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MDS Orthodontics

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Residency Training Program

Leading to the degree of

Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)




Master of Dental Surgery



This Curriculum is developed by the following committee

 Prof. Haroon Shahid Qazi

Professor of Orthodontics
Department of Orthodontics
Islamabad Medical and Dental College, Islamabad

 Dr. Ahmad Hussan

Associate Professor
Department of Orthodontics
Rawal College of Dentistry, Islamabad


CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ...................................................................... III

ROAD MAP OF MDS ORTHODONDICS (A Brief Summary) .................................................. 1
GENERAL INFORMATION AND PROGRAM GOALS: ..................................................................... 1
COURSE DESCRIPTION: ............................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5
RATIONALE:...................................................................................................................... 7
Need of program ...................................................................................................................... 7
Purpose of training ................................................................................................................... 7
Context of Training ................................................................................................................... 8
Duration of training .................................................................................................................. 9

AIMS & OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 11

Aims of Training ..................................................................................................................... 11
Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................ 11

ENTRY CRITERIA: ............................................................................................................ 14

Eligibility to apply for MDS Orthodontics ................................................................................ 14

CONTENT OF LEARNING: ................................................................................................... 1

Research ................................................................................................................................ 11

ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 13
Formative Assessment............................................................................................................ 13
Summative Assessment .......................................................................................................... 13

TABLE OF SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................ 15

TOS FOR MID TERM ASSESSMENT (MTA) MDS (OMFS) ............................................................ 15
1.1 Terminologies and branches ........................................................................................ 16
1.2 Need of orthodontics treatment/indices ...................................................................... 16
1.3 Behavior /Psychology .................................................................................................. 16
1.4 Orthodontic classification ............................................................................................ 16
1.5 Sterilization................................................................................................................. 16
1.6 Practice management (Ethics & professionalism) ......................................................... 16
2.1 Basic concept of craniofacial growth ................................................................................. 16

2.2 Development of dentition ................................................................................................. 16
2.3 Occlusion and malocclusion .............................................................................................. 16
2.4 Etiology of malocclusion ................................................................................................... 16
Orthodontics Diagnosis .......................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Diagnosis aids in orthodontics ........................................................................................... 16
3.2 Diagnosis in impacted teeth .............................................................................................. 16
3.4 Diagnosis in dentofacial orthopedics ................................................................................. 16
3.5 Diagnosis in dentofacial deformity .................................................................................... 16
4.1 Adhesives and cements..................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Type and properties of orthodontics materials .................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Orthodontics brackets .................................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Orthodontics Wire ......................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3 Light sources .................................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Bone metabolism.............................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Concepts of orthodontic tooth .......................................................................................... 16
Treatment and appliances ...................................................................................................... 17
6.1 Space management protocols ........................................................................................... 17
6.2 Interceptive orthodontics ................................................................................................. 17
6.3 use of functional appliance in dentofacial orthopaedics (only type, Indications, advantage
disadvantage) ........................................................................................................................ 17
6.4 Removable appliances ...................................................................................................... 17
Research ................................................................................................................................ 17
7.1Introduction to Research ................................................................................................... 17
TOS for Final/Exit Examination MDS (OMFS) ........................................................................... 19

LEARNING RESOURCES.................................................................................................... 23
Books:.................................................................................................................................... 23
Journals: ................................................................................................................................ 23

PROGRAM EVALUATION ................................................................................................. 25

ANNEXURE A .................................................................................................................. 26

(A Brief Summary)


MDS Orthodontics will offer a 48-month training program. The program

intends to model a training atmosphere with both academic and clinics. The
curriculum is centered on daily clinical seminars and instruction with each
individual class.

The goal of this program is to teach a variety of treatment mechanics that

are scientifically valid, and let the residents make evidence based treatment
plans on a case by case basis. The curriculum focuses on didactic, clinical
skills and research abilities so as to prepare graduates at par with
international standards.


