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2023 – 24
Class: VII Max.Marks:80
Time: 3Hrs.

Generation Instructions:
⮚ This paper is divided into four sections: A, B, C and D.
⮚ All the questions are compulsory.
⮚ Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
⮚ Read the instructions very carefully and follow them.
⮚ Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


1. Read the following text.

Disposal Of Nuclear Wastes

1. Just a century ago it would have been hard to imagine that human beings could significantly pollute
the oceans. Human beings constitute the greatest threat to the oceans since the development of the
nuclear industry. Nuclear power has become a major source of the world’s electric energy. But
nuclear power plants also produce a great amount of nuclear waste which remains hazardous for
thousands of years.
2. For the purpose of disposal, nuclear wastes are of two categories: Low Level Waste (LLW), which
includes several substances used in connection with nuclear reactors and High-Level Waste (HLW)
which consists primarily of spent fuel from nuclear reactors and weapons. Currently, there is no
permanent method of disposal for HLW. All the HLW that has been produced so far is being stored
near the reactor sites in swimming pools or in dry casks. These storage pools are not designed to
store the waste for an indefinite period of time. As highly level nuclear waste presents a tremendous
storage problem, dumping it into the ocean was considered as the most cost-effective solution.
3. Even though dumping of highly radioactive wastes at sea was banned worldwide for more than
three decades, it still continues. Russia has been dumping highly radioactive materials in the Arctic
Sea. Until the London Dumping Convention in 1983, the Atlantic Ocean was a favorite dumping
ground for nuclear nations like Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Switzerland and Sweden.
4. The dumping of nuclear wastes not only goes against international practice, but is also a violation
of international treaties. Dumping of the wastes is regulated by the 1972 Convention on the
Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (the 1972 London
Convention). The Convention outlawed the disposal of high-level wastes at sea. It required the
nations disposing of low-level radioactive wastes to do so in ocean basins at depths greater than
12,000 feet. But the depths at which the actual dumping took place was within the range of 200 to
1,000 feet, which is a clear violation of the convention.

5. Although the dumping of any radioactive waste at sea has been prohibited by law since 1994, the
status of sub-seabed disposal has been ambiguous. If a resolution is made to extend the definition
of “dumping” to include “any deliberate disposal or storage of wastes or other matter in the sea-bed
and the subsoil thereof” and accepted by the convention, sub-seabed disposal will be prohibited,
and the decision may not be appealed for twenty-five years. If it is so, then sub-seabed disposal will
be subjected to regulation and subsequent banning by the London Dumping Convention. Article III,
section 1(a) of the convention defines dumping as “any deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other
matter from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea.”
6. On the contrary, United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), reveals that the
seabed, ocean floor and subsoil is beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. The seabed area is
beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any nation and is open to use by all in accordance with
commonly acceptable rules. Even though UNCLOS may not directly prohibit sub-seabed disposal,
there are other provisions such as “to protect and preserve the marine environment” which will put
a legal binding on the member states while undertaking the disposal.
7. Clifton Curtis, a political adviser to Greenpeace International, who has fought against sub-seabed
disposal method since 1978 favors land-based disposal as a better option. (400 words)

Answer the following question, based on the passage.

a) Human beings are the greatest threats to oceans because………………… 1
(i) they conduct hazardous nuclear experiments
(ii) they explore the oceans for its hidden treasures
(iii) their lust for sea-food makes them plunge into the waves
(iv) they pollute oceans by dumping nuclear waste

b) The nuclear waste produced by the nuclear power plants is dreaded as………… 1
(i) it is a health booster
(ii) it remains hazardous for thousands of years
(iii) it is biodegradable
(iv) it is a major source of electric energy

c) Nuclear nations practiced dumping high level nuclear waste into the ocean because……… 1

d) Why the London Dumping convention is important? 1

e) Why the status of sub-seabed disposal has been ambiguous? 2

f) Why do nuclear nations practice dumping nuclear waste into the ocean? What is the importance of
dumping? 2

g) The word ‘deliberate’ in para 5 means………………………….. 1

h) Write the word similar in meaning from the passage. 1

(i) Intentional(para5)
(ii) Going against a law (para 4)

2. Read the following text.

1. Man suffers from a distorted complex since the dawn of civilization. He always considers animals as
inferior beings. And thus, he feels that animals of all types are only fit for exploitation. Man has been
using domestic and wild animals for his selfish ends since time immemorial. For many people across the
globe, it is quite impossible to understand the fact that animals too have a right to live in peace.

2. Considering the above facts many other people all over the world feel very sad. And as a result of those
collective feelings many people join together for the cause of the animals. Many such animal lovers
joined together to form the ‘Society for Prevention of cruelty to animals.

3. The society has been working for the well-being and welfare of animals for many years. Its main aim is to
change the attitude and thinking of people towards animals. It is quite sad that animals continue to be ill-
treated, tortured and killed according to the whims of the people. About 15% of the people entertain the
belief that animals are man’s slaves. They use, misuse and torture them accordingly. About 50% of the
people exploit animals for selfish ends.

4. Horses, mules, camels and oxen are used for transport, carrying heavy loads and in agricultural activities
also. Dogs, cats and many birds are domesticated for fun, entertainment and convenience. Wild animals like
elephants, tigers, bears, leopards, lions and deer are victims of poaching and killing. Animals are forced to do
acrobatic feats in circus shows. People used to enjoy such circus shows without thinking about the nature and
feelings of wild animals. Unfortunately, about 35% of people don’t think about the animals at all. They are
totally indifferent to them.

