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Zeal Polytechnic, Pune.: Third Year (Ty) Diploma in E&Tc Engineering Scheme: I Semester: V

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Subject Code: 22533



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Scheme – I

Sample Question Paper

Program Name : Electronics Engineering Programme Group

Program Code : EJ/ET/EN/EX/EQ
Semester : Fifth 22533
Course Title : Mobile and Wireless Communication
Marks : 70 Time: 3 Hour

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 Marks

(a) State two features of N- AMPS
(b) Define cluster. Draw the diagram of a7 cell cluster
(c) Explain the term frequency reuse
(d) State data rates of 3G and 4G technologies
(e) State the need for 4G technology
(f) State two features of Bluetooth technology
(g) State two applications of MANET

Q.2) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks

(a) State four features of CDMA 2000 radio standards
(b) Explain Handoff procedure with suitable diagram. State its types. Explain any
one type
(c) Explain the step by step procedure of a mobile originated call
(d) CDMA 2000 is more advantageous than 3G GSM standards, Justify.

Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

(a) Explain channel assignment strategies in a cellular system
(b) Draw the architecture of UMTS.State the function of various blocks
(c) Draw the system architecture of WLAN and explain with suitable diagram
(d) Fig. 1 is block diagram of a security frame work of UMTS, Identify the blocks A
and B Explain their functions.

Fig 1.

Q.4) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

(a) Compare IS-95 and GSM standards on the basis of
i) Multiple Access technique used.
ii) Handoff
iii) Handset interoperability
iv) Coverage area
(b) State the vision of IMT 2000 global standards
(c) Explain Authentication process by using Cipher key generation in GSM.
(d) It is desired to make a database of the students in a college present at any
particular day. Explain the approach to maintain and check a database for
students of the college with RFID technology
(e) Explain the services and performance of Signaling System 7

Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

(a) Draw the block diagram of a mobile phone unit and state the function of each
(b) Suggest the method to minimize adjacent channel interference, improve signal to
interference ratio and improve the system capacity. Explain the suggested method
with diagram
(c) Draw the block diagram of GSM architecture and explain Base station subsystem
and Network subsystem

Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

a) Compare fixed wireless networks and mobile wireless networks on the basis of
i) Portability
ii) Latency
iii) Type of connection
iv) Speed
v) Type of base stations
vi) Application
b) Illustrate significance of six characteristics of IMT 2000.
c) Explain the different types of MANETs.
Scheme – I

Sample Test Paper - I

Program Name : Electronics Engineering Programme Group

Program Code : EJ/ET/EN/EX/EQ
Semester : Fifth 22533
Course Title : Mobile and Wireless Communication
Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

(a) Sketch the block diagram of paging system.
(b) List Different types of Handoff in Cellular System
(c) Define Co-Channel and Adjustment Channel Interference
(d) "Frequency Reuse Helps in increasing the Channel capacity" Justify.
(e) Sketch the block diagram of Wireless Local Loop system

Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks

(a) Explain with the help of block diagram, Working of Mobile Transmitter Unit.
(b) Design a Cellular network with cluster size 7 (Using Frequency Reuse Method).
(c) Explain with the help of block diagram, function of GSM architecture.
(d) Justify ‘Microcell zone concept used to increase Channel Coverage and capacity’
Scheme – I

Sample Test Paper - II

Program Name : Electronics Engineering Programme Group

Program Code : EJ/ET/EN/EX/EQ
Semester : Fifth 22533
Course Title : Mobile and Wireless Communication
Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour

(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

(a) List any four Services Provided by GSM.
(b) Specify any four Radio Aspects of IS-95 System.
(c) Draw the WLAN system architecture.
(d) Explain the function of MTP (Message Transfer Part) in Signaling System 7
(e) Explain the need of 3G and 4G Technology.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks

(a) Compare GSM and IS-95 system (any 4 points)
(b) Explain with the help of diagram, the topologies used in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
(c) Explain the features of 4G Technology.
(d) Explain 3G W-CDMA technology with its four Specifications.
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) State two features of CDMA 2000.
b) Define forward control channel and reverse control channel.
c) Explain the term cell splitting.
d) List two features of 4G LTE.
e) State the spectrum requirement of IMT 2000.
f) State any two features of bluetooth technology.
g) Give the applications of WLAN technology.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) State the advantages of CDMA 2000 over 3G-GSM standards.
b) State the types of interference in cellular system. Explain any
one type in detail.
c) Compare IS95 with GSM. (any four points)

22533 [2]
d) Identify the block diagram and state the functions of blocks A,
B and C in Figure No. 1.