A total of one hundred and twenty-eight (128) credit hours of instruction

and supervised activities are distributed over four years’ academic period.
This comprises approximately 1152 contact hours of direct instruction and
approximately 6672 scheduled hours including formal didactic, clinical,
research and laboratory experience.

(1 credit hour will be equal to 9 hours of direct contact)


Course title Credit hours
1. Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, Pain 1
2. Advanced Oral Pathology 2
3. Introduction to statistical inference 1
4. Introduction to research 1
5. Multidisciplinary differential diagnosis 1.5
6. Dental therapeutics 0.5
7. Principles of practice management 0.5
8. Occlusion 1
9. Advanced Oral medicine 0.5

10. Sterilization 0.5
11. Radiology 1
12. Basics of Microsoft office 1
13. CPC Presentation 0.5
14. Literature review 1 1
15. Communication skills 1
Specialty Courses
16. Diagnostics 5
17. Orthodontic materials 1
18. Orthodontic technique 1
19. Basic wire bending principles and biomechanics 1
20. Growth and development 1
21. Case presentation 5
22. Journal club 3
23. General topics presentation 2
24. Clinics and laboratory work 5
25. 24


26. Orthodontic diagnosis 2 2
27. Clinics and laboratory work 5
28. Journal club 3
29. Research 6
30. Biomechanics 2 2
31. Dentofacial orthopedics 1
32. Early orthodontic treatment 1
33. Surgical orthodontics 1 1
34. Speech problems 1
35. Air way 1
36. Case presentation 5
37. Impacted teeth 1
38. TAD’s 1
THIRD YEAR MDS (Graduate assistantship)
39. Clinics 5
40. Journal club 3
41. Orthodontic teaching 4
42. Orthodontic mechanics 3 2
43. Orthodontic diagnosis 3 2
44. Lingual orthodontics 2

45. TMJ management 1 2
46. Surgical orthodontics 2 2
47. Craniofacial anomalies 2
48. Research 6

FOURTHS YEAR MDS (Graduate assistantship)

49. Clinics 5
50. Journal club 3
51. Orthodontic teaching 4
52. Orthodontic mechanics 4 1
53. Orthodontic diagnosis 4 1
54. TMJ management 1 1
55. Research 15
TOTAL = 128
Exit Examination

Requirements of MDS Degree for Graduate Students

Enrolled in the Program
 Fulfillment of University requirements for postgraduate study.
 Four (4) years of consecutive full time advanced study and clinical
 Complete and approved master’s thesis based on original research
during the course of study in an area related to specialty, suitable for
publication in a reputable dental journal.
 Must complete all didactic & clinical work in the required curriculum
and satisfactorily pass all the University examinations.
 A minimum of 60% must be earned in all work/examinations
attempted in the master’s program. A grade below this will require

A complete road map for postgraduate MS/MD/MDS can be seen on

University website at http://www.szabmu.edu.pk/content/downloads/road-map-for-



The program is set out, in accordance with modern educational practice, in

a modular format to assist teaching and assessment, to reflect a
constructivist perspective, based on the SPICES model, which is indicative
of the competencies required at the varying levels of training within the
specialty together with the knowledge, skills and attitudes achieved by the
trainee in acquiring those competencies. The training has been based on
current thinking and the requirements for:

 Greater protection of the public by providing clear information

as to the level of training achieved
 Improved access to specialty training to general practitioners
 Greater flexibility of training through the availability of multiple
 Producing a competent workforce with the appropriate skills
and knowledge necessary to meet the varying levels of
treatment complexity, as well as considering the relative need
and demand of potential patients.



Need of program

This training program is structured keeping in view the need of the society.
Following needs are identified through formal and informal discussion with
the stakeholders.

 Deficiency of the quality health care providers to public especially in

remote areas.
 Dearth deficiency of competent faculty in the field.
 Deficiency of state of the art orthodontics training center.

