Pure+Moderation Brochure+General+2020+
Pure+Moderation Brochure+General+2020+
Pure+Moderation Brochure+General+2020+
Hubert Hyungin Choi, a California native and MIT graduate, That means our focus is on attracting, developing and
founded Pure Moderation in 2007. retaining the most dynamic and ambitious people for our
organization, creating a collaborative and supportive
After a decade of working in Silicon Valley, during which he environment that maintains a consistently excellent output.
often collaborated with Vietnamese contractors and visited
Vietnam many times on business trips, Hubert found that he It also means our focus is on creating real value for the
had formed a deep love for the country and culture of people who have established partnerships with Pure
Vietnam. He eventually decided to make a move to Vietnam Moderation to handle their BPO needs.
to found his own company.
Our focus on each client individually allows us to develop a
Stemming from Hubert’s affinity for community, the core bespoke package of solutions for each of our partners that
philosophy of Pure Moderation has always been about enables them to greatly enhance the efficiency of their
putting people first. operations.
Humans are a naturally cooperative species. We are proud that the environment we have created has
become a magnet for local and international talent, offering
Societies are based on the principle of individuals finding opportunities to our people to develop and nurture their
their niche and becoming experts in their field for the good careers.
of the collective.
We are also proud of the chance to showcase that expert
Some people are specialists in medicine, some in law, others talent to our partners.
in carpentry, agriculture or programming.
From newly-founded startups looking to focus their
By focusing on the skills we’re good at, and utilizing the skills resources on core activities, to long-established
of others, we maximise our own potential. organisations seeking rapid scalability in their operations to
handle seasonal changes, Pure Moderation is dedicated to
Today, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is simply an finding the best solutions that help achieve your objectives.
extension of our natural instinct to collaborate with experts
in order to grow together.
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Streamline Processes and Increase Profit Pay less, get more.
Outsourcing can be particularly effective for businesses Outsourcing gives you access to a pool of highly-skilled
looking to avoid large-scale expenditures, such as start-ups, workers, dedicated to their respective business areas and
or companies looking to attract investors to reach that next experienced in handling the needs of companies who wish
level. to outsource.
You know what makes your business tick. We live in uncertain times.
However, peripheral activities will constantly distract from Scaling up for a busy period can take weeks or months of hiring to
your company’s most valuable practices. find the right people, and scaling down can be difficult and
Outsourcing is a great solution to help your team to increase
efficiency and stay focused on their priorities. Outsourcing offers your business the ability to easily scale up or
down specific activities as needed.
Another advantage is the ability to plan and execute new projects
with greater ease, as a good outsourcing firm has the resources to
start providing the extra support needed straight away.
Seven Advantages of Outsourcing
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Strategic outsourcing can give any small-to-medium size Get the job done 24/7.
company the same advantages as larger firms who maintain
a giant array of in-house services. Outsourcing to different countries and timezones means that
even while you sleep, or during a national holiday, your
A partnership with a BPO service can also give you access to outsourcing partners are finishing critical project work,
economies of scale, expertise and efficiency that many of moderating your platform or handling customer tickets.
your non-outsourcing competitors have yet to exploit.
Your BPO partner delivers peace of mind that every hour of
the day is being used to its fullest in order to grow your
Almost every aspect of business carries risk.
Assessing and reducing that risk as much as possible is essential.
Outsourcing will allow you to share some of those risks with experts
versed in best practices in data management compliance, financial
regulations, copyright infringement and many more areas that require
risk analysis and mitigation.
Obviously customer support is important, but is it your priority?
Outsourcing to a reliable vendor that can collate, Operational Reaction Speed: Analyse and respond to
authenticate and categorize your data accurately and market changes more effectively.
provide up-to-date security practices is the best way to
provide peace of mind.
Security: Ensure your, and your client’s information, stays
secure, particularly in this age of sophisticated cybercriminals.
