Etech Reveiwer
Etech Reveiwer
Etech Reveiwer
Designing Social Advocacy - according to Development phase is one of the crucial stages
Modern Sculpture Artists (MSA), a design is a in constructing and producing your social
plan or specification for the construction of an advocacy, because this phase is where skills and
object or system or for the implementation of creativity should foster. The creator should also
an activity or process, or the result of that plan need to be careful not to plagiarize works and
or specification in the form of a prototype, give proper credits to the owners of different
product or process. intellectual properties.
In designing and creating your own video Fair Use means you can use copyrighted
content, you should express yourself by voicing materials without a license but only for certain
purposes. These includes commentary, unpublished, it is protected for fifty (50)
criticism, reporting, research, and educational years from the date of creation.
purposes. f. Sound recording – These are a separate
copyright that protects a recording
Creative Commons an American non-profit
artist’s rendition of a work.
organization devoted to expanding the range of
Performances not incorporated in
creative works available for others to build
recordings shall be protected for fifty
upon and share legally.
(50) years from the end of the year in
Republic Act 8293 – Intellectual Property Code which the performance took place.
of the Philippines covers a broad range of Therein shall be protected for fifty (50)
creative works. years from the end of the year in which
the recording took place.
Copyright or author’s right is a legal term used g. Architectural works. These are
to describe the rights that creators have over blueprints and similar plans for building.
their literary and artistic works. Works of applied art shall be protected
a. Literary works – books, news story, for twenty-five (25) years from the date
scientific paper, novel, poetry, or any of its creation.
other forms of “word-only”. The validity
of copyright under literacy works VI. ICT Projects for Social Change
applies during the lifetime of the author How to Upload, Manage and Promote
plus fifty (50) years after death. online ICT Projects for Social Change
b. Musical works – both the lyrics and the
music. Under musical works, the 1. How to design a website - Your website
copyright falls under fifty (50) years should meet one main goal. All
from year recording took place. elements of your site should serve that
c. Dramatic works – These are plays, overarching purpose
including any accompanying music. 2. Choose your website builder - A website
Copyright in dramatic, works whether builder (also called a content
published or unpublished, expires fifty management system or CMS such as
(50) years after the end of the year of is a platform on which you can
creation. create, personalize and publish a
d. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works – website.
These are photographs, drawings, 3. Define your layout - Remove, add, or
paintings, and any other kinds of two- change details like text, images, and
or three-dimensional art. These works’ color. If your website includes a hefty
copyright applies under fifty (50) years amount of content, you'll probably opt
from the publication. for a multi-page site. In this case, you'll
e. Motion pictures and other audiovisual include a classic website menu from
works - movies, television shows, which your visitors can navigate your
YouTube videos, and any kind of site. However, if you have less textual
multimedia. The audio-visual works content to display, you may want to go
shall be protected for fifty (50) years for a one-page website. This trendy
from the date of publication. If it is option is a popular choice for landing
pages, event websites, and other short-
form content site Unique Visitors- refer to the number of
4. Claim your domain name - your domain people who visited a website at least
name is your address on the internet. once within the reporting period.
This could positively impact your SEO
(Search Engine Optimization). Last but Bounce Rate- refers to the percentage
not least, having your domain name is of people that visited in a website and
the first step in acquiring your custom left after viewing only one page.
email address.
5. Gather your content - This includes your Form Submitted- refers to the number
images, slogans, videos, texts, and of contact forms submitted by visitors.
6. Make it accessible to everyone - Ensure Facebook
that your site is fully operable with a Insights - name of Facebook’s analytic
keypad, write alt text for your images, package
use heading tags, and more.
7. Optimize for mobile - With such an Overview - gives you a bird’s-eye view
increase in smartphone and tablet of everything that’s happening in your
usage, you must ensure a seamless Facebook Page.
browsing experience across all devices.
8. Ask for feedback - To ensure a flawless Page Summary - set of graphs with top-
final result, ask a friend or colleague to level metrics for a number of categories
provide an honest review.
9. Publish - and get back to it - Regularly Actions on Page- refers to the number
updating your website shows that of times people clicked Action Button.
you're present, active, and up-to-date
with what's happening in your industry. Page views- refers to the total views of
your Facebook Page, including by
people not logged into Facebook.
VII. ICT Project for Website Traffic
Statistics and Performance Page Previews- refers to the number of
Analysis times people hovered their mouse over
your page information to see a preview
Web Traffic - web traffic is the number of web of your page.
users who travel to any given website.
Page Likes- refers to the number of new
Monitoring Site Statistics on Different