Purpose of training

In developing the program, the requirements to both protect the public and
to train a competent workforce with the appropriate skills and knowledge
is necessary to meet the varying levels of treatment complexity, as well as
considering the relative need and demand of potential patients. The
majority of patients in the current population of Pakistan have a treatment
complexity that can be managed by a Specialist Orthodontist. The purpose
of the 4-year program is to enable trainees in Orthodontics to achieve the
level of competence expected in order to provide appropriate treatment

It is essential that the public have a clear understanding as to the level of

training undertaken by a trainee and that the ‘specialist’ has the
appropriate knowledge and skills to provide care for the needs of a specific
patient group. It is expected that ‘specialists’ providing such care would
currently undertake an extended, additional period of training that equips
them to deliver more complex maxillo-facial orthodontic and orthopedic
treatments and associated services.1

The program includes all the features of the European Erasmus training
program2 and fulfils the requirements of the directives of the Commission
of the European Communities on Dental Education regarding the education
of orthodontists, the Advisory Committee on the training of Dental
Practitioners and the World Federation of Orthodontists guidelines for
postgraduate orthodontic education.

The training program is founded on a training center, comprising a Dental

College (IM&DC) and Dental Hospital (Islamabad Dental Hospital) together
with other associated, recognized and validated training environments.

Completion of the 4 years’ specialist training program is marked by the

successful completion of standard competencies, subject to the satisfactory
completion of the in-training assessments.

Context of Training

Training and education should be systematically planned in both the clinical

and academic environments. The educational contract should be structured
and, in this context, training should take precedence over service provision.
Dental Hospital can provide complete training and hospital departments are
normally expected to inter-link, primary care settings and other training
environments to provide all aspects of teaching and training as appropriate.
Educational plans should be coordinated so that the opportunities available
in approved training environments can be linked to form an orthodontic
training network. Training has been planned in modules linked to various
generic and specialty specific topics.

In preparation for specialists undertaking and maintaining a modern

evidence-based approach to orthodontic practice, achieved through
continuing professional and personal development, it is expected that
trainees have personal research training and experience.

Duration of training

The program leading to MDS in Orthodontics will be of 04 years’ full time.



Aims of Training

The trainee should acquire the appropriate knowledge, attitudes and skills
of a Specialist Orthodontist. Trainees should possess a sense of
professionalism, interest and enquiry. These characteristics should
encourage the specialist to maintain competency throughout their career
by the continuous pursuit of Continuing Professional Development.

Learning Objectives

On completion of training the graduate will demonstrate the following


Generic Specialist Skills

 A professional and ethical approach to patient care.

 A professional attitude to all members of the dental team.
 A scientific attitude, an inquiring mind and the stimulation of
professional curiosity.
 A thorough understanding of scientific methodology.
 An ability to interpret the relevant literature.
 An awareness of current legislation and working practices relating to
the practice of dentistry· An ability to develop themselves by both
reflective practice and self-evaluation.

Orthodontic Specific Specialist Skills:

 Diagnose anomalies of the dentition.

 Detect deviations in the development of the dentition, of facial growth
and the possession of functional abnormalities· Evaluate the need for
orthodontic treatment.
 Formulate a treatment plan and predict its course.
 Carry out interceptive orthodontic measures.
 Execute simple and complex treatment procedures.
 Evaluate orthodontic progress and treatment outcomes.

Generic Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

 Module 1 - Cell and Molecular Biology with Genetics

 Module 2 - Embryology, growth and development of the face and jaws
 Module 3 - Radiological Imaging Techniques

Orthodontic Specialist Specific Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

 Module 4 - Normal and Abnormal Development of the Dentition

 Module 5 - Tooth Movement and Facial Orthopedics
 Module 6 - Orthodontic Materials and Biomechanics
 Module 7 - Aetiology of Malocclusion
 Module 8 - Diagnostic Procedures
 Module 9 - Treatment Planning
 Module 10 – Orthodontic (Removable, Functional, Extra-Oral, Fixed,
Retention) Appliances

Learning outcomes or objectives help learners to learn because they define

what the learner has to do. Therefore, an attempt has been made that the
outcomes be explicit and clearly linked to delivery and assessment



Eligibility to apply for MDS Orthodontics

 Candidate must possess BDS or equivalent degree and one year

house job from PMDC recognized Institutions.
 Permanent valid registration with PM&DC.
 Declared successful in MDS Part-I for University programs.
 In case of foreign candidate, valid registration with Medical Council
of their country of origin must be produced.