Fig. No. 1

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain Microcell zone concept.
b) CDMA 2000 is more advantageous over 3G GSM standards.
c) Describe MANET and write applications of MANET.
d) Explain the architecture of Bluetooth technology.

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Draw signalling system SS7 and explain services and
b) State the features of 4.5G and 5.6.
c) Explain authentication process by using Cipher key generation
in GSM.
d) Draw the architecture of UMTS the function of different blocks
in UMTS.
e) Draw GSM architecture and explain GSM control channels.
22533 [3]
5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Draw LMDS and explain it in detail.
b) Explain frequency reuse concept. Draw the frequency reuse
pattern for cluster size 7.
c) Explain step by step procedure of landline originated call with
neat timing diagram.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Identify the block diagram and explain the blocks A and B in
Figure No. 2.

Fig. No. 2
b) State the features of UMTS and give UMTS air interface
c) Give the classification of RFID tags and give the applications
of RFID.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: Mobile And Wireless Communication Model Answer Subject Code: 22533
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in themodel answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may tryto assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given moreImportance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in thefigure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for anyequivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constantvalues may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

Q. Sub Answer Marking

N Q. Scheme
o. N.

Q 10-Total
Attempt any FIVE of the following:
.1 Marks

a) State two features of CDMA 2000. 2M

1. It has very high packet data rates.

2. It has high radio channel bandwidth of 1.25 MHz
3. It has global seamless connectivity.
4. Very good performance
5. Support for advanced mobile services
6. Efficient use of spectrum
7. selection of device
Ans 8. Evolution path Any two
: 9. Flexible 1M each
10. CDMA2000 uses Frequency Division Duplexing-Multicarrier (FDD-MC) mode. Here,
multicarrier implies N × 1.25 MHz channels overlaid on N existing IS-95 carriers or
deployed on unoccupied spectrum. CDMA2000 includes −
11. 1x — uses a spreading rate of 1.2288 Mcps.
12. 3x — uses a spreading rate of 3 × 1.2288 Mcps or 3.6864 Mcps.
13. 1xEV-DO (1x Evolution – Data Optimized) — uses a spreading rate of 1.2288 Mcps,
optimized for the data..

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
b) Define forward control channel and reverse control channel. 2M

Forward control channel:-

Ans Radio channel used for transmission of data from base station to mobile stations.
: Reverse control channel:-
Radio channel used for transmission of data from Mobile station to base stations.
c) Explain the term cell splitting. 2M

Cell splitting:-
Ans  Cell splitting is the process of subdividing a congested cell into smaller cells, each with its
: own base station and corresponding reduction in antenna height and transmitter power.
 Cell splitting increases the capacity of a system since it increases number of times that
channels are reused.
d) List two features of 4G LTE. 2M

1. Peak data rates: downlink – 1Gbps; uplink -300Mbps

2. Spectrum efficiency: 3 times greater than LTE.
Any 2
Ans 3. 10 times faster than the 3G network.
: 4. Peak spectrum efficiency:downlink -30bps / Hz; uplink – 15bps / Hz
1M each
5. 4G LTE is flexible and reliable.
6. Easy to standardize and it offers affordability

e) State the spectrum requirement of IMT 2000. 2M

Common spectrum for IMT 2000 world-wide is from 1.8 GHz-2.2 GHz band
Ans or
: 2M
For Uplink: 1885-2025 MHz (Mobile satellite services)
Downlink: 2110-2200 MHz (Mobile satellite services)
f) State any two features of bluetooth technology. 2M

Features of bluetooth technology:- (Any two)

