Korkmaz 2017
Korkmaz 2017
Korkmaz 2017
PII: S0747-5632(17)30005-5
DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.005
Please cite this article as: Özgen Korkmaz, Recep Çakir, M. Yaşar Özden, A validity and reliability
study of the Computational Thinking Scales (CTS), Computers in Human Behavior (2017), doi:
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M. Yaşar ÖZDEN
computational thinking skill, and at what degree they have these skills,
the revelation of whether the levels they have are sufficient or not are a
requirement. Within this frame, it could be said that the scale could make
have the computational thinking skill, and at what degree they have
these skills, the revelation of whether the levels they have are sufficient
or not are a requirement. Within this frame, it could be said that the
1. Introduction
It is possible to define Computational Thinking briefly as having the
knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary to be able to use the computers in the
solution of the life problems for production purposes (Özden, 2015). Computational
understanding the human behaviors by drawing attention to the basic concepts of the
such as analysis, data demonstration and modeling and also the ideas that are less
known such as binary search, repetition and parallelization. When the fact that
computational thinking has a border and general frame is taken into consideration, it
is a valid basic skill not only for the computers, but also for everybody and it is
considered that it shall take place in the basic skills (reading, writing and arithmetic)
fundamental skill for everyone, not just for computer scientists. Wing (2006)
emphasizes that computational thinking should also be added to the reading, writing
and arithmetical processes for the analytical skills of every child. According to the
researchers (Wing, 2006); the computational thinking makes use of extraction and
the parts related to the problem. Moreover; the digital age individuals are expected to
have the computational thinking skill, but no proof has been encountered in the
literature regarding at what degree they have these skills and the revelation of whether
the levels they have are sufficient. Within this frame, it could be said that the scale
According to Bundy (2007), computational thinking affects the studies in almost all
the disciplines in both the human sciences and the natural sciences. The researchers
make use of the cognitive metaphors for the purpose of enriching the theories such as
protein science and mind-body problem. The science of computer has made the
researchers gain the skills of asking new questions such as the ones requiring the data
is used. The daily usage is mostly limited to communication, surfing in the Internet or
office applications. Whereas, the concept of computational thinking is far deeper than
them and forces the ordinary thinking way to change. Such that, it is claimed that a
person who would like to understand the 21st century is firstly obliged to understand
On the basis of the aforementioned explanations, there are limited numbers of studies
in the literature regarding this skill that has such an important for the individuals to
have for meeting the requirements of the digital age. Moreover; the digital age
individuals are expected to have the computational thinking skill, but no proof has
been encountered in the literature regarding the determination of at what degree they
have these skills and the revelation of whether the levels they have are sufficient.
Within this frame, it could be said that the scale could make significant contributions
to the literature.
with a focus on designing systems that help to solve complex problems humans face
(Wing 2008; Lu and Fletscher 2009). The core CT concepts include, abstractions (the
mental tools of computing, necessary to solve the problem), layers (problems need to
be solved on different levels) and relationships between layers and abstractions (Wing
2008). The idea of abstraction and students’ ability to deal with different levels of
scale (big data), are fundamental to CT (Denning 2009; Lu and Fletscher 2009).Aho
(p. 832). Denning (2009) argued CT has a long history in computer science dating
looking for algorithms to perform the conversions” (p. 28). Some computer science
educators have also argued that programming is not essential in the teaching of
computational thinking (e.g. Yadav et al. 2011; Lu and Fletscher 2009). Lu and
information and tasks” to solve complex problems (Lu & Fletcher, p. 261).
Many educators and especially the experts in the educational technology field have
century (VoogtFisser, Good, Mishra, &Yadav, 2015). When the definitions given in
the literature are examined, the focus regarding the computational thinking is that it
contains continuity by getting help from the computing and computers in the solution
of the complex problems (e.g. Barr and Stephenson 2011; Grover and Pea 2013; Lee
et al. 2011; Sengupta et al. 2013; Wolz et al. 2011), it is very distinguishing in many
levels in the abstraction and design-oriented thinking (Sengupta et al. 2013) and it
brings the algorithmic thinking to the forefront (Mishra and Yadav, 2013).
It is possible to see in the literature some scales that measure the sub-dimensions of
the computational thinking skills as independent from one another (Korkmaz, 2012;
Korkmaz&Yeşil, 2010; Aksoy, 2004; Kökdemir, 2003). This research is limited with
self-report based scale and other assessment techniques were not taken into
consideration.In this frame; in the literature, no scale whose validity and reliability
have been proven has been found to measure the levels regarding especially the
computational thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale for the
purpose of determining the computational thinking skills of the students by filling this
space in the literature. It is considered that this scale shall make significant to measure
2. Theoretical Framework
time, the first description was done by Wing (2008) but it was not countervail the
description fully. However, what the CT covers has been a subject of question.
makes use of the common points with the mathematical thinking at the stage of
problem solving, with the engineering while designing and assessing a complex
system and with the scientific thinking in understanding the concepts such as
calculability, mind, brain and human behaviors. According to ISTE (2015), this skill
does not take the place of creativity, logical thinking and critical thinking; but it
taking benefit of the human creativity and critical thinking by putting these skills forth
while revealing the problem solving ways in a way that the computers could help.