Required Documents

Attested photo copies of the following documents must be attached with

application form:
 Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
 Domicile certificate
 Matric/O Level, FSc/A Level, Certificates or equivalent
 BDS degree with detail marks certificates of all professional
 BDS Attempts certificates of all professional
 NEB pass certificate (for foreign graduates)
 House Job certificates
 PMDC valid permanent registration certificate
 MDS Part-I passing certificate
 Experience Certificates (if any)
 Migration Certificate (To be produced at the time of admission)

Admission Procedure

 Details of admission procedure is available on university website at




The program outline addresses both the knowledge needed in Orthodontics and allied medical specialties in its scope.
A minimum of four years of formal training through a graded system of education as specified will equip the trainee
with knowledge, skill and attitude at its completion to be able to practice basic orthodontics competently.

The topics are considered as under: -

Module 1- Cell and molecular biology

Teaching & Learning
Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Written
provide information  Describe bone formation and remodeling in seminars within examination
regarding: · Cells and health and disease. department  Structured Clinical
molecules as they relate to  Describe both normal and abnormal  Web based e- Reasoning (SCR)
the development and development of teeth and surrounding learning sources
growth of the craniofacial structures.  Independent study
complex, and their  Apply knowledge of craniofacial biology to the  Attendance at
relevance to the assessment and treatment of patients. suitable course
assessment and treatment  Recognize the importance of cell biology for  Attendance at
of patients normal and abnormal craniofacial development. suitable meetings

Module 2- Embryology, growth and development of the face and jaws

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Written
provide information  Describe normal and abnormal facial lectures / seminars examination (SEQ)
regarding: development including common malformations. within the  Structured Clinical
Growth and development  Apply knowledge of facial embryology, growth department Examination (OSCE)
of structures of the head and development to the assessment and  Independent study
and neck, and their treatment of patients.  Attendance at
relevance to the  Recognize importance of developmental biology suitable Course
assessment and treatment for normal and abnormal facial formation. (Workshops &
of patients  Recognize the importance of patterns of facial lectures)
growth in relation to patient assessment and  Attendance at
treatment. suitable meetings
(Workshops &
 Web based e-
learning sources

Module 3- Radiological Imaging Techniques

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Case presentations
intended to provide  Explain the operation of contemporaneous imaging seminars / tutorials  OSCE
information about and equipment within legislation.  Attendance at
experience in:  Describe radiation protection and ALARA guidelines. suitable course
 Principles and practice  Apply knowledge of imaging techniques to the  Independent study
of imaging and the diagnosis and management of orthodontic patients.  Web based e-learning
relevant imaging  Recognize the importance and appropriate use of sources
technology imaging for the benefit of the patient.
 Exhibit an awareness of the legal basis of protecting
the patient and staff.

Module 4- Normal and Abnormal Development of the Dentition

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Written examination
provide information about  Describe both normal and abnormal dental seminars/ lectures/ and/or viva
and experience in: development. tutorials  (SCR)
 The development of  Identify the developmental stage of the dentition.  Independent study
normal occlusion from  Describe factors responsible for developmental  Web based e-learning
birth to adulthood abnormalities. sources
 The effect of genetic  Demonstrate an assessment of the dentition,  Attendance at suitable
and environmental craniofacial skeleton and soft tissues. course (Workshops &
influences on the  Perform the taking, analysis and interpretation of lectures)
development of the the current imaging techniques utilized in  Attendance at suitable
dentition orthodontic practice. meetings (Workshops
 Recognize the importance of basic head and neck & lectures)
biology for an understanding of the delivery of
orthodontic health care.
 Recognize the use of appropriate scientific
terminology in the explanation of dental
/developmental problems and treatment to patients

