2015ecj16319 28
2015ecj16319 28
2015ecj16319 28
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2 authors, including:
N. K. Agarwal
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central University Uttarakhand, India
All content following this page was uploaded by N. K. Agarwal on 18 February 2016.
Biodiversity is the variety of different forms of life on earth, including the different plants, animals, micro-organisms, the
genes they contain and the ecosystem they form. It refers to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, species variation
(number of species) within an area, biome or planet. Relative to the range of habitats, biotic communities and ecological
processes in the biosphere, biodiversity is vital in a number of ways including promoting the aesthetic value of the natural
environment, contribution to our material well-being through utilitarian values by providing food, fodder, fuel, timber
and medicine. Biodiversity is the life support system. Organisms depend on it for the air to breathe, the food to eat, and
the water to drink. Wetlands filter pollutants from water, trees and plants reduce global warming by absorbing carbon,
and bacteria and fungi break down organic material and fertilize the soil. It has been empirically shown that native
species richness is linked to the health of ecosystems, as is the quality of life for humans. The ecosystem services of
biodiversity is maintained through formation and protection of soil, conservation and purification of water, maintaining
hydrological cycles, regulation of biochemical cycles, absorption and breakdown of pollutants and waste materials
through decomposition, determination and regulation of the natural world climate. Despite the benefits from biodiversity,
today’s threats to species and ecosystems are increasing day by day with alarming rate and virtually all of them are
caused by human mismanagement of biological resources often stimulated by imprudent economic policies, pollution and
faulty institutions in-addition to climate change. To ensure intra and intergenerational equity, it is important to conserve
biodiversity. Some of the existing measures of biodiversity conservation include; reforestation, zoological gardens,
botanical gardens, national parks, biosphere reserves, germplasm banks and adoption of breeding techniques, tissue
culture techniques, social forestry to minimize stress on the exploitation of forest resources.
Biodiversity is a comprehensive umbrella term for also includes genetic differences within each species -
the extent of natures variety or variation within the for example, between varieties of crops and breeds of
natural system; both in number and frequency. It is livestock. Chromosomes, genes, and DNA-the building
often understood in terms of the wide variety of blocks of life-determine the uniqueness of each
plants, animals and microorganisms, the genes they individual and each species. Yet another feature of
contain and the ecosystem they form. The biodiversity is the variety of ecosystems such as those
biodiversity we see today is the result of billions of that occur in deserts, forests, wetlands, mountains,
years of evolution, shaped by natural processes and, lakes, rivers, and agricultural landscapes. In each
increasingly, by the influence of humans. It forms ecosystem, living creatures including human form a
the web of life of which we are an integral part and community, interacting with one another and with the
upon which we so fully depend. So far, about 2.1 air, water, and soil around them. Biodiversity is thus
million species have been identified, mostly small considered at 3 major levels:
creatures such as insects. Scientists believe that Genetic diversity: This is the variety of genetic
there are actually about 13 million species, though information contained in all of the individual plants,
as per UNEP estimates there are 9.0 to 52 million animals and microorganisms occurring within
species exist on earth (Mora et al., 2011). Biodiversity populations of species. Simply it is the variation of
Author’s Address genes within species and populations.
Shri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshahithaul -Tehri Species diversity: This is the variety of species or the
Garhwal (India) living organisms. It is measured in terms of- Species
Department of Zoology, School of Life Science
HNB Garhwal University Campus Badshshithaul- Tehri Garhwal Richness - This refers to the total count of species in a
E-mail: agarwalnareshk3@rediffmail.com defined area. Species Abundance - This refers to the
Copyright by ASEA 19
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved Environment Conservation Journal
Rawat and Agarwal
relative numbers among species. If all the species have Populations in South and East Asia are dependent
the same equal abundance, this means that the variation on complex rice-fish agro-ecosystems, where fish
is high hence high diversity, however if the one species and other aquatic animals serve as a source of
is represented by 96 individuals, whilst the rest are nutrition to local communities, and provide
represented by 1 species each, this is low diversity. In essential services for rice productivity in the flooded
nature, not all species of a community are equally fields.
different. It is possible to classify species on the basis of Fisheries alone account for at least 15% of animal
their functions- protein directly consumed by humans. Fisheries
a) Functional types: Functional types are those indirectly support additional food production by
species, which perform different ecological providing inputs to the aqua-culture and livestock
functions. industries.
b) Functional analogues: Functional analogues Amphibians play a vital role in ecosystems, are
represent distinct taxa performing the same or very indicators of environmental health, and are
‘hopping pharmacies’ being used in the search for
similar ecological functions. new medicines. Yet 41% of amphibian species are
threatened with extinction.