Reduce Data Loss: Minimize the risk of losing important THE GOAL IS TO TURN DATA
company data by having your vendor back up your most crucial INTO INFORMATION, AND
information, and making it quickly and easily retrievable. INFORMATION INTO INSIGHT
--- Carly Fiorina
Every business is unique and has specialized needs. We offer Streamlining your operations is crucial when trying to
bespoke services to suit any industry and size of organization achieve future growth and it’s imperative that vital functions
and offer the ability to quickly scale up or down as needed to such as data management are handed over to the
suit changes in business needs and goals. professionals.
Every industry is now digital. Content moderation services will help you
Social media sites, internet forums, streaming services, blogs
and other digital platforms are growing exponentially as Report and eliminate content that may be considered
content from consumers and companies alike is being upsetting, offensive or even illegal.
uploaded at staggering rates.
Significantly reduce exposure to legal issues associated
The need to swiftly identify and deal with inappropriate with security risks, trademark violations, and PR scandals
material, while learning more about the perception of your related to scams, threats and other illegal activity.
brand in the eyes of your customers, is critical to your
business’s development. Identify and delete content considered to be trolling,
spamming, flaming or hate speech.
Many small-to-medium-size businesses have difficulty in
addressing these concerns in a cost-effective and easily Protect your underage or vulnerable users from viewing
scalable manner, while many larger businesses find it hard to inappropriate content.
justify the huge outlay of resources needed for an in-house Monitor for and identify predatory behavior such as
department devoted to the task. grooming.
Outsourcing your content moderation needs provides the Make data-driven decisions about new services, products
perfect sustainable solution. or marketing campaigns based on comments posted
about your site or brand.
Video games are more than just a booming business, they And while the games themselves need to stand out, the
are redefining the way in which we communicate with each community, customer service and moderation need to be
other. equally exceptional.
There are over 2 billion people worldwide that are part of the However, the core of any game developer’s business should
gamer community, from console enthusiasts and hardcore be innovation, with their efforts focussed on creating
gamers with custom-built, state-of-the-art gaming PC’s, to engaging, new and beautiful worlds for users to explore.
the ever-increasing casual gamer playing free downloads on
their mobile device. Outsourcing the task of maintaining a fair and user-friendly
environment for gamers is the most effective way for a game
The one thing each and every gamer has in common is a development house to keep their focus on the activities that
desire for an enhanced User Experience, which means game keep gamers logged on and ready to play again.
developers are constantly pushing themselves to create the
best graphics, the best story and the best soundtrack
alongside amazing playability.
Think global. More and more businesses are designing their Today, AI or Machine Learning Tools are being researched,
products and services for the international market. However, improved and developed to help with various fields of work.
linguistic and cultural barriers can easily hamper your Currently, AI is being deployed successfully to do only
attempts to communicate with customers around the world. repetitive and mundane tasks that require no innovation.
Before artificial intelligence can become truly intelligent,
Localization is crucial to any growing platform with their humans need to teach it the necessary programs by
sights on expanding globally. It helps create a user-friendly processing massive data sets.
experience for your product by not only supporting multiple
languages but also tailoring content for regional You can outsource these tasks to us by deploying our agents
consumption. Localization is not just about translation, it to train your AI tools. Our team will work until your tool is
bridges cultural barriers and refines your content to meet the sufficiently ready for deployment. By using an AI system, you
expectations of global demographics. Our international can reduce the workload of some of the tasks within your
teams can provide localization support with a thorough organization and dedicate your human resources to take
understanding of the culture and languages that you need. care of more complicated workflows.
Quality Assurance Consultancy
Nobody’s perfect. But don’t worry, our close working We aren’t just experts in what we do - we can make you an
relationship with our colleagues at Testing Hero means we’re expert too. Our experience spans a broad range of industries.
a perfect team to deliver outstanding quality assurance. You can take advantage of our insights by hiring us to
provide consultations and training services that will enhance
Even the best software developers need a good QA team your company’s operations.
through the development process and well after a product is
launched. Our highly-trained and experienced teams will Our expertise in BPO services allows us to offer up-to-date
track and resolve problems before official release and well training for your new or existing systems. Through
into the product life cycle. transparent and proactive communication, we deliver
independent, unbiased advice that can help you improve
Pairing our customer service offerings with our quality your processes.
assurance teams is another perfect match. Issues that arise
with our support teams can be quickly verified by QA agents
and escalated to the appropriate engineering teams to
resolve the issues.