1. It is implemented using IEEE 802.15 standard.
2. Used ISM band at 2.4 GHz
3. Uses FHSS technique
4. Data transfer rate is 1 Mbps. Any 2
5. Maximum range is 10 meters. features -
6. It is wireless PAN standard which uses radio link instead of wires. 1M each
8. Type of modulation used GFSK
9. It does not have a very good quality.
10. It uses 1600 hops / second.

g) Give the applications of WLAN technology. 2M

Applications of WLAN technology:-

Ans Any two
1. For accessing internet, checking emails, receive and send instant message when user is
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: moving. 1M each
2. WLAN can set up networks in the location affected by earthquakes and other disasters
where no suitable infrastructure is availabe.
Q 12-Total
Attempt any THREE of the following:
.2 Marks

a) State the advantages of CDMA 2000 over 3G-GSM standards. 4M

Advantages of CDMA 2000 over GSM:-

1. Increased voice capacity
2. Higher data throughput
3. Multicast services
Ans 4. Frequency band flexibility Any 4
: advantages
5. Incresed battery life
1M each
6. Synchronization
7. Power control and supplemental channels
8. Flexible channel structure in support of multiple services with various QoS and variable
transmission rates.
b) State the types of interference in cellular system. Explain any one type in Detail. 4M

Types of Interference in cellular system:- Four

The common types of interference in cellular networks are: Types 2M,
1. Self-interference ½ M each
2. Multiple access interference
3. Co-channel interference (CCI)
4. Adjacent channel interference (ACI).
5. Near-End-Far-End Interference Any
Explanation:- 1explanati
Self-interference on-2M
Self-interference is due to interference induced among signals that are transmitted from a shared
transmitter. The amount of interference induced depends on the modulation type. Interference
Ans between the uplink and downlink transmissions in a FD duplex system may be classified as self-
: interference, as it occurs among signals send on the same two-way connection.
Multiple access interference
Multiple access interference refers to the interference induced among the transmission from
multiple radios using the same frequency resource to a single receiver.
Adjacent-Channel Interference:
It occurs in a radio channel when unwanted energy from channels adjacent to it falls into its
desired bandwidth.
Next-Channel Interference:
 Next-channel interference will arrive at the mobile unit from other cell sites if the system is not
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designed properly.
 Mobile unit initiating a call on a control channel in a cell may cause interference with the next
control channel at another cell site.
 The filter with a sharp falloff slope can help to reduce all the adjacent-channel interference,
including the next-channel interference.
Co-channel interference (CCI) –When interference occurs in the cells having same channel set
is called co-channel interference ,to reduce it the co-channels have to be separated by sufficient
amount of distance.
Neighboring-channel Interference:
 The channels which are several channels away from the next channel will cause interference
with the desired signal.
 A fixed set of serving channels is assigned to each cell site.
 If all the channels are simultaneously transmitted at one cell site antenna, a sufficient amount of
band isolation between channels is required for a multi-channel combiner to reduce inter-
modulation products
Near-End-Far-End Interference:
 In One Cell :
 The close-in mobile unit has a strong signal which causes adjacent-channel interference
 In this situation, near-end-far-end interference can occur only at the reception point in the cell
site as shown in fig (a)
 In Cells of Two Systems:
 The frequency channels of both cells of the two systems must be coordinated in the
neighborhood of the two- system frequency bands. The situation can be seen in fig: (b)

c) Compare IS95 with GSM. (any four points) 4M

Sr .No. Parameters IS-95 GSM Any 4

points; 1M
: 1 Number of full duplex channel 20 125 each

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2 Bandwidth of each channel 1.25MHz 200KHz

3 Muliple Access method CDMA TDMA

4 Number of users per channel 64 8

5 Type of Modulation BPSK / QPSK GMSK

6 Data rate 9.6 / 14.4 Kbps 27.833Kbps

7 Frame duration 20ms 4.615ms

8 Hand off Soft Hard

Frequency spectrum 800 or 1900 MHz 890-915 MHz 935-

d) Identify the block diagram and state the functions of blocks A, B and C in Figure No.1 4M

on 1M

of A,B,C-
1M each

It is the block diagram of Mobile phone transmitter.