Ecosystem diversity: This relates to the variety of
In some countries, medicinal plants and animals
habitats, biotic communities and ecological processes
provide most of the drugs people use, and even in
in the biosphere.
technologically-advanced countries like the USA,
Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the
half of the 100 most-prescribed drugs originate
richest in the tropics. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be
from wild species. According to world health
highest near the equator (Gaston, 2000), which seems
to be the result of the warm climate and high primary Organization report nearly 80% of people live in
Africa rely on traditional medicines as main source
productivity (Field et al., 2009). Marine
biodiversity tends to be highest along coasts in the for their health care need.
Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is More than 70,000 different plant species are used in
highest and in the mid-latitudinal band in all oceans. traditional and modern medicine. Microbes have
There are latitudinal gradient in species diversity given us nearly all of our antibiotics such as
(Tittensor et al., 2010). Biodiversity generally tends to penicillin, as well as the cholesterol lowering strain.
cluster in hotspots (Myers et al., 2000), and has been The chemical taxol, derived from the Pacific yew,
increasing through time (McPeeket al., 2007) but will has been found to kill cancer cells. ACE inhibitors,
be likely to slow in the future (Robosky, 2009). which are among the most effective medicines
known for treating high blood pressure, are derived
BENEFITS OF BIODIVERSITY from the Pit Viper (Bothrops jararaca).
Utilitarian benefits Ecosystem services
Biodiversity contribute to our material well-being. We Ecosystem services are defined as the processes and
obtained various productive materials from biodiversity conditions of natural systems that support human
e.g. agricultural materials or food, medicine, industrial activity (Singh et al. 2006).
raw materials etc.
Biodiversity plays an important role in the
More than 60 wild species have been used to
improve the world’s 13 major crops by providing way ecosystem function and in the services they
genes for pest resistance, improved yield, and provide. Biodiversity plays a major role in
enhanced nutrition (IUCN, 2012). mitigating climate change by contributing to long-
Since agriculture began about 12,000 years ago, term sequestration of carbon in a number of biomes.
roughly 7,000 plant species have been used for It is through biodiversity that sequential balance of
human consumption. While most people depend CO2 and O2 is maintained. Due to the accumulation
mainly on domesticated species for their dietary of CO2 in the atmosphere and ozone layer depletion,
needs, some 200 million depend on wild species for
the earth is becoming warmer and more prone to
at least part of their food.
natural calamities. A square kilometre of coastal
Environment Conservation Journal
Biodiversity: Concept, threats and conservation
ecosystem such as mangroves forests can store up for the main crops that feed the world (CBD, 2014).
to five times more carbon than the equivalent area There have been worldwide declines in
of mature tropical forests. But these areas are being the diversity of pollinating insects that are essential
for the reproduction of many plants.
destroyed three to four times faster than forests,
Wild species are important in pest regulation. Bats,
releasing substantial amounts of carbon dioxide into
toads, birds, snakes, and so on consume vast
the atmosphere and the ocean, and contributing to numbers of the major animal pests found on crops
climate change (IUCN: facts and figures on or in forests.
biodiversity, 2012). A single colony of Mexican Free-tailed Bat eats
Regulation of biochemical cycles e.g. Oxygen, more than 9,000 kg of insects per night, targeting
Nitrogen, hydrological cycles etc. Biological especially Corn Earthworms and Fall Armyworms,
resources are important media in biochemical both major crop predators. Yet 18% of bat species
cycles, without which the cycles are not complete. are threatened with extinction.