Similarly, Curzon (2015) defines the computational thinking as a basic skill that
comes to the meaning of problem solving for the human beings and points out that it
is necessary to understand what the problem is before thinking of the solutions while
Logically organizing and analysing data, Representing data through abstractions such
achieving the most efficient and effective combination of steps and resources and
problems was defined as one of the processes to solve the problem that was arisen
(CSTA & ISTE, 2011). But later on, ISTE (2015), computational thinking covers the
process including the following properties: The formulation of the problem in a way
that computers of other tools can help for its solution; Arrangement and analysis of
the data in a logical way; Presentation, modeling and simulation of the data by means
Application of the possible solutions; Conversion of the problem solving process into
and it also expressed that the Ct covers the skills such as Pattern Recognition,
Mannila et al.(2014), Riley and Hunt (2014) and Syslove and Kwiatkowska (2013)
emphasized that the CT is a set of thinking skills. When considering that ISTE is a
high level skill above the problem solving skill and the other skills and their
subcomponents mentioned above, it can be said that ISTE (2015) is more convenient
component than what the CT covers. For the purpose, in this research, the
people should learn where, how and when they shall make use of the digital tools for
In addition, the conducted studies have expressed that the students of 21st century
have the skills of novelty, creativity, research, cooperation, problem solving, critical
thinking, technology, social skills, cognitive skills, communication skills and self-
Yunus, Sabtu & Hamid (2016) highlighted that students of 21st century generally use
At the same time; it is also an important issue how to be in contact with the people
the students develop their own thinking way when they realize that the computers
could produce more effective automatical solutions while solving the problems. ISTE
bringing the students to the position of leader in computer science, but applying their
computational thinking skills in also other courses like a habit. While the most
this skill by means of computer and other digital tools has become one of the basic
parts of our work (Barr et.al., 2011). It is also possible to say that the students already
different courses. According to Barr et.al. (2011), all the students should be sure that
they have all the sub-elements belonging to the computational thinking and the
ownership of these skills by the students and being able to transfer them to other
problem solving skills of a person and the development of the creativity and critical
thinking skills of the people by re-focusing. The students make use of the
computational thinking while using the algorithms to solve a problem and while
solving the problem with calculation. The students establish connection with the
In addition, they also make use of the computational thinking while analyzing very
broad data groups and expressing the pattern of the study in the scientific researches.
algorithmic thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, cooperative thinking and the
communication skills. These skills are the ones that are mostly discussed in the
literature. However; when these skills are taken into consideration as together, they
considered within this frame; it shall be beneficial to explain other skills used to
2.2. Creativity:
Craft (2003) has explained creativity as a skill that is not related to art and that
is life-long, and defined it as “the capacity of expressing oneself and using mind and
imagination”. Creativity is a concept that has always been existent in the life of
human being since the past and that covers the different viewpoints of the people. It
literally means to generate and form. Creative thinking is one of the prominent
concepts of our age. It has found a place for itself in many areas such as politics,
economy, art, technology and science (Aksoy, 2004). At the same time, creativity is
the skill of being able to reveal a non-existent product, being able to imagine or being
able to carry out a work in was different than those seen by everyone and being able
to develop new ideas. Being able to find different solutions for the events and
experiences faced in the daily life and having different viewpoints from those of
others are related to the richness of the creativity side of a person. Creative thinking
this development by following the improving science and art is possible with creative
thinking. According to Aksoy (2004); creativity is to reveal new relations and form
new compositions from one or more concepts in the mind for the purpose of
observing the events from new viewpoints. All the imagined things are the new
compositions of ideas, products, colors and words. Creativity results in the scientific
inventions, new products, art and literature meeting the needs of the humankind.
Ethical Conformity: The term “creativity” is not used to define the selfishness,
Creative thinking is not a way of thinking all alone. It also covers the thinking
structures inside itself such as critical problem solving. An individual having the
property of creative thinking also has the properties of critical thinking and problem
genuine ideas different from the ordinary ones and finding these ways are the results
process that makes the problem numerical and helps realize the solution. In this
context, the student discovers his creativity and finds methods for solution. Thus, it
producing the algorithms (Brown, 2015). When it is considered that the daily life is
gain to develop this skill of the individuals. Algorithmic thinking is deemed as one of
the key elements to be able to be an individual in line with the age of informatics
thinking covers the subjects of generalizing and parameterize the functional analysis,
repetition, basic data organizations (record, order, listing) and the subjects of
algorithm and program, upper and lower designs and correction. In addition; it is not
thinking types.” (Fluent 1999). It is necessary to have the skills of understanding and
assessing the algorithms to be algorithmic thinker. While some people find it easy to
reach the solutions by using certain instructions, others could define it as challenging.