Function of block A( directional coupler):-

It is used to tap the received power and convert it into a proportional D.C signal. This D.C signal
Ans controls the APC(Automatic power control) circuit
: Function of block B ( Isolator/ duplexer ):-The transmitter output is fed to a duplexer. It allows
transmitter and receiver to share same antenna for transmission and reception.
Function of block C ( Power output detector):- The power detector estimate the signal power,,
if the signal is found offset of estimate value it is given to automatic power control unit to match
the estimation.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Q 12-Total
Attempt any THREE of the following:
.3 Marks

a) Explain Microcell zone concept. 4M

 The problem associated with the sectoring is the number of handoffs. This puts
Ans additional load on the switching and control link elements of the mobile system. A
: solution to this problem is based on microcell concept for seven cellreuse.
 In this scheme, all the three or more zone sites represented as Tx/Rx are connected to
the same base station and share the same radio equipment. The transmission media used
for connecting the zones to the base station are coaxial cable, fiber optics cable or a
 So each cell consists of a base station and multiple zones. A mobile travelling within a
cell, is served by the zone that has the strongest signal ofall.
 As shown in figure, the antennas in zones are placed at the outer edge of the cell and
any base station channel can be assigned to any zone by the base station. As a mobile
travels from one zone to the other within a cell, it uses the samechannel.
 This will avoid handoff. The base station will just switch the channel to the appropriate
zone site. Thus a given channel is being used only in a particular zone in which the
mobile istravelling.
So the base station radiation is localised.this will reduce interference. The channels are
distributed in space and time by all zones and are reused in the co channel cells. The microcell
zone concept is very useful along highways or in the busy areas.

b) CDMA 2000 is more advantages over 3G GSM standards. Justify. 4M

Advantages of CDMA 2000

Any 4
Ans 1 .Increased voice capacity.
: 2. Higher data throughput. explainatio
3. Multicastervices.

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4. Frequency band flexibility.

5. Migration paths.

6. Serves multiple markets.

7. Supports multiple service performances.

8. Full backward compatibility.

9. Increased battery life.

10. Power control.

It provides high data rate internet access capabilities in gradual manner within the existing

c) Describe MANET and write applications of MANET. 4M

 Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are envisioned to become key components in the
4G architecture, and ad hoc networking capabilities are expected to become an
important part of overall next-generation wireless network functionalities.

 Mobile ad hoc networks are formed dynamically by an autonomous system of mobile

nodes that are connected via wireless links without using an existing network
infrastructure or centralized administration.
 The nodes are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the n -2M,any
: network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. 2 appl-2M

 Such a network may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger
 Mobile ad hoc networks are infrastructure less networks since they do not require any
fixed infrastructure such as a base station for their operation.

 Routes between nodes in an ad hoc network may include multiple hops and, hence, it is
appropriate to call such networks ―multihop wireless ad hoc networks.”

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Note: Any other Relevant applications can be considered. Any

2 Applications.

Personal area networking, cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wristwatch

Military environments, soldiers, tanks, planes
Civilian environment Carnet work meeting rooms
d) Explain the architecture of Bluetooth technology. 4M

: Explanatio
n -2M

Bluetooth is both a hardware-based radio system and a software stack that specifies the linkages
between the architecture layers of the two.
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The heart of this specification is the protocol stack, which is used to define how Bluetooth
works. The Bluetooth protocol stack is a set of layered programs.

Each layer in a protocol stack talks to the layer above it and to the layer below it.

Think of Bluetooth as having two well-defined layers of functionality in the stack. These layers
range from the lower level hardware-based radio system, to an upper level software stack that
specifies the linkages between the layers .

Lower Stack Layers

The lower layers are the basic core specifications that describe how Bluetooth works. The base
of the Bluetooth protocol stack is the radio layer, or module. The radio layer describes the
physical characteristics of the transceiver. It is responsible for modulation/demodulation of data
for transmitting or receiving over radio frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band. This is the physical
wireless connection. It splits the transmission band into 79 channels and performs fast frequency
hopping (1600 hops/sec) for security.
Upper Stack Layers
The upper stack layers consist of profile specifications that focus on how to build devices that
will communicate with each other, using the core technology.