Absorption and breakdown of pollutants and waste A single brood of woodpeckers can eat 8,000-
materials through decomposition, e.g. in food webs 12,000 harmful insect pupae per day, helping to
and food chains where the flow of energy goes maintain the health of forests, whilst in fruit
through production consumption and plantations, insectivorous birds can make the
decomposition without which breakdown and difference between a bumper crop or a costly
absorption of materials will not be complete. In an failure.
ecosystem there is no waste as decomposition will
take place to purify our environment by Ethical and moral benefits
transforming the waste to other forms of Every form of life on earth is unique and warrants
biodiversity. respect regardless of its worth to human beings; this is
Determination and regulation of the natural world the ecosystems right of an organism. Every organism
climate whether local, regional or micro level has an inherent right to exist regardless of whether it is
through influencing temperature, precipitation and valuable to human beings or not. Humankind is part of
air turbulence. nature and the natural world has a value for human
heritage. The well being of all future generations is a
Biodiversity underpins ecosystem resilience and
social responsibility of the present generations, hence
plays a critical role as part of disaster risk reduction
the existence of an organism warrants conservation of
and peace-building strategies. Forests, wetlands and
the organism.
mangroves play a critical role in reducing the
impacts of extreme events such as droughts, floods
Aesthetic value
and tsunamis. The value of the ecosystem services
Human beings derive great enjoyment from natural
provided by coral reefs ranges from more than US$
environment. The shapes, structure and colour
18 million per square kilometer per year for natural
stimulate our senses and enrich our culture. This
hazard management, up to US$ 100 million for
illustrate majorly in the popularity of biodiversity
tourism, more than US$ 5 million for genetic
conservation measures and the myriad of the many
material and bio-prospecting and up to US$
organizations which fight for the protection of different
331,800 for fisheries (CBD, 2014).
organisms. A lot of money is paid to conserve wildlife
Protective services of biodiversity provide
for their value in nature through so many organizations.
protection of human beings from harmful weather
Wild species enhance our appreciation and enjoyment
conditions by acting as wind breaks, flood barriers
of the environment through:
among others.
Leisure activities e.g. bird watching and nature
Production of at least one third of the world’s food, trailing;
including 87 of the 113 leading food crops, depends Spotting activities e.g. spot hunting, sport
directly or indirectly on pollination carried out by fishing, diving and mushroom picking;
insects (honey bee), bats and birds. This worldwide Hearing, touching or just seeing wildlife;
economic value of the pollinating service provided Enjoyment as seen in art and culture e.g. dolls
by insects is worth over US$ 190 billion per year and teddy bears.
Environment Conservation Journal
Rawat and Agarwal
LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY years 2000–2005 was 3.1 percent. In the humid tropics
The loss of biodiversity and the related changes in the where forest loss is primarily from timber extraction,
environment are now faster than ever before in human 272,000 km2 was lost out of a global total of
history and there is no sign of this process slowing 11,564,000 km2 (or 2.4 percent). In the tropics, these
down. Virtually all of Earth’s ecosystems have been losses also represent the extinction of species because
dramatically distorted and altered by human activities of high levels of endemism. Increased greedy demand
and continuously be converted for agricultural and for resources has resulted into land use changes. Hence
other uses. Many animal and plant populations have loss to genetic diversity, species reduction and
declined in numbers and geographical spread. increased ecosystem changes such as random
However, species extinction is a natural part of Earth’s population changes, disease outcrop, and habitat
history but human activity has increased the extinction fragmentation among others has resulted into
rate by at least 100 times compared to the natural rate. biodiversity losses.