Module 5- Tooth Movement and Facial Orthopaedics

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee lectures  Written exam and/or
provide information about  Describe normal exfoliation and eruption of teeth. / seminars / tutorials viva (SCR)
and experience in:  Describe the histology of tooth movement.  Independent study  OSCE
 Exfoliation and  Describe the resorption of dental structures.  Web based eLearning
eruption of  Apply histology and biochemical knowledge to sources
 the dentition normal loss of teeth, eruption and growth of teeth.  Attendance at suitable
 Biology of tooth  Recognize the importance of such processes during course (Workshops &
movement orthodontic tooth movement. lectures)
 Resorption of dental  Recognize the need for the explanation of treatment  Attendance at suitable
structures options including the risks of treatment. meetings (Workshops
& Lectures)

Module 6- Orthodontic Materials and Biomechanics

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Workplace based
provide information about  Describe the range of materials used in orthodontics. seminars / lectures / assessments
and experience in:  Explain archwire sequences and their justification. tutorials  Written exam and/or
 The types of materials  Describe the way in which archwires achieve their  Practical typodont viva (SCR)
available and their tooth movements. courses  OSCE
properties  Outline variations of biomechanics.  Independent study  Clinical exam
 The interaction of  Select appropriate materials required for the clinical  Web based elearning (presentation of
orthodontic brackets situation. sources treated cases)
and wires and the  Apply appropriate materials to achieve specific tooth  Clinical treatment of  DOPS
tooth movements movements and the way to achieve these. patients
achieved  Analyze and accounts for desired and undesired  Attendance at suitable
tooth movements. courses (Workshops &
 Recognize the importance of normal archwire lectures)
 Recognize the appropriate pace of treatment
 Recognize the need for the explanation of treatment
 Recognize the importance of iatrogenic effects of

Module 7- Aetiology of Malocclusion

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee  Workplace based
provide information  Identify specific causes of malocclusion.  lectures / seminars assessments
about and experience in:  Outline genetic influences.  Independent study  Written exam and/or
 Skeletal factor  Describe environmental influences.  Web based elearning viva
aetiology  Analyse and interprets clinical findings with respect sources  (SCR)
 Soft tissue factor to the diagnosis of the malocclusion.  Attendance at suitable  OSCE
aetiology  Design suitable treatment plans taking into courses (Workshops &  DOPS
 Local/dental factor consideration the cause of the malocclusion. lectures)
aetiology  Recognize the importance of aetiology with respect  Attendance at suitable
to the development of the malocclusion. clinics and provision of
 Recognize the role of aetiology in the formulation of patient treatment
the treatment plan. (Observation)

Module 8- Diagnostic Procedures

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Clinical demonstrations  Workplace based
provide information about  Describe the clinical assessment and diagnosis of  Attend trainee assessments
and experience in: malocclusion. seminars  OSCE
 Clinical assessment  Collect, interpret and analyses clinical records  Independent study  DOPS
 Radiographic pertinent to clinical diagnosis.  Web based e-learning
assessment  Recognize the importance of systematic and sources
 Study model analysis thorough diagnosis.  Attendance at suitable
 Other special tests  Recognize the need for the explanation of patient Courses (Workshops)
malocclusion.  Attendance at suitable
clinics and provision of
patient treatment

Module 9- Treatment Planning

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend trainee case  Workplace based
provide information about  Identify patients’ expectations. seminars / case assessment
and experience in:  Explain information to patients relevant to the conferences  MiniCEX
 Identification of delivery of treatment.  Independent study  DOPS
patient concerns  Describe the way in which the treatment delivers the  Attendance at suitable
 Identification of objectives. courses
treatment aims  Evaluate information required for treatment  Attendance at suitable
 Identification of the planning. clinics and provision of
type of treatment  Evaluate all possible treatment options including the patient treatment
necessary to achieve provision of no treatment. (Observation)
those aims  Recognize the importance of whether or not  Attendance at suitable
malocclusion can be corrected successfully. Meetings (Workshops
 Recognize the need for considering the patient & lectures)
factors that may modify treatment.