The host controller interface (HCI) serves as the interface between the software part of the
system and the hardware (i.e., the device driver).

The L2CAP (logical link control and adaptation protocol) layer is above the HCI in the upper
stack. Among other functions, it plays a central role in communication between the upper and
lower layers of the Bluetooth stack. It keeps track of where data packets come from and where
they should go. It is a required part of every Bluetooth system.

Above the L2CAP layer, the protocol stack is not as linearly ordered. Still, the service
discovery protocol (SDP) is important to mention because it exists independently of other
higher-level protocol layers. It provides the interface to the link controller and allows for
interoperability between Bluetooth devices.

Q Attempt any THREE of the following : 12-M


a) Draw signalling system SS7 and explain services and performance. 4M


any 1
: Signalling system SS7 and explain services and performance.

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SS7 Services:
 Touch star:
This kind of service is also known as CLASS and is a group of switch- controlled services that
provide its users with certain call management capabilities.
Services such as call return, call forwarding, repeat dialing, call block, call tracing and
caller ID are provided
 800Services:
These services were introduced by Bell Systems to provide toll-free access to the calling party
and to the services and database which is offered by the private parties.
The costs associated with the processing of the calls are paid by the service subscriber.
The service is offered in two plans known as the 800-NXX plan and the 800 database plan.
In the 800-NXX plan the first six digits of an 800 call are used to select the interexchange
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In the 800 database plan, the call is looked up in a database to determine the appropriate
carrier and routing information.
 Alternate Billing Service and Line Information Database(ADB/LIDB):
These services use the common channel signaling (CCS) network to enable the calling
party to bill a call to a personal number (third party number, calling card or collect, etc.)
from any number.
Performance of SS7
1) Performance of signaling network is studied by connection set-up time (response
time) or the end-to-end Signaling information transfer time. The delays in the
signaling point (SP) and the STP depend on the specific hardware configuration &
switching software
2) Congestion control In SS7networks:
o With the increase in subscribers it is important to avoid congestion in the
signaling network under heavy traffic conditions.SS7 networking protocols provide
several congestion control schemes, allowing traffic to avoid failed links & nodes.

b) State the features of 4.5G and 5.6. 4M


1) Network based on the user experience.

2) Enhanced system performance.
3) Business models, managements and operations. Any 4
Ans 4) Beam division multiple access (BMDA) technology. feature-
: 5) Filter band multicarrier (FBMC) multiple access. 1M each
6) For computing and achieving low latency, high mobility, high scalability and real time
7) Ultra Wide band (UBC) networks.
8) World combination service mode (WSGM)

c) Explain authentication process by using Cipher key generation in GSM. 4M

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 Authentication refers to process by which station confirms the identity of mobile
station. It protects GSM network against unauthorized access.

 The Authentication Centre is responsible for all security aspects.

 The AUC generates the Ki‟s associates them with IMSI and provides for each IMSI a set
of triplets consisting of RAND(Random Number), SERS (signed Response), Kc (Cipher
 Authentication center first authenticate the subscriber mobile station and only then MSC
provides service.
 At MS- SIM contains the entire authentication data along with A3 and A8 algorithm and
signed response is generated using this.
 At network side signed response is generated using same algorithm and random number
and if both the signed response matches then mobile phone authenticated.

d) Draw the architecture of UMTS the function of different blocks in UMTS. 4M

Draw the architecture of UMTS the function of different blocks in UMTS. Dig-

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 User Equipment (UE):

The User Equipment or UE is the name given to what was previous termed the mobile, or
cellphone. The new name was chosen because the considerably greater functionality that the
UE could have. It could also be anything between a mobile phone used for talking to a data
terminal attached to a computer with no voice capability.
 Radio Network Subsystem (RNS):
The RNS also known as the UMTS Radio Access Network, UTRAN, is the equivalent of the
previous Base Station Subsystem or BSS in GSM. It provides and manages the air interface
for the overall network.
 Core Network: The core network provides all the central processing and management for
the system. It is the equivalent of the GSM Network Switching Subsystem or NSS.
The core network is then the overall entity that interfaces to external networks including the
public phone network and other cellular telecommunications networks.