Loss of biodiversity is caused by a range of drivers. A Over-exploitation of biological resources
driver is any natural or human-induced factor that This results when individuals of a particular species are
directly or indirectly causes a change in taken at a higher rate than can be sustained by the
an ecosystem. A direct driver unequivocally natural reproductive capacity of the population being
influences ecosystem processes. An indirect driver harvested. This can be through hunting, fishing, trade,
operates more diffusely by altering one or more direct food gathering etc. Overexploitation remains a serious
drivers. Important direct drivers affecting biodiversity threat to many species, such as marine fish and
are habitat alteration, climate change, invasive species invertebrates, trees, and animals hunted for meat. The
overexploitation and pollution. grazing pressure on most of the high altitude grasslands
Principal threats to biodiversity of the Uttarakhand state both from migrant and local
A threat by definition refers to any process or event communities, is the extensive extraction of medicinal
whether natural or human induced that is likely to herbs in these areas resulting in their over exploitation
cause adverse effects upon the status or sustainable use (Rawat, 1998). Most industrial fisheries are either fully
of any component of biological diversity. Biodiversity or overexploited, while destructive fishing techniques
is declining rapidly due to factors such as habitat harm estuaries and wetlands. Although the true extent
alteration and destruction by the land use change, over of exploitation is poorly known, it is clear that rates of
exploitation of biological resources, climate change, off take are extremely high in tropical forests. The trade
pollution and invasive species. Such natural or human- in wild plants and animals and their derivatives is
induced factors tend to interact and amplify each other. poorly documented but is estimated at nearly $160
Habitat alteration and destruction billion annually. It ranges from live animals for the
Overall, the main factor directly driving biodiversity food and pet trade to ornamental plants and timber.
loss worldwide is habitat alteration and destruction. Because the trade in wild animals and plants crosses
Habitat destruction renders entire habitats functionally national borders, the effort to regulate it requires
unable to support the species present in the habitat. international cooperation to safeguard
Biodiversity reduced in this process when existing certain species from overexploitation.
organisms in the habitat are displaced or destroyed Pollution
(Ayoade at al., 2009; Agarwal et al., 2011). Human Over the past five decades, inorganic and organic
destruction of habitats has accelerated greatly in the pollutants have emerged as one of the most important
latter half of the twentieth century. Natural habitats are factor of biodiversity loss in terrestrial, aquatic- marine
often destroyed through human activity for the purpose as well as freshwater ecosystems. Thermal pollution is
of harvesting natural resources for industry production another threat to biodiversity. The potential
and urbanization. Clearing forest areas for agriculture, consequences of organic pollutants in a freshwater
changes in the riverine habitat to lacustrine (reservoir) ecosystem include eutrophication of fresh-water body,
habitat by the construction of hydroelectric projects on hypoxia in coastal marine ecosystems, nitrous oxide
the rivers (Agarwal et al., 2014), mining, logging, emissions contributing to global climate change, and air
urban sprawl, construction of highways are some pollution by NO in urban areas. Occurrence of such
examples of habitat destruction and fragmentation. A problems varies widely in different regions. Species in
five-year estimate of global forest cover loss for the habitats are increasingly being harmed by industrial
Environment Conservation Journal
Biodiversity: Concept, threats and conservation
activities and pollution from excessive use of agro- warming. Most species originate within a very narrow
chemicals such as DDT, oil spills, acid precipitation physiological limit; hence nature has a range of
etc. For example pesticide linked decline of fish eating tolerance maintained for ecosystem stability. Changes
birds and falcons. Lead poisoning is another major may be gradual or abrupt such that if the limit is
cause of mortality of many species such as ducks, exceeded the upper or lower, species suffers extinction.
swans and cranes as they ingest the spent shotgun pellet Recent changes in climate, such as warmer
that fall into lakes and marshes. temperatures in certain regions, have already had
The vulture was once very common in the Gangetic significant impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem
plains of India, and often seen nesting on the avenue (Rawat and Semwal, 2014). They have
trees within large cities in the region. Before the 1990s affected species distributions, population sizes, and the
they were even seen as a nuisance, particularly to timing of reproduction or migration events, as well as
aircraft as they were often involved in bird the frequency of pest and disease outbreaks. Projected
strikes. The vulture has suffered a 99% population changes in climate by 2050 could lead to the extinction
decrease in India (Prakash, 2007) and become rare due of many species living in certain limited geographical
to poisoning by DDT used as pesticides and also by regions. By the end of the century, climate change and
diclofenac which is used as veterinary non –steroidal its impacts may become the main direct driver of
anti- inflammatory drug, leaving traces in cattle overall biodiversity loss. While the growing season in
carcasses which when fed by vultures leads to thinning Europe has lengthened over the last 30 years, in some
of egg shells resulting into premature hatching and regions of Africa the combination of regional climate
kidney failure in birds (Green et al., 2004; changes and human pressures have led to decreased
Muralidharan et al., 2008). Campaigns to ban the use of cereal crop production since 1970. Changes in
diclofenac in veterinary practice have been underway fish population have also been linked to large-scale
in several South Asian countries. climate variations such as "El Nino" have affected
The dramatic decreases in house sparrow population in fisheries off the coasts of South America and Africa,
India is experienced in recent past. It is linked with and decadal oscillations in the Pacific have affected
pollution caused by electromagnetic radiation from fisheries off the west coast of North America.