Incredible improvements in technology in We now live in a ‘global village’ and it is Here are just a few of the reasons why
recent years have utterly changed the way now possible to consider many different Vietnam should be your next choice as an
we communicate and do business. destinations for your company’s outsourcing services destination.
outsourcing needs.
Vietnam’s Robust Economy In February 2020, the European Parliament ratified the European
Union Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) which has
eliminated 99% of custom duties between the EU and Vietnam.
Vietnam’s enviable GDP growth rate has averaged 6.5% each
year since 2000 and is projected to reach 7% in 2020. This is expected to boost Vietnamese exports by 43% by 2025
and puts Vietnam on track to be a Top 20 global economy by
Foreign investors have diverted a lot of capital from China into 2050.
Vietnam fuelling further growth in recent years, with major
international brands moving units from China to Vietnam, By the end of 2020, of Vietnam’s population will be
including Nokia, Samsung, Olympus, Nike and Adidas. middle-class, and much of this new found wealth is being further
invested into children’s education.
Vietnam’s Educated Workforce By 2019 that figure had grown to 30% and more than 25,000
technical engineers graduate each year.
The Vietnamese people and government recognize and
promote the importance of education. In fact, over 80% of Vietnamese college graduates hold a degree
in the sciences, making Vietnam an ideal destination for
In 2000, the percentage of Vietnamese workers with third-level outsourced technological projects.
qualifications stood at 10%.
Vietnam offers great value
Unlike many other countries in the region, Vietnam uses the latin
alphabet so it makes learning English relatively easy. Outsourcing your business processes to Vietnam can offer you
significant cost savings as average monthly salaries in Vietnam
Learning English is compulsory from the 3rd Grade onwards and are 90% lower than in the USA.
is now the second most common language spoken in the
country. But Vietnam fares well against other outsourcing locations too.
Vietnam has a population of 96 million people with 60% under Salaries in China are about 55% higher than Vietnam and the
the age of 30. cost of BPO services in India are 43% more when compared to
similar services in Vietnam.
The youthful demographics of the labor force will continue to
provide dynamic, technically-literate, English-speaking workers Using Vietnam as an offshore destination for your business
suitable for the BPO sector for many years to come services is an opportunity to greatly reduce expenditure and
make a positive impact on your company’s bottom line.
Vietnam was reunified in 1975 and since The United Nations Development Staff turnover rates are kept low, around
then, there have been 45 uninterrupted Program has declared Vietnam to be one 6% - 8%, by ensuring opportunities for
years of political stability. of the safest places for conducting employee growth through training, and
business and investment in all of Asia. fostering a culture within the company
There are no ethnic or religious conflicts that encourages employees to seek
in the country and Vietnam was ranked Unlike many other countries in the promotion and develop their careers
as the most secure among the 14 region, where trade wars, currency crises within the firm.
countries in the Asia-Pacific Region by or governmental instability can
the Political and Economic Risk sometimes make things unpredictable, In India, turnover rates often hit 20%
Consultancy in Hong Kong. Vietnam creates a welcoming business within the IT and BPO services sector,
environment for the long-term. which fuels wage increases there.
Also, the Vietnamese prize loyalty very The level of commitment, focus and
highly in their business culture, which loyalty of the Vietnamese worker is hard
further exemplifies this stability. to compare, and even harder to beat,
when looking at other outsourcing
--- Ho Chi Minh
Making the initial decision to outsource might be
easy, but finding the right partner best suited to help
your company gain the competitive advantage it
needs might be the most difficult part of the process.
W: puremoderation.com
M: hello@puremoderation.com