Because every step should be taken in the correct order and without any skipping, it
Therefore; many people give up without being able to complete the steps (Brown,
also determines whether an algorithm shall really form a solution to a given problem.
The final requirement of algorithmic thinking is the skill of being able to produce new
algorithms. It is a hard process in a given work to form a certain order and writing the
step instructions that is always right. While it is easy to produce algorithms for easy
problem statuses, the algorithm to be written gets complex as the problem status gets
could think in a detailed and purposeful way in the issue of the solution methods
realized by placing the proceedings in sequence. For the purpose, it can be claimed
cognitive skills or strategies that increase the possibility of the desired behaviors”.
When the literature is examined, it could be observed that one of the most criticized
issues of our educational system is rote learning that is the result of the traditional
meeting the desired qualified human power in the age of information in which there is
always a change and development. The need for critical thinking occurs at this exact
moment. Critical thinking is one of the subjects that catch the attention of the
researchers recently. ÇoklukBökeoğlu and Yılmaz (2015) have expressed that the
individuals to keep up with the change is possible by means of using the information
efficiently as a result of the information explosion and they have emphasized that the
individuals that are making efficient use of information are those that are flexible,
creative, questioning, researching, analyzing, who could assess the events in many
ways, who could make selections, who are open for innovations, who know
themselves well, in other words, who could think critically. When the literature is
examined, it could be seen that there are many different definitions on the critical
thinking. In the most general meaning, critical thinking is one of the high level
thinking skills. Kazancı (1989) has expressed that critical thinking is the whole of the
attitude, information and skill processes that are used in the justification and
assessment of a problem status according to the scientific, cultural and social standard
scales in terms of consistency and validity. Critical thinking could be defined as the
active, regular and functional process that is carried out to be able to make better use
of the understanding and presentation skills of the individual’s or others’ ideas and
is to make a judgment and reach a decision within the direction of a purpose with the
explanation of the proofs, concepts, methods, scales and contexts as well as the
(1985) has mentioned the three structures of critical thinking as the judgment,
development of information and questioning, and has defined critical thinking as the
reflective and logical thinking focused on deciding what shall be done and what shall
be believed. Critical thinkinghas been seen as skill of the individual for determining
the assumptions, hidden belief, values and attitudes. Smith has expressed that the
critical thinking is the judgment focused on accepting or rejecting the claims. On the
other hand; Paul has stated that critical thinking is the processes of an individual for
shaping and assessing his/her own idea. According to Mayhew; critical thinking is the
Kökdemir (2003); there are the skills such as being able to catch the difference
between the reality and asserted claims, being able to test the reliabilities of the
resources belonging to the attained information, being able to debug the unrelated
information from the proofs, being aware of the prejudice and cognitive errors, being
aware of the inconsistent judgments, being able to ask efficient questions, being able
to make efficient use of verbal and written language and meta-cognitions etc. in
which the individual is aware of his/her own thoughts among the skills covered by the
critical thinking; in a study conducted by 46 theorists from the countries of the United
conscious judgments and express these judgments to reach a decision as to that s/he
using different methods; in another words, when a problem is solved through critical
called Problem. If someone meets with some obstacles while endeavoring to reach a
certain purpose or intellection, it means there is a problem for that person (Aksoy,
2004). The word “problem” is the general name of many troubles we encounter in
life. The difficulties, distress and hardships in social life are called problem. In the
depending on some values and the solution for it (Aksoy, 2004). Overcoming the
problems encountered in the future life is one of the priority targets of our education.