Module 10- Orthodontic Appliances

Teaching & Learning

Objective Learning outcomes Assessment
This module is intended to The learner should be able to:  Attend typodont  Workplace based
provide information about  State the design, manufacture and construction of courses assessments
and experience in: orthodontic appliances.  Attend trainee  DOPS
 The scope and  Describe the various types of orthodontic seminars / tutorials  Presentation of treated
limitations of appliances.  Independent study cases
orthodontic appliances  Describe intra-oral auxiliaries, temporary anchorage  Attendance at suitable
 Indications and devices and expansion appliances. courses (Workshops &
contraindications for  Select, fits and manages fixed appliance systems lectures)
their use appropriate to the treatment of specific  Attendance at suitable
 The placement, malocclusions. clinics and provision of
bonding and  Interpret the literature with regard to bracket patient treatment
cementation of fixed system choice. (Observation)
orthodontic appliances  Recognize the appropriateness of fixed appliances
 Anchorage planning for the treatment of specific malocclusions.
and control in fixed
orthodontic appliance


The resident would be required to undertake a research project and to present

the result for examination in the form of a thesis. They would be encouraged
to present and publish the result of the project in refereed journals.

The guideline for synopsis and thesis writing is available on University website





Assessment of trainees will cover the cognitive, psychomotor and affective

domains. It will take two forms

 Formative Assessment
 Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment

It is the continuous assessment of progress and competence. It will be

conducted through workplace based assessment throughout the training.
Assessment will be undertaken by a range of assessors and will cover a range
of procedures appropriate to the stage of training. Formative assessment will

 Directly observed practical skills (DOPS)

 Case based discussion (CbD)
 Mini clinical examination exercises (Mini-CEX)
 Multiple source feedback (MSF)

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment will be held twice

 Mid Term Assessment (MTA) Examination (At the end of 2nd year)
 Final/Exit Examination (At the end of Final

The level of performance required for passing the exam will depend on the
knowledge and skills necessary for acceptable performance and will not be
adjusted to regulate the number or proportion of persons passing the
examination. The pass point will be determined by careful analysis and
judgment of acceptable performance.

Record of Clinical Cases

The trainees will be required to keep a record of the allocated clinical work in
a log book. It will be the responsibility of trainee to keep the log book up to
date with the signature of the faculty certifying the work.



Table of specification for Mid Term Assessment (MTA) and Final (Exist) Examination is here as under



There will be theory paper as well as Practical examination

 Theory Paper (MCQs) 100 Marks

 Practical (OSCE) 100 Marks


TOS ID Title Detail of Title Weightage MCQs

1.1 Terminologies and branches
1.2 Need of orthodontics treatment/indices
1.3 Behavior /Psychology
Ortho-01 Introduction 10% 10
1.4 Orthodontic classification
1.5 Sterilization
1.6 Practice management (Ethics & professionalism)
2.1 Basic concept of craniofacial growth
2.2 Development of dentition
Ortho-02 Growth and development 2.3 Occlusion and malocclusion 20% 20
2.4 Etiology of malocclusion
3.1 Diagnosis aids in orthodontics
3.2 Diagnosis in impacted teeth
Ortho -03 Orthodontics Diagnosis 3.4 Diagnosis in dentofacial orthopedics 20% 20
3.5 Diagnosis in dentofacial deformity
3.6 Dental radiology
4.1 Adhesives and cements
4.2 Type and properties of orthodontics materials
Ortho-04 Orthodontics Materials 4.2.1 Orthodontics brackets 15% 15
4.2.2 Orthodontics Wire
4.2.3 Light sources
5.1 Bone metabolism
Ortho-05 Biomechanics 15% 15
5.2 Concepts of orthodontic tooth

