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I. MULTIMEDIA and ICT 1983 to 1986.

During a radio broadcast

of Radyo Veritas, Cardinal Sin
Multimedia is the heart of every presentation, encouraged the Filipinos to help end
website and online interface in the context of the regime of then President Ferdinand
the 21st century. It triggers the different senses Marcos. The radio broadcast helped to
to function well and catches the attention of the change the course of history.
user which aims to satisfy the audience through 2. EDSA II. This was also known as the
the use of different multimedia content like 2001 EDSA Revolution which happened
texts, music, photos or images, interactive during January 17 to 21, 2001. It was
contents, animations, and videos. fueled after 11 prosecutors of then
Web 2.0 allows users to communicate and President Joseph Estrada walked out in
collaborate with each other virtually. The the impeachment trial. As a result, the
content can be modified based on the crowd in EDSA grew over the course of
preference of the users. It allows users to few days through text brigades.
interact with the site even to comment or 3. Million People March. This was a series
create their own account. of protest that mainly took place in
Luneta Park from August 22 to 26,
There are some instances that there are ads 2013. It was considered a success as it
that will flash on the screen of the website that clearly demonstrated how powerful
encourage the users to use and subscribe on it. social media campaigns are. The
Those are the promotional materials generated organizers and promoters of the Million
by the web host and it is an example of a Web People March used Facebook and
3.0. Change.org as their media.
4. Yolanda People Finder. Recent storms
in the Philippine history gave birth to
II. ICT as Platform for Change the people finder database powered
by Google. This proved to be successful
Advocacy – is a way of expressing views,
and is now adapted by more
opinions, concerns information access and on
organizations to help people track
establishing to all one’s rights and
relatives during calamities
responsibilities through any possible means or
ways. Change.org
Social Media – is a collective term for website Change.org is dubbed as the “world’s
applications which focus on community-based platform for change” where anyone from
input, communication, interaction, content- the online community can create a petition
sharing and collaboration. Social media was and ask others to sign it. Its mission is to
known to be the most powerful platform to use help people from around the world create
if you want to generate instant and massive the change they want to see. For years,
public reactions to whatever concerns or issue Change.org hosted several petitions that
that you have. help solve some problems
ICT in the recent history of Philippines?

1. EDSA (People Power Revolution) The

People Power Revolution lasted from
III. Planning and Conceptualizing space; and c) the font size should be at 12
Social Advocacy for Developing an points.
ICT Project.
Elements of a Concept Paper for Social
Have a clear plan of actions, Advocacy
responsibilities, work requirements,
1. Title Page –The title of your concept
timeframe and budget if needed. Set a
paper will serve a lot in terms of getting
SMART goal to target.
the audience interest, so make sure to
Specific – Set a real goal that is direct, have a short but a catchy and
detailed and meaningful interesting title of your chosen topic.
2. Introduction - This element of concept
Measurable – Make sure that you goal is
paper serves as the most important
trackable and quantifiable.
part of your concept paper. You must
Attainable – Work towards a goal that is keep on pursuing an adding value to
challenging but possible and doable. Check convince the reader about your
if you have the tools or resources that will project’s mission and vision.
help you to achieve and attain your goals. 3. Purpose – This element of concept
paper includes the reasons why your
Realistic –Knowing yourself is the key to chosen project or advocacy campaign is
your success. Be honest with yourself and worth all the time effort and money.
know your capabilities and the things that 4. Description - This element of concept
you cannot do. Be realistic toward your paper includes all the necessary
goals as well as on your capacity to do. information, data and details about
Time-Bound- Give yourself a deadline. your project. This element talks about
Every goal should have a target date to the steps and procedure on how you
finish. will do things properly.
5. Support – This element of concept
Concept Paper paper contains your budget needed for
Concept papers are summaries of projects the project.
or issues that contemplate interests, 6. Contact Information – The element of
experience and expertise that commonly concept paper that includes
serves as a purpose of delivering an in- information on how the you can be