The processes necessary for the solution stage of the problem should be gathered and
process is considered as a main problem solving process, problem solving skill cannot
2.6. Cooperativity:
Benthum, Bootsma, Dieren, & Kemp, 2002). ÇaycıBaşaran and Demir (2007) have
defined the cooperative learning as rewarding the set success and set members
helping each other to learn an academic subject with different methods by forming
small sets in accordance with a common purpose. It has been known that cooperative
learning is a method that is preferred and accepted as efficient in all levels (Johnson,
Johnson,& Smith, 2007). Cooperative learning has a preferable place among the
success, sharing information and establishing social relations (Korkmaz, 2012; Nam,
2014). That the individuals in the 21st century cooperating together for a deliberate
Human beings have tried to meet their needs of transmitting their feelings,
thoughts, dreams and hopes by speaking and writing, tried to make them
thought and information sharing of the individuals with one another (Karatekin,
Sönmez, & Kuş, 2012). Communication is a process that occurs with the two people
sharing their feelings, thoughts and information to understand each other (Üstün,
2005). People get into communication and interaction with themselves and with their
environment during their lives. There is a need for efficient communication skills to
express themselves, being able to impress their environment and being able to provide
the changes they desire (Gökçe, AtanurBaşkan, 2012). Efficient communication skills
could facilitate the human relations and professional relations(Korkut, 2005). It could
be considered that people should establish communication to continue their lives and
Consequently; based on the aforementioned skills and the approach of ISTE (2015),
computational thinking could be defined as the skills of being able to develop creative
solutions for the problem with an algorithmic approach by handling a problem by the
Within this frame; whether a person has computational thinking skills could be
members of the project should communicate well when the cooperativity is desired to
work to solve the problem. This communication can be provided based on the
CT. Each sub-dimension that constitutes CT covers the fundamental thinking and
problem solving skills discussed for a long time. However, when these skills
discussed one by one for years are gathered, they lead to new and more powerful
skills. When CT is described, these skills that are in relation with each other directly
are used. On the other hand, what CT is a new is a new concept discussed in field
2. Method
The sample group of this study consists of 726 students educated at the levels
University, Turkey, in 2014-2015 spring termfor the first application and 580 students
University for the second application. The sample of this study was selected randomly
from voluntary students.While other validity and reliability analyses have been
carried out together with the exploratory factor analysis on the data collected with 1st
Application, confirmatory factor analysis has been carried out on the data collected
with the 2nd Application. The distribution of the study group according to their
(Insert Table 1)
formation of item pool. The item pool has been formed in 3 stages. At the first stage,
the literature has been reviewed and the scales aiming to measure the similar
literature within the scope of 21st century skills opened for discussion lately, this skill
has been explained with 6 basic skills that have been clarified in details above by
ISTE (2015). Within this frame; computational thinking has been defined by using
Within this frame, suitable items have been selected from the Creativity scale
called “How Creative Are You?” developed by Whetton and Cameron (2002) and
adapted by Aksoy (2004) for the purpose of determining the creativity of the students
Heppner and Peterson and whose reliability study was conducted by Taylan (1990)
for our country for the purpose of measuring the problem solving skills, from the
“Cooperative Learning Attitude Scale” prepared by Korkmaz (2012), from “The Scale
while forming the items and from the scale of “Logical-Mathematical Thinking”
developed by Korkmaz and Yeşil (2010); and they have been added to the item pool.
In the selection of the items, firstly, two experts of educational technology have made
separate selections and after that, the selected items have been compared and
While forming the items in the sub-heading of Communication skills, the questions in
the item tool formed by 2 instructors and 4 researchers being expert in the field of
instructional technologies have been benefited. At the second stage for the
algorithmic thinking, interviews have been made with 13 students who are continuing
their education in the senior year of the department of computer and instructional
experts and 4 researchers and the ideas attained from the interviews have been
converted into items of scale. Finally, all the items have been examined by the
researchers and decision has been reached as to the convenient items. In the item pool
of the scale of Computational Thinking attained at the end of the conducted studies;
there are 8 items for the communication skills, 20 items for the algorithmic thinking,
12 items for Critical Thinking, 8 items for Cooperative Learning, 13 items for
Creativity and 13 items for problem solving skills. The item pool consists of 74 items
in total. After that, the help of an expert of Turkish Language has been taken and the
expressions hard to understand in the items and the misstatements have been
Five-point options have been placed as opposed to the formed items for the purpose
of determining the levels of the students expressed in the items. These options have
been arranged and scored as “(1) never”, “(2) rarely”, (3) sometimes”, “(4) generally”
and “(5) always”. The formed draft scale has been examined by 13 students whose
comments have been taken beforehand, it has been questioned whether the students
have had hardship in understanding the items and how they perceive each item, the
2. 3.Data analysis
Within the frame of the statistical analyses on the data collected with the scale,
firstly the KMO and Bartlett analyses have been conducted for the purpose of
determining the construct validity of the scale and it has been detected whether factor
analysis could be conducted or not. The fact that the KMO value is above 0,90 is
interpreted as the fact that the data set is in the excellent level for conducting factor
analysis (Russell, 2002). Also; According to the Bartlett values known as the unit
matrix of the correlation it tests, it is understood that the zero hypothesis is rejected in
With regard to the attained values, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses have
been conducted on the data; the status of the scale in distribution to factors has been
examined via basic components analysis and the factor loads have been examined
with the use of Varimax steep rotation technique. Factor analysis is used for the
purpose of revealing whether the items in a scale are distributed into less number of
factors or not (Balcı, 2009). Basic components analysis is a technique frequently used
Basic Components Analysis used in the factor analysis, it is necessary that the items
whose factor loads are below 0,40 and the items in which there is not at least 0,100
difference between their loads in two factors, in other words, the items whose load is
distributed into two factors should be dismissed (Büyüköztürk, 2002). However, the
fact that the factor loads of the items taking place in the scale are higher than 0,30 and
the fact that at least 40% of the general variance is explained are seen as sufficient in
terms of behavior sciences (Büyüköztürk, 2002; Eroğlu, 2008; Kline, 1994; Scherer at
al., 1988). However; the fact that the factor loads are 0,50 and above is accepted as
very good (Büyüköztürk, 2002). The basic criterion in the assessment of the results of
the factor analysis is the factor loads (Balcı, 2009; Gorsuch, 1983; Eroğlu, 2008)).
