04 2014-30-S3-pp.18-22
04 2014-30-S3-pp.18-22
04 2014-30-S3-pp.18-22
The relationship between external debt and foreign direct investment in D8 member
countries (1995-2011)
Abstract: As the structure and infrastructure of a country's economy become stronger, foreign investors are more
likely to have direct investment in that country. On the other side, when the free market does not work properly and
the market mechanism cannot use its facilities completely or develop new competitive advantages or fails to give an
appropriate signal to economic agents' decision making for investments, government intervention in the economy
increases. By reducing the burden of foreign debt, financing increase due to capital inflows into the country.
Therefore, in this study, the relationship between external debt and foreign direct investment (FDI) in D-8 member
countries over the period 2011-1995 have been analyzed using panel data. The results show that external debt have
significant negative effect on foreign direct investment, and increasing foreign debt has destroyed foreign investors
vision and created negative expectations of the future economy which together reduced investment in the country.
The results also indicate that the government size has a negative effect on attracting foreign investment and
presence of government leads to less participation of private sector. GDP has a positive effect on attracting foreign
direct investment and that means increasing in production leads to higher potential consumption and investment
which ultimately increases direct foreign investment. The results suggest that "population" as controlling
independent variable has a positive effect on attracting foreign direct investment and increasing population creates
a great potential of consumption and boosts the attraction of foreign direct investment.
Key words: Foreign debt; Foreign direct investment (FDI); D8 member countries; Panel data method
Hossein Ostadi, Samin Ashja / WALIA, 30(S3) 2014, Pages: 18-22
investment decreases and following that, the flow of accumulated debt in developing countries, financing
indirect foreign investment to that country the developmental needs and also boosting per
increases. The economic policies effective on FDI capita income. Excessive dependence to foreign
flow can be summarized in the following items: debts is associated with tremendous risks; it
monetary policy, fiscal policy, currency policy, trade impedes economic growth and development of the
policy, and regulatory policies. country (Khan, 2007).
2.2. The economic structure factors affecting the 3. Research methodology and variables
flow of foreign direct investment
The model used in this research is as follows:
As the structures and infrastructures of a Yij = α + β 1 x1ij + β 2 x 2 ij + U i
country's economy be stronger, foreign investors are
Research variables include FDI (dependent
more likely to have direct investment in that country
(Selian, 2010). The main factors of economic variable), foreign debts (main independent variable),
government size, GDP and population (control
structure which affect directly on attracting foreign
direct investments include: stable trade balance, independent variables) of D-8 member countries.
In this study panel data method are used and the
market size and expansion, foreign debt, structure of
financing, infrastructure installations, skilled information related to during 1995-2011 are used in
Eviews software for constructing the model. For data
workforce and development of human resources,
information technology widely available. processing and summarizing Eviews software is
used. The statistics and information are extracted
from World Bank website.
2.3. Encouraging and supporting factors affecting
foreign direct investment
3.1. Data referential analysis
Some countries offer incentives for attracting
foreign investors. It is certain that as the amounts of 3.1.1. Research variables' stationary test
incentives increase, the investors are more likely to
invest. In this regard, the following instances can be Before estimating the model it is necessary to test
mentioned: Tax exemption for foreign investor the stationarity of all the variables used in the
production companies, granting insurance covers to research calculations. To this aim, the following tests
investors, granting customs exemptions on imported can be useful: Levin, Lin and Chu test (LLC), IM,
factors needed for foreign investment companies, Pesaran and Shin (ISP), Breitung test, Fisher-tests
subsidies for training local workforce, creating free using ADF.
The results of tests indicate the stationary of all
trade areas for investment, granting infrastructure
facilities and cheaper public services such as water of the variables. In this test H0 refers to non-
stationary of variables and H1 refers to stationary of
and electricity, guaranteed return of principal capital
and its interest, and prevent their confiscation and the variables, and all the variables have stationary at
the zero level.
Table 1: the results of variables' stationary
2.4. Foreign debts Levin, Lin
Variable & Chu t- probability result
The issue of "borrowing" has attracted more Statistic
attentions of economic and political issues' pundits I(0) -
from different countries, and due to its economic, Population -1.83783 0.0330
political and even managerial dimensions is of high I(0) -
FDI -3.80836 0.0001
significance. The discussions concerned with this stationary
subject are mainly around foreign debt and its I(0) -
Govt. size -5.44624 0.0001
positive and negative effects. stationary
Foreign I(0) -
-2.01600 0.0219
debt stationary
2.5. The relationship between FDI direct flow and
I(0) -
foreign debts GDP -2.56456 0.0052
FDI is very important for economic development In order to test research hypotheses, first it must
especially in the developing countries; since it brings be discussed whether the data are panel data or
about not only financial help, but also other pooled data. For this, F-Limer statistics was used
investments, technology, new jobs, skills, where if the calculated F is larger than F in the table,
management and expertise. It is obvious that H0 is rejected and using panel data method is
increasing the investments on the projects leads to recommended, otherwise it is better to use pooled
creation of more job opportunities. FDI is a main data.
source of financing and investment for less In F-Limer test, H0 hypothesis represents equal
developed countries all over the world. The FDI intercept (pooled data) versus the opposite
inflow helps to solve the problem of foreign
Hossein Ostadi, Samin Ashja / WALIA, 30(S3) 2014, Pages: 18-22
hypothesis, the intercept anisotropy (panel data). test is 12.79 at zero probability which confirms fixed
Thus it can be: effects method.
The generalized least squares (GLS) method is
used in panel data. Weighting is done based on
H1: at least one of the intercepts is different with
companies. Cross-section (weights) and Wald chi-
the others.
square statistics are also considered and regarding
This model is tested using Eviews software. To
its value with the zero probability, the regression is
choose between panel data or pooled data method,
significant. LR test is an estimator for
F-Limer statistics is used. In this test, H0 is based on
heteroscedasticity of variance and has chi-square
pooled data method and H1 is based on panel data
distribution. H0 is based on homoscedasticity.of
method. F-Limer showed 26.36, with the zero
variance and the opposite hypothesis is based on
probability which confirms using panel data; and
heteroscedasticity of variance. The estimated model
regarding the value of this statistics and testing the
in this research is as follows (Table 2, Table 3 and
panel data method it is accepted. For deciding on the
Table 4):
application of fixed effects or random effects method,
Hausman test is used. In fact this tests that individual
Table 2: F-Limer statistics
effects are uncorrelated with explanatory variables Degree of
under which the estimation of generalized least Result F-Limer Probability
squares is consistent under H0, and inconsistent Panel
under H1. In other words, using random effects 26.363176 4 0.0001
method in which generalized least squares
estimators are used; H0 shows consistency of the Table 3: Hausman test results
coefficients while H1 rejects this consistency. If H0 is Hausman- Degree of
Result Probability
not rejected by doing Hausman test, the used method statistics freedom
for estimation will be random effects method Panel
12.791765 4 0.0123
(Baltagi, 2005). The value calculated by Hausman data
Hossein Ostadi, Samin Ashja / WALIA, 30(S3) 2014, Pages: 18-22
Hossein Ostadi, Samin Ashja / WALIA, 30(S3) 2014, Pages: 18-22