depth discussion of a certain topic that a contacted.
person has a strong position on. Your
concept paper can range from (2) two to (3) IV. Research Content In Social
three pages for a small research project to Advocacy
up to 20 pages for immense research Social Advocacy
projects. For the formatting of concept
paper it is suggested to be the following: a) Advocacy as defined by Merriam-Webster is
the font style should be formal such as the act of supporting a cause or proposal:
Times New Roman, Garamond, Baskerville the act or process of advocating.
or similar Serif typefaces.; b) the line and Social Media. It is the collective online
paragraph spacing should be in double communication channels dedicated to
community input, interaction, content-
sharing and collaboration. Since it caters a easy-to-read and easy-to-understand synopsis
wide range of possible user interaction, the of a certain topic or issue.
social media is broadly used to connect and
Steps in Making your Infographics
communicate with the global community.
1. Outline The Goals Of Your Infographic-
Research for Content
What should your infographic be
According to Western Sydney University, about? What is the core message you
“Research is defined as the creation of new want to deliver and how you will deliver
knowledge and/or the use of existing it? You should remember to recognize
knowledge in a new and creative way so as that you’re creating an essential
to generate new concepts, methodologies infographic, so that your audience can
and understandings. This could include gain something very specific from
synthesis and analysis of previous research reading it.
to the extent that it leads to new and
creative outcomes.” Research skills are our 2. Collect Data For Your Infographic - you
ability to find an answer to a question or a have to gather data of your chosen
solution to a problem. Research skills also topic.
include the ability to gather information a. Self-made data– this approach
about the topic. requires more time for you need to ask
around, send some emails, do research
Audience Profiling
online, create your own made survey
Audience profiling is the process of defining and process your own conclusion.
exactly who your target audience is by
unifying and analyzing their behaviors b. Data sources – this is the easiest way
across multiple platforms and touchpoints to gather information to get ready-
made information that you can find on
1. Demographics - It tells where they live, the books, magazines, newspaper and
their gender, age, income level, religion, internet.
ethnicity, education level, and
knowledge level. 3. Visualize The Data In Your Infographic
2. Psychographics is the classification of a. Statistical Infographics – shows a
people according to their personal summary or overview of data with one
characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes, social or more graphs, tables or lists.
class, aspirations, values, tastes, b. Timeline Infographics (time-oriented) –
activities and interests and other shows progress of information over a
psychological criteria. chronological time period.
Infographics c. Process Infographics – demonstrates a
linear or branching process as how to
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an teach the workings of an object or flow
infographic (or information graphic) is “a visual chart showing choices in a decision
representation of information or data”. An process.
infographic is composed of set of collection of d. Informational Infographics – are most
various imagery, charts, and text that gives an likely a poster that summarizes topic
with some extra bits of information.
e. Geographic Infographics – displays data out creatively with passion. Collect ideas, make
with a location map. outlines, decide on the message, and make your
f. Compare/Contrast Infographics – content interesting and positive. Make sure to
illustrates notable similarities or anchor your content to the four important
differences as a “this versus that” purposes in producing a social advocacy:
infographic or as a table or simple list.
1. Inform – Transform into an informative
g. Hierarchical Infographics –
purpose in producing your advocacy.
demonstrates a chart with levels.
One main purpose of media is to inform
h. Research-based Infographics – is similar
the people of what is the real situation
to the statistical infographic, but based
of the society. Communicate with the
on research. It can be used to compare
audience with your heart. (e.g.
unlike items with popular sets of data
Documentaries, News, Vlog and etc.)
i. Interactive Infographics – gives viewers
the control to modify the infographic
2. Inspire – Infuse your advocacy and
and is web-based.
learning with a sense of meaning and
purpose to motivate and uplift your
4. Layout The Elements Of Your
audience. (e.g. Advocacy Video,
Infographic Design - This step is all
Inspirational Video/Film, Endorsements,
about placing them all together into an
Testimonials and etc.)
attractive looking infographic design.