The fact that the factor loads are high is seen as an indicator that the variable may take
that the calculation of the common factor variance is significant especially in terms of
multi-factor patterns and is defined as the common variance caused by the factors on
each variable as a result of the factor analysis (Çokluket.al., 2010). In the event that
the common factor variance is below 0,20, there are comments as to the fact that this
The scale form attained with the exploratory factor analysis has been applied to a new
study group except for the one to which the first application has been made; and the
confirmatory factor analysis has been conducted on the attained values. The
confirmatory factor analysis is based on the principle of taking the formulas (items
and factors) between the observable and non-observable variables as a hypothesis and
structural equation model that is concerned with the measurement models of the
explained in terms of the relations between them and the observed variables (items)
(Yılmaz and Çelik, 2009; Raykov and Marcoulides, 2006). Maximum likelihood
technique has been used in the confirmatory factor analysis. Generally in the
structural equation model, it is suggested to report more than one conformity value
(Thompson, 2000). For this reason, in this study, five conformity values have been
reported. Within this frame, the fact that the values observed in the scale model
attained as a result of the confirmatory factor analysis is between the range of χ2/d<3;
0.95≤AGFI≤1 and 0.95≤IFI≤1 indicates the excellent conformity, the fact that they
The validity property of the scale has been determined by testing the item
distinctiveness powers of the items remaining in the scale as a result of the factor
analysis with independent sample t test; and the item-total correlations with Pearson’s
r test. Finding a correlation between the points attained from each item and the point
attained from the factor to which the item belongs to is used as a criterion in terms of
understanding the level of servicing the general purpose of the factor (Balcı, 2009).
Another value that is observable in terms of testing the level of an item in servicing
the general purpose is the corrected correlations. The fact that the corrected
correlation coefficients are higher than 0,20 means that an item could serve the
coefficients are the validity coefficients of each item and they express the consistency
of the scale as a whole, in other words, the level of the scale in servicing the general
differentiation between the lower 27% and upper 27% groups after sequencing the
Internal consistency and constancy tests have been conducted to determine the
reliability of the scale. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient, the correlation value
reliability formula have been used in the determination of the internal consistency
level. The fact that the reliability coefficient is 0,70 and above is accepted as an
constancy level of the scale has been calculated by determining the correlation
preciseness. For this reason, these values determined as constancy coefficient are
assessed as a proof of whether the reliability of the scale is high or not (Hovardaoğlu,
2000). The reliability coefficient expressing the consistency degree rises as it gets
close to 1,00 and decreases as it gets close to 0,00 (Gorsuch, 1983). As it is known;
generally for the correlation coefficients, the level of 0,00 – 0,30 expresses the
existence of a low correlation, the level of 0,30 – 0,70 expresses the existence of a
medium correlation and the level of 0,70 – 1,00 expresses the existence of a high
3. Results
distinctivenesses have been examined and the findings have been presented below:
Kaiser-Meyer-Oklin (KMO) and Bartlett have been conducted on the data for the
purpose of testing the construct validity of CTS and the results have been determined
as KMO= 0,914; Bartlett test value χ2= 15886,208; sd=2701 (p=0,000). Within the
frame of these values, it has been understood that factor analysis could be conducted
At the first stage, basic components analysis has been conducted to determine whether
the scale is one-dimensional or not. After that, Varimax steep rotation technique has
been used according to the basic components. Within this frame; after 21 items whose
item load is below 0,40 at the end of the analyses repeated with multiple stages and 24
items whose load is distributed to different factors, namely a total of 45 items have
been excluded from the scale, factor analysis has been conducted again on the
explained with the basic skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, algorithmic
thinking, communication and cooperative learning. For this reason, while preparing
the item pool, it has been expressed that benefit has been taken from some items
taking place in “How Creative Are You?”, “Problem Solving Scale”, “Scale of
to each other, lots of similar items may take place in the mentioned scales. As a result
of the conducted analyses, these similar items have been distributed to more than one
factor naturally. For this reason, such amount of items (45 items) has been excluded
from the item pool obligatorily. For the purpose of sustaining the content validity
possible to be distorted due to the excluded items; the attained item pool has been
examined again by two educational technologists and two experts of guidance and
psychological counseling. Other analyses could be proceeded after the field experts
have specified that the remaining items are sufficient in terms of measuring the
related skills.