e) Draw GSM architecture and explain GSM control channels. 4M

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e :2M

n of any

GSM control channel (CCH):

1) Broadcast channel (BCH):
Broadcast control channel (BCCH):
The BCCH is a forward control channel that is used to broadcast information such as cell and
network identity, operating characteristics of the cell (current control channel structure, channel
Ans availability and congestion).
: The BCCH also broadcast a list of channels that are currently in use within the cell.
(a) Frequency correction channel(FCCH):
The FCCH allows each subscriber unit to synchronize its internal frequency standard (local
oscillator) to the exact frequency of the base station.
(b) Synchronization channel (SCH): SCH is used to identify the serving BS while allowing
each mobile to frame synchronizes with the BS. The frame number (FN) is sent with the base
station identity code (BSIC) during the SCH burst.

2) Common control channel (CCCH):

(a) Paging channel (PCH):The PCH provides paging signals from the BS to all mobiles in the
cell, and notifies a specific mobile of an incoming call which originates from PSTN.PCH may
be used to provide cell broadcast ASCII text messages to all subscribers.
(b) Random Access Channel (RACH):The RACH is a reverse link channel used by a
subscriber unit to acknowledge a page from the PCH and is also used by mobiles to originate
a call.
(c) Access grant channel (AGCH):The AGCH is used by the BS to provide forward link
communication to the mobile, and carries data which instructs the mobile to operate in a
particular physical channel.

3) Dedicated control channel (DCCH):

(a) Stand-alone Dedicated control channel (SDCCH):The SDCCH carries signaling data
following the connection if the mobile with the BS, and just before TCH assignment issued by
the BS. The SDCCH ensures that the mobile station and base station remain connected while
the BS and MSC verifies subscriber unit.
(b) Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH):On the forward link the SACCH is used

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to send slow but regularly changing control information to the mobile such a transmit
power level instruction. On the reverse link the SACCH carries information about the
received signal strength.
Fast Associated Control Channel (FACCH):FACCH carries urgent messagesand contains
essentially the same type of information asSDCCH.

Q Attempt any TWO of the following : 12-Total

.5 Marks

(a) Draw LMDS and explain it in detail. 6M

Ans 3M Explan

LMDS is one of the new proposed services and applications. It is in the early stages of
In 1998, 1200MHz of the unused spectrum in the 27-31GHz band was auctioned by the US
government to support LMDS.
Similar auctioned were held worldwide. Various spectrums were allotted for the LMDS.
Most of these allocations share the frequencies with the teledesic band approved by the ITU for
broadband satellite systems.
The teledesic band was originally established for the Motorola iridium system.
LMDS is a fixed wireless system. The table given shows the total spectrum bandwidth of various
wireless systems in the US. It shows that the BW of 1300MHz has been allotted for LMDS.
The 1300MHz bandwidth of LMDS is sufficient to provide more than 200TV channels or 65000
full duplex voice channels.
The US LMDS band is 27.5 - 28.35 GHz, 29.1 – 29.25 GHz and 31.075 – 31.225 GHz.
However LMDS has its own drawbacks. LMDS is a brand new, and an unproven system. The
equipment required for LMDS are millimeter wave equipment which are costly.
The most important application of LMDS is the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) network. It is
shown in the figure.
In this network the LEC uses a very wide bandwidth ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) or
SONET (synchronous optical network) backbone switch.
Such a switch can connect hundreds of megabits per second traffic to the internet, PSTN, or to its
own private network.
The LMDS thus provides wireless broadband connectivity to the customers without using the
The most important problem for LMDS of WLL is that of line of sight (LOS). If the antennas can
be seen, then only the transmission is successful.
The other problem is that rain, snow and hail can create large changes in the channel gain
between the transmitter and receiver.

