worked in a hospital, and biology wasn't photograph.
babysitting. my favourite subject at school. I iust knew that
A: Why didn't you come to the cinema last night? I wanted to do good in myjob, you know? To r0.8
B: I was babysittíng my l¡ttle brothers. help others. NoW in th¡s part of the test you're going to taik
A: Oh. I sometimes babysit for my parents. lt's fun l: Do you remember your first day at work? about something together for about two minutes.
but it's difñcult to get the kids to go to bed. It l'm going to describe a s¡tuation to you.
A: Yes, of course, although it was many years
gets later and later, and they get really tired. agol I remember that I couldn't wait to begin. A girl doesn't know whatjob she wants to do when
B: Yes,l knowwhatyou mean. I likedoing it, but I wanted to put my training into practice she leaves school. She likes maths and science.
I wish my parents gave me some moneyfor it I didn't really have time to worry on that day She's very intelligent and she likes studying.
It's hard work! because it was realfy busy, Iíke every day since! Here are some pictures ofjobs she could do, Talk
l: And how do feel about being a nurse now after
together about the differentjobs and say which
A: You're right. lf our parents got someone else to would be best.
do it, they would have to pay, wouldn't they? all these years?
All right? Now talk together.
B: Yes! Well, l'm going to talk to my parents A: Most of the time l'm very happy at work.
about ¡t- Sometimes I get frustrated and angry because
people come to hospital when they don't really r0"9
need to. , have to spend my time treat¡ng them Have you started to think about a career yet?
r0.3 when there are more urgent cases. The more job to do?
Cooking was myfirst love and I still really enjoy my Why is it sometimes hard to choose a
people that come, the longer others have to
job at the restaurant. Any chef will tell you that wait - sometimes hours and hours. But I have Is it a good idea for everyone to go to university or
you can't work in a kitchen if you don't love your to be polite and treat everyone the same. college? Why or why not?
job. lt's often really hard work and it's not easy to Are there jobs that are only for women or only for
get a well-paid 1ob. I worked my way up from the l: What do you enjoy most about being a nurse?
bottom, you might say. Because when I left school, A: Well, I like working with my colleagues and
I started by washing dishes at my local restaurant. meeting different people every day. But l'd say Thank you. That is the end of the test.

It's difñcult to say how long it takes to train to be a the best th¡ng about thejob is helping people.
The feeling when you save someone's life is
chef because it depends how you get there. ln my
case, ¡t was five years before I was in charge of a
amazing, There's no other way I can describe it
kitchen. lt can happen quicker ifyou go to cater¡ng I: And how do you see the next ten years of your
college, Courses take about two years, but I needed career a5 a nurse?
to earn money, 50 I started work and learned as A: I love the challenges of my department, so
much as I could every day. I don't think l'm going to move. I am already a
There's more to being a chefthan people th¡nk. nurse speclalist, but I could train to be a nurse
Of course, you have to prepare food, cook it and consultant. l'm not keen on that idea, because
get ¡t ready for the customers - make sure it looks it would mean less contact with patíents. l'm
perfect on the plate. But l'm ¡n charge of ordering go¡ng to keep helping people every day. lt gives
ingredients, too. It's a lot of responsib¡lity to make me a lot of job satlsfaction.
sure we don't run out of anything. l: Amy, what would you sayto anyonewho is
My working hours are not great. I really need thinklng about becoming a nurse?
more tíme off, but chefs have to work evenings, A: You have to be prepared to go to university,
weekends and hol¡days. Those are the times when so you have to like studying and you have
people want to go out and eatl.l must start early to be very good at getting on with people .

ir) the morning and I often finish at midnight.

- f mean your colleagues ond the public. I

Having a car is essential because there's no public would recommend doing some voluntary work
transport that late at n¡ght. or getting a part-timeiob where you care
for other people" Do it before you apply to
university, so you can see if nursing is really for
l: That's great advice, Amy. Thank You.