3. Educate – to educate your audience

5. Add Style To Your Infographic Design -
means engaging them into a wise,
This is about putting your own style and
hopeful, and respectful cultivation of
personal touch, just be creative in
learning and application. (e.g. Vlog, DIY
combining text, shapes and images in
Video, Tutorial and etc.)
your most creative way. Your added
value of style can also showcase your
4. Entertain – Ignite wonder, awe, and
uniqueness making your created
entertainment through learning. Give
infographics attractive to the viewer’s
your advocacy an entertainment value.
attention. And lastly, make it simple.
(e.g. Musical/Lyrical Video, Short Film,
Viral Videos and etc.)

V. Designing and Developing an ICT

Project for Social Advocacy Developing Social Advocacy

Designing Social Advocacy - according to Development phase is one of the crucial stages
Modern Sculpture Artists (MSA), a design is a in constructing and producing your social
plan or specification for the construction of an advocacy, because this phase is where skills and
object or system or for the implementation of creativity should foster. The creator should also
an activity or process, or the result of that plan need to be careful not to plagiarize works and
or specification in the form of a prototype, give proper credits to the owners of different
product or process. intellectual properties.

In designing and creating your own video Fair Use means you can use copyrighted
content, you should express yourself by voicing materials without a license but only for certain
purposes. These includes commentary, unpublished, it is protected for fifty (50)
criticism, reporting, research, and educational years from the date of creation.
purposes. f. Sound recording – These are a separate
copyright that protects a recording
Creative Commons an American non-profit
artist’s rendition of a work.
organization devoted to expanding the range of
Performances not incorporated in
creative works available for others to build
recordings shall be protected for fifty
upon and share legally.
(50) years from the end of the year in
Republic Act 8293 – Intellectual Property Code which the performance took place.
of the Philippines covers a broad range of Therein shall be protected for fifty (50)
creative works. years from the end of the year in which
the recording took place.
Copyright or author’s right is a legal term used g. Architectural works. These are
to describe the rights that creators have over blueprints and similar plans for building.
their literary and artistic works. Works of applied art shall be protected
a. Literary works – books, news story, for twenty-five (25) years from the date
scientific paper, novel, poetry, or any of its creation.
other forms of “word-only”. The validity
of copyright under literacy works VI. ICT Projects for Social Change
applies during the lifetime of the author How to Upload, Manage and Promote
plus fifty (50) years after death. online ICT Projects for Social Change
b. Musical works – both the lyrics and the
music. Under musical works, the 1. How to design a website - Your website
copyright falls under fifty (50) years should meet one main goal. All
from year recording took place. elements of your site should serve that
c. Dramatic works – These are plays, overarching purpose
including any accompanying music. 2. Choose your website builder - A website
Copyright in dramatic, works whether builder (also called a content
published or unpublished, expires fifty management system or CMS such as
(50) years after the end of the year of wix.com) is a platform on which you can
creation. create, personalize and publish a
d. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works – website.
These are photographs, drawings, 3. Define your layout - Remove, add, or
paintings, and any other kinds of two- change details like text, images, and
or three-dimensional art. These works’ color. If your website includes a hefty
copyright applies under fifty (50) years amount of content, you'll probably opt
from the publication. for a multi-page site. In this case, you'll
e. Motion pictures and other audiovisual include a classic website menu from
works - movies, television shows, which your visitors can navigate your
YouTube videos, and any kind of site. However, if you have less textual
multimedia. The audio-visual works content to display, you may want to go
shall be protected for fifty (50) years for a one-page website. This trendy
from the date of publication. If it is option is a popular choice for landing
pages, event websites, and other short-
form content site Unique Visitors- refer to the number of
4. Claim your domain name - your domain people who visited a website at least
name is your address on the internet. once within the reporting period.
This could positively impact your SEO
(Search Engine Optimization). Last but Bounce Rate- refers to the percentage
not least, having your domain name is of people that visited in a website and
the first step in acquiring your custom left after viewing only one page.
email address.
5. Gather your content - This includes your Form Submitted- refers to the number
images, slogans, videos, texts, and of contact forms submitted by visitors.
6. Make it accessible to everyone - Ensure  Facebook
that your site is fully operable with a Insights - name of Facebook’s analytic
keypad, write alt text for your images, package
use heading tags, and more.
7. Optimize for mobile - With such an Overview - gives you a bird’s-eye view
increase in smartphone and tablet of everything that’s happening in your
usage, you must ensure a seamless Facebook Page.
browsing experience across all devices.
8. Ask for feedback - To ensure a flawless Page Summary - set of graphs with top-
final result, ask a friend or colleague to level metrics for a number of categories
provide an honest review.
9. Publish - and get back to it - Regularly Actions on Page- refers to the number
updating your website shows that of times people clicked Action Button.
you're present, active, and up-to-date
with what's happening in your industry. Page views- refers to the total views of
your Facebook Page, including by
people not logged into Facebook.
VII. ICT Project for Website Traffic
Statistics and Performance Page Previews- refers to the number of
Analysis times people hovered their mouse over
your page information to see a preview
Web Traffic - web traffic is the number of web of your page.
users who travel to any given website.
Page Likes- refers to the number of new
Monitoring Site Statistics on Different

 WIX Post reach- refers to the number of

KEEP IN MIND: people who saw your posts at least
Visits- refer to the number of visits in a once
website during the selected time-frame,
including multiple visits by the same
Page followers- refers to the number of  Receive traffic from other websites
organic page follow, paid page follows linked to you
and unfollows  High-quality incoming links mean your
site will be admired as a valuable
 Google Analytics - is a web analytics resource.
service offered by Google that tracks  Link updating also helps in getting fast
and reports website traffic. in search results quicker.
4. Reply to inquiries - Providing a quick
Benefits of Website Analytics & response to the viewer is vital to gather
Tracking and collect feedback on web content,
1. Know the visitors of the site. especially to enhance the support,
2. Know exactly what the customers are including forums, online communities,
looking for. emails, blogs, and comments
3. See what area customers are losing. 5. Website Management - is integrated
4. Find out how to improve the website. tools and services that allow the team
5. Measure the success of other to create, design, develop, launch,
marketing activities and see the match manage, administer, and monitor
rate rise. website content.
6. Monitoring Tools - track the status of
VIII. Sustaining ICT Project for Social the webpage in use to detect the
Change earliest warning of failures, defects, or
problems, and to progress them.
CMS – Content Management System 7. Promotion, Traction, and traffic
monitoring - use to promote the
Things to remember to sustain an ICT Website have varied methods to attract
Project for Social Change visitors to get more shares, email
subscribers, and higher search rankings
1. Update content regularly - It is done to to support and validate products and
continue having life on your website keep growing of user and customer.
that keeps the web content more
2. Webpage Design - is essential because
it impresses how your audience sees
your brand. Make your website looks Lord alam kong “angel of god” lang lagi
attractive by new images or a design ko prinepray but I hope na this coming
renovation. Give it a facelift with some periodical exam eh makapasa kami all
new photos or a design renovation.
3. Updated links - customized web search -kryxianb.
engines give the viewers appreciated
and accessible information that leads to
successful projects.
Some benefits of updated link:
 More visibility of your webpage in Goodluck mga booricat love ko kayo
search results always kahit pinapakulo niyo dugo ko…

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