It has been seen that a total of 29 items remaining in the scale as a result of these
processes have been categorized under five factors. With its final condition; it has
been determined that the KMO value of the scale is 0,880 and the Bartlett values are
χ2=7727,897; sd=406; p<0,001. It has been seen that the factor loads of the 29 items
remaining in the scale are between 0,475 and 0,785 without exposing to any rotation;
on the contrary, these loads are between ,494 and ,842 when they are exposed to
rotation after the varimax steep rotation technique. On the other hand; it has been
determined that the items and factors taken to the scope of the scale explain 56,12%
of the total variance. In the next step, the contents of the items in the factors have
been examined and the factors have been named. Because the skill levels have been
taken into consideration to define the computational thinking skill while forming the
item pool, this situation has been taken into account also while naming the factors
occurring. The occurring factors coincide with the sub-skills determined while
forming the item pool at the beginning to a large extent. Within this frame; 8 items
have been collected under the factor called as “Creativity”, 6 under the factor called
This situation is also seen in the slope accumulation graphic (Graphic 1) drawn
decrease in the first five factors; these five factors have a significant contribution due
to this; on the contrary, the decrease in the other factors has become horizontal, in
other words, their contributions to the variances are close to each other (Büyüköztürk,
(Insert Figure 1)
As a result of these conducted processes, the findings regarding the item loads of the
total 29 items remaining in the scale according to the factors and the amounts of the
(Insert Table 2)
As it could be seen in Table 2; the “Creativity” factor of the scale includes 8 items
and the factor loads vary between 0,548 and 0,708. The eigenvalue of this factor
within the general scale is 7,19; and its amount of contribution to the general variance
is 13,5%. “Algorithmic Thinking” factor includes 6 items. The factor loads of the
items are between 0,666 and 0,827. The eigenvalue of the factor within the general
scale is 3,19; and its amount of contribution to the general variance is 13,1%.
“Cooperativeness” factor includes 4 items. The factor loads of the items are between
0,685 and 0,842. The eigenvalue of the factor within the general scale is 2,54; and its
includes 5 items. The factor loads of the items are between 0,533 and 0,764. The
eigenvalue of the factor within the general scale is 1,80; and its amount of
items. The factor loads of the items are between 0,494 and 0,720. The eigenvalue of
the factor within the general scale is 1,34; and its amount of contribution to the
general variance is 8,7%. In addition, because all of the items collected under this
has been conducted on the data collected from 580 students except for the sample in
which the data used for the exploratory factor analysis has been collected regarding
The estimate values produced for each item as a result of the confirmatory factor
analysis conducted with the use of the maximum likelihood technique without making
(Insert Table 3)
As it could be seen in Table 3, it is seen that 4 of the estimate values are far from
0,70. However; these four items have not been excluded from the scale with the fear
that it may negatively affect the content validity. Within this frame; it has been
observed that the estimate values of the items are between 0,470 and 0,861.