mobile phones. Microwave towers (Balmori and As climate change will become more severe, the
Hallberg, 2007); the excessive use of pesticides, a harmful impacts on ecosystem services will outweigh
gradual decrease in nesting sites caused by changes in the benefits in most regions of the world. The
urban building design. To promote the conservation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
these birds, in 2012, the then Chief Minister of Delhi, project that the average surface temperature will raise
Ms. Sheila Dikshit, declared the house sparrow as the by 2 to 6.40C by 2100 compared to pre-industrial
state bird of Delhi. levels. This is expected to cause global negative
Species invasions impacts on biodiversity (Millennium Ecosystem
This can be intentional or accidental. Species Assessment, 2005).
introduced in an ecosystem will cause changes in the Population
ecosystem. Introduced species are organisms arising in From 1950 to 2011, world population increased from
areas/ habitats in which they were previously not 2.5 billion to 7 billion and is forecast to reach a plateau
native. Such introduced species are usually referred to of more than 9 billion during the 21st century
as biological pollutants. Some of the ecological impacts (Population Reference Bureau). As the human
of the invasion include hybridization, out competition, population is increasing, there exists insatiable demand
disruption of original ecosystem, plant pathogenic for raw materials which is bound to cause changes in
influences, disease transmission, disruption of food- biodiversity. The human population has more impact
webs, and to some situations extinction. Species may on biodiversity than any other single factor. According
be introduced intentionally for ornamental concerns, to Dumont, (2012) until the middle of the 21st century,
agriculture, hunting and spotting activities, worldwide losses of pristine biodiversity will largely
biotechnology for scientific research and for trade. depend on the worldwide human birth rate. It is
Climatic changes therefore vital to control human population which will
This is of great concern especially when global CO2 result in biodiversity conservation.
increases in the atmosphere resulting to global
Environment Conservation Journal
Rawat and Agarwal
sustainable use of its components came into the Indian efforts for biodiversity conservation
limelight in 1972 (United Nations Conference on In India, protecting and promoting biodiversity has
Human Environment; Stockholm). In 1973, UNEP always been an integral part of culture and civilization.
identified conservation of biodiversity as a priority This can be seen in the thousands of sacred groves that
area, hence there was need to get the legal mandate for are found all over the country. The Indian traditional
conservation of world resources. There were systems of agriculture and medicine depend on plant
negotiations for a legally binding instrument to address and animal biodiversity. India is one of the early
biological diversity and its loss to enhance fairness and signatories to the UN Convention on Biological
equity in sharing of the benefits of biodiversity; this led Diversity (CBD). Even prior to CBD, India has already
to the opening of the Convention on Biological been having legal provisions dealing with aspects
Diversity in 1992; (CBD, 2011).The convention was relating to biodiversity.
inspired by the growing concern all over the world for Indian Forest Act 1927 and Forest (Conservation) Act
sustainable development. The convention objectives 1980 deal with management of forests and
were: conservation of forest land respectively. Wildlife
Conservation of the biological diversity (Protection) Act 1972 is for the protection of wild
Sustainable use of its components; animals, birds and plants, and basically aims at
protecting, propagating or developing wildlife or its
A fair and equitable sharing of its benefits.
environment through national parks, sanctuaries etc.
