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DHEA AGustianingstt
ss Mowpotesy __ Avia
_A_word is the Smatlest independent unit, oc th |
other’ words. every: the:-Free. “unit is acuise: “(tevchar.
font), 206 PP! seurh) byots “to ge.
~ words.are ithe smallest units obtained aber =
aSentence is divided inte it's parts, and
|| eontean cin’ idea *( Verol, agi) 2
C=). piaetd 15 ov bogie slemant of language that
| careies Meaning, can be vs ee .
| | anche is’ univtectuptible, ” (Brown, Ee; 2618)
[Definition of MorPhology
Mocpholesy is dhe, stocy of word Potmation,”
jndlualing the tweys new words are coined
In the language of the world, and. tae wos
Rorms of Wows are vacied depending on
L Cr wow they're _vsed in Sentances, “ ( Lieber,ee
Nol TEA payee sn VorfonueaY
(=) ba rPholegy is dhe Stuy of ow tors \
SJ | ate Structured and low "they age pot
Pees it l ~
= jee From Small fart.” (eran)
rocplogy ee of: tu teteenabs
inlets of word.” (Payne, 1999):
ba of: Rive single word Land complex: bors
< a
Soaatl Ne Contes ae
= Talys , taking —
2 = Followed! Following
a Eating baton:
Longer, longest
eis worker