When the values of the goodness of fit are examined, they have been found as
0,044, GFI= 0,91, AGFI= 0,90, CFI= 0,95 and IFI= 0,97. According to these values,
it could be said that the observed fit values show an acceptable goodness (Kline,
2005; Şimsek, 2007). In other words, this attained model reveals that the factors are
confirmed by the data. The factorial model of the scale and its values regarding the
(Insert Figure 2)
the factors and the points attained from the factors have been calculated according to
the item total correlation and corrected item correlation method and the level of each
item in servicing the general purpose has been tested. The item-factor correlation
values attained for each item are given in Table 4 and the corrected correlation values
(Insert Table 4)
As it could be seen in Table 4; the item test correlation coefficients vary between
0,671 and 0,732 for the first factor, between 0,717 and 0,833 for the second factor,
between ,788 and ,889 for the third factor, between ,681 and ,809 for the fourth factor
and between ,632 and ,677 for the final factor. Each item is in a meaningful and
positive relation with the factor in general (p<0,000). According to this, it could be
said that each item serves the general purpose of both the factor it is in and also the
(Insert Table 5)
As it could be seen in Table 5, the corrected correlation coefficients with the factor of
each item they belong to in the scale vary between ,506 and ,610 for the first factor,
between ,599 and ,748 for the second factor, between ,643 and 783 for the third
factor, between ,467 and ,663 for the fourth factor and between ,415 and ,496 for the
final factor. It could be said that these results support the above results; and according
to this, each item serves the general purpose of both the factor it is in and also the
calculated. For this purpose; firstly, the raw points attained from each item have been
gradually sequenced; after that, the lower and upper groups of 196 people each
forming the lower 27% and upper 27% groups have been determined. Independent
groups t-test values have been calculated on the total points taking place in the
groups. The t values regarding the distinctiveness powers and findings regarding the
(Insert Table 6)
In Table 6; it is seen that the independent sample t test values regarding the 29 items
in the scale and the total point vary between -3,197 and 16,287. T value for the
general of the scale has been determined as -37,105. The level of each determined
distinctiveness of both the whole and each item of the scale is high. However; it is
also seen that the distinctiveness level of the Problem solving factor is lower when
for the purpose of calculating the reliability of the scale. The conducted processes and
been calculated with the use of the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient, the
the general of the scale and regarding each factor are summarized in Table 7:
(Insert Table 7)
As it could be seen in Table 7; the two Split Half correlations of the scale consisting
of a total of 29 items and the five factors has been determined as ,344; Sperman
Alpha reliability coefficient as ,822. On the other hand; it is seen that the split half
correlations regarding the factors vary between ,406 and ,713; Sperman Brown
values between ,578 and ,832; GuttmannSplit-Half values between ,578 and ,832 and
Cronbach’s Alpha values between 0,727 and 0,869. According to this, it could be said
that both each factor and the scale in general could conduct consistent measurements.
3.2.2.Constancy Level
The constancy level of the scale has been detected with the use of test re-test
method. The final form of the scale consisting of 29 items has been applied to 51
students on which application has been carried out after three weeks again. The
relation between the points attained at the end of both applications has been taken into
consideration both in terms of each item and the whole of the scale. In this way; the
property of both each item taking place in the scale and the whole of the scale in
conducting consistent measurements has been tested and the findings have been
summarized in Table 8.
(Insert Table 8)
In Table 8; it is seen that the correlation coefficients of each item forming the scale
attained with the method of test re-test vary between 0,317 and 0,671 and each
relation is meaningful and positive. The correlation coefficients of the factors forming
the scale attained with test re-test method vary between ,371 and ,613. The correlation
regarding the total point is ,512 and it is seen that each relation is meaningful and
positive. According to this, it could be said that the scale could make consistent
4. Discussion
In this study, a scale has been developed for the purpose of determining the
computational thinking skill levels of the students. CTS is a five-point likert type
scale and consists of 29 items that could be collected under five factors. Each one of
the items taking place in the factors has been scaled as never (1), rarely (2),
sometimes (3), generally (4), always (5). The validity of the scale has been examined
with two different methods. These are the methods of (1) factor analysis and (2)
When the factor loads of the items in the factors, eigenvalues of the factors and the
explained variance rates are taken into consideration, it could be said that the scale
has construct validity. Confirmatory factor analysis has been conducted to verify the
the observed values of the scale model reveal that the data show conformity, in other
Total item correlations and corrected correlations have been calculated on the data in
order to identify at what level each one of the items in the scale measure the factor it
belongs to and the properties to be measured. According to the attained values, it has
been identified that each item and each factor in the scale serve the purpose of
measuring the property to be measured and the whole of the scale at meaningful level.
values related to the difference between upper 27% and lower 27% groups and it has
been determined that both the whole of the scale and each item have high
distinctiveness; in other words, each item is distinctive at the required level. The
internal consistency coefficients of the scale have been calculated by using two split
reliability formula. Within the scope of these calculated values, it has been
determined that the scale can make reliable measurements. The constancy level of the
scale according to time has been investigated by using test re-test method. Test re-test
method has been calculated within the scope of sub factors of the scale and for each
item and it has been identified that each factor and each item can make decisive
Although it has been expected to emerge a structure having six factors according to
ISTE (2015) as a result of the analysis related to construct validity, a structure with
five factors has emerged. When the items coming under factors have been examined,
it has been seen that communication skills and a great part of the related items have
come under the factors of critical thinking, problem solving and cooperative learning.
It has been decided that the situation is acceptable thinking that the communication
above and the structure with five factors has been maintained. Thus, communication
occurring by people’s sharing their emotions, thoughts and information with each
other in order to understand each other (Üstün, 2005). In this context, it will not be
wrong to say that communication is the basis of cooperative learning, critical thinking
and problem solving skills. The remaining five factors can be explained shortly as:
Creativity:Craft (2003) has explained the creativeness as an ability that is not related
only to art and that continues lifelong and defined it as self expression, the capacity to
introduce new relations and form new combinations from one or more concepts in the
mind for the purpose of looking at the events from different aspects. Everything that
is created is the new combinations of the ideas, products, colors and the words.