The Combridge English Quolifrcqtion Bl Preliminqry for Schools EXom, otherwise known as Cambridge Preliminary for Schools,is
setatBl level oftheCommonEuropeanFrameworkof ReferenceforLanguages(CEFR). lthasfourseparatepapers: Reading,Writing,
Listening and Speaking. Each paper carries 25% ofthe marks.
Reading:45 minutes Listening: 35 minutes (approximately)
Writing:45 minutes Speaking: 12 minutes for
All the examination questions are task-based. Rubrics (instructions) are important and should be read carefullyThey set the context and
give important information about the tasks. All the tasks in the exam, and all the texts you read and listen to, have been specíally chosen
to reflect the interests and experience of school-age learners of English.

Reading Part 1: multiple-choice Reading five separate short

v ó tasks
32 questions
texts and answering one multiple- choice question about
each text.
\- ¡r,u,r,y,L'Y,\Luu¡¡,YVLJL,,tJL¡v"r
r people and matching each to one of eight short texts :s. i detailed mean¡ng of descriptions"
\-_ Part 3: multiple-choice Answer five multiple-choice Ir-,,_,_,_-_-,,__ ;.1,--_.,,-
Understanding of the detailed meaning of the text and
questions a text from four options. I attitude/opinions of the writer.
. _: :" "' about
:':' ::::' -'
:,' :- : :]:::l' _"_" : _:l_ :::''
jI Part,4:
o^*, L. n ¡nnarl text
gapped 1-awi- Chnncinn sentences
Choosing cáñt^ñ.óc to
f fit ínto Reading to understand howtexts are organised and
the gaps of a text, wíth a total of six sentences to place sentences relate to each other.
I correctly. ',

. Part 5: multiple-choice cloze Choosing the missing word r Reading to understand particular words and phrases and
lg1 cjrorcg oljg_ul_1!!:q{1 lhg telt !:e of words Lorg:tlng Ml¡ne:_
L ._f9j '.1_ggp:- 9
tofill i

Reading to understand sentence construction and how

, Part 6; open cloze Choosing which word is needed

L Writing iPartl:email Writinganemail of l0Owordsinreplyto ;Focusonwritinganemail inanappropriatestyleand

2 tasks a text, covering the points in that text. I responding to the input text
Part 2: longer piece of continuous writing Producing one I Writing using a range of ianguage, creating a well

Listening Part 1: visual multiple-choice Seven short recordings, Understanding specific information and detailed

4 tasks each with

Ir soLrr multiple-choice
vvrLrra a rrrurrrPru question.
L'rvrLE YUErLrurr. r meanlng.
--- -- -
25 questions
l ñ
i Part 2: multiple-choice Six short recordings with
, tUnderstanding
gist, ideas and opinions and agreement/
multiple- choice question for each. disagreement.
part i: sentence or note completion Completing s x rrstening un¿1..oiáing specifrc information.
gaps in a set of sentences/ notes, with words, numbers, :

r Or nameS.

Part 4: multiple-choice
,"u,r,y(e Answering six multiple-chorce I Understanding i detailed meaning of the interview
about an interview
qUe:sLlUI VIüVV r lllLluulll9
includ Lll§oLllLuuE)ol¡u

Speaking Part 1: introduction (2-3 minutes) Answering questions Glving personal information, social cc
Clving conversation.
4 tasks from the examiner about yourself. l
Parl2: describing a photograph (1 minute each) iU:sing appropriate vocabulary,, organising language to
tndividualdes!rlpllg! of a gíven photograph. descrl!5 *!:]voy t._:

Part 3: collaborative Task (2-3 minutes) Two-way Maintaining a conversation, responding to others, giving
conversation between candldates about a task with suggestions, discussing alternatives, giving reasons.
visual prompts reasons for your opinions.

, Part 4: discussion (3-4 minutes) Discussion of questions Giving opinions on a range of issues, explaining reasons
I asked by the examiner. l


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