5. The Government and the animal lovers must work together to bring a change in the attitude of the people
worldwide. Animals should not be killed and poached for fun, furs or financial gains. They should be treated
with kindness, care and sympathy. The forest areas are shrinking drastically. There is an utmost issue of
‘Habitat losses’. The pollution of environment is creating havoc all over the world, which is effecting not just
human but all life forms. Hunting of animals cannot be treated a sport or entertainment any more. Cruelty
towards animals must be legally punished. Strict laws must be made and implemented for the cause of the
animals. Governments of many countries are seriously taking this issue but still there are wicked people, just
for the sake of financial gains they dare to do illegal hunting or poaching.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions.
(a) Why does a man feel that animals are fit for exploitation? 1
(i) he feels animals are superior
(ii) he feels animals are trophies
(iii) he feels animals are inferior
(iv) he feels animals are to be hunted

(b) Why some wicked people still illegally kill wild animals 1
(i) they kill animals for fun
(ii) they kill animals for fur
(iii) they kill animals for money
(iv) all of the above

(c) How mules are being ill-treated? 1

(d) How the wicked people such as poachers can be punished? 1
(e) How people ill-treat animals for fun and entertainment? 2
(f) Write about two recent issues those are seriously affecting life of animals. 2
(g) The word “amusement” in para 5 means…. 1
(h) The antonym of the word “dusk” as given in para 1 is____________ 1


3.(a) You are the head boy\head girl of Shanti Asiatic School. Your school is planning a science exhibition.
Write a notice for the school notice board, announcing the exhibition and inviting students to showcase their
innovative projects and experiments.
OR (6)

3.(b) You recently participated in a Robot Making event in your school. Participants from as many as 30
schools in the city took part in the event. Write about the event in 100-120 words describing how many robots
were made, who was awarded the best prize and other related details.

4. Write the Bio-sketch of Bill Gates based on the following information. (8)

Born: October 28, 1955, Seattle, Washington, USA

Parents: William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates
Nationality: American
Alma mater: Harvard University (dropped out in 1975)
Occupation: Chairman of Microsoft Corporation (non-executive)
Net worth: US $53 billion
Spouse: Belinda Gates
Children: 3

5. (a) As Vaishali Nathani of 214, Indrayani Apartments, Vaishali Street, Jaipur, you believe that forming
Ecology clubs and appointing Eco-minders in your city can aid in the preservation and conservation of nature.
Write a letter to the MLA of your city area, in about 120 words, suggesting the need to form such clubs. Share
their importance and implications. Recommend the involvement of resident volunteers for implementation of
eco-club activities that nurture and protect the local ecosystem.
5. (b) Write a letter to your friend appreciating his book that he wrote in Bangalore while pursuing his writing
career. You are Robert/Robina. Word limit: 120-150 words. (6)


6.(a) Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs. (1X4=4)

The Phantom ………………………. (move) slowly and silently. When it ………………(come) near him,
Bhima almost ……………… (collapse) because it ………………………(seem) to spread gloom and

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. (1X4=4)

Jim is relaxing ………… a beach chair ……………. a colourful umbrella. There is a bucket kept
………….. a spade. The spade is ……………. the ball and the bucket.

(c) Rewrite the following sentences in Indirect Speech. (1X4=4)

(i) Aditya said, “Many trees are cut to build roads.”
(ii) Sonakshi said to him, “The new packet of cookies is yours”.
(iii) Pratibha says, “I am in the library”.
(iv) She said, “Arrange your books, Mohit”.

(d) Attempt the following as per the given instructions. (1X8=8)

(i) There was bright sunshine …… (Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverb or adverb phrase)
(ii) I spoke to him.(Write the correct adverb: somewhere/briefly)
(iii) Who plays the casio? (Change the following into passive voice)
(iv) Students ………………… about the change in time table. (Fill in the blanks with passive form of
verb given in the bracket (inform))
(v) They compelled Raman to leave the house.(Change the sentence from active to passive
(vi) She is already seven years old. She cannot eat on her own. (though/since) (Join the pairs of sentences
using correct subordinating conjunctions.)
(vii) She must ate nutritious food. (Identify the error and write its correction)
(viii) He to his mother gifts. (Identify the error and write its correction)


7. Read the given extracts below and answer the questions given below.

1. “Clay had taunted Liston endlessly ever since their fight had been announced.”

1. Who are Clay and Liston? Which sport are they associated with?
2. How did Clay taunt Liston? Quote from the story.
3. When were Clay and Liston to fight?

2. “Lightly, O lightly we bear her along,

She sways like a flower in the wind of our song;”
1. Who are the speakers of the above lines and who are they bearing along?
2. Which words in the above lines tell us that it is easy for the speakers to carry the
3. Why do you think as they bear her along?

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions in 30-40 words. (2X4=8)

(i) What does the poet imply by the line, “We bear her along like a pearl on a string”?
(ii) Why did Jin-Wai give all the details to his father like a dutiful son, even though he was not
interested in the celebration at school?
(iii) Describe hope as imagined in the poem “Hope Is The Thing With Feathers.”
(iv) Though the ride to the canyon store was long and bumpety, Chi-wee was never
tired of it. Why was she never tired?
(v) What are the obvious differences between people, according to the poet? Write any three
differences given in the poem “Human Family?”
(vi) Why was the day 25 February 1964 special for Clay?

9. Answer ANY TWO of the given questions in 100-150 words. (3X2=6)

(i) Do you think the title of the poem “Life’s Mirror is apt”?
(ii) Do you think Prithviraj was happy with the contents of Sanyogita’s letter ? Give a reason for
your answer.
(iii) Write a short character sketch of Prithviraj Chauhan.
(iv) Liston, who had seemed indestructible, had suddenly, started looking very human indeed.
What do you understand by this statement.


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