Creativeness is ended up with scientific discoveries, new products, art and literature.
algorithms, apply, evaluate and produce (Brown, 2015). Critical Thinking: According
to Halpern (1996), critical thinking has been defined as “using cognitive skills or
strategies increasing the possibility of the intended behaviors”. Problem Solving: The
obstacle on the way that someone finds to reach the intended purpose is called
Problem. If someone meets with some obstacles while endeavoring to reach a certain
purpose or intellection, it means there is a problem for that person (Aksoy, 2004).
5. Conslusion
It could be said that statistically CTS is a valid and reliable scale that could be used
in the identification of the computational thinking levels of students. Since there has
not been encountered a valid and reliable measurement tool aiming at measuring the
computational thinking levels as a whole in the literature, it could be thought that this
validity and the reability of the scale should be done to use it for different groups and
purposes. It should be considered that each scale can be valid and reliable for its own
group. Besides, the validity and reliability studies of the measurement tool have been
at different associate, undergraduate and post graduate degrees and graduated from
undergraduate degrees and having pedagogical formation. That the participants are
from different education levels and age groups has given an opportunity to use the
scale in different groups. However, it is suggested that the validity and reliability
analysis are done again when it is wanted to be used in the groups in the scope of the
study. On the other hand, five factor point obtained from the scale could be used
However; this study is limited to the associate students and the students studying in
higher levels. Adaptation study should be conducted in the event that this study is
desired to be applied to the high school students or the students in lower grades. In
made by ISTE (2015) in this scale and to the basic items taking place in the scales
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Table 1.The distribution of the study group according to the University, Class and
I. Implementation II. Implementation
Department Female
Male Total Female Male Total
Pri. Math Ed. 30 10 40
Science Ed. 51 21 72
CEIT 34 52 86
Pri. Clas. Ed 2 3 5
Türkish Ed. 32 13 45
Psch. Cons and 75 27 102
Soc. Sci. Ed.. 43 46 89
Comp. Prog. 32 60 92
Mech .Eng. 8 45 53
Elec-Elect Eng. 19 81 100
Math 48 50 98
Biology 42 11 53
Geograph 3 7 10
Liteature 53 34 87
Philosoph 27 3 30
Phisics 11 16 27
Theology 71 45 116
Chemistry 13 10 23
Healty Sci. 79 13 92
History 26 18 44
Total 358 326 684 373 207 580
*. 42 students have not specified their department or gender in the first application.
I27 I believe that I can easily catch the relation ,491 ,719
between the figures
I22 I can mathematically express the solution ,578 ,673
ways of the problems I face in the daily
I9 I can digitize a mathematical problem ,625 ,666
expressed verbally.
I42 I like experiencing cooperative learning ,785 ,842
together with my group friends.
I46 In the cooperative learning, I think that I ,693 ,818
attain/will attain more successful results
regarding a problem.
I48 I cannot develop my own ideas in the ,674 ,532
environment of cooperative learning.
I47 It tires me to try to learn something ,604 ,494
together with my group friends in
cooperative learning.
Eigenvalue 7,19 3,39 2,54 1,80 1,34
Explainedvariance 13,5 13,1 10,7 10,1 8,7
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Creativity AlgorithmicThinking Cooperativity Critical Problem
Thinking Solving
I t I t I t I t I t
I59 -8,959 I26 -17,483 I42 -10,868 I38 -17,112 I21 -7,123
I58 -7,526 I25 -15,750 I46 -6,839 I37 -16,421 I20 5,486
I69 -11,515 I28 -16,287 I41 -10,582 I35 -11,646 I18 -4,610
I70 -13,939 I27 -10,677 I45 -7,757 I39 -13,032 I68 -3,197
I67 -13,461 I22 -14,293 I72 -14,597 I48 -4,309
I57 -9,661 I9 -12,106 I47 -3,234
I56 -15,075
I66 -11,526 FT -37,105
F1 -18,449 F2 -21,253 F3 -10,826 F4 -22,520 F5 -8,241
Table 7.Reliability analysis results considering the whole of the scale and its factors.
Two congruent
Number Sperman Guttmann Cronbach’s
Factor halves
of items Brown Split-Half Alpha
Creativity 8 ,713 ,832 ,832 ,843
Algorithmic Thinking 6 ,756 ,861 ,,860 ,869
Cooperativity 4 ,835 ,910 ,908 ,865
Critical Thinking? 5 ,562 ,719 ,687 ,784
Problem Solving 6 ,406 ,578 ,578 ,727
Total 29 ,344 ,512 ,498 ,822