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LMDS: Local multi-point distribution system.
It is a broadband wireless point to multipoint communication system that provides reliable digital
two-way voice, data and Internet services. The term "Local" indicates that the signals range limit.
"Multipoint" indicates a broadcast signal from the subscribers, the term "distribution" defines the
wide range of data that can be transmitted, data ranging anywhere from voice, or video to Internet
and video traffic.
It provides high capacity point to multipoint data access that is less investment intensive.
 Lower entry and deployment cost.
 Ease and speed of deployment.
 Fast realization of revenue.
 Uses low powered high frequency (25-31 GHz) signals over a short distance. 3M
Four parts in LMDS are:
1. NOC (network operation center). Diagram
2. Fiber based infrastructure.
3. Base station.
4. Customer premise equipment.


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(b) Explain frequency reuse concept. Draw the frequency reuse pattern for cluster size 7. 6M

Ans 4M for
: i. The design process of selecting and allocating channel groups for all cellular base explanatio
stations within a system is called as frequency reuse or frequency planning. n of
ii. Cellular radio systems rely on an intelligent allocation and reuse of channels throughout a frequency
coverage region. Each cellular base station is allocated a group of radio channels to be used with reuse
small geographic area called a cell. Base stations in adjacent cells are assigned channel group
which contains completely different channels than neighbouring cells. concept
iii. By limiting the coverage area to boundaries of a cell, same group of channels may be used to
cover different cells that are separated from each other by distances large enough to keep
interference levels within tolerance limits.

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iv. If each cell is allotted K sets of channels and if S channels are divided among N cells in
unique and disjoint groups which have same number of channels, then total number of available
channels can be S=KN.
If cluster is replicated M times then capacity C=MKN=MS.
v. Frequency reuse factor =1/Cluster size (N)

vi. The cells which have been allotted same group of channels are called co-channels.
The co-channel reuse factor Q is defined as Q=D/R
Where, D=Minimum safe distance after which group of frequencies can be repeated
R=Cell radius
Thus a small value of Q means larger capacity as cluster size N is small whereas large value of Q
improves transmission quality. To improve capacity N is usually 4, 7 or 12.
vii. To improve capacity and efficiency of frequency reuse plan, cell sectoring is employed with
Omnidirectional antenna.
2 M for
pattern for
cluster size

(c) Explain step by step procedure of landline originated call with neat timing diagram. 6M

Ans When a cellular phone is turned ON, but not yet engaged in a call, it first scans the group of
: forward control channels to determine the one with the strongest signal, and then monitors that
control channel until the signal level drops below a usable level.
Call initiation by a landline (PSTN) subscriber to mobile user:
The mobile switching centre (MSC) dispatches the request to all base station in a cellular system.
The Mobile Identification Number (MIN) which is subscriber telephone number is then broadcast
as a paging message over all of the forward control channels throughout the cellular system.
The mobile receives the paging message sent by BS which s monitors, and responds by 3M for
identifying itself over the RCC.
The BS relays the acknowledgement sent by the mobile and informs the MSC of handshake.
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The MSC instructs the BS to move the call to an unused voice channel pair within the cell. explanation

The BS signals the mobile to change frequencies to an unused forward and reverse voice channel
Another data message is transmitted on forward channel to instruct the mobile telephone to ring
 mobile user to answer the phone.
Figure below shows sequence of events involved in call connection.


3M for


Call Procedure initiated by landline user/Call initiated by Landline Telephone

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Q 12 Total
Attempt any TWO of the following:
.6 Marks

Identify the block diagram and explain the blocks A and B in Figure No. 2.

(a) 6M

Ans Block Diagram is of Mobile Unit. 2M for

: Block A is Frequency Synthesizer Identificati
Frequency Synthesizer of mobile unit:- on of block
A frequency synthesizer is an electronic system for generating any of a range of frequencies from diagram
a single fixed time base or oscillator used for transmitter and receiver.
• It uses PLL and mixer. 1M each
• Crystal oscillator provides reference for the PLLs.
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Block B is Logic Unit for
This unit contains master control circuit for a cellular radio. It is made up of microprocessor with identificati
RAM and ROM and additional circuit used for interpreting signals from MSC and BS and on of block
generates control signal for the transmitter and receiver. A&B
MTSO send serial data stream at 10Kbps the cell site to radio to control the transmit and receive
frequency and transmitter power. 1 M for
MTSO monitors the received cell signal strength at the cellular radio by RSSI signal, and it explanatio
monitors transmitter power level. These are transmitted back to cell site and MTSO. n of
Audio tones are used for signaling purpose. frequency