6.1 Space management protocols
6.2 Interceptive orthodontics
Treatment and appliances 6.3 use of functional appliance in dentofacial
Ortho -06 15% 15
orthopaedics (only type, Indications, advantage
6.4 Removable appliances
Research 7.1Introduction to Research
Ortho-07 5% 05
7.2 Introduction to Statistical Inference
TOTAL 100 100



10 OSCE-Stations (100 Marks)

(7mins each station)

1. Ceph 2 Station
2. Wire work 1 Station
3. Diagnosis 4 Station
4. Model/ cast analysis 2 station
5. Assessment of growth 1 station

TOS for Final/Exit Examination MDS (OMFS)

TOS for Final Exit Examination-Orthodontics

There will be two parts of this examination

1. Theory written examination

1.1 Paper A (100 MCQs) Specialty (Orthodontics) 100 Marks

1.2 Paper B (20 SEQs/SAQs) Specialty (Orthodontics) 100 Marks

2. Practical and Viva

2.1 Five (05) finished cases of different problems /malocclusion treated by candidates
(06 Min each-10 marks each 50 Marks
2.2 OSCE (10 Stations) (07 mins each, 07 marks each) 70 Marks
a. Interactive station of communication skill – 1 station
b. Wire bending – 2 stations
c. Cephalometry – 1 station
d. Assessment of growth – 1 station
e. Diagnosis – 3 stations
f. Interactive stations (Viva) – 2 Stations
2.3 Four (04) short cases (10 Min each -10 marks each) 40 Marks
2.4 One (01) Long case (60 Min -40 Marks) 60 Marks

3. Thesis Defense (Presentation 15 Mins followed by Q&A) 100 Marks

Total 500 Marks

TOS for Theory Paper A & B Final Exit Examination

Paper I 100 MCQ

Paper II 20 SAQ
TOS ID Title Detail of Title Weightage MCQs SAQ
11.1 Diagnosis of TMD
11.2 Diagnosis of Oral sleep apnea
Advance orthodontics
Ortho-11 11.3 Diagnosis of Cleft lip and palate 20% 20 4
11.4 Diagnosis of syndromes
11.5 Diagnosis of dentofacial deformity
12.1 Aligners
Ortho-12 Orthodontic material 8% 8 1
12.2 Lingual
17.1 Concept of orthodontic tooth movement
related to overjet/overbite reduction, space
closure, finishing and detailing by fixed
Ortho -17 Biomechanics 20% 20 4
17.2 Concept of orthodontic tooth movement
related to aligners
17.3 Concept of wire bending
17.4 Anchorage
10.1 Fixed appliances (all lingual & labial
Appliances and their 10.2 Functional appliances (fabrication, mode
Ortho-14 117% 20 3
use with mechanics of action, clinical management & limitations)
10.3 Orthopedic appliances (head gear etc.)
15.1 Management of;
Ortho-15 15.1.1 dentofacial deformaties 24% 25 4
15.1.2 Impacted teeth

15.1.3 Hypodontia
15.1.4 Multidisciplinary cases (Ortho perio,
ortho-endo, ortho restorative,etc )
15.1.5 cleft lip & palate
14.1.6 Medically compromised patients
15.1.7 Complications during orthodontic
15.2 Adult orthodontics
15.3 Adjunctive orthodontic treatment
15.4 Distraction osteogenesis
16.1 Retention
Ortho -16 Retention & Relapse 6% 7 1
16.2 Relapse
17.1. American Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics
Orthodontic Journals
Ortho-17 17.2. Seminars in Orthodontics 3% - 3
(Last 4 year)
17.3. Orthodontics update
17.4 Pakistan Orthodontics Journal POJ
TOTAL 100% 100 20