Besides, the Act has a provision to prohibit picking and
This was the first global comprehensive agreement that
uprooting of specified plants.
addressed all the aspects of biological diversity; genetic
Despite population pressure on land, India has more
resources, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.
than 600 Protected Areas, covering approximately 5%
Several international treaties and agreements are in
of the total geographical area of the country, in a
place in the attempt to strengthen international
network of National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and
participation and commitment towards conserving
Conservation Reserves. India has special programmes
biodiversity. Some of these are:
for some high-profile endangered species like tigers
Rio–de-Janeiro under the United Nations
and elephants. In 2010, the country level status
Conference on Environment and Development
assessment for tigers showed an increase in their
(UNCED)/ Earth Summit
number to an estimated 1706 from an estimated 1411
African Convention on Conservation of nature and in the year 2006. Subsequent to becoming a party to the
natural resources. CBD, India has taken the following steps towards
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of maintenance of biodiversity.
international importance. India has passed and notified the Biological
International Union for the Conservation of nature Diversity Act, 2002. The act primarily addresses
(World Conservation Union). access to genetic resources and associated
Convention on International trade for endangered knowledge by foreign individuals, institutions or
species (CITES). companies, to ensure equitable sharing of benefits
International Convention for the Protection on arising out of the use of these resources and
birds. knowledge to the country and the people.
International Board for Plant genetic resources. As per the provision of the Biological Diversity Act
World Resources Institute. 2002, a National Biodiversity Authority has been
World Wide Fund for Nature. set up at Chennai on 1st October, 2003 to facilitate
Convention on Conservation of migratory species implementation of the Act. In compliance with the
of wild animals. provisions of the Act, states have formed State
International Convention for the Regulation of Biodiversity Boards and at local level, Biodiversity
whaling. Management Committees have been formed.
UNESCO programme on Man and biosphere. India chaired the Group of Like Minded Mega
diverse Countries (LMMCs) for a period of two
years (March, 2004 to March, 2006). India played
Environment Conservation Journal
Rawat and Agarwal
an important role in the development of a common formats easily accessible by patent examiners. This
position of LMMCs for the negotiations for Library promotes the objectives of the Nagoya
developing an international regime on access and Protocol on the issue of protection of codified
benefit sharing. traditional knowledge systems such as the
Subsequent to the approval of the National celebrated Ayurveda. India decided to build this
Environment Policy (NEP) by the Cabinet in 2006, knowledge database because of the patent on the
National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) was use of ‘neem’ extract in Europe and another on the
approved in November 2008 to augment natural use of ‘turmeric’ as a healing agent. Since then,
resource base and its sustainable utilization. because of this database, over 1000 cases of
biopiracy have been identified and over 105 claims
In the recent past, India has taken the following steps in withdrawn or cancelled by patent offices.
the direction of biodiversity conservation. Many development schemes have been realigned to
India has recently ratified the Nagoya Protocol and provide biodiversity-related benefits. This is vital to
formalized the commitment to it. The Nagoya protect habitats, including our water bodies, which
Protocol on access and benefit sharing has been are beyond our protected areas. The Mahatma
negotiated under the aegis of CBD, and adopted by Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
the Tenth Conference of Parties (COP-10) held in Scheme, for example, aims to create legally
Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. The Nagoya mandated green jobs for every rural household in
Protocol would contribute to fair and equitable our country.
sharing of benefits ensuing from utilization of
genetic resources would act as incentive to Suggested strategic goals for biodiversity
biodiversity-rich countries and their local conservation
communities to conserve and sustainably use their Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss
biodiversity. by mainstreaming biodiversity across government
India has, for the first time, hosted the and society.
11th Conference of Parties (CoP-11) to the Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and
Convention on Biological Diversity. This is also the promote sustainable use.
first such Conference since the launch of the United Improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding
Nations Decade of Biodiversity in 2011. ecosystems, species and genetic diversity
At the CoP-11, India has launched the Hyderabad Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and
Pledge and announced that our Government will ecosystem services.
earmark a sum of US$ 50 million during India’s Enhance implementation through participatory
presidency of the Conference of Parties to the planning, knowledge management and capacity
Convention on Biological Diversity to strengthen building.
the institutional mechanism for biodiversity
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Environment Conservation Journal
Rawat and Agarwal
Environment Conservation Journal