1 M for
explan of
logic unit

(b) State the features of UMTS and give UMTS air interface specification. 6M

Ans Features of UMTS: 2 M for

: UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service) is a third generation (3G) broadband, features of
packet-based transmission of text, digitized voice, video, and multimedia at data rates up to 2 UMTS
megabits per second (Mbps).
1. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is a air interface standard UMTS as a
competitive open air-interface standard for 3G wireless telecommunications.
2. UMTS offers a consistent set of services to mobile computer and phone users, which is not
depend on the location. UMTS is based on the Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication
standard. Once UMTS is available, computer and phone users can be continuously connected to
the Internet wherever they travel will have the same set of capabilities. Users will get access to
internet via combination of terrestrial wireless and satellite transmissions.
3. A packet-switched connection that uses the Internet Protocol (IP) that provides a virtual
connection is always available.
4. UMTS also makes it possible to provide new services like alternative billing methods or
calling plans. For instance, users can choose to pay-per-bit, pay-per-session, flat rate, or
asymmetric bandwidth options.
5. The higher bandwidth of UMTS also enables other new services like video conferencing.
6. UMTS may allow the Virtual Home Environment (VHE) to fully develop, where a roaming
user can have the same services to either at home, in the office or in the field through a
combination of transparent terrestrial and satellite connections.
UMTS air interface specification:

SR.No Parameters Specifications

1 4M for
Frequency spectrum Uplink,1920MHz-1980MHz, UMTS air
2 downlink,2110MHz-2170MHz interface
Channel bandwidth 5MHz specificatio
3 ns
Chip rate 3.84 Mcps

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Duplexing technique FDD and TDD modes
Modulation scheme Direct sequence CDMA and QPSK
Frame length 10 ms frame with 15 time slots
Coding technique Orthogonal Variable Spreading
8 Factor (OVSF)
Service type Multi-rate and multi-service
(c) Give the classification of RFID tags and give the application of RFID. 6M

Ans Classification of RFID Tags: 2M for

: classificati
on of
RFID tags

Applications of RFID:
i. Automotive:
 Auto makers have added security and convenience to automobiles by using RFID 4M for
technology for anti-theft immobilizers and passive entry systems. Applicatio
 Some auto manufacturers use RFID systems to move cars through an assembly line. At ns of RFID
each successive stage of production, the RFID tag tells the computers what the next step
of the automated assembly is.
ii. Animal tracking:
 Ranchers and livestock producers use RFID technology to meet export regulations and
optimize livestock value.
 Wild animals are tracked in ecological studies, and many pets who are tagged are returned
to their owners.
 Thus a tag can carry information as simple as a pet owner’s name and address.
iii. Assets tracking:
 Hospitals and pharmacies meet tough product accountability legislation with RFID;
libraries limit theft and keep books in circulation more efficiently.
iv. Contactless commerce:
 Blue-chip companies such as American Express, Exxon Mobile, and MasterCard use
innovative form factors enabled by RFID technology to strengthen brand loyalty and
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boost revenue per customer.
v. Supply chain:
 Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, and other retailers have discovered that RFID technology
can keep inventories at the optimal level, reduce out of stock losses, limit shoplifting, and
speed customers through check-out lines.
vi. Replacement for bar codes:
 RFID can serve a lot of advantages by replacing bar codes.
 One of the key differences between RFID and bar code technology is RFID eliminates the
need of line-of-sight reading that bar coding depends on.
 Also, RFID scanning can be done at greater distances than bar code scanning. High
frequency RFID systems (850–950 MHz, 2.4–2.5 GHz) offer transmission ranges more
than 90 feet.
 Barcodes are fixed at the time of printing and can be rendered useless by defacement or
 Bar codes can be spoofed or easily defeated by any malicious individual having a laser
printer at their disposal.
Note: marks to be credited if classification is given on frequency bases.

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