List of Essential Readings


Latest edition of the all of the following books

1 Radiography by Jacobson
2 Orthodontics; Current principles and techniques Grabber
3 Contemporary Orthodontics. Profit
4 The Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted teeth. Adrian Becker
5 Contemporary Treatment of Dentofacial Deformity. Proffit
6 Orthodontic Cephalometry. Athanasios E. Athanasiou
7 Biomechanics and Esthetic strategies in clinical Orthodontics by
8 Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. Jason.B.Cope
9 Current therapies in Orthodontics. Nanda
10 Essential of Facial Growth. Enlow
11 Temporary anchorage devices in Orthodontics. Nanda
12 Introduction to Orthodontics. Laura Mitchell
13 Post Graduate Notes (University of Bristol)
14 Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion;
Author Jeffrey P. Okeson.


Issues of last two years of the following journals

1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
2 Seminars in Orthodontics
3 Orthodontics update
4 Pakistan Orthodontics Journal POJ



The program director will continue to ensure that the program is fit for purpose
in that it provides the trainee with the appropriate knowledge, skills, attitudes
and competencies required to meet the requirements of a specialist.

Program evaluation will be carried out after every two years according to the
CIPP model of evaluation. Any suggested updates will only be made following
appropriate consultation with stakeholders, including trainees and lay

Feedback forms are attached as “Annexure A”


Supervisor Evaluation Form

Date: Supervisor’s Name:

Your Name: Signature:

Evaluations of supervisors by Trainee’s are an important process for providing supervisors with an
assessment of the quality of their work. Annual supervisor assessments can be used to compliment a
supervisor for doing a good job. Annual assessments can also identify areas for improvement. Evaluations
can strengthen communications between supervisors and trainee’s.

Trainees have three options for evaluating supervisors:

1) Completing the Evaluation of Supervisor form.

2) Writing a signed memo evaluating the supervisor.
3) Meeting with the supervisor’s department head.
Evaluations received by the deadline (January 15) will be incorporated into the annual review of the
supervisor. Forms and/or signed memos should be sent to the Human Resources department.


(E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Work, U=Unsatisfactory, Ø=No Opinion)

Performs Supervisory Functions

Provides on-going positive and negative feedback E G S N U Ø

Makes expectations known E G S N U Ø

Is tactful and considerate E G S N U Ø

Promotes teamwork and good working relationships E G S N U Ø

Recognizes and addresses concerns in a timely
Delegates authority appropriately E G S N U Ø

Provides training of new employees E G S N U Ø

Provides direction of work E G S N U Ø

Communicates openly and honestly with peers, staff
and administration


Develops Innovative Procedures

Is receptive to new ideas E G S N U Ø

Is receptive to questions E G S N U Ø

Encourages initiative and innovation E G S N U Ø


III. Maintain Positive Works Enivrement

Recognizes contributions E G S N U Ø

Motivates workers E G S N U Ø

Provides relaxed yet efficient work atmosphere E G S N U Ø

Encourages staff development E G S N U Ø


Knows the Operations of the Department

Understands employee workload E G S N U Ø

Is alert to potential problems E G S N U Ø

Keeps staff informed about department and
university developments


Work Habits

Acknowledges own limitations and mistakes E G S N U Ø

Maintains a positive work attitude E G S N U Ø

Uses time efficiently and effectively E G S N U Ø

Demonstrates a good work ethic E G S N U Ø


Please use the bottom and back of this sheet as space for expanding on any comments above or to make any
additional comments.

Program Evaluation Form

Please use the following scale to indicate your response to the statements

SA = strongly agree

A = agree

N = neither agree/disagree

D = disagree

SD = strongly disagree

The information was presented effectively SA A N D SD

The information presented was practical SA A N D SD

The program provided a good working
knowledge of the subject matter presented
The program has allowed me to acquire practical
skills and knowledge to manage my business SA A N D SD
more effectively and efficiently
The program attended was sufficient for my


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